- Cote d'Ivoire's Gbagbo orders asset seizure from regional bank: report
Cote d'Ivoire's incumbent leader Laurent Gbagbo has ordered the seizure of the country's assets from the West African central bank, media reports said Wednesday.
According to the report, Gbagbo's finance minister Desire Dallo has announced on state television on Tuesday evening that all offices and employees of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) were being requisitioned by Cote d'Ivoire's government and would answer to local officials instead of their regional director in Senegal ... コートジボワールIvoire。。u0026#39;s現職指導者ローランGbagboは、西アフリカの中央銀行から国の資産の差し押さえを命じたときは、メディアの報道が水曜日に言いました
- France to shut down military bases in Senegal
France announced on Friday that it will shut down its military bases in Senegal, but will retain a defense cooperation unit in the capital city Dakar.
French Defense Minister Herve Morin discussed the issue with Senegalese authorities during a brief visit to the African country on Friday, according to defense ministry sources.
While the timetable for the withdrawal of France's bases and the issue of French troop levels after the pullout are still under discussion, an agreement will be reac ... フランスが14日にはセネガルの米軍基地がシャットダウンされますが、発表の首都ダカールで、フランスの国防相はエルベモランは、アフリカの国に簡単に訪問中の金曜日にセネガルの当局との問題を議論防衛協力のための単位を保持し、防衛省筋によると
- Ivory Coast's Ouattara Seeks Close Ties with Senegal
Senegalese president says Ouattara's visit marks beginning of increased cooperation between the two nations セネガルの大統領が言う両国の間に増加した協力の始まりOuattaraの訪問マーク
- SENEGAL: Controversial independence monument unveiled amid pomp and protests
Senegal inaugurated a colossal multi-million dollar statue marking 50 years of independence at a lavish ceremony Saturday amid mass protests by opposition groups calling for President Abdoulaye Wade’s resignation. セネガルは巨大な数百万ドルの像を盛大な式典で土曜日野党グループワッド大統領の辞任を呼び出すことによって、大量の抗議の中で独立50周年をマーキング発足
- Quake victims land in Senegal
Senegal is one of the poorest countries in the world and its GDP is only marginally higher than Haiti's, but that hasn't stopped the Government from going ahead with a plan to offer a new home to 163 victims of Haiti's catastrophic... セネガルは、世界で最も貧しい国の一つであり、そのGDPはわずかハイチのより高いですが、それは、ハイチの致命的なの163被害者に新しい家を提供する計画を進めてから政府を停止されていない...
- Senegal takes back French military bases
Senegal marked 50 years of independence Sunday by exerting its sovereignty with an announcement it was taking back French military bases, a symbolic move to be cemented after talks with its former colonial ruler.Senegalese troops are to be joined however by a French contingent on a march through the capital as part of festivities for its independence celebrations, attended by France's Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux. セネガルが20日、フランスの軍事基地を引取りされた発表で主権を行使の独立50周年をマーク、象徴的な動きは、その植民地ruler.Senegalese軍との会談後にはフランスの行進に偶発的に結合する硬さ独立のお祝い行事の一環資本を通じて、フランスの内務大臣ブリスオルトフーが出席した
- Senegal to donate 10,000 tons of cereals to Niger
Senegal will donate 10,000 tons of cereals to Niger to help it cope with famine that is affecting almost half of its 11 million population.
The announcement was made on Thursday on state television by the minister in charge of humanitarian affairs, Lamine Ba, after a coordination meeting with humanitarian organizations.
According to Senegal's Agriculture Minister Fatou Gaye Sarr, suppliers have already been asked to deliver 10,000 tons of cereals to Niger through humanitarian organizations ... セネガルは人口100万の11の半分を寄付するほとんど影響を与えず10,000飢饉トンに対処するためにするためのシリアル、ニジェール
- 3 killed in Senegalese army clash with separatists
The Senegalese army clashed with separatists in the southern Casamance region on Saturday, leaving three soldiers dead and several others wounded, according to the military.
The slain soldiers added to the toll reported in late December, when the military said seven soldiers were killed in Casamance with rebels suspected to be members of the separatist Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC).
