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    音楽 関連語 サブウェイ BRITA ULTIMATE
    • Police hunt final fugitive in Tokyo gas attack
      Thousands of police were mobilized Friday to hunt for the last fugitive suspected in a doomsday cult's deadly nerve gas attack on Tokyo's subway 17 years ago.Some 5,000 officers fanned out across the Tokyo area to hand out fresh... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Aum cult fugitive surrenders after 17 years on the run
      A former member of Japan's Aum Supreme Truth doomsday cult, which was responsible for the 1995 nerve-gas attack on the Tokyo subway, was arrested Sunday after almost 17 years on the run, police said.Makoto Hirata, 46, turned himself into a police station in central Tokyo just 10 minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve, according to media reports. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Last fugitive nabbed in '95 gas attack
      Japan's public broadcaster says police have arrested the last fugitive suspected in a doomsday cult's deadly nerve gas attack on Tokyo subways 17 years ago.NHK says Katsuya Takahashi, 54, a former member of Aum Shinrikyo cult, was... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Japan cult member surrenders more than 16 years after attacks
      TOKYO (Reuters) - A former member of a Japanese doomsday cult that staged deadly gas attacks on the Tokyo subway in 1995 turned himself in to authorities after more than 16 years on the run, the Kyodo news agency reported on Sunday. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Dollar Not Doomed But You're Gonna Need More Of Them
      ?Businessmen can profit handsomely if they will disregard the pessimistic auguries of self-appointed prophets of doom.? - J. Paul Getty (1892 ? 1976) null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Poland, US museum tussle over Auschwitz barracks
      Polish and US officials are engaged in intense talks to determine the fate of a sensitive object: a barrack that once housed doomed prisoners at the Nazis' Auschwitz death camp and is now on display at the United States Holocaust... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Trash And Treasure May Look The Same If Stock Rally Builds
      For all the doom and gloom in the air – from European debt to a potential U.S. recession – U.S. stocks cleared every hurdle en route to a 2% advance Monday, and it may be just the beginning of a week-long rally. _NULL_

    • Doomed Pompey docked nine points
      Portsmouth face almost certain relegation from the Premier League after being docked nine points for going into administration last month. The debt... ポーツマスは、プレミアリーグの後からほぼ一定の降格の危機に直面政権が先月予定の9つのポイントをドッキングされている

      free countrymusideath penalty/witchfinder general¥958amazon.co.jpfriends of hell/witchfinder general¥958amazon.co.jp

    • Ferry captain out on bail
      The skipper of Tonga's doomed Princess Ashika ferry has been released on bail, two days after his arrest over the sinking disaster that claimed 74 lives. On Tuesday the captain, Maka Tuputupu, was charged with five counts of knowingly... トンガの運命プリンセスAshikaフェリーの船長に保釈されているは、74の命を奪ったが沈没した事故で、彼の逮捕から2日後

    • Is Goldman Sachs Doomed?
      No Franchise lasts forever. In the 1990's, the Chicago Bulls were considered the best basketball team ever. Today, the same sentiments do not exist. When the junk bond market was red hot in the 1980's, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette was the premier investment bank on Wall Street. Before DLJ, the big dog was Drexel Burnham Lambert. いいえフランチャイズは永遠には続かない

    • Syria crops sheltered in Arctic doomsday vault
      Chick peas, fava beans and other seeds from a facility in Syria are among the 25,000 new samples being deposited this week in an Arctic seed vault built to protect food crops from wars and natural disasters, officials said Tuesday.The... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Tax drags Gillard to new low
      CANBERRA - Prime Minister Julia Gillard faces a crucial tipping point in her political future as she prepares to announce details of a carbon tax already dragging her leadership and the Labor Government towards apparent doom.A... キャンベラ - 彼女は明らかにdoom.A.に向かって、すでに彼女のリーダーシップをドラッグして炭素税と労働党政権の詳細を発表する準備として、内閣総理大臣ジュリアギラードは、彼女の政治的将来に決定的な転換点に直面している..

    • North Korea not quite in the zone
      China and North Korea have decided to develop two new special economic zones on their border areas - on the face of it a positive step for the impoverished North and its backward economy. If past such efforts are any indication, though, there is a very strong possibility that Pyongyang's over-sensitivity will spell doom for the initiative. - Andrei Lankov (Jun 20, '11) null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Experts: China's high-speed rail doesn't spell doom for airlines
      The Wuhan-Nanjing route of China Southern Airlines and Lucky Air were recently closed as China's high-speed railway network, represented by the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, is becoming more mature and putting more pressure on civil air transport. Experts said that all flight routes will be influenced as long as there are high-speed railways along the route. However, the impact is not significant. This is not the first time that collinear flights have closed as a result of high-spe ... 中国南方航空とLucky Airの武漢、南京ルートが最近、北京 - 上海高速鉄道で表される中国の高速鉄道ネットワークは、より成熟しつつあると民間航空輸送の詳。圧力をかけとして閉鎖された

    • The House of Saud won't wake up
      Saudi Arabia's fears of Iran and a Shi'ite awakening have become an obsession matched only by its opposition to democratization itself. Even as Riyadh builds a coalition of Sunni states against Iran, social change means autocracy as an institution is doomed. Much of the world is now aware of that, yet the House of Saud is having a hard time waking up and smelling the coffee. - Brian M Downing 民主化自体に反対だけで該当する強迫観念になって目覚め、イランとシーア派のサウジアラビアの懸念

    • Tiger admits errors, sadness
      Tiger Woods admitted Wednesday that his own misdeeds and mistakes doomed his marriage and left him and ex-wife Elin sad as they now try to help their children cope with life after the split. タイガーウッズは28日、自分の悪行や失敗は彼の結婚の運命とエリン悲しい彼らは今子供たちが生活に分割後の対処できるようにしようとして、彼と元妻を残しました認めた

    • Digesting The Impending Durbin-related Doom
      The Durbin Amendment, which is scheduled to go into effect on this October 1, was intended to ease some of the financial burden weighing upon merchants by capping the interchange or “swipe” fees they pay to banks per debit card transaction. この10月1日に発効が予定されているダービンの改正は、、彼らはデビットカードのトランザクションあたりの銀行に支払うインターチェンジまたは。。u0026quot;スワイプ。。u0026quot;手数料をキャッピングによって商人によって秤。財政負担の一部を緩和することを意図していた

