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    スポーツ 関連語 クロアチア ウクライナ ブルガリア ハンガリー マケドニア スロベニア ユーゴスラビア モンテネグロ
    • Survivor of Bosnia's death camps faces demons at trial
      Ahmet Zulic witnessed Serb soldiers ordering Muslim men to dig their own graves before shooting them dead or slashing their throats; he endured incarceration in a Serb-run detention camp where he was savagely beaten and other Bosnian... アフメットZulicが死んでそれらを撮影や喉を削減する前に自分の墓を掘るにセルビアの兵士をイスラム教徒の男性を注文目撃、彼は彼が荒々しく、その他ボスニア殴られたセルビア人経営の収容所に強制収容に耐え...

    • Bosnian parliamentarians could be suspended from Council of Europe
      Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) could be suspended from the Council of Europe unless the government amends the country's constitution and its electoral legislation according to the European Convention on Human Rights, warned Kimmo Sasi, rapporteur of the Council's observation team for BiH, in Sarajevo, Tuesday. According to the Croatian new agency Hina, Sasi and Karin Woldseth, co-member of the team, met with representatives of both house of parliament of BiH to see what progress had been made w ... 政府は、欧州人権条約に基づいて国の憲法と選挙法を改正しない限り、ボスニアヘルツェゴビナは、から(BiH)欧州評議会から、停止する可能性がKimmoサシは、BiHのための協議会の観測チームの報告者、サラエボでは、警告火曜日

    • Croatian PM announces historic meeting with Bosnian officials
      Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, on an official visit to neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), said on Saturday that the outstanding issues between the two countries would be resolved by the end of the month, reported the Croatian news agency Hina. After meeting with two of the three members of the BiH Presidency, Haris Silajdzic and Zeljko Komsic, Kosor announced in Sarajevo that a joint session of the Croatian government and the Council of Ministers of BiH would be convened befor ... クロアチア首相ヤドランカKosorは)ヘルツェゴビナ(BiHのと公式訪問に隣接するボスニア、ひなによると土曜日の間に2つの問題は、未処理の最後に解決がされる国と月代理店、報告クロアチアニュース

    • Ed Vulliamy on Radovan Karadzic's defence at his trial for war crimes
      Ed Vulliamy on Radovan Karadzic's defence at his trial for war crimes during the Bosnian warEd Vulliamy エドVulliamyラドバンカラジッチの防衛上の戦争犯罪の裁判では、ボスニアwarEd Vulliamy中

    • Ex-general to face trial for genocide
      FORMER Bosnian Serb general Zdravko Tolimir is set to go on trial for genocide over the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. 元ボスニアのセルビア人の一般的なズドラフコTolimir大量虐殺で公判中で、1995年のスレブレニツァの虐殺に目を通すように設定されます

    • Karadzic's trial resumes today
      Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic is expected to begin outlining his defence when his genocide trial at The Hague resumes today. Karadzic was appointed a lawyer to represent him after he conducted his own defence and... 元ボスニアのセルビア人勢力指導者ラドバンカラジッチ弁護アウトラインときにオランダのハーグで彼の虐殺裁判今日の再開を開始する予定です

    • Video: Radovan Karadzic denies war crimes at trial
      In opening statement to war crimes trial, former Bosnian Serb leader denies responsibility for some of Europe's worst atrocities since second world war 声明に戦争犯罪裁判、元ボスニアのセルビア人勢力指導者オープニングでは第二次世界大戦以来、いくつかのヨーロッパで最悪の残虐行為の責任を否定

    • Guardian Daily: Lord Ashcroft confirms 'non-dom' status; plus Karadzic's defence
      Lord Ashcroft, the Conservative party's deputy chairman has confirmed for the first time that he is non-domiciled in the UK for tax reasons. We hear from Nicholas Watt in Westminster whether the admission will damage the Tories.Russia finished a disappointing 11th in the medals table at this year's Winter Olympics. The recriminations are just beginning in Moscow, says Luke Harding.Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has opened his defence at a war crimes tribunal in The Hague. The Observer's Ed Vulliamy, who revealed the presence of the Bosnian concentration camps in 1992, says it is the victims we should be remembering. From today, Microsoft Windows users in Europe will be offered a choice of internet browsers after an anti-trust settlement with the European commission. Our technology editor, Charles Arthur, explains what it means for consumers.Riazat ButtPhil MaynardTim Maby 主アシュクロフト司法長官は、保守党の副会長は、最初の時は、彼以外は、英国の税務上の理由から定住を認識しています

