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    飲食 関連語 メキシコシティ MAJOR メキシコ湾
    • Timeline for Gulf of Mexico oil-spill disaster
      APRIL 20 Explosion on BP's Deepwater Horizon rig off the Louisiana coast: 11 workers killed. Two days later the rig sinks creating a 8km slick. A week later the US Coast Guard estimates 5000 barrels a day leaking. MAY 2 US... ルイジアナ沖BP社のディープウォーターホライゾンリグに4月20日爆発が:11労働者が死亡した

    • Mexico says 10% of farmland in flood-hit state totally destroyed
      About 27,000 hectares of farmland were totally destroyed in Mexican Gulf Coast state Veracruz, which was hit by Hurricane Karl last month, Mexico's Agriculture Ministry (SAGARPA) said Tuesday. It accounts for 10 percent of the total farmland in the state. SAGARPA said in a statement that it had started to pay compensation funds to affected farmers under an insurance policy that covered 719,000 hectares of cropland grown with corn, sorghum, soy, coffee, citrus fruits, banana and sug ... ヘクタールの農地は約2万7千月された最後のカールしたヒットでハリケーン完全にベラクルス州の海岸、メキシコ。破壊では、メキシコの農業省は(SAGARPA)を明らかにした

    • Magnitude-7.2 quake rocks U.S.-Mexico border, 2 people killed (2)
      According to Mexico's Director of Civil Protection Alfredo Escobedo, some 100 people were injured in Mexicali, a city of 900,000 people. Meanwhile, electricity and telephone communications were disrupted in part of Mexicali, and emergency departments were resorting to radio communication in their after-quake work. Reporters with the local media told Xinhua that the walls and windows of some buildings in the Old City area of the city were damaged. The facade of a hardest-hit building almost ... 、エスコベドによると、メキシコアルフレードのディレクターの国民保護100人余りの人々 90万の人が怪我の都市で、メヒカリ一方、電気、電話通信が中断されたメヒカリの一部に、緊急の部門は、通信、無線にした頼る地震での後仕事が

    • Cancún climate change summit: Weekend protests as talks falter
      Activists spent the weekend marching on London, Mexico City and Cancún demanding urgent action on climate change as the official UN talks froze into deadlock once more 公式の国連協議は一度以上はデッドロックに凍りついたように活動家は、ロンドン、メキシコシティとカンクンの気候変動に関する緊急の行動を要求して行進して週末を過ごした

    • Itineraries: A Global Patchwork of Air Safety Rules
      After the F.A.A. downgraded Mexico’s safety rating, attention turned to the inconsistencies in global guidelines. FAAは、メキシコの安全評価を格下げした後、注目は、グローバルガイドラインの不整合になった

    • Mexico drug attacks killed 23,000 since 2006
      Almost 23,000 people have been killed in drug-related violence in Mexico since the launch of a government crackdown on drug gangs at the end of 2006, a parliamentary source has said.The new figure of 22,743 deaths was given to lawmakers on Monday during a congressional debate on the controversial use of the army in Mexico's battle against its powerful drug gangs, the source said, declining to be named.It was a rise of more than 7,000 compared with previous official estimates, and showed 3,365 murders between January and March this year, they added. ほぼ23,000人がメキシコで麻薬関連の暴力の2006年末に薬ギャングとの政府の弾圧の立ち上げ、議会のソースから殺害されている国会議員に日中に与えられた22743年の複式新しい図形を持って議会その強力な薬物暴力団に対するメキシコの戦いで軍の論。使用に関する議論は、ソース、named.Itする減少7,000人以上の上昇前の公式推計と比較した、と言って、今年1〜3月3365殺人を示した、彼らは追加しました

    • Migrants in Mexico
      Amnesty International accuses Mexico of ignoring the abuse of south American migrants passing through to the US アムネスティインターナショナルは南アメリカの移民を米国に渡すの乱用を無視してメキシコを非難

    • Gulf of Mexico disaster: Oil and vinegar | Editorial
      Another tough week not just for BP but for everyone whose livelihood depends on the environmental health of the Gulf of MexicoThe Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion that killed 11 workers on 20 April has the potential to transform the face of oil exploration. But what it really needs to do is to serve as the final siren signalling the end of the US addiction to oil. It will not serve BP's ambition to stave off that day if its chief executive plays down the scale of the crisis as he did by suggesting in his interview with this paper yesterday that the oil that has spilt so far is – to paraphrase only a little – just a drop in the ocean. Tony Hayward's remarks came at the end of another tough week not just for BP but for everyone whose livelihood depends on the environmental health of the Gulf of Mexico. It was a curious remark from a man who acknowledged that his job now depends on how well he is judged to have managed the crisis.Mr Hayward is generally considered to have done much to restore BP's ropey reputation after the 2005 Texas fire in which 15 died, and the Alaskan oil spill a year later. Strictly speaking, he is right that the 100,000 barrels of crude oil that has leaked so far does not yet put the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the top 50 of the grim league table of oil spills, although – if last night's attempt to stem the flow has failed – it is heading that way. Meanwhile, evidence is emerging through the congressional inquiry that suggests safety is still not the priority it should be. The bosses of BP, the rig operator Transocean and Halliburton – which was responsible for concreting the well into place – have all been passing the buck in front of senators. Meanwhile investigators working through 1,000 pages of material from the main players have uncovered 血圧だけでなく、もう一つの厳しい1週間が生。湾岸4月20日11日の労働者が死亡したMexicoTheディープウォーターホライゾン石油掘削装置爆発の環境衛生に依存する石油探査の顔を変換する可能性がありますみんなのため

    • Optimism That Cement Will Shut Down Gulf Oil Well
      An effort known as a static kill is part of a two-pronged strategy to kill the well in the Gulf of Mexico by cementing it shut from above and below. 努力は静的殺すとして知られて2の戦略もメキシコ湾では、上記の下からシャットダウンセメンチングで殺すの一環です

    • Assistant charged with attempted murder of Mexican TV star
      Argentinian accused of trying to poison Gabriela Spanic as well as telenovela star's mother, toddler son and maidPolice in Mexico have arrested the personal assistant of one of the country's biggest telenovela stars for attempted murder of her employer, as well as the actor's mother, two-year-old son and maid.In a statement police said Marcia Celeste Fernández Babio, 24, had been working for actor Gabriela Spanic since January. The PA lived with the star's family and was allegedly slowly poisoning them by adding tiny amounts of ammonium sulphate to their food for at least four months.According to police Spanic and her family started having bouts of nausea, headaches, stomach aches and fatigue in April. Suspicion fell on the PA after she went on holiday to her native Argentina in early August shortly before blood tests on the family revealed ammonia in their systems. The doctors said continued intoxication could eventually lead to death.Spanic then went to the authorities, alleging that Fernández Babio had shown no signs of illness before going on holiday and that she had habitually avoided eating or drinking anything in the house.The assistant was arrested on returning to Mexico on 19 August. Police said they found two vials of ammonium sulphate in her room and two more in her travel bag.The chemical is most commonly used in fertilisers and rat poison and gives off an odour of rotten eggs. It would have had to be have been consumed in very small amounts in order not to be detected.Spanic, 36, is a former Venezuelan model whose career in telenovelas [TV drama serials] took off after she began playing the villain in one production. Her most famous roles include a boxer who fights in multicoloured gloves and wears swimwear in a show called La Venganza, or Vengeance. The ac アルゼンチンは毒ガブリエラSpanicするだけでなく、telenovelaの星の母親、幼児の息子とメキシコでmaidPoliceしようと被告人は、彼女の雇用者の殺人未遂の国の最大のtelenovelaの星だけでなく、俳優の母、の個人的なアシスタントを逮捕して2歳の息子とmaid.Inステートメントの警察マーシャセレステフェルナンデスBabio、24、俳優の1月からガブリエラSpanicを働いていたと述べた

    • Cancún climate talks are too big to fail | Lucy Brinicombe
      As delegates from almost 200 countries gather to pick up the pieces from Copenhagen, millions of people are already feeling the effects of climate changeBeating the rush for getting accreditation at the Cancún Messe convention centre, it felt strange that this shell of a warehouse would be bustling with people over the next few days waiting to access the nearby Moon Palace and be part of the historic campaign to tackle global climate change.There's an air of uncertainty here, of controlled hope mixed with a hefty dose of pragmatism compared with the heady days before last year's UN climate talks in Copenhagen, where a deadline to secure a fair, safe and legally binding climate deal came – and went.Over the next two weeks, delegates from 193 countries will be meeting at this year's UN climate talks in Mexico – COP16. Following the disappointment of Copenhagen, they have a lot to prove and a huge responsibility in getting the world back on track in securing the fair and legally binding climate deal that proved to be so elusive.Finally, they have their opportunity to move away from the criticism that the UN failed to deliver, and that the UN is simply too big, cumbersome and bureaucratic to ever succeed.Climate finance is the buzzword in Cancún. Establishing a fair climate fund to ensure that finance is delivered transparently, where it is needed most – especially among women and other marginalised people – and spent most effectively is central to this. Officials need to identify financial mechanisms to raise the annual $100bn by 2020, pledged by rich countries at Copenhagen, without raiding aid budgets or squeezing taxpayers.A lot of the groundwork to achieve this has already been done. There is a growing consensus to establish the fund, and a report for the UN earlier t 約200カ国からの代表者は、コペンハーゲンからの作品をピックアップして収集するように、何百万もの人々がすでにカンクンメッセコンベンションセンターで認定を取得するための突入をchangeBeating気候変動の影響を感じている、それが倉庫のこのシェルは賑やかになることが変な感じ近くにムーンパレスにアクセスし、グローバルな気候change.Thereに取り組むために歴史的なキャンペーンの一部として待っている数日間の人々がここに不確実性の空気だと、制御希望の酔わ日前と比較して実用の多額の量と混合コペンハーゲン、昨年の国連気候変動交渉はここで締め切りは、安全で法的拘束力のある公正な気候との契約が来た確保する - COP16 - と次の2週間をwent.Over、193カ国の代表が、メキシコで、今年の国連気候変動交渉で会議される

    • From Cancún to Copenhagen: A year in climate change
      As delegates from around the world descend on Cancún, Mexico, we reflect on 12 months of climate talks カンクン、メキシコ、上に下る世界各国からの代表は、我々は、気候変動交渉の12ヶ月間に反映として

    • At least 10 people killed in trains collision in Mexico
      At least 10 people were killed and several others injured during a collision of two trains in the western state of Sinaloa in Mexico, said the state prosecutor's office on Tuesday. The General Prosecutor's Office of the State (PGJE) said in a statement that the accident occurred at about 3:00 a.m. local time (0800 GMT) in Sufragio Station in El Fuerte municipality, located in the north of Sinaloa. According to preliminary investigations, the accident occurred because one of the machinists ... 少なくとも10人が、メキシコ人が死亡、シナロア州の西部の州電車の中で2つの衝突の際に負傷した他、いくつかのによると検察は火曜日の状態

    • 20 dead in Mexico drug wars
      At least 20 people have been killed in drug-gang violence over the weekend in Mexican border city Ciudad Juarez, including seven found dead outside one house.The seven men were believed to have been at a family party when they... 少なくとも20人が7人が一house.The死んで外に七人は、家族パーティーにされていると信じられていた発見を含め、メキシコ国境の街シウダーフアレスで週末薬物ギャングの暴力で殺されているときに...

    • 51 bodies found in mass graves in Mexico
      At least 51 bodies have been discovered in nine unmarked graves in northern Mexico, officials said, in one of the more grisly recent turns in the country's rampaging violence linked to drug gangs.Many of the victims, found earlier in the week in a series of graves located in a suburb of Monterrey, the capital of Nuevo Leon state, had their hands bound and showed signs of torture, investigators said. 少なくとも51遺体がメキシコ北部の9つの。墓で発見されている、関係者は、1つの国の大暴れ、暴力の他の宿泊ゾッとするような最近のターン者の薬物gangs.Manyにリンクの会見で、今週の一連の発。墓はモンテレイ、ヌエボレオン州の州都の郊外に位置して手をバインドされていた拷問の兆しを見せ、捜査官は語った

    • Three lawmakers, mayor killed in small plane crash in S Mexico
      At least seven people, including three federal lawmakers, one mayor and one mayor-elect, were killed on Friday when a Cesna light aircraft crashed at the airport of Bahias de Huatulco, a resort town in the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca, Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA) said on Friday. The lawmakers were from the ruling National Action Party, while the mayor was from Juquila, a municipality of Oaxaca state. The victims also included Huatulco's mayor-elect, the pilot and a civilian, acco ... 3つの連邦議員、1つの市長と市長当選者を含む少なくとも7人が、金曜日にするセスナの軽飛行機はBahiasデウアトゥルコ、オアハカ、空港や補助のメキシコ南部の州のリゾートの町の空港で墜落死亡したサービス(ASA)は金曜日に述べた

    • Aussie Hull captures LPGA Navistar Classic title
      Australia's Katherine Hull fired her third consecutive five-under par 67 on Sunday to capture the LPGA Navistar Classic by one stroke over fast-finishing American Brittany Lincicome.Hull, whose only prior LPGA title came at the 2008 Candian Open, finished 72 holes on 19-under 269 while Lincicome closed with a 65 but settled for second, one stroke ahead of American Cristie Kerr and South Korean Na Yeon Choi.Her 269 broke Mexico's Lorena Ochoa's tournament record from last year. オーストラリアのキャサリンハルは彼女が3年連続5つの専用前LPGAツアータイトル2008のCandianオープンで来た高速仕上げアメリカンブリタニーLincicome.Hull、上に1打差でLPGAツアーナビスタークラシックをキャプチャするために日曜日にアンダー67で19日に72ホールを終えて発射- 269の下リンシカムは65と閉めた状態が、昨年からメキシコのロレーナオチョアの大会記録を破った先のアメリカのクリスティカーと韓国のナヨンChoi.Her 269秒、1ストロークのために解決した

    • Oil thieves suspected of causing Mexico pipeline blast, killing 27
      Authorities estimate that explosion and resulting spill in central Mexico affected three-mile radiusA pipeline exploded in central Mexico early yesterday as thieves were trying to steal oil, killing at least 27 people and sending rivers of flaming crude through city streets.Authorities estimated that the explosion and resulting spill affected a three-mile radius, injuring at least 52 people and scorching more than 115 homes.The first explosion, which was followed by four additional minor blasts, forced hundreds to flee the city of San Martin Texmelucan, 55 miles east of Mexico City.Television images showed scorched houses, businesses and trees blackened by the huge explosion, and a black crude-like substance covering the streets.The explosion, which happened before dawn on Sunday, was apparently provoked by thieves trying to steal crude oil, according to Valentin Meneses, interior secretary for the state of Puebla.The state-owned oil company, Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, said it had shut down the pipeline. Government authorities said the fire was under control by midday, and fires are burning the remaining crude.Civil protection authorities, firefighters and military officers are investigating and trying to ensure there are no more explosions. No one has been detained.Pemex has struggled with chronic theft, losing as much as 10% of its product.Criminals tap remote pipelines, sometimes building pipelines of their own, to siphon off hundreds of millions of dollars worth of oil each year, Pemex has said.In 2009, the US justice department said US refineries bought millions of dollars worth of oil stolen from Mexican government pipelines and smuggled it across the border in illegal operations led by Mexican drug cartels expanding their reach.Two Texas oil company officials 当局は、メキシコ中央部で爆発、その結果得られた流出推定少なくとも27人が死亡、都市streets.Authoritiesを介して原油を炎の川を送信する、泥棒は、石油を盗むためにしようとしていたとして3マイルradiusAパイプラインは昨日、初期のメキシコ中央部で爆。影響していることが推定する爆発その結果流出は、少なくとも52人が負傷し、さらに4つのマイナーな爆発が続いた以上115 homes.The最初の爆発は、焼け付くような、強制的に何百もの55マイルの東のサンマルティンTexmelucanの町を逃走し、3マイルの半径の影響メキシコCity.Television画像は、焦げ家、企業、巨大な爆発で黒く木を示した日曜日の夜明け前に起こったstreets.The爆発をカバーし、黒の原油のような物質は、明らかに原油を盗もうとする泥棒によって誘発され、ヴァレンティンMeneses、Puebla.The国営石油会社、国営石油会社Mexicanos、またはペメックスの状態を内務長官によると、それがパイプラインをシャットダウンしていたと述べた

    • 38 bodies found at Mexico dumping ground
      Authorities have found the remains of at least 38 people in a series of pits and scattered on the ground at a suspected drug-gang dumping site near the industrial hub of Monterrey in northern Mexico, an official said.Investigators... 当局は、少なくとも38人のピット一連のままで、地面に疑いがある薬物ギャングメキシコ北部、公式said.Investigatorsのモンテレイの産業ハブの近くにサイトをダンプで散乱を発見した...

    • Death toll of Mexican police in ambush rises to 12
      Authorities have raised the death toll to 12 in an ambush on federal police in Zitacuaro, a town in central Mexican state Michocan, after two injured offices died in hospital in Toluca. The ambush, which occurred at 9 a.m. local time (1400 GMT) on Monday, began when gangsters sealed the Zitacuaro-Toluca Highway and the Zitacuaro-Ciudad Hidalgo Highway. There were two separate clashes, at each of the barricades, which were made of burning buses, according to a statement from Mexico's Public Se ... 当局は、トルカで亡くなったの病院調達している町で、シタクアロ警察死の待ち伏せに通行料を12の連邦Michocanメキシコ中部の州事務所負傷2の後、

    • Mexican authorities unearthed 51 bodies at drug-gang dumping spot
      Authorities said Saturday that police had unearthed at least 51 bodies from a mass grave outside Monterrey, Mexico's business capital. Excavation continued at the trash dump-turned mass grave which was feared to be the country's largest clandestine body dumping ground in drug wars. The digging started on a tip from an informant and investigators soon uncovered the bodies. Alejandro Garza y Garza, attorney general of Nuevo Leon state where Monterrey is located, said the bodies included 4 ... 当局は、戦争と土曜日、警察はのメキシコ事業の資本、大量の墓から受けていた出土少なくとも51体を外にモンテレーで発。続けて薬をゴミ箱に投棄地面をダンプ体秘密最大の出身大量の墓をされた国が恐れています

    • Oil plume hangs deep in the gulf
      A 35km-long invisible mist of oil is meandering far below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, where it will probably loiter for months or more, scientists reported yesterday in the first conclusive evidence of an underwater plume from... 石油の35キロの長さ目に見えない霧がメキシコ湾のそれはおそらくヶ月以上御了解されます表面をはるかに下回る蛇行は、科学者たちは昨日の水中プルームの最初の決定的な証拠から報告...

    • Mexican paper pleads with drug cartels: stop killing our journalists
      A Mexican newspaper, El Diario, has made an unprecedented move by publishing an open letter from its editorial staff to the drug cartels operating in Ciudad Juarez.It pleaded with the drug gangs to end their violence against journalists, and it was published on the day that the paper's latest victim, photographer Luis Carlos Santiago Orozco, was buried.You are, at present, the de facto authorities in this city because the legal institutions have not been able to keep our colleagues from dying.We do not want more deaths. We do not want more injuries or even more intimidation. It is impossible to exercise our role in these conditions. Tell us, then, what do you expect of us as a medium?This is not a surrender. Nor does it mean that we've given up the work we have been developing. Instead it is a respite to those who have imposed the force of its law in this city, provided they respect the lives of those who are dedicated to the craft of reporting.Santiago, 21, was killed last week while sitting in a parked car outside a shopping mall in Juarez. He was shot several times at close range. A colleague with him was wounded. El Diario, the most popular paper in Juarez, has made a reputation for its aggressive coverage of the drug violence.Source: CNNJournalist safetyMexicoPress freedomDrugs tradeNewspapersGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds メキシコ同紙は、エルディアリオ、薬物への編集スタッフからの公開書簡を公開することによりシウダーJuarez.It薬ギャングとジャーナリストに対する彼らの暴力を終わらせるように懇願した動作カルテルと、前例のない動きをしたが、日に公開されて紙の最新の犠牲者は、写真家ルイスカルロスサンティアゴオロスコは、buried.Youされ、現在利用して、この都市の事実上の当局は、法的機関がdying.Weからより多くの死者を望んでいない私達の同僚を維持することができていないため

    • Gulf oil spill's crude legacy claiming innocent victims
      A baby sea turtle escaped from the jaws of a shark, only to get stuck in oil spilled from BP's well in the Gulf of Mexico.A young dolphin apparently was attacked by his mother, then swam into oil.The animals are among thousands... 赤ちゃんウミガメは、何千もの間にある明らかにoil.The動物にして彼の母親、泳いで襲われたMexico.A若いイルカ湾のウェルにBP社からの流出油にはまり込むために、サメの顎から脱出..

    • Mexico in grip of low temperatures amid fresh cold wave
      A brutal cold wave is expected to lock freezing temperatures across Mexico over the next 36 hours, the national meteorological authorities said Sunday. Low temperatures, along with the Cold Front 22, will mainly affect the states in the north, center and east, bringing rain and snow at the mountain areas, specially in Pico de Orizaba, Cofre the Perote, Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl Mountains, according to the Mexican National Meteorological Service (SMN). The SMN said temperature ... 残忍な寒波のメキシコは、今後36時間以上の間氷点下の気温をロックすると予想され、国の気象当局が明らかになった

    • BP well in Gulf finally sealed
      A cement plug has permanently killed BP's runaway well nearly 4km below the sea floor in the Gulf of Mexico, five months after an explosion sank a drilling rig and led to the worst offshore oil spill in United States history.Retired... セメントプラグは完全にメキシコ湾、5カ月間で海底BP社の暴走もほぼ4キロ以下の爆発後に死亡している掘削リグを沈めて、米国で最悪のオフショア石油流出につながったhistory.Retired ...

    • Key clue to oil spill recovered
      A crane has hoisted a key piece of oil spill evidence to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, giving investigators their first chance to scrutinise the blowout preventer, the massive piece of equipment that failed to stop the gusher... クレーンはメキシコ湾の表面に、捜査に彼らの最初のチャンスをブローアウトプリベンタを精査すること油流出の証拠の重要な部分を掲げており、機器の潮吹きを停止することができなかった大規模な作品...

    • Relief rig returning to oil leak site
      A drill rig working on a relief well is returning to the site of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill after an oncoming storm system weakened, a BP spokesman told AFP on Saturday. ドリルリグは救済もメキシコ湾の石油流出事故のサイトに対向ストーム系が低下し、BPのスポークスマンは後に戻って取り組んで土曜日にAFPに語った

    • Ice blocks bid to cap Gulf of Mexico oil leak
      A first try at capping a ruptured pipe gushing oil deep in the Gulf of Mexico failed when ice crystals clogged a dome seen as the best hope of staving off a massive environmental disaster. 破裂したパイプをメキシコ湾の石。深い噴出キャップで最初の試みは、氷の結晶がドームを大規模な環境災害をオフにstaving最高の希望と見られて詰まって失敗しました

    • BP says sealing cap working
      A leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well has shown no sign of sub-seabed damage after two days of pressure tests following the placing of a new sealing cap, BP said on Saturday. プレッシャーテストの2日後に、新しいシールキャップの配置、次のサブ海。損傷の兆候を示しているメキシコ湾の石油流出、BPは土曜日に語った

    • Govt opens fire in first big lawsuit from spill
      A legal hammer-blow was delivered to BP yesterday after the United States Government sued it and several companies over this year's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, claiming they violated American environmental laws and must be held... 米国政府は、彼らは、アメリカの環境法に違反して主張し、メキシコ湾での今年の原油流出事故の上にと、いくつかの企業を訴えた後、legalハンマー打撃は、昨日、BPに配信された保持する必要があります...

    • Swamp gas blamed for deadly Mexico hotel blast
      A massive blast that killed five Canadian tourists and two Mexicans at a luxury beach resort appears to have been caused by gas from a nearby swamp, local authorities have suggested.Fifteen out of 18 people hurt in Sunday's blast in the Grand Riviera Princess hotel in Playa del Carmen, south of Cancun in Quintana Roo state, had been released from hospital late Monday, authorities said. 高級ビーチリゾートで5カナダの観光客と2つのメキシコ人を殺して大規模な爆発が沼周辺からのガスによって引き起こされているように見えますが、地元当局は、プラヤのグランドリビエラプリンセスホテルで日曜日の爆発でけが18人のうちsuggested.Fifteenているデルカルメンは、キンタナロー状態でカンクンの南、後半月曜日退院されていたが、当局は述べた

    • New climate deal reached
      A new climate change deal reached in Mexico has set up a global framework to pay to protect rainforests vital to the ecosystem, but held off on the controversial introduction of a market role. メキシコに達し、新しい気候変動との契約は、熱帯雨林を生態系に不可欠な保護に支払うことに国際的な枠組みを設定しているが、市場の役割の論争の導入をオフに開催された

    • Violent hurricanes could hamper oil clean-up
      A new concern is surfacing over the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.Meteorologists in the United States are warning of an unusually active hurricane season this summer.This has stirred concerns that just one severe... 新しい懸念が上致命的な油流出湾岸米国でMexico.Meteorologistsの異常アクティブハリケーンシーズンのこのsummer.Thisがあると警告して攪拌は1つだけ深刻な憂慮を浮上さ...

    • Explosion as thieves rupture oil pipeline
      A pipeline exploded in central Mexico today as thieves were trying to steal oil, killing at least 27 people and sending rivers of flaming crude through city streets.Authorities estimated that the explosion and resulting spill... 泥棒は、石油を盗むためにしようとしていたとしてパイプラインは、少なくとも27人が死亡し、その爆発により流出推定都市streets.Authoritiesを介して炎の原油の河川を送信する場合、メキシコ中部、今日で爆発...

    • Spill panel finds dollars did not trump safety
      A presidentially ordered investigation of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill lends support to BP's own conclusions about the disaster and challenges congressional claims that the oil company and others made decisions that sacrificed safety to cut costs. メキシコ石油流出湾の大統領のように命じた調査の結果、災害についてのBP社の独自の結論への支援を貸すと石油会社などが犠牲に安全性、コストを削減することを決定をしたことが議会の主張に挑戦する

    • Video: Top Spanish bullfighter José Tomás gored in Mexico
      A renowned Spanish bullfighter, Jose Tomas, is seriously injured after being gored by a bull in Aguascalientes, Mexico 有名なスペインの闘牛士は、ホセトマス、重傷アグアスカリエンテス、メキシコの牛角で突かれて後に

    • Women brainwashed into life of prostitution
      A sinister trade has taken root in an impoverished town in central Mexico. Entire extended families exploit desperation and lure hundreds of young women to the United States to force them into prostitution.Those who know the... 不吉な貿易は中央メキシコの貧しい町で定着している

    • State of emergency declared in quake-hit Mexican city
      A state of emergency was declared in Mexicali, a city in northern Mexico's Baja California state on Sunday following a 7.2-magnitude earthquake, an official of the state Civil Protection said. &$&$Source: Xinhua &$&$ ... マグニチュード地震- 7.2の状態のメキシコ北部で宣言されてメヒカリ、都市との緊急は、次のバハカリフォルニア州の日曜日、市民保護の状態の関係者は述べています

    • Storm heading for oil spill
      A tropical depression in the southern Bahamas is on a course that could take it over the site of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.Tropical Storm Bonnie has formed with winds of 40 mph (65 kph) in the eastern Caribbean, on a course... 南部バハマの熱帯低気圧がメキシコ湾岸の石油spill.Tropicalストームボニーのサイト上でコース.. 40マイル(65キロ)東カリブ海の風で形成され、それを取ることができるコースです

    • US Govt raises heat on BP as spill grows
      BARATARIA BAY - Obama Administration officials stepped up their criticism of BP for the huge Gulf of Mexico oil spill yesterday, saying if it can't clean up the mess they might push the company aside.United States Interior Secretary... バラタリア湾 - オバマ政権の当局者は昨日、それは彼らが会社を米国内務長官aside.United強行するかもしれない混乱を一掃することができない場合という巨大なメキシコ湾の石油流出事故のBPの批判を強め...

    • Crucial BP oil well 'kill' delayed
      BP's crucial operation to permanently plug the leaking Gulf of Mexico well has been delayed and will now probably begin the week after next, US oil spill chief Thad Allen said Sunday. BP社の重要な操作は完全にメキシコ湾の漏れよく遅れている今、おそらく1週間後に開始されます次に、米国の石油流出長タードアレンは日曜日によると接続する

    • Cap of good hope: No leak in 48 hours
      BP's experimental cap was holding on Saturday as the final hours ticked away in a two-day trial run to make sure it keeps oil from pouring into the Gulf of Mexico without blowing a new leak in the busted well. BPの実験キャップは土曜日に最終的な時間の距離の2日間の試用実行では、メキシコ湾にも逮捕の新しいリークが吹くことなく注いでから油を保つことを確認するtickedとして持っていた

    • BP boss Hayward steps down
      BP's vilified chief executive Tony Hayward resigned on Tuesday, as the British oil giant said the Gulf of Mexico disaster will cost it 32 billion dollars after causing a record quarterly loss. 英国の石油大手は、湾岸、メキシコ災害のそれを記。四半期の損失が発生後32億ドルの費用がかかります言ったようBP社の中傷最高経営責任者トニーヘイワードは25日、辞任した

    • Claims less than $27b, says BP
      BP believes compensation claims related to its Gulf of Mexico oil spill will be less than the US$20 billion ($27.3 billion) the oil giant has put into an independent claims fund, analysts at Citigroup said, following a meeting with... _NULL_

    • BP boss may be dumped in rebuild, say experts
      BP chief executive Tony Hayward, who drew fire for saying he wanted his life back at the peak of the United States oil spill crisis, may get his wish.With its Gulf of Mexico well under control for the first time in three months,... BPの最高経営責任者トニーヘイワード、彼が戻って、米国の石油流出の危機のピーク時には彼の人生を望んで、3ヶ月、..で初めてのコントロールのメキシコ湾の井戸の下で彼wish.Withを得ることが言って火を描いた

    • BP Chief Won't Quit Over Gulf of Mexico Spill
      BP chief executive says he won't quit over Gulf of Mexico oil spill, company will recover Oil spill - BP - Gulf of Mexico - Mexico - Environment BPの最高経営責任者は、環境という-メキシコ-湾。彼は上書きしません終了メキシコ会社は、油の流出が回復油流出をBPが- -湾メキシコ

    • BP links staff bonuses to safety performance
      BP employees' performance on safety issues will be the only measure for awarding fourth-quarter bonuses, the British oil company said yesterday as it tries to tighten performance and clean up its image after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 安全性の問題についてBPの従業員のパフォーマンスが第4四半期の賞与を授与のみ測定される、英国の石油会社は、パフォーマンスを強化し、メキシコ湾の原油流出事故後にそのイメージをクリーンアップしようとすると明らかにした

    • BP Fund Czar Promises Bigger, Faster Claims
      BP fund czar, responding to criticism from Gulf residents, promises bigger, faster claims BP - Business - Kenneth Feinberg - Gulf of Mexico - Deepwater Horizon oil spill 高速請求BP社-湾-ファインバーグケネスビジネス-の流出をメキシコ-ディープウォーターホライゾンオイル皇帝はBPのファンド、応答する湾岸からの批。住民、約束大きく、

    • Gulf of Mexico oil spill: BP's great asset sale
      BP has reached a deal to sell $7bn (£4.58bn) in assets to contribute towards a $20bn fund to compensate those affected by the Gulf of Mexico oil spillPaddy Allen BPは契約を$ 70億(£ 4.58bn)の資産200億ドルのファンドに向けてそれらをメキシコ湾の石油spillPaddyのアレンの影響を受ける補償するために貢献して販売するに達している

    • BP posts record loss as chief executive resigns
      BP has reported a record loss after taking a charge for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and its beleaguered chief executive is quitting after widespread criticism over his handling of the worst environmental disaster in US history. BPはメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の担当を取った後、レコードの損失を報告しているの悩める最高経営責任者は、米国史上最悪の環境災害の彼の扱いが広がっ批判後終了です

    • BP begins testing on new cap in Gulf
      BP has started trying to slowly choke off the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, in the hope of finally stopping the leak.Retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the Obama administration's point man on the disaster, said the government... BPはゆっくりとメキシコ湾のに最終的にleak.Retired沿岸警備隊司令官サドアレン、災害にオバマ政権のポイント男、停止の希望の石油の流れを断つしようとして始めたと発表した政府...

    • BP tightens safety designs
      BP is improving safety designs at jetties in Houston, as the beleaguered energy group tries to avoid any more public relations disasters related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 悩めるエネルギーグループは、これ以上の広報災害をメキシコ湾の石油流出事故に関連する回避しようとしBPはヒューストンの防波堤では、安全設計を改善している

    • BP may sell some North Sea assets
      BP is weighing the sale of some North Sea assets that may raise as much as US$1 billion to help cover the clean-up costs from its Gulf of Mexico oil spill, according to a person familiar with the matter. BPは人の問題に詳しい筋によると、メキシコの油流出その湾からクリーンアップコストをカバーするため、米国の10億ドルを多く発生する可能性があるいくつかの北海資産の売却を検討している

    • BP readies 'top-kill' for leak
      BP nervously carried out final tests Wednesday before a risky deepwater bid to cap the Gulf of Mexico oil leak under huge pressure to get it right this time and plug the five-week-old spill. BPは神経質水曜日危。深海入。巨大な圧力を右今回、それを取得し、5週。流出をプラグインでメキシコ湾の油漏れの上限前に最終的なテストを実施した

    • BP readies well kill mission
      BP prepared Tuesday to plug the worst oil leak in history, although the Gulf of Mexico region will be counting the environmental and economic costs for years, perhaps decades, to come. 湾岸、メキシコ地域の年間環境と経済のコストを数えることになるが、BPは火曜日史上最悪のオイル漏れをプラグインには、おそらく、来て20年を準備した

    • WATCH: BP Prepares Permanent Plug for Oil Well
      BP prepares so-called 'static kill' plan to choke the blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico - BP - Oil well - Business - Energy BPはエネルギーBP社-よくオイル-ビジネス-準備-メキシコのメキシコ湾のように湾岸と呼ばれる静的な。。u0026#39;殺す。。u0026#39;をする計画をチョーク吹き飛ばされた油をよく

    • BP pays $3bn into oil spill fund
      BP said Monday it had made its initial deposit of 3.0 billion dollars into a 20-billion-dollar US-managed fund to compensate victims of the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BPは月曜日は20億ドル米管理基金に大規模なメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の被害者を補償するために3.0億ドルの初回入金をしていたと述べた

    • BP Division Chief to Leave TNK-BP's Board
      BP said Saturday that its head of exploration and production, the unit responsible for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, was to step down from the board of TNK-BP. BPが探鉱、生産、ユニットメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の責任の頭はTNK - BPのボードから辞任されたことを固めた

    • BP to Create New Safety Unit
      BP said it was to fundamentally restructure itself in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico spill, creating a new safety unit, reviewing incentives it offers managers, and splitting up its core upstream unit. BPはインセンティブを検討し、それが管理を提供し、そのコアの上流部を分割し、それが根本的に新しい安全ユニットを作成し、メキシコ流出湾のをきっかけに自分自身を再構築すると述べた

    • Video: BP deploys dome to control oil spill
      BP ships out a pollution control dome as part of the company's efforts to cap the oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico 同社の取り組みはメキシコ湾の深海ホライゾンリグからの油流出をキャップの一環として、BPの発送を汚染制御ドーム

    • BP caps pipe but oil still gushes
      BP sliced off a pipe with giant shears in the latest bid to curtail the worst spill in US history, but the cut was jagged and placing a cap over the gusher deep in the Gulf of Mexico proved to be a challenge.Live video showed... _NULL_

    • Fresh BP effort to stop oil leak
      BP uses undersea robots in an effort to thread a pipe into a leaking oil well under the Gulf of Mexico to stop the flow. BPはスレッドに努力漏れた油にもメキシコ湾の下の流れを停止するパイプを海底ロボットを使用します

    • BP chief expected to resign
      BP will sacrifice embattled chief executive Tony Hayward within days as it tries to rebuild its image in the aftermath of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, reports said Sunday. それはメキシコ湾の石油災害の余波を受けて、そのイメージを再構築しようとするとBPが日以内に四面楚歌の最高経営責任者トニーヘイワードを犠牲にすると、レポートは日曜日と述べた

    • BP says profit drops 66pc to US$1.8b as Gulf oil-spill costs bite
      BP, the company responsible for the biggest oil spill in US history, said profit fell 66 per cent after taking a further pre-tax charge of US$7.7 billion related to the Gulf of Mexico well disaster. BPは、同社の米国史上最大の原油流出事故の責任、利益は、米国の一層の税引前充電7700000000ドルもメキシコ湾の防災に関連する撮影後に%を66%下落したと述べた

    • Hurricane Igor bears down on Bermuda
      Bermuda was bracing Saturday for a direct hit from the massive Hurricane Igor just after after another cyclone lashed Mexico, killing three people. バミューダ、大規模なハリケーンイゴールから直撃直後に別の低気圧がメキシコを打ちつけ後の、3人が死亡土曜日支柱だった

    • BP spill costs hit $ 8bn as crews unearth clues
      British oil giant BP has spent $ 8 billion to battle the Gulf of Mexico disaster, the company has revealed as its crews retrieved key evidence from the seabed. イギリス石油大手BPがメキシコ湾の災害の戦いに80億ドルを費やしてきた、その乗組員は、海底からキーの証拠を取得として、同社が明らかにした

    • BP spill costs hit 8 bln dlrs as crews unearth clues
      British oil giant BP has spent eight billion dollars to battle the Gulf of Mexico disaster, the company has revealed as its crews retrieved key evidence from the seabed.Robotic submarines recorded the delicate operation as engineers raised a failed blowout preventer from the ruptured well and began lifting it to the surface in order to hand it over to the US Justice Department.The US government is conducting what could be a criminal investigation into the April 20 explosion and subsequent oil spill and BP is hoping to shift some of the responsibility to its contractors. エンジニアはよく破裂始めから失敗ブローアウトプリベンタを調達し、英国の石油大手BPがメキシコ湾の災害の戦いに80億ドルを費やしてきた、その乗組員はseabed.Robotic潜水艦からキーの証拠を取得として、同社が明らかにした繊細な操作を記録表面に注文以上の米司法省Department.The米国政府に提出するもの4月20日の爆発とその後の油流出とBPに犯罪捜査の請負業者にいくつかの責任のシフトを望んでいるかもしれない行って、それを持ち上げて

    • BP spends 8 billion dollars on Gulf oil spill
      British oil giant BP said Friday the total cost of its response to the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has now reached 8 billion U.S. dollars. That figure includes the cost of the spill response, containment, relief well drilling, static kill and cementing, grants to the Gulf states, claims paid and federal costs, the company said in a statement. It had made 127,000 claims payments totaling about 399 million dollars, according to BP. BP also had agreed to create a 20 billion dol ... イギリス石油大手BPがドルの湾岸の流出大規模な石油、その応答にコストが言った金曜日米国の総メキシコ億ており、現在まで8

    • New Mexico 'spaceport' nears opening
      British tycoon Richard Branson has dreamed of going to space since he was a teenager. He'll get his wish when Virgin Galactic begins taking tourists into suborbital space from a specially designed spaceport in the New Mexico desert.Gov.... 英国王リチャードブランソン氏は十代の頃から宇宙へ行くことを夢見ている

    • BP says it has finally stopped oil leaking into Gulf of Mexico
      Brown cloud of crude oil disappears from underwater video feed for first time since containment efforts began 封じ込めの努力が始まって以来の原油ブラウン雲が水中ビデオフィードから初めて消える

    • Cleaning Oil-Soaked Wetlands May Be Impossible
      Burning, flooding among uneasy choices for clearing oil, but crews may have to just do nothing Wetland - United States - Environment - Water Resources - Gulf of Mexico 燃える、油を不。洪水の間でクリアするための選択肢が、乗組員は、アメリカ合衆国-可能性があります湿地何を持っているだけか-環境-水資源-メキシコ湾

    • Gunmen kill 13 at Mexico party
      CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico ? State law enforcement officials say a group of armed men stormed a party in this border city, killing 13 young adults and injuring about two dozen more.The Saturday night attack left bodies of people aged... シウダーフアレス、メキシコ?州の法律執行当局は武装した男たちのグループは、この国境の都市では、13人の成人が死亡、党急襲して、約2ダースmore.The負傷土曜の夜の攻撃、高齢者の遺体左と言うけど...

    • Slain candidate's brother to stand in Mexican vote
      CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico - The brother of a gubernatorial candidate assassinated in northern Mexico was named yesterday to run as his replacement in this weekend's election.Egidio Torre, older brother of slain candidate Rodolfo... Ciudad Victoriaのは、メキシコ - 知事候補メキシコ北部で暗殺の兄弟昨日、今週末のelection.Egidioのトレは、彼の代替品としての兄を実行するために選ばれた候補者ロドルフォ殺さ...

    • Gone missing
      CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico: An official investigating the massacre of 72 migrants in north-eastern Mexico has gone missing, along with a police officer, as more bodies were identified and two car bombs shook the region. Ciudad Victoriaのは、メキシコ:公式北東メキシコで72移民の大虐殺を調査行方不明になっているとともに、警察と、より多くの遺体が確認された2つの自動車爆弾は、地域を横に振ったとして

    • CNOOC acquires BP asset to boost presence in South America
      CNOOC is to bolster its presence in South America by agreeing to pay US$3.53 billion for a 30 per cent stake in some assets that beleaguered oil major BP is selling to help pay for the damage caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. CNOOCは包囲された石油メジャーBPがメキシコ湾の石油流出による被害を支払うために販売しているいくつかの資産の%の株式の30ドル3530000000支払うことに同意する南米でのプレゼンスを強化することです

    • Severed head left at drug lord's tomb
      CULIACAN, Mexico - A severed human head has been found in front of the tomb of deceased drug lord Arturo Beltran Leyva in northern Mexico.Prosecutors in northern Sinaloa state say the dead man's body was found in a plastic bag... クリアカン、メキシコ-故人薬の墓の前で発見されている切断された人間の頭北部のシナロア州北部Mexico.Prosecutorsのアルトゥーロベルトレイヴァ藩主死んだ男の体をビニール袋に発見されたと言うけど...

