- Asian Stock Markets Recover Some from Heavy Early Losses
Analysts are saying the Asian sell-off defies market fundamentals but their assessment has done little to stem panic selling アナリストは、アジアの売。逆らう市場のファンダメンタルズを言っているが、その評価は狼狽売りを食い止めるためにほとんどしていない
- Uncertain world economy, inflation challenge China's growth in 2011
China has to address three risks in 2011 to sustain its economic growth, said Ma Jiantang, Commissioner of National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday, referring to the possibility of further upward prices, the difficulty in economic restructuring and the yet-to-be-balanced world economy.
It will be a tall order to maintain economic growth in that context. Fortunately, the fundamentals of the economy are healthy. Ma said that the long-term prospects for China's economic growth remain rosy and ... 中国は経済成長を維持するために2011年には3つのリスクに対処するためにあり、国家統計局の馬Jiantangは、長官はさらに上方価格の可能性、経済構造改革、まだツーことバランスの難しさに言及し、明らかにした世界経済
- All roads lead to China
China will continue to be an attractive destination for foreign investors and gain significantly from the overall improvement in the investment climate, a report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said on Monday.
Analysts said the UN report clearly indicates that the nation's economic fundamentals and investment policies are on the right track. Complaints by multinational companies of the investment environment becoming hostile no longer hold water, th ... 中国は)国連貿易開発会議(開発会議で貿易連合発表された米国およびレポート気候、投資が継続することは魅力的な全体のdestinationの外国人投資家と利得が大幅改善に明らかにした
- Libya ceasefire analysis: 'Gaddafi has thrown the UN resolution on its back' - video
David Hearst assesses Libya's announcement of a ceasefire in response to the UN security council's vote to authorise military actionDavid HearstLaurence TophamJon Dennis
デビッドハーストは、軍事actionDavid HearstLaurence TophamJonデニスを承認する国連安全保障理事会の投票に応答して停戦のリビアの発表を評価する
- Beach complex opens
For buyers with a medium- to long-term outlook, Abu Dhabi represents one of the best opportunities for investment in the world, says Asteco. Both Asteco and Jones Lang LaSalle base their optimism on its strong fundamentals of a growing population, an undersupply of quality housing and a government committed to infrastructure investment, economic diversification and job creation.
- Thailand the next red-hot market as investors return after turmoil
For those looking for a new red-hot market in the region, Thailand might be the answer. There are signs that foreign investors who fled the country as political unrest wreaked havoc have begun to pile back in. This, say many analysts, coupled with Thailand's strong fundamentals and its 18 per cent rally in past months, easily make it Asia's next bull.
- The New Realities Of The New Bear Market
I have been negative on U.S. stocks since February of this year as the Dow tested 12,391. I reiterated this call at the May 2 high at 12,876. These calls were largely based on the fundamentals-derived ValuEngine.com market and sector overvaluation metrics. These figures spiked in both February and May. ダウは12391をテストしたように私は今年の2月以来、米国株式でマイナス。。u200b。。u200bとなっている
- Earnings Season Money Makers & Heart Breakers
Last week’s market decline still has the earnings bar raised high in my judgment. When we look at the fundamentals, the best we can say is that stocks are fairly valued with elevated P/E ratios. Technically speaking, the Monthly chart for the Dow Industrial Average is overbought. The weekly chart is positive. The daily chart is negative. 先週の市場の下落は依然として収益のバーは私の判断で高い調達している
- 4 Tips That Put Volatility to Work
Market swings can be played from both the bullish and bearish sides, Stacy Acevedo of Incometrader.com tells MoneyShow.com. She also discusses how she uses trading channels to gauge opportunity, and the use of dividends, fundamentals, and the company’s story when making longer-term investment decisions. 市場振幅は、両方の強気と弱気の側面から再生できる、Incometrader.comのステイシーアセベドはMoneyShow.comを伝えます
- Liquidity - The Muni Risk That Meredith Didn't Mention
Meredith Whitney received a lot of attention for her Armageddonesque call on the state of the municipal bond market. I thought that her prediction of “hundreds of billions of municipal bond defaults” was completely unsupported by market fundamentals. While municipals have undergone significant changes, with some added risks, since the financial meltdown of 2008, massive defaults on quality bonds are not going to happen. The past several months have not enhanced Whitney’s credibility, as the Merrill Lynch Municipal Master Index is up 4.20% since her December 19th “60 Minutes” appearance. I continue to assert that high quality municipal bonds should be considered conservative income-generating portfolio anchors for high net worth individuals. メレディスウィットニーは、地方債市場の状態の彼女のArmageddonesqueコールのための多くの注目を受けた
- Will Politics Push Stock Prices Higher?
