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    • チベットで人類最後の水力開発を進める中国
      ●110618a india, economic times インドの電力大臣は今年3月に出された環境森林省の省令の取り消し求める prior forest clearance to delay projects further, complains power ministry power ministry has asked environment ministry to withdraw a recent directive that requires projects to secure forest clearances before beginning other work. directive issued in march, power secretary p uma shankar,addition of 17,601 mw generation capacity in the current financial year,50,000 mw in the 11th plan,envisaged 62,000 mw,34,462 mw capacity have been set up during 2007-11,ultra mega power projects of 4,000-mw,coal minister sriprakash jaiswal

    • 文明は水に起源し繁栄は水で終結する
      ●110614a china, chinadigitaltimes.net 中国内陸部の渇水に対してブラマプトラ,メコン,サルウイーンからの分水が紙面に chinese engineers eye tibetan rivers recent droughts along the yangtze have highlighted the long-term uncertainties surrounding projects like the south-north water diversion, as the supposedly plentiful waters of the south failed even without the additional burden of sustaining the north. china dialogue reports,xinjiang from the yarlung zangbo/brahmaputra river in tibet,chinese academy of sciences,qinghai-tibet and yunnan-guizhou plateaus,yarlung zangbo, nu and lancang,between 637 billion cubic metres and 810 billion cubic metres of water out of china,brahmaputra, salween and mekong, five to eight years to build,225 billion yuan [us$34.7 billion] in 1997 terms,380 billion cubic metres of water annually,206 billion cubic metres required each year,zhao nanqi, former cppcc vice-chair,ministry of water resources,“misguided and unscientific”,pumping seawater thousands of kilometres inland to xinjiang from the bohai sea,beyond imagination

    • カエサル将軍の戦勝報告「来た,見た,勝った」
      ●110806a india, financialexpress.com インドが中国との国境,アルンチャルで,10gwアッパーシアン水力の本格調査へ ntpc may develop largest hydel project ntpc,10,000 mw project over the siang river in arunachal pradesh,r1 lakh crore,planning commission,upper siang hydroelectric project,ntpc chairman arup roy choudhury,lohari nagpala project in uttarakhand,over r600 crore,30% of its power generation from non-fossil fuels by 2032,totalling to 1,700 mw capacity,800 mw koldam hydroelectric project in himachal pradesh,lower subansiri

    • 乃木大将は明治天皇に殉死したが
      ●110601a china, en.21cbh.com 中国政府は一般家庭を除く電力需要の電気料金引き上げを決断した china raises commercial power prices to ease outages china will raise prices for electricity used for industrial, commercial and agricultural purposes to curb demand from energy-intensive industries and encourage power generators to increase electricity supplies. by an average rmb 16.7 per megawatt-hour,national development and reform commission,by an average rmb 20 per megawatt-hour on april 10,lin boqiang, director of the china energy research center of xiamen university,shortfall of 30 million kilowatts this summer,,china electricity council (cec)

    • 中国は欧州を入れたG3構築へ走っている
      ●110915a china, economictimes.indiatimes.com 中国チベットの開発計画でインド紙が報道,2015年までに226プロジェクト,469億ドル china to spend $46.89 billion for development of tibet china will invest over $ 46.89 billion on 226 key projects in tibet between 2011 and 2015 to speed up social and economic development of the strategic region, state media said today.hao peng, executive vice chairman of tibet's regional government,$ 90.5 billion will be spent on key infrastructure projects,railway linking tibet's capital city of lhasa with its second largest city xigaze,new highways linking tibet with china's interior regions,zangmu hydropower station,leapfrog development,lasting peace and stability

    • カシミール開発と中国人民軍
      ●110801f pakistan, thehindu.com パキスタンの120億ドル大規模ダム,カシミールのディアマ-バシャ・プロジェクト chinese firm signals interest in pok dam project $12 billion dam project,gilgit-baltistan,civil nuclear energy projects,pakistan-occupied kashmir (pok),sinohydro,diamer-bhasha dam,pakistan federal minister for water and power, syed naveed qamar,pakistan embassy in beijing,gomal zam and darawat projects,chairman huang baodong,pakistan-china joint economic working group (jewg),india,“a pattern of what china was doing”,karakoram highway,railway link from china's western xinjiang through the gilgit-baltistan region,gezhouba hydropower group,neelum jhelum hydropower project,11,000 troops of the chinese people's liberation army,“without prejudice”,kashmir issue