    • Roubini On Europe's 'Last Stand': Don't Fear A Greek Debt Restructuring And A Selective Default
      Dr. Doom, or Nouriel Roubini as the NYU economist is actually named, gave his views on the only way out for the Eurozone, which he sees as an “orderly and market oriented, but coercive, restructuring of the entire Greek debt” based on par value bonds, a 20 to 30 year maturity, and an interest rate set well below current unsustainable market rates. NYUの経済学者が実際に名前としてDrドゥーム、またはNouriel Roubiniは、彼がように見るユーロ圏、。。u0026quot;秩序と市場志向、しかし、全体のギリシャの債務の保磁力、リストラ。。u0026quot;に基づいてのためのうち唯一の方法に関する彼の見解を与えた額面債、20〜30年満期、金利がよく、現在の持続不可能な市場金利以下に設定

    • To Heaven In A Handbag: Affordable Luxuries Are Booming
      Gary Shilling isn’t exactly the most optimistic guy. He’s a legendary economist known for his doom and gloom predictions – he was one of the first to forecast the recession of 1969, and has repeatedly foreseen downturns. Where most economists are worried about oncoming inflation, Shilling see the next decade as being filled with deleveraging and deflation. “Get out of home builders!” he says, bearish on housing. “Get out of commercial real estate!” he says, bearish on that too. Avoid art! And antiques! And commodities! You get the point. ゲーリーシリングは正確に、最も楽観的な男ではありません

    • Business Diary: Roubini splashes out on a new pad
      Doom pays. Nouriel Roubini, an economist who specialises indismal forecasts about the global financial system, isn't doing too badly himself – and the US housing downturn has done him a favour. Public records reveal he has just splurged $5.5m (£3.5m) on a penthouse in New York's East Village. It sounds like a lot of money, but the purchase price is 25 per cent lower than what Roubini would have had to pay at the peak of the market in September 2008, when the credit crisis intervened – and gave him his opportunity to shine so brightly. Doomは支払っている

    • Sex charges throw politics in turmoil
      The arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn has hit French politics like a thunderbolt, rewriting the script for next year's presidential elections.Strauss-Kahn's career seems doomed after the head of the International Monetary Fund,... ドミニクストロスカーンの逮捕は、国際通貨基金の頭の後に運命にあるよう来年の大統領elections.Strauss -ルイスカーンのキャリアのためのスクリプトを書き換え、雷のようなフランスの政治を襲っている...

    • Roubini: Risk Of Double Dip If Oil Hits $140, UK And Trichet Shouldn't Tighten Yet
      When Dr. Doom speaks, people pause to listen. Notorious NYU economist Nouriel Roubini gave a talk in Dubai on Tuesday where he warned that a sustained run-up in oil prices could tip some advanced economies into recession, as he warned that the European Central Bank and the Bank of England could be about to make a big mistake by raising interest rates and that the U.S. was relatively safe from a double-dip. 博士の運命は話すとき、人々は聞いて一時停止します

    • Obama: new rules needed
      President Barack Obama yesterday challenged opponents of tougher US financial regulations, saying the nation is doomed to repeat the economic crisis without new rules and that American taxpayers would again be stuck with the bill.The... バラクオバマ大統領は昨日、国家は新たなルールなしに経済危機を繰り返す運命にあると言っと厳しい米国の金融規制の反対派に挑戦というアメリカの納税者が再びbill.Theで立ち往生される...

    • Is the book doomed?
      Publishers and booksellers adapt to the rise of digital 出版社や書店は、デジタルの台頭に適応する

    • Idiotic Placement Of Fuel Tanks Doomed Fukushima
      This satellite photo of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant before and after the quake/tsunami tells a damning story. The red box shows where the fuel tanks for the entire site were placed, powering the generators counted on to pump water into reactors and spent-rod wells to keep the rods from [...] 前と地震後/津波福島第一原子力発電所のこの衛星写真は手厳しいの物語です

    • The Royal Marriage Is Doomed And All Royal Males Cheat
      The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton is doomed, royal males always cheat, Prince Charles and Camilla live in marriage hell, and Camilla hates Kate, all according to something called the Royal Collector’s Issue, published by American Media, the same privately-held company that publishes Star and the National Enquirer. ウィリアム王子とケイトミドルトンの結婚は、高貴な男性は、常にカンニング、チャールズ皇太子とカミラは結婚地獄に住んでいる運命であり、カミラは何かに応じてすべてのアメリカのメディアで公開されてロイヤルコレクターズ問題と呼ばれる、ケイトを嫌って、同じ非公開会社がスターとナショナルエンクワイヤラーを発行しています

    • Despite the warnings, China is not a bubble just about to burst
      Another day, another chorus of bubble warnings. Among the latest prophets of doom are James Rickards - probably best known as one-time chief legal officer for Long Term Capital Management, the all-star hedge fund that went spectacularly bust in 1998 - and Takatoshi Ito - a former vice-minister for finance in Japan. 別の日に、バブルの警告の他の合唱団

    • BofA Cuts Rating On Goldman, Citi, But Some Financials Still Find Favor
      Much is being made about this morning's note from Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, which cut first-quarter earnings estimates on JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, and lowered the firm's rating on the latter pair to neutral. But it wasn't all doom and gloom in the report from analyst Guy Moszkowski, as a few financial institutions still get a vote of confidence. 多くは、JPモルガンチェース、モルガンスタンレー、ゴールドマンサックスとシティグループの最初の四半期の業績予想を切って、下げ、企業の評価をニュートラルに後者のペアでアメリカ-メリルリンチの銀行から、今朝の注意についてはなされている

    • Finding New Life (and Profit) in Doomed Trees
      A four-year-old business in Seattle is beating the recessionary odds by building furniture from trees doomed by development, disease or storms. シアトルで4歳のビジネスは木の開発によって運命、病気や嵐から家具を構築することにより景気後退の確率を勝っている

