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Price .com - Sharp GALAPAGOS SoftBank 005SH [[kuchikomi] bulletin board of black


  • 005SH是同步的,即使该任务的杀手,它没有自动终止 Task killer same period pointing with 005SH even if it did not end automatically
    • 如果922SH“退出”音乐我喜欢的是由手工移动 If 922SH “music it ends ” from it is manual movement don t you think

  • Gmail未收到通知时可能会延迟一间店铺由最初的失败Netara无法设置铃声 ,也很成功,并明确说,我们仍在调查,但没有多少 Gmail Receiving it is not notified whether from the fact that it cannot set either arrival sound well with the shop the 訊 news item and others initial failer… and it is many clearly is but it is called and presently it is in the midst of investigating
    • Gmail不会收到任何通知,可能会延迟店由最初的失败Netara不能很好地设置铃声 说,我们正在调查,目前尚不清楚 Gmail Receiving it is not notified whether from the fact that it cannot set either arrival sound well with the shop the 訊 news item and others initial failer… and it is many clearly is but it is called and presently it is in the midst of investigating

  • iPhone将不会出现像一个完整的文本,反应也不错 顺便说一下,它也可以设置手机的最高层 In iPhone as for all sentence it is not indicated likely and as for the response it is bad is but… by the way also it is possible to set to the top page of the telephone directory
    • iPhone将不会出现像一个完整的文本,反应也不错 顺便说一下,它也可以设置手机的最高层 In iPhone as for all sentence it is not indicated likely and as for the response it is bad is but… by the way also it is possible to set to the top page of the telephone directory

  • SIM卡是iPhone3GS物理形状,大小和001HT是智能手机后,软银一起,智能手机的SIM卡现在是一个淡蓝色边框 SIM of iPhone3GS physical form size is simultaneous but as for the Softbank smart phone after 001HT the edge became smart phone private SIM of color of the sea
    • 我最近SIM卡没有插入比较频繁,最近的商店,身体及SIM卡。对于转换 Some days ago I from SIM not yet insertion occurring frequently at the neighboring shop substance and SIM It did to change

  • Wi Fi的地方(公共无线局域网服务)免费进入永久如果最后期限是(目前)这个词是我软银 If � Wi Fi spot public wireless LAN service it enters to date when it is permanent free at present time Softbank says
    • Wi Fi的地方(公共无线局域网服务)免费进入永久如果最后期限是(目前)这个词是我软银 If � Wi Fi spot public wireless LAN service it enters to date when it is permanent free at present time Softbank says

  • 一个从SD响起警报声,但我什至不洗预设的声音,你需要配置一些特别的东西? Shiku易遂志摩对我们的要求,例如寻找答案仲仲
    Washing the sound of the alarm from SD, only sound of pre-setting you sound, it is, but something it probably means that special setting is necessary? Very, you cannot search answering and ask may

    • 不使用应用程序包,或者说是不可能的宇野?
      Application without using, it is unreasonable?

      • 东铁支线加了一点得到它,关闭它的3G也可以使用彩信 A little if it reworks also it is possible to use MMS with 3G as an off
        • 东铁支线加了一点得到它,关闭它的3G也可以使用彩信 A little if it reworks also it is possible to use MMS with 3G as an off

      • 任务杀手级应用系统Meroapuri杀死磨损试验,试图清除设置我的故事吗?或者,如果规格可从声音单独Meroapuri穿下载,尝试设置下载? ※铃声打开它来安装应用程序只,声音似乎认为你下载 When arrival meroapuri with application of task killer type has become KILL setting cancelling trying trying Or if the specification which independently can download the sound source from arrival meroapuri downloading trying setting Installing ringtone application if you open you think that the sound source which it downloads is indicated

        • 但是,您可以自定义主屏幕,它可以舒适地操作,一旦你成为娴熟显示允许保持在一个屏幕上多个应用程序的快捷方式
          Simply, if the foam/home screen is customized, because you can put indicating the shortcut of plural applications to 1 pictures, is accustomed, it may be able to operate comfortably, is