    • 日本国民の安全神話は単なる思い込み
      ●110709a bhutan, theworld.org ブータンの水力の歳入は気候変動で50年後はなくなる可能性 bhutan’s hydropower challenge kingdom of bhutan,himalayas,hydropower,yeshi wangdi, director-general of bhutan’s department of energy,more than 50 %,gross revenue,six times more hydropower than it needs,energy-hunger neighbor, india,climate change,to happen in 50 to 60 years,prime minister jigme thinley,it-enabled knowledge society,thimpu,sonam yanglay, bhutan’s director-general of mines and geology,glaciers retreat,100 feet a year,arun bhakta shrestha, a climate change specialist at the international center for integrated mountain development in kathmandu, nepal,more liquid than solid,karma choepel, water resources coordinator for bhutan’s national environment commission,can building reservoirs,all while racing against time ? and climate change

    • ミャンマー正規軍と武装カチンの戦闘熾烈
      ●110616a myanmar, ens-newswire.com ミャンマーの武装カチン族と正規軍との戦。熾烈 fighting erupts over chinese hydropower dams in burma scores of people have died over the past week and 2,000 refugees have fled to the china border in heavy fighting around large hydropower dams being built in burma's northern kachin state to provide power to china.,sai sai, coordinator of the burma rivers network,kachin independence organization, kio,dapein no. 1 and 2 dams, dapein river, datang company,myanmar electric power enterprise,myitsone, irrawaddy river,ta pein river,hp yin zhang (yingjiang),shweli 1 dam in northern shan state,nong pha dam site on the salween river,burma rivers network,tasang dam site on the salween,ywathit dam site,nay pyi taw,upper paunglaung dam, 140 megawatts,af colenco,president thein sein,kachin, shan, karenni, mon, and karen

    • 中国長江支流金沙江でダム建設が続く
      ●110622b china, canberratimes.com.au 中国が水問題の解決を目指してブラマプトラ,サルウイーン,メコンなどの水 china's thirst could cause problems for others in china, where large areas are chronically short of water and electricity, the mighty rivers that flow from tibet into south and south-east asia are a tempting target. brahmaputra river,india and vietnam,''water tower of asia'',elevation of 4500m,approximately 2.5million square kilometres,about 90 per cent of the water in tibetan rivers,india, bangladesh, pakistan, nepal, burma, laos, thailand, cambodia and vietnam,brahmaputra, salween and mekong

    • 中国はベネズエラの石油を輸入へ
      ●110302a vietnam, eco-business.com 日。環境会議でハイ副首相が日本企業の原子力開発に期待と japan’s green brush to paint eco picture sustainable development, environment protection and green technologies are being championed by japan to address vietnam’s eco challenges., vietnam chamber of commerce and industry, business council for sustainable development, japan economic times, environment technology cooperation between vietnam and japan, deputy prime minister hoang trung hai, japanese investors in building a nuclear power plant in vietnam, japanese ambassador to vietnam tanizaki yasuaki, mizobuchi hiroaki, chief director of new business promotion in sumitomo corporation, phu my 2.2 power plant, thang long industrial park and thang long industrial park ii

    • 中国全人代は温暖化と水質汚染の狭間
      ●110304a china, news.stv.tv 中国の5カ年計画の焦点は温暖化ガスと河川の汚染問題 water, co2 the priorities for china's 5-year plan tackling environmental problems from carbon emissions to water pollution will be a key focus of a new five-year plan that china will launch during its annual parliament session starting on saturday. environment minister zhou shengxian,hydropower capacity set to surge by 140 gigawatts by 2015,by 40-45 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels,renewables to 15 percent,greenpeace,business as usual?,premier wen jiabao,by 16-17 percent over the 2011-2015,yang fuqiang, director of global climate solutions at the worldwide fund for nature,to restrict coal production to 3.6-3.8 billion tons by 2015,dam nation,ma jun of the institute of public and environmental affairs,,lack of transparency,water conservation,large hydropower dams and reservoirs,five-year energy sector pla,china's nu river, also known as the salween,tibet may be next

    • 中国の知的送電網の市場614億ドル
      ●110123achina, internationalrivers.org スーダンで,メロウダムに続き,中国企業が新たな5つのダムプロジェクト推進 new chinese dam project fuels ethnic conflict in sudan dams have impoverished tens of thousands of people and triggered serious human rights violations in sudan. now chinese companies have won contracts to build three more hydropower projects in the country. nile near kajbar,ancient nubia,second darfur conflict,khartoum,five reservoirs,merowe dam,displaced more than 50,000 people,kajbar dam on the nile’s third cataract,reservoir of 110 square kilometers, 20 meters,360 megawatts of electricity,more than 10,000 people,dal dam on the second cataract,height of 25-45 meters,capacity of 340-450 megawatts,displace 5,000-10,000 people