    • The Looming Failure of Obamacare, Part 2: Incentives
      Last week, I discussed information problems that were fundamental to third-party payer health care systems like Obamacare.  By eliminating the prosaic act of shopping, the government has cut themselves off from critical information about the preferences and tradeoffs made by three hundred million Americans.  As a result, any attempts to set pricing top-down are doomed to failure, as evidenced by the impossibility of implementing the "doc fix" to change Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors. 先週、私はObamacareのようなサードパーティ製の支払者医療制度の基本とされた情報の問題について討論しました

    • Idiotic Placement Of Back-Up Power Doomed Fukushima
      This satellite photo of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant before and after the quake/tsunami tells a damning story. The red box shows where the back-up generators were placed, the generators counted on to provide power for pumping water into reactors and spent-rod wells to keep the rods from overheating and [...] 前と地震後/津波福島第一原子力発電所のこの衛星写真は手厳しいの物語です

    • Coming of age for doomed lovers
      LONDON - But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is ... a pensioner.It's all right, though, because in this version of Romeo and Juliet, which begins at Britain's oldest theatre this week,... ロンドン - しかし、あそこのウィンドウの切れ間から、柔らかいものの光?これは、東され、ジュリエットは... pensioner.It。。u0026#39;ロミオとジュリエットは、英国最古の劇場は、この1週間では、開始のため、このバージョンのすべての権利、ただし、掲載...

    • China Fears Warming Effects of Consumer Wants
      Experts worry that as China’s 1.3 billion people clamor for more cars, appliances and creature comforts, international efforts to limit global warming could be doomed. 専門家は、より多くの自動車、家電、生き物の快適さ、国際的な取り組み地球温暖化を制限するため、中国の13億の人々が不満として宣告される可能性が心配

    • Davos 2011 video: Nouriel Roubini
      Nouriel Roubini, the economist known as 'Dr Doom' who foresaw the global financial crisis, on the unpalatable choices facing US economic policymakers This footage is made available by kind permission of CNBC, reporting from the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Visit davos.cnbc.com Nourielルービニとして知られている経済学者、スイスのダボスで開催の世界経済フォーラム年次からレポート、CNBCの好意により提供されています

    • Air force to rescue Pakistani students from Kyrgyzstan
      In a rapidly worsening law and order in the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan, a Pakistan Air Force C-130 aircraft would leave Monday on a rescue mission in the ethnic riots plagued country after two of the Pakistani hostage students were killed. Pakistani Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi Monday confirmed that a Pakistani air force plane would fly the Pakistani students back home from Kyrgyzstan. He also said so far 40 of the 247 trapped students were brought to safety. However, ... 航空機では急速に悪化法130パキスタン空軍のCとの順序で中央アジアの状態のキルギスタン、。官Pakistanパキスタン首相と外国人が死亡した

    • The Media Equation: A Savior in the Form of a Tablet
      Is an Apple tablet the second coming of the iPhone a device that can do anything including saving embattled print providers from doom アップルのタブレットは、iPhoneの懲罰から、四面楚歌のプリントプロバイダの保存など、何でもできるデバイスの再来か

    • Greece's problems 'tip of the iceberg' warns Dr Doom
      Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted the US recession more than a year before its start in December 2007, says rising sovereign debt from the US to Japan and Greece will ultimately lead to higher inflation... Nouriel Roubiniは、米国の景気後退の年より2007年12月の開始前に詳細を予測ニューヨーク大学教授、日本、ギリシャ、最終的に高いインフレにつながる米国から上昇ソブリン債務を言う...

    • Man from prominent South African family on doomed plane
      While South African officials and Afriqayah Airways airline staff were unable to confirm the number of South Africans on board the plane which &$&$crash&$&$ed in Tripoli on Wednesday morning, Xinhua has learned that the brother of a South African member of parliament was a passenger. Frans, the 50-year-old brother of Anchen Dreyer, a member of the South African opposition Democratic ... 南アフリカ共和国の当局者とAfriqayah航空会社のスタッフは&$&$クラッシュ&$は、&$トリポリのed水曜日の朝に、新華ファイナンスは、学んできた面をボード上の南アフリカの数を確認することができませんでしたが、その南アフリカのメンバーの弟議会は...いた乗用車

    • SEC Accuses Goldman Sachs of Defrauding Investors
      Goldman Sachs accused of fraud; SEC says it hid hedge fund's involvement in doomed securities Goldman Sachs - Hedge fund - Business - Investing - Subprime lending ゴールドマンサックスは詐欺で訴え、SECが融資の意見サブプライム-証券ゴールドマンサックス絶望的に隠したヘッジファンドへの関与を-ヘッジファンド-ビジネス-投資

    • Govt. Health Ins. Option Appears Doomed
      House Democrats pursue alternatives to government-run insurance option in health care overhaul Health care - Insurance - United States - Financial Services - Business 下院民主党は、政府に代わるものを追求する医療改。医療-保険-アメリカ合衆国-金融サービス-ビジネスでの保険のオプションを実行する

    • Doomsday Clock reset
      Scientists pushed back the hands on the symbolic Doomsday Clock by one minute yesterday, citing hopeful developments in nuclear weapons and climate change. The symbolic clock that shows how close mankind is to self-annihilation was... 科学者へのシンボリック終末時計の1分が23日、核兵器や気候の変化に満ちた発展を理由に、手を押した

