Habre Said to Know of Prison Deaths Former Chadian President Hissene Habre has been under house arrest in Senegal since 2000 元チャド大統領イッセンハブレセネガルで自宅軟禁下に2000年以来されている
Senegal Worried About Growing 'Brain Drain' IOM says Senegal is losing some of brightest, most highly skilled people as more professionals seek work abroad IOMはより専門家が仕事を海外を求めるようにセネガルは、最も高度な技術を人々の一部を明るいの失っているという
Senegal Says it is Taking Back French Military Bases President Wade's announcement came in speech to nation as Senegal marked 50 years of independence from France on Sunday セネガルは日曜日にフランスからの独立50周年をマーク大統領ウェイドの発表は、国民に向けた演説の中で来た
Senegalese Debate Whether President Too Old For Third Term Senegal President’s critics insist his decision whether to run for re-election in 2012 is tied to his son’s political future セネガル大統領の批判かどうかを再選挙2012年に実行するために彼の決断は、彼の息子の政治的将来に結びついていると主張