    • With BP Spill Under Control, US Looks at Drill Ban
      Calls to lift US ban on deep-sea drilling gaining momentum with BP's well nearly plugged BP - Gulf of Mexico - Business - Mining and Drilling - Tools and Equipment 呼び出しは、機器と-ツール掘削-鉱業およびビジネス-メキシコ持ち上げ、米国の禁止を、深海掘削は、勢いを増しとBPはのもほぼ接続されてBPが-湾の

    • Video: Hurricane Alex hits Mexico and Gulf coast
      Category 2 storm forces evacuations in south Texas and Mexico 南テキサス州とメキシコのカテゴリー2嵐を強制避難

    • Cement Flows for Permanent Plug of BP's Gulf Well
      Cement flows as BP crews work to permanently seal the blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico Gulf of Mexico - BP - Oil well - Deepwater Horizon - Oil spill 油流出-セメントが流れる地平線の湾岸から油をよくBPの-乗組員は仕事的な永久に封印メキシコのメキシコ湾- BPを-オイルも-ディープウォーター

    • China Oilfield sees tougher competition due to drilling halt
      China Oilfield Services, the mainland's dominant offshore drilling services provider, has warned of keener competition due to the Gulf of Mexico's deepwater drilling moratorium and higher costs stemming from more stringent standards. 中国油田サービスは、本土の支配的な海洋掘削サービスプロバイダー、跳び競争メキシコ湾の深海掘削のモラトリアムと高コスト、より厳格な基準に起因するための警告している

    • Magnitude-7.2 quake rocks U.S.-Mexico border, 2 people killed (3)
      City fire helicopter crews said initial assessments showed all reservoirs were holding water normally. Meanwhile, it is reported that nearly 2,400 customers lost power in Dana Point, just inside the Orange County line near Los Angeles, and over 600 customers lost power in Borrego Springs in San Diego County when the earthquake occurred. Smaller outages were also reported in some other areas in Southern California. Three strong jolts including a magnitude-5.1 aftershock were felt in the ... 市消防ヘリコプターの乗組員は、通常と初期水アセスメントは認め持っていたタンクは、すべての一方、それは、ロサンゼルスが報告さは、ほぼで力を失い2400の顧客はダナライン付近の内部オレンジ郡だけでポイント、ロサンゼルス、顧客600以上の温泉で失わ力をボレゴサンディエゴ郡は、地震が発生しました

    • Cancún climate change summit: Talk is cheap for big business | John Sauven
      Climate campaigners must continue to play their role in challenging boardrooms' thirst for fossil fuelsAs negotiators and ministers enter the next round of international negotiations on climate change, they face a painful conundrum; domestic politics in the US has made it nigh on impossible for countries to sign a legally binding agreement in Mexico. Yet the need for such an agreement is ever more obvious, as climate impacts accelerate, countries jostle for advantage in the clean technology markets while still burning coal and oil at record speeds; and money begins to flow into a complex series of bilateral and multilateral deals to support action on forests, adaptation and low-carbon development.In place of a global deal with common rules and a sense of purpose, we are now faced with a bottom-up, ad hoc and chaotic response to a planetary emergency. It is as if we were trying to deal with a deadly pandemic by brewing home-made vaccines.And with last week's ominous news of a rise in atmospheric methane levels, possibly linked to rapid Arctic warming, the dislocation between the scale of the risk posed by climate change, and the laughably inadequate response of the international community is more obvious than ever.But while the problem is stark and growing, many campaigners feel as if they are running out of options. If the international process is broken, and we can't fix the problem of climate change without it – what comes next? For some, the answer is to continue throwing energy at the UNFCCC process itself – as if there might be some alchemic substance in the water in Cancún, which will transform political conditions on the ground in Beijing or Washington DC. Nice try, but most of us don't believe in magic.However, taking umbrage with the UNFCCC, and even with clima 気。活動家は、気候変動に関する国際交渉の次のラウンドに入る化石fuelsAsの交渉や閣僚の会議室。。u0026#39;喉の渇きを挑戦での役割を果たし続けなければならない、彼らは痛みを伴う難問に直面し、米国の国内政治は、それが国のため不可能に近付いてきたメキシコでの法的拘束力のある契約を締結

    • Video: Gulf oil spill 'five times' larger than estimated
      Coastguard Rear Admiral Mary Landry said experts now estimate 5,000 barrels a day of oil are spilling into the Gulf of Mexico 沿岸警備隊少将メアリーランドリー、専門家は、現在5000バレルに油の日、メキシコ湾にこぼれて推定した

    • Coast Guard Allows Toxic Chemical Use on Gulf Oil
      Coast Guard routinely approved use of toxic chemical to break up Gulf oil despite EPA rule United States Environmental Protection Agency - Coast guard - Oil - United States - Gulf of Mexico 沿岸警備隊は定期的にメキシコ毒性の承認を使用無し環境米国ルール米国EPAの化学物質を破るまで湾岸の石油をもかかわらず、機関-コーストガード-オイル-米国-湾を

    • Giant Oil Skimmer Being Tested in Gulf of Mexico
      Coast Guard, BP test giant oil skimmer, hope it can scoop millions of gallons of tainted water Gulf of Mexico - BP - Coast guard - Oil spill - United States 沿岸警備隊は、BPのテストの巨大な石油スキマー、アメリカ合衆国期。湾の水汚染のガロンにすることができますスクープ数百万のメキシコ- BP社-コーストガード-油流出-米国

    • Giant Oil Skimmer Won't Work in Gulf Spill Cleanup
      Coast Guard: Giant oil skimmer won't work in Gulf spill cleanup, it's just too big Oil spill - Environment - United States - Gulf of Mexico - Ship 沿岸警備隊は:巨大油スキマークリーンアップ流出湾岸にしないために、それは船のはあまりにも大きな石油流出-環境-アメリカ合衆国-メキシコ湾-

    • Colombia, Mexico sign agreements on deepening FTA project
      Colombia and Mexico agreed on Thursday to move ahead on the consolidation of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) project to boost trade between the two countries. Luis Guillermo Plata, minister of Colombian Trade, Industry and Tourism,and Beatriz Leycegui, vice minister of Mexican International Commercial Negotiations, signed altogether five agreements on behalf of their respective governments. In August 2009, the two countries concluded the negotiations on deepening the implementation of the FTA ... コロンビア、メキシコのことで合意した連結木曜日に移動先に自由貿易協定(FTA)プロジェクトメキシコの大臣の間に高める貿易を2つの国ルイス、貿易ギジェルモプラタ、大臣のコロンビア産業観光、そして、副Leyceguiビートリズ国際商業の交渉は、政府のそれぞれに代わって契約を結んで完全に5

    • Congressman: Too Much Dispersant Used in Oil Spill
      Congressman: Coast Guard let BP use too much toxic chemical dispersant in Gulf oil spill Oil spill - BP - Environment - Energy - Gulf of Mexico 議員:沿岸警備隊がメキシコを聞かせオイルBPが使用して、湾岸の石油流出でも多くの有害化学分散剤を流出- BP社-環境-エネルギー-湾

    • Mexico bicentennial celebrations
      Country marks the 1810 uprising which began the war independence against Spanish rule 国は、スペインの支配戦争の独立性を始めた1810蜂起を迎える

    • Crude prices rebound on supply worries
      Crude prices rebounded on Thursday as a potential tropical storm could disrupt Gulf of Mexico production. The National Hurricane Center said that thunderstorms south of the Gulf of Mexico could become a tropical depression. Traders are concerned about the potential for interruptions in offshore production. On Thursday, the Conference Board said its index of leading economic indicators increased more than expected in August, which also boosted energy prices. Light, sweet oil for Novem ... 原油価格は生産をメキシコ湾の熱帯性暴風雨でした混乱させる潜在的な反発木曜日になる

    • Debris in Relief Well Sets Back Work on Gusher
      Debris linked to tropical storm found in relief well, setting back work on stopping gusher Gulf of Mexico - Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences - Meteorology - Weather Phenomena 土石流は、現。救済リンクするには、嵐の熱帯がよく天気予報-気象-科学、設定作業を背面に停。潮吹き湾のメキシコ-地球科学-大気

    • Garrett clan resist pardon
      Descendants of Old West lawman Pat Garrett met New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and urged him to reject the idea of a posthumous pardon for the outlaw Billy the Kid, who was killed by Garrett nearly 130 years ago in the state.... オールドウェストローマンパットギャレットの子孫は、ニューメキシコ州のビルリチャードソン知事に会い、無法者ビリーザキッド、ギャレット約130年前の状態に....殺されたの死後恩赦のアイデアを拒否する彼を求めた

    • US agency rules out health threat from oil dispersants
      Dispersants used to break up crude leaking from a ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil well are not likely to accumulate in seafood and affect humans, the US Food and Drug Administration said.In a letter released Friday addressing concerns raised by a US lawmaker, the regulatory body said it was highly unlikely that the chemicals used to break up spilled crude into small particles would enter the food chain. 分散剤は、原油破裂メキシコ湾の石油からの漏れを破るにも可能性が高い魚介類に蓄積し、人間に影響を及ぼす、米国食品医薬品局は、管理said.In文字金曜日の懸念を、米国の議員が提起addressing解放されません使用、規制体それが強く化学物質が小さな粒子に食物連鎖を入力します

    • 43 killed in Mexico drug war in a day
      Drug-related violence in Mexico claimed 43 lives, including 28 prison inmates slain in clashes between rival gangs and 12 police officers killed in an ambush, officials said. メキシコでの薬物関連の暴力は28人の受刑者の衝突で対立するギャング団12警察官待ち伏せ攻撃で死亡の間に殺害されたなどの43の生活を、と主張した、と発表した

    • El Nino, farming threaten biosphere reserve in Mexico
      Dry weather from the El Nino phenomenon are causing fire hazards to a forest in east Mexico that is recognized by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve under the Man and the Biosphere Program, officials said Monday. The situation at Pantanos de Centla in the east state of Tabasco is similar to that seen in 2003, when Tabasco saw 77 fires, said Jose Calix Lopez, head of the National Forestry Commission ( Conafor) 's branch in Tabasco. Residents often start fires in order to hunt turtles, an illegal ... エルニーニョ現象による乾燥した天候が東にメキシコでは、ユネスコの男の下に生物圏保護区と生物圏プログラムとして認識されている森林に火災の危険が原因となって、当局と発表した

    • Shooting protest taken to the top
      EL PASO: Mexico has condemned the shooting of a 15-year-old boy by a United States Border Patrol agent through diplomatic correspondence and an angry phone call to the Homeland Security Secretary.Some Mexican politicians called... エルパソは:メキシコ外交文書と国土安全保障省Secretary.Someメキシコの政治家と呼ばれる怒りの電話の呼び出しを通じてアメリカとの国境パトロールエージェントによって15歳の少年の撮影を非難している...

    • Knockout king Valero wants Pacquiao showdown
      Edwin Valero of Venezuela retained his WBC lightweight title by stopping Antonio DeMarco in their title fight in Monterrey, Mexico. DeMarco sat in ... エドウィンバレロベネズエラのMonterrey、メキシコ

    • Video: US midterm elections: Sarah Palin rallies Tea Party supporters
      Ed Pilkington visits Reno, where the Tea Party movement's 'queen' Sarah Palin compliments him on his questioning, endorses Mexico City and says hello to the GuardianEd Pilkington エドピルキントンは、彼の質問にコーヒー党の運動の。。u0026#39;女王。。u0026#39;サラパリンの賛辞は彼を、メキシコシティを支持し、GuardianEdピルキントンによろしく言っRenoを訪問し

    • BP prolongs tests on oil well structure as cap holds
      Energy giant BP extended testing on its Gulf of Mexico oil well to ensure that cracks are not emerging in the seabed after a cap stopped the months-long flow, officials said Saturday. エネルギー大手BPは、そのメキシコ湾の石油に関するテストもその亀裂はキャップは数ヶ月にわたる流れを停止した後海底、当局が2日発表した新興されないように拡張した

    • Video: 'Top kill' plan under way to stop oil leak
      Engineers for BP hope to learn if an attempt to plug the leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico with mud and chemicals will be successful BPのための技術の試みもメキシコ湾の泥や化学薬品漏れ油をプラグインに成功される場合は学ぶことを望む

    • Engineers prepare to seal ruptured oil well
      Engineers on Saturday prepared to permanently seal a ruptured Gulf of Mexico well as incoming BP boss Bob Dudley vowed that his company would stand by local residents who have suffered the effects of the spill. 土曜日にエンジニアは永久にも着信BP社の上司ボブダッドリーとして破裂メキシコ湾を封鎖する用意が彼の会社が流出の影響を受けている地域住民に立つと誓った

    • The Business podcast: How BP dealt with a catastrophic oil spill, and how markets may react to the election
      Following a disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the panel analyses BP's response and what it means for the company's value.The City will be watching the results of the general election very closely and we look at what will happen as the futures exchange opens early.As the Greek bailout is finalised, we speak to the Guardian's Europe editor Ian Traynor. How did the markets react and why the package has pushed gold to a record high?The Guardian's economics editor Larry Elliott, Katie Allen also from our economics desk and Viewpoint columnist Nils Pratley are in the studio.Aditya ChakraborttyAndy DuckworthIan TraynorLarry ElliottKatie AllenNils Pratley メキシコ湾の悲惨な原油流出事故に続いて、パネル分析BP社の応答と、それが同社のvalue.The市の非常に密接に総選挙の結果を見てなることを意味し、我々は先物取引所として何が起こるか見が開きます、我々はガーディアンのヨーロッパエディタイアントレイナーに話すギリシャ救済は最終決定さearly.As

    • More bodies found at Panama home of US couple accused of serial killings
      Forensic scientists examine remains of man, woman and child on property of William Holbert and Laura ReeseThe authorities in Panama have discovered three more bodies on the property of a US couple who are accused of murdering fellow expatriates in the scenic Bocas del Toro archipelago.Jose Pachard, deputy director of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, said the remains of a man, a woman and a child had been recovered, bringing the number of corpses at the site to five.William Holbert, 30, and Laura Reese, 27, were charged last week with deceiving and killing people for their property and money.Authorities said the man, known to neighbours as Wild Bill, had confessed to shooting dead seven people. He was giving police information to help find the bodies.The case broke with the discovery of the corpses of Cheryl Hughes, a hostel owner from Missouri, and Bo Icelar, a retired gallery owner from New Mexico, in shallow graves.Holbert and Reese, who had lived in the archipelago under the aliases William and Jane Cortez, had supposedly bought Hughes's hostel and Icelar's house just before they disappeared last year.Authorities said Holbert had also confessed to killing three other Americans – one Mike Brown, his wife and young son – three years ago. Forensic scientists are trying to detemine whether the most recently discovered remains are theirs. Two Panamanian workers were also alleged to have been shot dead, but reports said Holbert denied being involved.Holbert and Reese have been charged with murdering Hughes and Icelar, and more charges could follow pending identification of the corpses, police said. Humberto Mas, director of the forensics institute, said Holbert had refused a psychological evaluation and requested legal assistance.Seven years ago Holbe 法医学者を調べ、人間の、女性と子供のパナマのウィリアムホルバートとローラReeseThe当局のプロパティに風光明媚なボカスデルトロarchipelago.Jose Pachardの仲間駐在員を殺害したと非難している米国のカップルのプロパティに3つの遺体を発見したまま、法学研究所医学法医学科学の副局長は、男性、女性、子供の回復されていたまま、サイトでホルバート、30 five.Williamに死体の数をもたらす、とローラリーズは、27と先週、騙し、そのプロパティとmoney.Authoritiesの人を殺しで起訴された男は、ワイルドビルと近所の人に知られている、死者7人を撮影する告白していたと述べた

    • Oil spill inquiry team welcomed
      Former Florida Senator Bob Graham and ex-Environmental Protection Agency Administrator William K. Reilly are to lead a presidential commission investigating the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.The White House is expected to make... 元フロリダ州上院議員ボブグラハムとex -環境保護庁管理者ウィリアムKレイリーを作ると予想される大統領委員。湾岸Mexico.Theホワイトハウスの石油流出事故を調査してリードしています...

    • WATCH: Gulf Oil Leak Stopped
      For the first time in 87 days, there is no oil leaking into Gulf waters. Gulf of Mexico - BP - Business - Energy - Oil and Gas 日時87最初は、そこにガスがないとに油漏れ湾の海湾

    • From the lab to the field: How does climate science play out in reality? | John Vidal
      For the next 10 days, I'm trekking from the chilly Andes to the sweltering Amazon, to hear how climate change is affecting human development in Latin America. First stop: PeruTonight we are in Lima, Peru's coastal capital city. It's freezing, with a bitter wind coming off the Pacific, but it's going to get worse. Tomorrow we go to Cusco at 3,400m to acclimatise and from there we're heading up into the really high Andean communities of Cuatro Lagunas and the remote valleys of Espinar at over 4,000m.Brrrr!Peru is going through its coldest winter in 50 years and hundreds of people and thousands of animals have already died of hypothermia as temperatures have fallen to record  -23C lows in the mountain villages. But while this year's cold has been put down to a periodic La Niña phenomenom, scientists here are convinced the bigger picture in the Andes is of progressive climate change.  Retreating glaciers, wild fluctuations of temperatures, unseasonal weather patterns, unpredictable frosts and extreme weather events are all consistent with climate change models.The idea of this 10-day journalistic expedition – I'm travelling with people from Oxfam, and writers from Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador and elsewhere – is to see on the ground how changing weather is affecting human development in the Andes.  So, from the glaciers we plan to drop down through the many climatic zones all the way to the humid Yasuni national park in the Ecuadorean Amazon rainforest, where vast quantities of oil have been found. Along the way we hope to meet scientists, community leaders, farmers and others who will share their experiences and observations.We want to know what's happening to water supplies, crops and glaciers. Are the changes in climate pushing people to the cities? I 次の10日間、私は、気候変動はラテンアメリカで人間開発に影響を及ぼしているかを聞いてうだるようなAmazonに冷ややかなアンデスからトレッキングしています

    • Mexico win, France on brink of exit
      France, the 1998 world champions and 2006 runners-up, were left teetering on the brink of World Cup first round elimination on Thursday when they slumped to a 2-0 defeat against Mexico. フランスは、1998年世界チャンピオン、2006年準優勝、日ワールドカップ第1ラウンドの除去の危機にひんしときには、メキシコ2-0敗北に暴。瀕し残っていた

    • Anger, Frustration Over Oil Mounts Along the Gulf
      Frustration, anger grow over Gulf of Mexico spill as oil washes into wetlands, leak continues Gulf of Mexico - Oil spill - Environment - Business - Energy 欲求不満、怒り湿地に成長洗。石油流出のメキシコ湾上で、リークがエネルギー続け湾、メキシコ-オイル流出-環境-ビジネス-

    • Frustration Mounts as Oil Seeps Into Gulf Wetlands
      Frustration, anger mount as gooey oil seeps into Gulf of Mexico wetlands and leak continues Gulf of Mexico - United States - Oil spill - Environment - Business 欲求不満、怒りビジネス-に湾の湧出マウントオイルとしてネバネバしたメキシコの湿地環境と続けてリークが湾のメキシコ-米国-オイル流出-

    • Robots position giant box over oil-spewing well
      GULF OF MEXICO - BP has lowered a 100-ton concrete-and-steel vault onto a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico, an important step in a delicate and unprecedented attempt to stop most of the gushing crude fouling the... 湾岸メキシコの - BP社に100トンのコンクリートと鋼のボールトを下げているだけでなく、メキシコ湾、繊細で前例のない試み湧き出る原油汚染の大半を停止するには、重要な一歩の破裂...

    • Oil spill evidence raised to surface
      GULF OF MEXICO: A crane hoisted a key piece of oil spill evidence to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday, giving investigators their first chance to personally scrutinize the blowout preventer, the massive piece of equipment... 湾岸メキシコの:クレーン土曜日にメキシコ湾の表面に、捜査に彼らの最初の機会を個人的にブローアウトプリベンタを精査すること油流出の証拠の重要な部分を掲げ、設備の大規模な作品...

    • Gang-related car bombing kills 4 in Mexico
      Gangesters launched a car bombing attack in northern Mexico Thursday night, killing three police officers and a doctor, authorities said on Friday. C-4 explosives and remains of a mobile telephone were found on the scene in Ciudad Juarez, the largest city in northern state Chihuahua, said Eduardo Zarate, head of the fifth military zone that covers the city. Arturo Chavez Chavez, the nation's attorney general, told reporters that the bombing was a retaliation to the arrest of Jesus Arman ... Gangesters医者に警察官3木曜日の夜、殺害を開始メキシコの自動車爆弾攻撃を北部、当局は爆発物4金曜日のC -だと状態の携帯のままの北部最大の都市、電話がわかったのシウダーフアレスシーンチワワは、...とエドゥアルドザレートは一般的な弁護士、国家の、チャベスアルトゥーロチャベス頭の5番目の軍事ゾーンカバー都市

    • Gates open at World Cup stadium
      Gates at South Africa's showpiece Soccer City World Cup stadium opened at 10:00 am (0800 GMT) amid high security, as fans began arriving for the match between the hosts and Mexico. _NULL_

    • Latin America braces for bubbles as funds flow in
      Global investors are pumping so much money into Latin America that the region could enter a new boom-and-bust cycle, with policymakers from Brazil to Mexico on the lookout for bubbles in their markets and economies. 世界の投資家は、この地域は、市場や経済のバブルに目を光らせて、メキシコ、ブラジルからの政策立案者と、新たなブームとバストサイクルを入力することができますが、ラテンアメリカにそんなにお金をポンピングされます

    • No pardon for Billy the Kid
      Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico in the United States has refused to pardon Wild West outlaw Billy the Kid, saying there's not enough proof to forgive the infamous gunslinger, killed in 1881. Advocates for a pardon said... 米国ニューメキシコ州知事のビルリチャードソンは、1881年に殺された悪名高い殺し屋を許すのに十分な証拠がないと言って、ご容赦ワイルドウェスト無法者ビリーにKidを拒否している

    • Top Carrier Shuts Down in Mexico
      Grupo Mexicana, already in bankruptcy, is suspending operations after new owners failed to reach a cost-cutting agreement with unions. 新しい所有者は、労働組合とコスト削減合意に失敗した後グルーポメキシカーナ航空が、破産すでに、操作を中断されます

    • Oil spill threatens to erode value of Gulf Coast homes
      Gulf of Mexico coastal homes may lose as much as US$56,000 each in value as buyers shun areas marred by the worst oil spill in US history, according to CoreLogic. バイヤーの分野、米国史上最悪の油流出により損なわ避ける湾岸、メキシコ沿岸の家の価値が、スイッチを介しによると、米国の56000ドル、それぞれ多くを失うことがあります

    • Oil Spill Taints UC Berkeley's BP-Funded Research
      Gulf of Mexico oil spill fuels controversy over BP-funded energy research at UC Berkeley University of California Berkeley - Oil spill - University of California - California - United States 湾岸バークレーカリフォルニア大学バークレー校大学のカリフォルニア州のBPが出資エネルギー研究以上のメキシコ石。論。流出燃料-オイル流出-カリフォルニア大学-カリフォルニア州-アメリカ合衆国

    • Mexico: 25 slain in deadliest day for years
      Gunmen killed 25 people in a series of drug-gang attacks in Ciudad Juarez, marking the deadliest day in more than two years for the Mexican border city. And farther east on the border, 85 inmates scaled the walls of a prison and escaped... 武装勢力は、シウダードフアレスで麻薬ギャングの攻撃シリーズでは、最悪の日メキシコとの国境都市の2年以上でマーキング25人が死亡した

    • Murder shocks nation
      Gunmen killed a mother who had been protesting for three days in front of a Governor's office in northern Mexico to demand justice for her slain daughter.The brutal killing of activist Marisela Escobedo Ortiz stunned people across... 武装集団は活動MariselaエスコベドOrtizさんの彼女の殺害daughter.The残忍な殺害のために正義を要求するメキシコ北部の州知事の事務所の前で3日間の抗議していた唖然と人々を全体の母を殺した...

    • Gunmen kill 13 at drug rehabilitation center in Mexico
      Gunmen shot dead 13 people at a drug rehabilitation center near Mexico's northern border city of Tijuana late Sunday, local media reported. The motive for the killing was not immediately known. Some 28,000 people have died in drug-related violence since President Felipe Calderonin launched an anti-drug campaign in December 2006. &$&$Source:Xinhua&$&$ ... 武装集団は日曜日のティファナ後半都市メキシコの北部国境付近の13人の薬。射殺リハビリセンター、地元メディアが報じた

    • Gunmen massacre guests
      Gunmen stormed a party in northern Mexico on Sunday and massacred 17 people. The assailants arrived at the gathering in the city of Torreon in several cars and opened fire without saying a word, the Coahuila state Attorney-General's... 武装勢力は、メキシコ北部の日曜日にパーティーを襲撃し、17人虐殺

    • Mexico: 13 dead in massacre at Ciudad Juarez party
      Gunmen stormed two neighboring homes and massacred 13 young people at a birthday party in the latest large-scale attack in this violent border city, even as a new government strategy seeks to restore order with social programs and massive police deployments. 武装集団は新政府の戦略は、社会的なプログラムや大規模な警察の展開と秩序を回復しようとしても、この暴力的な国境の町の最新の大規模な攻撃の誕生日パーティーで隣接する二つの家庭や虐殺13若い人たちを襲撃

    • Heineken snaps up Mexican beer firm for $7.7b
      Heineken NV agreed to buy the beer division of Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB, Mexico's second-biggest brewer, in an all-stock deal valued at 5.3 billion euros ($7.7 billion) to expand in Latin America. The Dutch company will issue new shares to give Femsa a 20 percent stake in Heineken Group, the Amsterdam-based company said. Heineken rose as much as 6.2 percent in Amsterdam trading, the most since Aug 26. The acquisition gives Heineken a bigger presence in Mexico, the world's fourth-most ... ハイネケンネバダ州のすべての株式取引5300000000ユーロ(77億ドル)相当のラテンアメリカで展開するには、Fomento経済機構とメキシコのSab、メキシコの第2位のビール会社のビール部門を買収することで合意

    • Video: British Pathé archive: Olympics 1968
      Highlights from the Olympic Games of 1968, which were held in Mexico City. They were the first Games to be held in a developing country, and the first in Latin America メキシコシティーで開催された1968年のオリンピックから、ハイライト

    • US working to end Mexico drug violence
      Hillary Clinton has reiterated her support for ending Mexico's drug violence, saying it was in US interest to crack down on drug cartels. ヒラリークリントンがあって、それが米国の利益のために、麻薬カルテルを取り締まることだったと言って、メキシコの麻薬がらみの暴力を終わらせるための彼女の支持を改めて表明した

    • Crocodiles escape after floods
      Hundreds of crocodiles reported to have escaped from a breeding centre in Mexico during Hurricane Karl are still contained in a nature reserve, the BBC reported.The reptiles were feared to have swam away after their outdoor enclosure... ワニ数百人もの自然保護区に含まれているハリケーンカール中にメキシコで繁殖中心部から逃れていると報告は、BBCのreported.Theの爬虫類は、離れた場所に屋。筐体の後に泳いでいると恐れられていた...

    • Hurricane Alex makes landfall
      Hurricane Alex, the first named storm of the season has made landfall in Mexico as a category 2 hurricane ハリケーンアレックスは、シーズンの最初の名前嵐カテゴリーとして2ハリケーン、メキシコに上陸してきた

    • Mexico landslide
      Images of the landslide in the remote mountain town of Santa Maria de Tlahuitoltepec in Mexico メキシコのサンタマリアデTlahuitoltepecの山間の町で地すべりの画像

    • Deepwater Horizon blast triggered by methane bubble, report shows
      Investigation reveals accident on Gulf of Mexico rig was caused when gas escaped from oil well before explodingThe deadly blast on board the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico was triggered by a bubble of methane gas, an investigation by BP has revealed.A report into last month's blast said the gas escaped from the oil well and shot up the drill column, expanding quickly as it burst through several seals and barriers before exploding.The sequence of events, described in the interviews with rig workers, provides the most detailed account of the blast that killed 11 workers and led to more than 3 million gallons of crude oil pouring into the Gulf.Segments of the interviews conducted during BP's internal investigation were described in detail to the Associated Press by Robert Bea, a University of California Berkeley engineering professor who serves on a National Academy of Engineering panel on oil pipeline safety. He also worked for BP as a risk assessment consultant during the 1990s. He received the details from industry friends seeking his expert opinion.The revelations came as a giant funnel was lowered over the oil well in a bid to contain oil leaking from it.BP said it might take up to 12 hours for the 98-tonne, steel and concrete containment device to settle in place almost 1 mile (1.6km) below the surface. But the company added that the operation appeared to be going as planned.It is hoped that the structure will be able to collect as much as 85% of the leaking oil and begin funnelling it to ships above by Monday.But the BP chief executive, Tony Hayward, has warned there is no certainty the device will prove successful because it has not be tried at that depth.The company, which is also drilling a relief well to halt the leak, faces an equally daunting 調査は、ガス、石油からボード上のexplodingThe致命的な爆発前によくメタンガスは、BPの調査のバブルによって引き起こされたrevealed.A報告してメキシコ湾の深海ホライゾン石油リグをエスケープ引き起こされたメキシコ湾リグの事故を明らかにする先月の爆発にガス、石油井戸から脱出し、ドリル列を、迅速に拡大して急上昇、それはいくつかのシールや障壁をイベントのexploding.Theシーケンスの前に、リグの労働者とのインタビューで説明バーストとして、最も詳細なアカウントを提供するという11労働者が死亡し、原油の300万人以上ガロンインタビューBP社の内部調査に実施Gulf.Segmentsに注ぐ主導爆発の詳細にAP通信にロバートビー、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校工学によって記述された国立アカデミーの石油パイプラインの安全性工学パネルの上に役立つ教授

    • Bubble concerns trigger shift in investment choices
      Investors have turned bullish on the U.S. while tempering their enthusiasm for China as they worry about a market bubble there, according to a Bloomberg survey. An overwhelming majority also see a government debt default on the horizon this year, according to a quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers. Greece is considered the riskiest government, followed by Argentina, Russia, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Mexico. Sentiment toward the U.S. investment cl ... としては、市場のバブルについても心配する一方、中国のために熱意を。戻し投資家の強気、米国、ブルームバーグの調査によるとなっている

    • BP investors count the cost of US legal action
      Investor confidence in BP wobbled yesterday after the US government launched a legal challenge claiming unlimited liabilities for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, sending the company's stock down by nearly 1.4 per cent. 米国政府は約140パーセント減会社の株式を送信する場合、メキシコ湾の石油流出のための無制限の負債を主張する法的な異議申し立てを開始した後、BPの投資家の信頼が昨日ウォブリング

    • Strange case of the disappearing islands
      In September 2009 it was reported that, in spite of being on maps for centuries, the tiny island of Bermeja, in the Gulf of Mexico, could no longer be found.The Mexican Government sent out planes and boats and used satellites... 2009年9月では、その何世紀にも地図上にいるにもかかわらず、メキシコ湾のBermejaの小さな島は、もはやfound.Theメキシコ政府ことができる飛行機、船、使用衛星を送って報告されて...

    • China likely to become 2nd largest buyer of US ag goods
      It is estimated that China will purchase 15 billion U.S. dollars of agricultural commodities from the United States in the 2011 fiscal year. Although China only ranked fourth in 2009, it is expected that China will overtake Mexico to become the second largest agricultural importer from the United States, according to a report on the agricultural trade prospect issued by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Aug. 31. China's agricultural imports have been on a fluctuating rise ... これは、中国が2011年度に米国からの農産物の15億ドルを購入すると推定される

    • Durant leads at USPGA's Mexico event
      Joe Durant fired a five-under par 66 to stretch his lead at the US PGA Tour's Mayakoba classic to two strokes. ジョーデュラント、米PGAツアーのマヤコバ2ストロークに古典的で彼のリードを伸ばし5アンダー66で解雇した

    • BP Ousts Exploration Chief
      LONDON (Reuters) - BP Plc's incoming Chief Executive Bob Dudley ousted the oil group's exploration and production chief following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and promised to restructure the company to boost safety. ロンドンは、(ロイター) - BPのPLCの着信最高経営責任者ボブDudleyがメキシコ湾の石油流出次の石油グループの探査や生産の責任者を追放し、安全性を高めるために会社を再構築することを約束した

    • BP E&P Boss Inglis to Step Down From Russian Unit
      LONDON (Reuters) - BP Plc said its head of exploration and production, the unit responsible for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, is to step down from the board of BP's Russian joint venture, TNK-BP. ロンドンは、(ロイター) - BPはPlcの探査、生産、ユニットメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の責任者の頭が、下のBPのロシア合弁会社であるTNK - BPのボードからステップだ

    • Commodities Lead FTSE Rebound as BP Rises on Well Kill
      LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's top shares extended gains by midday on Monday, led by energy shares after BP permanently killed its deep-sea well in the Gulf of Mexico. ロンドンは、(ロイター) - 英国のトップシェア、BPは永久にもメキシコ湾での深海を殺した後にエネルギー株が主導日正午で利益を延長した

    • BP boss hits back at media over Gulf oil disaster
      LONDON - BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley has accused some politicians and the media of being too hasty to pin all the blame on his company for the devastating Gulf of Mexico spill - and emphasised the need for deep-water drilling.In... ロンドン - BPの最高経営責任者ボブダッドリー一部の政治家ともメキシコ流出の壊滅的な湾のための彼の会社にすべての責任をピンに性急さのメディアを非難している - と深い水drilling.Inの必要性を強調した...

    • BP Points Fingers In Oil Spill Blame Game
      LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - BP Plc and its Gulf of Mexico oil well partners traded blame on Wednesday after an internal BP investigation tried to downplay the company's role in the world's biggest offshore spill. ロンドンは、/ワシントンは、(ロイター) - BP社Plcおよびそのメキシコ湾の石油の井戸のパートナーは30日、内部BPの調査後に責任をトレード世界最大のオフショア流出における同社の役割を軽視してみました

    • Anger over plans to pardon Billy the Kid
      LONDON: A modest Wild West battle has broken out over plans to grant a posthumous pardon to the notorious New Mexico killer Billy the Kid. The descendants of Pat Garrett, the sheriff who shot Billy dead, want to block an attempt to clear the outlaw's name, calling him a ''thief, terroriser and cop killer''. ロンドン:ささやかなワイルドウェストの戦いは、悪名高いニューメキシコキラービリーザキッドに死後恩赦を付与する計画で壊れている

    • Oil rig worker on cigarette break as warnings came in
      LOS ANGELES - The explosion which caused the Gulf of Mexico oil spill took place shortly after a man who was monitoring vital safety equipment decided to leave his workstation for a cigarette break.Joseph Keith, an employee of... ロサンゼルスは - メキシコ湾の石油流出事故を起こした爆発タバコbreak.Josephのキースの従業員は彼のワークステーションを離れることにした重要な安全装置を監視していた男の直後に行われた...

    • US spill 'threatens way of life'
      Louisiana's governor warns that the sprawling Gulf of Mexico oil slick threatens the very way of life in his state. ルイジアナ州の知事は、広大な湾は、メキシコの油膜の彼の状態での生活は非常に道を脅かすと警告する

    • Video: Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion contained
      Louisiana coastguard confirms fire is out and all 13 workers are safe ルイジアナ州は、沿岸警備。火が出ていると確認全13の労働者が安全である

    • Hurricane Alex threatens Mexico, Texas coasts
      MATAMOROS - The first Atlantic hurricane of the year has grown to a powerful Category 2 storm as it neared Mexico's Gulf coast and south Texas, whipping up high waves that frustrated oil-spill clean-up efforts and delivering tar balls... それはメキシコの湾の海岸を、南テキサス近づくにつれてマタモロスは - 年の最初の大西洋ハリケーンの強力なカテゴリー2の嵐には、高い波をかき立てる成長していることイライラした油流出クリーンアップの努力と実現のtarボール...

    • Contractor: BP interfered with critical efforts
      METAIRIE, LOUISIANA - BP interfered with critical efforts to lower an undersea robot to try to close the device that failed to stop the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill because of concerns over heat buildup from the burning rig, a... _NULL_

    • Drug lords clear territory with scorched earth policy
      MEXICO - The 14-year-old boy tied mattresses and a bed to the family ute. Christian went back into his house for the cat, and chained up the gate. Then he drove off with his family, which was abandoning home, jobs, school and country... メキシコは、 - 14歳の少年が、家族uteのベッドのマットレスを結んだ

    • Once-feared drug cartel dismembered, police say
      MEXICO CITY: Mexico's federal police say the once fearsome La Familia drug cartel has been ''completely dismembered'' and has broken down into small groups that commit robberies to pay their members. メキシコシティは:メキシコの連邦警察は、かつて恐ろしいラファミリア麻薬カルテルは、。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;されている完全。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;バラバラにメンバーを支払う強盗をコミットする少人数のグループに分けているという

    • 'Red Head' found hanging, six shot dead at car wash
      MEXICO CITY: The half-naked body of a woman who had escaped from prison officials while facing kidnapping charges was found hanging by the neck from an overpass in the wealthy northern industrial city of Monterrey. メキシコシティ:直面している誘。料金はモンテレイの裕福な北部の工業都市の高架道路から首をぶら下げ発見された中に刑務所当局から逃げてきた女性の半裸体

    • Mass jailbreak in Mexican border city
      MEXICO CITY: At least 159 inmates have escaped from a prison in the north-eastern Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo. メキシコシティ:少なくとも159被収容者には、ヌエボラレドの北東メキシコ国境の町の刑務所から脱出した

    • Boy, 14, a 'drug cartel hitman'
      MEXICO CITY: A 14-year-old boy has been arrested for beheading and mutilating his victims as a drug cartel hitman. メキシコシティ:14歳の少年は、麻薬カルテルの殺し屋として斬首とmutilating彼の犠牲者のために逮捕されています

    • Mexico's modern city succumbs to drug violence
      MONTERREY - A 21-year-old university student lies dead from a gunshot to the head. Nearby, paramedics wrap the head of another woman in a blood-soaked shirt while her husband holds their cowering children.They were shopping in... モンテレーは、 - 21歳の大学生が頭部に銃弾から死をある

    • Mexican tourism promotion tour hijacked by dose of reality
      MORELIA - A government media tour to promote tourism in southwestern Mexico went awry when machete-wielding Indians briefly kidnapped 13 reporters on the trip.Fifteen people trying to film a beer commercial were also abducted.Nobody... モレリアは - 政府のメディアツアー南西、メキシコの観光を促進するためゆがんときマチェーテ-インディアンが簡単にtrip.Fifteenの人々に映画のビールのコマーシャルをしようとしてにもabducted.Nobodyされた13の記者を拉。振り回す行った...

    • For us in the Pacific, the Cancún climate summit is about survival | Marcus Stephen
      Marcus Stephen, president of the island of Nauru, says the predicament facing the Pacific's low-lying states is shared the world over• Don't consign us to history, plead island states at CancúnLast year, heads of state from the world's largest economies gathered at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen to show solidarity with their counterparts from smaller, more vulnerable countries in the face of the largest environmental crisis in history. The failure of the negotiations to produce a legally binding treaty, coupled with shifting domestic politics, have kept the same leaders away from this year's meeting in Cancún, lest they be associated with another breakdown in talks or accused of not putting their own country's problems first.But while climate change may have become politically inconvenient in the past year for some, the threat it poses to the world is no less real. And for few people is the danger so great as it is for the citizens of Pacific island nations.For this reason, several heads of state from our region will personally take part in the Mexico negotiations – to ensure that our interests are fairly represented and to remind the world that, for us, action on climate change is not simply a matter of politics, but of survival.The countries in our region are spread across thousands of square miles in the Pacific and include hundreds of small islands and coral atolls. The region is home to more than 8 million people, 600 distinct languages, and some of the most biologically diverse marine ecosystems in the world.As with other small island states, our low-lying terrain, remote geography, vulnerability to storms, and dependence on natural resources have made the impacts of climate change all the more severe.For example, the combination of rising seas and intens マーカススティーブンは、ナウル島の社長は、太平洋の低平地の状態に直面して苦境に•世界中には、歴史に私たちを委託しないでくださいCancúnLast年に島嶼国を認める共有されている収集世界最大の経済の首脳コペンハーゲンでの国連気候変動会議では史上最大規模の環境危機に直面して、より小さく脆弱な国々からのカウンターパートとの連帯を表示します

    • Medics Meet Frontier Airlines Flight in Denver
      Medics meet Frontier flight from Mexico in Denver after report of person on board with disease Frontier Airlines - Aviation - Republic Airways Holdings - Transportation - Airline の航空輸送- -ホールディングス航空共和国-航空-航空会社フロンティア疾患患者のボードフロンティアメディックスを満たす飛行をメキシコでデンバーした後、レポート

    • Mexico, US open joint office to combat drug gangs
      Mexican and US officials opened a first joint office to manage the distribution of more than 1.3 billion dollars in US security aid to help fight brutal drug gangs.The office will oversee transfers of equipment and training under the so-called Merida Initiative, a 1.6-billion-dollar three-year plan for Central America and mainly Mexico which the US is seeking to extend, a Mexican foreign ministry statement said. メキシコと米国の当局者は残忍な薬物gangs.Theオフィスの移転を監督すると闘うために初の共同事務所を米国の安全保障の援助以上の13億ドルの配布を管理するために開かれた設備と訓練とは、いわゆるメリダイニシアティブの下で1.6中央アメリカ、主にメキシコは、米国、メキシコ外務省声明によると拡張を求めている10億ドルの3ヵ年計画

    • Hurricane watch issued for coasts of Mexico, Texas
      Mexican authorities urged people to move to shelters while officials in Texas distributed sandbags and warned of flash floods as Tropical Storm Hermine strengthened and headed toward the northwestern Gulf coast on Monday.Hermine... メキシコ当局は、テキサス州では、分散土のうの職員は、熱帯性低気圧ハーマイン、フラッシュの洪水の強化とMonday.Hermine北西部湾岸に向かって警告しながら避難所に移動する人々を求めた...

    • Mexican auto industry registers strong exports in November
      Mexican auto exports registered a 24.7 percent increase and a 17.5 percent increase in production year on year in November, the Mexican Automotive Industry Association (AMIA) said in a statement Monday. Auto export has become one of the key factors behind Mexico's 2010 export boom, accounting for more than 19.5 billion dollars, more than traditional sectors like oil, tourism and remittances. More than 168,000 vehicles were exported in November, and the total number in the first 11 months o ... メキシコの自動車輸出は11月登録24.7%増前年同期比での生産増加をパーセント17.5、メキシコ自動車工業会は、(AMIA)月曜日声明で述べている

    • Mexico: 13 shot dead at birthday party
      Mexican gunmen stormed two homes in Ciudad Juarez and massacred 13 young people at a birthday party in the latest large-scale attack in the violent border city. Attackers in two vehicles pulled up to the neighbouring houses in... メキシコの武装集団は暴力的な国境の町の最新の大規模な攻撃で誕生日パーティーでシウダーフアレスと虐殺13若者の2つの家を襲撃

    • Mexico's economy grows 7.6 percent in Q2
      Mexico's National Statistics Agency said on Friday the nation's gross domestic product rose 7.6 percent in the second quarter compared with the same period last year. The quarterly GDP increased 3.22 percent from the first quarter. Agriculture production gained 6.8 percent from April to June compared with a quarter earlier, but only up 4.8 percent year-on-year. Industrial output rose 7.8 percent year-on-year, and 1.7 percent from last quarter. Mexican manufacturing has been experiencing ... メキシコの国家統計庁は今年によると金曜日の国の国内総Lastにも同じ期間%の製品は、バラ7.6 with第2四半期と比較

    • Mexican navy dredges canals to ease flooding
      Mexico's Navy is dredging canals in the southeastern state of Tabasco to help reduce flooding caused by the overflow of the Usuamacinta and Grijalva Rivers, Navy officers told Xinhua. The navy is clearing natural sediments in a canal that goes 15 kilometres (km) from the flooded area to Frontera, a port on Tabasco's coast, Vice-Admiral Juan Ramon Alcala Pigno, the region's commander, told Xinhua. Alcala said that the plan was to extend the canal to a total length of 2,100 meters, 4 ... メキシコの海軍は、河川グリジャルバとUsuamacintaオーバーフローによる洪水軽減するタバスコ州の南東部は浚。運河では、海軍将校は、新華ファイナンスと語った

    • Mexico prison population surges amid drug war
      Mexico's federal prison population has more than doubled in recent years amid the crackdown on drug cartels and the overcrowded system needs to be revamped to prevent violence, the country's top policeman said Friday.Public Safety... メキシコの連邦刑務所の人口は以上の過密状態のシステムには、暴力的な国のトップ警官を防止するために改造する必要がある麻薬カルテルの取り締まりやの中、最近年間で倍増したFriday.Public安全によると...

