- Fever pitch: Football's just a game... isn't it?
The World Cup's official message is this: football is a vehicle of harmony, uniting all nations in peace under the banner of sport. What if the truth were not so pretty? What if, instead of healing national wounds and bringing people together, the World Cup did the reverse?In a 1945 essay, written after a bruising tour of Britain by Moscow Dynamo, George Orwell argued that a dangerous orgy of patriotism develops when flags are waved, anthems sung and a country elevates its team to the status of national champion. W杯の公式メッセージは、この:サッカーは調和の車両は、平和のスポーツの旗印の下、すべての国を統合されます
- Hong Kong's dubious display of doublethink
Doublethink, George Orwell explained in 1984, is "the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them".
- Give Me Orwell Or Give Me Cyber-Crime
We face a stark choice between a potential Orwellian state and lives ruled by cyber-terrorists and cyber-criminals. This choice stems from living in an Internet-driven, overconnected world. Fortunately, by opting for a potential Orwellian state, we give up very little. 我々は、潜在的なオーウェルの状態や生活サイバーテロやサイバー犯罪者が支配する間厳しい選択に直面している
- To See the Health Costs in Front of One's Nose Is a Constant Struggle
My old friend Matthew Herper says that it’s “facile” of me to point out that the runaway cost of American health care is built upon wasting other people’s money. I’ll borrow my rejoinder from George Orwell, the wisest socialist the world has ever known: that to see what is in front of one’s nose is a constant struggle. 私の古くからの友人マシューHerperは、それは私がアメリカの医療の暴走コストは他の人のお金を無駄に基づいて構築されていることを指摘しての。。u0026quot;安易。。u0026quot;だという