    • A Pocket Guide to Surviving Internet Doomsday
      VideoBy now you've heard the news—on Monday thousands of people whose computers were silently infected with the DNSChanger computer trojan sometime in the last few years  will lose access to the Internet. You are starting to picture a little bit of digital DNA running rampant through your PC, cutting you off [...] null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Three Reasons Why Best Buy's Fight Against 'Showrooming' is Hopeless
      As reported in the WSJ, Best Buy’s interim CEO, G. Mike Mikan, sees ending the trend towards “showrooming” as the company’s number one priority. To do this, he plans to invest heavily in retraining Best Buy’s workforce. It is a worthy aspiration—the big box electronics retailer is sputtering as customers increasing use it as a place to browse merchandise before buying it at Amazon or some other online rival. But Best Buy's fight against showrooming is doomed to fail, for three reasons: null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • West Bank hamlets share name, not fate
      SUSIYA, West Bank (Reuters) - Susiya the Israeli settlement enjoys well-watered lawns, humming electricity, and the protection of a mighty state. One rocky hill away, Susiya the Palestinian village is parched and doomed. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Greek fans give Germany a kicking in Euro 2012 exit
      FIFTY-FIVE minutes into the soccer game, with Germany owning the ball and Greece seeming doomed to lose, a kind of miracle happened: striker Giorgios Samaras scored to tie the match. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Miami v OKC Finals Merely a Prelude to a Bright Near-Term Future for the NBA
      From the gloom and doom of a season on the brink back in early December... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Pakistan president nominates party loyalist for PM
      ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's president has nominated ruling party veteran and textiles minister Makhdoom Shahabuddin to replace the ousted prime minister, state media reported on Thursday, in an apparent bid for continuity ahead of elections due early next year. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Legalising of gay marriage doomed unless Abbott allows conscious vote
      Opposition leader Tony Abbott now holds the key to gay marriage in Australia after a parliamentary report was tabled that fell short of advocating a change to federal law.Although the report's tone reflected the great majority of... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Eurozone Debt Crisis Part 3: There is No Alternative to a United Europe, so It Must be Saved.
      Why France May Sell Germany's Soul to save the EMU; And Why the Germans May Allow it. Sitting here in the U.S., we can pontificate as much as we like about the Eurozone, but the width of the Atlantic Pond (even in this digital age) is a real deterrent to understanding the history and psychology of Continental Europe. Without that context all forecasts, whether celebratory or doomsday, are mere speculation. Since the European Monetary Union (EMU), despite its economic sounding name, is primarily a political construct, history has to give us that context, and with that context, some insight into the future. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • The week in wildlife - in pictures
      A mourned whale, a hard-working crab and a doomed goose – here are some of the best of this week's images from the natural world null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Spain's Bailout Is Not So Bad If You Squint At This Infographic
      The end of Europe. The shaming of a continent. Hospitals having to pay cash for drugs. It's almost like a Peter Sellars opera the amount of doom talk there is coming out Europe. Looking at a 20-year data set of nation-bailouts, Spain's is middle of the road at 10% of null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Depraved penguin sex antics shocked expert
      He risked freezing or starving to death on a doomed expedition to the South Pole 100 years ago - but for George Murray Levick, the real horror lay in the twisted sexual mores of the Adelie penguin.London's Natural History Museum... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Why Is Obama Struggling? He Can't Measure Up to the Clintons
      While observers on the left fret that post-Citizens United corporate cash might doom Democrats in 2012, Barack Obama's slipping fortunes raise a more embarrassing issue. He can't measure up to the remarkably high standard set by Hillary and Bill Clinton, whose good cop/bad cop routine has elevated them almost to the sum-of-all-hopes uplands where Obama once trounced them. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Carrier defends itself over Nigerian plane crash
      A Nigerian airline whose airplane crashed in the country's largest city, killing 153 on board and more on the ground, defended itself today against growing public criticism, saying its own chief engineer died on the doomed flight.Francis... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Not all gloom and doom for Indian economy: Survey
      The Indian economy may be facing tough and challenging times, but it is not all gloom and doom as the situation is likely to improve in the next six months, a Bizcon Survey done by Assocham has said. ptiIndi null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Video: Industry flubs doom Obama's 1M electric car goal
      The Obama administration declared an ambitious national objective: one million electric vehicles on the road by the end of 2015. But as Sharyl Attkisson reports, serious problems in the industry have now doomed the president's goal. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Bitter News At Digital Chocolate? Hawkins Steps Down As CEO, Layoffs Rumored
      Today marks two milestones for Trip Hawkins, founder of Electronic Arts and former CEO of the doomed 3D0 corporation. First, it marks 30 years to the day null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Now Spain Circles the Drain
      Much of the news about the impending doom of the eurozone concentrates upon Greece: but Greece has never really been the problem. It's 2% (and falling) of eurozone GDP, it leaving and defaulting will be expensive but not fatal to anything other than the idea of ever closer union within the European Union. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Decelerating Earnings And Crickets
      Expect earnings growth to slow. And expect much positing from the punditry that that’s a sign of impending doom. However, slowing earnings are often just a sign of a maturing economy (according to research from Fisher Investments)—the economy can (and typically does) keep growing even while earnings growth decelerates. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Mayan calendar find cancels doomsday
      Archaeologists have found a room in Mayan ruins where royal scribes apparently used walls like a blackboard to keep track of astronomical records and the society's intricate calendar around 1200 years ago.The walls reveal the oldest... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Assassination of PM revived 200 years on
      All political careers, we are told, are doomed to end in failure and all prime ministers must face the wrath of their electorate eventually. But only one has been shot through the heart in Britain.Two hundred years ago this week,... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • UN observers tour suburbs of Syrian capital
      DAMASCUS, May 6 (Xinhua) -- A group of UN monitors headed Sunday to restive suburbs around the Syrian capital of Damascus as part of their mission to bring the 13-month unrest in Syria to a close at a time when the head of armed rebels reportedly said that the UN mission is doomed to failure. The UN delegation toured Sunday the resort towns of al-Zabadani and Madaya as well as other suburbs around Damascus, witnesses said, adding that another group has been spotted in the town of Dael near so ... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Hamish McRae: By 2015, doomsayers will be proved wrong
      The UK is not in recession and is currently growing at an annual rate of between 1 per cent and 2 per cent. But the economy did dip briefly into negative growth last summer. The eurozone economy was shrinking during the second half of last year but has started to grow again, albeit very slowly. And the US did have a slowdown last year (though it just avoided shrinking) but is now growing at a little over 2 per cent a year. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Depositors lament profits of doom
      Fat profits at financial institutions have led to banker bashing around the world, and China is no exception. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Iran N-talks begin with rare mood of optimism
      Nuclear negotiators for Iran and six world powers were making encouraging progress in bridging differences that have doomed previous meetings meant to reduce fears over Tehran’s atomic program. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Dooming MF Global Email May Have Just Done Corzine In
      The mystery around the missing MF Global money may not be such a mystery after all. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Remembering Captain Scott's final journey
      It is 100 years since Captain Robert Falcon Scott died on his doomed polar expedition. Andrew Stone recounts a trek to immortality. One by one they succumbed, starving, dehydrated and frostbitten.They had endured unimaginable... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Rosie O'Donnell Has a Rosy Future Without Talk Show
      Rosie O'Donnell tweeted over night that she knew about a week ago her talk show on the Oprah Winfrey Network was being cancelled. Frankly, she's well rid of it. Despite also saying that she enjoyed the show, it was doomed to fail from the beginning. Rosie should have done a live show from New York via syndication. The OWN network is a nightmare that won't end. No one can find it on their cable boxes. And Chicago? It's not Rosie's town. She is a New Yorker, through and through. She's also a spontaneous, brilliant live comedian. So the whole recipe was a failure. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Why Customers Must Come First: The Case of Goldman Sachs
      Every company's greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company. Michael LeBoeuf One common misunderstanding, even among savvy management thinkers, is that if you take care of employees, they will deploy their efforts for the good of customers. The view is reflected in the title of Vineet Nayar?s otherwise wonderful book, Employees First, Customers Second. In it, Nayar explains how he took steps to invert the traditional management pyramid so that the managers are focused on enabling the employees to serve customers better. However if customers ever come second, then the firm is doomed. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Syria's Leader Rebuffs U.N. Envoy
      Assad told Annan that any dialogue was doomed to fail, as Syrian troops launched a new assault in Idlib. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Doom Is (Not) Coming
      Long-term forecasts are rarely sunny or even middling. In fact, they’re often fairly dystopian: Peak oil, peak gas, peak water, peak food, mass hysteria, zombie apocalypse. _NULL_

