- 7.6 billion yuan spent on developing Tibet in past 5 years
Aid to Tibet totaled 7.57 billion yuan as the nation redoubled its efforts to spur development in the region during the 11th Five-Year Plan period, according to reports from the fourth session of the Ninth Tibet People's Congress.
During the session, Padma Choling, Chairman of Tibet Autonomous Region, reviewed the progress in the past five years of Tibet's development program. He highlighted achievements, such as the first working conference on financial support for Tibet, the special confe ... 国は第11次5カ年計画期間中に地域の発展に拍車をかけるための努力を倍加としてチベットへの援助はナインスチベット人民代表大会第4セッションからの報告によると、7570000000元となりました
- Language researchers chart vanishing voices - video
Anthropologist Mark Turin discusses his work helping speakers of Thangmi, a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in eastern Nepal
- New Beijing-Tibet expressway project approved
An expressway project to ease traffic congestion on a section of the Beijing-Tibet expressway has been given the green light.
The proposed 217 km-long six-lane new expressway will link the national capital of Beijing with Hohhot, capital of Inner Mongolia, said the Inner Mongolia Expressway Construction Development Co. Ltd on Wednesday.
The company said the expressway will be part of the Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway, which is to link Beijing with Urumqi, capital of northwest Xinjiang Uygur ... 高速道路プロジェクトは、緑色の光を与えられている北京 - チベット道路のセクションの交通渋滞を緩和する
- Dalai Lama, US Religious Leaders Stress Overcoming Religious Intolerance
At end of two-week visit to US Tibetan spiritual leader spoke Monday in Chicago about overcoming religious intolerance 米国のチベットの精神的指導者への2週間の訪問の最後に宗教的不寛容を克服について、シカゴ、月曜日スポーク
- China accuses Dalai Lama of 'trick' over retirement
Beijing accuses Tibet's spiritual leader of using religion as a ruse to split the country, as Tibetan exiles marching in Kathamandu clash with Nepalese riot police
- China Labels US 'Irresponsible' About Monastery Reaction
Beijing accuses US of having 'wrong facts' about a stand-off between monks at Tibetan monastery and security forces in western China 北京には約間違った事実を。。u0026#39;を有する米国を非難スタンドオフ中国西部のチベット僧院での僧侶と治安部隊との間
- China's Tibet investments to hit 26 billion yuan by 2011
China's investments in Tibet will reach 26 billion yuan by 2011 along with the construction of a large number of major engineering projects, such as the Lhasa-Shigatse railway, an extension line of the Qinghai-Tibet railway.
The huge investment support will promote the sound and rapid development of Tibet's economy and society.
Tibet completed a total of 163.3 billion yuan of fixed-asset investments during the 11th Five-Year Plan period. This figure has exceeded the total fixed-asset inve ... チベットでの中国の投資は、ラサ - シガツェ鉄道、青海チベット鉄道の延長線のような主要なエンジニアリングプロジェクト、多数の建設と一緒に2011で26億元に達する
- China Gold buys Skyland for $742.3 million
China Gold International, subsidiary of China National Gold Group Corporation, the country's largest gold producer, announced Wednesday that it will purchase 100 percent stakes in Skyland Mining Limited for 5.05 billion yuan ($742.3 million).
The major assets of Skyland are its 100 percent interest in the Jiama property, a copper polymetallic metal-mining property located in Metrorkongka County, China's Tibet Autonomous Region.
The deal still awaits the approval from the China Gold's share ... チャイナゴールドインターナショナルは、生産子会社の中国国家ゴールドグループ株式会社、国内最大の金)を発表した28日、100万742.3元(10億ドル限定の5.05マイニングはします購入100%の株式をでスカイ
- China National Gold's Tibet mining project begins production
China National Gold Group (CNGG) said Monday the first phase of its Gyama polymetallic mine in Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, began production Monday, giving a boost to economic development in the mineral-rich region.
Located in Meldro Gungkar County, the first phase of the project has an expected daily output of 6,000 tonnes.
CNNG subsidiary Tibet Huatailong Mining Development Co. started construction on the 8 billion yuan (1.18 billion U.S. dollars) project in 2008.
Th ... 中国国家ゴールドグループでは、(CNGG)地域のチベット自治区の首。鉱山のラサ、多金属と月曜日Gyamaその第1フェーズの地。豊かな始まり、生産鉱物を与える2009年にブーストを経済発展
- China begins Tibet railway extension
China has begun building a 13.3-billion-yuan (two-billion-dollar) extension to the world's highest railway line, which links Tibet to the rest of the nation, state media reported Monday. 中国は国の残りの部分にチベットを結ぶ世界最高の鉄道ラインに13.3億円(20億ドル)元の拡張子を構築し始めており、国営メディアが伝えた
- China starts project to ensure enough power supply for Tibet by 2012
China initiated a project Thursday to integrate the electricity network in the Tibet Autonomous Region with that in the neighboring northwestern Qinghai Province, a power official told Xinhua.
