- 餃子2人前
- 2009らすと収穫物
?『rainbow/福原美穂』 ?『box emotions/superfly』 ?『月が昇れば/斉藤和義』 ?『magic/b'z』 ?『first/トータス松本』 ?『hocus pocus/木村カエラ 福原美穂さんとsuperflyのどちらにするか、 って感じでしたが、最後の最後に ぶっちぎり作品が まだ全然有名じゃない頃から「superfly すごい、superfly 好き!」と騒いでいた
if you could always feel like the time when you love someone hurtful words would probably have not existed in this world fulfilled and shriveled, the heart always neglects someone, and then want them again, always making it the fault of time the heart blurs the faces of the people who it hurt, and again starts looking for love sympathy is shown only because they want to be loved they called this being human, without a hint of chagrin the voice saying i love you sounded as if it was about to cry i realized somewhere that the heart will someday tell a lie to you, who is almost too generous to others, who needs to like theirself more do you still have a heart left to use for yourself? i am no good, my heart, is my own to use how can you feel adoration to me when i am like this? (stand it, stand it, spill it) your eyelids shed a tear when i lie for myself a lot (it was known even before being born) god knew all along, that things will turn out this way so, he made your eyes wide. yet even then, even then, your words tell a person like me they tell me that they adore me more than anyone, more than anything without you even realizing to call it kindness i wonder how much of yourself you loved with your heart when it always belonged to someone else i wonder how much of someone else you have loved while you were always being very kind with me words always wanted to reflect them why did god create words at such a close proximity? heart was always hidden and silent under words why did god create hearts so deep inside? if words and the heart were in sync, if they became one many of your sorrowful lies must have turned a more tender color (i was here to tell you why) it is true for everyone; there is always a someone just for them (you were here to tell me why) so why is it that the someone does not exist for me? you appear to, yes, you do appear to like yourself because there is someone who you like more than yourself now, i can say that i like myself because i like you more than me the tears that are made when someone cries for another, that is the evidence of the existence of love the person who taught me that is you, you who made my heart act for them, for myself i can say it now because that is what living is, that is what being human is i will no longer call it kindness your heart, which always belonged to someone else, probably loved you will i be able to love in the future, will i be able to act like you how much of someone will i be able to love? cried, you cried, as your heart screamed for you to cry as if to pray to not grow to hate me you loved, you loved many until your heart almost shriveled up shriveled up for you, for your part the voice saying i love you sounded as if it was about to cry you always knew that the heart will someday save