    • Bosnian family members seek genocide charges against Dutch soldiers
      Relatives of the Bosnian Muslim victims of the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 launched legal proceedings of genocide and war crimes against three Dutch military officials on Tuesday, reported the Bosnian news agency Srna. Relatives of the victims have submitted the charges against Commander Thom Karremans, his deputy Robert Franken and second in command Berend Oosterveen in the Arnhem court in Holland. Srebrenica was a United Nations designated enclave under the protection of a Dutch ... 親類は、1995年スレブレニツァの虐殺でのボスニアのイスラム教徒の犠牲者の、火曜日の担当者に対して3つのオランダ軍の戦争手続の大量虐殺や法的開始犯罪被害者多数周期です

    • Mladic is dead, family tells tribunal
      The family of the Bosnian Serb war-time commander Ratko Mladic is seeking to bring the search for the genocide suspect to an end by having him declared legally dead.In a move that they said they hoped would draw a line under seven... ボスニアのセルビア人戦時司令官ムラジッチの家族が虐殺の検索を持ってシークされます最後に彼は合法的に動きを、彼らは7つの下に線を引くことを望んでいる... dead.In宣言することによって容疑者

    • Turkey, Bosnia, Serbia start trilateral summit
      Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia started a trilateral summit in Ciragan Palace, Istanbul on Saturday. Turkish President Abdullah Gul, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Haris Silajdzic and Serbian President Boris Tadic attended the summit. In a statement, the Turkish Presidency underlined that Turkey paid high attention to permanent peace and stability in the Balkans. During the Summit, leaders will discuss new steps to be taken for regional peace and stabilit ... トルコ、ボスニアヘルツェゴビナ、セルビアは土曜日、イスタンブールの宮。開始3カ国首脳会談をCiraganインチタディッチトルコ大統領のギュルは、ボリス会長の大統領大統領のボスニアヘルツェゴビナハリスSilajdzic、セルビア首脳会談に出席した

    • Letters: We must protect women in Congo
      The mass rape of women in Congo (Report, 25 August) illustrates the difficulty the UN faces in trying to fulfil its mandate to prioritise the protection of civilians. Civilians now account for 70% of casualties in wars and most are women and children. Sexual violence against women and girls has been part of conflicts from Rwanda and Bosnia, to Sierra Leone, Haiti, Congo and Afghanistan. In Congo a few months ago, I spoke to women who had, in effect, been used as weapons of war and who had endured horrific forms of violence. While I am haunted by memories of their suffering, I remain inspired by the courage and tenacity they show. That is why the promise of UN resolution 1325 on ending violence against women in conflict has to be fulfilled and there must be concerted international action to increase awareness of the importance of engaging with women in conflict prevention and resolution.I therefore urge the coalition government to take these matters as seriously as Labour and Gordon Brown did when, for instance, he appointed me earlier this year as Foreign Office minister with cross-departmental responsibility for bringing coherence and direction to our work on these issues. My role was to ensure that our work was co-ordinated and strategic, so the UK was better able to support the efforts of the UN secretary general's new special representative, Margot Wallstrom.So far the government has been silent on the matter and in spite of repeated questioning has not put forward the name of the minister who would undertake these vital tasks of ensuring that foreign policy, development and military assistance work together to ensure that international law as it applies to women and girls is respected.Glenys Kinnock Lab, House of Lords Democratic Republic of the CongoRapeUnited Nat コンゴで女性の大量レイプは(レポート、25年8月)難易度を示して、国連の任務を民間人の保護を優先する履行しようとしての顔