    • Climate delegates assured: no secret talks
      Mexico's foreign secretary told the global climate conference today there will be "no hidden text and no secret negotiations" in the meeting's final days, assuring delegates Cancun will not see a repeat of the last hours... メキシコの外相は、カンクンは、最後の時間の繰り返しが表示されませんデリゲートを確保し、。。u0026quot;隠されたテキストと秘密交渉。。u0026quot;会議の最終日にはあり得ないでしょう今日の地球規模の気候記者会見で...

    • Mexican legislators agree to increase 2011 budget agree
      Mexico's legislators Wednesday approved the 2011 spending plans submitted by President Felipe Calderon, increasing the budget by 61 billion pesos, according to a statement sent by the legislature. The decision came just hours after the legislature's finance committee approved to raise the planned deficit to 0.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The committee estimated that oil would be 65.40 dollars per barrel during 2011, compared with 63 dollars in Calderon's original plans. Mexic ... メキシコの国会議員は水曜日議会送信することで文にペソ応じ、億円61予算でカルデロン、増加して、Felipe大統領によって計画提出支出を2011承認した

    • Mexico reports falling prices in May, slowing yearly inflation
      Mexico's retail prices fell by 0.63 percent in May from April, the steepest monthly drop on record, according to data published by the Bank of Mexico Wednesday. The drop was due in part to cuts in state-controlled electricity prices, which are always slashed ahead of northern Mexico's summer, the peak periods for residents' energy consumption to cool homes and workplaces. The hottest Mexican cities, all in the north, are experiencing temperatures of around 45 degrees Celsius, more than 15 ... メキシコの小売価格は、4月0.63下落によって%から5月、銀行のメキシコ公開されて水曜日のデータによると、。毎月のドロップ記録します

    • US carmakers drive to cheaper Mexico
      Mexico's share of North American car production may rise at a quicker pace as General Motors, Ford Motor and Chrysler Group seek out workers making less than 10 per cent of what their counterparts in the United States earn. 北米の自動車生産のメキシコのシェアはゼネラルモーターズ、フォードモーター、クライスラーグループと早いペースで労働者を作り求める上がるかもしれないが10未満、米国での対応を稼ぐ何パーセント

    • Mexico's tourism income up 10.8% in first nine months
      Mexico's tourism income went up 10.8 percent year on year to 7.1 billion U.S. dollars in the first nine months of this year, the government said. According to a Tourism Ministry report issued on Monday, income from cruise ship visits rose 28.3 percent to 393 million U.S. dollars in the first three quarters, tourist arrivals rose 6.9 percent to 16.8 million, tourists' average consumption rose 2.5 percent to 451 U.S. dollars each. Mexico's tourism income declined 10 percent in 2009 due to H1 ... メキシコの観光収入は、今年9ヶ月の第一の7.1億ドルにパーセント前年同期比10.8行って、政府によると月曜日に観光省の報告書発行によると、訪問船の利益はクルーズアメリカ393000000に上昇し28.3%ドルは、四半期の最初の3つ、観光客数は、百万円と16.8パーセント増の6.9観光客の平均消費量は、各ドル451上昇2.5パーセントに設定してください

    • Mexico, U.S. revise agenda for agricultural cooperation
      Mexico and the United States have revised their bilateral agenda in agriculture, livestock, and fishing, and emphasized technical and sanitary cooperation, the Mexican government said on Friday. Mexican agriculture minister Francisco Mayorga Castaneda met with his U.S. counterpart, Tom Vilsack, in Yucatan State to follow up on a meeting of the Consulting Committee on Agriculture (CCA) in October in Washington, the agriculture ministry said in a statement. The objective of the CCA is to str ... メキシコと米国は、釣り家畜は、改正後の二国間の議題を農業があると協力を強調して技術的な衛生、メキシコ政府によるとメキシコの農業大臣はサンフランシスコマヨルガCastanedaは、国ユカタン米国の対応、トムヴィルサック、彼の会ったとワシントンで10月にCCA)を(委員会の農業コンサルティング会議のフォローアップには、農業省は声明言ったインチCCAの目的は、strには...

    • Cold front forces Mexico to seal roads in northern, western states
      Mexico has sealed roads in the states of Zacatecas and Jalisco due to freezing weather, authorities said on Friday. Eight municipalities in the northern state of Zacatecas have been sealed off, and public transport has been suspended across the territory, said Juan Antonio Caldera Martinez, director of public security and transit in Zacatecas. In Jalisco, a western state on the Pacific coast, authorities have sealed two municipalities in the mountainous Sierra Madre area, includi ... メキシコサカテカス州とハリスコ州寒さのための状態の道路を密封し、当局が明らかにした

    • Mexico stresses drug violence danger
      Mexico is telling migrants driving home for the holidays from the United States that they should form convoys for their own safety while travelling through Mexico. Police will accompany convoys on the most dangerous stretches.... メキシコは、メキシコを旅しながら彼らは自身の安全のために輸送船団を形成する必要があることを米国からの祝日のための家を駆動する移民を語っている

    • Mexico plans immigration shake-up
      Mexico plans a shake-up of its corruption-ridden immigration institute, officials said, after a year that saw some of the worst atrocities against illegal migrants trekking through the country - including the mass slaughter of 72... メキシコは計画国をトレッキング不法移民に対する最悪の残虐行為のいくつかを見て今年振るポップアップ腐敗に苦しむ移民研究所の、関係者によると、後に - 72の大量虐殺を含む...

    • Sovereign Debt Glut
      Mexico, Poland, Turkey?? the debt keeps rolling in. メキシコ、ポーランド、トルコがどうした?債務インチローリングを保持

    • Pardon for Billy the Kid in the balance
      More people say they favour a pardon for Billy the Kid than oppose the idea, after Governor Bill Richardson's office set up a website and email address to take comments on a possible posthumous pardon for one of New Mexico's most... より多くの人々が、アイデアに反対するよりも知事ビルリチャードソンさんの事務所はニューメキシコ州の大部分をのいずれかの可能な死後恩赦のご意見をお待ちしてウェブサイトや電子メールアドレスを設定した後、彼らはビリーのKidを恩赦を好むと言う...

    • Australians stranded on cruise ship off Mexico
      More than 20 Australians are among 4500 tourists stranded after a fire aboard a cruise ship off the coast of Mexico.The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) said 24 Australians were aboard the Carnival Splendor, which... 20以上のオーストラリア人は、クルーズは、外務貿易省Mexico.The部(DFAT)の沖で船火事の後一本鎖4500観光客の間で、24のオーストラリア人がカーニバルスプレンダー、乗っていると言いましたが...

    • Video: Mexico drugs shootout leaves 25 dead
      More than 28,000 people have been killed in fighting between state forces and drug traffickers since December 2006 以上の28,000人が国家軍と麻薬密売人の間で戦闘2006年12月以来、死亡されている

    • As BP Lays Out Future, It Will Not Include Tony Hayward
      Mr. Hayward, the oil giant’s embattled chief executive, will be replaced by Robert Dudley, the American executive who is in charge of BP’s operations in the Gulf of Mexico. 氏ヘイワードは、石油大手の四面楚歌の最高経営責任者、ロバートダドリー、BP社の業務を担当してメキシコ湾にある米企業の役員に置き換えられます

    • US mother said 'shoot me'
      NEW MEXICO: A woman shot and killed herself while driving after her 9-year-old daughter refused her mother's request to kill her, authorities said. The girl told investigators that her mother began to breathe heavily - possibly... _NULL_

    • Coast Guard allowed toxic spray
      NEW ORLEANS - BP inched closer to permanently sealing the blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico as environmental officials defended themselves on Sunday against assertions they allowed the oil giant liberal use of chemical... ニューオーリンズ - BPは近い環境当局は、日曜日にアサーションに対して、彼らは化学の石油大手は、リベラルな使用許可自体を擁護として永久にもメキシコ湾の本格的なアウトオイルシールに58.5 ...

    • BP Fund Czar: No Deduction for Spill Cleanup Wages
      NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The administrator of the fund for victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster says he will waive a requirement that wages earned by spill cleanup workers be subtracted from their claims of lost revenue. ニューオーリンズ(AP)は - メキシコ湾の石油災害の犠牲者のための資金の管理、彼は消えてしまった収入の主張から減算される要件を賃金が流出クリーンアップ労働者の獲得放棄と言います

    • BP finally plugs blown out Gulf oil well
      NEW ORLEANS - In the end, it was a crush of mud that finally plugged the blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico, three months after the offshore drilling rig explosion that unleashed a gusher of oil and a summer of misery along the... ニューオーリンズは - 最終的には、それが最終的にもメキシコ湾の本格的なアウトを接続泥の粉砕され、不幸の夏..に沿って油の潮吹きを解き放つ海洋掘削リグの爆発3ヶ月後

    • 11 missing in oil rig blast
      NEW ORLEANS - Rescuers in helicopters and boats searched the Gulf of Mexico for 11 missing workers after a thunderous explosion rocked a huge oil drilling platform and lit up the night sky with a pillar of flame. Seventeen people... _NULL_

    • Cap on oil well kept shut despite leaks, seepage
      NEW ORLEANS - The federal government allowed BP to keep the cap shut tight on its ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil well for another day despite news the well is leaking at the top and something is seeping from the sea floor nearby.The... ニューオーリンズは - 連邦政府BPはキャップをしっかりと破裂メキシコ湾の石油に関する別の日ものニュースも上部にある漏れです、何か海底nearby.Theから浸入であるにもかかわらずシャットダウン保つことができた...

    • Rig alarms were silenced, says oil worker
      NEW ORLEANS: A former rig technician said alarms that should have alerted workers to a deadly build-up of gas had been muted months before the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig that sparked the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. ニューオーリンズは:旧リグ技術に致命的なビルドを開くガスの労働者に警告が必要アラームがミュートか月メキシコ湾の悲惨な油流出事故を引き起こしたディープウォーターホライゾンリグで爆発する前にされていたと述べた

    • Well cap gives new hope to Gulf
      NEW ORLEANS: Gulf of Mexico residents were daring to hope that they were witnessing the beginning of the end of the catastrophic oil spill after BP reported a new containment system was working.Underwater video images seemed to... ニューオーリンズは:メキシコ湾の住民のBPがworking.Underwater映像された新しい封じ込めシステムを報告した後に見えたが、彼らが壊滅的な石油流出の終わりの始まりを目撃していた希望に大胆された...

    • Negotiations Fall Apart for Telecom Deal in Mexico
      NII Holdings said its talks with Grupo Televisa collapsed over disagreements about how to deal with regulatory risks. 国立情報学研究所ホールディングスは、グルポテレビサとの会談は、規制リスクに対処する方法については意見の相違で崩壊した

    • 'Nearly 80pct of Gulf spill oil still in water'
      Nearly 80 percent of the oil spilled from a BP well in the Gulf of Mexico is still in the gulf, US scientists have estimated, challenging a more optimistic assessment by the US government earlier in the month.In its August 4 report, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration found that half the 4.9 million barrels of oil spilled by the April 20 blowout had been evaporated, burned, skimmed or dispersed.A team of five scientists from the University of Georgia did their own analysis of the government data and came to a different conclusion. 油井メキシコ湾のBPからこぼれたの約80%はまだ湾では、米国の科学者は、その8月4日レポートmonth.In米国政府はすでに、より楽観的な評価に挑戦すると推定して、国立海洋大気管理の半分は、石油4月20日パンクでこぼれたの490万バレルは、蒸発されていた焼き、脱脂やジョージア大学から5科学者のdispersed.Aチームが政府のデータの独自の分析を行ったとになった異なる結論

    • 129 years on, US denies pardon to Billy the Kid
      New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson announced Friday he would not issue a posthumous pardon for Billy the Kid, the most infamous of the Wild West outlaws shot dead by a lawman 129 years ago.Richardson has said he has been investigating Billy the Kid since he first took office, especially reports that territorial governor Lew Wallace 130 years ago had promised to pardon him.He argued that historical debate about Billy the Kid's fate and pardon made the decision work pondering. ニューメキシコ州知事のビルリチャードソンは、彼が最もワイルドウェスト無法者の悪名高い、129年ago.Richardsonは、彼は最初の就任以来、彼はビリーにKidを捜査していると述べている法執行者によって射殺ビリーザキッドのための死後恩赦を発行しないこと金曜日に発表オフィスは、特にビリーザキッドの運命と恩赦についての歴史的議論は熟考の決定作業を行ったと主張し、領土知事ルーウォレスは130年前に恩赦him.Heと約束していたと報告している

    • 'Jaws' breaks record in burrito-eating contest
      New Mexico state fair in Albuquerque witnessed feat by competitive eater Joey ChestnutCompetitive eater Joey Chestnut, AKA Jaws, has downed 47 burritos in 10 minutes at the New Mexico state fair in Albuquerque, beating the previous record of 33. Chestnut, of San Jose, California, won $1,500 (£977) for the feat on Saturday.Known for his hotdog eating, Chestnut also won the annual July Fourth hotdog-eating contest on Coney Island, New York, for the fourth year in a row this summer.The Garcia's World Burrito Eating Championship was supported by the International Federation of Competitive Eating, which oversees all international professional eating contests.CaliforniaUnited Statesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds アルバカーキのニューメキシコ州フェアは33の前のレコードを破って、アルバカーキのニューメキシコ州のフェアで10分で47ブリトーを撃墜した、大食い競争参加者ジョーイChestnutCompetitive食べるジョーイチェスナット、AKAのジョーズで偉業を目撃した

    • NZ harming climate talks in Mexico
      New Zealand's stance at the international climate talks in Mexico is under fire from senior doctors here.Health professional organisation Ora Taiao spokeswoman, Dr Alexandra Macmillan, says New Zealand negotiators are harming... メキシコでの国際的な気候会談で、ニュージーランドのスタンスは、上級医師here.Health専門組織オーラTaiaoの広報担当者からの攻撃を受けている、博士はアレクサンドラMacmillanは、ニュージーランドの交渉を傷つけるであると書かれています...

    • Gang leaders killed in Mexico tourist city
      OAXACA - Two alleged leaders of a university student gang were shot to death Friday by gunmen on a motorcycle in the tourist zone of Mexico's colonial city of Oaxaca.The killings occurred in front of the former convent of Santo... オアハカは - 大学生のギャングの二つの疑惑リーダーOaxaca.The殺人のメキシコの植民都市の観光ゾーンのバイクに乗って銃撃から金曜日に射殺されたサントの元修道院の前で発生した...

    • Hundreds missing after Mexico mudslide
      OAXACA, Mexico - A hillside has collapsed on hundreds of sleeping residents in a rural Mexican community drenched for days by a hurricane and a tropical storm, killing at least seven and leaving at least 100 missing, disaster officials... オアハカ州、メキシコ - 丘の中腹には、農村部のメキシコのコミュニティハリケーンや熱帯暴風雨による日びしょ濡れで、居住者に眠って少なくとも7を殺害し、残して少なくとも100不足している、災害関係者を何百もの崩壊している...

    • Another Mexican landslide - 16 dead
      OAXACA, Mexico - Searchers recovered the bodies of two teenage sisters during the hunt for 11 people missing after a huge hillside collapsed on a town in Mexico's rain-soaked southern state of Oaxaca, while a landslide in a neighbouring... オアハカ州は、メキシコ - 捜索、巨大な丘の中腹には、オアハカ州のメキシコの雨でずぶぬれの南部の状態で町の崩壊後、行方不明11人を捜す時に2つの十代の姉妹の遺体を回収しながら隣接する地すべり...

    • Gulf oil spill fix-up fails, tar washes ashore
      ON THE GULF OF MEXICO - Icelike crystals encrusting a 100-ton steel-and-concrete box meant to contain oil gushing from a broken well deep in the Gulf of Mexico forced crews to back off the long-shot plan, while more than 160 kilometres... メキシコ湾岸 - Icelike結晶100トン鋼とコンクリートボックスを油をよくメキシコ湾の深い壊れて乗組員は、長期ショット計画をオフにバックアップする、強制から噴出含まれていることを意味encrusting ONにしながらより160キロ...

    • Obama Names Chairmen of Gulf Oil Spill Commission
      Obama selects former Florida senator, former EPA chief to lead presidential oil spill panel Oil spill - Florida - Environment - Energy - Gulf of Mexico オバマ氏はメキシコ-環境-エネルギー-湾岸のチーフをEPAの選。元フロリダ州選出の上院議員、元になる大統領の油流出パネル油流出をフロリダ-

    • Oil Below $86 as Traders Eye Gulf Crude Spill
      Oil falls below $86 in Asia as traders eye Gulf of Mexico crude spill Gulf of Mexico - Oil spill - Asia - Energy - Environment 石油は、アジアに落ちる以下86 $としてトレーダー目メキシコ湾の原油流出メキシコ湾-石油流出-アジア-エネルギー-環境

    • Disaster looms, oil slick grows, reaches US coast
      Oil from a giant Gulf of Mexico slick washed onto Louisiana shores Saturday, threatening an environmental calamity, as two neighboring states declared a state of emergency. オイルは、巨大なメキシコ湾スリックタイヤからルイジアナ州の海岸に2009年の環境災害を脅かして、2つの隣接する州は非常事態を宣言したとして洗った

    • Deepwater Horizon oil spill closes in on US coast
      Oil from a leaking wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico threatens to destroy fisheries and wildlife 石油はメキシコ湾の漏れ坑口から漁業と野生生物を破壊する恐れが

    • Oil prices slip
      Oil prices slipped on Monday as investor concerns over a storm threat to energy installations in the Gulf of Mexico eased. 原油価格は月曜日にメキシコ湾でのエネルギーのインストールに嵐の脅威に対する投資家の懸念として滑って緩和

    • Oil Rises Above $74 in Asia Amid Hurricane Risks
      Oil rises above $74 in Asia amid risks to Gulf of Mexico production in the hurricane season Gulf of Mexico - Asia - Meteorology - Weather Phenomena - Earth Sciences オイルはメキシコでの上昇上記の74ドルの湾岸シーズン生産ハリケーンでメキシコアジアの中でリスクを湾-アジア-気象-天気現象-地球科学

    • Video: Mexican drug lord 'El Grande' arrested
      One of Mexico's most wanted men, Sergio Villarreal Barragán, an alleged leader of the Beltrán Leyva cartel, has been captured by marines in the central state of Puebla メキシコの最重要指名手配男、セルジオビジャレアルバラガン、ベルトランレイバカルテル疑惑のリーダーの一つは、プエブラの中央の状態で海兵隊によって捕獲されている

    • Top 10 world news stories of 2010
      On April 20, an explosion at BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig killed 11 men and sent millions of gallons of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico for three long months in what would become the worst oil spill - and arguably the worst... 4月20日、BP社の深海ホライゾン石油リグで爆発が11人、最悪の原油流出事故になるもので3つの長いヶ月間メキシコ湾に噴出油ガロンの送信数百万を殺した - 、間違いなく最悪の事態を...

    • Viva Mexico!
      On its 200th birthday yesterday, Mexico wanted its citizens - and the world - to forget its vicious drug war and remember the country's epic history, music, whimsical folk art and continuing crusade for wider prosperity and democracy.... その200歳の誕生日昨日、メキシコ国民を望んでいた - 世界 - その悪質な麻薬戦争を忘れて、幅広い繁栄と民主主義....の国の壮大な歴史を、音楽、気まぐれな民俗芸術と継続的運動を覚えて

    • BP's Hayward defends safety record
      Outgoing BP CEO Tony Hayward said Wednesday that he understood anger directed at the energy giant in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but insisted his company had a strong safety record and was not solely to blame for the... 送信BP社のCEOトニーヘイワードは28日、彼は怒りがメキシコ湾の石油流出事故のきっかけにエネルギーの巨大に向け理解と述べたが、彼の会社は強力な安全性を記録したとだけのせいではないと主張した...

    • Owen Gibson hears how excitement is building in South Africa ahead of the World Cup
      Owen Gibson hears from fans in Johannesburg where excitement is building ahead of South Africa's opening World Cup match against MexicoOwen GibsonPeter Sale _NULL_

    • Explosion kills seven at Mexican tourist resort
      PLAYA DE CARMEN, Mexico - A powerful explosion has killed seven people, including five Canadian tourists, at a large resort hotel on Mexico's Caribbean coast.The blast was likely caused by an accumulation of gas, authorities said.Two... プラヤデカルメンは、メキシコ - 強力な爆発では、メキシコのカリブ海coast.Theブラストに大きなリゾートホテルで、五、カナダの観光客を含む7人が、死亡している可能性が高いガス、当局said.Twoの蓄積によって引き起こされた...

    • Climate goal may spell end for some coral reefs
      PUERTO MORELOS, Mexico - The once-vibrant coral reef shielding these sun-soaked beaches from the wrath of the sea is withering away under the stress of pollution and warmer water.It's not likely to get much help from world governments... プエルトモレロス、メキシコ - 海の怒りから、これらの日に浸したビーチ遮。。鮮やかなサンゴ礁と汚染のストレスの下で枯れている暖かいwater.Itは世界の政府から多くの助けを得るために可能性はありません...

    • Obama visit still on for June
      Plans are proceeding for Barack Obama's visit to Australia next month despite the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico emerging as the next crisis of the US President's short tenure. Mr Obama, pictured with his daughter Malia, is scheduled to arrive with his family around June 18, although neither the Australian nor the US governments have confirmed that. 計画がオーストラリアにバラクオバマ氏の訪問のため、来月、メキシコ湾の石油漏れ米大統領の任期が短いの次の危機として浮上しても進めている

    • Video: Barack Obama says BP will pay 'every dime' for oil spill
      President Barack Obama said the US government would make BP pay for everything involved in the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, and questioned whether the company had come clean about the extent of the damage バラクオバマ大統領は、米国政府は、BPはすべてメキシコ湾の石油漏れに関わる支払い、確認するかどうかの会社がきれい損害の範囲について来ていた疑問だ

    • 'Our job is not finished' in Gulf oil spill: Obama
      President Barack Obama took a dip in the Gulf of Mexico, and reassured Americans that the government will stand by coastal residents as the massive oil-spill cleanup forges ahead. バラクオバマ大統領はメキシコ湾で、ディップを取り、安心アメリカ政府は大規模な油流出のクリーンアップとして沿岸部の住民が立つ前に偽造

    • Obama shames oil bosses over blame game
      President Barack Obama yesterday criticised BP and other oil companies for blaming each other instead of accepting responsibility for the environmental catastrophe caused by the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.Mr Obama accused... バラクオバマ大統領は昨日、BPとの代わりに、お互いを非難し、環境災。湾Mexico.Mrオバマ氏の巨大な石油流出に起因する責任を受け入れるための他の石油会社を批判非難...

    • Would Obama's ocean drive have stopped BP? | Andrew Sharpless
      President Obama's national ocean policy is welcome – but the only way to prevent another oil spill is to not drill in the first placeAs the Gulf of Mexico continues to battle the oil from the BP Deepwater drilling disaster, President Obama's establishment of a national ocean policy is a significant step forward in the management of our oceans, our coasts, coastal economies and ocean health. This first ever national ocean policy is not a new idea – in fact, two blue ribbon commissions recommended establishing a national ocean policy more than five years ago. For the most part, those reports have sat on bookshelves in Washington DC, while legislative efforts to implement their recommendations were defeated by ocean industries.Our water, air, and lands are managed by comprehensive laws like the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Federal Land Policy and Management Act that establish the vision and guidance for federal actions. Astonishingly, nothing comparable exists for the oceans. The US has the largest economic exclusive zone in the world, yet our oceans are governed by 140 different and often conflicting laws, implemented by 20 federal agencies with no overarching vision. This disjointed, sector by sector approach has allowed for haphazard ocean use with no one agency or individual focusing on the cumulative impact on our oceans and coasts.Nearly half of the US population lives in coastal counties. Although more than 2 million jobs and over $128bn in GDP annually result from ocean tourism, recreation, and living resources alone, the US has never put a priority on protecting, maintaining and restoring ocean health until today.Following the BP oil spill, President Obama's co-ordinated approach to ocean management is even more welcome. While a national ocean policy would not オバマ大統領の国家海洋政策は歓迎されて - が唯一の方法は、別の油の流出を防ぐために最初のplaceAsメキシコ湾のドリルしないことですBPのディープウォーター掘。災害からの石油の戦いを続け、国家海洋政策のオバマ大統領の設立は、私たちの海、私たちの海岸、沿岸国と海洋の健康管理の重要な一歩前進

    • Obama Plans to Force BP’s Hand on Oil Spill Fund
      President Obama will address the nation about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Tuesday night and outline plans to force BP to reserve billions of dollars to compensate businesses and individuals if the company does not do so on its own. _NULL_

    • Oily birds show spill's impact is spreading
      ROBERT - Dead birds smeared with oil have been reported for the first time in Texas as the struggle goes on to contain the Gulf of Mexico leak.A federal wildlife report issued yesterday said two dead birds with visible oil were... 闘争は、湾岸、メキシコleak.A連邦野生生物のレポートが4日発表の含んすることになるとロバートは - デッドの鳥油にまみれてテキサスで初めて報告されて目に見える油の2つの死亡birdsしたと述べた...

    • Reports: BP CEO Negotiating Exit Terms
      Reports: BP CEO Hayward negotiating the terms of his departure ahead of results announcement BP - Tony Hayward - Business - United States - Gulf of Mexico レポートは:BP社のCEO、ヘイワードBPの結果発表の出発前に交渉条件を彼の-トニーヘイワード-ビジネス-米国は-メキシコ湾の

    • American to replace stumbling BP chief
      Robert Dudley, the man tipped as the heir apparent to BP chief executive Tony Hayward, would be the first American chief of the oil giant, which has stumbled badly under Hayward's leadership since its fatal Gulf of Mexico disaster in April. ロバートダドリーは、男は相続BPに最高経営責任者トニーヘイワード明らかとして、ひどくその致命的なメキシコ湾の災害のため、ヘイワードのリーダーシップの下、4月につまずいたている石油大手の最初のアメリカ首席になるチップを渡した

    • Robotic subs race to cap leaking US oil well
      Robotic submarines raced Monday to stave off an environmental disaster by stopping 42,000 gallons of oil a day from streaming into the Gulf of Mexico from a sunken rig.A slick measuring 48 miles (77 kilometers) by 39 miles at its widest points has developed within 30 miles of the ecologically fragile Louisiana coast.British energy giant BP, which leases the stricken Deepwater Horizon platform, warned it may take several months to stop the flow of oil if its unprecedented submarine operation fails. ロボット潜水艦は月曜日1日、メキシコ湾に沈没したrig.Aスリックタイヤ48マイル(77キロ)39マイルで最も広い点で以内に開発した測定からのストリーミングからの油の42000ガロンを停止することによって、環境災害を食い止めるためにレースを30生態学的に脆弱なルイジアナcoast.Britishエネルギー大手のBP、被災ディープウォーターホライゾンプラットフォームをリースのマイルは、その前例のない潜水艦の操作が失敗した場合には、数ヶ月の石油の流れを停止するかかることがありますと警告した

    • Cuba sees more Russian visitors
      Russia has become one of the fastest growing tourism source countries for Cuba with over 23,000 Russians visiting the Caribbean island state in the first half of 2010, up 25 percent year on year, the National Statistics Office (NSO) said Friday. The increase can be attributed to Cuba's efforts to explore new tourism markets such as Russia, China, Mexico and Cubans living abroad after visitors from traditional tourist source countries like Spain, Germany and Italy, declined due to the global f ... ロシアは今年の一年の観光のソース国のキューバと成長している最速の1つになるの最初の島の状態をカリブ海のロシア訪問23,000の半分以上の2010年まで25%、国家統計局は10日(火)と発表した

    • Forgiveness a shot too far for the outlaw Billy
      SANTA FE, New Mexico: On his last day in office, New Mexico's Governor Bill Richardson has refused to pardon Wild West outlaw Billy the Kid, saying there was not enough proof to forgive the infamous gunslinger, killed on July 14, 1881. サンタフェは、ニューメキシコ州:オフィスで彼の最後の日、ニューメキシコ州の知事ビルリチャードソンは、1881年7月14日に殺害悪名高い殺し屋を許すのに十分な証拠がなかったと言って、キッドはご容赦ワイルドウェスト無法者ビリーを拒否している

    • Pot worth $25m seized as US-Mexico tunnel found
      SAN DIEGO - Federal authorities in San Diego have made one of the largest marijuana seizures in the United States, confiscating 20 tonnes of pot near an underground tunnel connecting warehouses on either side of California's border... サンディエゴは - サンディエゴの連邦当局はカリフォルニア州の境界線のいずれかの側に倉庫を結ぶ地下トンネルの近くにポットの20トンを押収し、米国最大のマリファナの発作のいずれかをした...

    • Zell's firm eyes Mexico, Colombia
      Sam Zell's Equity International is in talks to invest in Mexican and Colombian property firms as economic growth prospects outweighed drug-fuelled violence, chief executive Gary Garrabrant said. サムゼルのエクイティインターナショナルは、経済成長見通しは、薬物を燃料とする暴力を上回る、メキシコ、コロンビア不動産会社に投資する交渉を進めている、最高経営責任者ゲイリーガラブラントは言った

    • Hopes oil well plug working - spill worse than feared
      Senior managers at BP said overnight they had made crucial progress quelling the leak from their blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico.But a US government agency said the leak rate may have been five times greater than feared,... 彼らは米国政府機関が漏れ率が5倍、恐れよりも出ている...重要な進歩を自分たちの本格的なアウト油からも湾岸Mexico.Butのリークを鎮圧ていた一晩BP社のシニアマネージャーによると

    • Nightclub shootout kills 7 in Mexico
      Seven people were killed in a shootout in the Gulf coast city of Tampico, the Tamaulipas state prosecutors' office said on Saturday. Five men and two women were killed in the shooting between rival drug gangs at a nightclub late Friday, the office of the northeastern Mexican state said. The latest violence came after five gunmen were killed during a clash with the Mexican Army near Monterrey, capital of Nuevo Leon state in northern Mexico on Sunday. &$&$Source:Xinhua&$&$ ... 7人がタンピコの。湾の海岸で銃撃戦で死亡した、タマウリパス州の検察局は土曜日に語った

    • Storm heads for Gulf spill site
      Ships steamed to safer waters and coastal workers packed up oil removal operations as remnants of tropical storm Bonnie gunned for the Gulf of Mexico yesterday.By daybreak, all but a handful of the ships working at BP's broken... 船が安全海域と沿岸労働者に熱帯低気圧ボニーの残党メキシコ湾yesterday.By夜明けのために射殺石油除去の操作をまとめ蒸し以外のすべての発送で働くことのほんの一握りBP社の壊れた...

    • BP oil spill clean-up operations
      Since BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on 20 April, it has been estimated that 40,000 barrels of oil a day have leaked into the sea around the Gulf of Mexico. On the ocean floor marine engineers are still trying to plug the leak while up above thousands of workers are toiling to clean up the water and protect wildlife and local residents from the toxic crude oil. BPのディープウォーターホライゾン石油リグは4月20日爆発するので、その油の40,000バレルは1日、メキシコ湾周辺の海に流出ていると推定されている

    • Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill day by day
      Since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, an estimated 5,000 barrels of oil a day have been gushing into the seas of the Gulf of Mexico and drifting towards the US coast threatening wildlife and livelihoods dependent on tourism and fishingPaddy AllenHolly Bentley ディープウォーターホライゾン石油掘削装置が爆発したので、油の推定5000バレルは1日、メキシコ湾の海に噴出されている、米国の海岸に向かって野生動物との生活を観光fishingPaddy AllenHollyベントレーに依存して脅。漂流

    • Six sites get World Heritage status
      Six sites located in Brazil, China, Mexico, France's Reunion Island and the South Pacific nation of Kiribati won World Heritage status from a Unesco panel meeting in Brazil. 6サイトは、ブラジル、中国、メキシコ、フランスのレユニオン島やキリバスの南太平洋の国にあるブラジルのユネスコパネル会議から世界遺産のステータスを獲得した

    • Deadly checkpoint
      Soldiers fired on a family's car at a military checkpoint in northern Mexico, killing a 15-year-old boy and his father. It is at least the second time this year that a family has been caught up in a shooting involving Mexico's... 兵士たちは家族の車にメキシコ北部の軍の検問所で、15歳の少年とその父親を殺害解雇した

    • BP ships returning to spill site as storm eases
      Some of the vessels working on BP's blown-out underwater well were returning to the oil spill site as storm Bonnie eased Saturday, a U.S. commander said. Most of the BP 10 to 15 vessels that were at the site started to return Saturday afternoon and will be back on the scene within 24 hours, Admiral Thad Allen, the U.S. commander for the spill, told reporters. The U.S. government has ordered the evacuation of ships and personnel working in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill site due to the approa ... 一部によるとの指揮官は、米国の船舶の作業のBPはの吹きに水中もいた返すうち、石油土曜日流出サイトとして嵐ボニーは緩和された

    • Some Oil Spill Events From Saturday, May 29, 2010
      Some oil spill events from Saturday, May 29, 2010 BP - Oil spill - Business and Economy - Energy - Gulf of Mexico 流出イベントから土曜日の石油の一部、2010年5月29日BP社-オイル流出-ビジネスと経済-エネルギー-メキシコ湾

    • U.S. largest low-cost carrier Southwest Airlines to buy AirTran
      Southwest Airlines, the largest U. S. low-cost airline, said Monday it will buy AirTran for 1.4 billion U.S. dollars to expand business into major East Coast markets as well into the Caribbean. The cash and stock deal will give Dallas, Texas-based Southwest Airlines access to markets such as New York LaGuardia, Boston Logan, and Baltimore/Washington as well as allows access to leisure markets in the Caribbean and Mexico, said Gary C. Kelly, CEO of Southwest Airlines. Southwest operates fro ... サウスウェスト航空は、米国最大の低コスト航空会社、カリブ海言ったにも市場への主要な東海岸のビジネスを展開してドルは1.4億ドルの購入エアトラン、月曜日には現金と株式取引は航空サウスウェストが与える、テキサス州ダラスベースワシントン/ボルチモア、アクセスは、市場など、ニューヨークラガーディア空港、ボストンローガンだけでなく、メキシコ、カリブ海諸国の市場許可するアクセスをレジャー、航空ケリーは、CEOのサウスウェストC.いるゲイリー

    • Sea search called off
      THE US Coast Guard has called off a search for 11 workers who went missing and are presumed dead after a blast tore through an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. 米国沿岸警備隊は11日労働者の行方不明となった爆発はメキシコ湾の石油リグを引き裂いた後死んだと推定される索と呼ばれる

    • Jason deCaires Taylor: sculpture submerged
      Ten minutes by boat, and nine metres deep, an extraordinary installation is taking shape off the coast of Cancun in MexicoEmine Saner ボートで10分、深い九メートル、臨時のインストールがMexicoEmineサナーのカンクンの沖に形取っている

    • Marisol Valles is Mexico's newest police chief
      The 20-year-old criminology student has taken the job of police chief in a violent borderland where drug gangs have killed public officials and terrified many citizens into fleeing 20歳の犯罪の学生が麻薬ギャングは、公務員を殺し、多くの市民を恐怖に逃げるに暴力的な国境の警察署長の仕事をとっている

    • BP OIL SPILL: BP chief executive Hayward 'on brink of quitting'
      The BBC reported on Sunday that BP's chief executive officer Tony Hayward, who came under fire for his handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, was negotiating his terms of departure ahead of a board meeting scheduled for Monday. 英BBC放送は15日、BP社の最高経営責任者トニーヘイワードは、火災の下でメキシコ湾の石油災害の彼の処理のために来て、前理事会月曜日の予定の出発の彼の条件を交渉したと報じた

    • Hayward Defends BP’s Safety Record
      The BP chief faced a British Parliamentary committee and rejected claims that the accident in the Gulf of Mexico was partly the result of cost-cutting. BPの長は、英国議会委員会に直面し、主張をメキシコ湾の事故は部分的にコスト削減の結果を拒絶した

    • Christmas weekend violence kills 13 in Mexico
      The Christmas holiday weekend failed to stem the violence in Mexico's murder capital Ciudad Juarez, where drug-related shootings have killed 13 people over two days, officials said Saturday.Eleven of the murder victims were shot Friday, while two more were killed on Christmas Day, authorities for the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua said. クリスマス休暇の週末は、薬物関連の銃乱射事件は、二日間13人が死亡したメキシコの殺人事件の首都シウダーフアレスで、暴力を食い止めるために失敗し、当局は2つのクリスマスの日に殺される間、殺人事件の被害者のSaturday.Elevenは、金曜日に撮影されたと述べた、チワワの北部メキシコ状態当局は語った

    • U.S. Sues Companies for Spill Damages
      The Department of Justice filed a civil lawsuit against nine companies over the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 司法省は、メキシコ湾の石油流出事故で九社に対して民事訴訟を起こした

    • Video | BP Deepwater oil spill report: 'A terrifying picture'
      The Guardian's head of environment, Damian Carrington, outlines the main points of BP's report into the Deepwater Horizon explosion on 20 April, which killed 11 workers and began America's biggest ever oil spill, leaking 4m barrels of oil into the Gulf of MexicoDamian Carrington 環境の守護者の頭が、ダミアンキャリントン4月20日、11日の労働者が死亡し、アメリカの史上最大の原油流出事故を始め、上ディープウォーターホライゾン爆発湾MexicoDamianカリンのに石油の400万バレルの漏れにBP社の報告書の主なポイントを説明

    • Gulf oil spill reaches 100-day mark
      The Gulf of Mexico oil disaster reached the 100-day mark Wednesday with hopes high that BP is finally on the verge of permanently sealing its ruptured Macondo well.But years of legal wrangles and probes lie ahead and myriad questions remain about the long-term effects of the massive oil spill on wildlife, the environment and the livelihoods of Gulf residents.If BP needs a reminder of the long legal road ahead as it tries to rebuild its reputation, one will be provided on Thursday as lawyers at a session in Boise, Idaho set the stage for a potential trial of the century. 湾岸、メキシコ石油災害の水曜日100日に達した高はBPが最終的に完全に一歩踏み込んで、無数の質問法的口論とプローブ、その破裂Macondoのwell.But年うそシールの危機に瀕している期待は、長期的な影響についてのままそれが評判を再構築しようとすると、野生動物に大規模な石油流出の、環境、湾岸residents.If BPの生活は、1つは、木曜日に、弁護士としてのセッションでボイジーで提供され、長い法的道のりの通知を必要とアイダホ世紀の潜在的な裁判のための段階を設定します

    • Gulf spill reaches 100-day mark
      The Gulf of Mexico oil disaster reached the 100-day mark Wednesday with hopes high that BP is finally on the verge of permanently sealing its ruptured Macondo well. 湾岸、メキシコ石油災害の水曜日100日に達した高はBPが最終的に恒久的にも、その破裂Macondoシールの危機に瀕している考えている

    • US prepares for worst after oil solution falls apart
      The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the worst environmental catastrophe that the US has ever faced, the White House conceded yesterday, as it warned Americans to be prepared for oil and gas to keep leaking into the ocean for almost three... それは石油やガスの海にの漏れ保つために準備するアメリカ人に警告として、湾岸、メキシコの石油流出事故の最悪の環境災害、米国がこれまで直面しているが、ホワイトハウスは28日、認めた約3 ...

    • Margarito next for Pacman as Floyd remains elusive
      The Manny Pacquiao-Floyd Mayweather mega-fight talks took another twist with Pacquiao's camp saying the Filipino hero was set to fight Mexico's Antoni... マニーPacquiao -フロイドメイウェザーメガ戦い協議がパッキャオ陣営フィリピンの英雄は、メキシコのアントニと戦うために設定されてと言って、別の工夫をした...

    • Hurricane Alex weakens
      The National Hurricane Center says Hurricane Alex has weakened from a Category 2 to a Category 1 storm as it moves inland over northeastern Mexico.The hurricane centre reported early Thursday that the storm had sustained winds... 米国立ハリケーンセンターは、ハリケーンのアレックスは、北東部Mexico.Theのハリケーンセンター内陸に移動するカテゴリーは2カテゴリー1嵐への早期日、嵐が風を受けていたから報告弱まっている...

    • Drilling moratorium lawsuit challenged
      The Obama Administration is asking a federal judge to throw out part of a lawsuit challenging its moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico now that the ban has been lifted. A court filing yesterday requesting... オバマ政権が解禁されていることを、現在、メキシコ湾の深海油田掘削上のモラトリアムに挑戦訴訟の一部をスローするように、連邦裁判官に求めている

    • Peru declares state of emergency in Cusco
      The Peruvian government on Sunday declared a state of emergency for 60 days in Echarate District of Cusco region due to violence there in recent days. Since Tuesday, residents in the regions of Cusco, Apurimac, Arequipa and Tacna have been blocking highways in protest against gas export to Mexico, saying demand of the internal market should be met first. On Friday, some 40 protestors in Echarate tried to occupy a pumping plant of the company Transporting of Gas Peru. Police impeded them an ... 政府は日曜ペルー日間で、最近は暴力クスコ地区のEcharate宣言の状態を数日60緊急に地域のために

    • Gazprom of Russia to Drill for Oil in Cuban Waters
      The Russian energy giant will operate offshore drilling platforms — its first — in the Gulf of Mexico north of Cuba, not far from the United States. それほど遠くないから、キューバのメキシコ湾北部の米国 - その最初の - ロシアのエネルギー大手の海洋掘削プラットフォームを動作します

    • Showtime unveils bantamweight tournament
      The Showtime cable television network Friday unveiled a single elimination bantamweight boxing tournament to begin on December 11 with a bout featuring Yonnhy Perez and Joseph Agbeko.The fight in Leon, Mexico, between unbeaten International Boxing Federation champion Perez and Agbeko will be the first of two semi-finals.The second will feature unbeaten Abner Mares and two-division champion Vic Darchinyan.The championship and consolation matches will be held next year. Showtimeのケーブルテレビのネットワークは金曜日12月11日試合Yonnhyペレスとレオン、メキシコ、ジョセフAgbeko.Theの戦いを特徴との間の無敗の2つの最初にされる国際ボクシング連。王者ペレスとAgbekoを開始する1つの除去バンタム級を大会ボクシング発表半finals.The 2番目のネルマレスと2つの分割チャンピオンヴィックDarchinyan.The優勝と慰めを無敗機能来年開催されるしています

    • China sacrifices economic growth to reduce emissions
      The U.N. Climate Change Conference was held in Cancun, Mexico on Nov. 29. As an active participant in the meeting, China has made great efforts to promote energy conservation this year even at the cost of slowing economy growth. In October, some of the energy intensive and high-emission enterprises in Guangxi, Hebei and other places received notice from local governments to stop operation. This is one of the important measures taken by government to reach the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) e ... 国連気候変動会議は11月29日カンクン、メキシコで開催された

    • Ships, personnel ordered to leave Gulf oil spill site ahead of storm
      The U.S. government has ordered the evacuation of ships and personnel working in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill site due to the impending Tropical Storm Bonnie. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 米国政府が指示したの発。避難人員ボニー流出作業の石油のメキシコ湾の嵐熱帯サイトのために切迫した

    • Oil spill ablaze in the Gulf of Mexico
      The US Coast Guard has begun a controlled burn-off of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, just days after a catastrophic spill.Giant sheets of flame are racing across the surface of the water as thick, black smoke billows high into the... 米国沿岸警備隊はメキシコ湾で、炎の致命的なspill.Giantシートわずか数日後の厚さ、黒。濤はに高水の表面全体に競い合っている制御燃焼オフ油の始まっている...