          • 分钟而已,因为该文件夹,文件夹图标和接收电子邮件保持联系(总)可爱的偶像已被设置为飞去,或创建一个快捷方式到文件夹列表中设置飞可爱的偶像是什么可以 The reason of the folder dividing is set when the idea contest of the mail is touched in order the reception folder the whole to fly in order through this to folder summary can draw up setting or shortcut probably is
            • 纪要的唯一原因夹来组织您的邮件,很容易理解,因为故事讲述 Because rearranging the mail story front and back is easy to understand the reason of the folder dividing is
            • 触摸中的邮件(总)可爱的偶像已被设置为飞去,或创建一个快捷方式到文件夹列表中设置飞可爱的偶像收件箱文件夹的图标是,这个 When the idea contest of the � mail is touched in order the reception folder the whole to fly we are set in order through this to folder summary we can draw up setting or shortcut probably is
            • 触摸中的邮件(总)可爱的偶像已被设置为飞去,或创建一个快捷方式到文件夹列表中设置飞可爱的偶像收件箱文件夹的图标是,这个 When the idea contest of the � mail is touched in order the reception folder the whole to fly we are set in order through this to folder summary we can draw up setting or shortcut probably is

          • 发送邮件时,等在团体来了,所以你要删除,等到Merumaga和一些非驱动端看水库的程度,并认为我可以删除每个文件夹麻石地 In addition after reading merumaga and the mail etc which is sent at the group unit when it is it accumulates because we would like to delete when it could delete at the folder unit that is thinking …
            • 但是,愿望是有文件夹列表是关于从最早的访问 Simply because access it is quick to want folder summary being indicated it is extent
            • 但是,愿望是有文件夹列表是关于从最早的访问 Simply because access it is quick to want folder summary being indicated it is extent

          • 右下角的 Fn 在显示器周围的淡蓝色,请基诺排除在的 Fn 一旦黑白色的标签,ITI的ITI公司的 Fn 是一个序列号没有向新闻界输入 Indication under the picture right Fn turning with color of the sea Nakagawa being black that Fn of void if it becomes the indication which is said you do not push one by one Fn and continue also the te and numerical value enters
            • 债转股的方式,连续数 Fn 和左边的 Fn 按同一时间,请 The � continuing the method of inserting numerical value Fn of the right side please push Fn of the left side simultaneously
            • 右下角的 Fn 在围绕基诺排除到黑白色,请按 Fn的 一旦一个标记,ITI的ITI公司的 Fn 连续数无显示浅蓝色马苏 Indication under the picture right Fn turning with color of the sea Nakagawa being black that Fn of void if it becomes the indication which is said you do not push one by one Fn and continue also the te and numerical value enters
            • 右下角的 Fn 在围绕基诺排除到黑白色,请按 Fn的 一旦一个标记,ITI的ITI公司的 Fn 连续数无显示浅蓝色马苏 Indication under the picture right Fn turning with color of the sea Nakagawa being black that Fn of void if it becomes the indication which is said you do not push one by one Fn and continue also the te and numerical value enters

          • 后来,当我有很多的球迷群体TTA的它的东西,如菜单,按 When after being perplexed when the menu is pushed being many to become somehow the shank
            • 对于现在的菜单或图标(横幅)用尽,采取自来水 Temporarily the menu or the idea contest the banner you overcame with the tap

          • 如果在东京遭地震,我看到我们的精神
            It encounters to earthquake in Tokyo, is defeated mentally

            • 当梅鲁站是不是的 Fn 记者会,确定我 When stopping if either one Fn of one side is pushed it is OK
              • 当梅鲁站是不是的 Fn 记者会,确定我 When stopping if either one Fn of one side is pushed it is OK

            • 我希望尽早返回!在混乱中调用守业,Tsunagarimasen
              We want returning quickly, the shank! Telephoning to the shop, it is not connected with cross

              • 我想我有合同,你肯定似乎与这种行为的罚款,这种便携式游戏机可以玩的那种,为什么?原来的版本已经出来,所以玩GBC的( ▽ If this moves it is to make a contract to intend but as for the game such portable it probably is to be something which you can play Original edition is the play being completed but because it is GBC … the ▽
                • 我想我有合同,你肯定似乎与这种行为的罚款,这种便携式游戏机可以玩的那种,为什么?原来的版本已经出来,所以玩GBC的( ▽ If this moves it is to make a contract to intend but as for the game such portable it probably is to be something which you can play Original edition is the play being completed but because it is GBC … the ▽