Stock market bulls look to fundamentals, valuation and technicals to explain their various reasons for continued optimism. Here is another cause for cheer, they argue: history. 株式市場の牛は、ファンダメンタルズ、評価および継続的な楽観主義のために様々な理由を説明するために、テクニカルにしています
- PM confident but watchful on economy
The 12-percent growth in gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2010 indicates that the country's economic fundamentals are strong, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Monday. 2010年の第1四半期の国内総生産の12%の成長率はその国の経済のファンダメンタルズは強いことを示し、内閣総理大臣Abhisit Vejjajivaのは、明らかにした
- Ag Bank's A-share IPO price range below expectations
The Agricultural Bank of China yesterday evening announced that its A-share pricing range for its initial public offering is set at 2.52 to 2.68 yuan, much lower than the market expectation of 2.7 yuan.
The prices correspond to 13.3 to 14.1 times the amount of earnings for 2009, or 13.6 to 14.4 times the earnings if all over-allotment options are exercised.
The pricing range was set based on preliminary inquiries, the consideration on the issuer's fundamentals, the market valuation levels ... 農業銀行は中国の昨日の夜は、元と発表した価格の範囲は、その最初の公開共有がそのA - 2.7です提供2.52設定では2.68期。市場より低いよりもはるかに元
- Where To Park A Million Dollars (Or $1,000)
The slow moving European train wreck, coupled with poor fundamentals in the U.S., has Morgan Stanley cutting global GDP growth to 3.9% from 4.2%. What's interesting about those numbers is the fact that nearly all of that growth is coming from Asia. 米国の貧困層のファンダメンタルズと相まって、低速移動ヨーロッパの列車事故は、、モルガンスタンレーは4.2%から3.9%に世界のGDPの成長を切断しました
- Cheap emerging market stocks poised for rebound
The tide could be turning for emerging market stocks. Despite their relatively sound fundamentals, they have underperformed this year because of risk aversion, but that may be about to change as investors wake up to their low valuations.
- Under Armour Shows Its Mettle With A Strong Second Quarter
Under Armour (UA - Snapshot Report) has seen big gains over the last two weeks after rebounding sharply from a key, long-term trend line. That movement has been driven by strong fundamentals, with an average earnings surprise of 22% over the last four quarters and bullish growth projection supporting momentum for this Zacks #1 Rank stock. アーマーの下に(UA - スナップショットの報告書)キー、長期的なトレンドラインから大幅に反発した後、最後の二週間にわたって大きな利益を見ている
- Central banker: Keeping down inflation important
Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of China's central bank, said Sunday that if China successfully keeps down inflation, the country's currency, the yuan, will remain strong against the U.S. dollar and other major currencies.
Zhou told a seminar on the sidelines of the IMF gathering in Washington DC that China's policymakers are focusing on key economic fundamentals, including the GDP growth, inflation figures, domestic consumption and employment to determine the health of China's economy.
The cent ... 周小川総裁は、銀行、中央知事の中国の、通貨その他の主要な中国によると日曜日ならば正常に保つダウンインフレ率は、国の通貨、ドル、米国の元、意志のままに強い反対周さんは、IMFの収。傍観者に言わセミナーをワシントンDC、経済、中国のの中国の決定健康、雇用政策は、中心の主要な経済ファンダメンタルズを含む国内総生産と消費、国内の数字の成長、インフレ
- China Confident In Strong US, Leaders Tell Biden
Standard & Poor's and the Tea Party might have lost faith in the U.S. economy, but China hasn't. During the opening remarks at a roundtable discussion with vice president Joe Biden and Chinese political leaders on Friday, China's vice-president Xi Jinping said his country thinks the U.S. will still come out on top, despite ongoing fiscal problems and weak economic fundamentals. スタンダード&プアーズとティーパーティーは、米国経済への信仰を失っているかもしれませんが、中国は持っています
- China emerges bright spot in imbalanced global recovery: GS
By Xinhua writers Wang Zongkai, Xie Peng
China has emerged as a bright spot with robust growth and an optimistic economic outlook amid the imbalances in global economic recovery, investment bank Goldman Sachs (GS) said Monday.
China's economy will register 10 percent growth next year and its macroeconomic fundamentals will also feature stable and continuous growth, although there would be higher inflationary pressures, the bank said in a report.