    • Bosnian police find girl who tossed puppies into river
      Bosnian police on Friday said they had tracked down a Bosnian girl who sparked worldwide outrage when she was seen on video throwing half a dozen puppies into a river.The girl who appeared to be in her teens lives in the central town of Bugojno, police spokesman Sefir Barucija was quoted by SRNA news agency as saying, but officers did not plan to reveal her identity publicly.Under Bosnian law a person who kills or tortures animals is punishable only with fines ranging from 15 to 5,000 euros (19 to 6,400 dollars). 金曜日にボスニア警察は彼女がビデオブゴイノの中心街で10代の生活の中で、警察のスポークスマンに見えたriver.The女の子に半ダースもの子犬を投げで見ていたときには、世界中の怒りに火ボスニアの少女を追跡していたというSefir Barucijaが多数周期の報道機関での発言として引用されたが、役員はボスニア法殺すや動物を拷問人の身元のpublicly.Underを明らかにするつもりはありませんでした罰金5000ユーロ(19 6,400ドル)は15に至るまでだけで処罰されます

    • Preliminary result of Bosnian elections released
      According to preliminary results released by Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) at 11:00 p.m. (2100 GMT) Sunday, three candidates leading in election for the tripartite presidency are Bakir Izetbegovic ( Bosniak party of Democratic Action), Zeljko Komsic(Social Democratic party) and Nebojsa Radmanovic (Alliance of Independent Social Democrats). Izetbegovic is leading with 33.49 percent of Bosniak votes, only 2 percentage more than political outsider Fahrudin Radoncic, ... 午後11時(2100 GMT)の日曜日、三大統領選挙で主要三候補はBakir Izetbegovic(民主主義的行動のボスニアのムスリム人パーティー)、ジェリコKomsic(さでボスニアヘルツェゴビナ(BiH)中央選挙管理委員会が発表した暫定結果によると、社会民主党)とNebojsaラドマノビッチは、(民主党社会同盟の独立)

    • Elections kick off in Bosnia and Herzegovina
      Voters went to polls on Sunday for general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Over 5,200 polling stations opened at 7 a.m. (0500 GMT) and would close at 7 p.m. (1700 GMT). First results for the presidency were expected by midnight, while other preliminary results by Monday morning. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 有権者は、ボスニアヘルツェゴビナ、ボスニアの選挙一般的な日曜日に行ったにポーリングします

    • Bosnian prosecution begins investigation on war crimes against Serbs
      The Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) prosecution has begun an investigation on war crimes committed in 1992 against the Serb civilians in the territory of Jajce, a town in central BiH, the Bosnian daily newspaper Glas Srpske reported on Monday. According to the Banja Luka-based paper, the suspects are seven members of the Army of Republic of BiH, the Croatian Defense Council and the Croatian Defense Forces. The paper reported that at the time the suspects belonged to the Krajisnici unit, headquart ... ボスニアヘルツェゴビナは、から(BiH)検察は29日にSrpske報告グラスが始まって、新聞の調査を毎日中央BiHの町、ヤイツェ戦争の領土の犯罪者1992年に対するセルビア人の民間人のボスニア

    • Former Bosnian vice president arrested in London
      Former Bosnian President Ejup Ganic, who had been wanted by Serbia, was arrested in London on Monday and appeared at a magistrates' court later on the day. &$ &$Former Bosnian president Ejup Ganic, pictured in 1993 was arrested at London's Heathrow airport on Monday, on an extradition warrant from Serbia for killing soldiers in breach of the Geneva Convention, police said. (Xinhua/AFP Photo)&$&$ Officers from ... 元ボスニアヘルツェゴビナ代表取締役社長Ejup Ganic人セルビアで手配されていたが、ロンドンは21日、逮捕され、その日は治安判事裁判所へ出頭

    • UN court rejects Karadzic postponement appeal
      A top UN war crimes tribunal on Thursday turned down an appeal by former Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadzic to have his genocide case postponed.The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia's appeals chamber, strongly backed the trial court which had warned it will carry on with hearings even if Karadzic resumes a boycott.He refused to attend the first three days of the hearings saying he had not been given enough time to prepare. 木曜日のトップ、国連の戦争犯罪法廷は、旧ユーゴスラビアの控。室の彼の虐殺事件postponed.The国際刑事裁判所を持って、強くそれが実行されます警告していた第一審裁判所を支持して元ボスニアのセルビア人戦時指導者ラドバンカラジッチの控訴を棄。公聴会もカラジッチはboycott.Heを再開ヒアリング、彼は十分な時間を準備するが与えられていなかったというのが最初の3日間の出席を拒否した