The project aims to ensure enough power supply by 2012 for Tibet, which suffers from power shortages in cold seasons, said Liu Kejian, chairman of the Tibet Electric Power Company Ltd.
&$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$
... 中国が公式電力を開始、県、近隣北西青海地域では、プロジェクトを自。木曜日に統合電力ネットワークのチベット新華ファイナンスと語った
- Plague breaks out in China's Tibet
China issued a health alert in its southwestern region of Tibet after five people were diagnosed with the plague, an often fatal infectious disease. 5人が、しばしば致命的な伝染病ペストと診断された後、中国はチベットのその南西部地域の健康情報を発行した
- China plays Dalai Lama succession card
China is drawing battlelines over the succession of the Dalai Lama, with its attempt to boost the profile of its choice for Panchen Lama a manifestation of the struggle to come once the Tibetan religious leader dies. Fighting fit, the Dalai Lama says he has the ultimate right to choose since it is not written in stone that his reincarnation must be endorsed by both Beijing and its handpicked Panchen Lama. - Saransh Sehgal (Aug 29, '11) 中国は、パンチェンラマチベットの宗教指導者が死んだ後に来て闘争の症状のために、その選択肢のプロフィールを後押しする試みで、ダライラマの連続にわたってbattlelinesを集めている
- Dalai Lama Formally Gives Up Political Powers
Dalai Lama turns over his powers to Prime Minister in exile, Lobsang Sangay, remains Tibetan spiritual leader ダライラマは亡命、内閣総理大臣に彼の力を裏返す、ドンダップサンガイは、チベットの精神的指導者のまま
- Chinese Troops Surround Tibetan Monastery
Exiled Tibetan groups say troops were deployed following self-immolation of young Tibetan monk last month in Sichuan province 亡命中のチベットグループは、軍は四川省の若いチベット僧の自己犠牲の最後の月の翌月配備されたと言う
- Police break up 'Free Tibet' demo
Indian police broke up a demonstration by about 100 Tibetan exiles outside the Chinese embassy in New Delhi on Wednesday on the eve of the anniversary of the Tibetan uprising in 1959. インドの警察は1959年のチベット蜂起の記念日の前夜に水曜日にニューデリーの中国大使館の外で約100チベット亡命者のデモを解散した
- China Imprisons Tibetan Writer
International Campaign for Tibet did not say what Tashi Rabten was charged with チベットのための国際キャンペーンは、タシラプテンがで起訴されたのか言っていない
- New political leader for Tibet
Legal expert Lobsang Sangay has been elected head of the Tibetan government-in-exile, taking over the Dalai Lama's political role. Chief election commissioner Jamphel Choesang said last night Sangay received 55 per cent of the votes... 法律の専門家ロブサンサンガイは、ダライラマの政治的役割を引き継いで、チベット亡命政権の長に選出されています
- Tibetan Exiles Inaugurate PM in Move Towards Secular Rule
Lobsang Sangay, 43, a Harvard educated legal scholar, becomes the first democratically elected leader of Tibetan exile administration ロブサンサンガイ、43、ハーバード大学教育を受けた法学者は、チベット亡命政権の最初の民主的に選出されたリーダーになる
- Hong Dong - what a dog
Rare red tibetan mastiff Hong Dong is aptly named, making a big splash on canine sales records.The assembled ranks of the press shook their heads in disbelief when, in 1979, England's Trevor Francis was revealed as the first £1... 珍しい赤いチベットマスチフ香港ドン適切プレスの仲間入りを組み立てrecords.The犬の販売に大きなスプラッシュを作る、という信じられないといった様子で頭を振った1979年に、イギリスのトレバーフランシスは、最初の1ポン。。u200b。。u200bドとして明らかにされたときに、...
- Yak wool: the new cashmere?
Shawls woven by Tibetan nomads are causing a stir in Parisian fashion houses, creating new opportunities in an area often regarded as a wasteland
- SW China's Tibet invests over 20% more in fixed assets
Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region invested 46.33 billion yuan (7.02 billion U.S. dollars) in fixed assets in 2010, an increase of 22.1 percent on 2009, according to the regional bureau of statistics.
The total included 34.4 billion yuan invested by governments, up 26.4 percent year on year, and 11.8 billion yuan by private sector, up 10.8 percent.
Of the total money, 40.5 billion yuan went to urban areas, up 23.4 percent year on year, and 5.78 billion yuan to rural areas, up 13.9 p ... 中国南西部のチベット自治区は、統計の地域局によると、2009年、2010年に固定資産の22.1パーセントの増加を46330000000元を(7.02億ドル)を投資した
- Dalai Lama to resign as political leader
The Dalai Lama announced Thursday he would step down as political head of the exiled Tibetan government, but continue to push the Tibetan cause in his key role as its spiritual figurehead. ダライラマは、彼が亡命中のチベット政府の政治的な責任者として辞任するが、その精神的な名目としての彼の重要な役割をチベット原因をプッシュし続けると発表した
- Dalai Lama concerned about monastery crisis
The Dalai Lama on Friday asked the international community to persuade the Chinese leadership to exercise restraint in handling the latest troubles at a blockaded Tibetan monastery in western China.The Kirti monastery, housing... 金曜日にダライラマは西部China.The Kirtiの修道院に封鎖されたチベットの修道院、住宅の最新のトラブルを処理する際の拘束を行使することが中国の指導者を説得し、国際社会を求め...
