Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back in Terminator 5 63-year-old actor is attached to Terminator rights package being touted to studios – with Justin Lin in the running to directHe said he'd be back, and Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't bluffing. After eight years away from Hollywood, the former California governor is to return to the role of The Terminator in a new film currently being shopped around Hollywood studios, according to Deadline.Shrugging off suggestions that he may be a little old for an action hero, the 63-year-old actor is heading up a rights package which will bring the series, kicked off by James Cameron with 1984's The Terminator, back to cinemas. Depending on which studio wins the bidding war to make the new film, Justin Lin, currently the toast of Hollywood after returning the Fast and Furious franchise to box office credibility, could be set to direct.Deadline reports that Universal, Sony, Lionsgate and CBS Films are all considering their options. The return of Schwarzenegger to his most iconic role makes a fifth Terminator film a tantalising prospect for the studio bean counters, even if the series has not been at its best since Cameron's last outing, 1991's Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The first non-Schwarzenegger film, 2009's Terminator Salvation, was the worst-reviewed so far, although it still made $370m (£225m) globally (albeit on an enormous $200m budget).The rights to Terminator are currently owned by a hedge fund, Pacificor, which bought them in bankruptcy proceedings for another hedge fund, Halcyon, which made Terminator Salvation. There is a little hope on the horizon for fans clamouring for the unlikely prospect of another Cameron-filmed Terminator film, however. The Canadian film-maker has long signalled his disinterest in the series, but Deadline nevertheless reports that rights to the franc 63歳の俳優がスタジオに宣伝されてターミネーター権パッケージに取り付けられている - ジャスティンリンさんdirectHeして実行していると、彼が戻ってって言ったアーノルドシュワルツェネッガーがはったりではなかった
Goldman Told to Pay Creditors in Bayou Scam $20.6M Arbitration panel tells Goldman Sachs to pay $20.6 million to creditors in Bayou Ponzi scheme
Goldman Sachs - Ponzi scheme - Fraud - Investment - Hedge fund 仲裁パネルは-ネズミ講をネズミバイユーに債権者のゴールドマンサックス指。万サックスを支払うドルを20.6スキームゴールドマンサックス-詐欺-投資-ヘッジファンド
Dealbook Column: Bobbing as the Taxman Weaves At private equity and hedge fund firms, lawyers are working overtime to figure out ways around new income tax laws aimed at such firms. プライベートでは株式とヘッジファンド会社、弁護士は残業新しい所得税法などの企業を目指し回避する方法を把握に努めています
Aveon Delays Its IPO Plans Aveon Group, a start-up investment company that plans to take stakes in nine hedge funds, has delayed its initial public offering. It was unclear why. Aveonグループは、九ヘッジファンドの株式をとろうとするスタートアップの投資会社は、そのIPOを延期した
Businessman 'playing games' to avoid court A Hong Kong court has awarded a default judgment in favour of an Asian hedge fund and liquidators against mainland businessman Sun Jiangrong for playing a "hide and seek game" to avoid the court, liquidators and the hedge fund.
HK hedge fund targets mainland lending spree bargains A Hong Kong hedge fund, betting that last year's bank lending spree on the mainland will result in thousands of businesses failing to repay loans, is raising US$500 million to snap up China's corporate carrion cheap.
US hedge fund sells 29pc stake in eSun A US hedge fund that is suing would-be Macau casino developer eSun Holdings has sold its entire stake in the firm in a HK$410.64 million deal, stock exchange filings published yesterday show.
