- 115億とか40億とか
でしょ In case of snow, right gather in the driveway between the sidewalk and plow the snow off the driveway
- 長い一週間でした。
除雪する前に踏み固められてしまうんですよね I have some that snowplow, a busy street I pass it I knew I would have been consolidated before the snow tread
- てろって…ろじゃない!
運よく駐車場半分ぐらい除雪されてたけど、その前に止めたらしい車はすごい前に出てたっけ Iu0026#39;ve been half snow luckily parking the car in front of止Metarashii What were some amazing before
- おめでとうございます
雪が積もって除雪車が来てくれるのはうれしいけど、除雪の後の地面がツルツルになってかなり滑りやすくなる時があるからおっかないんですよね For him to plow the snow is piled up, but happy, is not it scary because I have become quite slippery when is the ground after the snow coot