- Mount Everest: named after the first Surveyor-General of India
The highest mountain in the world is named after George Everest in 1856For over 150 years scientists have tried to establish the exact height of Mount Everest. To settle the matter once and for all, Nepal has ordered a new survey of the world's highest mountain. The peak was named after British surveyor George Everest in 1856. The story goes that in 1852 Radhanath Sikhdar, a mathematician working for the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, discovered what he thought was the highest summit in the world. Several years later this was confirmed and, despite the mountain already being called Chomolungma by the Tibetans and Sagarmatha by the Nepalese, the British decided to name it after Colonel George Everest, head of the survey (although he was always rather embarrassed by the honour). In 1865 the mountain - previously known as Peak XV by the British - was offically renamed Everest.MountainsMount EverestMapping technologiesRichard Nelssonguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
- Dalai Lama to give mass teaching on world peace at US Capitol
Tibet's exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama will on Sunday deliver a talk on world peace near the US Capitol, with organisers expecting large crowds for the widely revered monk. チベットの亡命精神的指導者ダライラマが日曜日に。。u200b。。u200b広く尊敬された修道士のために大規模な群集を期待して主催者で、米国の国会議事堂の近くに世界平和について講演をお届けします
- Tibet's import and export value increases by 59 percent
Tibet-based customs houses at all levels strived to promote the development of foreign trade in the first half of this year leading to a more than 59 percent increase in Tibet's import and export value compared with the same period of last year, according to sources from Lhasa Customs.
The latest data shows that Tibet's import and export value reached 330 million U.S. dollars in the first half of this year, up more than 59 percent from the same period of last year and 16 percentage points hig ... 筋によると、すべてのレベルは今年、チベットのインポートとエクスポートの値より59%以上の増加につながるの前半は昨年の同期間と比較して外国貿易の発展を促進する努力でチベットベースの税関から、ラサ税関
- Tibetans in exile fret over Dalai Lama
Tibetans are by no means overjoyed that the Dalai Lama has decided to relinquish his role as their political leader.In the southern Indian town of Mundagod, where exiled Tibetans have built a monastery, they told The Times of... チベット人はダライラマは政治的leader.In修道院を構築しているチベット人を追放Mundagod、インド南部の町としての彼の役割を放棄することを決定したことを喜びない手段によるもの、彼らのタイムズ紙に語った...
- Tibetan Exiles Seek Release of Missing Panchen Lama
Tibetans in several countries demand release of 11th Panchen Lama, taken into custody by Chinese authorities in 1995 1995年に中国当局に拘束された11パンチェンラマのいくつかの国の需要のリリースでは、チベット、
- Tibetan Exiles Say Secular Politics Will Produce Livelier Democracy
Tibetans say inauguration of a secular political leader could also advance long term goal of returning to their homeland チベット人は世俗的な政治指導者の就任式はまた故郷に戻っての長期的な目標を前進可能性があるという
- China Defends Tibetan Development Plan
Tibetan activists have long accused China of promoting development policies that benefit migrants from China’s ethnic Han majority チベット活動家たちは長い開発政策を推進する中国を非難していることが、中国の漢民族多数の恩恵を受けるの移民
- Dalai Lama Rejects Ceremonial Head of State Role
Tibetan leaders have been urging spiritual leader to accept role as ceremonial head of state for Tibetan exile administration in India チベットの指導者はインドのチベット亡命政権の状態の儀式の頭としての役割を受け入れるように精神的指導者を要請されている
- Dalai Lama Feels 'Freer' Since Giving up Political Role
Tibetan spiritual leader speaks with VOA about his trip to Washington チベットの精神的指導者は、ワシントンに彼の旅行についてVOAと話す
- Bottled water IPO to soak up funds
Tibet 5100 Water Resources Holdings Ltd, the Chinese provider of premium bottled mineral water, began looking to raise up to HK$1.6 billion ($205.3 million) in an initial public offering on Monday.
A total of 459.29 million new shares will be sold in a price range of HK$2.62 to HK$3.50 between Monday and Thursday, and the company plans to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on June 30, the Lhasa-based enterprise said in a statement.
JP Morgan Chase & Co, CCB International (Holdings) Ltd, ... チベット5100水資源ホールディングス株式会社、プレミアムミネラルウォーターの中国のプロバイダは、月曜日に新規株式公開に香港16億ドル(2.053億ドル)を調達するために探し始めた
- Tibet has 1.2 million Internet users
Tibet located on the “roof of the world” appears to be no longer remote and “solitary” thanks to the spreading popularity and linkage of the Internet.