Rajaratnam Camp Offended By Inside Information Leaks To Media A few times each day I search for information on the Raj Rajaratnam case. As a blogger, I’m just looking for a story on which I can provide my own perspective on the case and each time I search Raj on Google I see a paid ad by The site “…provides factual information regarding the defense of Mr. Raj Rajaratnam, founder of New York-based hedge fund Galleon Group…” So what has Raj’s camp upset these days? Believe it or not, leaks to the media of inside information from the prosecution. 数回、毎日私がして、Rajラジャラトナムケースについての情報を検索してください
Hedge fund manager is banned and fined by FSA A millionaire hedge fund manager was yesterday thrown out of the City for massaging his performance figures. 億万長者ヘッジファンドマネージャーは昨日、市の彼のパフォーマンスの数値のマッサージに投げ出された
The View From Hong Kong: Seatown at the Fore as Temasek Diversifies A new $2.9 billion hedge fund backed by Singapore's Temasek Holdings is starting to throw money around in global debt and equity markets. 新しい2900000000ドルのヘッジファンドは、シンガポールのテマセクホールディングスによるバックアップのグローバル債券市場と株式市場でお金を回。投げ始めている
DealBook: French Doctor Arrested on Insider Trading Charges A prominent French doctor has been arrested on criminal fraud charges that accused him of tipping off a hedge fund manager about setbacks in a clinical drug trial that had not yet been made public. 著名なフランスの医者はまだ公表されていなかった薬の臨床試験での挫折についてヘッジファンドマネージャーをオフに転倒、彼を非難した犯罪詐欺容疑で逮捕されています
Likely bank default will cause credit swaps to pay out Banks and hedge funds may have to pay out on Anglo Irish Bank Corp debt insurance after the government insisted holders of its riskiest bonds share the pain of a US$47 billion bailout.
Britain in final push to tone down EU hedge fund rules British diplomats will today begin the final stage of a desperate rearguard action against new European legislation that London-based hedge funds and private equity firms warn could drive them out of business. 英国の外交官は本日、ロンドンベースのヘッジファンドやプライベートエクイティ企業のビジネスを追い出すと警。欧州の新たな法案に反対必死後衛の最終段階を開始します
Hedge-Fund Lending Scrutinized Companies that borrow from hedge funds often see rising bets against their shares, suggesting someone is trading ahead of the announcements. ヘッジファンドからしばしば株に対する上昇ベットは、先に発表の取引している人を示。参照してください借りている企業です
K1 ponzi scheme suspect commits suicide Dieter Frerichs, a German hedge fund manager, has committed suicide to avoid arrest and possible deportation to his homeland where he is wanted for fraud, Spanish police said Tuesday. ディーターフレリックス、ドイツのヘッジファンドマネージャー、逮捕と彼は詐。望まれている彼の故国することが可能退去を避けるために自殺し、スペイン警察が明らかにした
EU ministers back hedge fund curb EU finance ministers reach full agreement on tighter regulation of hedge funds and private equity firms. EU財務相は、ヘッジファンドやプライベートエクイティ会社の規制強化の完全な合意に達する
Ex-Hedge Fund Chief Acquitted, Is Rajaratnam Next? Eight years after the SEC dubbed Michael Lauer's business"one of the largest hedge fund frauds in the history of the United States" a jury acquitted him of criminal charges. SECはマイケルLauerさんのビジネスを刑事告発の彼を無罪と陪審員は。。u0026quot;米国史上最大のヘッジファンド詐欺の一つ。。u0026quot;と呼ばれる後八年
Men's Wearhouse Looks Fly After Earnings Elliott Management is upping the ante in its push to convert Iron Mountain into a real estate investment trust. The $17 billion hedge fund run by Paul Singer is proposing four nominees for Iron Mountains board. エリオット管理、不動産投資信託への鉄の山を変換し、そのプッシュで賭け金を増額されます
In Brief Emperor Watch and Jewellery is selling HK$380 million worth of convertible bonds representing a 14.2 per cent stake to investors including US hedge fund D.E. Shaw group, Shikumen Special Situations Fund and Main Wealth Enterprises. The bonds convert at 54 HK cents per share and the sale coincides with a top-up placing that raised HK$143 million. 天皇時計宝飾品はHK転換社。米ヘッジファンドドショーグループ、Shikumen特別な状。基金とメイン富企業を含む投資家に14.2%の株式1を表すの価値を$ 3億8000万売っている
6 held over insider trading in UK Employees at Deutsche Bank, Exane and hedge fund Moore Capital Management's British unit are being investigated as part of Britain's largest crackdown on insider trading.