    • US reopens more Gulf of Mexico fishing waters
      The US government reopened nearly 30 percent of federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico that were closed to fishing following the BP oil spill after tests showed that seafood there is safe to eat.The area covers 6,879 square miles (17,800 square kilometers) off the coasts of Florida and Alabama, and is the ninth reopening of waters since the spill, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in a statement on Friday. 米国政府は沖6879平方マイルを(17800平方キロメートル)をカバーしていますテストは、魚介類が領域をeat.Theしても安全がであることを示した後、BPの石油流出、次の釣りに閉鎖されたメキシコ湾の連邦水の約30%をオープンフロリダ州は、アラバマ州、および流出以来、水の再開第九は、米国海洋大気庁は、(NOAA)は金曜日の声明で述べている

    • Guarded hope at UN climate talks
      The United Nations has pointed to progress in one track of negotiations on climate change, but questions persisted on whether the talks in Mexico can take concrete steps toward a new treaty.The 194-nation talks at the Caribbean resort city of Cancun were trying to finalize a general statement on the world's long-term action against climate change as envoys arrived for the main thrust of talks starting Tuesday. 国連は、気候変動に関する交渉の一つのトラックの進展を指摘しているが、質問がメキシコでの協議は、カンクンのカリブ海のリゾート都市では194か国協議が完了しようとしていた新しいtreaty.Theに向けた具体的措置を取ることができるかどうかの永続化火曜日出発会談の主な推力に到着した使節として、気候変動に対する世界の長期的な行動に関する一般的なステートメントを実行します

    • US, S.Korea clinch new trade deal
      The United States and South Korea broke through a three-year deadlock to seal a sweeping free trade agreement, which President Barack Obama hoped would renew US leadership in Asia.The agreement lifts tariffs on 95 percent of goods between the countries within five years, in what would be the largest US trade pact since the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico in 1994. 米国と韓国は、バラクオバマ大統領は5年以内に両国間の貨物の95%にAsia.The契約リフト関税における米国のリーダーシップを更新することを望んだ抜本的な自由貿易協定を封止する3年間のデッドロックを突破何を1994年にカナダとメキシコとの北米自由貿易協定以来、米国最大の貿易協定になります

    • Mexico’s Oil Politics Keeps Riches Just Out of Reach
      The country, which kicked out oil firms in 1938, now needs assistance to get its oil out of the ground. これは1938年に石油会社から追い出さ現在の大地の石油を得るための支援ニーズの国、、

    • US oil spill could grow worse
      The deepwater well at the source of the massive Gulf of Mexico oil slick could gush more than 100,000 barrels of crude a day, a 20-fold increase, if the entire wellhead is lost, the head of the US Coast Guard warned Sunday. 全体水源が失われている場合大規模なメキシコ湾の油膜のソースもで深海は原油日、20倍、以上の10万バレルを勢いよく流れ出ることが、。沿岸警備隊の長は、日曜日と警告した

    • BP Giant Box Close to Ready
      The device built to contain the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is being lowered into position. デバイスは、組み込みの位置に下げているメキシコ湾の石油流出を含む

    • Payoff row looms as spill-tainted BP boss set to leave
      The expected imminent departure of BP chief executive Tony Hayward threatened to create a new transatlantic row over a payout up to 18.5 million dollars following the environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.News reports said Hayward could be cut loose by the British energy giant as early as Tuesday, when BP announces its quarterly earnings and battles to rebuild its reputation amid the worst environmental disaster in US history. BPの予想される差し迫った出発は最高経営責任者トニーヘイワード支払いで最大18500000湾岸Mexico.Newsレポートの環境災害、次のドルを新しい大西洋行を作成すると脅したヘイワードは、緩やかな英国のエネルギー大手削減できるだろうと述べた初期2009年にBPは、米国史上最悪の環境災害の中で評判を再構築するの四半期決算との戦いを発表した

    • Oil spill losses of $4.9b likely to lift premiums
      The insurance industry is forecasting a loss of up to US$3.5 billion ($4.9 billion) from the growing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.This will be the biggest energy insurance loss in more than 20 years, and could drive up premiums.According... 保険業界は)湾Mexico.Thisの成長石油流出から20年以上で最大のエネルギー保険損失となり、米ドルを35億ドル(49億ドルの損失を予測しているpremiums.According押し上げることができます

    • Deepwater Horizon Oil spill impacts on Louisiana
      The latest on Deepwater Horizon Oil spill, as BP efforts to stem the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico using the 'top kill' approach are 'going to plan' ディープウォーターホライゾンオイル流出には、BPの努力がトップを殺すのアプローチを。。u0026#39;を使用して、メキシコ湾の石油流出を食い止めるためのとおり。。u0026#39;計画に行くの最新の

    • Latest drug violence kills 15 in northern Mexico
      The latest spate of drug-related violence in northern Mexico left 15 people dead, including five factory workers near the US border, officials said Saturday.The Chihuahua state prosecutor said the workers were gunned down when armed men burst into a party at a house in Ciudad Juarez late Friday.Ciudad Juarez, which borders El Paso, Texas, is a key battleground for drug traffickers seeking routes to the United States. It is also home to many factories, called maquiladoras, for US firms that can use Mexican workers. メキシコ北部の薬物関連の暴力の最新相次ぐ、15人が死亡、米国の国境近くの5つの工場の労働者を含む左、当局はSaturday.Theチワワ州の検察は、労働者は、武装した男がパーティーに家でバースト射殺された当該シウダーフアレス後半Friday.Ciudadフアレス、国境エルパソ、テキサス州、麻薬密売、米国へのルートを求めるための重要な戦場です

    • Caricom leaders arrive for summits
      The leaders of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) arrived on Sunday at the International Airport in Cancun, a resort city on Mexico's Caribbean coast, for the two summits to be held in nearby Playa del Carmen. The leaders arrived aboard a Mexican Air Force plane, with registration number TP-03, at about 1:06 p.m. local time. A Mexican Foreign Ministry official identified them as Patrick Manning, the prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Denzil Douglas, the prime minister of St. Kitts and Nevi ... カリブ共同体(カリコム)の指導者は日曜日には、国際空港カンクン、メキシコのカリブ海沿岸のリゾート都市に到着、の2つの頂上近くのプラヤデルカルメンで開催される

    • Spill backlash may spur oil sands, shale
      The massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill may hasten the development of shale gas and oil sands, North America's two most important emerging-energy sources. 大規模な湾は、メキシコの石油流出事故の頁岩ガスとオイルサンド、北米の2つの最も重要な新興エネルギー源の開発を早めることがあります

    • Environmental group warns against health risk from U.S. oil spill
      The massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico may pose risks to public health, the U.S. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) warned on Friday. Health-care workers and the general public alike could face risks by inhaling various components of crude oil, such as benzene, toluene and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, all of which may cause cancer, according to the NRDC, an environmental action group. Crude oil also contains mercury and lead, both of which can be dangerous if inhaled or sw ... のメキシコ湾で大規模な流出、石油の健康一般にリスクを可能性がありますポーズ、米天然資源防衛評議会は(NRDCの)上の警告直面するリスクによって吸入さまざまなコンポーネントをの原油金曜日が似て公共一般労働者とケア

    • Huaneng buys power assets
      The nation's top power generation company China Huaneng Group will spend $1.23 billion to buy a 50 percent stake in US-based InterGen N.V. from Indian developer GMR Group. The purchase of assets will help Huaneng tap power generating assets in the UK, the Netherlands, Mexico, the Philippines and Australia with overall gross operational capacity of 8,148 megawatts. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 国のトップの発電会社、中国華能グループは、インドの開発者がGMR素子グループから米ベースInterGen NVの50%の株式を購入するために$ 1230000000過ごすことになります

    • BP well 'poses no further risk'
      The official in charge of cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill says the well which caused the damage is no longer a risk to the environment. メキシコ湾の石油流出の清掃の担当者は言う被害は、もはや環境へのリスクが発生も

    • BP could pay megabucks in oil-spill costs
      The oil spill spreading across the Gulf of Mexico has drained US$32 billion ($44 billion) from BP's stock market value. Lawsuits, fines, cleanup and reputation-repair are certain to cost the company billions more and could tie up... 原油流出事故がメキシコ湾に広がって米国に)BPの株式市場の値から$ 32億円(440億ドル流出しています

    • TV producer's wife in sewer
      The producer of TV show Pimp My Ride and formerly of Survivor is barred from leaving Mexico while authorities investigate the death of his wife, whose body was found in the sewer of a Cancun resort.Bruce Beresford-Redman was... 当局は、体の下水道で発見された彼の妻の死を調査中テレビを見るPimp My Rideやのプロデューサーと以前は、生存者のメキシコを残して禁じられているカンクンresort.Bruceベレスフォード-レッドは...

    • Heavy rains threaten floods in Mexico
      The remnants of Tropical Storm Matthew dumped torrential rains on southern Mexico and much of Central America Sunday, threatening to trigger potentially deadly floods and mudslides across the already water-logged region. トロピカルストームマタイの残党はメキシコ南部の豪雨をぶちまけて、多くの中南米の日曜日、すでに水ログインして地域全体の潜在的に致命的な洪水や土砂崩れを誘発すると脅して

    • Second Mexican aid ship arrives in Haiti
      The second Mexican military cargo ship carrying 200 tons of food and medicine has arrived in quake-stricken Haiti, said a senior official on Wednesday. The ship, which arrived late on Tuesday, would be unloaded by a Mexican military team, said Jose Luis Flores Gomez of Mexico's General Civil Protection Directorate, at the UN Logistics Base in the Haitian capital. Mexico's first aid ship has brought 200 tons of aid to Haiti and was returning to its home port of Veracruz in the Gulf of Mexic ... 2番目のメキシコ軍の貨物船が食料や医薬品の200トンを地震に到着して、ハイチ被災地は、火曜日に遅刻して、メキシコ軍のチームがアンロードされると水曜日に高官が伝えた

    • New shipment of Mexican aid arrives in flood-hit Venezuela
      The second shipment of humanitarian aid from the Mexican government has arrived in flood-stricken Venezuela, the government said on Friday. The 12-ton shipment arrived Thursday night and included 1,494 boxes of flour, rice, water and sugar as well as 10,000 sleeping mats. It was the second of four shipments Mexico has pledged for Venezuelan victims, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The airlifted shipment was handed over to the ministry's represenative by an official fro ... メキシコ政府からの人道援助の番目の出荷は、洪水に襲われたベネズエラに到着した、政府が発表した

    • Survivor of Mexico massacre heading home
      The sole survivor of a massacre of 72 migrants by a Mexican drug gang will be repatriated to Ecuador after turning down a humanitarian visa. メキシコの麻薬ギャング72移民の大虐殺の唯一の生存者は、エクアドルへの人道ビザを却下した後送還されます

    • In pictures: Oil-affected wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico
      The toll of dead and injured birds and marine animals is climbing as the Gulf oil spill enters its eighth week 死者と負傷者の鳥や海洋動物の数は、湾岸の石油流出事故として登山され、その8週目に入る

    • Cancún climate change summit: Week two in pictures
      This week has seen the Cancún climate change summit in Mexico step up a gear with high-level talks, while environmental activists have continued to protest at what they call its limited aims 環境保護活動家は、彼らはそのlimited目的を呼んでいるものに抗議し続けている間、この週は、メキシコのカンクンの気候変動サミットは、高レベルの協議とギアを増したい見ている

    • Informal climate dialogue ends with guarded optimism
      Though opinions were still poles asunder, participants at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue emerged from three days of discussion which ended Tuesday with guarded optimism. They based their optimism on hopes of reviving stalled debate and rekindling practical cooperation among those who attended the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen last year. The Petersberg dialogue was co-hosted by Germany and Mexico which is to host the follow-up to the Copenhagen conference in Novemb ... 気候もののペータースベルクの意見があったまだ極のバラバラ、参加者の対話は楽観守られて火曜日に終わった浮上議論から3日間の彼らは会議を気候変動国連米国に基づく楽観を自分たちの上に出席者の間で希望の協力の復活は失速議論を再燃させる実用的なコペンハーゲンで昨年ペータースベルク対話とした共同でドイツホスト-メキシコでホストするのフォローアップNovembコペンハーゲン会議では...

    • Guardian Daily: Three British soldiers killed by rogue Afghan soldier
      Three British troops have been killed by a renegade Afghan soldier during a joint patrol with local forces in southern Helmand. Reporter Jo Adetunji says the tragedy highlights the problems Nato faces in training Afghan security forces.Parents have defended the salary of a headteacher who turned the fortunes of an inner-city primary school around. But the Guardian's education editor, Jeevan Vasagar, says the government is planning to cap headteachers' pay.An Iranian nuclear scientist who went missing during a pilgrimage to Mecca a year ago is seeking refuge at Pakistan's embassy in Washington. Iran claims Shahram Amiri was kidnapped by the CIA. The Guardian's Middle East editor, Ian Black, says there are many unanswered questions.Hopes are rising that a new cap will stem the flow of oil from BP's gushing wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico. Our US environment correspondent, Suzanne Goldenberg, says it's a temporary solution.Steven Morris reports from Torbay, in Devon, on the revival of pierrot shows, popular in the early part of the 20th century.Jon DennisAndy Duckworth 3つのイギリス軍は、反乱が南部のヘルマンド地方軍との合同パトロール中のアフガン兵が死亡している

    • In a Shake-Up, Citigroup to Add Ernesto Zedillo to Its Board
      Three board members are stepping aside and Ernesto Zedillo, a former president of Mexico, is joining the board. 3つの委員会のメンバーは、取締役会に加わる脇とセディジョ、メキシコの元大統。強めている

    • The one World Cup measure by which England beats Brazil
      Tomorrow at 11pm, Hong Kong time, South Africa will kick off against Mexico in the first match of the 2010 World Cup. For the next month, business activity around the globe will shift down a gear as office workers everywhere neglect their usual affairs to concentrate on what is easily the world's most popular sporting event. 23時明日は、香港時間、南アフリカ、メキシコに対して2010年W杯の最初の試合でキックオフされます

    • Football: England play Mexico in a World Cup warm-up match
      Tom Jenkins captures the action at Wembley as England play Mexico in a World Cup warm-up match トムジェンキンスさんはウェンブリーでの行動をキャプチャするイングランド遊びのメキシコW杯のウォームアップ試合のように

    • BP, partners all try to shift blame
      Top executives from BP and two other companies involved in the rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico last month were chastised repeatedly today at a key US Senate hearing for attempting at the outset to shift blame for the disaster... BPは上位の幹部や他の2つの企業がメキシコ湾で先月爆発リグに関与を繰り返し、今日冒頭で災害に責任を転嫁しようとするためのキー米上院の公聴会で非難された...

    • WATCH: Bob Dudley: BP's New Boss
      Transitioning CEO Bob Dudley says his focus is on sealing the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico - BP - United States - Oil well - Tony Hayward 移行のCEO、Bobダッドリーはヘイワードという彼のトニー-も-石油の焦点は米国が上にシール油をよくのメキシコ湾

    • 72 bodies found Mexico ranch
      Troops uncovered at least 72 bodies, including those of 14 women, on a ranch in northeastern Mexico after a clash with gunmen, the Mexican military said early Wednesday. 軍は、これらの14の女性を含む、北東メキシコの牧場で武装勢力との衝突後、少なくとも72遺体を発見、メキシコ軍が早期明らかにした

    • Alex Not Aiming at Gulf Spill Area - for Now
      Tropical storm Alex not aiming at Gulf spill area for now, but change could come rapidly BP - Gulf of Mexico - Tropical cyclone - Oil spill - Earth Sciences 熱帯低気圧アレックスは今のところ湾岸いない目指しでエリアをこぼすが、変更は科学、地球が来て急速に血。湾-メキシコ-熱帯低気圧-オイル流出-

    • Mexico holds officials accountable for daycare fire
      Two days before the anniversary of a daycare center blaze that killed 49 children, Mexico's Supreme Court Thursday held two top government officials and the former Sonora governor partly accountable.The Supreme Court said its investigation found serious dereliction of duty on the part of Transport and Communications Secretary Juan Molinar, Social Security Institute director Daniel Karam and former governor Eduardo Bours. 49子供たちを、メキシコの最高裁判所は木曜日殺さ保育センター炎の記念日の二日前の一部を最高裁判所にaccountable.The上位2政府関係者や元ソノラ州知事を開催、その調査は、交通通信の一部に義務の重大な怠慢を発見したと述べた長官フアンMolinar、社会保障研究所理事ダニエルカラムと知事エドゥアルドBours

    • Green Column: Getting Past the Politics of Climate Change
      U.N. climate talks in Tianjin, China, could help prepare for more discussions in Mexico at the end of the year. 天津、中国では、国連気候変動交渉は、年末にメキシコの他の議論のための準備に役立つ可能性があります

    • U.S. oil giant Chevron announces deepwater Gulf project
      U.S. oil giant Chevron announced Thursday it was moving ahead with a multibillion-dollar deepwater Gulf of Mexico project, just days after the U.S. government lifted a temporary deepwater drilling ban imposed after the BP oil spill. Chevron, the No.2 U.S. oil company behind Exxon Mobile, said it would invest 7.5 billion U.S. dollars in developing the Jack and St. Malo project in water depths of 7,000 feet, some 280 miles south of New Orleans, Louisiana. The project, expected to start in 20 ... 米石油大手シェブロンが流出した木曜日は、石油のBPの後、米政府は解除一時的な深海の禁止を掘削課されたわずか数日後には、された、移動、深海メキシコ湾プロジェクトドル先読みして数十億

    • Smuggling tunnel found near Mexican border
      US authorities discover a 600-metre tunnel on the border with Mexico, and 20 tonnes of marijuana nearby 米国当局は、メキシコとの国境に600メートルのトンネル、マリファナの20トンを近くの発見

    • Video: Drug smugglers' tunnel between Mexico and US is discovered
      US border police have found a sophisticated tunnel running between drug smugglers' warehouses in Otay Mesa, California, and Tijuana, Mexico アメリカとの国境警察はオタイーメサ、カリフォルニア、ティファナ、メキシコの麻薬密輸業者の倉庫間で実行される洗練されたトンネルを発見した

    • US blasts BP as Gulf oil spill hits two-month mark
      US outrage is mounting against BP as the oil spill reached its two-month mark and an internal BP document showed up to 100,000 barrels of oil could be gushing daily into the Gulf of Mexico.The latest round of recriminations came after a week of White House arm-twisting prodded BP to agree to a 20-billion-dollar fund to pay claims and a stepped up oil recovery effort in the Gulf. 米国の怒りは、BPに対する油流出として実装され、内部BPのドキュメントでは、その2ヶ月を突破した原油10万バレルに毎日湾Mexico.Theのに非難の最新ラウンドを噴出する可能性が現れたホワイトハウスの1週間後に来てごり押しは20億ドルのファンドと湾岸で昇圧油回収作業の主張を支払うことに同意するBPを突か

    • Video: Hillary Clinton: Mexico is facing an insurgency
      US secretary of state likens drug war to that in Colombia コロンビアでは、状態のリケンズの麻薬戦争の米国秘書

    • Video: Floods hit southern California
      Unusually wet weather has caused power cuts, road accidents and evacuations in San Diego, near the US border with Mexico 異常天候は、メキシコと米国の国境に近い、停電、道路の事故や避難サンディエゴの原因となった

    • 1,000 feared dead in Mexico landslide
      Up to 1,000 people were feared dead after a waterlogged hillside collapsed before dawn on Tuesday in southern Mexico, burying up to 300 homes as residents slept inside, local officials said. 水浸しの丘の中腹には、住民の中に眠っていた、300の家に埋めて、メキシコの南にある日、夜明け前に崩壊後に最大1,000人が死亡した恐れが、地元当局は言った

    • Uruguay and Mexico through to World Cup last 16
      Uruguay and Mexico advanced to the last 16 of the World Cup while hosts South Africa and troubled France made their exits. Uruguay, who beat Mexic... 困ったフランスが作った... Mexicを自分たちの終了します

    • 'It's like watching yourself bleed to death'
      VENICE, Louisiana - Despair and resignation reigned among fishermen and other seafaring residents of the southern Louisiana shoreline yesterday as the vast Gulf of Mexico oil slick began to slide silently into fragile marshlands and... 広大な湾は、メキシコの油膜のサイレント脆。湿地帯とにスライドを始めたとしてヴェネツィア、ルイジアナ州 - 絶望と辞任は漁師やルイジアナ州南部の海岸線の他の船乗り住民の間で昨日の王...

    • Criticism of BP over oil spill grows
      VENICE, Louisiana - Recriminations mounted on Saturday over the part played by BP and possibly by the US energy services giant Halliburton in the environmental catastrophe gathering in the Gulf of Mexico.A huge oil slick threatens... ヴェネツィアは、ルイジアナ州 - 非難は土曜日に一部のBP、おそらく、米国のエネルギーサービス大手ハリバートン、湾岸Mexico.A巨大な油膜の環境災害情報の収集で演奏を介してマウントを脅かす...

    • Venezuela to seize Mexican-owned food company
      Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has decreed the expropriation of a Mexican-owned food company to set up a state agribusiness project, according to the official gazette.Mexico's Gruma group, whose Venezuelan subsidiary Monaca was expropriated, responded in a statement that it had not received prior warning of the move but would cooperate with Venezuelan authorities.The company produces, processes and distributes food such as flour, pasta, rice, oil and oats. ベネズエラのチャベス大統領は、国家農業プロジェクトをセットアップする、公式gazette.Mexico。。u0026#39;によると、メキシコ中古食品会社の収用を定めており、そのベネズエラ子会社モナカ収用された歯石のグループを、だこれは前に受けていないステートメントで回。移動のが警告ベネズエラauthorities.The会社との生産協力する、処理し、小麦粉、パスタ、米、油、オート麦などの食糧を配布します

    • Venezuela captures drug suspect
      Venezuela has captured a suspected Colombian drug smuggler who is wanted on cocaine charges in the United States and who has allegedly collaborated with Mexico's Zetas drug gang, the justice minister said Thursday.Tareck El Aissami... _NULL_

    • Washington wakes up to oil-spill crisis
      WASHINGTON - For days, as an oil spill spread in the Gulf of Mexico, BP assured the US Government that the plume was manageable, not catastrophic. Federal authorities were content to let the company handle the mess while keeping... ワシントンは、 - 日については、油流出、メキシコ湾に広がるように、BPはそのプルームが管理、致命的なでした米国政府を保証

    • Scientists eye spread of slick as oil gushes on
      WASHINGTON - Scientists are anxiously awaiting signals about where a huge oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico may be heading, while containment of the looming environmental catastrophe proves elusive.With fears growing that the gushing... 迫り来る環境の激変の封じ込めはelusive.With懸念の高まりを証明しながらワシントン - 科学者たちは心配そうに、ここでメキシコ湾にある巨大な油膜の見出しがありますについての信号を待っていることガッシング...

    • BP accused of withholding 'critical' spill data
      WASHINGTON - The company that owned the oil rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico is accusing BP of withholding critical evidence needed to investigate the cause of the worst offshore oil spill in US history, according to a confidential... ワシントンは - メキシコ湾で爆発石油リグを保有していた重要な証拠を、米国史上最悪のオフショア石油流出の原因を調べるために必要な源泉は、機密によるとBPを非難するようです...

    • Despair, anger grow as oil spill fix fails
      WASHINGTON: Growing despair is surrounding efforts to contain the devastating Gulf of Mexico oil spill - the worst in US history - and Barack Obama has warned that a new plan to try to cap the well is ''not without risk'' after the so-called top kill procedure ended in failure. ワシントンは:成長絶望は、新しい計画がうまく。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;リスクがないわけでは。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;後キャップしようとすると警告して努力を壊滅的なメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の - 米国史上最悪の - とバラクオバマが含まれて囲まれて、トップを殺すの手順失敗に終わったという

    • Leading Mexican retailer reports higher sales in March
      Wal-Mart de Mexico, the nation's largest retailer, said Thursday its sales rose 3.1 percent in March,compared with the same month a year earlier. During the first three months, the chain sold 4.4 percent more compared with the first quarter of 2009. Because the chain is so large, Wal-Mart sales are often treated as a weather vane for what is happening in the economy as a whole. Mexico is currently recovering from a recession marked by declines of more than 10 percent during the second quar ... ウォルマートメキシコは、米国最大の小売業者、以前に述べた木曜日、その年月増売上高は3.1と同じ%を3月と比較した

    • Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Your solutions
      We asked for your ideas on how to stop the leak. From engineers to academics and retired oil experts, we received 186 suggestions. Here is a selectionPaddy Allen 我々は、あなたのアイデアをリークを停止する方法について尋ねた

    • BP, partners face multiple probes
      With a key piece of evidence raised from the depths of the Gulf of Mexico and BP's Macondo well ruled a threat no longer, the focus is shifting back to what went wrong and who is to blame. 証拠メキシコ湾とBP社のMacondoの深さから調達の重要な部分でも、もはや、フォーカスが戻って何が間違って、誰に責任があるシフトしている脅威を支配した

    • Cleaner Loeb surges to Mexico lead
      World champion Sebastien Loeb stormed from his overnight third place to seize the Rally of Mexico lead on Saturday after winning all of the morning's four stages.The French Citroen driver, who had been 27.5sec behind Petter Solberg after Friday's opening day, not only passed the Norwegian, but reach the halfway point with a healthy 17.8sec advantage.Running third through Saturday's loose gravel stages, Loeb benefited from a cleaner racing line than Solberg, who is in a private Citroen, as well as compatriot Sebastien Ogier. 世界チャンピオンのセバスチャンローブ彼の晩、3位からのすべての朝の4 stages.The人金曜日の初日を終えて27.5secペターソルベルグの後ろにされていたフランス、シトロエン、唯一合格していないの優勝後、土曜日にメキシコの鉛のラリーをつかむに突入語、ノルウェー語が、土曜日の緩やかな砂利の段階を経て、健康17.8sec advantage.Running第三者との中間点に達すると、ローブソルベルグ氏は、民間シトロエンているだけでなく、同胞のセバスチャンオジェよりクリーンなレースラインからの恩恵を受けた

    • Ixtlán de Juárez Journal: Growing a Forest, and Harvesting Jobs
      Zapotec Indians in Mexico have become exemplars of community forest ownership and management. メキシコでザポテックインディアンは、地域の森林所有と経営の手本となっている

    • Optimistic BP Hopeful That Damaged Well Can Stay Closed
      BP said that it hoped to leave its well in the Gulf of Mexico closed down until it is permanently plugged, meaning that little or no more oil should spew into the gulf. BPは、それがそのもメキシコ湾のままに期待ダウンそれがされるまで完全に差し込まれ、より多くの石油湾に吐き出す必要がありますがほとんどあるいは全くないことを意味閉じている

    • Is BP now over the worst?
      With a new chief executive appointed, has BP turned the corner on the Gulf of Mexico disaster? 新しい最高経営責任者に任命すると、BPはメキシコ湾の災害のコーナーになったのか?

    • BP asset buyers face risk of legal tangles
      BP may saddle potential buyers of its assets with lawsuits as it tries to raise money to pay claims that could reach US$100 billion from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, lawyers and analysts said. それはお金をアメリカにメキシコ湾の石油流出事故は、弁護士やアナリストから$ 100億ドルに達する可能性が主張を支払うことを高めるためにしようとするとBPは訴訟で、その資産の潜在的な買い手に鞍をつけることができる

    • Obama suspends Arctic oil drilling plans
      Permits for exploratory drilling delayed until next year as US government evaluates technology and response to possible spillsThe Obama administration is suspending proposed exploratory drilling in the Arctic Ocean.Interior secretary Ken Salazar says in a report to be delivered to the White House today that he will not consider applications for permits to drill in the Arctic until 2011. Shell Oil was poised to begin exploratory drilling this summer on leases as far as 225km (140 miles) offshore.An administration official familiar with the plan said Salazar wants to allow further study of proposed drilling technology and oil spill response capabilities in Arctic waters. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the plan is not yet public. Salazar has said he wants to take a cautious approach in the Arctic.President Barack Obama ordered Salazar to conduct a review of the nation's offshore oil drilling safety after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill last month.In March, Obama and Salazar cancelled a planned 2011 lease sale in Alaska's Bristol Bay, where oil development was proposed by the Bush administration. They cancelled four scheduled lease sales in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas and said no additional leases would be offered there until more scientific data is collected.An administration official said Salazar believes fisheries, tourism and environmental values in Bristol Bay make the area inappropriate for oil and gas drilling.Shell, which has leases in both the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, had sought to begin drilling five exploratory wells in those areas this summer. Salazar's announcement means those wells will not be considered until 2011.Salazar also is directing the US Geological Survey to conduct an independent evaluation of oil spill risks and spill respons _NULL_

    • New oil rig explosion in Gulf of Mexico
      Another oil rig exploded and caught fire off the Louisiana coast this morning.But no, it's not another Deepwater Horizon -scale disaster.The explosion has spread a kilometre-long oil sheen in the Gulf of Mexico west of the... もう1つの石油掘削装置が爆発、ルイジアナの海岸このmorning.Butはオフに火災が発生、それは別のディープウォーターホライゾン規模disaster.The爆発がメキシコ湾の西のキロの石油光沢が広がっているではない...

    • U.S., Mexican border officials call for less violence
      Mexican and U.S. officials concluded a meeting Wednesday with a call to reduce violence and make trade more efficient at the border, Mexico's Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The meeting was the first under a program signed by Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his counterpart Barack Obama during the former's visit to the United States in May. The two nations' border regions have seen multiple violent incidents. On Wednesday, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agent was kil ... メキシコと米国の当局者は暴力を減らすために、貿易は国境で効率的に呼び出して水曜日の会議を締結し、メキシコの外務省は声明で述べている

    • Oil spill compensation claims top 200 million dollars: BP
      British energy giant BP has paid out more than 200 million dollars in compensation to Gulf of Mexico residents affected by a months-long oil spill, the company said on Friday.The firm said it had offered some 32,000 claimants one or more payments over the last 10 weeks as it tries to assuage anger and frustration over the environmental and economic disaster.But some 61,000 claims have not been processed, either because they lacked sufficient information, or claim adjusters were unable to contact the individuals or businesses that filed them, BP said. イギリスエネルギー巨大なBPは補償メキシコ湾の住民数ヶ月にわたる石油流出の影響を受けるのに200以上の100万ドルを支払っている、同社はFriday.The会社では、以上の1つまたは複数の支払いを一部32,000原告を提供していた当該最後彼らはアジャスターは、個人またはそれらを提出企業は、BPに接続できないと述べた十分な情報、または請求がないので、いくつかの61000の請求が処理されていない環境と経済のdisaster.But以上の怒りと不満を和らげるため、どちらかと10週間として

    • Beijing car restrictions backfire
      Move to limit licences sparks frenzied car buying and resignation of vice-majorA new plan to restrict traffic on Beijing's notoriously jammed streets backfired today as a pre-emptive surge in car ownership forced the resignation of the vice-mayor. Huang Wei, who is responsible for traffic, stood down amid a frenzy of vehicle-buying that has led to queues forming before dawn outside showrooms.More than 30,000 vehicles have been sold in the past week, more than twice as many as normal, as Beijingers rushed to beat the introduction of tight limits on ownership. Under a policy unveiled, the city will issue just 240,000 new licences next year, down from more than 700,000 this year, by lottery.Despite a furious burst of road construction, Beijing has been unable to ease the congestion caused by a near doubling of car ownership over the past five years to almost 4.8m vehicles today. A recent survey by IBM ranked Beijing alongside Mexico City as the most grid-locked capital in the world.The package of measures announced today also included a risk in parking charges, limits on official cars and more roadbuilding. The city has already announced it will build 280,000 extra parking spaces and 348 miles of underground track.But the jams show no signs of easing, particularly near the vehicle management stations that issue licence plates. According to the domestic media, a tailback of more than 1,000 new cars formed behind one inspection office in Beiyuan, northern Beijing.At this rate, the number of cars in the city is expected to pass the 5m mark by February, while the average speed of the traffic slows ever closer to bicycle pace.Travel and transportChinaJonathan Wattsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions _NULL_

    • Flamingos in formation
      A once-in-a-lifetime moment for a wildlife photographerFlamingos have many extraordinary qualities, but until now they have never been considered to be performance artists. Now, thanks to this amazing aerial photograph of a flock of Caribbean flamingos in the Mexican province of Yucatán, we may have to think again. Some believe that the birds' ability to arrange themselves into the shape of a flamingo (albeit a rather inelegant one) is evidence of divine intervention. But like all flocking behaviour, it is simply the best way to avoid predators and to find the best place to feed. Still, a once-in-a-lifetime moment for photographer Bobby Haas, who managed to grab just one image before the birds dispersed.WildlifePhotographyMexicoStephen Mossguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds かつて野生photographerFlamingosため、一生の瞬間には、多くの特別な資質を持って今までとは、パフォーマンスアーティストであると考えられてことがない

    • BP: Deepwater Horizon oil well will be permanently sealed 'in two weeks'
      Oil giant hopes ruptured oil well in Gulf of Mexico will be sealed by mid-September, with clean-up bill now at $8bnBP said today it is a fortnight away from sealing the ruptured oil well in the Gulf of Mexico for good, as it revealed that the bill for containing and cleaning up the oil spill – the largest in American history – has reached $8bn.Depending on the weather, the oil giant hopes to seal the well for good in mid-September. Since 15 July, no new oil had flowed into the gulf from the ruptured well, BP said. It continues to search for oil on the surface.The bill has steadily risen since the 20 April oil rig explosion which triggered an environmental disaster in the region. In the aftermath, the oil company has been forced to abandon hopes of drilling in the Arctic due to its tarnished reputation, and BP's chief executive, Tony Hayward, eventually bowed to pressure to resign.Since the processing of claims by people affected by the disaster transferred to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, led by Ken Feinberg under a deal with the White House, BP has paid out some $38.5m to 4,900 claimants. Before the transfer, it had made 127,000 claims payments, totalling approximately $399m.Around 28,400 people, more than 4,050 ships and dozens of aircraft are still involved in the clean-up operation.BPBP oil spillOilOil spillsPollutionUnited StatesJulia Kolleweguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 石油大手もメキシコ湾の9月中旬で密封され、クリーンアップ法案今で$ 8bnBP、今日は2週間離れても、メキシコ湾のための破。油をシールからだ油を破裂期待してよいとしてその含む流出した油をクリーンアップするために法案が - アメリカ史上最大の - ドル天気8bn.Dependingに達している明らかに、石油大手も良いの9月中旬に封止する考えている

    • BP's Deepwater Horizon leak ready to be permanently sealed
      Mud and cement will be pumped through relief well to seal ruptured well from bottom After five months, the oil well that spewed millions of gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico is finally on the verge of being plugged.A relief well drilled nearly 2.5 miles beneath the floor of the Gulf of Mexico has intersected BP's blown-out well, a prelude to permanently killing it, the US government said on Thursday.Retired coast guard Admiral Thad Allen, the government's representative, said that data showed the two wells were joined. The next step will be to pump mud and cement down through the relief well to seal the ruptured well.According to the government, the final seal should happen by Sunday, five agonising months after an explosion killed 11 workers, sank a drilling rig and led to the worst offshore oil spill in US history. BP said yesterday that it expected the well to be completely sealed by Saturday.The leak was contained in mid-July after a temporary cap was successfully fitted to the well. Mud and cement were later pushed down through the top, allowing the cap to be removed. But the blown-out well cannot be declared dead until it is sealed from the bottom.The 20 April blast sank the Deepwater Horizon rig and triggered the spill that eventually spewed 780 million litres of oil from the well. BP, the owner of the well, was leasing the rig from owner Transocean Ltd.The disaster caused an environmental nightmare along hundreds of miles of Gulf shoreline. It also prompted civil and criminal investigations, cost gaffe-prone BP chief Tony Hayward his job and brought increased scrutiny to the oil industry, including a costly moratorium on deepwater offshore drilling that is still in place.Gulf residents will be feeling the pain for years to come. There is still plenty of o 泥やセメント救済を井戸の底から5カ月後に破裂、油井これはメキシコ湾に原油のガロン数百万人を吐き出したシールに励起される最終的にplugged.A救済されての瀬戸際にもほぼ2.5マイルドリルですメキシコ湾の床の下にも、永久に殺害への序曲をBP社の本格的なアウト交差ており、米国政府はThursday.Retired沿岸警備隊提督サドアレン、政府の代表で、データが結合された2つの井戸を示した当該

    • Gov't: 23K Workers Affected by Gulf Oil Drill Ban
      Government says more than 23K workers affected by Gulf of Mexico drilling ban Mexico - Business - Mining and Drilling - Tools and Equipment - Gulf of Mexico 政府は、メキシコの言葉以上の23Kの湾労働者が-の影響でメキシコ湾掘削禁止メキシコ-ビジネス-マイニングと掘削-ツール装置および

    • Gulf oil spill: Lowering the cofferdam
      Video emerges of BP's efforts to lower containment tower over one of three leaksUnderwater videos of spectacular Gulf oil leaks are like buses, it seems.After waiting more than two weeks for footage of the leak caused by the Deepwater Horizon explosion, two short clips have been posted to YouTube in the space of two hours.The video above shows the ultimately unsuccessful attempt to lower a huge metal containment tower over one of the three leaks.Engineers were attempting to pump off oil using the 100 tonne cofferdam, but have since switched their efforts to golf balls, shredded tyres and a top hat after a build-up of crystallised gas blocked pipes in the structure.Deepwater Horizon Unified Command, the body linking organisations responding to the spill, posted the video showing engineers' attempts to install the cofferdam on its YouTube channel this morning.Earlier, the organisation had succumbed to pressure from media and government agencies and posted a clip of the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.Deepwater Horizon oil spillOil spillsBPUnited StatesAdam Gabbattguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 、それがリークディープウォーターホライゾン爆発による映像の2週間以上待ってseems.Afterビデオは、BPの努力の下封じ込めの塔に1つの壮大な湾のオイル漏れの3つのleaksUnderwaterビデオの中に現れるはバスのようなもの、2つの短いクリップがされている上記の2つ促すためであろうビデオの空間でYouTubeに投稿さ油を100トンコファダムを使用してオフにポンプとしていたが、最終的には失敗したが、3つleaks.Engineersの上に巨大な金属製の容器の塔を下げるために示しているので切り替えているのビルドを開く結晶ガスの後のゴルフボール、千切りタイヤと山高帽に努力はstructure.Deepwaterホライゾンユニファイドコマンドでパイプをブロック、身体、ビデオエンジニアの試みにコファダムをインストールする方法を示します投。団体流出に対応するリンクこのmorning.Earlier YouTubeのチャンネルで、組織は、メディアや政府機関からの圧力に屈していたと。湾岸Mexico.DeepwaterホライゾンオイルspillOilのに噴出のクリップをStatesAdam Gabbattguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディアspillsBPUnited投稿このコンテンツの限定2010 |使用して、私たちの利用規約に従うものとその他のフィードを表示|

    • Oil rig blast prompts environmental concerns
      NEW ORLEANS - As hope dimmed for the lives of 11 crew members missing since a drilling rig exploded in flames in the Gulf of Mexico, authorities turned their focus to controlling an oil spill that could threaten the fragile ecosystem... ニューオーリンズは - として11人の乗組員の生活がないため、淡色表示され掘削リグは、炎のメキシコ湾で爆発から願って、当局は壊れやすい生態系を脅かす可能性の油流出を制御する彼らの焦点になった...

    • Hopeful scientists extend trial for oil cap
      NEW ORLEANS - A trial run of a cap that was blocking oil from streaming into the Gulf of Mexico was extended yesterday after the Government's spokesman on the cleanup said BP will continue to monitor the cap for another 24 hours.The... ニューオーリンズは - 裁判はメキシコ湾にストリーミングから油をブロックしているキャップの実行時間のクリーンアップに政府のスポークスマンは後に拡張されたBPは、別の24促すためであろうキャップを監視し続けると述べた...

    • Mexico reopens oil ports after bad weather clears
      Mexico reopens four of its five main oil exporting ports in the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday after bad weather cleared the Mexican Communications and Transport Ministry SCT said The four ports Coatzacaoalcos Dos Bocas Cayo Arcas and Frontera were closed on Saturday and Friday because of rough seas The only major oil exporting port that remained closed is the one on Carmen Island in Quintana Roo State in the Mexican Caribbean the SCT said in a statement But the SCT メキシコは、メキシコ湾で11日、悪天候の後のポートエクスポート4の5つの主要な石油の再開は、メキシコ通信運輸省SCTのクリア4つのポートCoatzacaoalcosドスボカスカヨアルカスとFronteraの土曜日と金曜日、荒天のため閉鎖されているは、閉鎖されて唯一の主要石油輸出港、メキシコのカリブ海でのキンタナロー州カルメン島のSCTの文がでているものですがSCT

    • Methane gas bubble triggered oil rig blast: media
      The deadly oil rig blast in the Gulf of Mexico had been triggered by A methane gas bubble that escaped and shot toward the surface, the Associated Press reported on Friday. &$&$Source:Xinhua&$&$ ... でのメキシコ。爆発は、致命的なリグ石油表面に向かって撮影バブル脱出していたがトリガガスメタンで、AP通信が30日付で報じた

    • GM issues big recall
      General Motors Co will recall more than 243,000 model year 2009/2010 crossover sport utilities, mainly in the United States, to inspect safety belts for possible damage, the automaker said Tuesday. The automaker and regulators said most of the Chevy Traverse, Buick Enclave, GMC Acadia, and Saturn Outlook vehicles were shipped within the United States. Several thousands others were exported to Canada, Mexico, China, Saudi Arabia and other countries. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... ゼネラルモーターズ社は、起こり得るでしょうリコール以上243000への検査、安全ベルトのためにクロスオーバースポーツモデル年2009/2010ユーティリティ、アメリカ合衆国米国では、主に、自動車メーカーは、明らかにした

    • 2 killed in military plane crash in Mexico
      Two people were killed in a small military plane crash in southwestern Mexico on Wednesday, the defense ministry said in a statement. &$&$Source:Xinhua&$&$ ... 二人は水曜日に、メキシコ軍の飛行機の墜落事故で南西部の小さなで殺害された、防衛省は声明前記:&$&$ソース新華ファイナンスは、&$&$を...