              • 我想茹正常,没有任何问题(由 谢谢 If originally being like it is possible without problem at all the shank the Thank you

                • 我是如此的关注屏幕的亮度经常感兴趣,我不回复,他们还没有实现的 要了解更多信息,如果您经常更改亮度Waru,最初的失败这是一个伟大的事情可以Futobankumeru?本人003SH是业主的申请,但也许他们认为同样的,我不知道怎样才能得到 Because brightness of the picture is an interest frequently it is to have observed but there is no reply yet shank… it is not in detail written but if brightness changes frequently it is initial failer possibility large hutobankumeru don t you think I am the 003SH owner but perhaps as for application you think that it is the same but as for method it is not understood
                  • 如果Waru改变屏幕亮度频繁,这是一个潜力巨大的早期失效 If brightness of the picture changes frequently being initial failer possibility large the shank
                  • 我在关注它感兴趣,我不回复,他们还没有实现的 有关详细信息,但它是软银电子邮件?本人003SH是业主的申请,但也许他们认为同样的,我不知道怎样才能得到 Because there is an interest in the � it is to have observed but there is no reply yet shank… it is not in detail written but it is the software bank mail don t you think I am the 003SH owner but perhaps as for application you think that it is the same but as for method it is not understood
                  • 我的妻子和Ranakatsu 003SH也进入了电话,但有些时候,在未调用的结果,夏普小寒小寒出到失败的结果是初步的测定结果 When the telephone does not enter the telephone applies either indoor 003SH and being connected being repair is put out the result which it was the judgment result initial failer to SHARP

                • 我看到在网上和太阳能充电器,一些 When there is also a charger like solar array system it is to see with the net but…
                  • 我看到在网上和太阳能充电器,一些 When there is also a charger like solar array system it is to see with the net but…

                • 我认为,iPhone你必须只留在悬挂使用,立即,SIM卡鄂看起来像您所使用的替代卡。ERE的? Thinking that we would like to use with iPhone and moonlighting the ru it is but if the SIM card is exchanged it reaches the point where you can use
                  • (当然,即使电池及SIM卡外)所取得的开始,我没有处理厂 Naturally electric battery pack SIM removing with factory treatment the shank e g it can start and is not

                • 拓地预订的应用程序列表→组→切换“菜单 我使用的免费Wi Fi连接,你想要做一个无线路由器分配考虑在示范店的变化 Opening the application of the communication register the menu gt indication change gt group summary gt using radio Luther of � gratis it examines type change with the damaging and the shop which try doing Wi Fi connection
                  • 我使用的免费Wi Fi连接,你想要做的分布无线路由器是考虑在示范店的变化 Using radio Luther of � gratis it examines type change with the damaging and the shop which try doing Wi Fi connection
                  • 我使用的免费Wi Fi连接,你想要做的分布无线路由器是考虑在示范店的变化 Using radio Luther of � gratis it examines type change with the damaging and the shop which try doing Wi Fi connection
                  • 拓地预订的应用程序列表→组→切换“菜单 我使用的免费Wi Fi连接,你想要做一个无线路由器分配考虑在示范店的变化 Opening the application of the communication register the menu gt indication change gt group summary gt using radio Luther of � gratis it examines type change with the damaging and the shop which try doing Wi Fi connection

                • 据一位在Suraidokiboto液晶松散店店员? SHARP和维修公司出 According to the salesman of the shop the slide key boat and in the contact failure of the liquid crystal With request for repair was made to the SHARP corporation
                  • 我立刻003SH是真理,第一周,“哦,”我感到惊讶的是电池的减少之间 I am the 003SH having but as for the first one week truly “oh” with while saying you were surprised to the wear of the battery
                  • 据一位在Suraidokiboto液晶松散店店员? SHARP和维修公司出 According to the salesman of the shop the slide key boat and in the contact failure of the liquid crystal With request for repair was made to the SHARP corporation

                • 模式,“003SH]伊塔只是奇怪的人从iPhone昨天,铃声和警报(更好的清醒使用)”反讽“(同一首歌曲和视频)设置为一首歌曲,Windows媒体播放器说妳不要设置的USB捕获恩戴在身上后采取与移动连接同步吗?
                  “With 003SH] it just changed the type it is the person from yesterday eye phone, but arrival sound the alarm (remarkably use) “irony” (the same tune as [puromo]) with the tune which is said is set Windows Media Player So taking in, USB carrying which connects same period after doing, it cannot set from the substance?