Do Women Need to Act Like Men on Wall Street? E. Lee Hennessee was once, and only once, on the receiving end of an angry tirade from legendary hedge fund manager (and philanthropist) Michael Steinhardt. But rather than cowering at the verbal assault that followed a difficulty in a trade she was handling for him, Hennessee simply hung up the phone. E.リーヘネシーは、伝説のヘッジファンドマネージャー(および博愛主義者)マイケルスタインハートから怒って厳しい批判を受ける側では、一度だけ、一度でした
DealBook: Insider Trading Inquiry Accelerates Federal agents arrested a research firm executive on charges that he helped hedge funds get inside information, while a judge ruled that wiretaps could be used against the founder of the Galleon Group. 連邦政府のエージェントが、彼は裁判官が盗聴は、ガレオン船グループの創業者に対して使用されることを支配しながらヘッジファンドは、内部情報を得るのを助けた疑いで調査会社の幹部を逮捕した
A Brash Bettor Stumbles Federal authorities are examining whether Philip Falcone used the hedge fund Harbinger Capital as a piggy bank to pay an income tax bill. 連邦当局は、フィリップファルコーネは、所得税の支払いに貯金箱としてヘッジファンドハービンジャーキャピタルを使用したかどうか検討している
After amassing billions, some fund managers wonder if they need bother any more For some hedge fund managers it appears the thrill is gone. The surprise decision by Stanley Druckenmiller to throw in the towel and shutter his U$12 billion Duquesne Capital Management could be the start of a new trend of billionaire money-managers deciding to take a break from the fast-money trading game.
Hedge funds seek damages in suit against Melco unit Four American hedge funds are suing Elixir Gaming Technologies, a slot machine distribution company owned by Lawrence Ho Yau-lung's Melco International Development, alleging "fraud or deceit" that resulted in unspecified "millions of dollars" in damages.
Rajaratnam in Goldman probe Galleon hedge fund founder Raj Rajaratnam, accused of illegal insider trading, asked a US judge to exclude from trial any evidence on more than 20 stocks newly identified by prosecutors. ギャリオンヘッジファンド創設ラジラジャラトナムは、違法なインサイダー取引の告発、裁判から20以上取り揃えております新たに検察で識別される証拠を除外する米国の裁判官を求めた
Goldman told to pay over hedge fund fraud Goldman Sachs has been ordered to pay US$20.58 million to creditors of a failed hedge fund to settle claims that the bank helped the fund perpetrate a Ponzi scheme.
New EU rules may hit Asian asset managers Hedge funds and private equity firms based in Asia face tough new rules on pay and leverage from a regulatory overhaul set to pass in Europe this week.
Nuclear crisis keeps hedge funds cautious over betting on Japan Hedge funds are keeping their heads down as Japan's nuclear crisis deepens, although a handful are taking profits after some unexpected gains or positioning themselves for long-term weakness in the yen.
Hedge funds gain 0.4pc as markets dismiss quake Hedge funds climbed 0.4 per cent last month to the highest level in more than two years as financial markets brushed off Japan's strongest earthquake on record and some managers bought stocks after the initial sell-off.
Hedge funds decline 0.8% in January Hedge funds retreated 0.8 percent in January following their best annual performance in six years, as concerns over financial regulations and the economic recovery weighed on global stock markets, Eurekahedge Pte said.
The Eurekahedge Hedge Fund Index, tracking more than 2,000 funds, posted its first monthly loss in four last month, the Singapore-based research firm said in a preliminary report on its website.