    • 21 suspected drug gang members killed in Mexico: Media
      At least 21 suspected drug gang members were killed in clash on Thursday in the Mexican state of Sonora, AFP quoted Mexican justice officials as saying. &$ &$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 少なくとも21被疑薬のギャングのメンバーは、日の衝突でソノラ、AFP通信のメキシコ状態での発言として、メキシコ司法当局の言葉を引用死亡した

    • Strong earthquake hits southern Mexico
      A strong earthquake measuring 6.5 degrees at the Richter scale shook southern Mexico on Wednesday morning. According to the U.S. Geological Service (USGS), the earthquake occurred at 2:22 a.m. local time, with a depth of 10 km in Oxaca state, some 480 km to the country's capital of Mexico City. The earthquake was strong felt in Mexico City. So far, there are not reports of damages or victims.&$ &$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 強い地震の規模マグニチュードで測定6.5度の朝に昨日のメキシコを横に振った南部)USGSのによると、米国地質サービス(地震が、で発生したローカル2:22時間状態でOxacaキロの10の深さ、いくつかの480シティメキシコ国の首都キロに

    • BP: Failed Blowout Preventer Removed From Well
      BP: Blowout preventer that failed to stop Gulf of Mexico oil leak removed from well Oil spill - BP - Environment - Energy - Petroleum in the Environment 血圧:環境ブロウアウトの石油- BPのエネルギー-環境- -防止装置失敗を停止する湾のメキシコオイル漏れ削除から流出もオイル

    • Last Test Needed Before Declaring BP Oil Well Dead
      Pressure test needed on blown-out BP oil well, last step before declaring it dead Oil well - Business - BP - Oil spill - Gulf of Mexico 圧力テストはメキシコのBPが必要に吹き飛ばされた油。湾-流出油、最後のステップを前に宣言して死んでオイルも-ビジネス- - BP社

    • BP: Crews Lifting Key Device From Gulf Face Delay
      BP: Crews raising blowout preventer from Gulf face delay, must wait for hydrates to melt BP - Oil spill - Gulf of Mexico - Blowout preventer - Arts BPは:クルーズ流出BPを-からの資金調達ブローアウトプリベンタをガルフオイルの遅。顔を待たなければならない、ハイドレートを溶かす-メキシコ湾を-ブローアウトプリベンタを-アート

    • Man killed in northwest Mexican quake
      A strong 7.2-magnitude earthquake on Sunday rocked Mexico's northern Baja California state, causing minor damage and killing at least one people, according to latest reports. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake occurred at 5:40 p.m. local time (2240 GMT) with a depth of 10 km. The epicenter was some 26 km south-southwest of Guadalupe Victoria, 173km east-southeast of Tijuana, which borders the U.S. city of San Diego, California. The civil protection service in Baja Californ ... 7.2の地震は、日曜日に強いダメージをバハカリフォルニア州は、原因とマイナー揺れメキシコ北部の人々をで死亡、少なくとも1つは、レポートの最新よるとする

    • New Oil-Rig Safety Rules Eyed Even Before Blast
      Oil-rig accidents fed push for new rules before latest blast; search called off for missing 11 Oil well - Business - Energy - Oil and Gas - Gulf of Mexico オイルリグ事故は爆発の最新の供給プッシュ新しいルールの前に、検索がエネルギー-ビジネス不足オフと呼ばれる11オイルをよく- -石油及びガス-メキシコ湾

    • Continuous heavy rains hit SW Mexico, killing 18
      Continuous rains have struck Mexico's southwest state of Michoacan for three days, killing at least 18 people, said the authorities on Friday. Twelve bodies were found buried in three different landslides in Ocampo town of Michoacan on Friday, bringing the death toll from the heavy rains to 18, said the Office of General Prosecutor of Michoacan. Another three died in landslides and overflowing rivers in the area on Thursday. A day before, three children died in the neighboring town of Anga ... 連続的な雨が3日には、少なくとも18人が死亡、ミチョアカン州のメキシコ南西部の状態に三振している金曜日に当局が12人団体ミチョアカン州のオカンポの町で、3つの異なる地滑りで金曜日に埋葬発見され、集中豪雨の死者18日には、Office検事ミチョアカン州のもう一つの3つの土砂崩れで死亡し、15日、地区内の河川あふれている

    • Ambush on security official kills 4 people in Mexico
      Four people were killed and 10 others wounded in an ambush against the motorcade of a Mexican security official in the western state of Michoacan on Saturday. Minerva Bautista, public safety secretary of the state, was wounded in the ambush. She was taken to hospital and was in stable condition. Blockading the road with a trailer truck, a group of about two dozen assailants attacked the motorcade with assault rifles and grenades, said State Attorney General Jesus Montejan. Among the fou ... 4人が死亡、10人は、国務長官の安全、公共バティスタメキシコのセキュリティ関係者に対する車列待ち伏せで負傷の西部の州土曜日

    • 6.9 quake hits Mexico
      MEXICO CITY - A powerful earthquake struck beneath Mexico's Gulf of California on Thursday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury.The US Geological Survey said the magnitude of the quake that hit at 11:53 a.m.... メキシコシティは - 強力な地震は、木曜日にカリフォルニア州のメキシコの湾の下に打た損害injury.The米国地質調査所の即時報告があった11:53ヒット地震の大きさがだと言わ...

    • Mexico offers financial grants to hurricane-affected businesses
      Mexico's finance ministry will offer a series of grants and loans to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) affected by Hurricane Alex, it said on Tuesday. A business could receive grants up to 15,000 pesos (1,181 U.S. dollars) and loans up to 250,000 pesos (19,680 dollars), it said. There are 2,500 affected businesses in the state of Nuevo Leon, 500 in Tamaulipas and more than 700 in Coahuila. Hurricane Alex struck Tamaulipas on June 30 as a category 2 storm, and dumped most of its rai ... メキシコの財政経済院はアレックスハリケーンの影響による)が提供する中小企業(および一連のの助成金融資に小さな企業規模中規模、それが明らかにした

    • Earthquake shakes Mexico
      The US Geological Survey says a 6.5-magnitude earthquake has struck southern Mexico.It says the quake hit at 2.22 a.m. local time. Its centre was 120 kilometres) west-southwest of Oaxaca, and 355 kilometres south-southeast of... 米国地質調査所は、6.5の地震が南部Mexico.It結んでいる地震が2.22で現地時間の午前ヒットと言う

    • Storm Karl threatens Gulf oil installations
      Tropical storm Karl struck Mexico's Yucatan peninsula Wednesday, heading toward oil installations in the Gulf before it was set to strike Mexico again, weather services reported. 熱帯低気圧カールは2009年には再びメキシコを取るように設定される前に、石油のインストールに向かって湾に向かって、メキシコのユカタン半島を直撃、天気予報サービスが報じた

    • Clashes of drug gangs kill 29 in northern Mexico
      Twenty-nine people died Thursday in fights between rival drug gangs that spread across the towns of Tubutama and Caborca in northern Mexico. All the dead were members of armed drug gangs and none of them have been identified, Jose Larrinaga Talamantes, an official from the state attorney's office, told reporters. Nine others were arrested by police and six of whom had serious, but non life-threatening injuries. Seven pieces of weapons and eight trucks were seized on the battle scenes, Larr ... 20 - 9人が暴力団死亡した木曜日薬物の戦いの間にライバルは、メンバーギャング死者がいたメキシコのすべての薬物の武装と普及間北部カボルカや町のTubutamaでそれらのどれもが関係者がされて識別、サンノゼ、タラマンツをLarrinaga状態は弁護士の事務所は、記者に語った

    • U.S., Mexico agree on water supply to quake-hit region
      U.S. and Mexican officials signed an agreement on Monday to make additional water supply to a Mexican region struck by an earthquake in April, the U.S. embassy said in a statement. The agreement signed by U.S Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Mexican Environment Minister Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada allows the region around Mexicali, the capital city of northern Mexican state Baja California, to use 260,000 acre-feet (nearly 321 billion liters) more water from the Colorado River. Four peopl ... 米国とメキシコ当局者は4月に地震に襲わメキシコ領域に追加的な水供給をするために月曜日に契約を締結し、米国大使館は声明で述べている

    • Obama form spill commission as oil closes US beach
      US President Barack Obama announced on Saturday the establishment of an independent presidential commission to probe a huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that has already shut down a popular tourist beach in Louisiana.As Grand Isle, Louisiana, closed its seven-mile beach to clean up an orange-liquidy slick washing ashore, the president moved to prevent similar disasters in the future. オバマ米大統領は、土曜日にメキシコ湾ではすでにLouisiana.Asグランドアイル、ルイジアナ州で、人気のある観光ビーチをシャットダウンした巨大な油流出を調査するための独立した大統領委員会の設立を発表した、7マイルビーチを閉鎖オレンジliquidyスリックタイヤを上。洗濯掃除、大統領は今後も同様の災害を防ぐために移動しました

    • Podcast: Latin America at the checkpoint
      In a week of escalating violence near Mexico's border with Texas, we call on two experts to explain what is going on and why. The journalist Ed Vulliamy travelled the length of the 2,000-mile border while researching his book Amexica. He reports on the violence he found there, and also the warmth and courage of ordinary people trapped in an increasingly bloody war.Colombian historian Oscar Guardiola-Rivera points out that Latinos will be the majority in the US by the middle of this century, and suggests some of the ways in which Latin America could offer a lead to the developed world as it struggles to come to terms with social, economic and environmental meltdown.Plus we go to New York to interview the fourth of the authors shortlisted for this year's Guardian first book award, Maile Chapman. We ask why, with so much going on in the here and now, she should have have chosen to set her debut novel in Finland in the 1920s.Prize drawWe also have two signed copies to give away of Patti Smith's memoir Just Kids, which this week won the US's prestigious National Book Award for non-fiction. Send your answers to books.competition@guardian.co.uk – but be warned, two of them come in two parts.1. Which Irish novelist nominated Patti Smith as his hero in the Guardian Review, and which poet did he cite in making his case? 2. Where did Simon Reynolds meet up with Smith for an Observer interview in 2005?3. Who reviewed Just Kids for the Guardian Review, and which of the reviewer's books did Smith tell her audience to go out and buy during a comeback concert in New York?4. What is the price of the hardback edition of Just Kids at the Guardian bookshop?•: Terms and conditions for the Patti Smith prize drawReading listWhat If Latin America Ruled the World? Oscar Guardiola-Rivera (Bl テキサスとメキシコの国境に近い暴力をエスカレートさせるの週では、我々は何が起こっているか、その理由を説明する2つの専門家を呼ぶ

    • Video: Obama administration sues BP over Gulf of Mexico spill
      US attorney general outlines BP's alleged violations of US environmental laws over Deepwater disaster 米国の検事総長は、深海での災害を米国の環境法のBP社の申し立てられた違反の概要を説明

    • 8 police killed in ambush in Mexico
      Eight police officers have been killed in the latest outbreak of drug-related violence in northern Mexico.An official at the Sinaloa state attorney general's office says the gunmen attacked four police cars along a highway in... エイト警察官はシナロア州検事総長のオフィスで北部Mexico.An公式の薬物関連の暴力の最新の流行に殺されている武装勢力は、高速道路インチに沿って4パトカーを攻撃したという..

    • Mexican drugs lord presumed dead after clashes
      Nazario Moreno, head of Mexico's La Familia drugs gang, is thought to have been killed in gun battles between police and traffickersOne of Mexico's most notorious drugs bosses is believed to have been killed after clashes between gunmen and security forces.Nazario Moreno, known as The Craziest One, the head of the powerful La Familia cartel, was presumed dead after fighting in the western state of Michoacán, according to the national security chief, Alejandro Poire. At least five others, including an eight-month old have also died in violence that has raged in the state since last night.Armed men blockaded roads leading to Morelia city, hijacked cars and lorries while firing shots to force drivers and passengers from their vehiclesMoreno is believed to be the leader of La Familia, a gang that uses pseudoreligious philosophy to justify the murders of rivals and keep its traffickers from abusing drugs.The group, which officials say is Mexico's main trafficker of methamphetamine, captured nationwide attention in 2006 by rolling severed heads on to the floor of a disco in Uruapan city.Shortly afterward, the Mexican president, Felipe Calderón, sent thousands of federal troops and police into Michoacán, his home state and the base of La Familia.Moreno preached Bible scripture mixed with self-help slogans to gang members and has tried to promote a mystique that is unique among Mexican gangs by claiming to protect the local population.Last night's blockades came a day after three people were killed in a shootout between suspected La Familia gunmen and federal police in Apatzingán de la Constitución, another city in the state.One of those killed was a baby of eight months who was riding in a taxi with his mother, according to the attorney general's office. The other was the teen NazarioさんMorenoさんは、メキシコのラファミリア薬ギャングの長は、警察やメキシコの最も悪名高い麻薬のボスのtraffickersOne間の銃撃戦で殺されていると考えられている武装集団として知られているセキュリティforces.Nazarioモレノ、間の衝突後に殺害されていると考えられているクレイジーうちの1つは、強力なラファミリアカルテルの長は、国家安全保障上の責任者、アレハンドロ西洋ナシによると、ミチョアカンの西部の州での戦闘後に死亡推定された

    • Guatemala's lonely battle against corruption | Michael Deibert
      While Mexico's war on drugs cartels makes headlines, its bloody consequences for its southern neighbour are all but overlookedFourteen years after Guatemala's government signed a peace agreement with a coalition of guerrilla groups ending a 30-year civil war, the country finds itself once again in the grip of armed conflict, though one in which the battle lines are even murkier than before. While drug-related violence plaguing the border regions of Mexico has achieved a kind of grisly global renown in recent years, the even deadlier battle directly to the south has generated little comment on the international stage.  Central America's most populous country, Guatemala has become the scene of a brutal power struggle involving Mexican cartels who have been pushed south by President Felipe Calderón's militarised campaign against drug traffickers there, and Guatemala's indigenous criminal groups, many of whom have their roots in a military intelligence apparatus set up with US aid during the country's internal armed conflict. After the peace accords, many Guatemalans hoped that their country was embarking on a brighter future. The preceding conflict had claimed the lives of over 200,000 people, mostly poor, indigenous campesinos caught in the struggle between a militarily-weak leftist insurgency and the ruthless scorched-earth tactics of a national army, whose only military manoeuvre appeared to be the massacre.  But now, nearly 15 years later, more people die in Guatemala every year than did at the height of the civil war. While Mexico's homicide rate has been estimated at 26 per 100,000 by the Latin American academic body Flacso Guatemala's numbers a staggering 53 per 100,000. What went so wrong? How did the promise of peace become transmuted into the rule of Guatemala by 麻薬カルテルのメキシコの戦争は見出しになりますが、グアテマラ政府は30年の内戦を終わらせるゲリラグループの連合との和平協定に調印した後、その南の隣人のためにその血の結果はすべてがoverlookedFourteen年間は、国は再び自分自身を認めるメキシコの国境地域を苦しめる薬物関連の暴力は、近年の陰惨な世界的に有名なのようなものを実現していますが、武力紛争のグリップは、これで戦線もよりmurkier 1つが、前に、南に直接であっても致命的戦いはしています

    • Cancún climate talks are vital to the UK | Caroline Spelman
      Caroline Spelman, the UK's environment secretary, says we are already feeling the effects of climate change and must adapt fast• Cameron: UK is prepared to act on its own over climate changeAs representatives from almost 200 countries meet in Cancún, Mexico, this week to discuss a global deal on reducing emissions, last month's floods in Cornwall reminded us at home why this is such an important goal.Visiting Cornwall I saw for myself the devastating damage the flooding caused to homes and businesses alike. I saw too that, despite the valiant efforts of communities themselves, the Environment Agency and many insurers, it will be months before life returns to normal.It may not be possible to tell whether climate change was the cause of this particular flood, but the latest UK Climate Projections show that unchecked greenhouse gas emissions will only lead to more of the same.Lessons from Copenhagen have been learned – developing economies must be supported in their transition to economic growth, social development and environmental protection. The UK government's commitment to international climate finance alone stands at nearly £3bn over the next five years.Without this kind of support, climate change will have even greater impacts in developing countries and the UK will feel pressure on our food supplies and the trade networks that support our economy.But whatever is eventually agreed, either at Cancún or subsequently, we are already feeling the effects of climate change and we must adapt to them – now and for the future.Nine out of the past 10 years have now brought serious flooding to the UK. In its 2004 report, A Changing Climate for Insurance (no longer online), the Association of British Insurers pointed out that claims from storm and flood damages doubled to more 英国はカンクン、メキシコ、今週に会う約200カ国から気候changeAs代表で独自に動作するように調製される:キャロラインスペルマンは、英国の環境長官は、我々はすでに気候変動の影響を感じている•キャメロンを高速に適応しなければならない、と言うコーンウォールの先月の洪水は、これがなぜ自宅を思い出させてくれました、排出量削減の国際的な取り決めを議論するような私は自分自身の氾濫、家庭や企業に同様に発生する壊滅的なダメージを見た

    • World mayors sign climate change pact
      Mayors from around the world signed a voluntary pact in Mexico City on Sunday to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at a meeting meant as a precursor to next week's s UN-sponsored talks in Cancun.The gathering in one of the world's most polluted cities assembled some 3,000 local and regional leaders to discuss a wide range of economic and social issues, including climate change.Participants from some 135 cities and urban areas signed a pact committing them to adopt a slate of measures to stem climate change. 世界中から、世界は、世界で最も汚染された都市のいずれかでCancun.The収集では、来週のの国連主催の協議への前駆体としての意味の会議で温室効果ガス排出量を減らすために日曜日にメキシコシティの自主的な協定に調。市長会議は、いくつかの3000組み立て地域や地方の指導者たちはいくつかの135都市から気候change.Participants、都市部を含む経済的、社会的問題の広い範囲を議論するためには、気候変動を阻止するための措置のスレートを採用することをコミットする協定に調印した

    • New to Nature No 23: Chromodoris socorroensis
      This brilliantly coloured sea slug is a fierce predator of other marine lifeChromodoris socorroensis is a beautiful, translucent white to pinkish-coloured sea slug with large, salmon-red markings outlined by opaque white. Discovered under rocks in the Revillagigedo Islands off Mexico's Pacific coast, these molluscs are no longer than 10mm. Like the more than 3,000 known species of nudibranchs, this soft-bodied species sheds its shell after its larval stage and its delicate form belies its behaviour as a fierce predator of other marine invertebrates. Nudibranchs are noted for their amazing variety of often brilliant colours.International Institute for Species Exploration, Arizona State UniversityZoologyAnimalsWildlifeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds この鮮やかな色ウミウシは、他の海洋lifeChromodorisのsocorroensisの激しい捕食者は、白色不透明で説明した大規模なサーモン赤いマーキングスラグ美しい透明にピンクがかった色の白海です

    • New to Nature No 24: Lithophane leeae
      A large pink moth, discovered in ArizonaThe mountains of southeastern Arizona have been a favourite collecting site for lepidopterists for generations. Yet new species continue to be described at the rate of about three per year.One of the latest discoveries is the largest member of the genus Lithophane, a group of particularly large and beautifully coloured moths. Lithophane leeae has a forewing length 25% larger than the previous record, measuring 25mm, and more extensive and brighter pink coloration. So far known from a single female collected at 7,700ft elevation in mid-June in the Chiricahua Mountains, this species is predicted to feed on pine, like related species.Most collecting is done later in the season when monsoon rains bring out moths and moth collectors alike. It may be either an early-season flier or a stray from northern Sonora, Mexico.Quentin Wheeler is director of the International Institute for Species Exploration, Arizona State UniversityZoologyAnimalsWildlifeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 南東アリゾナArizonaThe山で発見された大規模ピンクの蛾は、世代のためにlepidopteristsのサイトを集めてお気に入りをされている

    • The biggest enchilada of them all
      A Mexico City borough went for the whole enchilada - and got it.Residents of Iztapalapa cooked up a 70m-long, almost one-tonne enchilada yesterday and Guinness confirmed it was the world's biggest.Ingredients included corn... メキシコシティの自治区は、全体エンチラーダに行ってきました - とIztapalapaのit.Residents昨日は70メートル、長さ、ほぼ1トンエンチラーダをでっちあげたんとギネスは世界biggest.Ingredientsは、トウモロコシが含まれていることを確認した...

    • Worldwide demos called in support jailed WikiLeaks chief
      Spanish online supporters of Julian Assange called for worldwide demonstrations Saturday to press for the release of the WikiLeaks founder, who is in a London jail awaiting possible extradition to Sweden to face rape charges.The Spanish website Free Wikileaks urged rallies at 6 p.m. (1700 GMT) in eight Spanish cities, including Madrid and Barcelona, while similar demonstrations were planned in Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Bogota and Lima. ジュリアンAssangeのスペイン語を買うサポーターはスペインのウェブサイト無料Wikileaksは強姦charges.Theに直面するスウェーデンすることができるの引き渡しを待っているロンドンの刑務所ではWikileaksは創設者のリリースのために押して土曜日世界中のデモと呼ばれる午後6時(1700 GMTで集会を促した)マドリッド、バルセロナ、同様のデモは、アムステルダム、ブエノスアイレス、メキシコシティー、サンパウロ、ボゴタ、リマに計画された中を含む8つのスペイン各都市、インチ

    • Mexico celebrates Our Lady of Guadalupe
      Over the weekend, some 6 million pilgrims descended on the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe outside Mexico City, one of the most important sites in the Catholic world 週末、いくつかの6000000の巡礼者がメキシコシティー、カトリックの世界で最も重要なサイトのいずれかの外グアダルーペの聖母教会や大聖堂の子孫

    • Kidnappers release three Mexican journalists, one still missing
      Two journalists among a group of four abducted in Mexico last week have been freed, following the release of a third three days ago. Another is still believed to be held. Three were kidnapped while investigating reports that the director of a prison in the northern state of Durango had allowed inmates out to commit murders for a drug gang.Milenio Television said its cameraman Jaime Canales and Televisa cameraman Alejandro Hernandez were released yesterday. Hector Gordoa, a reporter with Televisa, was freed earlier.Oscar Solis, a reporter for the newspaper El Vespertino, who was abducted from his home the same night, is still missing.Televisa, Mexico's biggest television network, yesterday cancelled a popular news show, Starting Point, in protest at the kidnappings. The screen went blank for the duration of the show.At least nine journalists have been killed in Mexico so far this year, according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.Sources: BBC/Herald-Sun/HuffPoJournalist safetyMexicoPress freedomGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds メキシコの4つの拉致被害者のグループの間で2つの記者は先週、3番目の3日前のリリース次の解放されている

    • Marquez keeps boxing crown, wants Pacquiao
      Mexico's Juan Manuel Marquez kept his World Boxing Association lightweight throne with a unanimous 12-round decision over Juan Diaz, then called out Filipino star Manny Pacquaio.Marquez took a rematch of a slugfest from last year by judges' scores of 118-110, 117-111 and 116-112, improving the 36-year-old fighter's record to 51-5 with one drawn. Diaz fell to 35-4. メキシコのフアンマヌエルマルケス、フアンディアス以上の一致12ラウンド決定し、その後フィリピンスターマニーPacquaio.Marquezは昨年118から110、117の裁判官の得点で乱打戦の再戦を受け取っていると呼ばれる彼の世界ボクシング協会軽量王座を保持-111と116から112、51から5に1つの描画と36歳の戦闘の記録を向上させます

    • Tenth Mexican journalist killed this year
      Daily newspaper reporter Carlos Alberto Guajardo Romero was killed on Friday during crossfire between the Mexican army and gunmen in the border city of Matamoros.His death occurred while he was witnessing a shoot-out that led to the killing of drug cartel leader Antonio Ezequiel Cárdenas Guillén, four other gang members and three soldiers.The Expreso Matamoros reporter was said to have been shot at least 20 times. It is thought that soldiers fired at his unmarked truck after mistaking him as a cartel member.Guajardo Romero, 37, was the tenth journalist to be killed in the Mexico in 2010, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.Source: CPJJournalist safetyMexicoGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 毎日の新聞記者がして、Carlos Alberto Guajardoロメロは、彼が目撃した中にエラーが発生しましたMatamoros.His死の境界線の都市でメキシコ軍と武装勢力間の集中砲火中に金曜日に殺害されたシュートアウト麻薬カルテルのリーダーアントニオEzequielカルデナスGuillénさんの殺害につながったという、他の4つのギャングのメンバー三soldiers.Theエクスプレソマタモロスの記者は、少なくとも20回撮影されていると言われている

    • Gun attack on Mexican newspaper
      Attackers armed with assault rifles opened fire on the newspaper offices of El Debate in the city of Mazatlán on Sunday. No injuries occurred. The governor of Sinaloa, Jesús Aguilar Padilla, said his administration would do everything possible to protect journalists and guarantee press freedom. Special protection has been arranged.Sources: Knight Centre In Spanish: El JornadaJournalist safetyMexicoPress freedomGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 突撃銃で武装した攻撃者は、日曜日にマサトランの街でエルディベートの新聞社に火を開いた

    • Karaoke winner bags a million Russian dumplings
      Edward Pimentel, a telephone technician from New Mexico, walks away with unusual prize at Moscow competitionThe karaoke world's newest star is about to find out if Russian dumplings are good for the throat after he won a million of them at the Karaoke World Championships in Moscow.Edward Pimentel, a telephone company technician from Albuquerque, New Mexico, got the unusual prize after the audience at the competition voted him their favourite for his dapper and assured R&B performances. He chose Usher's DJ's Got Us Fallin' In Love for his final-round song.Organisers said the dumplings are enough to last 27 years if someone eats 100 of them a day.A panel of judges chose two Finns – Sam Moudden and Maria Saarimaa-Ylitalo – as their male and female champions. They were awarded karaoke machines. Moudden, sharply dressed in Rat Pack style, performed Je Suis Malade, while the purple-gowned Saarimaa-Ylitalo sang Celine Dion's I Surrender.Two singers who stretched karaoke's boundaries beyond the usual pop favourites came second. Fedor Rytikov, a gastroenterologist by day, advanced to the finals with the Nessum Dorma aria from Turandot, then stayed with Italian music for the final with L'Immensita.Russia's Julia Kurileva was runner-up in the women's competition with the most adventurous choice of the night – the wordless and eerie wailing of Pink Floyd's Great Gig In The Sky.Amateur singers from 16 countries took part in the three-day competition.RussiaUnited Statesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds エドワードピメンテルは、ニューメキシコ州からの電話技術、モスクワcompetitionTheカラオケ、世界の最新の星珍しい優勝して散歩は約彼はモスクワでカラオケの世界選手権で、それらの百万円を獲得したロシアの餃子は喉に適しているかどうかを確認することです

    • US man dumped in Mexico
      A mentally disabled United States citizen who spoke no Spanish was deported to Mexico with little but a prison jumpsuit after immigration agents manipulated him into signing documents allowing his removal, a lawsuit filed yesterday... は、スペインだった話した精神障害者、米国市民はほとんどメキシコに強制送。入国管理エージェントの後に刑務所のジャンプスーツは彼の除去を可能にするドキュメントに署名するに彼を操作して、訴訟は昨日提出...

    • U.S., South Korea reach free trade deal
      The United States and South Korea reached a new free trade agreement Friday after a three-year stalemate on auto tariffs, President Barack Obama announced Friday. Under the agreement, tariffs on 95 percent of goods between the two countries will be lifted within five years. The new deal would be the largest U.S. trade pact since the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico in 1994. After nearly a week of talks in suburban Washington, negotiators cleared a key hurdle by le ... 米国と韓国は関税年こう着状態に自動3つの自由貿易協定金曜日後に新しい達し、バラクオバマ大統領が発表した

    • Nine murdered in northern Mexico
      At least nine people were found dead Monday in two locations in northern Mexico, officials said. In San Nicolas town of Santiago Papasquiaro municipality, authorities found at least six burnt male corpses in clandestine graves, according to the General Justice Prosecutor's Office of the Durango State. A spokesman for Santiago Papasquiaro Police told Xinhua that the Public Ministry has sent an officer to the scene where the corpses were found. DNA tests are needed to identify the corpses as ... 少なくとも9人は、メキシコ北部の発見した2つの場所で死んで2009年と発表した

    • Loss of pair stuns hot-air balloonists
      NEW MEXICO - Two of the biggest names in balloon-racing are missing, presumed dead, in a tragedy that has shocked the hot-air ballooning community.The apparent deaths of veteran pilots Richard Abruzzo and Carol Rymer Davis during... ニューメキシコ州は - バルーンはレースで最大の名のうちの2つ、欠けていると推定死者、中に熱気球にベテランパイロットリチャードアブルッツォとキャロルライマーデイビスのcommunity.The明らかに死に衝撃を与えている悲劇に...

    • Letters: Hiroshima, Israel and nuclear tests
      I visited the exhibition on images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Face to Faith, 7 August) at the Quaker Friends House in London on Hiroshima commemoration day (6 August) after attending a moving ceremony that included speeches from a survivor of the city's atomic immolation, former London mayor Ken Livingstone, Labour peace activist MP Jeremy Corbyn, and the CND chair, Dr Kate Hudson. Rowena Loverance is right to draw attention to the searing shock of the trauma represented in the photos as well as the poignancy in the objects recovered from the atomic aftermath. However, I did notice one odd thing in the Quaker exhibition, which also told of the atomic age from the first test explosion, at Socorro in the New Mexico desert in July 1945, to today: it lists Israel as a one of nine nations that have tested nuclear weapons.It is now accepted that Israel has around 200 nuclear warheads, although Tel Aviv declines to confirm its atomic weapons status. But, despite the fact that Israel has undoubtedly received considerable atomic assistance from the US, as is told in detail in Seymour Hersh's excellent 1991 expose, The Samson Option, there are no published details of Israel actually testing a nuclear device.The only possibility I have come across is that Israeli nuclear scientists were present at France's atmospheric tests in Reganne in Algeria in the early 1960s, or else the post-test calibration data were shared with Israel by France. I wonder if anyone else knows more details?Dr David LowryFormer director, European Proliferation Information Center (EPIC)Nuclear weaponsJapanIsraelFranceguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 私は広島と長崎(のイメージで展示会を訪れたの信仰、対面広島記念日(8月6日)は後の都市の原子殉死の生存者からのスピーチが含まれてmoving式に出席8月7日)クエーカーフレンドハウス、ロンドンでの、元ロンドン市長ケンリビングストン、労。平和活動家の議員ジェレミーコービンと、CDNをチェア、博士ケイトハドソン

    • War on drugs: Bring out the peace pipe | Editorial
      Sir Ian Gilmore is a distinguished physician. Nicholas Green is a leading barrister. Pillars of society, they share a radical opinion: they believe drugs should be decriminalised – not from any dogmatic position but from their own experience in medicine and the law.Sir Ian, a liver specialist and the outgoing president of the Royal College of Physicians, told the BBC yesterday that current policy aggravated the harms associated with drug abuse and cited approvingly a BMJ article by Stephen Rolles of the pro-legalisation organisation Transform. In June Mr Green suggested that if the government was serious about cutting the prison population it should consider decriminalising individual drug use.When the UN first sounded the alarm about the global drugs trade in 1961, it warned of the threat it posed to the world's health. It was President Nixon, swiftly backed in Britain, who converted the concern into a moral crusade. His war on drugs, both nationally and internationally, has caused harm that far exceeds the unquestionable damage of drug abuse. In ripples and surges from Mexico's catastrophic turf wars to gangland murders in Detroit and drive-by shootings in Birmingham, civil society is undermined and in places destroyed by the profitable lawlessness of the illegal drugs trade. It is time to sue for peace.This is a global war, and ultimately it needs a global solution. The first step has to be to acknowledge that the moral evil is drug trafficking, not drug abuse. The best way to undermine the traffickers is to tackle demand for their product. And as part of holistic policy that has to tackle wellbeing more widely, decriminalising individual drug use would be a good start. Portugal, where drug use was decriminalised nearly 10 years ago, is showing the way. Its evidence サーイアンギルモアは、識別医師です

    • Acapulco tourists abducted by gangsters
      MEXICO CITY: Gunmen kidnapped a group of 22 Mexican men travelling together in the plush Pacific coast resort of Acapulco, Mexican authorities said. メキシコシティは:武装勢力は、アカプルコのプラシ天の太平洋沿岸のリゾートで一緒に旅行される方22メキシコ人のグループを誘拐、メキシコ当局は述べた

    • Mexican gunbattle kills 6
      A gunbattle erupted on the main coast boulevard in the heart of the Pacific resort of Acapulco, Mexico, killing six people, including a mother and her 8-year-old child. None of the victims appeared to be tourists. One police officer... 銃撃戦は、メキシコのアカプルコのパシフィックリゾートの中心部の主要な海岸通り母親と8歳の子供を含む6人を殺し噴火

    • Drug violence kills 19 in Mexico
      The latest spate of drug-related violence in Mexico left 19 people dead, including five factory workers near the US border and four police officers in Acapulco, officials said. メキシコの麻薬関連の暴力の最新相次ぐ、19人が死亡、米国の国境近くの5つの工場の労働者とアカプルコの4つの警察官を含む左、当局は述べた

    • Roy Greenslade: Gunmen murder Mexican journalist and his wife
      Two gunmen shot dead Mexican journalist Juan Francisco Rodríguez 。íos and his wife, María Elvira Hernández Galeana, at their home in Coyuca de Benítez in the southern state of Guerrero.Rodríguez, 49, was a correspondent for the newspaper El Sol de Acapulco and the couple also ran an internet cafe. Source: Knight Centre In Spanish: El Universal/La JornadaPress freedomMexicoJournalist safetyGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 2つの武装勢力はCoyucaデベニテス自宅でGuerrero.Rodríguez、49南部の状態では、死んでメキシコジャーナリストフアンフランシスコロドリゲスリオスと彼の妻、マリアエルバイラエルナンデスゲールアーナ、撮影、新聞エルソルデアカプルコとカップルのための特派員また、インターネットカフェを走った

    • Beheaded bodies found in Mexico
      ACAPULCO, Mexico - Mexican police are investigating the murders of three men whose bodies were found tortured and headless near the beachside resorts of Acapulco.A statement from police in Guerrero state says the victims were... アカプルコ、メキシコ - メキシコ警察は遺体拷問とゲレロ州で警察からAcapulco.Aステートメントのビーチリゾートの近くレス発見された被害者がいたという3人の殺人を調査している...

    • Mexico drug violence leaves 25 dead
      ACAPULCO, Mexico - Drug-related violence has left 25 people dead in Mexico's southern Guerrero state.Two bodies of decapitated men were found overnight on Scenic Avenue in downtown Acapulco, and two decapitations were also found... アカプルコ、メキシコ - 薬剤関連の暴力25人が首を切られた男性のメキシコ南部ゲレロstate.Two遺体で死んで一晩風景街のダウンタウンのアカプルコで発見され、残っている2つのdecapitationsも発見された...

    • Millions in US, Mexico shaken by 7.2 quake
      TIJUANA - One of the strongest earthquakes to hit Southern California in decades shook tens of millions of people in two countries and three states yesterday, swaying buildings from Los Angeles to Phoenix to Tijuana.At least two... ティファナ - 1つの強力な地震の数十年、南カリフォルニアのヒットには、2つの国と3つの州では昨日、フェニックスへロサンゼルスから建物を揺れる人々の数千万を横に振った少なくともTijuana.At 2 ...

    • Mexico: Body found in missing Canadian's burnt-out car
      Investigators are working to determine whether it is the body of Daniel Dion, who was last seen about a week ago in AcapulcoA missing Canadian businessman's burnt-out rental car was found with a corpse in the boot today, police reported. Investigators are working to determine whether it is the body of Daniel Dion, who was last seen about a week ago in Acapulco. One of the vehicle's licence plates was not burned in the fire, allowing police to identify it as Dion's white VW Jetta, according to police director Fernando Monreal. The car was discovered in Zumpango del Rio, just north of the state capital, Chilpancingo. The town is 130km (80 miles) from Acapulco, where authorities say Dion worked for several years. He was CEO of a company that employs inmates making bags from recycled materials and is reportedly from the Ottawa area, although Canadian officials previously declined to confirm the missing man's name or hometown.While Acapulco remains a popular getaway for Mexico City residents and foreign tourists, it has been hit by drug-related gang violence in recent years.Fighting between two rival factions of the crumbling Beltrán Leyva drug cartel has resulted in shoot-outs and deaths. Mayor Jose Luis Avila Sanchez recently warned people to stay indoors after dark – an extraordinary pronouncement for a city whose economy depends on nightclubs, restaurants and bars.MexicoCanadaguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 調べでは、それが最後のAcapulcoAカナダの実業家の燃え尽きたレンタカーは、今日のブートに死体で発見された行方不明週間前の見られたダニエルディオンの本体であるかどうかを判断する作業している、警察は伝えた

    • Storm Bonnie set to weaken over Gulf of Mexico
      A storm system moving across the Gulf of Mexico and disrupting oil clean-up efforts weakened significantly early Saturday, with forecasters saying it was likely to peter out in a few hours.At 1100 GMT, the National Hurricane Center reported that Bonnie was encountering atmospheric events over the northeastern Gulf of Mexico that were blunting its punch.Its center was located 260 kilometers (160 miles) southwest of Apalachicola, Florida, and 345 kilometers (215 miles) southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River, according to the NHC. 嵐のシステム、メキシコ湾の間で移動して中。石油クリーンアップ活動が大幅に早く2009年予報は、数hours.At 1100 GMTで尽きるする可能性が高いと言って弱体化、米国立ハリケーンセンターは、ボニーは大気中のイベントが発生した報告北東メキシコ湾の上には、健保公団によると260キロ(160マイル)アパラチコラ、フロリダ州、345キロ(215マイル)ミシシッピ川の河口の南東の南西に位置され、そのpunch.Itsセンターを鈍化された

    • The spill is gone? | Michael Tomasky
      Time magazine's Michael Grunwald, a fine environmental reporter who knows the region well, writes that it's turning out that the damage from the BP spill may not be as great as (nearly) everyone feared:Yes, the spill killed birds — but so far, less than 1% of the birds killed by the Exxon Valdez. Yes, we've heard horror stories about oiled dolphins — but, so far, wildlife response teams have collected only three visibly oiled carcasses of any mammals. Yes, the spill prompted harsh restrictions on fishing and shrimping, but so far, the region's fish and shrimp have tested clean, and the restrictions are gradually being lifted. And, yes, scientists have warned that the oil could accelerate the destruction of Louisiana's disintegrating coastal marshes — a real slow-motion ecological calamity — but, so far, shorelines assessment teams have only found about 350 acres of oiled marshes, when Louisiana was already losing about 15,000 acres of wetlands every year......The scientists I spoke with cite four basic reasons the initial eco-fears seem overblown. First, the Deepwater Horizon oil, unlike the black glop from the Valdez, is comparatively light and degradable, which is why the slick in the Gulf is dissolving surprisingly rapidly now that the gusher has been capped. Second, the Gulf of Mexico, unlike Prince William Sound, is balmy at more than 85 degrees, which also helps bacteria break down oil. Third, heavy flows of Mississippi River water helped keep the oil away from the coast, where it can do much more damage. Finally, Mother Nature can be incredibly resilient. Van Heerden's assessment team showed me around Casse-tete Island in Timbalier Bay, where new shoots of spartina grasses were sprouting in oiled marshes, and new leaves were growing on the first black mangroves I 『タイム』誌のマイケルグランウォルドは、よく地域を知っている微。環。記者、それは、BPの流出による被害は、として素晴らしいことはできません輩出だ書き込みます(ほぼ)誰もが恐れ:はい、流出の鳥を殺した - これまでのところ、鳥エクソンバルディーズによって殺さの1%未満

    • 3rd wrongful-death lawsuit filed against owner of oil rig in Gulf of Mexico
      A third wrongful-death lawsuit was filed Tuesday against the owner of a drilling rig which exploded recently in the Gulf of Mexico. The lawsuit was filed in the Galveston County of Texas on behalf of the family of Aaron Dale Burkeen, one of the 11 workers still unaccounted for after the April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig off the Louisiana coast. Burkeen, a resident of Mississippi, worked as a crane operator on the rig owned by Swiss-based Transocean and leased by British oil g ... 3番目の不。死。訴訟はメキシコだった湾岸最近リグ爆発提。掘削2009に対しての所有者

    • Mexican police find 8 human heads in northern Mexico
      Eight human heads were found Tuesday in different places of Durango city, capital of Durango state in the north of Mexico, the General Prosecutor's office of Durango said. The finding was due to anonymous phone calls telling about the exact places where the human heads were, the office said in a statement. All of the victims were male between 25 and 30 years old. Their identities and the whereabouts of the corpses remain unknown. But the police suspected the killing may be connected wit ... 8人間の頭は、メキシコのされた北の状態が火曜日のドゥランゴの首都のドゥランゴの場所別、検察のオフィスのドゥランゴ一。述べた

    • One policeman killed, two injured in shootout against police station in northern Mexico
      One person was killed and another two were injured after a police station in northern Mexico was attacked Friday, local authority said. The event occurred when gunmen in vehicles attacked the police station of Delicias town in Chihuahua state, according to Delicias' Public Security direction. The three injured were taken to a nearby hospital, but one policeman died on the way. The attackers escaped and police has started an investigation. This is the fifth attack against police stations ... 一人が殺され、メキシコは金曜日に襲わ北部負傷後にした別の2つがある駅は、警察、地方当局は語った

    • Families urged to identify 18 bodies in S Mexican state
      The state attorney in Mexico's southern Pacific coast state Guerrero, where 18 bodies were found in a mass grave on Wedneday, called on family members to identify the bodies. During a radio interview on Thursday, David Augosto Sotelo said that the police were checking a video posted online in which two men said that they had kidnapped 20 tourists from nearby state Michoacan, also on the Pacific coast, and executed them because they were afraid of being captured by soldiers. In the video, t ... の家族と呼ばれていましたが見つかりましたの質量の墓にWednedayメキシコ南部の遺体は18の状態ゲレロ、海岸太平洋で、弁護士が国家機関を識別します

    • Explosion at police station injures 2 in Mexico
      Two people were injured in an explosion at a police station in Mexico's northeastern state of Tamaulipas on Sunday, police sources said. The explosion occurred on Sunday's early morning in a zone near the City Hall in the center of Tampico, capital of Tamaulipas, Tamaulipas' Police said. The explosion destroyed the vigilance entrance of the police station and injured the policeman on guard and another person who was at the place at the moment of the attack. The injured were taken to a h ... 2人は日曜日にタマウリパス州の北東部にメキシコの。爆発で警察で負傷した、警察筋によると

    • U.S. sets duties on imports of Chinese, Mexican copper pipe, tube
      The U.S. Commerce Department announced Monday that it had made final determination to slap anti-dumping (AD) duties on imported seamless refined copper pipe and tube from China and Mexico. In this case, Chinese and Mexican producers and exporters will face 11.25 to 60.85 percent, and 24.89 to 31.43 percent of AD duties, respectively. In the China investigation, Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group, Inc. will receive a final calculated dumping rate of 11.25 percent. Zhejiang Hailiang Co. ... 米商務省は、メキシコ、中国発表からチューブパイプと銅(AD)の職務にインポートするシームレスな洗練されたダンピング月曜日それはいた終局決定から平手打ち抗場合においては、この、中国、メキシコの生産および輸出業者は、パーセントを60.85が直面11.25に、パーセントのAD税31.43 24.89には、それぞれの調査では中国、ゴールデンドラゴン精。銅管グループは、株式会社は、パーセント11.25最終的な計算されたダンピング率の意志が表示されます

