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    政治 国際 関連語 共産党 自由主義 共和党
    • ラッシュ・リンボーが語るギングリッチ台頭の理由―articulate conservatism
      rush limbaugh show newt is a vessel: he won south carolina because he articulated conservatism january 23, 2012 …… let me tell you why newt gingrich won south carolina. let me tell you why he's coming on. it is 'cause he is able to articulate conservatism , nothing more. …… to those of you in the republican base, this isn't complicated. newt is winning. he is on a momentum roll here because he can articulate conservatism, that and he's willing to take it to obama. i have said for the longest time that whoever does that, whoever articulates conservatism with passion, with love , cause that's love of country, with good cheer . conservatism is inclusive. somebody who can articulate it happily, proudly, with good cheer cannot be beat. …… now, this presents a huge stumbling block potential for newt. he is vulnerable on the very thing he can do better than anybody else. he had better fully embrace his conservatism and not make it a part-time thing. …… now, newt keeps pushing off any questions on his anti-conservative statements. and he better not. i think newt is just as vulnerable on his anti-conservatism as romney is on romneycare. what do you mean by that, rush ? very simple. newt has made it plain two or three times that he's very open to the concept of manmade global warming . he can blow this by sitting on the couch with pelosi again or something that is equivalent. newt has in the past had some unflattering things to say about capitalism . his time at fannie mae and freddie mac is a vulnerability. saying that fdr is the best president , his favorite president, that doesn't jibe with being a conservative. his open support for single payer health insurance with a mandate. i'm just telling you, newt's not out of the woods here. and newt and his crew had better understand that he's where he is not just because of a media smackdown, not just because of debates. he's articulating conservatism when he does this stuff, and if he stops doing that or if he waters it down or if he gets caught in an example where people can be convinced he doesn't really believe this stuff ... newt wrote a book about climate change. he was gonna have a chapter in his new book about manmade global warming until we found out about it and he pulled the chapter. ……

    • Star Spangled Banner
      star-spangled banner〜francis scott key 1984

    • スティーヴン・キンザー『政権転覆:ハワイからイラクまで「体制転換」のアメリカ百年史』
      stephen kinzer, overthrow: america’s century of regime change from hawaii to iraq , henry holt and company, 2007

    • ブルカをめぐる熱い論争(1)
      no cover up [economist]


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