Hedge-fund returns stalled last month as the MSCI World Index dropped 4.2 perc ... などの金融規制や、景気回復への懸念世界の株式市場を圧迫したヘッジファンドは0.8%、今年1月に6年間で最高の年間の業績を次のように後退し、Eurekahedge PTEのだ
Hedge Fund Managers Set Up for Next Acts Hedge fund managers who closed their firms are opening new funds, and in some cases promising to make previous investors whole before taking performance fees. その企業を閉じたヘッジファンドマネージャーは、新たな資金を開いているといくつかの例前の投資家は全体のように約束の手数料を性能を取る前に
Top hedge fund manager betting on China crisis Hedge fund manager Hugh Hendry is betting China's "credit bubble" will burst, causing its economy to contract and triggering a global crisis.
More Regulation of World Finance Needed, Says Soros Hedge fund manager and conspiracy theorist fave, George Soros, told The Economic Times of India that more regulation of global finances is required, but just how much regulation is subject of serious debate between the world's leading economies.
<blockquote>The role of the regulators should be to exercise mainly thorough a free market. So you want to have markets as free as possible because while markets are unstable, regulators are even more imperfect than markets because they are subject to political influences they can be corrupt and they can be mistaken. So their role should be kept to a minimum but what that minimum is, is a matter for debate."</blockquote>
Soros also levied harsh criticism on US politicians and their inability to regulate the bulge brackets in the US. Without naming brand names, Soros told the Economic Times that the banking system has become too oligarchical. Instead of the financial powers being regulated more by the state following the near catastrophic 2008 derivatives crash that cost the equivalent of Japan's entire GDP, the state has instead opted to blame itself for the problems and regulate less, he said.
<blockquote>The regulators failed to regulate the economy that is why you had a crisis and when you had crisis then they had to keep the financial institutions alive in order to prevent the total big round and this creates what is called a moral hazard which allows the financial institutions to indulge in excessive lending and excessive profits and excessive stimulation. Because, if things collapse, then the regulators have to pick up the pieces," Soros said.</blockquote>
The billionaire investor seems to believe that financial markets, the Central Bank governors, state regulators and politicians ヘッジファンドマネージャーは、陰謀論者のファーベ、ジョージソロス氏は、グローバル財政のさらなる規制が必要ですが、どれだけの規制は世界有数の経済の間の真剣な議論の対象とされていることを、インドの経済紙に語った
When legitimate fact-finding becomes insider information How do so many big-brained Wall St hedge fund managers beat the market so handsomely? We look set to get some clues.FBI agents swarmed into the offices of three US funds last week, seizing boxes of documents and confiscating traders'... どのように非常に多くの脳が大きいウォールストリートのヘッジファンドマネージャーはとても気前市場を打ち負かすのですか?我々は、文書や没収トレーダーの箱を押収、先週米国の3つのファンドの事務所に群がったいくつかのclues.FBIエージェントを取得するために設定を見...
Vintage returns, and more fun than equities Investments should improve with age. But a Madrid-based fund has beaten stock markets and hedge funds around the world this year by putting its money in the ultimate vintage buy: wine.
Morgan Keegan Hit With Punitive Damages in Madoff Feeder Case In a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) Arbitration Statement of Claim filed in December 2009, Jeffrey and Marisel Lieberman alleged that they had been victimized by a Ponzi scheme involving their investment in Greenwich Sentry, L.P. Hedge Fund. Claimants sought compensatory damages of $200,000 plus interest, attorney’s fees, costs, and punitive damages. Among Claimants’ causes of action were fraud, negligence, and violations of state statutes. 2009年12月に提出した債権の金融業界の規制機関(。。u0026quot;FINRA。。u0026quot;)仲裁のステートメントでは、JeffreyとMariselリーバーマンは、彼らは、グリニッジセンは、LPヘッジファンドへの投資を含むネズミ講で被害を受けていたと主張している
China moves to appropriate money supply In a preemptive action to curb inflation, China has ratcheted up the official reserve rate demanding lenders put more of its deposits in the central bank to arrest a crest of money supply.