    • BP to pay $50m fine for safety violations after Texas City explosion
      Watchdog imposes its largest-ever penalty on oil giant for failing to protect workers following refinery disaster in 2005Beleaguered oil giant BP has agreed to pay a record $50.6m (£32.5m) fine for failing to fix hazards at its Texas City oil refinery in the wake of a disastrous explosion that killed 15 people five years ago.The fine imposed by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the largest penalty ever issued by the watchdog, although it is dwarfed by the billions that BP is set to pay out for the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.The Texas City disaster was the worst industrial accident in the US for a generation. It happened in March 2005 when workers overfilled a container with volatile chemicals, sparking an explosion that sent a geyser of burning liquid cascading over nearby accommodation trailers. In addition to claiming 15 lives, the resulting chaos at the refinery, about 40 miles southeast of Houston, Texas, left more than 170 people injured.An official investigation into the causes of the Texas City explosion concluded in 2007 that senior BP executives, under the company's former chief executive, Lord Browne, had failed to act on red flags over safety at Texas City. Fatigue was a factor as one of the employees involved had worked 12-hour shifts for 33 consecutive days, and living quarters were positioned too close to safety-critical machinery.After the disaster, BP paid a $21.3m (£13.7m) fine to OSHA – until now the largest payout the agency had imposed. The oil company also undertook a long list of improvements under the supervision of an independent safety auditor. But OSHA said BP had failed to make the improvements quickly enough and had committed hundreds of new violations at the plant since the blast occurred.Last Octobe ウォッチドッグは、石油大手の2005Beleaguered石油大手BPの製油所災害、次の職保。失敗のレコードドルを50.6メートル(£ 32.5メートル)で、そのテキサスシティーの石油精製所で危険をfixに失敗のfine支払うことに合意したと過去最大規模のペナルティを課すそれはBPはお支払いに設定され億で負けているが、15人にago.The罰金米国労働安全衛生局(OSHA)は課せられた5年間を殺した悲惨な爆発を受け、最大のペナルティまでウォッチドッグによって発行されたが、アウト湾岸Mexico.Theテキサスシティーの災害の大規模な油流出の生成のための米国の最悪の産業事故があった

    • Earthquake hits California
      A magnitude-5.1 earthquake struck the California-Mexico border region today, shaking a wide area of Southern California. There were no immediate reports of damage.The US Geological Survey said the quake struck at 5:38 p.m. PDT... マグニチュード5.1の地震が今日、南カリフォルニアの広い範囲に揺れ、カリフォルニアとメキシコの国境地域を襲った

    • Mexican police, teenagers killed in Monterrey
      Seven police officers, one of them retired, were abducted from their homes and murdered in violence-wracked northern Mexico, local officials said.The officers, aged between 30 and 48, were grabbed at dawn from their homes by armed men, Benito Caballero, mayor of the Apodaca district in the city of Monterrey, told reporters.Their bodies, exhibiting signs of torture, were found hours later in an abandoned plot of land with a message from a criminal group, a source close to the investigation said. _NULL_

    • England defeat Mexico in WC warmup
      A spectacular solo strike from Glen Johnson lit up an otherwise workmanlike performance from England as Fabio Capello's side notched up a 3-1 win over fellow World Cup qualifiers Mexico at Wembley on Monday. グレンジョンソンからの豪華なソロストライキはウェンブリーで月曜日に仲間のW杯予選メキシコに3-1で勝利をノッチイングランドファビオカペッロ監督の側としてのそれ以外の職人のパフォーマンスを照らした

    • Foreign 'keepers stop English talent, says Kahn
      Too many foreign goalkeepers in the Premier League have stopped the English producing world-class shot-stoppers, Oliver Kahn said Friday on the eve of England's World Cup clash with Germany.Fabio Capello's England take on their old rivals Germany in a Round of 16 clash in Bloemfontein on Sunday with a World Cup quarter-final place at stake against either Argentina or Mexico.Capello is set to start with veteran David James in goal, while Germany will have 24-year-old Manuel Neuer, who began the season as third-choice, between the posts. プレミアリーグで非常に多くの外国人のGKが英語生産、世界クラスのショットストッパーを停止して、オリバーカーンは金曜日Germany.Fabioカペッロのイングランドとイングランドのワールドカップの衝突の前夜には、古いライバルドイツラウンドで16の衝突に関する講じなければならないドイツは24歳のマヌエルノイアー、3番目としてシーズンを始めている

    • Mexicana Airlines halts flights worldwide
      With an uncertain future, Mexico's biggest airline and the biggest foreign carrier at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) ceased operations worldwide as of Saturday morning. All flights were expected to have been halted by 10 a.m., and stranded travelers were urged to go to the airline's website for instructions on getting refunds, LAX officials said. Aeromexico and U.S. carriers, including Alaska Airlines, American Airlines and US Airways, continue to fly to Mexico. Mexicana's dome ... 将来を不透明、キャリアでロサンゼルス国際空港(LAX)外国メキシコ最大の航空会社が、最大のmorning土曜日の停止操作をof世界as

    • Phil Kelly
      My friend Phil Kelly, who has died aged 59, was an extraordinary and gifted painter. His vibrant canvases have captured the imagination of collectors and supporters worldwide, including the poet Seamus Heaney, for whose wife, Marie, he completed a set of book illustrations, and the chef Rick Stein, for whose Seafood Restaurant in Padstow, Cornwall, Phil created a mural. Although raised in Ireland and England, he had lived in Mexico City since 1989 and became a Mexican citizen in 1999.Born in Dublin, Phil was educated at Rugby school, Warwickshire. He was expelled, and later attended college in Bath, where his artistic talent was immediately recognised. He moved to London, to Whitby, in north Yorkshire, and then to Portugal, subsidising his painting with a variety of occupations.His desire for light and colour took him in 1983 to Mexico City. He arrived with £50 in his pocket and no Spanish. He was on a visit to England in 1985 when an earthquake struck Mexico City, taking close friends and all of his Mexican work. He returned to work and exhibiting in London, but left for Mexico again in 1989, marrying Ruth Munguia, a cultural administrator, the following year. They had two daughters, Ana Elena and Maria José.His career was flourishing and he took up painting full time. Ruth was a major influence in this, organising exhibitions and promoting his work. After the art collector Patrick J Murphy happened upon his exhibition Babel Descifrada (Babel Deciphered), at Mexico City's Museum of Modern Art in 1996, shows followed in Dublin.Wherever Phil lived, there were always the same ingredients that reflected the man: drawings and colour trials taped to walls, good literature, blues or jazz music, wine, excellent food and paint. Paint to be used and paint already nailed to 59歳で死亡した私の友人フィルケリーは、臨時や才能のある画家であった

    • The only ones: Escaping near death | sole survivors
      What does it feel like to be the only person to survive a plane crash, a boat wreck or an ambush? Sole survivors tell their storiesIn February 2009, 24-year-old Nick Schuyler went fishing with three friends in the Gulf of Mexico. An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cling to the hull to survive. When rescuers found the upturned boat after 43 hours (see picture, above), he was the only one still alive.It was going to be our last fishing trip. I knew Marquis [Cooper] and Corey [Smith] from the gym – I was their personal trainer and we'd become good friends – but the following week Marquis was moving away. We'd been fishing once before and I didn't enjoy it that much – the anchor of Marquis's boat got stuck and we'd had to cut it free. But we decided to go out one last time. One of Marquis's friends couldn't make the trip, so at the last minute I invited my best friend, Will [Bleakley], from my college football team.On the morning of 28 February, we motored three hours out to sea. We knew there was a cold front coming in, and the sea was rough, but we weren't planning to stay out that long. I got sick on the way out though, and I was really cold, even in my winter ski jacket, so at about 4pm we decided to pull up anchor and head home early.The anchor was stuck again. 'We're not going to lose another anchor,' we said to ourselves. So we decided to floor the engine and see what happened – the line would either snap or become loose. In fact, the line got really tight, and then the back of the boat shot down and the boat flipped over. The four of us were thrown in.The water was so cold, we were in complete shock. Our first thought was to try to flip the boat back over. We were as strong as oxes, but in rough se それは何のような唯一の飛行機事故で生き残ることを感じるか、ボートの残骸や待ち伏せ?唯一の被爆者がstoriesIn 2月は2009年、24歳のニックシュイラーメキシコ湾での3人の友人と一緒に釣りに行った教えてください

    • US oil spill firm linked to NZ prospecting
      One of the companies responsible for the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico near the United States is a shareholder in exploration plans off the south Canterbury coast.An undersea well has been spewing 757,060 litres a day... 1つは、企業は米国の近くにメキシコ湾で大規模な油流出の責任の探査株主である南カンタベリーcoast.An海底をよく日757060リットル吐き出すされているオフ計画...

    • After bloody campaign, Mexico votes for officials
      Mexicans vote to renew governors and local officials in nearly half of the country's states on Sunday after the bloodiest electoral campaign in more than 15 years.The vote is expected to serve as an unofficial referendum on President Felipe Calderon's tough crackdown on drug-related violence that is gripping the country.The elections come less than a week after a deadly ambush on the campaign cars of Rodolfo Torre, who was tipped to win the governor's seat in Tamaulipas, bordering Texas, for the centrist Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). メキシコは、ほぼ国の状態の半分の日曜日に15以上のyears.Theの投票で流。選挙運動後に知事や地元当局を更新する薬物関連の暴力のフェリペカルデロン大統領の厳しい取り締まり非公式投票として期待される投票は、 1週間以内ロドルフォTorreのキャンペーン車に致命的な待ち伏せした後、誰タマウリパス州知事の座を獲得する崩れた、テキサス州に隣接し、中道制度的革命党(PRI)のcountry.The選挙に来る握っている

    • Colombia's new president sworn in (3)
      Santos' inaugural ceremony was held in Bogota's Bolivar Square before about 5,000 invited guests amid tight security. Most Latin American and Caribbean leaders, including presidents Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil, Felipe Calderon of Mexico and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina, were present among 16 heads of state and some 100 international delegations. Mexican President Felipe Calderon said that the diplomatic crisis between Colombia and Venezuela should be overcome, since the ... サントスの就任式がボゴタのボリバル広場に約5000招待客の前に厳重な警備の中で開催されました

    • Mexican mayor gunned down
      Hooded gunmen killed the mayor of a small town in the northern Mexico state of San Luis Potosi on Wednesday, and prosecutors announced the arrest of seven suspects in the massacre of 72 migrants in August.President Felipe Calderon's... フード付きの武装勢力は11日、サンルイスポトシのメキシコ北部の州の小さな町の市長を殺害した、と検察は72移民の大虐殺で7容疑者の逮捕を発表したAugust.Presidentフェリペカルデロンの...

    • Salvadorian president seeks meeting with Mexican counterpart on migration issues
      Salvadorian President Mauricio Funes had asked for a meeting with his Mexican counterpart Felipe Calderon to discuss migration issues after the recent killing of 72 migrants in northern Mexico by organized crime, a Salvadorian official said Sunday. Funes hopes to discuss with Calderon how to strengthen joint actions against organized crime and enhance cooperation between Mexico and the Central American Integration System, said Salvadorian Foreign Vice Minister for Salvadorian Abroad Juan Jose ... エルサルバドル大統領マウリシオフネスは、公式エルサルバドル相手彼のメキシコと尋ねたの会議で、組織犯罪によって、メキシコ北部の移住者の72殺害最近の後にフェリペカルデロンを話し合うの移行の問題を日曜日に言いました

    • Mexican, French presidents discuss environment, kidnapping case
      Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy met in Spain Tuesday to discuss the environmental issue and the imprisonment of a French woman in Mexico for kidnapping. According to a statement from Calderon's office, Sarkozy told Calderon that France is keen to contribute to the success of the 2010 UN Climate Change Conference scheduled for November in Cancun, a resort city on Mexico's Caribbean coast. Sarkozy also stressed the importance for the international ... メキシコのフェリペカルデロン大統領と彼のフランス相手ニコラサルコジ大統領は誘拐で出会ったスペインメキシコフランス人女性の火曜日の懲役問題と環境について議論する

    • Mexico revises law on illegal profits
      Mexico's Attorney General Arturo Chavez said Wednesday his country was revising the property expropriation law, which targets illegally obtained profits. The law, which was introduced in March 2009, contained some loopholes and would be changed to stop drug traffickers from keeping the benefits of their illegal activities, Chavez said. Fighting drug traffickers has been a central task since President Felipe Calderon took office in 2006. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... メキシコの検事総長アルトゥーロチャベス大統領は利益を言った水曜日彼得違法収用法を、対象国は、プロパティれた改正

    • Mexico's Calderon unveils plan to protect journalists
      President Felipe Calderon unveiled a plan to try to protect journalists in Mexico, where at least 37 have been slain nationwide since 2007 as the country's drug war has raged.The government bill calls for steps such as an early warning system, legal reforms and creating a council that works on pinpointing causes of violence against journalists, according to a government statement.It was released on Wednesday, after the president met with members of the Inter-American Press Association and the Committee to Protect Journalists. フェリペカルデロン大統領は、この計画は、少なくとも37の国の麻薬撲滅戦争はraged.The政府案を持って早期警報システム、法改正の作成などの手順については、コールとして2007年から全国殺害されている、メキシコではジャーナリストを保護しようとする発表大統領は、ジャーナリストを保護する米州記者協会は、当委員会のメンバーと会った後に政府statement.Itによるとジャーナリストに対する暴力の原因を特定する上で動作する委員会は、水曜日にリリースされました

    • Binding climate deal reachable
      Countries could reach a binding agreement on climate change in Mexico City this year after failing to do so in Copenhagen, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said Tuesday. 国は、コペンハーゲンで行うに失敗した後、メキシコシティの気候変動へのバインディングの合意は、今年に達する可能性、変。火曜日気候変動に関する政府間パネルの議長を言った

    • Gay marriage around the world
      Same-sex couples can apply for marriage licences for the first time in Washington DC and Mexico City pioneers new rights in Latin America 同性カップルワシントンDC、メキシコシティのパイオニアラテンアメリカでは、新しい権利では初めての結婚許可証を申請することができます

    • Clinton arrives in Mexico for official visit
      U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Mexico City on Tuesday, heading a team of senior officials for a meeting with their Mexican counterparts including Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa, Mexican broadcasters reported. Clinton's second visit to Mexico in her current post is part of a series of reviews of the Merida Initiative, a U.S.-Mexico project aimed at fighting cross-border drug trafficking. Mexico receives around 400 million dollars a year under the plan, which also spread ... 米国務長官のヒラリークリントンメキシコシティでは25日、外務大臣パトリシアエスピノサ、メキシコの放送局が報告を含め、メキシコのカウンターパートとの会議の高官らのチーム見出しに到着した

    • Digging up the past on an ancient Mexican dignitary
      MEXICO CITY - Archaeologists in southern Mexico say they have discovered the 2700-year-old tomb of a dignitary inside a pyramid that may be the oldest such burial documented in Mesoamerica.The tomb held a man aged around 50, who... メキシコシティは - メキシコ南部の考古学者たちは、内部の貴人の2700歳の墓を発見したと言うピラミッドは最古の埋葬Mesoamerica.Theの墓に記載されることがあります男が50歳前後開催人...

    • Arizona immigration law draws thousands to rallies
      Up to 20,000 protesters demanded that the federal government refuse to co-operate with Arizona authorities trying to enforce the new lawThousands of people joined rallies in Phoenix at the weekend for and against Arizona's immigration crackdown. Up to 20,000 protesters in the city centre demanded that the federal government refuse to co-operate with Arizona authorities trying to enforce the new law. Other opponents protested at state capitals in Texas and Oregon, and at the US embassy in Mexico City. Meanwhile, about 7,000 supporters of the law rallied in Tempe. The law gives police powers to question anybody they think is an illegal immigrant. Supporters say Arizona is merely enforcing federal immigration laws. AP TempeUnited Statesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 共同アリゾナ州当局は人々の新しいlawThousandsを強制しようとするので動作は20,000デモまで、連邦政府は拒否要求フェニックスのための週末集会に参加し、アリゾナ州の移民の取り締まりに対して

    • Explosives uncovered
      Mexico's Navy seized 20kg of powerful explosives in Mexico City after exchanging information with US authorities. Four Mexicans suspected of links to organised crime were being questioned after a raid on a hostel. Officials... メキシコの海軍は、米国の当局との情報交換後、20キロのメキシコシティの強力な爆発物の押収した

    • Video: Bullfighter flees ring
      A young bullfighter in Mexico City leapt head first out of the ring at the beginning of a fight after seeing the bull charge - and was arrested for it メキシコシティの3420頭の中で、若い闘牛牛の電荷を - 見た後戦いの始まりで、リングの最初にして逮捕された

    • Thousands march in Mexico City gay pride parade
      Thousands of people took part in a gay pride parade, celebrating Mexico City's historic decision six months ago to become the first city in Latin America to allow same-sex marriage. 数千人のゲイプライドパレードでは、メキシコシティの歴史的な決定を祝って6か月前ラテンアメリカで最初の都市同性結婚を許可するようになるために参加した

    • Thousands march in Mexico City gay pride parade
      Thousands of people took part in a gay pride parade, celebrating Mexico City's historic decision six months ago to become the first city in Latin America to allow same-sex marriage.For three hours on Saturday, throngs of jubilant demonstrators aboard colorful floats and convertibles, but mostly on foot, streamed down Paseo de la Reforma to gather outside the Bellas Artes Palace, in the oldest part of the city. 数千人のゲイプライドパレードでは、メキシコシティの歴史的な決定を祝って6か月前ラテンアメリカで最初の都市同性marriage.For土曜日に3時間できるようになって参加して、カラフルな船とてもうれしそうなデモの群衆は、フロートとコンバーチブル、足が、ほとんど上ベラスアルテス宮殿の外に集まるため、街の最も古い部分ではPaseo de la Reformaのダウンストリーム

    • Twice dead in Mexico
      MEXICO CITY: Authorities in central Mexico say a newborn baby girl, who was declared dead but later revived inside her coffin, has died. The baby was born prematurely on Monday in Tulancingo and declared dead by a doctor. Hidalgo... メキシコシティは:中央メキシコの当局死者が宣言された後に彼女の棺の中に復活新生児の女の子が、死亡したという

    • Bid to rescue failing airline
      MEXICO CITY - A group of Mexican investors has bought a controlling stake in Mexicana airlines in a bid to save the debt-ridden company.The group, called Tenedora K, said it acquired a 95 per cent stake in Nuevo Grupo Aeronautico,... メキシコシティは - メキシコの投資家グループの入札負債に苦しむcompany.Theグループを保存するために、メキシカーナ航空会社の支配株式を買ってTenedoraのKと呼ばれ、それは95ヌエボグルーポAeronauticoで、パーセントの株式1を取得した...

    • Drug lord captured, police get chop
      MEXICO CITY - Federal police have captured a long-sought Texas-born gang kingpin who faces drug trafficking charges in the United States and has been blamed for a vicious turf war that has included bodies hung from bridges and shootouts... メキシコシティは - 連邦警察と米国の麻薬密売の容疑に直面して体を橋やPK戦から吊るされている悪質な縄張り争いのために非難されて念願のテキサス州生まれのギャングの大物を獲得して...

    • Paper pens open letter to Mexican drug lords
      MEXICO CITY: It was in turn defiant and deferential, part plea and part plaint, a message as much to the drug gangs with a firm grip on Ciudad Juarez, the bloodiest city in Mexico's drug battles, as to the authorities and their perceived helplessness. メキシコシティ:これは、反抗的と精管、一部の嘆願と一部の嘆きの声、メッセージとして当局としてはシウダードフアレス、メキシコの麻薬戦争の流血都市をしっかりグリップとその知覚無力で薬物暴力団に多くのオフだった

    • First lady flies solo to inspire children
      MEXICO CITY - Michelle Obama arrived in Mexico yesterday on her first solo visit to the country as first lady.Obama will be in the capital of Mexico City today on a visit that is part goodwill tour and in part to roll out an international... メキシコシティは - ミシェルオバマメキシコで昨日の国に彼女の初の個。訪問としては初めてlady.Obamaをメキシコシティの首都で、今日の一部の親善ツアーの一部で展開することです訪問される到着国際...

    • 13 killed in Mexican high school party
      Thirteen people were killed and 17 others wounded on Sunday as gunmen stormed a high school party in Ciudad Juarez, a Mexican town bordering the United States. Chihuahua's Prosecutor's Office said in a statement that the attack occurred about 01:30 a.m. local time (0730 GMT) on Sunday, inside a house in Ciudad Juarez, 1,800 km north of Mexico City. The office also said that there were some 60 people at the party, mostly adolescent students. Some 20 armed men entered the house and shot a ... 13人が死亡したとして武装シウダードフアレス、メキシコの町

    • 2 killed in light plane crash in Mexico
      Two people were killed on Friday when a light plane crashed in the mountain range of Xalatlaco municipality, in the State of Mexico, the Public Security Ministry said. The Ministry said in a statement that it was a Cirrus plane with four seats. The accident occurred at 70 km west to Mexico City. So far, rescuers have found the corpses of a man and a women, whose identities have not yet been identified. The route of the private plane remains unknown. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 2人はメキシコ人が死亡した金曜日が国家の範囲で山の墜。軽飛行機のXalatlacoの市町村に、公安省によると

    • Mexico names police officers murdered in Monday ambush
      Mexican authorities on Tuesday named the 12 officers who died in a Monday ambush staged by gangsters in Zitacuaro, a town in the central Mexican state of Michoacan. Michoacan's State Attorney's Office (PGE) said that army troops had been brought in to patrol rural areas of Michoacan that border the State of Mexico, which borders Mexico City to the north. The dead in the Monday ambush are all federal police officers, authorities said. The ambush began when gangsters sealed the Zitacuaro- ... 火曜日当局は、メキシコのパトロール農村にするには、シタクアロ、もたらしたの弁護士ステート町のミチョアカン州のメキシコの状態のミチョアカン州の中央オフィス(のPGE)によると、軍の部隊がいたが暴力団の名前を12で上演待ち伏せ月曜日役員死んでミチョアカン州はメキシコ、国家の国境に接するメキシコシティ北へ

    • 'Survivor' producer suspect in wife's death
      MEXICO CITY - Survivor producer Bruce Beresford-Redman is a suspect in his wife's death days after reporting her missing in the resort city of Cancun, according to a Mexican official.The body of Monica Beresford-Redman was found... メキシコシティは - サバイバープロデューサーブルースベレスフォード-レッド妻の死の日の容疑者彼女の行方不明カンクンのリゾート都市で報告した後、モニカベレスフォード-レッドメキシコofficial.The体に発見されたよると...

    • Mayor allegedly beats wife on mother's day
      MEXICO CITY - The mayor of a southern Mexico town allegedly beat his wife during a mother's day celebration, sparking national criticism and prompting federal authorities to urge the woman to file a complaint.Local media reported... メキシコシティは - メキシコ南部の町の市。容疑者母の日お祝い中、国民の批判が起きとcomplaint.Localメディアファイルへの女性を促すため、連邦当局に求める妻を破った報告...

    • Obama seeks respite in Maine
      US President Barack Obama escaped the heat -- political and meteorological -- of Washington on Friday for a family weekend in Acadia National Park in the northeastern state of Maine.Obama, his wife Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha left the White House for a weekend in the park, known for its forest trails and coastal vistas.After a brutal few weeks in Washington's political hothouse, Obama got a brace of good news late this week with the passage of his sweeping Wall Street reform law and BP's success in capping the Gulf of Mexico oil leak. オバマ米大統領は熱を - 政治と気象 - ワシントンの金曜日にMaine.Obamaの北東の状態、彼の妻ミシェルと娘マリアとサーシャのアカディア国立公園の家族の週末のための週末のためにホワイトハウスを残しましたエスケープ公園は、その森林歩道、海岸vistas.Afterワシントンの政治温室で残忍な数週間で知られる、オバマ氏は良いニュース今週末彼の抜本的なウォールストリート改革法と湾岸をおおっているのBP社の成功の道とかっこを得たメキシコオイル漏れの

    • Green Column: Oil Spill Creates Hard Choices for the E.U.
      The spectacle in the Gulf of Mexico has unsettled leaders in the European Union, who have serious concerns about the ability of regulators to assert their authority over the oil and gas industry. メキシコ湾の光景は、欧州連合、規制当局の能力、石油ガス産業の上にその権威を主張し、深刻な懸念を持っての不安定な指導者をしています

    • Transocean Finds Itself Caught in the Spotlight
      Transocean, used to performing technological feats out of the limelight, has been thrust into the public eye because of its role in the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. オーシャンは、使用される注目を集めるの、メキシコ湾の石油流出事故での役割のために公衆の面前に推力をされている技。偉業を実行する

    • The real cost of cheap oil | John Vidal
      The Gulf disaster is only unusual for being so near the US. Elsewhere, Big Oil rarely cleans up its messBig Oil is holding its breath. BP's shares are in steep decline after the debacle in the Gulf of Mexico. Barack Obama, the American people and the global environmental community are outraged, and now the company stands to lose the rights to drill for oil in the Arctic and other ecologically sensitive places.The gulf disaster may cost it a few billion dollars, but so what? When annual profits for a company often run to tens of billions, the cost of laying 5,000 miles of booms, or spraying millions of gallons of dispersants and settling 100,000 court cases is not much more than missing a few months' production. It's awkward, but it can easily be passed on.The oil industry's image is seriously damaged, but it can pay handsomely to greenwash itself, just as it managed after Exxon Valdez, Brent Spar and the Ken Saro-Wiwa public relations disasters. In a few years' time, this episode will probably be forgotten – just another blip in the fortunes of the industry that fuels the world. But the oil companies are nervous now because the spotlight has been turned on their cavalier attitude to pollution and on the sheer incompetence of an industry that is used to calling the shots.Big Oil's real horror was not the spillage, which was common enough, but because it happened so close to the US. Millions of barrels of oil are spilled, jettisoned or wasted every year without much attention being paid.If this accident had occurred in a developing country, say off the west coast of Africa or Indonesia, BP could probably have avoided all publicity and escaped starting a clean-up for many months. It would not have had to employ booms or dispersants, and it could have ignored the 湾。災害は異常なさですので、アメリカの近く

    • Mexico evacuates people in southeast for flooding
      The Mexican authorities began on Friday evacuating people in southeastern states of Tabasco and Vereacurz due to flooding after pouring rains over the last few days. According to Tabasco Governor Andres Garniner and Health Director of Tabasco, Luis Felipe Graham, some 130,000 people have been affected by the flooding. While evacuating these people, the authorities are also taking measures to prevent dengue cases. Weather forecasts predict more rains nad overflows for the disaster zone. ... メキシコ当局は日に始まったいくつかの最後のVereacurzタバスコと金曜日避難人が州南東部の上に雨を注ぐために洪水の後

    • BP's record losses: what the analysts say
      BP has reported one of the largest losses in British corporate history because of the cost of the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Chief executive Tony Hayward will relinquish his role in October, with a £1m payoff, and leave the board the following month although the company has nominated him as a non-executive director of its Russian joint venture TNK-BP.Jason Kenney, head of oil/gas equity research, ING BankOverall we see BP being reinvigorated by the new strategy in play, a new chief executive and the worst news for the company concerning Gulf of Mexico costs now being out there – with provisions less than anticipated – so overall a positive trading outlook and our medium term buy rating is reiterated.Fred Lucas, integrated oil analyst, JP MorganAs of yesterday's close and measured since 20 April, the Brent oil price has fallen 9% and BP has lost 36% or $68.3bn of equity value. Adjusted for Royal Dutch Shell's fall (-10%), BP's relative loss of market value is $50.2bn. Note that this exceeds our worst-case liability estimate of $33.3bn by more than 50% – so we still see a material value gap, even assuming an ongoing incremental discount … We retain our overweight recommendation on BP.Christian Kleindienst, analyst, Unicredit BankAlthough BP's results were strongly below expectations due to the extraordinary charges, we assume that the taken charges should provide a certain cushion for the costs of the oil spill. The announced asset disposals will change the shape of the whole group, but are less than perceived.Peter Bassett, analyst, Westhouse SecuritiesThere are no surprises here, they've been trailed very heavily over the last few days, it's pretty in line with expectations. But the $32bn write-off is slightly higher than people were going for.Christo BPは1つをメキシコ湾の壊滅的な油流出のコストのために英国の企業史上最大の損失の報告している

    • Gunmen kill 39 in drug-related raids
      CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico: Gunmen brought terror to two towns in northern Mexico, killing at least 39 people, as the country struggles to tackle the scourge of powerful and violent drug cartels. 国は、強力で暴力的な麻薬カルテルの惨劇に取り組むために闘争としてシウダードフアレス、メキシコ:ガンメンは、メキシコ北部の2つの町には、少なくとも39人が死亡、テロをもたらした

    • Mexico vote goes ahead despite candidate killing
      MEXICO - Drug cartels fund a tenth of Mexico's economy. They have infiltrated many local and state police forces and staged assaults on army bases. Now they're violently inserting themselves into politics, killing the leading candidate... メキシコ - 医薬品カルテル基金メキシコ経済の10

    • Mexico: 12 killed in shootout
      A drug cartel has used a car bomb for the first time in Mexico's decades-long fight against traffickers, setting a deadly trap against federal police in a city across the border from Texas, the mayor of Ciudad Juarez said.Mayor... 麻薬カルテルは、人身売買に対するメキシコの数十年の長い戦いで初めて、市内の国境を越えてテキサス州から連邦警察に対する致命的なトラップを設定する自動車爆弾を使用した、シウダードフアレスsaid.Mayor市長...

    • Mexican governor candidate killed in ambush
      A candidate running for governor of Mexico's northern state of Tamaulipas was killed on Monday, local media reported. Rodolfo Torre, along with four others traveling with him, was ambushed on Monday morning in Tamaulipas, a state that has seen fierce turf battles between two rival drug cartels. Torre was of the Institutional Revolutionary Party. It was Mexico's highest-level political murder since 1994 when Luis Donaldo Colosio, of the same party, was murdered while running for president. ... 候補者はタマウリパス州北部知事のメキシコのために実行している月曜日に殺害された、地元メディアが報じた

    • Drug hitmen kill 17 people at a party in Mexico
      Gunmen fire on guests at Torreón as police blame La Linea an armed wing of a drug cartelSuspected drug hitmen stormed a private party and killed 17 people in the northern Mexican city of Torreón today. The gunmen fired on party guests just after midnight, the prosecutor's office said. The attack comes days after a gang detonated a car bomb in Ciudad Juarez killing four people, an attack which may signal an escalation in the cartel crackdown launched by president Felipe Calderón. Federal police blamed La Linea, the armed wing of the Juarez cartel, for the bomb, and Mexico's security ministry said it was retaliation for the arrest this week of a cartel member.MexicoDrugs tradeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds トレオンのゲストにガンメン火災警察はcartelSuspected薬物殺し屋は、プライベートパーティーを襲撃した薬の武装翼ラリネアのせいとしてトレオンの北部、メキシコ市で、今日17人が死亡した

    • Mexican TV journalists kidnapping - three arrested
      Police in Mexico have arrested three suspected drug cartel members allegedly involved in the kidnapping of journalists over a week ago.The suspects, one of whom was injured in a shoot-out with the federal police, allegedly worked for the Sinaloa drug cartel in the city of Gomez Palacio in the northern Mexican state of Durango.Equipment belonging to one of the television journalists was found on the premises where the gang were arrested.Source: IPITelevision industryMexicoRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 警察は、メキシコの3つの疑いのある麻薬カルテルのメンバー容疑者ジャーナリストの誘拐で一人のPK戦の連邦警察とでけがをした週間ago.Theの容疑者、容疑者の都市のシナロア麻薬カルテルの仕事にかかわっ逮捕したゴメスパラシオDurango.Equipment北部メキシコの状態で1つのテレビジャーナリストのに属するのギャングはarrested.Sourceされた建物:IPITelevision industryMexicoRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディアリミテッドこの2010 |使用で発見されたコンテンツは利用規約に従うものとその他のフィードを表示|

    • Toll from Guatemala, Mexico landslides rises
      The toll from the heaviest rains in living memory in Guatemala and Mexico rose above 50, as Guatemalan officials called off the search for 15 more corpses because of safety fears.Mexican authorities said three workers cleaning a drainage system in the center of the country had been buried by rocks and mud dislodged from a nearby hill, taking the toll there after a week of downpours to at least seven. グアテマラ当局は、安全fears.Mexican当局のために15以上の遺体の検索をオフと呼ばれるグアテマラに住んでメモリとメキシコの重い雨から数は50以上、上昇の3つの労働者がされていた国の中心部に排水システムを洗浄した岩や。近くの丘から外れるのは、豪雨の1週間後に、少なくとも7人に通行料を取る埋葬された

    • Mexico: Drug war hits new low as 72 bodies found
      MEXICO CITY - A wounded migrant stumbled into a military checkpoint and led marines to what may be the biggest massacre in Mexico's bloody drug war: a room strewn with the bodies of 72 fellow travellers, some piled on top of each... メキシコシティ - 出稼ぎは、軍の検問所につまずいた負傷および海兵隊はどのようなメキシコの血麻薬戦争で最大の大虐殺:ルーム72仲間の旅行者の遺体が散らばってかもしれませんが、いくつかは、それぞれの上に積ま主導...

    • Arturo Beltrán Leyva obituary
      Notorious kingpin in Mexico's drug turf warsArturo Beltrán Leyva, who has died in his late 40s, was a Mexican drug baron who had recently claimed the title El jefe de jefes (the boss of bosses), but whose life ended in exactly the way that the popular imagination demands of such a figure: he was riddled with bullets while trying to shoot himself out of a massive special forces cordon that had been closing in on him for weeks.His life was similarly cinematic. The child who grew up in an isolated mountain area long known for poppy cultivation developed into a valued lieutenant in other people's drug cartels. But a story of ambition and betrayal would turn Beltrán into a key player in the nation's worst yet drug turf wars, which have killed around 16,000 people in the past three years.He was born in the highland municipality of Badiraguato, in the northern Pacific state of Sinaloa – the cradle of Mexican drug trafficking that has produced generations of kingpins. The eldest of five brothers, he took the leading role in a traditional family-based smuggling gang. It gained significance in the mid-1980s as one of the Mexican organisations that jumped in to take advantage of cocaine trafficking opportunities opened up by the demise of the big Colombian cartels.For the next 20 years, Beltrán was an important, but second-tier, partner in alliances with more powerful figures. First he acted under the godfather of big-time trafficking in Mexico, Miguel 。。ngel 。élix Gallardo, who was arrested in 1989. After that he gave his loyalty to Amado Carillo Fuentes, whose cartel, based in the city of Ciudad Juarez, was the dominant organised crime force through much of the 1990s, until Carillo died while undergoing a plastic surgery procedure in 1997.A few years later, Beltrán joined a loos メキシコの麻薬の縄張りwarsArturoベルトランレイヴァ、彼の40代後半で死亡したのはNotoriousキングピンは、最近のタイトルの上司のエルjefeデjefes(上司主張していたメキシコの麻薬王)だったが、人生で正確な方法でエンドには、このような図の人々の想像を要求:彼は銃弾だらけだった一方で、で彼にweeks.His生活のため閉鎖されていた大規模な特殊部隊が包囲の自分自身を撮影しようとしても同様に映画のようだった

    • BP shares punished over Deepwater Horizon disaster
      BP's shares have almost halved in value since the oil spill hit the Gulf of MexicoChristine OliverGraeme Wearden 原油流出事故が湾MexicoChristine OliverGraemeウェアーデンのヒット以来、BP社の株はほとんど価値の半分が

    • US government calls for new laws to halt repeat of deepwater oil spill
      Announcement follows White House report that found BP received exemptions for its Gulf well based on decades-old dataThe Obama administration is calling for environmental reviews for all new deepwater oil drilling, spelling an end, for the time being at least, to the kind of exemptions that allowed BP to drill its blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico with little scrutiny. The announcement came after a report by the White House Council on Environmental Quality that found BP received environmental exemptions based on decades-old data for its well that exploded in April, killing 11 workers and triggering the US's worst-ever oil spill. Shallow-water drilling also will be subject to stricter scrutiny.The report sheds new light on the granting of those categorical exclusions, saying the exclusions BP operated under were written in 1981 and 1986, long before the boom in deepwater drilling propelled by dramatic new technologies for reaching far into the sea floor.The report also finds other problems with how the Minerals Management Service applied environmental laws in reviewing the BP project. It notes, for example, that in assessing the likelihood of a major spill, MMS did not consider the example of the disastrous 1979 Ixtoc spill in the Gulf, simply because the spill was not in US waters.BP oil spillOilObama administrationUnited StatesOilOil and gas companiesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 発表は、BPはその湾のも数十年前dataTheオバマ政権はすべての新しい深海石油掘削のための環境レビュー、最後のスペルを呼び出すに基づいて免除を受けたが、ホワイトハウスのレポートを次のよう、当分の間、少なくとも免除の種類にはそれはBPはよくメキシコ湾の小さな精査との本格的なアウトをドリルことができました

    • CNOOC sees operating costs growing
      CNOOC, the mainland's dominant offshore oil and gas producer, expects future operating costs to rise as a result of more stringent safety standards in the wake of BP's devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. CNOOCは、本土支配オフショア石油ガス生産、将来の運用コストは、メキシコ湾でのBPの原油流出事故をきっかけに、より厳格な安全基準の結果として上昇する予定です

    • Oil spill raise arsenic levels in ocean: study (2)
      The scientists say their work demonstrates how the chemistry of sediments in the Gulf of Mexico may be affected by the current oil leak. Arsenic is a poisonous chemical element found in minerals and it is present in oil. High levels of arsenic in seawater can enable the toxin to enter the food chain. It can disrupt the photosynthesis process in marine plants and increase the chances of genetic alterations that can cause birth defects and behavioral changes in aquatic life. It can also kill an ... 科学者たちはヒ素と言うの

    • New to Nature No 14: Utricularia regia
      These beautiful flowers use small, bladder-like structures to trap unsuspecting invertebratesThe beautiful, orchid-like flowers of Utricularia regia disguise its carnivorous habits. This plant, endemic to the Sierra Madre del Sur region of the state of Guerrero, Mexico, uses small, bladder-like structures to trap unsuspecting invertebrates that are subsequently digested. Unlike pitcher plants or Venus flytraps, these bladders capture invertebrates underground or underwater. This is the latest of more than 200 species of a genus prized by and cultivated by hobbyists.Quentin Wheeler is director of the International Institute for Species Exploration, Arizona State UniversityZoologyAnimalsWildlifeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds これらの美しい花が美しく、肉食の習慣を偽装政権タヌキモ属の蘭のような花を小さく、膀胱のような構造にトラップ疑いinvertebratesTheを使用します

    • Earthquake rocks western Mexico
      A 7.2 magnitude quake rocks Mexico's Baja California, killing at least one person and causing tremors as far away as Nevada. _NULL_

    • Kuwaiti PM visits Cuba to strengthen cooperation
      Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser al-Mohammed al-Ahmad Al-Sabah arrived here on Friday on a visit aimed at boosting cooperation between the two nations. Al-Sabah will lay a wreath to the monument of Cuba's National Hero on Saturday and sign bilateral agreements at the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday, according to local media. This is the first trip of Al-Sabah to Cuba. The Kuwaiti prime minister arrived here from Mexico where he held talks with President Felipe Calderon a ... クウェート首相シェイクナーセルアルムハンマドアルアフマドアルサバーハは、協定に到着、ここで、金曜日にアル

    • Scandal spreads to heartland
      The paedophile priest scandal enveloping the Vatican has now spread to Latin America, home to nearly half of the world's Catholics.Reports of priests raping or abusing minors have emerged in Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Mexico and... 小児性愛者の司祭のスキャンダルはバチカン市国を包む今中南米、ホーム近くの司。強姦の世界Catholics.Reportsの半分または乱用、ブラジル、ボリビア、ウルグアイ、メキシコと浮上している未成年者を広げている...

    • Wells Fargo set to settle money-laundering case
      Wells Fargo, the US bank in which the investment guru Warren Buffett is the biggest shareholder, is close to settling claims that lapses in anti-money laundering controls allowed Mexico's ruthless drug cartels to get cash into and out of the country. ウェルズファーゴ、これでは、投資の教祖ウォーレンバフェット氏の最大の株主である米国の銀行、と主張し、反有効期限が切れたマネーロンダリングメキシコの冷酷な麻薬カルテルに、国のうち、現金を取得できるコントロールの解決に近いものです

    • Mel Gibson compared to oil leak
      The Terminator is taking a few shots at the Road Warrior.Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wise-cracked about Mel Gibson on Wednesday, comparing him to the Gulf of Mexico oil leak.Schwarzenegger told a group of utility commissioners... Terminatorは、ロードWarrior.Govでいくつかのショットを取っている

    • California to assist oil spill recovery
      California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced on Wednesday that the state will do what it can to help cope with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He said California is dispatching a team of oil spill experts to the Gulf Coast to assist with oil spill response efforts, following an oil rig explosion on April 20. The deployment of California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) staff was approved after receiving requests for help from federal agencies and state authorities, Schwarzenegger ... カリフォルニア州知事アーノルドシュワルツェネッガーは、メキシコの発表は16日、湾岸状態がしますで流出油のために対処をするか何ができる、それが彼が応答と流出油のアシストにメキシコ湾岸カリフォルニア州は、派遣専門家流出チームの石。努力、20リグ爆発4月の石油、次の)スタッフはDFGの展開は(のカリフォルニア州のフィッシュアンドゲーム承認された当局の状態や機関、連邦からの後に受信要求をのヘルプ、シュワルツェネッガー...