    • 中国が推すインドシナ縦断の高速鉄道構想
      ●110105a thailand, bangkokpost.com タイ政府は,パクバラ深海港の規模縮小に反論,ミャンマー代替 officials call on govt to back deep-sea port senior transport ministry officials are urging the government to press ahead with the pak bara deep-sea port in satun instead of shifting resources to the development of the planned port in the burmese town of dawei. inspector-general chula sukmanop,andaman coast, deep-sea port at dawei,laem chabang port on the eastern seaboard,planned land bridge connecting the south china and andaman seas

    • シン首相は一つの中国に同意せず
      ●101219a pakistan india, economic times パキスタンは温家宝首相に対し1100mwコハラ水力要請 wen jiabao under pressure to okay another pok project during pak tour beijing: chinese premier wen jiabao will have to make an important call concerning china's relationship with india as he goes about meeting pakistani leaders in islamabad on saturday. islamabad is expected to offer the proposed $1.1 billion kohala hydro power project in pakistan-occupied kashmir to a chinese company.,muzaffarabad district of the disputed pok,prime minister sardar attique ahmed khan,700 km long highway,neelum valley,mangla dam in pok by china international and electric co.,china gezhuba water and power company and china machinery export corporation,neelum jhelum hydropower project,sino-indian border issue, the issues regarding china-india-pakistan ties and on the kashmir and the trans-border water issue, and the tibet issue, etc

    • 中国,そんなに急いでどこへ行く
      ●110127a china, tibetanreview.net 中国,チベットと青海省の水力開発に拍車がかかる tibet to be focus of china’s all-out hydropower priority calling the last five years as lost time, china is to go all out in building hydropower projects over the next five years with qinghai and tibet autonomous region (tar) as the primary focus, according to economic observer online from china jan 24. china electricity council,zangmu dam,tar’s lhokha (chinese: shannan) prefecture,completed on nov 12, 2010,12th five-year plan,chinese society of hydroelectric engineering,china power investment corporation general party manager lu qizhou,83 million kilowatts from 63 million kilowatts,pumped-storage hydropower generation,raised to 80 million kilowatts from 50 million kilowatt

    • 菅総理大臣のダボスの憂鬱
      ●110131a mekong, english.vietnamnet.vn メコン河委員会事務局mrc,メコン河下流域一。開発ツールを開発 hydro-power assessment analysis adopted three multilateral agencies have launched an innovative assessment tool that helps identify the most sustainable sites, designs and operation rules for hydro-power development in the lower mekong river basin. rapid basin-wide hydropower sustainable development tool (rsat),asian development bank,mekong river commission (mrc),world wide fund for nature (wwf),marc goichot, senior infrastructure advisor for the wwf greater mekong programme,jeremy bird, chief executive officer of the mrc secretariat,environmental impact assessments and management plans,hydropower sustainability assessment forum,100 hydro-power projects

    • ブータンとバングラデシュの微妙な連携
      ●110113b laos, bloomberg.com ラオスは,韓国の支援を受けて,ビエンチャン株式市場を,11日オープン laos regulator expects companies to raise $8 billion laos, southeast asia’s smallest economy, expects private companies and state-run enterprises to raise at least $8 billion in equity and bond sales in the next five years to fund investments, the market regulator said.stock exchange,world trade organization,vathana dalaloy, the acting secretary general of laos’s securities and exchange commission,$2.9 billion, 42 times less than vietnam and more than 700 times below neighboring china,copper and gold mining, hydropower and tourism,rio tinto group and electricite de france sa,korea’s stock exchange,edl-generation pcl,banque pour le commerce exterieur lao pcl,bcel,$140 million in initial public offerings,7 million people,40 percent of whom are under 15 years old,earn $2.6 per day on average,grow 7.5 percent this year,korea exchange inc. ,10 hydropower plants on the main stream of the mekong river,ratchaburi electricity generating holding pcl

    • エジプト騒乱で中国政府の不安
      ●110130a thailand, bangkok post タイのタクシン系資産管理企業acアセットは,売り上げ100億バーツを目標 sc asset looks to next shinawatra the listed developer sc asset is pursuing a target of 10 billion baht in sales next year by making a number of organisational changes, including bringing the daughter of founder thaksin shinawatra into the company.

    • トルコは原子力で日本狙いか
      ●101115a indonesia, the jakarta post インドネシアのプルタミナの原油生産は2011年日20万バレル pertamina to boost oil production by 5.3 % in 2011 state oil and gas pt pertamina revealed sunday its plan to boost its oil production next year to 200,000 barrels per day (bpd), a 5.26 percent increase from 190,000 bpd in 2010.,gas production from 1,450 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) to be 1,600 mmscfd,22 domestic oil and gas upstream assets,eight overseas oil and gas upstream assets


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