                  • 然而,在收件箱中的邮件图标,似乎触摸底部出现“文件夹”显示,只需触摸图标 But touching to the mail idea contest it is indicated in the lower position of the reception box which is indicated it just touches in “the folder” idea contest it is indicated
                    • 例如它回答你的问题,这似乎是不可能不启动的应用程序发送和接收电子邮件将与每个兼容 It is the answering for question but making the application start which corresponds to the respective mail unless sending and receiving it does it is unreasonable like
                    • 然而,在收件箱中的邮件图标,似乎触摸底部出现“文件夹”显示,只需触摸图标 But touching to the mail idea contest it is indicated in the lower position of the reception box which is indicated it just touches in “the folder” idea contest it is indicated

                  • 的Wi Fi的景点,他们写的每月服务费免费 gt The packet it does and at will in the MAXfor smart phone and Wi Fi spot joining it has become condition but gt regarding Wi Fi spot to 11 year 3 end of the month in case of joining month amount rent is written no charge
                    • 前两天的变化,因为第一个智能手机,他们不使用但Konase Modifying two days ago because it is the first smart phone it has not managed yet
                    • 无限的Wi Fi的智能手机和MAXfor包已经成为一个主题加入现场,在参加1999年3月底案件的Wi Fi的景点,他们写的每月服务费免费 The packet it does and at will joining has become condition in the MAXfor smart phone and Wi Fi spot but regarding Wi Fi spot to 11 year 3 end of the month in case of joining month amount rent is written no charge
                    • 无限的Wi Fi的智能手机和MAXfor包已经成为一个主题加入现场,在参加1999年3月底案件的Wi Fi的景点,他们写的每月服务费免费 The packet it does and at will joining has become condition in the MAXfor smart phone and Wi Fi spot but regarding Wi Fi spot to 11 year 3 end of the month in case of joining month amount rent is written no charge
                    • 的Wi Fi的景点,他们写的每月服务费免费 gt The packet it does and at will in the MAXfor smart phone and Wi Fi spot joining it has become condition but gt regarding Wi Fi spot to 11 year 3 end of the month in case of joining month amount rent is written no charge

                  • 让他们多了Willcom继续使用智能手机仅Adoesu寻找键盘,然后按牢牢 Directly because it continues to use the addition s of Willcom the smart phone which has the keyboard which can be pushed securely is searched
                    • 同样,像精致的智能手机相比,功能型手机 As for the after all smart phone being delicate in comparison with the fee char phone the shank
                    • 让他们多了Willcom继续使用智能手机仅Adoesu寻找键盘,然后按牢牢 Directly because it continues to use the addition s of Willcom the smart phone which has the keyboard which can be pushed securely is searched

                  • 请阅读本申请注册在本月底或更早的是,这自由 If gt now you apply this to end of the month it probably means that also the tip of this is free
                    • 请阅读本申请注册在本月底或更早的是,这自由 If gt now you apply this to end of the month it probably means that also the tip of this is free
                    • 读它提供在这个月结束,这意味着什么免费的第一 If now you apply this to end of the month it probably means that also the tip of this is free
                    • 读它提供在这个月结束,这意味着什么免费的第一 If now you apply this to end of the month it probably means that also the tip of this is free

                  • 软银商店2月3日(改良型)可用任何保留,你可以不再显示在早上突然转向下周08 On March 2nd reservation procurement type modification it was possible with the dying software bank shop but being 8th morning of the following week the picture stopped being indicated suddenly
                    • 除了善恶之鱿鱼,但断开电池与 确保交易获得通过你突然黑屏了岌岌可危 Whether it is good or is bad pulling out the battery as another it has coped but… gt becoming to the very picture suddenly dark it was unstable circumstance

