- 50,000 people gather to commemorate victims of Srebrenica massacre
An estimated 50,000 people attended the 15th anniversary of the massacre in Srebrenica, during which the remains of 775 identified victims were buried on Sunday at the Potocari Memorial Center, just outside the town of Srebrenica, reported Radio Sarajevo.
The worst massacre in Europe since World War II began on July 11, 1995, when Bosnian Serb forces overran the UN designated safe haven of Srebrenica, occupied by Bosnian Muslims. Approximately 8, 000 men and boys were killed in the af ... 推定5万人が、町のスレブレニツァ残っている時にスレブレニツァ、775の識別された犠牲者埋。外だけで2009年ポトチャリメモリアルセンター出。虐。周年を15日にサラエボを報告ラジオ
- Bosnian police make mass arrest of organized crime suspects
Bosnian police forces, in a combined country-wide action directed at organized crime, arrested 48 people and seized a large quantity of drugs and weapons on Thursday, reported the Bosnian Serb news agency Srna.
The operation had been prepared for months and was part of an ongoing campaign to battle international criminal activities. Stanislav Cado, the minister of interior for Republika Srpska, a Serb-dominated entity, said at a press conference in Doboj that a number of police offici ... ボスニア警察は、犯罪の組み合わせの国全体の組織での行動監督人を逮捕48、木曜日と武器に薬を大量に押収したは、sRNAを報告ボスニアのセルビア人報道機関
- Sunday's Elections Seen as Crucial for Future of Bosnia
American, European leaders say they hope Bosnia's voters choose politicians who will launch reforms to keep fractured nation united アメリカは、欧州の指導者たちは、ボスニアの有権者は改革が団結骨折国を保つために起動されます政治家を選択してほしいと言う
- Bosnia Votes for Future of Divided Nation
Bosnia's more than three million voters to decide the future of their former Yugoslav republic ボスニアの300万人以上の有権者が旧ユーゴスラビア共和国の将来を決定する
- Karadzic War Crimes Trial Hears First Witness
Bosnian Muslim testifies that his bedridden father-in-law was burned to death by Serb forces in northwestern village in May 1992 ボスニアのイスラム教徒は、彼の寝たきりの義理の父は、死に北西の村にセルビア軍による1992年5月焼かれた証言
- British Court Frees Former Bosnian Muslim President
Former Bosnian Muslim wartime leader Ejup Ganic now is able to go home to Bosnia 元ボスニアのイスラム教徒戦時のリーダーEjup由来する要因は今の家ボスニアに行くことができます
- Bosnian President Says Serbia's Extradition Request Damaging Relationship
Former Bosnian President Ejup Ganic arrested in London following request last week, released on bail Thursday 元ボスニアヘルツェゴビナ代表取締役社長Ejup Ganicロンドンの要求を、先週木曜日に保釈次の逮捕
- Bosnia and Herzegovina Makes Critical Step Toward NATO
NATO grants its Membership Action Plan, to Bosnia and Herzegovina, final step before full membership in alliance NATOはボスニアヘルツェゴビナ、同盟の正式加盟前の最終ステップへの会員の行動計画を許可
- 2 Bosnian Serbs Get Life Prison Terms for Srebrenica Massacre
UN war crimes tribunal describes chief defendants as high-ranking security officers with Bosnian Serb army 国連の戦争犯罪法廷はボスニアのセルビア人の軍と高位の警備員長として被告を説明する
- German Music Festival Death Toll Climbs to 21
Victims include music fans from Bosnia and China; more than 500 injured in stampede 被害者は、ボスニアと中国からの音楽ファンを、含まれて500以上の下敷きになって負傷
- Clinton Backs Unity, European Integration for Bosnia-Herzegovina
Secretary of State says US would oppose any move to break up Bosnia-Herzegovina 国務長官は米国のボスニアを分割する任意の移動ヘルツェゴビナに反対する意見
- Bosnia Arrests Suspect in Srebrenica Massacre
Authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina say they arrested a former Bosnian Serb police officer for his suspected role in 1995 massacre ボスニアヘルツェゴビナ当局は、彼らが1995年に彼の疑いがあるロールの大虐殺を元ボスニアのセルビア人の警察官を逮捕したと言う
- Serbian Police Arrest Bosnian War Crimes Suspect
Darko Jankovic wanted in connection with killings of at least 19 civilians near the eastern Bosnian town of Zvornik ダルコヤンコビッチズボルニクの東部ボスニアの町の近くで、少なくとも19の民間人の殺害に関連していた
- Serbia Requests Ganic's Extradition from Britain
The Bosnian Muslim leader is accused of taking part in a 1992 ambush on a Yugoslav army convoy killing at least 18 ボスニアのイスラム教徒の指導者にはユーゴスラビア軍の船団は、少なくとも18人が死亡で1992年の待ち伏せ攻撃に参加して罪に問われ
- 英語でギネス記録5:氷上走行の最高速度
rally driver juha kankkunen (finland)
hit speeds of 321.65 km/h (199.86 mph),
the fastest speed for a car on ice, on
the frozen gulf of bothnia in kuivaniemi,
finland, on this day in 2007.