The number of Internet users in Tibet reached 1.2 million as of the end of 2010, including 104,000 broadband Internet users and 1.1 million mobile Internet users, according to the latest data released by the Communications Administration Bureau of Tibet Autonomous Region.
The Internet has become the most convenient channel for inter ... チベットは。。u0026quot;世界の屋根。。u0026quot;に位置する拡散人気とインターネットの連携して、もはやリモート。。u0026quot;孤独。。u0026quot;のおかげであるように見えます
- Blacktop highway to reach all Tibetan counties in five years: transport minister
Blacktop highway will reach all counties in Tibet during the 12th Five-Year Program period (2011-2015), said Li Shenglin, China's transport minister, during the ongoing parliamentary session.
Li said the central government would significantly increase investment to improve transportation in Tibet during next five years, at least doubling the investment during the 11th Five-Year period, without specifying the figure.
By the end of 2015, most of villages in Tibet will be accessible by highwa ... アスファルトの道路は第12次5カ年計画期間(2011年〜2015年)の間にチベット内のすべての郡に到達する、李Shenglinは、中国の交通大臣は、継続的な国会の中で語った
- Abbott to meet Dalai Lama, Gillard not sure
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will meet with the Dalai Lama next week but Prime Minister Julia Gillard still isn't saying whether she will do the same.The Tibetan spiritual leader will visit Canberra next Tuesday as part of an... 反対派勢力の指導者トニーアボットは、来週、ダライラマと会談する内閣総理大臣はジュリアギラードはまだ彼女の一環として、次火曜日キャンベラを訪問するsam。。u200b。。u200be.Theチベットの精神的指導者を行うかどうかを言っているわけではないです...
- Australian PM has no plans to meet Dalai Lama
Prime Minister Julia Gillard said that she did not yet plan to meet with the Dalai Lama when he visits Australia next month, but acknowledged that the nation expected her to receive the revered Tibetan spiritual leader.Previous... 内閣総理大臣はジュリアギラードは、彼女は、まだ彼は来月、オーストラリアを訪問するとき、ダライラマと会談する予定でしたが、国家が、彼女が尊敬チベットの精神的なleader.Previousされることが見込まれることを認めたと述べた...
- Tibetan unrest
BEIJING: At least four Tibetans may have been killed and 30 hurt when Chinese police reportedly fired on crowds protesting against the expansion of mining blamed for environmental damage. 北京は:少なくとも4つのチベット人は殺されてしまった可能性があります30は、中国の警察は伝え群集マイニングの拡大、環境破壊の原因と抗議に発。痛い
- Huge landslides in China leave at least 65 dead
At least 65 people have been killed in landslides in northwest China, state media reported Sunday, in the latest natural disaster to strike the nation.The landslides in a mainly Tibetan region of Gansu province happened on Saturday night, the official Xinhua News Agency reported, citing Mao Shengwu, the head of the affected prefecture. 少なくとも65人が土砂崩れで死亡している中国北西部では、国営メディアは29日、最新の自然災害の甘粛省のmainlyチベットregionで土曜日の夜に起こったnation.The landslidesを打つことを報告し、国営新華社通信は、報告毛沢東Shengwuを理由に、影響を受ける県の頭
- Tibet's input and output value total 700 mln U.S. dollars
The input and output trade of Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) have maintained rapid growth this year, totaling 700 million U.S. dollars, up by 75% than previous year.
According to Baimachilin, Chairman of TAR, border trades and native production for export increased obviously, up by 97.2% and 67.9% respectively. The total volume of input and output reached 700 million U.S. dollars, up 75% over last year, keeping rapid growth rate.
In recent years, location advantages for the border trade hav ... チベット自治区(TARファイル)の入力と出力の貿易が最大75%で、前年に比べ、700万ドルを限度とする、今年急成長を維持している
- Tibet Air prepares for July launch
The first airplane of Tibet Airlines is about to be available for use in Hamburg, Germany on July 7, confirmed Liu Yanping, the general manager of Tibet Airlines, on Feb. 21. The first flight of Tibet Airlines will be ready to take off in the same month.
Tibet Airlines Co., Ltd. was approved by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) in March last year. It has registered capital of 280 million RMB, or 41 million U.S. dollars. About 143 million is from Tibet Autonomous Region Invest ... チベット航空の最初の飛行機は約7月7日、ドイツのハンブルグで使用するために使用可能にする、2月21日の劉延を、チベット航空会社のゼネラルマネージャー、確認された
- Hefty govt investment in Tibet from 2006-2010
China's central government spent 137.8 billion yuan (20.3 billion U.S. dollars) to boost Tibet's development from 2006 to 2010, the regional government said Tuesday.
