- Guangdong's position as China's preferred at stake
Guangdong Province released recently its GDP report during the first three quarters of the year, and data showed that China's wealthiest province reached a GDP of 3.15 trillion yuan ($472.82 billion), up 11.6 percent year-on-year. However, its sovereignty as largest regional economy is threatened.
In 2009, the GDPs of Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong hit 3.9 trillion yuan ($585.35 billion), 3.4 trillion yuan ($510.3 billion) and 3.38 trillion yuan ($507.3 billion) respectively. And thi ... 広東省は、今年の第3四半期中に、最近のGDPレポートを発表しており、データは、中国で最も豊かな地域が11.6%、前年比、3.15兆元(472820000000ドル)のGDPを達成できることがわかった
- Christmas bitter for Chinese toy manufacturers as yuan appreciates, squeezes profits (2)
Most Christmas orders are placed around March each year, shortly after the Lunar New Year, and the goods are usually ready for delivery before Oct. 15, said Guo Shaoxi, president of the Guangdong Yiyu Craftwork in Shantou City's Chenghai District, which is home to more than 3,000 toymakers which produce 70 percent of China's Christmas-product exports.
The toymakers usually receive payment three or more months after the order has been shipped, which makes them very vulnerable to curren ... ほとんどのクリスマスのご注文は、旧正月の直後には、各年3月の周囲に配置される商品は10月15日までに通常配達の準備ができている、家にいる郭Shaoxiは、汕頭市の澄海区で、広東省Yiyu工芸の社長非常に脆弱に現在実現さらにそれらは、中国の%を3,000人以上のtoymakers生成する70年代のクリスマス製品です、三ヶ月以上の出荷後にされているため、輸出支払いを
- Cross-Strait economic forum kicks off in south China
&$The sixth Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Culture Forum kicks off in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong Province, July 10, 2010. (Xinhua/Lu Hanxin)&$&$The Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Culture Forum, a regular forum between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Taiwan's Kuomintang (KMT) Party, opened Saturday in the southern city of Guangzhou.
The forum, the sixth of its ... &$&$ 6クロス海峡経済、貿易と文化フォーラムは、2010年、開幕広州、中国南部の広東省は7月10
- Plentiness of idle land seats local departments on pins and needles
The blacklist of cities possessing large parcels of idle land released by the media Tuesday caught great attention from many local land management departments.
And some departments even said that the previous number (1,470 parcels) is far under the actual status.
Local departments in Hunan, Guangdong, Beijing and Hainan, top cities in the list, have taken actions on the issue after the publication of the list.
While it is eyes-attracting that Shanghai is not in the list, ... も述べた部門がいくつか
- New car plant to be located in Foshan
FAW Volkswagen has agreed to locate its 8 billion yuan (US$1.17 billion) new plant in Foshan in Guangdong Province as part of the German auto maker's drive to widen its weak footprint in south China. (Photo: China Daily)
FAW Volkswagen has agreed to locate its 8 billion yuan (US$1.17 billion) new plant in Foshan in Guangdong Province as part of the German auto maker's drive t ... &$&$汽フォルクスワーゲンは、中国南部の足跡を山に広東省の一部として、ドイツの自動車の弱い広げるためにドライブメーカーの工場、新しいことに合意したに見つけ、その8)億ドル1.17ドル(10億元
- Real estate investment grows in south China
Real estate investment surged 30.5 percent year on year to 85.9 billion yuan in south China's Guangdong Province in the first four months, said the provincial statistic bureau.
Real estate developers spent 10.65 billion yuan on land purchasing from January to April, up 59.6 percent from the same period last year, according to the bureau.
&$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 不動産投資は、急騰した30.5%の1年広東省南部、中国の1年に85900000000元の4つの州で最初の数ヶ月局によると、地方の統計開発者の不動産59.6パーセントから10。過ごした10.65の元購。土地から1月〜4月まで、によると、に事務局昨年同時期
- 5 provinces, 8 cities selected for gas-emission cut off
As the country readies for start-off trials on low-carbon projects, eight cities and five provinces have been chosen to lead the pilot project, according to a notice on the website of China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Tuesday.
The five provinces: Guangdong, Liaoning, Hubei, Shaanxi and Yunnan, and the cities : Tianjin, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Nanchang, Guiyang and Baoding, will have their carbon emissions reduced considerably in the largest-ever ... 火曜日low -炭素onとしてcountryの現金試験for start -オフプロジェクト、8 cities and 5)国家発展改革委員(に選ば州はhaveれlead委員会改革DevelopmentとNational China 。。u0026#39;sのパイロットプロジェクトを、応じてする通知にwebsite
- Realtor to stockpile cash
South China's Guangdong Province-based Evergrande Real Estate Group has launched a nationwide discount policy, becoming the first major developer in the country to cut home prices after the government recently released a series of tightening measures aimed at reining in the runaway property market.
A 15 percent discount was being offered on its property projects across t ... &$&$サウス中国広東省ベースEvergrande不動産グループのプロパティ暴走で抑えるのでている目的シリーズの引き締め措置を最近リリースされた政府の価格を後に全国発売割引ホームに切断国政策を開発者の主要な、最初になって市場は15%の割引がトン全体のプロジェクトのプロパティ提供し、そのされていた...
- 国慶節
( xiang tuo→ yun yi→ xia xing li )