The MFDC has been waging armed struggle against the Senegalese government over i ... セネガル軍は、3人の兵士および他のいくつかの死者負傷者を残して、土曜日に南部カザマンス川地域の分離独立と衝。軍によると
- Online chat: Enterprise creation in Africa
Marieme Jamme, philanthropist and entrepreneur, and David Otieno, from the organisation Africa Now, will be live online on the Katine Chronicles blog at 11am (GMT) on Monday, 26 April, to answer your questions and debate whether business is the way out of poverty in Africa. Post a questionSupport for private enterprise and entrepreneurship is beginning to transform the lives of some of the poorest people across Africa.NGOs and development organisations are recognising the power business has to break the cycle of poverty, not only for individuals but also for whole communities.In Katine, the sub-county in north-east Uganda that the Guardian is supporting, the creation of village savings and loans associations and farmers' groups, instigated by the NGO Amref, is offering new opportunities.But will small-scale projects and short-term support bring lasting change? What support do people need? And how can long-term prosperity be achieved?At 11am (GMT) on Monday, 26 April, the philanthropist and entrepreneur Marieme Jamme and David Otieno, a country representative in Kenya for the international development organisation Africa Now, will be live online to answer your questions on how enterprise is changing Africa and what the future could hold.Jamme was born in Senegal, west Africa, and is a London-based philanthropist, international speaker and social entrepreneur. She is CEO of SpotOne Global Solutions, a company that connects IT organisations in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. She is the founder of iConscience.co.uk, a thinktank that brings together business experts to debate sustainable business, social, environmental and technological ideas in Africa. She also co-founded Africa Gathering, a platform to discuss ideas and projects for Africa. Africa Gathering event Mariemeヤメは、慈善家、起業家、デビッドオティエノ、組織アフリカ今から、Katineクロニクル11時(GMT)から2009年26 4月のブログでライブオンラインご質問や議論をするかどうかのビジネスのうちの方法です答えになるだろうアフリカの貧困
- Ethiopian president holds talks with Senegalese foreign affairs minister
The Ethiopian President Girma Woldegiorgis held discussion with Senegalese Foreign Affairs Minister Madicke Niang at the National Palace here on Monday. The Senegalese foreign minister is paying visit upon invitation by Ethiopia's Foreign Affairs Minister Seyoum Mesfin.
The purpose of the visit is to assess the signed agreements between the two countries at Dakar, Senegal when Mesfin paid a visit to that country in 2006.
The Senegalese minister briefed about the potential cooperation areas ... エチオピア大統領ギルマWoldegiorgisは国立故宮博物ここで月曜日にセネガルの外務大臣Madickeニアンとの議論を行った
- W.African states 'will oust Gbagbo if talks fail'
West African regional military chiefs have set in motion plans to oust Ivory Coast strongman Laurent Gbagbo if negotiations fail, a Nigerian defence spokesman said Friday.The decision was reached at a meeting in Abuja of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) attended by military chiefs from Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Niger and Nigeria. 西アフリカ地域の軍事参謀本部は、交渉が失敗した場合にコートジボワールの有力ローランGbagboを失脚させるための動きの計画に設定されている、台湾の防衛の広報担当者はFriday.Theの決定は、西アフリカ諸国経済共同体のアブジャ(ECOWASの)の会議で到達したと述べたが出席ベナン、ブルキナファソ、ガーナ、リベリア、マリ、セネガル、トーゴ、ニジェール、ナイジェリアからの軍事責任者
- 12月20日は何の日
▲人間の連帯国際デー(international human solidarity day)
- Great Wall Motor makes rapid strides
Great Wall Motor Co Ltd, China's privately-owned automaker, is expanding its global footprint by setting up five new assembling plants and increasing shipments in the next few years.
The company plans to establish assembly lines in the Philippines, Senegal, Bulgaria, Venezuela and Malaysia with local partners by the end of 2012, Wei Jianjun, chairman of Great Wall, said on Monday.
The five plants will have a capacity of over 100,000 units per year, he said.
Wei told China Daily that Gre ... 万里の長城自動車有限公司は、中国の民間自動車メーカー、年数内の次の出荷が増加し、設定により最大5つの新たな組立工場面積です拡大、グローバルな会社はフィリピンの組立ラインを確立する計画には、セネガル、ブルガリア、ベネズエラ、マレーシアは壁の大会長パートナー、地元の末、2012年建、魏、明らかにした
- Boy, 13, charged with murder of asylum seeker
Schoolboy remanded in secure unit over death of Alioune 'Papa Mbaye' Cisse from SenegalA 13-year-old schoolboy was remanded to a secure council unit today charged with the murder of an asylum seeker.Standing next to a probation officer in the dock at Newcastle-upon-Tyne magistrates court, the boy spoke only to confirm his name, address and date of birth. He cannot be named for legal reasons.He was charged with murdering Alioune Cisse, 30, who was found unconscious in Hugh Gardens in the inner-city area of Benwell, Newcastle, in February this year. Cisse died three days later of brain injuries, at Newcastle general hospital.District judge Stephen Earl directed that the boy should return to the magistrates' court next Tuesday. Two boys aged 17 and 15 have previously been charged with the murder and are remanded in custody.Cisse, also known as Papa Mbaye, arrived in Tyneside from Senegal shortly before Christmas. His application for asylum was being assessed at the time of his death.CrimeImmigration and asylumSenegalMartin Wainwrightguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
- DR Congo gets new MONUSCO commander
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon named Indian lieutenant-general Chander Prakash as the new commander of the UN Mission for Stabilization of DR Congo (MONUSCO) , a UN source in Kinshasa told Xinhua on Sunday.
Prakash takes over duty from Babacar Gaye from Senegal, whose mandate in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) ends this month.
Until his appointment, Prakash was in charge of the UN peacekeeping mission in India's Defense Ministry.
Prakash, 57, is a father of two children.