The money funded 188 key projects covering infrastructure building, urban development, environmental protection and cultural conservation, the regional government said in a press release.
Among them were eight new projects including a highway linking Lhasa's city center with the Gonggar Airport, it said.
The initial plan fo ... 中国の中央政府は省エネを過ごした137800000000元(20.3億ドルよると、政府は、地域の2010)に拡大チベットの発展をから2006年までは、火曜日、文化のお金を資金188と主要事業をカバーするインフラ整備、都市開発、環境保護、地方政府リリースプレスとします
- Tibet aims to double annual tourist visits to 15 million
Tibet will implement a comprehensive plan during the 12th Five-year Plan period in order to double the annual number of tourist arrivals to 15 million in 2015, increasing its annual tourist revenue to 15 billion yuan, according to the Tibet Autonomous Regional Tourist Bureau.
The tourist bureau said that during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, Tibet will shift its advantages in tourist products to a tourist economy and develop the tourism industry into a leading industry enriching both local r ... チベットはチベット自治区観光局によると、15億元、年間観光収入を増加させるため2015年には1500万の観光客数の年間数を倍にするには、第12次5ヵ年計画期間中に包括的な計画を実装します
- Tibet to open 5th civil airport next month
The fifth civil airport in China's Tibet Autonomous Region will open early next month, civil aviation authorities said Thursday.
Xigaze Peace Airport, located in Xigaze Prefecture, 48 km from Xigaze City, is 3,782 meters above sea level.
The airport terminals, decor, facilities and flight tests were completed, allowing it to officially open in early November, said Zhu Feng, secretary of the airport's Communist Party of China (CPC) branch.
However, Zhu said, no exact date had yet been se ... のチベット自治区中国の第五の民用空港での月へ次のが開いて初期の民間航空当局は、レベル平和空港は、位置のシガツェシガツェ
- China to spend record amount on Tibetan water projects
&$&$Edited and Translated by He Xin, People's Daily Online&$&$
China will spend a record high of 11.6 billion yuan, equivalent to 1.8 billion U.S. dollars, on construction of Tibet's irrigation and drinking water projects under the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015), according to a release from Tibet's Water Resources Department on Tuesday.
The water program will cover 16 categories, including irrigation, drinking water, geological disaster prevention and control as well as hydropower, ... 編集と彼は新、人民日報オンライン&中国は第12次五カ年下のチベットの灌漑や飲料水プロジェクトの建設に、1.8億米ドルに相当する、11.6億元の高い記録を過ごすことになります$&$訳&$&$計画(2011-2015)、火曜日にチベットの水資源部からのリリースによると
- Tibet posts 20 pct growth in Q1 economy
Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region saw its gross domestic product surge at an annual rate of 19.8 percent to reach 11.5 billion yuan (1.8 billion U.S. dollars) in the first quarter of this year, the region's local statistics bureau said.
The region's fixed asset investments totalled 2 billion yuan in the first three months of 2011, up 55 percent year-on-year, according to the bureau. Industrial output reached 409 million yuan, up 43.9 percent, the bureau said.
The per capita disposa ... 中国南西部のチベット自治区は、今年の第一四半期には11.5億元(1.8億ドル)に達すると19.8パーセントの年率で国内総生産のサージを見て、地域のローカル統計局によると
- Tibet reports two-digit GDP growth for 18 consecutive years
Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region has reported two-digit GDP growth for 18 consecutive years, with this year's growth rate estimated at 12.2 percent year on year, the regional government chairman said.
Tibet maintained steady economic growth this year, with the annual GDP estimated at 50.6 billion yuan (7.6 billion U.S. dollars), said Padma Choling at the annual economic work conference that opened in Nyingchi Prefecture Thursday.
He attributed the growth to the booming secondary a ... 中国南西部のチベット自治区は今年12.2%増と推定さ今年の成長率は、18年連続の2桁のGDP成長率を報告している、地方政府議長は述べた
- China pushes 'struggle' against Dalai Lama
BEIJING - A high-ranking Chinese official is calling for a renewed struggle against the Dalai Lama's influence and for strengthened controls over Tibetan Buddhism.State media quoted Jia Qinglin as urging Communist Party officials... 北京 - 高官中国政府関係者ダライラマの影響に対して新たな闘争と共産党の職員を促すよう賈慶林を引用符で囲まれたチベットBuddhism.Stateメディアを介して強化コントロールを呼んでいます...
- Highland barley-brewed beer from Tibet sold to U.S.
Beer brewed from highland barley grown in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region has received a warm welcome in the United States since its debut in the north American market last year, sources from the Tibetan brewer and the U.S. importer said Wednesday.
Lhasa Beer, which entered the U.S. market in August 2009, is sold at more than 1,000 stores in eight states, said James Casilio from the American importer, Dzambuling Imports LLC, based in San Francisco.