And, most analysts predict that the country will soon resort to raising benchmark interest rates to stampede the waves of soaring liquidity, which has led to a sustained rise in housing prices.
Some foreign hedge fund managers have been betting against China's economic growth in the coming 9-12 months, ... インフレで先制抑制する作用、中国は供給お金の中央銀行に逮。頂上の預金そのいるラチェットを開く詳細を置く要。貸し手レートを公式リザーブ
Lehman's lawyers chase hedge funds It is the Wall Street version of the grassy knoll. Nearly two years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, some on Wall Street still wonder whether a handful of the nation's most powerful hedge funds conspired to push the 158-year-old financial giant into bankruptcy while making big profits for themselves.
Is Asia the future for hedge funds? John Meriwether, Singapore may be just the place for you. That's not what last week's headlines suggest. Singapore is reviewing rules for its investment-management industry, including hedge funds and private-equity outfits.
Harbinger Sells Half Of Inmarsat Stake LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. hedge fund Harbinger Capital Partners said on Tuesday it had halved its stake in satellite operator Inmarsat, bringing to a close constant bid speculation around the firm. ロンドン(ロイター) - 米国のヘッジファンドハービンジャーキャピタルパートナーズは、それが会社の周りに近い一定の価格の投機的にもたらし、衛星オペレータインマルサットの出資比率を半減した、と発表した
Investors back lawsuits to share in spoils Large banks, hedge funds and private investors hungry for new and lucrative opportunities are bankrolling other people's lawsuits, pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into medical malpractice claims, divorce battles and class actions against corporations - all in the hope of sharing in the potential winnings.
大手銀行、ヘッジファンド、個人投資家は、新しい有利な機会に飢えている医療過誤の請求は、離婚の戦いや企業に対する集団訴訟に数億ドルをポンプ、他の人の訴訟資金の面倒をみている - 潜在的な賞金の共有の希望すべてインチ
Burger King Buyout Looks Better After Big IPO For McDonald's Franchisee Last September, 3G Capital Management stunned the market with a rich takeover bid for Burger King that was considerably higher than analysts expected. Questions over why the hedge fund -- backed by Brazilian billionaires Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Hermann Telles and Carlos Alberto Sicupira -- was willing to shell out $3.3 billion for the chain may find some answers in this week's initial public offering of Arcos Dorados. 昨年9月、第3世代キャピタルマネジメントはかなりのアナリストが予想よりも高くなったバーガーキングのための豊富な株式公開買い付けで市場を驚かせた
Mainland-born investor may work for Buffett Li Lu, the hedge-fund manager who helped Warren Buffett's investment company Berkshire Hathaway find profits in China, may push it to make more deals outside the United States if he takes a role at the company.
Myners dismisses hedge fund fears over new EU directive Lord Myners, the ex-Treasury minister, hit back yesterday at fears that if proposed new EU hedge fund laws go through unchanged in Brussels this week they will damage London. 主Mynersは、元財務大臣は、昨日に戻る新しいEUのヘッジファンド法を提案している場合にブリュッセルで変わらず、今週はロンドンを損傷することを通。懸念でヒット
Man Group to Buy GLG Man Group said it has agreed to buy one of its biggest rivals, GLG Partners, in a cash-and-stock deal valuing GLG at $1.6 billion to create a hedge-fund giant managing $63 billion. マングループは、1つを現金と株式による買収は16億ドルでヘッジファンドの巨人は$ 630億の管理を作成するGLGを大切に、その最大のライバル、GLGパートナーズを購入することで合意したと述べた
Deal extends Misys's reach Misys is buying the Dublin-based IT group Sophis in a £375m deal to boost its capital markets software business, adding more investor clients such as asset managers and hedge funds. Misysは、資産運用会社やヘッジファンドなど、より投資家のクライアントを追加して、資本市場のソフトウェアビジネスを向上させる£ 375メートル取引ダブリンベースのITグループSophisを購入することです
In Brief New York: Stanley Druckenmiller, the hedge fund titan who led George Soros' famous bet against the British pound, told clients on Wednesday that he was quitting the business and shutting down his investment firm, Duquesne Capital, after 30 years. Druckenmiller wrote in a letter to investors that he had grown increasingly dissatisfied with the pressures of running a big fund. "While the joy of winning for clients is immense, for me the disappointment of each interim drawdown over the years has taken a cumulative toll that I cannot continue to sustain," he wrote. NYT ニューヨークは:スタンリードラッケンミラー、英ポンドに対してジョージソロス氏の有名な賭けを主導したヘッジファンドの大物、水曜日には、彼が事業を終了され、30年後、彼の投資会社は、ドゥケインキャピタル、シャットダウンのクライアントを語った
Hong Kong denies 10 trillion HKD of hot money inflow On Dec. 1, KC Chan, secretary for Hong Kong's Financial Services and the Treasury, denied a report on the inflow of as much as 10 trillion H.K. dollars of hot money in different forms, such as hedge funds, into Hong Kong.