    • No More King Size Snickers, No More Taxes at J.K. Harris
      All good things must come to an end. With calorie limits for candy bars in vogue, King Size Snickers are doomed. See Mars kills the King Size Snickers. At least we have a little time to adjust. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • So, are we on the road to recovery?
      YesColin EllisThe UK economy is going through a sticky patch – that much is certainly true. But the various doomsayers that have already confidently proclaimed a double-dip recession are misreading the data. The bigger picture is not as bad as you might think. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Greek Leaders Push For Cuts Amid Backlash
      George Papandreou warned any failure to pass austerity measures would lead to country's doom null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Transcripts show Italy captain says was told to approach shore
      GIGLIO, Italy (Reuters) - The captain of the doomed Italian liner Costa Concordia said he was told by managers to take his ship close in to shore on the night it ran aground and capsized, according to bugged conversations leaked in Italian newspapers. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Debris from a Doomed Russian Spacecraft Lands in Pacific Ocean
      Russian space agency says only fragments weighing about 200 kilograms would survive re-entry null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Doomsday clock moves forward one minute
      The end of the world is getting closer and humankind is to blame.The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists</a null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Priests reject doomsday predictions in annual forecast
      A body of top Afro-Cuban priests is predicting a year of change and upheaval in 2012, but the group says fears the world will end are wrong.In their annual New Year's forecast, the priests warned the world could see more earthquakes... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Cuban priests reject doomsday prediction
      Top Afro-Cuban priests say fears the world will end are wrong, but they are predicting a year of change and upheaval in 2012. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Oxford Historian Creates Silicon Valley's Future
      If you can't learn from the past, you're doomed to repeat its errors and to miss its brilliant insights. That's one of Kevin Hartz's credos. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Carmakers ready for record year
      Despite doom and gloom in many business sectors, German car manufacturers think 2012 could be a banner year, especially in the United States. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Great space ball mystery solved
      It was hailed as a doomsday device, an instrument from a weather balloon or proof that extra terrestrial life existed.But the mysterious metal sphere fell to the ground in a remote area of northern Namibia has now been identified... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • China Not Doomed Yet
      Don't write the China obituary just yet, says Eric Lascelles, chief economist at RBC Global Asset Management in Toronto.  There are still many rabbits to be pulled out of this magic hat. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Cameron warns of eurozone doomsday
      British prime minister David Cameron on Saturday warned that the country’s economy will be hit hard by further turmoil in eurozone , saying there’s a big question mark over the future of the common European currency. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Four Parallels Between Europe's Debt, Sub-Prime Mortgage Crises
      The global banking system is doomed to careen from one debt crisis to the next. A quick look at what caused the current European debt crisis reveals four parallels with the sub-prime mortgage-driven 2008 financial crisis. And despite all the new pages of regulation, there's nothing to stop a repeat of those factors from causing future financial panics. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Why Uncle Sam Supports Frankenfood
      Say what you will about the wisdom of agricultural biotechnology, the United States would be economically doomed without it. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • How Angry Birds Boosts the ROI of Enterprise Mobility (and Spells the Doom of Ruggedized Devices)
      Games: a destroyer of productivity, an enabler for procrastinating employees, right? Not always. In fact, letting - nay, encouraging - your workers to install and play games like Angry Birds can actually boost your mobile deployment's ROI. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Pakistan to benefit from EU import preferential treatment
      ISLAMABAD, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani said on Wednesday that by 2014, Pakistan is expecting to qualify and benefit from the European Union's import preferential treatment under the GSP Plus regime allowing duty free access for all export products. He was speaking at the inauguration of 6th Expo Pakistan 2011 at Governor House. Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan, Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Commerce Minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim, Minster for Overseas Pakistani ... 【イスラマバード10月19日(新華) - 首相ユスフラザGilaniは2014年までに、パキスタンは、修飾し、すべての輸出製品に対する免税のアクセスを許可する欧州連合(EU)の輸入優遇GSPの下で治療をプラス制度の恩恵を期待していることを明らかにした

    • Goldman's Hatzius: U.S. To Avoid Recession As Bernanke Unveils QE3, Europe Doomed
      Goldman Sachs Chief Economist Jan Hatzius gave Forbes an exclusive interview ahead of being recognized as the most accurate economist of the last three years.  Hatzius forecasts the U.S. will narrowly avoid a recession in 2012 growing only 0.5% in the first quarter as Bernanke unveils QE3 in the next six to nine months. ゴールドマンサックス証券チーフエコノミスト月Hatziusはフォーブスの前に、過去3年間の最も正確なエコノミストとして認識されるの独占インタビューを与えた

    • Alternative medicine doomed Steve Jobs - cancer expert
      A Harvard cancer expert believes Steve Jobs doomed himself with alternative medicine.Harvard Medical School researcher and faculty member Ramzi Amri said Jobs suffered from a mild form of cancer that is not usually fatal, but appears... ハーバード大学のがんの専門家は、スティーブジョブズはラムジAmriは、ジョブズCEOは、通常、致命的ではない癌の軽度のフォームに苦しんで言う代替medicine.Harvard医学部の研究者と教員との彼自身の運命と考えていますが、表示されます...