Casilio said his company would ... ビールによると輸入米と醸造年、ソースからのチベットの最後の市場以来、北米デビュー戦で米国日本で受信した暖かい歓迎を地域が自律の中国醸造から高地大麦栽培の南西部チベットラサビール、入力された水曜日
- Two die in clash with Chinese police at Tibetan monastery, activists say
Confrontation at Kirti monastery reportedly occurred during raid in which police took away 300 monksTwo people have reportedly died in a clash with Chinese police during a raid on a Tibetan Buddhist monastery where tensions have run high over the recent suicide of a monk.The incident marks some of the worst violence in the ongoing troubles at Kirti monastery high in the Himalayan foothills in a Tibetan area of Sichuan province.Police who have blockaded the monastery and restricted the movements of its 2,500 residents launched a raid on Thursday night, according to the US-based International Campaign for Tibet.Police took 300 monks to an unknown location and two villagers trying to block the monks' removal were killed, it said.The dead were named by the group as 60-year-old Dongko, and a 65-year-old woman, Sherkyi. The area has since been closed off to outside visitors, it said.Tensions in Kirti were heightened by the suicide on 16 March of 21-year-old monk, Phuntsog, who set himself on fire in a protest against government controls of Tibetan Buddhism, which recognizes the exiled Dalai Lama as its leader.China occupied Tibet in 1950 and claims the region has been part of its territory for centuries, although many Tibetans, who are linguistically and ethnically distinct from Chinese, say they were in effect independent.Information from the remote region is extremely limited, and it was not immediately possible to confirm the incident.Without mentioning the clash, the state-run Xinhua News Agency said authorities had ordered residents of Kirti to attend a course of legal education, a form of political indoctrination deeply resented by monks.ChinaTibetBuddhismReligionHuman rightsDavid Battyguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is sub 警察はマーク300 monksTwoの人々が伝えられるの緊張がmonk.The事件の最近の自殺で高い実行したチベット仏教僧院の襲撃の間に中国の警察との衝突で死亡している奪っているの対決Kirti修道院は伝え空襲中に発生したいくつかのKirtiの修道院で進行中のトラブルヒマラヤ山麓の僧院を封鎖しており、制限されて2500住民の動きを四川province.Policeのチベット地域での高い最悪の暴力の米によると、木曜日の夜に襲撃を開始- Tibet.Policeベースの国際キャンペーンは、未知の場所に300僧侶を取った修道士の除去を阻止しようとしている二村人たちは、それが死んで、60歳のDongkoとしてグループで指定されたsaid.The死亡し、65歳歳の女性、Sherkyi
- Video: The troubled harvest of Tibet's caterpillar fungus
Intense harvesting of caterpillar fungus is damaging the Tibetan hillside and leading to violent land disputesJonathan Watts
- Nepal: First in the queue for the eternal flame
Rising early is the perfect preparation for visiting the Goddess of Fire temple in Muktinath, Nepal's second-most sacred siteIt's 7am, too early for the Indian pilgrims to have made their way up by jeep from Jomsom and then by sputtering motorbike up the winding path to the temple.Sadhus, or mystics, watch us pass, smoking and hawking. Tibetan monks blow their long pipes at a Buddhist temple further up the sharp mountainside, the arid ochre slopes offset by the brilliance of the monks' robes.My guide Krishna and I have risen early to climb back up to the main temple before the crowds arrive. Perched in a grove of poplars and with prayer flags stretching away on all sides, Muktinath is Nepal's second-most sacred site for Hindus after Pashupatinath, which in comparison lies rather forlornly at the end of Kathmandu's international airport runway. The site is equally revered by Buddhists, and pilgrims of both faiths traipse up in proof of the country's admirable religious tolerance.They come to worship at the Goddess of Fire temple, where a flame of natural gas flickers undyingly next to a stream of water. They call it, rather unsurprisingly, the eternal flame. It lures the sadhus and devotees from as far afield as southern India, the richer ones flying in by helicopter to the temple's helipad.Far more interesting are the 108 spouts of water lined along a semi-circular wall, all shaped like animal heads and representing the Hindu deities. Krishna dutifully cups water in his hands at each and wets his hair. Even better, a trio of Nepali teenagers arrive, strip down to their underwear, and then run and duck under the spouts, screaming shrilly at the iciness of the mountain runoff. They then plunge full-length into two larger pools.All a little less sombre than Sunday church, 早起きムクチナト、ネパール第二の最も神聖なsiteItの午前7時、あまりにもインドの巡礼者のための早い段階で火災の寺院の女神を訪れるジョムソンからジープで自分の道をしたと完璧な準備や後、スパッタバイクで曲がりくねった道までですtemple.Sadhus、または神秘主義者は、喫煙やホーキング、私たちはパスを監視します
- China aims to narrow east-west gap with more investment, expertise (2)
Compared with other western regions, Tibet and Xinjiang lag further behind eastern areas. As a result, the central government has sketched a detailed route map for the development of both regions in the next decade:
-- By 2015, the gap between Tibet's per capita net income and the nation's average will be significantly narrowed, and by 2020 the gap will be small enough to ensure the accomplishment of a well-off society.