    • Two more Mexican journalists are murdered
      The journalistic bloodshed continues in Mexico. Marco Aurelio Martínez Tijerina, who presented a news programme for the radio station La Tremenda in the state of Nuevo León, was kidnapped last Friday and found shot dead the following day.Guillermo Alcaraz Trejo, a video producer for the State Human Rights Commission's website and previously a cameraman with the digital newspaper Omnia in Chihuahua, was gunned down after visiting former colleagues at Omnia. Their murders bring the number of journalists killed in Mexico since the start of the year to 10. A total of 67 journalists have been killed in Mexico since 2000 while another 11 others have gone missing since 2003. Source: Reporters without BordersJournalist safetyMexicoPress freedomGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ジャーナリスティックな流血は、メキシコで続けている

    • Mexicans overtake Brits in the US property market
      Property prices have taken a well-documented dive in sunny US holiday hotspots such as Florida. But that hasn't encouraged many Brits back into the US homebuying market - in fact, the British have fallen behind Mexicans in the ranks of foreign property buyers in the US.The National Association of Realtors' annual study says the British accounted for 9% of overseas property purchases in the US during the year to March - a fall from 10.5% the previous year.That means Britain dropped from second to third place in terms of foreign homebuyers in the US, behind Mexico which accounted for 10% of purchasers. And if present trends continue, British buyers will soon be overtaken by the Chinese, who are only a whisker behind. Canada is easily top of the table, accounting for 23% of international home purchases.No doubt the weak British economy is largely to blame. There aren't too many people who feel affluent enough to splash out on a holiday home just at the moment. In the wake of America's subprime mortgage fiasco, it's also become much harder to get a homeloan as an overseas buyer - banks such as Lloyds TSB and Bank of America used to offer easy-to-access capital. Deals with low deposits are now off the table and buyers often have to stump up 30% in cash. The NAR found that 34% of foreign buyers had been unable to complete purchases because of financing problems.Average prices across the US continue to fall - the median amount paid by an international buyer dropped from $247,100 to $219,400, pushed down by a glut of bank-owned foreclosed property. Yet the total value of foreign purchases rose from $39bn to $41bn.By far the most popular US state for British buyers is Florida - and when I visited the Orlando area back in March, gloomy stories were in abundance about negative equ 不動産価格は、フロリダ州などの日当たりの良い米国の休日のホットスポットでよく記載ダイビングを取っている

    • Germany, Mexico co-host high-level climate dialogue
      With a view to reviving global climate talks, Germany and Mexico co-hosted a three-day ministerial-level meeting of 45 nations in Bonn on Sunday, calling on nations to flesh out common grounds before the next UN summit in Cancun. The Petersberg Climate Dialogue, named after the meeting place of Petersberg Hotel, Germany's former government guesthouse in Bonn, invited environment ministers or high-level representatives from some 45 countries, including China, the United States, India and South ... ビューとカンクン内の次の国連サミットにレベルの会議を45に国を肉付け共通の理由を呼び出す前2009年にボンで国復。閣僚日。気候協議を、3つの共同ホストされて、メキシコと

    • US oil rig explosion injures workers
      As many as 15 workers still missing and at least seven injured in fire at oil platform off Louisiana coastAt least 11 people are missing and seven injured after an explosion and fire at an oil drilling platform off the coast of Louisiana.The explosion happened last night at the rig, which is 52 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana, while 126 workers were aboard, said coast guard senior chief petty officer Mike O'Berry. The rig was still burning this morning.O'Berry said there were conflicting reports coming from the area but that at least 11 and possibly as many as 15 were missing. Seven workers were airlifted to a naval air station near New Orleans, then taken to hospitals. He said two of the seven were taken to a burns unit.O'Berry said many workers who escaped the rig were being brought to land on a workboat while authorities searched the Gulf of Mexico for any signs of lifeboats.The rig was drilling but was not in production, according to Greg Panegos, spokesman for its owner, Transocean Ltd, in Houston. The rig was under contract to BP.United Statesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds _NULL_

    • In Brief
      BP's costs arising from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have soared to US$3.12 billion, the company said yesterday. BP社のコストはメキシコ湾の石油流出に起因する米国ドルを3120000000急増している、同社が明らかになった

    • BP oil spill costs spike above $3bn
      BP's costs arising from the devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have rocketed to 3.12 billion dollars (2.49 billion euros), the company revealed on Monday. BP社のコストは、メキシコ湾の原油流出事故に起因する3120000000ドル(2.49億ユーロ)に急騰し、同社は月曜日に明らかにした

    • BP confirms cap placed over leaking oil well
      BP has confirmed that it has successfully placed a new cap over the Gulf of Mexico oil leak, hoping the giant valve will seal the well or contain all the crude currently gushing from the damaged well head.Robotic submarines pierced the near darkness a mile down on the sea floor with special lights and relayed live pictures of the operation that could be the beginning of the end of the disaster after 13 long weeks.Engineers aim to close valves on the gigantic 75-tonne system and start taking readings as its pressure sensors bear the full brunt of the massive gusher. BPは、それが正常にメキシコ湾の油漏れの上に新しいキャップを置いている、巨大なバルブがよく、または含まれているすべての原油を、現在破損してもhead.Robotic潜水艦から噴出シール期待認識しています近くの闇の中にマイル下にピアス特殊なライトで海底や災害の終わりの始まり13時間weeks.Engineersは巨大な75トンのシステム上のバルブを閉めるには、その圧力センサとして測定値を取り始める負担を目指す後ことができる操作のライブ映像中継大規模な潮吹きの矢面

    • BP rises on talk of Exxon bid, asset sales
      BP, battling to contain the biggest oil spill in US history in the Gulf of Mexico, rose on reports that Exxon Mobil Corp may bid for the company and that it is selling assets in Alaska. BPは、メキシコ湾の米国の歴史の中で最大の石油流出を含むように戦って、レポートには、エクソンモービル社は、同社と入札が、それはアラスカの資産を売っているバラ

    • Oil firms may find BP asset race tough
      Chinese oil companies may find it tough to convert the potential opportunities that may arise when BP Plc decides to divest some of its assets into actual deals, analysts said on Tuesday. Domestic companies will have to evaluate the deals cautiously if they want to benefit from them, they said. Cash-rich Chinese oil companies are likely to join the list of potential bidders if BP sells some of its assets to fund the Gulf of Mexico oil spill clean up, said Chen Weidong, chief energy resea ... 中国の石油会社は、お得な情報、実際の可能性があります見つけるに資産の一部を、そのそれが売却するのは難しいに変換決定Plcのは、BPがあります発生する機会を潜在的な、アナリストによると

    • Rough seas hamper US spill clean-up
      Cleanup work resumed in some areas of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but heavy swells kept many boats docked, halting efforts to fight the ecological disaster. クリーンアップ作業がメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の一部の地域で再開が、重いは、ドッキング多くの船を維持うねり、努力を生態学的災害と戦うために停止する

    • Is BP tapping 'partners' to fund Gulf oil clean-up?
      DUBAI - BP's embattled CEO flew to Abu Dhabi and met with the wealthy emirate's influential crown prince amid speculation the oil giant is looking to raise cash as costs mount to contain the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster.Chief... ドバイは - BP社の四面楚歌のCEOアブダビに飛び、裕福な首長国の影響力の皇太子との憶測の中で、石油大手のコストがメキシコ湾の石油流出disaster.Chiefの含まれているマウントとして現金を予定しているに会った...

    • The road to ruin
      MEXICO is counting the cost of Hurricane Alex, which roared in from the Gulf of Mexico as a category 2 hurricane before weakening to a tropical storm as it crossed into Mexico's northern interior. メキシコはハリケーンアレックスで、メキシコ湾からカテゴリー2ハリケーンとしては、メキシコ北部の内部に渡った熱帯性暴風に弱体化する前に高騰のコストを数えている

    • BP costs for oil spill response pass $3 billion
      NEW ORLEANS - BP's costs for the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill climbed nearly half a billion dollars in the past week, raising the oil giant's tab to just over $3 billion ($NZ4.4b) for work on cleaning and capping the gusher... ニューオーリンズ - 悲惨なメキシコ湾の石油流出事故のBP社のコストは過去1週間では、わずか30億ドル以上($ NZ4.4b)仕事のために洗浄と潮吹きを..キャップの石油大手のタブを高めるおよそ5億ドルに登った

    • Gulf of Mexico awash with 27,000 abandoned wells - report
      NEW ORLEANS - More than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells lurk in the hard rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades. No one - not industry, not government - is checking to see... ニューオーリンズ - メキシコ湾、何十年も無視されている環境問題の落とし穴の下にあるハードロックで以上27,000放。石油と天然ガスの井戸潜む

    • BP launches search for investors, papers say
      Oil company BP is seeking a strategic investor to secure its independence in the face of any takeover attempts as it struggles with a devastating oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, newspapers said yesterday. それはメキシコ湾で壊滅的なオイル漏れで闘争として石油会社BPは戦略的な投資を任意の買収に直面して、その独立性を確保するために求めているとすると、新聞が明らかになった

    • Oil down on cautious US trade, easing storm
      Oil prices were lower in Asia Tuesday as US stocks stalled in lacklustre trade and concerns eased over the possibility of a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico disrupting supplies, analysts said. 米国株式市場は低。貿易停止などとの懸念メキシコ湾の熱帯低気圧の可能性は供給を中。緩和原油価格はアジアで反落した、とアナリストは言う

    • Some Oil Spill Events From Saturday, July 10, 2010
      Some oil spill events from Saturday, July 10, 2010 Business and Economy - BP - Gulf of Mexico - Deepwater Horizon - Arts and Entertainment 流出イベントから土曜日の石油の一部、2010年7月10日ビジネス経済- BP社-メキシコ湾-ディープウォーターホライゾン-アートとエンターテインメント

    • U.S. Senate committee votes to eliminate cap on oil spill liability
      The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Wednesday voted to eliminate a cap on damage claims that oil companies would have to pay for disasters like the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The amendment to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 would set unlimited financial liability for offshore oil drillers. The Committee approved the measure by voice vote and sent it to the full Senate. The change, if approved and made law, would apply retroactively to BP's massive Gulf of Mexico spill. ... 米上院環境と公共事業委員会日流出油のメキシコ湾岸の災害のような投票を排除するために支払わなければならないと考える企業は、石油のキャップを上に損害賠償請求

    • Alex gains in strength
      Tropical Storm Alex was gaining strength as it swirled across the Gulf of Mexico yesterday on a path toward Mexico's northeastern coast - well clear of a massive oil spill. The storm could become a hurricane by today, about the... それはメキシコ湾の間で昨日のメキシコの北東海岸 - も大規模な石油流出の明確な軌道に渦巻いたとして熱帯の嵐アレックスは強さを増していた

    • Robots tighten cap on oil leak
      Undersea robots manipulated by engineers 1.6 kilometers above began work yesterday removing the containment cap over the gushing well head in the Gulf of Mexico to replace it with a tighter-fitting cap that could funnel the oil to tankers at the surface. If all goes according to plan, the tandem of the tighter cap and the tankers could keep the oil from polluting the fragile Gulf as soon as tomorrow. But it's only a temporary solution to the catastrophe unleashed by a drilling rig explosio ... 海底ロボットは、上記のキロ1.6操作でエンジニアの表面始めた仕事にタンカーで石油をできる漏斗キャップ厳しい継手-に置き換えるには、メキシコ。昨日頭も噴出削除以上の封じ込めキャップ

    • New cap could contain oil spill
      Underwater robots were preparing to replace a cap over the leaking Gulf of Mexico well that could see the devastating oil flow finally contained as early as Monday. 水中ロボットはメキシコ湾の漏れもそれが最終的には月曜日、早けれ含まれて壊滅的な石油の流れを見ることができる上にキャップを交換する準備を進めていた

    • Robots replace cap over gushing BP oil well
      Engineers worked Monday to replace a cap over a gushing oil well in the Gulf of Mexico after reporting good progress in attempts to contain the worst environmental disaster in US history.Operations reached a critical phase as engineers raced to take advantage of a stretch of fine weather in the midst of the Atlantic hurricane season and install a new system with the potential to capture all the leaking crude. エンジニアは、天気のストレッチを利用するレースとしてエンジニアは月曜日噴出油でもメキシコ湾の試み米国history.Operations最悪の環境災害を含むために良い進歩を報告した後、キャップを交換する作業の重要な段階に達して大西洋のハリケーンシーズンの真っ只中に、新しいシステムをインストールするすべての漏れ原油をキャプチャする可能性

    • BP to place new containment cap on oil spill
      Energy giant BP was expected to begin a new effort Saturday to contain a Gulf of Mexico oil spill by placing a better cap over the gushing well in hopes to stop the flow of oil completely. エネルギー大手BPは新たな取り組みを開始する土曜日が含まれて期待されたメキシコ湾の石油流出の期待もで噴出完全に油の流れを停止する以上の良いキャップを置くことによって

    • GULF COAST: BP readies new containment cap in latest attempt to stop spill
      Energy giant BP will begin a new attempt on Saturday to contain oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico by placing a better cap over the well. The US government estimates that between 35,000 to 60,000 barrels a day are being released into the Gulf. エネルギー大手BPは土曜日に新しい試みを油をメキシコ湾にもよりよくキャップを置くことによって噴出含まれているが開始されます

    • Denial after Russian deputy PM claims embattled CEO will resign
      BP has denied that its embattled chief executive is to resign over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Russia's state RIA Novosti news agency had quoted a senior Russian cabinet official as saying that Tony Hayward was expected to quit. BPはその四面楚歌最高経営責任者は、メキシコ湾の石油流出事故の辞任には否定しています

    • BP poised to stop Gulf oil flow
      After more than three months of trying, BP engineers said Monday that they were finally on the verge of capping the ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico that created America's worst-ever environmental disaster. しようとしての3ヶ月以上後には、BPのエンジニアは、月曜日、彼らは最終的にキャップの瀬戸際にもメキシコ湾、アメリカ史上最悪の環境災害を作成の破裂と述べた

    • BP Begins Its Next Challenge, Reassuring Investors
      BP’s chief executive has been talking to shareholders to convince them that BP can pay for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill without jeopardizing growth. BPの最高経営責任者は、株主にそのBPがメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の成長を損なうことなく支払うことができるそれらを納得させる話をされている

    • El Salvador begins reconstruction after passage of tropical storm
      El Salvador has begun reconstruction after Tropical Storm Alex struck the country and caused a river to burst its banks in the capital of San Salvador, according to news reaching in Mexico city on Tuesday. The country has lowered its alert level to green for Alex, the first named storm in the Atlantic hurricane season, which struck Central America at the weekend and is now in the Gulf of Mexico. The civil protection department estimated earlier on Tuesday that the storm had killed three pe ... エルサルバドルは、国を打ったアレックスがいる始め再。嵐の後熱帯およびバースト川を発生サンサルバドルの首都で、その銀行は、火曜日による都市に到達するニュースメキシコインチ国は、アレックスにある緑色のレベルを警告、そのて下げのメキシコ湾の週末であり、今の最初のハリケーンアトランティックという名前の嵐シーズンで打たアメリカ中央

    • BP oil spill: tar balls from Deepwater Horizon reach Texas
      Discovery of balls on two Texas beaches means all five states on Gulf of Mexico have now been affectedMore than two months after oil from BP's exploded well on the seabed first reached shore in Louisiana, tar balls have washed on to two Texas beaches, meaning that all five states on the Gulf of Mexico have now been affected. Bad weather has forced a fleet of skimmers that should be cleaning the worst-hit areas to stay in port. For more than a week, storms have made the water off Florida, Alabama and Mississippi too choppy for the boats to operate. BP was operating the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig when it exploded on 20 April, killing 11 workers and starting the worst oil spill in the Gulf's history.BP oil spillOil spillsTexasOilUnited Statesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ディスカバリーはボールの2つのテキサス州のビーチで、今からBPのもルイジアナ州海底最初に達したの海岸で爆発石油より2ヶ月後affectedMoreをされている、タールボールは2つのテキサス州のビーチに、意味を洗って、メキシコ湾上のすべての5つの状態を意味するすべてのことメキシコ湾の5つの州は現在、影響を受けている

    • Report: BP, Apache Corp. in Talks on Asset Sale
      Report: BP in talks with Apache Corp. of US about possible sale of assets Apache - BP - WWW - Servers - Gulf of Mexico レポート:BPのメキシコ湾のWWW - -サーバ-でApache交渉社の米国については売却の可能性の資産はApacheのBP -

    • Supertanker skims oil as spill now worst accident on record
      A Taiwanese supertanker skimmed oil from the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday as the months-long disaster became the worst accidental spill on record. 台。超大型タンカーがメキシコ湾の土曜日には数ヶ月にわたる災害が史上最悪の事故による流出となったから油をざっと

    • Tanker lifts spill oil
      A SUPERTANKER skimmed oil from the Gulf of Mexico yesterday as the months-long disaster became the worst accidental spill on record. 数ヶ月にわたる災害が史上最悪の事故による流出となったとして超大型タンカーがメキシコ湾から昨日油をざっと

    • Oil clean-up ships idle as storms hit the Gulf
      GRAND ISLE, Louisiana - BP and the Coast Guard sent oil-scooping skimming ships in the Gulf of Mexico back to shore because nasty weather from Tropical Storm Alex churned up rough seas and powerful winds.The vessels steamed to... グランドアイル、ルイジアナ州 - BPと沿岸警備隊はメキシコ湾の奥に海岸に油すくいスキミング発送を送信ためアレックスは荒海、強力なwinds.The血管をかき立て、嵐熱帯に蒸しから嫌な天気...

    • The People's Manifesto is not a joke | Danny Kushlick
      I'm standing on a single issue – the legalisation and regulation of drugs – to try and engage the parties in a key debateI've been thinking about standing for parliament for many years and now I'm a candidate in Bristol West where I live. I have been selected by Mark Thomas to support the People's Manifesto. However, I have chosen to stand on only one of those polices – the legalisation and regulation of drugs. It is a small part of what the people want, but it represents much of what the Manifesto stands for. Why am I choosing to stand in Bristol West? Because this is where I have lived for nearly 20 years and like many other urban constituencies, we have a substantial (drug) prohibition problem.I'm standing on the single issue of the need to replace the global war on drugs with a just, effective and humane system of control and regulation (legalisation) because the main political parties have refused to engage on it. This refusal is, in my opinion, a collective act of wilful neglect – an oversight of staggering irresponsibility. My aim in this campaign is to do my little bit to place the issue at the centre of the election debate. Global prohibition needs to end, but it is almost impossible to discuss this seriously at election time if none of the three major parties pick it up and make it a popular issue. Collectively all three parties collude with the perception that it is a taboo issue – fear of 'political suicide' trumps actual deaths (22 000 have died in Mexico's drug wars in the last four years). Now that the manifestos have all been published we know that the Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems will not raise a debate on the efficacy of prohibiting drug supply. And the Mafia will be thanking them all the way to the money launderer.This, despite the fact that man 私は1つの問題の上に立っている - 合法化薬の規制を - しようとするキーdebateI。。u0026#39;veの当事者に従事、長年にわたって議会のために立つのが、今はブリストルウェスト私が住んで候補だと考えて

    • Burning oil rig sinks, sparking fears of big spill
      NEW ORLEANS - A deepwater oil platform that burned for more than a day after a massive explosion sank into the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday, creating the potential for a major spill as it underscored the slim chances that the 11 workers... ニューオーリンズは - 大規模な爆発がメキシコ湾に木曜日に沈没した日より後の燃。深海石油プラットフォーム、主要な流出の可能性を作成し、それはスリムな可能性を強調したとして、11人...

    • Oil spill nearing Atlantic currents
      NEW ORLEANS - Researchers tracking the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico say computer models show the black ooze may have already entered a major current flowing towards Florida and the Atlantic Ocean.A research vessel has... ニューオーリンズは - 研究、メキシコ湾で大規模な油流出事故を追跡するコンピューターモデルは黒泥を見る既に入力したかもしれないとの主要な現在のフロリダ州と大西洋Ocean.A調査船に向かって流れるが...

    • Oil prices fall as storm Alex set to miss platforms
      Oil prices fell on Monday as tropical storm Alex was on course to avoid striking energy platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.New York's main contract, light sweet crude for delivery in August, dropped 80 cents to 78.07 dollars a barrel.Brent North Sea crude for August slid 99 cents to 77.13 dollars in midday London trade.The first major storm of the Atlantic season was entering the Gulf of Mexico on Monday, leaving residents jittery after causing 10 deaths, but appeared set to miss hitting oil platforms. 熱帯の嵐はアレックスがコース上湾Mexico.Newニューヨークの主契約、8月に納品の軽質スイート原油の印象的なエネルギーのプラットフォームを避けるためだとして、原油価格は29日、下落78.07ドルbarrel.Brent北海原油に80セントを落とした8月は77.13ドルに正午でメキシコ湾を入力された日、住民が神経質残して10人が死亡した後、しかし、石油プラットフォームを押す欠場することに登場大西洋シーズンのロンドンtrade.The最初の主要な嵐を99セント下落した

    • Oil firms have lessons to learn from Gulf of Mexico spill
      The Gulf of Mexico oil spill will be an important lesson for the domestic oil industry and environmental protection experts, who are now calling for stronger offshore drilling regulations to prevent future disasters. Chinese experts have been closely monitoring the recent unsuccessful attempts by British oil major BP Plc to cap the spill, which will also involve the use of undersea robots in two months. The accident was described by the White House as the worst environmental disaster the US ... 湾に流出メキシコ石。災害は、将来を呼び出すための強力なレッスンがすることが重要海洋掘削の規制を防ぐために、現在、国内の石油産業と、専門家、環境保護、中国の専門家は、BPの主要ている石。失敗した試行をイギリスの最近されて緊密に監視Plcは、これも2ヶ月で海底ロボットの使用を伴うが流出をキャップに

    • National oil firms to gain from spill
      The Gulf of Mexico spill is expected to tip the balance of power in the oil  industry in favour of national oil companies, raising costs and eroding the influence of majors and independent producers. 湾岸メキシコ流出の国営石油企業に有利な石油業界では先端の力のバランスを、コストを上げ、メジャーや独立生産の影響を侵食期待される

    • At least 10 killed in tropical storm Alex in C. America
      Tropical storm Alex, the first major storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, has left at least 10 people dead in Central America, local media reported Monday. Hundreds of people had been evacuated from low-lying areas in El Salvador, as Alex entered the Gulf of Mexico Monday. Six people were killed and their bodies were found on the swollen San Lucas river, a Nicaraguan local official said. In eastern El Salvador along the Pacific coast, two people were drowned, and more than 500 people ... 熱帯低気圧アレックスは、大西洋のハリケーンシーズンの最初の大きな嵐は、月曜日に報告残っている、少なくとも死んで10人が中央アメリカ、メディアは、ローカル

    • US researchers search for subsea oil plumes
      A federal research ship was expected to leave New Orleans late Wednesday to test methods for finding submerged oil from the widening spill in the Gulf of Mexico.The mission hopes to verify reports of subsea oil plumes far from BP's gushing wellhead, 5,000 feet (1,500 meters) below the surface, off the Louisiana coast, said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Administrator Jane Lubchenco. 連。研究船がニューオーリンズを残して後半水曜日湾岸Mexico.Theミッションの拡大流出から水中油を見つけるためのメソッドをテストすることが期待されたBP社の噴。坑口、5,000フィート(1,500メートルまでの海底石油噴煙のレポートを確認したいと考えて)は、表面の下、ルイジアナ州沖、と国立海洋大気庁の管理者ジェーンLubchenco

    • First hurricane of season hits BP oil spill clean-up
      Hurricane Alex halts efforts to capture oil from Gulf of Mexico as experts predict severe storm season aheadThe first named storm of the Atlantic season has hit BP's oil spill clean-up efforts in the Gulf of Mexico.Hurricane Alex, upgraded from tropical storm status late last night and expected to hit the coasts of Mexico and Texas later today, is expected to interrupt the company's efforts for several days to come.Waves as high as 3.6 metres (12ft) are expected to delay the company's plans to employ a further system to capture more oil from the blown-out oil well until later in the week, while controlled burns of crude on the oil's surface, flights spraying dispersant chemicals and booming operations were all halted yesterday, officials said.Alex, the first June storm in 15 years to gain hurricane strength in the Atlantic, is expected to make land tonight, bringing 15-30cms (6-12ins) of rain to north-eastern Mexico and southern Texas as well as dangerous storm surges along the coast.The hurricane has winds of 80mph and was located about 255 miles south-east of Brownsville, Texas, at 7am today UK time. It was moving west at 5mph, the US national hurricane centre said.Mexico has closed its Gulf coast ports of Dos Bocas and Cayo Arcas – which handle around 80% of the country's oil exports – since Sunday because of strong surf. Although Alex is hampering BP's clean-up efforts, the company has said the storm is not expected to interrupt plans to drill two relief wells intended to plug the leak by August.A hurricane warning has been issued for the coast of Texas, south of Baffin Bay down to the mouth of the Rio Grande, and along the north-east coast of Mexico.A tropical storm warning extends south along the east Mexican coast to Cabo Rojo, just south of the port city of Tamp ハリケーンアレックス停止の努力は、メキシコ湾から油をcapture to専門家は、暴風雨の季節は、最初の大西洋の季節の嵐という名前のaheadTheと予測として湾岸Mexico.Hurricaneアレックスの努力を熱帯低気圧の状態からupgraded BP社の油流出をクリーンアップヒットが遅い最後夜は今日この後、メキシコ、テキサス州の沿岸を襲ったことが期待、as come.Wavesにいくつかの日for 3.6メートル(12フィート)highとしてcompany 。。u0026#39;s effortsをinterruptする会社のplansをfurther systemをcaptureに採用する遅延にも予想される週の後半にまで吹き飛ばされた油から詳。油井、油の表面粗のcontrolledやけどは、フライトがブームの操作のすべての停止時間が、職員のsaid.Alex化学物質を分散剤を散布しながら、15年の6月に初の嵐大西洋の利得ハリケーンの強さは、土地今夜を作るには、15(6 12ins)雨の北東メキシコ、テキサス州南部と同様に危険な嵐に30cmsは海岸

    • Six shot in southern Mexico
      At least three people were killed and three others injured in a shootout at a birthday party Sunday in Mexico's southern state of Guerrero, police said. The inccident took place at 2:00 a.m. local time (0700 GMT). A family was holding a birthday party at a restaurant in the Jaripo in Coyuca de Catalan municipality at the time. Several gunmen rushed in to shoot party-goers. Some armed party attendants also shot back. In the end, two party-goers and one gunman were killed, and three other pa ... 少なくとも3人が死亡、3人は、PK戦負傷のパーティーで誕生日の日曜日ゲレロの南部州のメキシコで、警察は言った

    • How water raises the political temperature between countries
      Water wars haven't started yet, but shortages certainly cause tensions between states to riseFifteen years ago Ismail Serageldin, an Egyptian who was vice-president of the World Bank, shook politicians by predicting that the wars of the 21st century would be fought not over oil or land, but water.So far he has been proved wrong, but escalating demand for water to grow food and provide drinking water for burgeoning urban populations has raised political tensions between many countries.In Asia, there are disagreements over the right to dam shared rivers. India and Pakistan are in semi-permanent dispute over hydro-power on the river Indus. China, Nepal, India and Bangladesh all spar over the rivers rising in the Himalayas and which flow through neighbouring countries, providing water for nearly 500 million people on the way.Tensions run high between Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan over the Amu Daria and Syr Daria rivers, as well as the severely depleted Aral Sea. Argentina and Uruguay have taken their dispute over the river Plate to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, while Mexico and the US argue over rights on the Rio Grande and Colorado.Last month, Baghdad demanded that Syria cease pumping water from the Iraqi portion of the Tigris. Elsewhere in the Middle East, Palestine and Israel, and Iraq and Iran, row over water supplies from the Shatt al-Arab waterway and Turkey's dams.In Africa, the Chobe, a tributary of the Zambezi, has caused tension between Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, while there have been incidents between Mauritania and Senegal over control of the Senegal. Shares of the Niger, Volta and Zambezi are all disputed.According to the UN, there are more than 250 internationally shared rivers covering nearly half the tot 水戦争はまだ開始されているが、不足は確かにマイルイスメル、誰世界銀行の副社長であり、エジプト年前riseFifteenに、21世紀の戦争はしないで争われるだろうと予測して政治家を横に振った状態間の緊張を引き起こす石油や土地、しかしwater.Soはるかに彼は間違って、しかし、証明されている水のエスカレートの需要は、食品を成長し、都市人口の急成長のための飲料水を提供する多くcountries.In Asia間の政治的緊張が高まっている、そこにダムを右をめぐっては共有河川

    • Fishermen become Mexican pirates' new catch
      ZAPATA, Texas: Falcon Lake, on the Rio Grande, is famous for its huge bass and for the maniacal obsession of the fishermen who come from all over Texas and the world to stalk them. Now this remote reservoir, which straddles the border between the US and Mexico, is known for something else: pirates. サパタ、テキサス州:ファルコン湖、リオグランデでは、その巨大なベースで有名で、テキサス州のすべての世界に茎を上から漁師の熱狂的強迫観念です

    • Crude prices rise above 86 U.S. dollars
      Crude prices climbed above 86 U. S. dollars on Friday as U.S. consumer spending recovers. The U.S. Commerce Department said on Friday that the nation's economy grew by 3.2 percent from January to March. Consumer spending, which normally accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. economic activity, added nearly 2.6 percentage points to the GDP growth, showed the best improvement in three years. An expanding oil slick from a leaking U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil well is beginning to affect oil price ... 原油価格は、活動86ドル以上上昇した経済金曜日、米国の消費者支出の回復、米商務省米国務省によると金曜日は、のの国家成長経済が3.2で約70%から1を占める通常の支出を、消費者の3月

    • Argentina defeat Mexico 3-1
      JOHANNESBURG : Carlos Tevez scored twice - once on a disputed goal - and Gonzalo Higuain added another as Argentina beat Mexico 3-1 on Sunday to advance to the World Cup quarterfinals. ヨハネスブルクは:カルロステベス2得点 - 係争中の目標 - とゴンサロイグアイン1回別の追加アルゼンチンは日曜日にW杯の準々決勝へ進出、メキシコを3-1で勝利した

    • Crews drill deeper to stop Gulf oil leak - 2.4km to go
      ON THE GULF OF MEXICO - Drilling crews are grinding ever deeper to build the relief wells that are the best hope of stopping the massive oil leak at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.The crew of Transocean's Development Driller... メキシコ湾の - 掘削作業員はこれまで深く湾岸オーシャンの開発ミスタードリラーのMexico.Theの乗組員の下部にある巨大なオイル漏れを停止する最善の希望です救済井戸を構築する研削ている...

    • BP given a breathing space
      Obama has given BP a compensation plan it can afford, but the political pressure will not slackenBP's top team, AKA the Big People, secured a concession for their shareholders during their meeting at the White House. The $20bn (£13.5bn) to be paid into the claims fund will be coughed up in stages over three-and-a-half years. The original demand from Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, was that full sum should be produced upfront.A staggered schedule is significantly less painful financially for the company. BP has given itself a year to sell $10bn of assets, which improves the chances of securing decent prices. The rest of the $20bn can be produced easily from operational cash flows, a $2bn cut in capital expenditure and the (overdue) suspension of dividend payments this year. There was enough substance in the financial arrangements for the cleanup for BP investors to trust that President Obama is serious when he says the US administration has no interest in undermining the financial stability of the company. The 7% rise in the share price was understandable. The more interesting question, though, is why it didn't rise further given the size of the fall since April.The reason, you suspect, is that investors have correctly judged that talk of a turning point for BP is highly premature, notwithstanding Obama's remarks.Oil is still spilling into the Gulf of Mexico and the estimated rate of flow seems to change daily. The relief wells won't arrive until August and engineering success is not guaranteed. The claims fund may turn out to need significantly more than $20bn since there is still no definition of a legitimate claim. And the investigation into the causes of the accident has barely started, making meaningless projections of the size of damages if negligence is pr オバマ氏は、BPには余裕がある報酬制度を、しかし、政治的圧力はしませんslackenBPのトップチーム、別名ビッグ人々は、その株主のホワイトハウスでの会談の譲歩を確保して与えている

    • Gulf oil spill: We will make BP pay, vows Obama
      President Barack Obama pledges that BP will pay the price for its 'recklessness' in the Gulf of Mexico and urges Americans to embrace a clean energy future in a national televised address from the Oval Office BPがメキシコ湾での。。u0026#39;無謀。。u0026#39;の価格を支払うことになるとアメリカ人を要請する大統領執務室から国民向けのテレビ演説でクリーンエネルギーの未来を包含するバラクオバマ大統領の公約

    • Storm theatens Gulf of Mexico oil spill clean-up
      Oil recovery efforts in the Gulf of Mexico could face the season's first tropical storm Saturday, with bad weather spreading a huge oil slick that has already closed beaches in Florida. 悪天候すでにフロリダのビーチを閉じている巨大な油膜を拡散メキシコ湾の石。復興今シーズン初の熱帯暴風雨に直面する可能性が2009年

    • Deepwater Horizon oil spill tops political agenda
      The cost of BP's clean-up operation in the Gulf of Mexico hits $1.6bn and experts warn it could take until Christmas to cap the spill メキシコ湾のBP社のクリーンアップ操作のコストは$ 1.6bnと専門家は、クリスマスの流出をキャップまで時間がかかる可能性が警告を打つ

    • BP mulls dividends as costs rise
      BP has said that the cost of cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico oil spillage has risen to $1.6bn ( £1bn). BPはそのメキシコ湾の原油流出の清掃の費用は$ 1.6bn(に上昇していると述べている£ 10億)

    • BP chief draws fire as oil effort slogs on
      A yacht outing put embattled BP chief Tony Hayward in more hot water, unleashing fresh criticism of his handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and overshadowing modest progress in containing the disaster. ヨットはお湯の中で、メキシコ湾の石油流出事故の彼の扱いの新鮮な批判を解き放つ、災害を含むささやかな進歩を覆って四面楚歌のBPの長トニーヘイワードを入れ外出

    • Storm theatens Gulf of Mexico oil spill clean-up
      A potentially dangerous tropical storm named Alex that experts say could complicate the Gulf of Mexico oil spill clean-up has formed in the Caribbean Sea, the US government said on Saturday. 潜在的に危険熱帯低気圧は、アレックスが専門家たちはカリブ海で形成されてメキシコ湾の石油流出事故のクリーンアップ複雑性と言う、米国政府は、土曜日によると名前

    • Obama urged to 'punish' BP with $100bn action
      Senior US politicians are pushing President Barack Obama to seek $100bn in damages against BP for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in an attempt to kill the company. シニア米国の政治家は、BPに対して、メキシコ湾の石油流出事故の試み会社を殺すためにドルを1,000億の損害賠償を求めることバラクオバマ大統領を進めている

    • Monster Slick
      HOUSTON: With each new look by scientists, the oil spill looks worse.New figures for the blown-out well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico show the amount of oil spewing may have been twice as much as previously thought, according... ヒューストンは:科学者がそれぞれの新しい表情で、原油流出事故が吹き飛ばされたのも、メキシコ湾の下部にあるworse.Newの数字に見えるが2倍以前考えられて多くされているが、..よると、石油噴出量を示す

    • BP gets notice to find fix for Gulf oil gusher
      ORANGE BEACH - The United States Government has given BP until tonight to find ways to speed up efforts to contain huge amounts of oil gushing from a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico, as large globs of brown crude coat Alabama's... オレンジビーチ - 今夜もメキシコ湾では、破裂の方法を努力を油から流れ出るのを大量に含むようにスピードアップを見つけるまで、米国政府は、BPは与えている大規模なグロブとして茶色の原油コートアラバマ州の...

    • Obama vows to make BP pay
      United States President Barack Obama pushed alternative sources of energy while vowing to make BP pay for the devastation caused by its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, in addressing the nation ahead of a showdown with BP executives.Eight... BPは荒廃メキシコ湾の石油流出事故に起因する、先にBPのexecutives.Eightとの対決の国に対応で支払うように誓っている米国バラクオバマ大統領が代替エネルギー源を押した...

    • BP considers lawsuit against Gulf partner
      The oil giant BP is considering launching a lawsuit against its main partner in the Gulf of Mexico, to force it to pay its share of the multi-billion dollar clean-up costs after the disastrous oil spill.It is thought that BP is... 悲惨な石油spill.Itは、BPのは...と考えられて後に石油大手BPは、ドルコストを数十億のシェアをクリーンアップ支払いを強制的にメキシコ湾の主要なパートナー、訴訟を開。検討している

    • Video: Pelicans in the Gulf of Mexico enveloped by the Deepwater oil spill
      A Greenpeace video showing how tidal wash-up from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is affecting pelican populations in the Gulf of Mexico – and why the booming is not working グリーンピースのビデオする方法洗浄を開くディープウォーターホライゾン油流出事故から潮メキシコ湾のペリカン集団に影響を与える - と、なぜ急成長していないであることを示す

    • BP resumes oil containment efforts after short outage caused by lightning strike
      British oil giant BP resumed its oil containment operations in the Gulf of Mexico Tuesday after an earlier lightning strike caused a fire on board the ship capturing oil from the undersea gusher and led to suspension of the oil containment system. The Discoverer Enterprise resumed containment operations at 2: 15 p.m. Tuesday, BP said in a statement. It said the U.S. Coast Guard gave authorization for the operation to resume at 1:40 p.m. after the ship's crew completed safety and operationa ... イギリス石油大手BPは潮吹き油から海底の操作を再開したの封じ込め油、火曜日のメキシコ湾キャプチャ船はボード上のストライキによる火災落雷後に以前のシステム封じ込め石油主導する懸濁液のDiscovererのEnterpriseがで封じ込めの操作を再開2:15 pm火曜日は、BPは文とします

    • Trouble on oiled waters
      President Barack Obama and his administration are continuing their “kick ass” pressure on the company that they erroneously called “British Petroleum” for its failure to control the rapidly spreading oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. バラクオバマ大統領と彼の政権は彼らの。。u0026quot;キックのお尻を。。u0026quot;彼らは誤ってその失敗急速にメキシコ湾の石油流出の拡散を制御するために。。u0026quot;ブリティッシュペトロリアム。。u0026quot;と呼ばれる企業に圧力を続けている

    • BP asked to set up oil-spin fund
      The United States will insist that BP establish an independently administered escrow fund to pay out claims from the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, President Barack Obama's top aide said Sunday. 米国は、BPは独立して管理エスクロー資金をメキシコ湾の壊滅的な油流出事故からのクレームを支払う確立を主張する、バラクオバマ大統領の側近は日曜日と述べた

    • BP chief criticised for boat trip
      BP CEO Tony Hayward comes under fire for taking time off to go boating instead of dealing with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BPの最高経営責任者トニーヘイワードは火の下の代わりにボートメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の対処に行くのに時間が離陸のためにしています

    • Obama heads to disaster zone, Coast Guard warns BP
      US and British leaders sought to ease tensions amid sharpened rhetoric over the expanding oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as President Barack Obama readied to take matters into his own hands.As political pressure mounts over his handling of the worst environmental disaster in US history, Obama will make his fourth visit to the disaster zone Monday with a two-day trip to Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. バラクオバマ大統領は自分のhands.Asに政治的圧力事項を取るする準備として、米国と英国の指導者たちは、メキシコ湾の拡大原油流出事故で尖ったレトリックの中での緊張を緩和するため、求め、米国史上最悪の環境災害の彼の扱いにマウント、オバマ氏はミシシッピ州、アラバマ州、フロリダ州に2日間の旅行で災害ゾーン月曜日に4度目の訪問を行います

    • U.S. scientists increase oil flow estimate
      A team of U.S. scientists studying the Gulf of Mexico oil spill estimate on Tuesday significantly increased their estimate of how much oil is spilling into the Gulf. &$ &$Leaking oil is seen in the image grabbed from the BP's live video feed monitoring the Deepwater Horizon oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, June 15, 2010. A team of U.S. scientists studying the Gulf of Mexico oil spill estimate on Tuesday significantly incr ... 火曜日見積もりチームが流出科学研。石油湾のメキシコ、米国の大幅なイメージに見られる多くの

    • US to issue new order on deepwater drilling freeze
      US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has said he would issue a new order in the coming days to enforce a freeze on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico in the wake of the BP oil disaster.Salazar was responding to the decision of a district judge who blocked the six-month moratorium announced by President Barack Obama in May because of its effect on the livelihoods of those on the Gulf coast. 米内務長官ケンサラは、彼は深海掘削メキシコ湾でのBPの石油disaster.Salazarをきっかけに凍結を実施するブロック地裁判事の決定に応答していた数日で、新しい秩序を発行するとしている6ヶ月間猶予バラクオバマ大統領が5月にこれらの湾の海岸の生活への影響のためと発表した

    • BP refits Gulf of Mexico oil cap as Barack Obama's rating drops
      Barack Obama administration appeals court ruling blocking six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling in the USBP says it has reinstalled an oil-siphoning cap on its blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico and has resumed collecting crude after an accident led to oil flowing unhindered into the ocean for several hours yesterday.The political risks from the disaster were underscored by a poll showing Barack Obama's job performance rating has dropped to the lowest level of his presidency. The Obama administration is appealing a court ruling blocking a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling.The worst spill in US history has been thrust to the top of Obama's crowded domestic agenda but the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found half of those surveyed disapproved of his handling of the spill.Overall Obama's rating stood at 45% in the poll, down five points from early last month. For the first time in the survey, more people, or 48%, said they disapproved of his job performance.The administration sought to keep its responses to the catastrophe in play as it appealed against the lifting of a deep-water drilling ban. A judge had said the moratorium was too far-reaching and not adequately justified despite the spill.The government also asked district judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans to put his ruling against the moratorium on hold pending the outcome of the appeal or until the appeals court can consider a request for a stay.The justice department said the temporary moratorium affected only 33 active deepwater drills in the Gulf of Mexico.In addition to the appeal, interior secretary Ken Salazar said he would revise his original order suspending drilling 500ft below sea level to make it more flexible and thus address the court's concerns.The government imposed a six-month m バラクオバマ政権の控訴裁判所の判決は、掘削USBPの深い水の6ヶ月間の猶予期間をブロックすることもメキシコ湾とその本格的なアウトの石油サイフォンキャップを再インストールした再開事故油になった後、原油を収集しているという流れる海に数時間の妨害は、災害からのポーリングバラクオバマ氏の仕事のパフォーマンスの評価を示すことで強調された彼の大統領の最も低いレベルに下がっている政治的リスクを

    • Fitch downgrades BP credit rating
      Fitch Ratings, one of the three big credit rating agencies, has downgraded BP following the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill. フィッチレーティングスは、3つの大信用格付け機関の、悲惨なメキシコ湾の石油流出事故の次のBPを格下げしています

    • Oil spill clean-up in Gulf of Mexico faces rough weather
      Oil recovery efforts in the Gulf of Mexico could soon face the first tropical storm of the season, with heavy seas and winds spreading a massive oil slick that has already shut down beaches in Florida.The vast slick has already soiled the coastlines of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, but could spell disaster for Florida, one of the world's top tourist destinations with more than 80 million visitors a year. メキシコ湾の石油回復の努力はすぐにシーズン最初の熱帯低気圧に直面する可能性がある重海と風は既にFlorida.The広大なスリックタイヤのビーチをシャットダウンして大規模な油膜を広げているルイジアナ州、ミシシッピ州の海岸線を汚しているとアラバマ州は、しかし、フロリダ州の災害をもたらすかもしれない、世界有数の観光地の80以上の万人年です

    • Oil spill capture working well
      BP and US authorities were capturing 25,000 barrels of oil per day from the massive Gulf of Mexico spill, marking steady improvement in recovery efforts, the admiral in charge of the operation said Friday. BP社と米国の当局は大規模なメキシコ湾の流出から、回復の努力を着実に改善をマーキング1日あたりの石油25,000バレルを捕獲され、操作の担当提督は明らかにした