    • India, Pakistan agree to lay down timeline to normalize trade relations
      MUMBAI, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- Indian and Pakistani high-ranking officials will lay down specific timeline to normalize trade relations in November, Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Pakistani Ministry of Commerce said in a joint statement Wednesday. Pakistani Commerce Minister Makhdoom Mohammad Amin Fahim on Wednesday held talks with his Indian counterpart Anand Sharma during his seven-day visit to India starting from Sept. 26. Both ministers mandated their respective commerce se ... MUMBAI、9月28日(新華社) - インドとパキスタンの高官は11月に貿易関係を正常化するためにダウン特定のタイムラインを築く、インド商工省と商務省のパキスタン外務省は、水曜日の共同声明で述べている

    • Catwalk helps brighten Milan gloom
      Ignoring the age-old rule that skirts should get longer, not shorter, when the markets tumble, designers exhibiting at Milan's fashion week are countering the doom and gloom emanating from the nearby Milan stock exchange with a series... スカートは短くしない、長く受けられるようになっている古くからのルールを無視して、ときに市場の転倒、ミラノのファッションウィークに出展デザイナーがシリーズに近いミラノの証券取引所から発生する散々な目に対抗している...

    • Plea rejection dooms convicted Atlanta killer
      Troy Davis, a convicted murderer in one of America's most protracted and controversial death penalty cases, is in what are expected to be his final hours after an Atlanta panel rejected his last-ditch plea for clemency.This morning,... _NULL_

    • The Week Ahead: Can Doom and Gloom Save the Market?
      As often happens, strong bearish sentiment helped boost the market all week, but it’s best to wait to buy until a pullback occurs, which could come as early as mid-week, writes MoneyShow.com senior editor Tom Aspray. _NULL_

    • Best Buy Gets Amazoned: Is It Doomed?
      It’s unclear whether there is any hope for Best Buy, given that its flexibility is severely constrained by long-term leases. But to have a chance, management has to come to terms with its Borders-like doomsday scenario, and map out a plausible survival strategy. それは、Best Buyの希望は、その柔軟性が大幅に長期リースによって制約されていることを考えると、あるかどうかは不明です

    • Al Gore's 24-hour spectacle
      Remember “An Inconvenient Truth”? The photos of houses washed away by floods and natural disaster victims—post-mortem。zipped up in body bags? Former Vice President Al Gore’s Oscar-winning documentary scared people senseless and had many wondering if we were simply doomed. _NULL_

    • George W Obama?
      A close look at Barack Obama's advisers - the saved and the sacked - shows just how the president has created an airless world of conventional comforters around him and so doomed his presidency to repeating that of his predecessor, George W Bush. It's an atmosphere in which Washington conventionality flourishes and alternatives vanish (along with those who support them). - David Bromwich (Aug 24, '11) バラクオバマの顧問をよく見て - 保存されたと解任は - 社長が彼の周りに、従来の布団のエアレス世界を作成したので、彼の前任者、ジョージWブッシュ大統領のことを繰り返すために彼の大統領職を運命づけられているだけの方法を示しています

    • Kenyans feel recession pain
      NAIROBI, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- The optimists are calling it a financial crisis, a kind of recession that is melting down the economy, while the pessimists are describing it as financial doom. While the former believe that just like the global financial crisis, the worst times will end, the pessimists do not see the economic turmoil facing Kenya that has raised the high cost of living and made life unbearable pass. Each day, the two groups are watching, of course with different levels of enth ... ナイロビ、8月17日(新華社) - 悲観論者は、金融破滅としてそれを記述している間、楽観は、それを金融危機、景気を溶かしている景気後退の種類を呼んでいる

    • Australian export ban bill doomed
      A parliamentary move to ban live animal exports looks doomed as the major parties back the trade.The House of Representatives will consider two separate bills on the issue later today.One, introduced by Australian Greens MP Adam... 生きた動物の輸出を禁止する議会の動きは、後の号で、オーストラリア緑の党MPアダムによって導入されたtoday.Oneを、2つの別々の法案を検討するバック大政党代表者のtrade.Theハウスとして運命に見えます...

    • 13 to prove unlucky for Nepal PM
      Nepal PM Jhala Nath Khanal, who had bought time for his doomed government this month by promising to show progress in the stuck peace process by Aug 13 or quit, will now have to pay the pound of flesh on Saturday. 8月13日または終了することによってスタック和平プロセスの進行状況を表示するために約束し、今月、彼の運命の政府のために時間を購入していたネパールPMジャーラナスKhanalは、、今土曜日に肉のポンドを支払う必要があります

    • Air India snubbed by Star Alliance
      Air India's bid to join the Star Alliance has been grounded after the global airline network said it had not met the minimum standards for membership.The decision to suspend the application, which was approved by the Alliance's board, is a fresh blow to the ailing state carrier, already battling mounting debts and loss of passenger share to private airlines.One analyst suggested the airline's bid to join the likes of Lufthansa, United, Air Canada and and Singapore Airlines was now doomed to fail. _NULL_

    • Does a Failed Borders Presage a Doomed Bookstore Business?
      Most retail industry watchers will tell you Borders' fate has not been a tough read. And so there were mostly expressions of sadness, rather than shock, when news hit this week that the retailer will seek permission to sell its remaining assets to liquidators Hilco Merchant Resources and Gordon Brothers Group. The chain's remaining 399 stores could begin closing as early as Friday. ほとんどの小売業界観測筋は、境界線の運命は厳しい読み取りをされていないかがわかります