-- Xinjiang's per capita gross production will reach the nation's aver ... 他の西部地域と比較して、チベットと新疆は東部地域の背後に、さらに遅れている
- WikiLeaks cables: the Dalai Lama is right to put climate change first | Isabel Hilton
For Tibet, climate change is a far more urgent issue than independence – its very survival is at stakeThe Dalai Lama, according to the latest release of WikiLeaks cables, told US diplomats that, for Tibet, climate change is a more urgent issue than a political settlement. This will certainly dismay some of the more radical elements of the region's independence movement. Many of the younger Tibetans in exile are already frustrated with their spiritual leader's moderate and non-violent approach. For them, independence will always trump the environment.But if the concern is the survival of the nomadic peoples of the Tibetan plateau, the Dalai Lama is right. Exile activists, with a familiar cast of celebrities and sympathisers, have done much to define western perceptions of Tibet as primarily a political issue. But the Dalai Lama's efforts to secure a meaningful autonomy for Tibetans have not flourished. Nor has any pressure applied by the US measurably improved Tibetans' freedom; and today, with an increasingly confident and nationalist China, the prospects for progress are in retreat.Meanwhile, beyond the Himalayas, the profound and irreversible impacts of dramatic environmental changes are overtaking politics as a threat to the Tibetan way of life. The signs are everywhere: in melting permafrost; changes in surface water on the grasslands; disrupted rainfall patterns; and the retreat of most of the Himalayan glaciers – the largest store of ice outside the north and south poles.Beijing has invoked climate change as the final argument for the forced settlement of about 100,000 Tibetan nomads, blaming them for damaging the vulnerable grasslands by overgrazing. The nomads' new homes are bleak and isolated housing settlements, where they cannot keep their animals and where t チベットについては、気候変動は独立よりもはるかに急務となっている - まさにその生存率は、stakeTheダライラマにあるWikileaksはケーブルの最新リリースによると、チベットのための、気候変動は政治よりももっと緊急の課題とされていることを、米国の外交官に語った決済
- BYD buys stake in lithium miner
Carmaker BYD will buy an 18 per cent stake in a Tibet-based lithium and boron miner for 201.2 million yuan (HK$232.28 billion) to increase its competitiveness in the rechargeable battery business.
- Dalai Lama to visit Denmark in 2011
Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama will make a one-day visit to the Danish capital on April 18 next year to present talks, the Tibet Charity organisation that invited him said Monday. チベットの精神的指導者ダライラマは会談を提示し、来年4月18日にデンマークの首都に1日訪問する、彼を招待チベットチャリティー団体が明らかにした
- WikiLeaks cables, day 19: summary of today's key points
There are no fewer than 251,287 cables from more than 250 US embassies around the world, obtained by WikiLeaks. We present a day-by-day guide to the revelations from the US embassy cables both from the Guardian and its international media partners in the storyUS embassy cables: every day's revelations at a glanceDay 19, Friday 17 DecemberThe GuardianIn a 2009 meeting, the Dalai Lama told the US ambassador to India that climate change in Tibet should outweigh political concerns on the global agenda and expressed disquiet over Chinese energy policies. Embassy cables also note US fears that the Dalai Lama's influence over Tibetans in India is waning as more militant elements emerge.A series of cables from the US embassy in Delhi reveal US attempts to build a relationship with Rahul Gandhi, son of the leader of the Congress party and a rising star in Indian politics. Gandhi expressed concern over Hindu extremists while Indian government officials consistently complain that the US is soft on Pakistan and are keen to present Indian foreign policy as free from American influence.US diplomats asked India to send Bollywood stars to Afghanistan in an attempt to increase India's use of 'soft power' in the region, in a plan that was never implemented. India fears an early US and British withdrawal from Afghanistan, with particular anxiety that an accommodation will be reached with the Taliban.US officials in Sri Lanka hold President Rajapaksa and former army commander Sarath Fonseka responsible for blocking an inquiry into army actions in the last months of the civil war, and believe that the Sri Lankan government was complicit with paramilitaries in the conflict.Le MondeIn spite of an official freeze of relations between Cuba and the US, a cable from 2009 shows that the two countr Wikileaksは得、世界中250以上の米国大使館からの未満251287ケーブルがあります
- China's nine-day traffic jam stretches 100km
Thousands of vehicles were bogged down Monday in a more than 100-kilometre (62-mile) traffic jam leading to Beijing that has lasted nine days and highlights China's growing road congestion woes.The Beijing-Tibet expressway slowed to a crawl on August 14 due to a spike in traffic by cargo-bearing heavy trucks heading to the capital, and compounded by road maintenance work that began five days later, the Global Times said. 車の何千人もいた月曜日ダウンより100(62マイル)キロメートル以上の渋滞の中で北京には、9日続いていると中国の成長道路の混雑woes.The北京チベット高速道路を強調リード取れなくはクロール、8月14日に鈍化トラフィックの急増貨物軸受大型トラックの首都に向かって、し、道路の保守作業では、5日後に始まった複利、グローバルタイムズ紙が伝えた
A new medical industry giant was inaugurated in Tibet's regional capital Lhasa Tuesday to boost the development of traditional Tibetan medicine.