Goldman Sachs predicts that the world eco ... Zongkaiで新作家王、。。中国は回復経済的な世界的不均衡の中が現れたとして楽観的な経済見通しと堅調な成長と明るいスポット、投資銀行ゴールドマンサックス(GS)は昨年と述べた月曜日、中国の次の成長をレジスタ10%の経済がする安定的かつ継続的な成長を圧力、インフレがあるだろうが高いが、機能のファンダメンタルズもされ、そのマクロは、銀行は当該報告インチゴールドマンサックスは、環境に予測している世界...
- HK housing price likely to keep upward: IMF
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in a report published Friday that Hong Kong's property prices are likely to be pushed even higher given Hong Kong's buoyant economic outlook and its position as a leading recipient of global capital inflows.
The working paper, authored by Ashvin Ahuja and Nathan Porter, holds that despite sharp increases in Hong Kong's housing prices in the past months, the current price level does not appear to be significantly out of line with the fundamentals.
... 国際通貨基金(IMF)が流入、資本のグローバルな受信者をリードするというのレポート公開としての地位を、そのと展望金曜日、経済、香港の不動産価格は、可能性が高いの浮力香港より指定された香港でもすることプッシュ、共著でAshvin。紙作業Ahujaさんは、ネイサンポーター、ファンダメンタルズ価格の住宅の増加で、香港の急激な保持しているにもかかわらず、過去数ヶ月、現在の行のうち大幅に表示されるようにすることはありません物価水準が...
- Timothy Geithner's letter to G20 finance leaders
Following is the text of the main points of a letter sent to G20 finance leaders meeting in South Korea, a copy of which was seen by Reuters:First, G20 countries should commit to undertake policies consistent with reducing external imbalances below a specified share of GDP over the next few years, recognizing that some exceptions may be required for countries that are structurally large exporters of raw materials. This means that G20 countries running persistent deficits should boost national savings by adopting credible medium-term fiscal targets consistent with sustainable debt levels and by strengthening export performance. Conversely, G20 countries with persistent surpluses should undertake structural, fiscal and exchange rate policies to boost domestic sources of growth and support global demand. Since our current account balances depend on our own policy choices as well as on the policies pursued by other G20 countries, these commitments require a cooperative effort.Second, to facilitate the orderly rebalancing of global demand, G20 countries should commit to refrain from exchange rate policies designed to achieve competitive advantage by either weakening their currency or preventing the appreciation of an undervalued currency. G20 emerging market countries with significantly undervalued currencies and adequate precautionary reserves need to allow their exchange rates to adjust fully over time to levels consistent with economic fundamentals. G20 advanced countries will work to ensure against excessive volatility and disorderly movement in exchange rates. Together these actions should reduce the risk of excessive volatility in capital flows for emerging economies that have flexible exchange rates.Third, the G20 should call on the IMF to assume a special role in mon G20諸国はGDPの指定した共有以下の対外不均衡を削減ポリシーに一貫性の実施にコミットする必要がありますまず、:手紙の主なポイントのテキストは次のとおりですコピーはロイターが見られた韓国で金融首脳会議をG20への送信今後数年間で、認識するいくつかの例外は、構造的に原料の大規模な輸出している国が必要な場合がありますことを確認します
- BoT: New baht controls 'unneeded'
The baht's current appreciation is in line with the country’s strong economic fundamentals and additional measures to curb its strength are not necessary, Bank of Thailand (BoT) governor Tarisa Wattanagase said on Wednesday. バーツcurrent感謝は、国の強い経済ファンダメンタルズおよびその他の措置をその強さを抑制するために沿ったものだが必要ではなく、銀行はタイ(ボット)知事Tarisa Wattanagaseの明らかにした
- Portugal bailout: Spain could be the next to fall | Larry Elliott | Analysis
There is a clear pattern of events in the eurozone, and not much to choose between Portugal and SpainWe have heard it all before. Spain is different from Portugal. A line has been drawn in the sand. There are no fundamental problems with the eurozone that would require any country to default, let alone leave the single currency altogether.This was a plausible thesis last spring, when Greece was the country in the line of fire. Policymakers in Athens had clearly told some enormous porkies about Greece's public finances and suffered the consequences when the truth came out.The thesis looked a bit less tenable when Ireland went the same way as Greece last Autumn, but the argument was that the former Celtic Tiger had been through a quite extraordinary housing boom-bust and was thus a special case.Now the message is that the bailout for Portugal represents a line in the sand.There are two big problems with this line of argument. The first is that it is at odds with the clear pattern of events in the eurozone over the past year, which goes like this: in phase one, a country