... 国連事務総長潘基文は、セネガルの上の義務からBabacarゲイからMONUSCOコンゴ民主共和国(のミッションのための安定化、国連の名前インド陸軍総長チャンダー新しい指揮官としてプラカシュかかります
- How water raises the political temperature between countries
Water wars haven't started yet, but shortages certainly cause tensions between states to riseFifteen years ago Ismail Serageldin, an Egyptian who was vice-president of the World Bank, shook politicians by predicting that the wars of the 21st century would be fought not over oil or land, but water.So far he has been proved wrong, but escalating demand for water to grow food and provide drinking water for burgeoning urban populations has raised political tensions between many countries.In Asia, there are disagreements over the right to dam shared rivers. India and Pakistan are in semi-permanent dispute over hydro-power on the river Indus. China, Nepal, India and Bangladesh all spar over the rivers rising in the Himalayas and which flow through neighbouring countries, providing water for nearly 500 million people on the way.Tensions run high between Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan over the Amu Daria and Syr Daria rivers, as well as the severely depleted Aral Sea. Argentina and Uruguay have taken their dispute over the river Plate to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, while Mexico and the US argue over rights on the Rio Grande and Colorado.Last month, Baghdad demanded that Syria cease pumping water from the Iraqi portion of the Tigris. Elsewhere in the Middle East, Palestine and Israel, and Iraq and Iran, row over water supplies from the Shatt al-Arab waterway and Turkey's dams.In Africa, the Chobe, a tributary of the Zambezi, has caused tension between Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, while there have been incidents between Mauritania and Senegal over control of the Senegal. Shares of the Niger, Volta and Zambezi are all disputed.According to the UN, there are more than 250 internationally shared rivers covering nearly half the tot 水戦争はまだ開始されているが、不足は確かにマイルイスメル、誰世界銀行の副社長であり、エジプト年前riseFifteenに、21世紀の戦争はしないで争われるだろうと予測して政治家を横に振った状態間の緊張を引き起こす石油や土地、しかしwater.Soはるかに彼は間違って、しかし、証明されている水のエスカレートの需要は、食品を成長し、都市人口の急成長のための飲料水を提供する多くcountries.In Asia間の政治的緊張が高まっている、そこにダムを右をめぐっては共有河川
- Prof Awa Marie Coll-Seck, from the Roll Back Malaria partnership, live online
Prof Awa Marie Coll-Seck, executive director of the Roll Back Malaria partnership, will be live online on the Katine Chronicles blog at 1pm (GMT) on Thursday, 4 March, to answer your questions about the fight against the diseaseMillions of dollars are being spent on fighting malaria. But are we any closer to eradicating the disease? And how well are we doing in combating malaria in Africa, which has some of the highest infection and mortality rates in the world?Ahead of World Malaria Day next month, Prof Awa Marie Coll-Seck, executive director of the Roll Back Malaria partnership, will be live online on the Katine Chronicles blog at 1pm (GMT) on Thursday, 4 March, to answer your questions about the fight against the disease.The Roll Back Malaria campaign was launched in 1998 by the World Health Organisation, Unicef, the United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank to promote a coordinated fight against the disease, which accounts for 85% of deaths in children under five.The goal of the partnership is to halve the world's malaria burden by the end of this year. According to the partnership, there are around 247 million cases of malaria each year – 212 million of them occur in Africa. Globally, the disease kills around 881,000 people a year – 801,0000 in Africa.Uganda has the third highest number of deaths from malaria in the world. In Katine, the African Medical and Research Foundation (Amref) has been distributing insecticide treated bednets to families in a bid to prevent infection, but access to the right drugs for treatment is a problem.Coll-Seck is a professor of infectious diseases and an expert in public health and tropical medicine. Before moving to the RBM partnership, she was health minister in Senegal between 2001 and 2003. She has also been presi されている教。阿波マリー高専、セックは、ロールバックマラリアパートナーシップのエグゼクティブディレクター、Katineクロニクル午後1時(GMT)から3月4日(木曜日)、上のドルのdiseaseMillionsとの闘いについてのご質問にお答えするためにブログに住んでオンラインになりますマラリアとの戦いに費やした
- Gwynne Dyer : Hard not to be cynical over Senegal invitation
Is it megalomania or just a political stunt? Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade may not even know the answer himself, but his offer to let quake-stricken Haitians resettle in his West African country certainly qualifies as the most... 誇大妄想あるいは単に政治的な離れ業ですか?セネガルのワッド大統領も、自分自身答えがわからない場合があります彼の提供する地震の彼の西アフリカの国では確かに多くの資格ハイチ定。襲わせて...
- Senegal doubles aid to Haiti
Senegal has decided to double its aid to Haiti from 500,000 U. S. dollars to one million dollars, the government announced on Monday after consultations on the situation in the island state struck by a violent earthquake.
Senegal has also decided to organize a Telethon and an Africa vision broadcast across big television channels on the continent with a view of mobilizing resources for Haiti, Minister of Mines Ousmane Ngom said.
The minister made the announcement in a summary report of a m ... セネガル500000ドルから1万ドルにハイチへの援助を倍増することを決定し、政府は28日、島の状態で状況を協議した