    • Letter: Basil Davidson obituary
      Michael Barratt Brown writes: I first met Basil Davidson (obituary, 10 July) in Cairo in 1943, and established a lifelong friendship with him and his wife Marion. Basil was head of the Yugoslav section of the Special Operations Executive (SOE), and I was working for the Middle East Relief Administration, later the UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.Basil was dropped into occupied Yugoslavia, and when he came out of the territory of Vojvodina in 1944, I invited him to speak to our group of relief workers, based in Italy and preparing to go into Yugoslavia as and when the Germans retreated. What this tall man in immaculate battle dress and enormous boots had to tell us was of great importance. The food and medical supplies we were to take to the starving areas of Bosnia and Croatia were desperately needed, but we should recognise that the local authorities established by the partisans would be perfectly capable of ensuring their distribution in the fairest possible manner. As a result of this talk, some of the Americans present, who had expected to be in charge of relief distribution, returned to the US.Long after the event, Basil told me of something he had organised before he went to Yugoslavia. This was the recruitment into SOE of a number of Canadian communist sympathisers who were of Yugoslav origin and spoke the languages. Basil was able to organise this because he met Vlado Dedijer, a partisan colonel, who had been evacuated to a British hospital, and had a brother, Stefan, living in the US.The British and Soviet intelligence services had an agreement to exchange information during the war, so Basil was able to find the names of Canadians of military age who were Communist party members. He communicated these to Stefan, who smuggled himself マイケルバラットブラウン氏は書いている:私が最初にバジルデビッドソン(死亡、10月)カイロで1943年に、彼と彼の妻マリオンと生涯の友情を確立会った

    • Re-repairing Bosnia after Dayton | Morton Abramowitz and James Hooper
      Europe must end its diplomatic indifference to Bosnia's need for reform if it is to prevent a breakdown in the fragile status quoBosnia's future is becoming increasingly uncertain. An ethnic veto has long made the central government ineffective and, most recently, Milorad Dodik, the leader of the Serb-controlled entity Republika Srpska, has responded to efforts at reform with a threat to hold a referendum on independence.Many consider secession unlikely, but Dodik's threat does heighten fears that today's fragile status quo could break down. While nobody expects the mass violence of the 1990s to recur, that does not justify diplomatic indifference and inaction.The Dayton Accords of 1995 ended Serb-instigated ethnic cleansing and established peace in Bosnia. But that agreement did not create a functional Bosnian central government with the capacity to undertake the reforms needed to meet the terms of accession to the European Union.To appease Bosnian Serbs led by Slobodan Milosevic (who died while on trial for war crimes), Radovan Karadzic (who remains on trial for war crimes) and Ratko Mladic (who was indicted for war crimes and is still on the run in Serbia), the west accepted the territorial division of Bosnia at the end of the war. This acceptance was manifested in a constitutional structure that gave the Bosnian Serb region quasi-independence and the power to obstruct the emergence of an effective central government in Sarajevo.The EU, having helped rescue Bosnia from its past by mortgaging its future, seems in no hurry to change the country's purgatory-like status. European leaders have allowed their most useful tool for preserving the peace and leveraging change – the once-respected office of the high representative – to be diminished to the point that many Bosnia それは、脆弱な状態quoBosniaの将来への破壊を防ぐために、ヨーロッパ改革のための、ボスニアの必要とする外交の無関心を終了する必要がますます不透明になっている

    • Karadzic: Cause 'just and holy', Muslims to blame
      THE HAGUE, Netherlands - Wartime Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic told judges overnight he was not the barbarian depicted by UN prosecutors, but was protecting his people against a fundamentalist Muslim plot.During a four-hour... ハーグ、オランダ - 戦時中のボスニアのセルビア人勢力指導者ラドバンカラジッチ被告は一晩、彼は野蛮な国連検察が描かれていないが、裁判官と語っただったが、イスラム原理主義に対する時間... 4 plot.During彼の人々を保護する


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