    • Ratings agencies under attack amid debt crisis
      PARIS - RATINGS agencies are again under attack, with EU leaders objecting that Standard&Poor's, Moody's and Fitch Ratings are an 'oligopoly' which issues self-fulfilling prophecies of doom, greatly aggravating the euro zone debt crisis. The EU's Internal Markets Commissioner suggested a partial gag to prevent them from grading debt issued by EU economies being rescued with official funds. _NULL_

    • Hurray! It's Earnings Season Again
      Thank goodness earnings season is here again. It’s the time companies report their quarterly earnings numbers and put all doom and gloom forecasts to rest. 感。善の決算発表シーズンが再びここにあります

    • Transocean Refuses To Help BP Pay For Gulf Clean-Up
      BP’s plans to get other parties involved in the Deepwater Horizon project also to pay up was sidelined when Transocean reported that BP is to blame for the largest oil-spill in history. Transocean was the owner and operator of the doomed oil rig in April 2010 that spewed nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The two companies are already in a legal tussle over responsibility for the accident. トランスオーシャンは、BPが史上最大の油流出のせいであることを報告したときにも、最大支払うことにディープウォーターホライズンのプロジェクトに関係する相手を得るために、BP社の計画は欠場した

    • S&P Endures Losing Streak, But Forest Labs And Macy's Shine
      Wall Street’s losing streak has been well-documented, and even though the S&amp;P 500 managed to break its six-week losing streak by the narrowest of margins Friday the index is still down nearly 7%  since the end of April. It hasn’t been all doom and gloom though, as some of the gauge’s 500 components have bucked the trend and posted gains that look even more impressive in the face of the broader slide. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Doomsday preacher suffers stroke
      The California radio preacher who predicted the world would end last month is recuperating after suffering a mild stroke, his family and colleagues said.Doctors have been monitoring the progress of 89-year-old Harold Camping since... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • U.S. Is Headed For Recession In 2012 Says Shilling
      A renowned doom and gloom-er is at it again. Gary Shilling, president of A. Gary Shilling and Co., says the U.S. could fall back into recession in 2012. “Let’s face it, we’re in a weakening economy in this country and globally,” Shilling told CNBC yesterday . “By the end of the [...] 有名な悲観小胞体は再びそれにあります

    • Strike two for US doomsday preacher
      We're hoping people look at this and learn to use their brains ... David Silverman,American Atheists group The apocalypse passed New Zealand by, and yesterday the rest of the world continued to exist, despite the prediction of... 我々は、人々がこれを見て、自分の脳を使用することを学ぶ期待している...して、David Silvermanは、黙示録は、ニュージーランドを渡されたアメリカの無神論者グループ、昨日、世界の残りの部分の予測にもかかわらず、存在し続けて...

    • When doomsday forecasts go wrong
      As you may already know, the end of the world starts today - but that's no reason to put off mowing the lawn.American preacher Harold Camping has predicted that Judgment Day will start on May 21 with a series of earthquakes in... あなたが既に知っているかもしれませんが、世界の終わりが今日から始まる - それはハロルドキャンプは、審判の日は、地震の一連のインチと5月21日に開始することを予測しているlawn.Americanの説教を刈って延期する理由はないです..

    • Bright-Bulb Workers Get The Benjamins As Labor Markets Tighten
      When I contributed to Forbes last September, I used the opportunity to warn against the dangers of falling for the media’s doom and gloom prognosis for the economy. Predicting the future direction of global markets is, at best, to venture an educated guess. 私は昨年9月にフォーブスに貢献したとき、私は経済のためのメディアの悲観の予後の下落の危険性を警告する機会を使用していました

    • REUVEN BRENNER : The vanishing middle class
      As salaries stagnate and house prices fall, the present doom in the American middle class is understandable: the lost wealth will not be restored anytime soon. The United States does have options for radical policy changes. They are much needed - and needed fast. 給与の停滞や住宅価格が下落するように、アメリカの中産階級の中に存在する運命は理解できる:失われた富はいつでもすぐに復元されません

    • Britain's Hague: Arab Democracy Movement Needs International Support
      Foreign Secretary says governments that are resisting change, like those of Libya and Syria, are “doomed to failure” 外務次官は、リビア、シリアのもののように、変化を抵抗している政府、。。u0026quot;失敗する運命にある。。u0026quot;であると書かれています

    • Cyberwar Hype Comes Under Increasing Scrutiny
      This week, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University released the second in a series of working papers that address the growing concern over cyberwar. In that paper, "Loving the Cyber Bomb? The Dangers of Threat Inflation in Cybersecurity Policy," researchers Jerry Brito and Tate Watkins take issue with what they see as a clear case of "threat inflation" on the part of those who claim repeatedly that "cyber-doom" is near. 今週は、ジョージメイソン大学のMercatusセンターでは、サイバー上の懸念に対処するワーキングペーパーシリーズの第二発表した

    • Soros' Bretton Woods Meeting Not So Scary
      George Soros and an undisclosed guestlist of surefire movers and shakers met at the historic Bretton Woods Resort in Mt. Washington, New Hampshire recently to discuss global governance of financial capitalism.  The world is now officially doomed. ジョージソロス氏と確実な大物の非公開guestlistは富士山の歴史ブレトンウッズリゾートで会った

    • Glenn Beck Radio & TV Ratings A Mess -Prophet Of Doom Not Profiting From Doom
      Glenn Beck’s conversion from entertaining (for some) super-conservative to the voice of the end times is turning out to be very bad for ratings. 終わりの時の声に超保守的な楽しい(一部)からグレンベックの変換は非常に評価のための悪いことに出つつある

    • THE MOGAMBO GURU : Countdown to doomsday
      When economies go to rot, inflation isn't the only thing that happens - politicians can end up meeting their comeuppance in fatal fashion, black markets proliferate, and regional gangs spread their power in nasty fashion. Luckily, we have a couple of months yet to buy gold!! 経済が腐敗して行くと、インフレが起こるだけではない - 政治家は、闇市場では、増殖の地域ギャングは厄介な方法でその力を広める致命的なファッションでの当然の報いを満たして終了することができます

    • Greens walk out of doomed Irish coalition
      The Dublin political world was in ferment yesterday as the junior partner in the doomed administration pulled its ministers out of government, forcing an earlier general election than had been scheduled.In resigning, the Green... 絶望的な管理のジュニアパートナーよりも、グリーンを辞任scheduled.Inされていた以前の総選挙を強制的に、政府のうち、その閣僚を引いたとしてダブリン政界昨日は発酵していた...

