- The brutal crackdowns only make Iran's women stronger | Shirin Ebadi
The protest movement is now a year old – but the feminists at its helm can look back on decades of courageous activismThis weekend one year will have gone by since the Iranian people took to the streets in droves to protest at the fraudulent elections that returned Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the presidency. These peaceful demonstrations were met with extreme violence carried out by the Iranian regime. Since that day, the people have not backed down and continue to fight peacefully for basic human rights. Meanwhile, the government continues its crackdown on any opposition or dissent with ever increasing brutality.Just a few weeks ago, on 9 May, the lengths to which the regime will go to crush its opponents came to light. Five political prisoners were executed in secret. Not even their families or their lawyers were notified.Shirin Alam Holi, a 28-year-old Kurdish woman, was executed along with four men. In letters from Evin prison, Shirin wrote of being tortured to confess to charges of terrorism. She refused to confess, sealing her fate. At least 25 other men and women await the same fate on death row.However, as we see time and time again, the harsher the repression, the stronger the movement grows. And as the story of Shirin Alam Holi demonstrates, women are at the forefront of the struggle for human rights in Iran.But it is interesting to observe that this powerful feminist movement was not born out of the elections. It has been gaining strength and momentum since the Islamic revolution of 1979 – when the regime began imposing laws that were discriminatory against women – and even predates the revolution. Women in Iran have enjoyed the right to vote for nearly 50 years, since 1963. Today, under an even more repressive regime, they are flooding the ranks of doctors, profe 抗議運動は現在1歳です - が、その実権を握ってフェミニストに戻る勇気activismThis週末の数十年にイラン人が大挙して街にアフマディネジャドが返さ不正選挙で抗議していたので、一年で行っているが見ることができます大統領に
- Jeffrey John and the global Anglican schism: a potted history
The battle in Southwark is only the latest battle in the disintegration of the Anglican communionThe struggle in Southwark over Jeffrey John is part of a global Anglican schism, which started in the US about 30 years ago and has since then destroyed the coherence of the Anglican communion and turned it into a loose grouping of national churches united only by their conviction that the others are heretics.The first issue was women priests. Although a couple of Chinese women had been ordained as an emergency measure in Hong Kong during the war, they renounced their orders after the 1948 Lambeth conference, the 10-yearly gathering of Anglican bishops from around the world, which as far as possible decides what the communion stands for.The American women who put themselves forward for ordination after the first wave of feminism in the 70s were less disposed to submit to authority. The 1978 Lambeth conference asked in vain for there to be no further women ordained; by 1988 the conference was trying to stop the Americans electing a woman bishop. In 1989 the diocese of Massachusetts chose Barbara Harris anyway.But members of the Episcopal church of the US did not all share the liberal values of New England. In the south there was a noisy and well-funded conservative backlash. In 1998, the central arguments at the Lambeth conference were about gay people, and the conservative Americans, who saw this as the issue on which to avenge their defeat over women, recruited hundreds of African bishops to their cause in advance. One of these tried to exorcise a gay Christian in front of the TV cameras.With the enthusiastic encouragement of the then Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, the conservatives pushed through the conference a resolution on sexuality which liberals could not ac サザークの戦いは、ジェフリージョン以上のサザークの聖公会communionThe闘争の崩壊で唯一の最新の戦闘は、米国では約30年前に開始し、以来、聖公会の一貫性を破壊してしまった世界聖公会の分裂の一部であり、とは、国家の教会の緩いグループ信念だけで、他はheretics.The最初の問題となって団結することにしたが、女性の聖職者だった
- Do we need an International Women's Day?