    • BP dividend divides Guardian readers
      Officially, BP has insisted that it has the financial firepower to pay for the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico while still rewarding its shareholdersVote: to pay or not to pay?As BP's board of directors gathers today to debate whether to suspend its dividend, they could take comfort from a guardian.co.uk survey that shows there is little consensus on the issue.A poll of over 1,000 readers found that 52.4% believe the oil giant should continue to hand cash to shareholders, despite the soaring costs of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. That leaves 47.6% who believe payments should be suspended, even though it makes up around a seventh of the total dividend payout from companies listed on the FTSE 100.Officially, BP has insisted that it has the financial firepower to pay for the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico while still rewarding its shareholders. The BP dividend for the last quarter came in at 14 cents per share, or a total of nearly $2.62bn (£1.79bn).BP has already promised shareholders a payout for the first three months of 2010, and the money is scheduled to be paid next Monday. The next dividend would normally be announced alongside BP's second-quarter results (due on 27 July), but today's meeting has prompted suggestions that it might bow to its critics and suspend this payment.You can still have your say by voting in the poll.BPBP oil spillguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 公式には、BPは、それはどうか、その配当金を、一時停止について議論する金融火力をメキシコ湾の災害の支払いをまだshareholdersVoteに報酬を与える中:お支払いするかどうかに支払う?取締役BP社のボードとして収集今日は主張してきた彼らそこに1000人以上の読者のissue.A世論調査にはほとんどコンセンサスが見つかりましたが52.4%、石油大手は、株主に現金を手に続けなければならないと信じて、ディープウォーターの高騰コストにもかかわらずを示していますguardian.co.uk調査から快適さを取ることができるホライゾンオイル流出

    • Oil industry less than slick at public relations
      The lawmakers ought to conclude that, aside from any failings of BP, the US oil industry regulators have been asleepAt last, some good news for BP – its oil industry rivals are equally inept at public relations.ExxonMobil, Shell and others did a very poor job of persuading US members of Congress that a deep water blow-out could not happen to them. Until the causes of BP's accident are investigated and known, such boasting is impossible to support. It came across as special pleading.Worse, the rivals' contingency plans for a spill in the Gulf of Mexico seem to have been produced by the same consultant who wrote BP's manual.Henry Waxman, chairman of the House energy committee, revealed that Big Oil, en masse, has been promising to protect walruses in the Gulf. There are no walruses in the Gulf of Mexico.The lawmakers ought to conclude that, aside from any failings of BP, the US oil industry regulators have been asleep.But do not assume that sympathy for BP will follow. The reverse is probably true: determination to extract a very large sum from BP may only intensify after the lackluster performance of Exxon et al.BPExxon MobilRoyal Dutch ShellOilOil spillsBP oil spillObama administrationNils Pratleyguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 最後に、BPはいくつかの良いニュースは、 - 石油業界のライバルは、同じように公共relations.ExxonMobilで不適切なさ議員がすべきは、そのBPのすべての失敗はさておき、米国の石油業界の規制当局はasleepAtされていると結論し、シェルなどが非常に貧しいかその深層水ブローアウトは彼らに起こることができなかった議会の米国のメンバーを説得するの仕事

    • Share your photos of the BP oil spill
      From wildlife affected by the Gulf of Mexico spill to protests against BP, add your photos to our Flickr groupTwo months after the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, it is estimated that up to 60,000 barrels of oil a day are leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.The fall-out has not only devastated local marine life and the coastal ecosystem but has created shockwaves in the worlds of energy, finance and politics. Eleven people have lost their lives, and many local residents - from shrimp farmers to tourist businesses - could lose their livelihoods too.We're looking for your photos that touch on an aspect of the disaster. We'll run a gallery of the best on guardian.co.uk and perhaps in the print edition of the Guardian too. Just send them to our Flickr group. All photos relevant to the spill are welcome, from images of oil hitting beaches and marshes, wildlife hit by the oil and the effect on local sites, to anti-BP protests and photographs that convey the impact the incident has had beyond the Gulf.By posting your pictures in this group you agree to let this happen (though copyright remains with you at all times).BP oil spillOilOilOil and gas companiesOil spillsBPPollutionMarine lifeOceansWildlifeAdam Vaughanguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 野生動物のメキシコ湾の流出による血圧に対する抗議に影響から、私たちのFlickrのgroupTwoヶ月にディープウォーターホライゾン石油掘削装置で爆発後に写真を追加すると、その最大60,000石油のバレル湾のに漏れ出していると推定されるMexico.The落ちるアウトだけではなく、ローカルな海洋生物や沿岸生態系を破壊していないエネルギー、金融、政治の世界で衝撃を作成しています

    • Storm makes landfall in Mexico
      Tropical Storm Alex headed overland towards the Gulf of Mexico last night, drenching Belize, northern Guatemala and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula with torrential rains. Alex is expected to make a second landfall midweek on the Mexican... 熱帯の嵐アレックスはメキシコ湾に向かって最後の夜、集中豪雨でびしょぬれベリーズ北部グアテマラ、メキシコのユカタン半島を陸路で向かった

    • Tropical Storm Alex Soaks Belize, Mexico's Yucatan
      Tropical Storm Alex makes landfall on Belize's coast, drenches Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula Belize - Mexico - Yucatán Peninsula - Gulf of Mexico - Tropical cyclone 熱帯の嵐アレックスは、海岸の上陸にベリーズになりますサイクロン降り注ぎ、メキシコのユカタン半島ベリーズ-メキシコ-ユカタン半島-メキシコ湾-トロピカル

    • Cap Again Collecting Oil From Gulf of Mexico Leak
      Containment cap reattached, again collecting Gulf oil; will take time for system to ramp up Gulf of Mexico - Business - BP - Energy - Oil and Gas コンテインメントキャップが油を再接続、湾。再度収集し、システムの時間がかかるメキシコ湾を立ち上げ-ビジネス- BPが-エネルギー-石油及びガスを

    • Uruguay, Mexico advance to last 16
      RUSTENBURG, South Africa: Ajax striker Luis Suarez fired Uruguay into the last 16 of the World Cup as winners of Group A after a 1-0 win over fellow qualifiers Mexico on Wednesday. ルステンブルク、南アフリカ共和国:Ajaxのストライカールイススアレスは昨年16ワールドカップにグループAの受賞者として1-0の仲間予選メキシコで水曜日に勝つ後ウルグアイを解雇した

    • Video: Police investigate shooting of footballer Salvador Cabañas
      The Paraguay international Salvador Cabañas is in a serious condition after being shot in the head in a Mexico City bar パラグアイ代表サルバドールカバーニャス深刻な状態でメキシコシティのバーで、頭の中で撃たれて後には

    • Honduras' return to OAS important: Brazil
      Brazil on Friday stressed the importance of Honduras's return to the Organization of American States (OAS) and said the government of Porfirio Lobo should adopt measures to ensure national reconciliation. The Brazilian government wants to resume dialogue with Tegucigalpa, presidential spokesman Marcelo Baumbach told a press conference ahead of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's upcoming trip to Mexico, Cuba, Haiti and El Salvador next week. Honduras was suspended from the OAS after the ... ブラジル日米州機構(OAS)にホンジュラスの復帰の重要性を強調し、ポルフィリオロボの政府の対策を、国民和解を確保するため採用すべきであると述べた

    • BP, in Shift, Says Hayward Remains in Charge
      BP officials said that Tony Hayward, their embattled C.E.O., was still in charge of all BP operations despite comments indicating that he was relinquishing his duties in the Gulf of Mexico. BPの関係者は、トニーヘイワードは、彼らの四面楚歌のCEOは、まだすべてのBPの操作を担当してコメントは、彼がメキシコ湾の職務を放棄したことを示すにもかかわらず、と述べた

    • New Mexico: Man detained after threat to blow up aircraft
      ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico - A Delta Air Lines flight from Los Angeles to Florida was diverted to New Mexico after a passenger sprayed the first-class cabin with a water bottle, tried to open a cabin door and threatened to blow up the... アルバカーキはニューメキシコ州 - フロリダ州ロサンゼルスからAデルタ航空のフライトニューメキシコ州に旅客後転用された水のボトルで、ファーストクラスのキャビンを散布キャビンのドアを開くしようとした爆破すると脅迫...

    • Mexico extradites two homicide suspects to U.S.
      Mexico has extradited two homicide suspects to the United States on Tuesday, the General Prosecutor's Office said Wednesday. The detainees -- David Aranda Hernandez and Enrique Lopez Madrigal -- were handed over to U.S. authorities at the international airport of Mexico City. The two men, who were arrested in the second half of 2009 in Mexico, will be tried for homicide in the U.S. state of California. Mexico extradited 107 suspects to the United States in 2009 and 95 in the previous ye ... メキシコは殺人の2つが引き渡さ火曜日イギリス容疑者に米国、検事総長のオフィスと発表した

    • Video: Eel checks out Deepwater oil leak
      An eel has been caught on camera investigating the oil streaming from the damaged underwater well in the Gulf of Mexico ウナギは、カメラ油を破損した水中からもメキシコ湾のストリーミング調査に巻き込まれている

    • BP Says It Will Speed Up Payments to Gulf Businesses
      The new calculation suggests that an amount of oil equivalent to the Exxon Valdez disaster could have been flowing into the Gulf of Mexico every 8 to 10 days. 新しい計算は、エクソンバルディーズ災害への石油と同等の額は、メキシコ湾ごとに8に10日間に流れるされている可能性が示唆された

    • US oil spill spread around 320km radius
      OIL pouring into the Gulf of Mexico from a fractured well spread around a 320km radius coast guard reveals. オイルは、メキシコ湾にも320キロ半径沿岸警備隊の周りに広がる骨折から注いで明らかにする

    • Spill cap offers sign of hope
      A containment cap that sucks oil from the blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico has offered a small sign of progress for a region that has seen its wildlife coated in a lethal oil muck, its fishermen idled and its beaches tarnished.Yesterday,... 本格的なアウトからもメキシコ湾の石油を吸う包含キャップは、野生動物を致。。泥に覆われた見ている地域の発展の小さなサインを提供して、その漁師は、アイドルのビーチtarnished.Yesterday

    • New nightmare for BP as Florida closes beaches
      The environmental nightmare unleashed by the crippled BP oil well in the Gulf of Mexico has reached the white-sand paradises of Florida.Officials announced a swimming ban along a six-mile stretch of popular beach while researchers... 環境悪夢が不自由BPの石油でもメキシコ湾の解き放たれた人気のビーチの6マイル沿いに水泳禁止措置を発表したFlorida.Officialsの白い砂の楽園に達しているが研究者...

    • BP buys up oil spill search terms to skirt bad publicity
      BP, facing a tidal wave of bad publicity over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, is buying search terms on internet search engines to point users to the company's official public relations crisis page.Searches on Google, Yahoo! and... BPは、メキシコ湾の石油流出事故の上に悪い評判の津波に直面して、インターネットの検索エンジンで、GoogleやYahoo、同社の公式広報危機page.Searchesにユーザーを指すように検索用語を買っている!と...

    • The Business podcast: Ha-Joon Chang on industrial strategy, plus BP's ongoing problems
      It was the decade of decimalisation, three-day weeks and flares. But could something else that was big in the 70s, industrial strategy, now be on the verge of a comeback? Ha-Joon Chang, an economist from the university of Cambridge, tells us what he thinks. David Cameron has carried out the ultimate exercise in lowering expectations by preparing the country for painful cuts ahead. As oil continues to gush into the Gulf of Mexico, who will come off worse, BP or President Obama? US columnist Michael Tomasky gives his opinion from Washington DC. Plus, we take a quick look at what's next for Sir Terry Leahy after he steps down as Tesco's chief executive after 14 years.Aditya ChakraborttyAndy DuckworthTim WebbHa-Joon ChangJulian GloverMichael Tomasky それはdecimalisation 10年、3日間週間フレアだった

    • Video: The National Geographic Archive: Rescue efforts after Deepwater Horizon blast
      Dramatic video shows BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig bursting into flames and sinking in the Gulf of Mexico. A coastguard discusses rescuing workers 劇的なビデオは、BPのディープウォーターホライゾン石油リグを炎に破。示し、メキシコ湾で沈没

    • BP oil spill cap is working
      BP's oil spill cap, designed to stop a huge leak from a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico, is currently catching around 10,000 barrels a day, its chief executive Tony Hayward told the BBC Sunday. BP社の油流出キャップは、井戸からメキシコ湾の破裂巨大な漏れを停止し、現在1万バレルに日を浴びているデザインは、その最高経営責任者トニーヘイワードはBBC日曜日に語った

    • BP draws takeover speculation as stock plunges to 13-year low
      Beleaguered oil giant BP has now lost more than 50 per cent of its market value since the fatal Gulf of Mexico oil spill, prompting fresh speculation that it is starting to look vulnerable to predators, including PetroChina. 悩める石油大手BPが今致命的なメキシコ湾の石油流出事故以来、新鮮な憶測、それが捕食者に脆弱性、ペトロチャイナなどを見始めているプロンプト50以上、その市場価値のパーセント失ってしまった

    • Official: Spill Will Persist 'Well Into the Fall'
      Coast Guard official says oil spill will persist 'well into the fall' Oil spill - United States - Gulf of Mexico - Coast guard - BP 沿岸警備隊の関係者は、BPの言葉石油-ガード流出はなるに続く。。u0026#39;も秋。。u0026#39;油流出-米国-米国のメキシコ湾-海岸

    • 'Survivor' maker charged with wife's murder
      LOS ANGELES - The producer of two of America's top reality television programmes is facing extradition to Mexico after prosecutors filed charges accusing him of murdering his wife during a holiday in the Gulf Coast resort of Cancun.Bruce... 検察は容疑をCancun.Bruceのメキシコ湾岸のリゾートで休暇中の妻を殺害した彼を非難するような提出した後ロサンゼルス - 2つのアメリカのトップリアリティテレビ番組のプロデューサー、メキシコへの身柄引き渡しを直面している...

    • Oil storm could 'destroy' south Louisiana
      As hurricane season approaches, the giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is taking weather forecasters into nearly uncharted waters.The Gulf is a superhighway for hurricanes that form or explode over pools of hot water, then... ハリケーンシーズンのアプローチは、メキシコ湾の巨大な石油流出はほぼ未知のwaters.The湾に予報天気予報を取っているようにハリケーンの高速道路は、フォームまたはお湯のプールの上爆発し、...

    • BP's plunging share price opens door to takeover risk
      BP's failure to stop an oil leak from spewing millions of litres of crude into the Gulf of Mexico may leave the biggest oil and gas producer in the United States in a fight to stay independent. BPの障害メキシコ湾に米国での戦いで独立ご滞在を最大の石油と天然ガスの生産を離れることが原油のリットル数百万の噴出から油を漏れを停止します

    • Oil closes in on Florida, as BP sinks
      As British Petroleum hired robots to make another attempt to control the underwater Gulf of Mexico oil gusher, the crude on the surface spread, closing in on Florida. BP's stock plummeted and took much of the market down with it, and the federal government announced criminal and civil investigations into the spill. The stakes couldn't be higher. After six weeks of failures to block the well or divert the oil, the latest mission involved using a set of tools akin to an oversized deli sl ... 潮吹きとして英国石油メキシコ湾を石油が雇った水中ロボットを作るコントロールする他の試みを、表面拡散原油は、株式を年代に閉鎖にフロリダ州のBP急落し、その下の市場で多くを取って、連邦政府は犯罪を発表と流出に市民調査

    • Video: US begins criminal investigation as oil slick reaches Alabama
      US attorney general announces a criminal investigation into the Gulf of Mexico oil slick, while tar balls of oil have begun washing up on Alabama beaches 石油のtarボールがアラバマ州のビーチ上に洗濯始めている中、米国の検事総長は、メキシコ湾の油膜のに捜査を発表

    • BP sent $69m bill for oil spill
      WASHINGTON - The White House has slapped BP with a US$69 million bill and demanded prompt payment for the first instalment of government expenses incurred in the effort to halt the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.Officials also on Thursday... ワシントンは - ホワイトハウスアメリカ69000000ドル法案をBPを平手打ちし、政府支出の努力木曜日ものメキシコ湾の石油spill.Officialsの停止するには、費用の最初の割賦の迅速な支払いを要求...

    • Medvedev urges global eco-disaster fund
      Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Saturday called for a global fund to fight ecological catastrophes like the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, as he sought to burnish his credentials as a green leader.Admitting that Russia itself was lagging behind other countries in its standards of environmental protection, he also said Russians should feel free to protest against the authorities on environmental issues. 彼は彼の資格情報を磨くように努めたとしてロシア大統領のメドベージェフ土曜日に、グローバルファンドのメキシコ湾の石油流出事故のような生態学的災害と戦うために、と呼ばれる緑、ロシア自体が環境保護の、その基準に他の国に遅れをとっていたleader.Admitting 、彼はまた、ロシアは、環境問題に関する当局に抗議する自由だと述べた

    • BP's Credit Rating Springs A Leak
      Fitch and Moody's knock the oil company down a peg, citing the spiraling cost of the Gulf of Mexico spill. フィッチとムーディーズがダウンして、メキシコ湾の流出のスパイラルコストを理由にペッグ石油会社をノックする

    • I.H.T. Special Report: Business of Green: Oil Leak Inspires Novel Ideas
      With the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico threatening coastline and frustration rising about the cleanup, Gulf communities are grasping for alternatives. メキシコ湾にかかわる海岸と挫折の油膜とクリーンアップについては、湾岸地域は、代替のために把握している上昇

    • Video: BP lowers containment cap on oil well
      Video shows BP's underwater robots shearing off a gushing oil pipe deep under the Gulf of Mexico yesterday, and lowering a cap as oil gushes out from the sides ビデオは、BPの水中ロボットは、メキシコ湾の下には昨日、噴出油パイプを深く削り取ると油が側面から噴出としてキャップを下げる示しています

    • Oil to gush until August after BP plan fails
      ROBERT, Louisiana - After failing again to stem the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, BP scrambled to control the spill that the president's top energy adviser said was the biggest environmental disaster the US has ever faced.Six... ロバートは、ルイジアナ州 - 再びメキシコ湾に油の流れを食い止めるために失敗した後、BPは、盧大統領のエネルギー政策の最顧問は、米国がこれまでfaced.Sixている最大の環境災害だった流出を制御するスクランブル...

    • BP’s Joint Venture in Russia Is in Bankruptcy
      A venture to sell Russian natural gas to China was in trouble before the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico. ベンチャーは、中国、ロシアの天然ガスを販売するトラブルにメキシコ湾のBPの流出の前にいた

    • OIL SPILL: Fitch downgrade adds to pressure on BP
      Ratings agency Fitch has lowered its credit rating for BP from AA+ to AA and placed it on negative watch as the embattled oil giant struggles to end a worsening oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico. 評価機関フィッチはAAに単3 +からのBPの信用格付けを下げていると負の時計に四面楚歌の石油大手としてそれを配置、メキシコ湾の悪化油膜を終了する闘争

    • Oceans: Voyage into the deep | Editorial
      The sea provides 99% of the planet's living space yet we still know little about itThe unknown world begins at Southend-on-Sea – and Spurn Head, Holyhead, and Peterhead. It is a truism among oceanographers that scientists know more about the topography of Mars, or the dark side of the moon, than about the surface of most of the earth, but that doesn't make it any less true. Forget for the moment the polluting discharges from Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico and other gushers, spills and seepages, and think of the lesson from a new exhibition, The Deep, which has just opened at the Natural History Museum.The oceans cover 70% of the globe. But whereas life is smeared thinly across the continents – mostly in the space bounded by the forest canopy and a tree's roots – all of the ocean is habitable, and inhabited, from the shallows of the intertidal zones to the crushing depths of the abyssal plain. So the sea provides 99% of the planet's living space. The ocean is home to the longest mountain chain of all, the 65,000 kilometre (40,000 mile) mid-ocean ridge, and to the deepest chasms, such as the Kermadec trench, reaching more than 10,000 metres (35,000 feet) below the waves. It is the biochemical retort in which life first emerged more than 3.5 billion years ago, and for at least the first 3 billion years it was life's only home. It distributes the planet's heat, conditions its atmosphere and controls its plumbing: each year more than a metre of the ocean surface evaporates to form the clouds that deliver the rains that feed the world's rivers, lakes, aquifers and glaciers.The first great scientific probe of the oceans dates only from the late 19th century. HMS Challenger's discoveries were eye-opening, but one premise of the science that followed was wrong. Geo 海は地球の生活空間の99%を提供して、まだ我々はまだ少しの未知の世界で始まるitThe知っているサウスエンド-海 - とスパーンヘッド、ホーリーヘッドと、ピーターヘッドに

    • Black tide takes heavy toll among Louisiana pelicans
      The animal rescuer opened the pelican's beak and slipped his hand inside to remove stubborn blobs of oil coating the mandible, a seemingly small step in the desperate fight against a massive disaster.The rapidly spreading Gulf of Mexico oil slick has swallowed up as many birds in the past two days as in the six weeks that followed the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil platform. 動物救助者はペリカンのくちばしを開けて中のように多くの鳥を飲み込んだオイルコーティングの頑固な塊下、大規模なdisaster.The急速にメキシコ湾の油膜の拡散に対する絶望的な戦いで、一見小さな一歩を削除するには手を滑って6週間のように爆発に続き、ディープウォーターホライゾンオフショア石油プラットフォームのシンク過去2日間

    • BP's latest bid to contain spill
      BP's latest bid to contain the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill involves cutting and capping a ruptured well pipe about a mile beneath the ocean's surface and then siphoning the crude spilling into the sea up to a waiting ship. BP社の最新の入札カットが含ま悲惨なメキシコ湾の石油流出事故を含めると、海の表面の下に約1マイルもパイプ破裂キャッピングし、海まで待っている船にに原油こぼれるを吸い上げる

    • Cap device contains 6,000 barrels from Gulf oil spill
      BP's latest bid to contain the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill has registered a first small success, capturing 6,000 barrels of oil in 24 hours, the US official overseeing the spill response said.The figure is dwarfed by estimates that up to 19,000 barrels a day could be spewing from the leaking well, but Saturday was a rare note of success for the embattled British firm. BP社の最新の入札価格は、大規模なメキシコ湾の石油流出事故を含めるには、油の6000バレルを取り込む24時間以内に、米国の関係者が流出応。複式図を監督するの推計では負けている最初の小さな成功を登録していることが最大19,000バレル漏れ井戸から噴き出すかもしれないが、土曜日は四面楚歌のイギリスの会社の成功のまれな注意された

    • Some Oil Spill Events From Saturday, June 5, 2010
      Some oil spill events from Saturday, June 5, 2010 Oil spill - Environment - Energy - Petroleum in the Environment - Gulf of Mexico 6月5日(土曜日)からいくつかの油流出のイベントは、2010年の石油流出-環境-エネルギー-石。環境-メキシコ湾

    • Oil Spill Closes More Gulf Waters to Fishing
      Feds ban fishing in more Gulf of Mexico waters because of creeping oil slick Oil spill - Gulf of Mexico - Environment - Energy - Petroleum in the Environment 滑らかな油流出油メキシコ水クリーピングのためフェッズ。禁止釣りの他の宿泊-メキシコ湾-環境-エネルギー-石油環境で

    • Mother's day purchase 70% of Mexican white goods sales
      Some 70 percent of white goods sales come in the month of may, related to Mother's Day, which fell on Monday, Mexico's Federal Consumer Defense Agency (Profeco) said in a Monday report. Profeco's report, published on its web page, added that around half of Mexico's mothers are taken out for a meal on the day. Around half say they would prefer gifts of personal accessories including watches, shoes and perfume. Separately, the Bank of Mexico reported that money sent home by Mexicans is ... 白物家電の売上高の約70%は月曜日に落ちた、昼間来るの母の月の可能性がありますに関連する、メキシコの連邦消費者防衛庁は(Profeco)を追加しました月曜日とのレポート

    • Obama gets brickbats and plaudits over global health budget
      Hot on the heels of the Gates Foundation $10 billion donation to vaccines and Bill and Melinda's impassioned pleas to governments to increase their aid comes President Obama's budget announcement, which has attracted both praise and blame.Among those who say he is a good guy is the Global Health Council, lauding him for a 9% increase in the Fiscal Year 2011 budget request to Congress. This is their analysis of how the money is to be parcelled out.The Council is happy that there are increases for maternal and child health and malaria and family planning (Obama lifted the Global Gag or Mexico City rule imposed by Bush which prevented any US funds going to overseas organisations including UN agencies which were prepared even to discuss abortion with women). But other organisations are not happy and foremost among the critics is the formidable Jeff Sachs of Columbia University, who has labelled the budget request a Very Big Disappointment. Read his full comments on the Global Aids Alliance site here. Sachs plays the security card and reproaches the Obama administration:If we invest only four percent of the military spending in the development approach it's going to be a very unhappy world and a very dangerous world for us in terms of health, in terms of poverty, in terms of conflict. I expected better of the administration. This President campaigned with wonderful words pointing out that development was a path to national security but he's not following through in real programmatic terms. It seems a shame if scarcity of cash means Aids has to be played off against maternal health, when both urgently need more money. And US donations to the Global Fund for HIV/Aids, TB and Malaria, which has proven to be a very effective way of channelling donor cash into good disease-figh ホットゲイツ財団のかかとを政府にワクチンやビルアンドメリンダの熱烈な嘆願に100億ドルの寄付金の援助を増やすには、両方の称賛と人の彼はいいやつなんだと言うblame.Amongを集めているオバマ大統領の予算案発表は、付属されグローバル衛生審議会は、平成7年議会は2011年予算の概算要求では、9%増加したために。賞賛する

    • Ferret rustlers' furry felony foiled
      MEXICO CITY ? Police in Mexico City have rescued 150 ferrets from armed robbers after a high speed chase.Police say they found the furry contraband after the suspects crashed their car into a tree and then fled on foot.Fourteen... メキシコシティ?警察はメキシコシティの高速chase.Police後に強盗から150フェレットを救出した後に、被疑者のツリーにし、自分の車がクラッシュしてfoot.Fourteenに逃げ彼らは毛皮の密輸品を発見と言うけど...

    • Forbes rich list: ten years of top tens: as a spreadsheet
      The Forbes Rich List is out again and Bill Gates has been knocked off the top by Carlos Slim. See how the lists have changed since 2000• Get the dataIt's all change in the Forbes rich list of billionaires today. calculated his net worth at $53.5bn (£35.7bn). Bolstered by a surge in the share price of his America Movil empire, Mexican telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim's wealth edged ahead of the $53bn fortune amassed by the Microsoft boss Bill Gates.As Andrew Clark writes today: The old order is under threat at the world's billionaires club. Traditionally dominated by Americans and Europeans, the top ranks of the world's richest people have been infiltrated by scores of ultra-rich entrepreneurs from the developing world. Well, we've extracted all the top 10 billionaires since the year 2000. Besides the rankings, you get an interesting picture of declining worth in the recession. Warren Buffet, for example, has seen his net worth go down from $62bn in 2008 to apaltry $47bn in 2010.What can you do with the data?Download the data• DATA: download the full datasheetWorld government data• Search the world's government data with our gatewayCan you do something with this data?Flickr Please post your visualisations and mash-ups on our Flickr group or mail us at datastore@guardian.co.uk• Get the A-Z of data• More at the Datastore directory• Follow us on TwitterData summary Bill GatesRich listsTelecommunications industryTelecomsUnited StatesMexicoWarren BuffettMicrosoftSimon Rogersguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds Forbesのリッチリストを再度、ビルゲイツカルロススリムでトップをノックされています

    • Forbes rich list: the world's wealthiest people
      Forbes has announced its annual list of the world's richest people and Mexico's Carlos Slim has beaten Microsoft's Bill Gates to top spot Forbesの首位の座をマイクロソフト社のビルゲイツ氏は暴行している世界で最も裕福な人々やメキシコのカルロススリム、毎年恒例のリストを発表しました

    • Wahaha CEO tops Forbes' mainland rich list
      Chinese entrepreneur Zong Qinghou, CEO of eastern Hangzhou's Wahaha Group, is the wealthiest person in the Chinese mainland, according to a rich list released Wednesday by Forbes Magazine. The tycoon, with his $7 billion beverage empire, ranks 103rd in the 2010 world's richest list, while Mexico's Carlos Slim, the son of an immigrant shopkeeper and major stakeholder of the New York Times, claims the top throne with his $53.5 billion fortune. According to Forbes' counting, the richest perso ... 中国語の起業家宗Qinghou東部、杭州の。哈哈グループの最高経営責任者は、中国本土で最も裕福な者は、豊富なリスト水曜日フォーブス誌の発表によるとされます

    • Robot sub used to plug deep Gulf oil leak
      Crews were using a robot submarine to try to stop an oil leak nearly 2km below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, but officials said it would take at least another day before they knew whether the job was completed.It could take... クルーズは、オイル漏れをほぼメキシコ湾の水面下約2kmを停止しようとするロボット潜水艇を使用していたが、当局はそれが少なくとも別の1日、彼らはどうか仕事がcompleted.Itを取ることができた...知っていた前に服用すると述べた

    • Obama acts to cut car emissions | Suzanne Goldenberg
      The US will target greenhouse gases emitted by cars for the first time, thanks to new regulations on exhaust emissionsThe Obama administration, frustrated by Congress from acting on climate change, finalised its first national greenhouse gas limits on car exhaust emissions today. The new rules will lead to a nearly 40% increase in fuel efficiency for America's fleet of cars and light trucks by 2016, or 35.5 miles per US gallon on average.Although car exhaust has been regulated for years, today's announcement was the first time the federal government has imposed curbs specifically targeted at carbon emissions from cars. The Environmental Protection Agency, facing resistance in Congress, has said it will delay curbing similar emissions from power plants and industry at least until next year.Today's new tougher federal regulations were simultaneously adopted by Canada's government.With climate change and energy legislation stalled in Congress, today's action may remain the most significant taken by the Obama administration against global warming. Obama has had limited success in getting Republicans and moderate Democrats to support energy and climate change legislation. His latest attempt to win over Republicans, opening up swaths of the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic to offshore drilling, won only lukewarm support. Meanwhile, commentators accused Obama of drafting energy policy on purely political grounds.The new standards were pioneered by the state of California, which fought for years with the auto industry and the George Bush administration to raise fuel efficiency and limit car exhaust emissions.Carbon emissionsObama administrationClimate changeCanadaUS CongressAutomotive industryOilPollutionUS domestic policyUnited StatesSuzanne Goldenbergguardian.co.uk &co 米国は、排気、議会での気候変動に作用するから挫折、emissionsTheオバマ政権を新たな規制のおかげで、温室効果ガスを車で初めて放出される対象とする車が、今日排出ガスに最初の国家温室効果ガスの制限を最終決定

    • New Zealand joins Copenhagen climate change accord
      New Zealand confirmed Monday it was joining the Copenhagen Accord on climate change and was submitting its existing conditional 2020 target for reducing carbon emissions.The Copenhagen conference last December failed to achieve a binding global agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and instead asked countries to commit themselves to individual targets.Another conference will be held in Mexico at the end of this year. ニュージーランドは26日、気候変動とコペンハーゲン合意に参加された昨年12月にemissions.Theコペンハーゲン会議の二酸化炭素を減らすため、既存の条件付きの2020年目標を提出したことを確認し、代わりに、温室効果ガスの排出量の削減にグローバルバインディングの合意達成に失敗した自分をコミットする国の要請個々のtargets.Another会議にメキシコでは、今年の終わりに開催されます

    • GM recalls 1.3 million vehicles in Mexico, U.S. and Canada
      Because of deficiencies in power steering motors, General Motors (GM) announced that it will recall 1.3 million small cars in the United States, Canada and Mexico, according to Xinhua News Agency. The recall affects 2005 to 2010 Chevrolet Cobalts, 2007 to 2010 Pontiac G5s, 2005 and 2006 Pontiac Pursuits sold in Canada and 2005 and 2006 Pontiac G4s sold in Mexico. General Motors said that these vehicles are safe to drive, but they may be hard to steer when driving under the speed of 24 km/ ... パワーステアリングのモーター、ゼネラルモーターズ(GM)の欠陥のためには、アメリカ合衆国、カナダ、メキシコで130万人の小さな車のリコールが、新華社通信によると、発表した

    • Fish hide drugs crossing US border
      US border inspectors find pot in fish containerA border inspector in the United States suspected something fishy about the truckload of white sea bass headed into San Diego from Tijuana, Mexico. It was a good hunch.US... 米国との国境検査。魚について何か怪しげな疑いのあるアメリカ合衆国でcontainerA国境検査官ポットを見つけるの白いシーバスサンディエゴに、メキシコティファナから頭でトラック1台分

    • Mexican prison brawl leaves 23 dead
      MEXICO CITY - Twenty-three inmates were killed Wednesday morning in a brawl between rival drug gangs at a northern Mexico penitentiary, officials said.Prison spokeswoman Carla Puente said she did not know the reason for the fight... メキシコシティ- 20 - 3受刑者水曜日の午前ライバルの麻薬ギャングの間で乱闘でメキシコ北部の刑務所で死亡し、当局said.Prisonの広報担当者カーラプエンテ、彼女は戦いのための理由を知っていないと述べた...

    • Mexico authorizes import of Japanese cars without taxes
      The Mexican government authorized the entrance of 36,171 Japanese cars into the Mexican market free of duties from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011, the Mexican Economy Ministry said on Thursday. This measure was taken as part of the Agreement for the Strengthening of the Economic Association between Mexico and Japan, the ministry said. Under the agreement, Mexico will import, free of duty, Japanese cars that accounted for 5 percent of all the cars sold in Mexican territory. Statistics f ... メキシコ政府は、メキシコ市場に職務を無料に2010年4月1日2011年3月31日には、メキシコ経済省は7日明らかにしたから36171の日本車の入り口を承認した

    • Give Falklands back to Argentina, Latin America tells Queen
      PLAYA DE CARMEN, Mexico: Latin American and Caribbean nations have backed Argentina's claim of sovereignty over the Falkland Islands in a growing dispute with Britain over plans to drill for oil off the islands in the Atlantic. プラヤデカルメン、メキシコ:ラテンアメリカとカリブ海諸国の計画の石油は、大西洋の島々をドリルダウンする上で、英国と成。紛争のフォークランド諸島の領有権のアルゼンチンの主張を支持している

    • Latin Americans pay a high price for Britain's love of cheap cocaine
      While we regard the drug as socially acceptable, cocaine wreaks havoc in the countries that produce itBritons are snorting 30 tonnes of cocaine a year and consider the drug to be a socially acceptable part of a night out, a House of Commons report lamented last week. The Home Affairs Select Committee accused law enforcement agencies of intercepting too few shipments and of arresting too few people, allowing the price of the class A drug to fall to as little as £2 a line.But there is a part of the world which is not getting away with cocaine and is not inclined to consider it glamorous, socially acceptable or normal. It is called Latin America, where the coca leaf is grown, turned into paste and powder, and trafficked. And here is where narco-related violence and corruption is exacting a terrible price.Last week brought fresh horrors. In Mexico, authorities found the dismembered body of a journalist, Rodolfo Rincon Taracena, who disappeared in 2007. His articles on the drug trade had prompted his brutal murder. More than 16,000 people have died in Mexico since President Felipe Calderón declared war on drug cartels in December 2006.In Guatemala, the national police chief, Baltazar Gonzalez, and anti-drug czar, Nelly Bonilla, were detained in a case of stolen cocaine that led to the deaths of five police agents. In a tale too bloody for The Wire, it seems that the agents were killed while trying to steal a stash from members of the Zetas, a group of hit men linked to Mexico's powerful Gulf cartel.There was more grim news from the US International Narcotics Control strategy report, which said that traffickers were annually sending $8bn to $25bn from the United States, expanding production in Bolivia and finding new routes through Venezuela.Peru's Shining Path insurgency, 一方我々社会的に受け入れ、コカインwreaks混乱などの国では薬物については、生産itBritons年のコカイン30トンと自嘲され、薬物を考。夜、下院の社会的に容認一部を報告することは先週と嘆いた

    • NM Bill First Step Toward Carbon Storage
      Ownership issue sets stage for carbon capture and storage in New Mexico Carbon Capture & Storage - United States - Environment - New Mexico - Carbon Cycle 所有権の問題は、炭素回収と-アメリカ合衆国-環境-ニューメキシコ州-炭素循環ニューメキシコカーボンキャプチャ&記憶装置に格納するための段階を設定

    • Intel's US$7b bet on the future looks to be paying off
      At about this time last year, Intel's board decided to invest US$7 billion in new chip plants in Oregon, Arizona and New Mexico. この時間は昨年で、Intelの取締役会は米国オレゴン州、アリゾナ州とニューメキシコ州の新しいチップ工場で70億ドルを投資することを決めた

    • Mexico borrows money from France to help fight climate change
      Mexico's government signed an agreement to borrow 185 million euros (250 million U.S. dollars) from the French Agency for Development (AFD) on Tuesday, to be used to support anti-climate change efforts, Mexico's Finance Ministry said in a statement. The lending, the first by the AFD to Mexico, will go to Special Climate Change Program, a Mexican government program seeking ways to produce energy and goods without producing carbon monoxide, the gas that has made the greatest contribution to cli ... メキシコ政府は対策をサポートするための気候変動の取り組み、メキシコ大蔵。使用することで合意185000000ユーロ火曜日に開発(開発庁)のためのフランス。庁から(250万米ドル)、借りるに署名した声明で述べた

    • Texas remains top exporting U.S. state in 2009
      Texas remained the top exporting state in the United States for the eighth consecutive year in 2009, Governor Rick Perry said on Thursday. Texas' exports totaled more than 163 billion U.S. dollars for 2009, with the top export recipients being Mexico, Canada, China, Netherlands and South Korea, whose manufactured goods exported to those countries respectively reached 56 billion, 13.7 billion, 8.9 billion, 6 billion and 5.3 billion dollars, according to a news release from the governor's offic ... テキサス州はアメリカ合衆国のトップの輸出国は2009年には8年連続のまま、知事のリックペリーを明らかにした

    • Rio Group's Unity Summit to focus on Haiti, new structure
      The Group of Rio meeting that runs from Saturday to Tuesday in Playa del Carmen, a resort city on Mexico's Caribbean coast, looks set to focus on regional efforts to help the recovery in Caribbean nation Haiti, which was struck by an earthquake on Jan. 12 that measured 7.3 on the Richter scale and killed more than 200,000 residents. It may also see the creation of a new larger organization that adds Caribbean island nations to the existing Group of Rio 24- nation membership. This may follow t ... 当社グループは、リオ会議は、プラヤデルカルメン、メキシコのカリブ海沿岸のリゾート都市で、火曜日から土曜日から実行される地域的な取り組みカリブ海のハイチは、地震で1月12日に打たれたの回復を助けるために、フォーカスに設定するようには、リヒタースケールでマグニチュード7.3を測定し、20万人以上の住民が死亡した

    • All Whites name full-strength squad for Mexico friendly
      New Zealand named their strongest possible squad for their World Cup warm-up against Mexico in Los Angeles next month, with only two players missing... ニュージーランドのために、最強のチームの名前はW杯ウォームアップのメキシコ戦で、ロサンゼルスでは、来月2つだけの選手不足している...

    • Mexican president demands sounder economic basis at Davos forum
      Mexican President Felipe Calderon said Friday in Switzerland that the global financial crisis called for building a sounder, healthier basis for the development of the world economy, local media reported. While participating in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Swiss ski resort Davos, Calderon proposed reforms of the international financial institutions so as to better adjust to the reality of the global economy, Mexico's presidency office said. Calderon said such ref ... メキシコのカルデロン大統領24日、スイスでは世界的な金融危機の音響測。装置は、世界経済の発展のため健全な基盤を構築するためと呼ばれ、地元メディアが報道した

    • Mexican student buried alive by attackers
      MONTERREY, Mexico - A 19-year-old Mexican college student says he dug himself out of a shallow grave after six assailants beat him and buried him alive in north-eastern Mexico.Coahuila State Attorney's Office spokesman Everardo... モンテレー、メキシコ- 19歳のメキシコ人の大学生が6加害者は彼を倒すと、彼の北で生き- Mexico.Coahuila州検事総長事務局の広報担当東部Everardo埋。彼は浅い墓の自分自身を掘っている...

    • Mexico hosts G20 summit preliminary meeting
      Mexico has hosted a preliminary meeting for the Group of 20 (G20) summit attended by senior officials of G20 foreign ministries who help prepare the summit, the Mexican Foreign Ministry said Friday. In a statement, the Mexican ministry said the officials met here on Wednesday and Thursday, discussing matters related to the rotating presidency of the G20, the frequency and duration of theG20 summits and the support structures offered to members between summits. The meeting was co- ... (G20の)首脳会議は首脳会談の準備に役立つG20の外国の省庁の高官が出席するグループ20のための予備的な会議を主催メキシコは、メキシコの外務省と発表した

    • Mexicans return home from earthquake-hit Haiti
      The first Mexicans who have been rescued from earthquake-hit Haiti, where at least 50,000 people have died, arrived in Mexico on Friday aboard a Mexican military aircraft, broadcasters here reported. The 10 Mexicans, which included a 6-month-old baby, arrived in Mexico City at 1:15 p.m. local time aboard aircraft number AMT230 and were formally welcomed by Daniel Hernandez Joseph, a Foreign Ministry official who coordinated their return from Haiti. The ministry has reported that ... 最初のメキシコ人されている地震から救出、ここでは、少なくとも5万人が死亡し、メキシコで14日、メキシコ軍の機内に到着、ハイチ、ヒット、放送局はここに報告した

    • Mexico to send more humanitarian aid to Haiti
      Mexican President Felipe Calderon said the nation will send 15 to 20 tons of aid a day to Haiti, following Tuesday's earthquake which registered 7 on the Richter scale and killed thousands. He told broadcasters that the government would send hundreds of doctors, rescue workers, engineers and civil protection staff, while the Mexican Red Cross would send food and supplies aboard the same aircraft. The Red Cross has contributed 45,000 tons of aid following a call to help Haiti, whe ... メキシコのカルデロン大統領国民は、リヒタースケールでマグニチュードが死亡、数千7登録日の地震の援助の15から20トンハイチに1日に送信すると発表した

    • ECLAC calls on int'l community to aid quake-hit Haiti
      The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on Wednesday called on the international community to send urgent humanitarian aid to Haiti, which was hit by a magnitude 7 earthquake. In a statement issued on Wednesday in Mexico, ECLAC also expressed its solidarity with the Haitian people, adding that the earthquake left thousands of deaths and hundreds of missing people, including staff of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (Minustah). ECLAC Ex ... 経済委員会ラテンアメリカカリブ地域(ECLACの)の29日、国際社会はハイチには、マグニチュード7の地震に見舞われたために緊急人道援助を送信するよう求めた

    • Mexican toy industry estimates 10-percent decline in sales in 2010
      Mexico's toy industry will sell10 percent fewer toys this year compared with last year, according to a Tuesday statement released by the Mexican Toy Association. Miguel Angel Martin, the association's president, said the industry would earn no more than 1.78 billion Pesos (138.8 million U.S. dollars) this year, based on purchasing orders received by warehouses across Mexico. Jan. 6 is the day when Latin Americans usually give children toys, saying that they are from three kings. ... メキシコの玩具業界sell10%少なくなるおもちゃ、今年は昨年と、26日のステートメントは、メキシコの玩具協会ミゲルアンヘルマルティン、同協会の会長の発表によると比べて、業界の米国(138800000ない以上1780000000ペソを稼ぐと述べた購買オーダーメキシコ間の倉庫で受信に基づいてドル)、今年1月6時ラテン語通常、アメリカ人の子供のおもちゃを与える日は3人の王からと述べている


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