    • Boarding the Titanic?
      Is Estonia's euro entry a doomed adventure? エストニアのユーロエントリは絶望的な冒険ですか?

    • Gloom, boom or doom?
      Enoch Yiu asks fund managers where you should park your money in 2011 イノックYiuさんは、2011年にはあなたのお金を駐車する場所のファンドマネジャーを要求

    • Beijing's economic carve-up dooms vital reform to failure
      In March next year Beijing will adopt its next five-year plan. The new directive will aim to construct a more sustainable model of economic development by promoting private consumption as the main driver of China's growth, instead of exports and investment. 来年3月に中国政府は次期5カ年計画を採択する予定だ

    • Domestic markets may save HK's mainland factories
      Five years ago, Thomas Chan Man-hung predicted the doom and gloom that was about to hit the low-value export sector in the Pearl River Delta. 五年前、トーマスチャンマンハングは、運命と暗がり珠江デルタの低値の輸出部門を打つとしていた予測している

    • Attempt to corner the rare earth market doomed to fail
      Beijing is tightening its squeeze on the world's supply of rare earth elements. Yesterday China's customs department revealed that the country's rare earth exports fell to just 829 tonnes in October. That's just a quarter of average monthly exports over the first nine months of the year. 中国政府は希土類元素の世界の供給上のスクイーズを引き締めている

    • Price suppression ineffective in China's property market reform: expert
      Price fluctuation-oriented policies are doomed to fail in China's property market reform, said an expert with the research center of the State Council Tuesday. Hou Yunchun, vice director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, told a forum on fiscal and financial policies that temporary suppression cannot solve the property market's problems. He said housing policy reforms, an increase in supply and guidance on reasonable demand are needed for the healthy development of th ... 価格変動志向の政策の改革市場プロパティの中国です運命に失敗するには、国務院研究センターの開発担当専門家は、との研究センターのディレクターの副

    • 'Prophet of doom' warns to prepare
      Tensions between China and the United States could escalate as the mainland becomes the world's largest economy and the US struggles to adapt to the new order, according to the man known as the "prophet of doom", Dr Marc Faber. 本土は、世界最大の経済大国になるにつれ、米国は新しい秩序に適応するのに苦労する中国と米国の間の緊張は。。u0026quot;運命の預言者。。u0026quot;、博士マークフェーバーとして知られている男性によると、エスカレートする可能性があります

    • Inside Europe: Euro Crisis Fades, but Risks Remain
      Just two months after doomsayers predicted the euro's collapse, the crisis has eased and there are signs of a return of investor confidence. But lingering problems will keep investors wary. doomsayersは、緩和したが、投資家の信頼回復の兆候はユーロの崩壊、危機予測わずか2ヵ月後

    • Tonga ferry hearing imminent
      A hearing is imminent for the three men charged with manslaughter following the sinking of the doomed Tongan ferry Princess Ashika.The ferry sank during an overnight voyage from the Tongan capital Nuku'alofa to an outlying island... 公聴会は3人の男性殺人で起訴の差し迫った絶望的なトンガのフェリープリンセスAshika.Theフェリーの沈。次は離島にトンガの首都ヌクアロファから。航海中に沈没...

    • Austerity and rate rises may trigger depression
      We all seem to know that failing to learn history's lessons dooms us to repeat them, so you have to wonder why so many smart people make the same old economic mistakes. 私たちは、歴史の教訓を学ぶに失敗して繰り返す私たちをドゥーム知っているように見えるので、なぜそんなに多くのスマートな人々は、同じ古い経済過ちを犯すかする必要があります

    • Mideast focus for nukes ban
      The 189 member nations of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty yesterday adopted a detailed plan of small steps down a long road towards nuclear disarmament, including a sharply debated proposal to move towards banning doomsday arms... _NULL_

    • Explosives seized from Aussie cult
      ADELAIDE - Members of a doomsday cult in Adelaide were preparing to move overseas and planned to take with them a stockpile of explosives, guns and ammunition, police believe.Police raided 12 properties in and around Adelaide... アデレードは - アデレードで最悪のカルトのメンバ、海外に移動する準備を進めていた彼らと、銃や弾薬、警察の爆発物備蓄を取る予定で、アデレード約12のプロパティを家宅捜索believe.Police ...

    • Bankers dabbling with 'doom loop'
      The near meltdown of financial and economic systems should have concentrated minds to devise policies to ensure that it should not happen again. Instead a return to growth is fostering dangerous complacency. 金融経済システムの近くのメルトダウンは、それが再び発生しないはずの確保に関する施策を考案する集中心が必要です

    • Faber gloomy on China
      The mainland economy will slow and possibly crash in the next nine to 12 months, Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, says. 本土経済が減速し、可能性がクラッシュ次の9〜12ヶ月で、マークファーバーは、グルーム、ブーム&ドゥームレポートの出版社は言う

    • French families want equal compensation for doomed Brazil flight
      PARIS - A French support group says it will seek equal compensation for the families of French victims of the crash of Air France Flight 447 after a Brazilian judge awarded more than $1 million for a Brazilian who died in the flight... パリ - フランスのサポートグループが、ブラジルの裁判官が1ドル以上の300万人の飛行で死亡したブラジル人に与え、エールフランス航空447のクラッシュは、フランス語の犠牲者の家族に対し、同等の補償を求めるが...さんの意見

    • Hummer's Doomed Sale
      Bureaucratic politics in China and a lack of industrial logic made failure inevitable, but Chinese outward investment can work and is on the march. 中国では官僚政治と産業のロジックの欠如障害が不可避となったが、中国の対外投。仕事ができると行進しています


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