For some, tomorrow's event is a necessity; for others, it is an anachronismAnastasia de WaalYou might say absolutely not – surely celebrations like these don't promote equality between the sexes but hammer home divides? Yet however much closer we creep to a scenario where life relates to who you are rather than your gender, International Women's Day will always matter.Feminism might no longer be fashionable, but we all need to look back and recognise the huge advances that women have made – as well as the many miles there are still left to go.And if we want female equality really to be appreciated, turning IWD into a public holiday as the Chinese have would probably do the trick.Anastasia de Waal is head of family and education at the think-tank CivitasBarbara GunnellMost special days have been invented by greeting card manufacturers but somehow this one passed Hallmark by. Yet a day to think about what women have gained (or lost) is a good idea. So, I reflect. It is far better being a woman in 2010 than it would have been in 1909 when American socialists celebrated the first such day. By the time the United Nations adopted the idea in 1975, western women were able to terrify men with dungarees and orgasm on demand. But the pay gap in the United Kingdom remains huge (women earn about 77% of male earnings), and women's pensions are more than a third less than men's. But, perhaps the worst imbalance of all, women still only hold 20% of the seats in parliament.Barbara Gunnell is a writer and editorSunder KatwalaYes. Feminism made some important progress possible in the past 40 years, but its mission is far from finished. Take political power. In Britain, we have elected 4,559 men and 291 women to parliament since 1918. We still elect more men at every general election than ある人にとっては、明日のイベントが必要です
- Feminism doesn't have all the answers
Natasha Walter's new book on the return of sexism raises important issues - but it can't possibly nail down human natureThe feminist writer Natasha Walter has written a well-publicised new book, Living Dolls, in which she laments the liberated female's embrace of pole-dancing, Nuts magazine, Katie Price and related mainstream sleaze. I haven't read it yet, so I don't know her conclusions. But I do know one thing: feminists are disappointed in the behaviour of emancipated women, because they just didn't understand very much about how women who were not committed to feminism might behave, given emancipation.In an interview, Walter said she was inspired to write her book by a young woman who confessed she found it hard to find the courage to criticise the routine submission to male fantasy that her peers engaged in. Fair enough. Many women do feel that way.But many other women are happy to achieve validation via their ability to arouse the sexual interest of men. This sort of behaviour is not just the fantasy of (some) males, but of (some) females too. Some people, whatever their gender, simply have very crude, even deluded, ideas about what constitutes a fun time. That's just one of many human facts that feminism, for all its manifest virtues, overlooked.FeminismWomenDeborah Orrguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
- From the archive: Mrs Gandhi India's Premier
Originally published on 20 January 1966NEW DELHI, JANUARY 19Mrs Indira Gandhi, aged 48, the daughter of the late Mr Nehru, became India's new Prime Minister today in succession to Mr Shastri.She was elected leader of the ruling Congress Party by a massive majority, defeating the ascetic and conservative Morarji Desai, a former Finance Minister, who was at one time thought of as Mr Nehru's logical successor.This was Mr Desai's second defeat in the battle for succession. Twenty months ago he was vanquished by Mr Shastri.As Prime Minister of 480 million Indians, Mrs Gandhi becomes the world's most powerful woman, although she must concede to Ceylon's Mrs Bandaranaike the distinction of being the first woman Prime Minister in history.Mrs Gandhi pledged herself to serve the Congress Party and the country, and declared her adherence to the path shown by Gandhi, Nehru, and Shastri. A detailed policy statement will be issued by her only next week, after her cabinet is sworn in at the end of the mourning for Mr Shastri.But she said today that she would try to consolidate the peace with Pakistan for the sake of which Mr Shastri laid down his life, and she added that India's defences would be strengthened simultaneously. Mrs Gandhi is more radical than her father, and certainly more radical that Mr Shastri. It is doubtful if there will be any sharp switch in India's foreign and economic policies, although some shift of emphasis should not be ruled out.A woman's castleFor Indira Gandhi to be elected Prime Minister of India is as easy as it would be difficult for Barbara Castle to be elected Prime Minister of Britain. In India nothing stands in the way of women going to the very top. Indeed there can be no antifeminism when some of the most powerful gods are goddesses, wo 当初1月20日1966NEWニューデリー1月19Mrsインディラガンジー、48歳で公開され、故氏はネルーの娘、インドの新首相は今日の連続で氏Shastri.Sheになった与党の指導者が圧倒的多数で、議会民主党選出されたとして氏はネルーの論理successor.This承継のための戦いで氏はサイの2番目の敗北だった禁欲的で保守的Morarji Desai氏は、元財務大臣は、一人の時間だった破ると思った