Five Tibetan companies, including three leading pharmaceutical firms, have invested in Yuthok Tibetan Medicine Industrial Group, which has 100 million yuan (150,700 U.S. dollars) of registered capital.
The group's business activities will cover every aspect of the pharmaceutical industry, from herb planting, research and development to product sal ... 新しい医療業界の巨人は、医学チベットの伝統的な火曜日に高める開発をラサ資本の地域のチベットだった発足インチ元(150700米国万あり、100ドルグループ産業医学3つの主要な製薬会社持っているファイブを含むチベットの企業、投資のYuthokチベット)資本の登録商標
- Student challenges Dalai Lama over Tibet
OXFORD, Ohio - A Chinese student challenged the Dalai Lama's version of conditions in Tibet, saying she has been there recently.During a question-and-answer session at Miami University in southwest Ohio, 21-year-old Yue You told... オックスフォード、オハイオ州 - 中国の学生は言った彼女は南西オハイオ州、21歳の越のマイアミ大学で質疑応答セッションをrecently.Duringされていると言って、チベットでの条件のダライラマのバージョンに挑戦...
- China's epic traffic jam 'vanished'
Can a monster traffic jam spanning dozens of miles and leaving drivers stuck for days really disappear overnight?For days, Chinese and foreign media have issued reports explaining how thousands of vehicles were trapped in an epic traffic jam stretching for more than 100 kilometres (60 miles) on a highway leading to China's capital Beijing.The bottleneck on the Beijing-Tibet expressway, which began on August 14 due to a spike in traffic by cargo-bearing heavy trucks and was compounded by road maintenance works... seems to have vanished. することができますモンスター交通渋滞は数十マイルにまたがるとドライバを日立ち往生残して本当に消えて一晩?日については、中国と外国のメディアが発行しているレポートをどのように車の何千もの壮大な交通渋滞に100キロ以上(60マイルのために伸びる閉じ込められた説明)高速道路8月14日、トラフィックの急増に貨物軸受の大型トラックが原因と道路メンテナンス工事などで合成した開始北京チベット高速道路、中国の資本Beijing.Theのボトルネックに導く...ようだが消えている
- Climate change: how to play our hand?
There have always been extremes of weather around the world but evidence suggests human influence is changing the oddsOver the past week or so, Pakistan has been devastated by its worst floods for generations and Moscow has suffered under a blanket of smog after its hottest day in 130 years of records. What is causing these and other recent extreme weather events and are they linked to climate change?Because of a rare meteorological pattern we can see a connection between extreme weather across Eurasia. Usually, the flow in the upper troposphere over northern India, the Himalayas and Pakistan is dominated by the monsoon anticyclone which pushes the sub-tropical jet to the north of the Tibetan Plateau. This prevents mid-latitude weather systems from penetrating very far south, unlike this year, when active weather systems have spread southwards into Pakistan. Here this has combined with the monsoon to produce record rainfall. The record-breaking high temperatures in Moscow, forest fires and damaged crops are another consequence, as was the excessive rain over China when the Three Gorges Dam almost reached capacity a few short weeks ago.So are we seeing the effects of climate change in these extreme weather events? Analysing the observational data shows clearly that there has been a rise in the number of extremely warm temperatures recorded worldwide and that there have been increases in the number of heavy rainfall events in many regions over land. Evidence, including in India and China, that periods of heavy rain are getting heavier, is entirely consistent with our understanding of the physics of the atmosphere in which warmer air holds more moisture. Our climate change predictions support the emerging trend in observations and show a clear intensification of extreme ra また、常に世界の天候の極端されているが、証拠が人間の影響は、過去1週間ほどoddsOverを変えていることを示唆、パキスタンの世代のための最悪の洪水とモスクワで130の暑い日後にスモッグの毛布の下に苦しんできた荒廃されているレコードの年
- 50th Tibetan Democracy Day ceremonies
Tibetans around the world celebrate the 50th Tibetan Democracy Day which marks the anniversary of the Dalai Lama's efforts to transform Tibetan society into a democracy
- Tibet teachers receive training
Auto maker Dongfeng Nissan has started a training program for teachers in Tibet as part of its corporate social responsibility campaign. Under the program teachers in Tibet will have opportunities to go to East China to learn advanced teaching theories. The company donated 500,000 yuan to the Tibet local education bureau for the training program. It will also help one local school to build a playground as well as supply textbooks.
&$&$Source:China Daily&$&$ ... オートメーカー東風日産は、企業の社会的責任活動の一環としてチベットの教師のための研修プログラムを開始しました