                  • 这两次(一次是Yarakashimashita完全放电)至10%的电池充电后,充满电后,以不低于,立即对电池的保护,并逐步成为更好 About two times as for one time until complete discharge it did but it becomes battery 10 or less when after that it tried to charge fully not to charge gradually maintaining the battery became good
                    • 这两次(一次是Yarakashimashita完全放电)至10%的电池充电后,充满电后,以不低于,立即对电池的保护,并逐步成为更好 About two times as for one time until complete discharge it did but it becomes battery 10 or less when after that it tried to charge fully not to charge gradually maintaining the battery became good

                  • 这意味着,邮件分拣设置到指定的文件夹和所有的疯狂 In other words it distributes and the setting mail that designated folder is all with proper courses to do
                    • 这意味着,邮件分拣设置到指定的文件夹和所有的疯狂 In other words it distributes and the setting mail that designated folder is all with proper courses to do

                  • 这是一个问题,当我只行的文件夹,收件箱文件夹或电子邮件将只显示只有几分钟的震动条件不真 It is to be question but when the folder dividing is done it probably means that only the mail which it distributes to the reception folder and does not correspond to condition is indicated
                    • 如果只有我一分钟线文件夹“ ,收件箱文件夹或电子邮件将只显示只有几分钟的震动条件不真 When gt the folder dividing is done it probably means that only the mail which it distributes to the reception folder and does not correspond to condition is indicated
                    • 这是一个问题,当我只行的文件夹,收件箱文件夹或电子邮件将只显示只有几分钟的震动条件不真 It is to be question but when the folder dividing is done it probably means that only the mail which it distributes to the reception folder and does not correspond to condition is indicated

                  • 这是免费发放无线路由器的方式,即使许多人任何情况下采取的商店附近Waremasu让我对自己说:调用157(DoCoMo的贝鲁和比例如何不友好!) By the way it is radio Luther of gratis but when there is no shop front to be many in that case you telephoning to 157 by your it is said that obtain when you compare to DoCoMo how unkindness
                    • 这是免费发放无线路由器的方式,即使许多人任何情况下采取的商店附近Waremasu让我对自己说:调用157(DoCoMo的贝鲁和比例如何不友好!) By the way it is radio Luther of gratis but when there is no shop front to be many in that case you telephoning to 157 by your it is said that obtain when you compare to DoCoMo how unkindness

                  • 顺便说一下,FON是不可用(如Keioputi行)注意,在一些西 By the way as for FON when you cannot use because the circuit and the like of keioputei it is please note
                    • 顺便说一下,FON是不可用(如Keioputi行)注意,在一些西 By the way as for FON when you cannot use because the circuit and the like of keioputei it is please note

                  • 顺便说一下,什么原因,什么来筛选文件夹列表? 地址簿视图,这已成为按字母顺序排列,你可以看看这组可以 By the way it probably is to be used the picture of folder summary with some reason gt Indication of the � address register had become aiueo order but it is possible to indicate this in the group probably is
                    • 顺便说一下,什么原因,什么来筛选文件夹列表? 地址簿视图,这已成为按字母顺序排列,你可以看看这组可以 By the way it probably is to be used the picture of folder summary with some reason gt Indication of the � address register had become aiueo order but it is possible to indicate this in the group probably is

                  • (420的规格小时,但我认为这是不可能做到)由这点,因为这是一个职业生涯的电池制造商,大大减少Kunaru快速无线连接到Notes的话 Because 420 hours of specifications value however you think that possibly it is unreasonable when wifi you connect when markedly wear of the battery becomes fast were word from the carrier manufacturer at this point in time note
                    • (420的规格小时,但我认为这是不可能做到)由这点,因为这是一个职业生涯的电池制造商,大大减少Kunaru快速无线连接到Notes的话 Because 420 hours of specifications value however you think that possibly it is unreasonable when wifi you connect when markedly wear of the battery becomes fast were word from the carrier manufacturer at this point in time note

                  研究 開発