is earmarked as having a problem by the financial markets.In phase two, the country insists that it is absolutely fine and has no difficulties with its budget deficit, its trade deficit, its growth rate or its banking system.In phase three, the country has its debt rating downgraded by the ratings agencies.In phase four, bond yields soar and the country eventually capitulates to the pressure.In phase five, Europe's policy elite agrees to a bailout with strings attached but insists that this time it has got on top of the problem once and for all.The second problem is that when it comes to the economic fundamentals, there is not an awful lot to choose between Portugal and Spain.Last year, Spain grew by 0.6% ユーロ圏でのイベントの明確なパターンは、ポルトガルとSpainWeのどちらかを選択するすべての前に聞いたことがあるくらいでは、ありません
- Investing Ideas: Japan, End Of QE2, Financials, Tech
Wall Street veteran and Joseph Gunnar’s chief market analyst and equity strategist Clark Yingst gave Forbes a few investment ideas for these turbulent times targeting Japan, the end of QE2, the financial sector, and some tech stocks. Yingst, who champions a mix of technical analysis with strong fundamentals, reminds investors to keep their eyes open for opportunities and to not marry any single model. ウォール街のベテラン、ジョセフグンナーの市場アナリスト、チーフは、株式ストラテジスト、クラークイングスト日本、QE2の最後に、金融セクター、一部のハイテク株を対象に、これらの激動の時代のフォーブスにいくつかの投資アイデアを与えた
- Indonesia preparing for coping with European crisis
The prediction on impact of the European debt crisis on Indonesia has been mixed recently.
The World Bank and the International Monetary Funds (IMF) have warned on the possibility of capital outflows from Indonesia as the global investors prefer to shift their risk assets from developing countries which have promised a high return to secure assets.
But the Indonesian authorities have depended on that the Southeast Asia's largest economy has a sound macro-economic fundamentals amid the rela ... 、インドネシア危機債務欧州への影響の予測は、最近混合されている
- Why Belgium is a microcosm of the European Union | Ilana Bet-El
Belgians are just like the EU with its eurozone crisis: neighbours united by history and politics – and mutual resentmentFor a long time, it seemed as if Belgium was the cuckoo in the nest of the European Union: the state that could muster neither a hard core of cohesive national pride like most of its neighbours, nor the will to split apart, as the Czechs and the Slovaks did. But as the financial crisis has devolved into the euro crisis, it is becoming clear Belgium is actually emblematic of the EU, as a polity of diverse groups of people bound together by history, law, politics, common sense and mutual need – who fundamentally do not like each other.The euro crisis can be seen either as an economic problem with geopolitical implications, or else as a geopolitical problem with economic consequences. On the whole, politicians and commentators have stuck firmly with the former interpretation – which is hardly surprising since they have largely been quoting economists. It is also easier to believe the problem is just a matter of austerity measures, shock-and-awe bailout packages, and market turbulence. However, such a view is narrow, and possibly irrelevant in the face of the opposite reality: even if you balance the euro books by some miracle, or else create a mechanism for throwing out Greece and other offenders on fiscal probity, the geopolitical fundamentals will not disappear.As I pointed out some weeks ago, Greece was taken into the then European Community before it was ready for membership for purely political reasons, which all remain relevant: it still has an unstable relationship with Turkey, verging on dismal; both states still have stakes in opposing sides in Cyprus, and show little inclination to change their attitude too much – though Turkey has made some in ベルギーは、欧州連合の巣の中のカッコウ:どちらもハードコアを出すことが国家であったかのようにベルギーは、ユーロ圏の危機とEUのようだ:隣人の歴史と政治が団結 - とresentmentFor長い時間相互、それが見えた近隣の一番好きな凝集国の誇り、またなるのは別に、チェコとして分割するスロバキアはなかった
- Oil tumbles below 75 dollars on equity losses
Oil prices tumbled to one-month low below 75 U.S. dollars on Friday as the energy market shared a sluggish sentiment with stocks which plunged for a third day.
U.S. stocks suffered their worst one-day decline in nearly three months as bank shares tumbled after President Obama proposed to impose new limits on the size of the nation's biggest banks as well as restrict their risk-taking abilities.
There was little upbeat news from the fundamentals. A government report on Thursday showed that ... 原油価格が1カ月75ドル以下の低金曜日に、エネルギー市場の急落は、3日に急落した銘柄で停滞感を共有した