Chan's remarks come just on the heels of a similar statement from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), which recently dismissed rumors that 640 billion Hong Kong dollars of hot money was flowing into Hong Kong.
Chan said that the report was groundless because asset ... 1日12月KCさんチャンは、財務長官、香港の金融サービスと、発言をChanさんの香港にフォーム、ヘッジファンドなどの資金を、別のお金のホット香港ドルの10000000000000限りの報道を否定流入時。香港に香港いた資金がドルのホット香港、最近解任の噂が640000000000香港来ただけ)HKMAは(同様のステートメントからかかとの機関通貨香港香港ちゃんは、資産が言った根拠したレポートに...
Report: Harbinger Capital Partners Investigated Prominent Hedge Fund Is Reportedly Being Investigated by Feds for Extending $113 Million Loan to Its Founder
RAB slashes HK staff, scraps Asia fund plan RAB Capital, the hedge-fund whose assets under management dropped 86 per cent, cut staff in Hong Kong for the second time since October to focus on its UK-managed funds, two people familiar with the matter said.
Sovereign wealth fund may step up disbursals for third-party fund managers Sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corporation (CIC) is expected to use nearly 60 percent of the $250 billion capital it receives later this month for disbursals to foreign private equity firms and hedge funds.
The fund may lend as much as $150 billion in the first quarter to the third-party fund managers, said Michael McCormack, executive director at Z-Ben Advisors, a Shanghai-based company that provides research on China's fund-management industry
McCormack said CIC would identify ... ソブリンウェルスファンド中国投資公司(CIC)は今月下旬の外資系プライベートエクイティ、ヘッジファンドに資金をdisbursalsを受け取った場合は、$ 250資本金30億の約60%を使用することが期待されます
Hedgies Are Paranoid About Wiretaps The Fed’s insider trading investigation is giving the already cagey hedge fund industry more reason to be paranoid lately. FRBのインサイダー取引の調査は、すでに警戒しているヘッジファンド業界に最近妄想するより多くの理由を与えている
'Give HK time for EU regulations' The Hong Kong government is lobbying the European Union to allow local hedge-fund managers time to cope with a proposed regulation that may make it harder for them to sell funds in Europe.
SAFE invests in hedge fund, paper The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) has invested billions of dollars in several hedge funds and investment management companies in the US, the 21st Century Business Herald reported Saturday.
The report said fund companies the SAFE invested in include Pacific Investment Manage-ment, BlackRock Inc., BLK and Bridgewater Associates.
&$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 国家外為管理局(SAFE)はいくつかのヘッジファンドや米国の投資管理企業で数十億ドルを投資して、21世紀のビジネスヘラルド報じた
Court listens to share deal in insider trading case The jurors who will decide the fate of hedge-fund giant Raj Rajaratnam heard the voice of the Galleon founder for the first time yesterday on wiretapped recordings that prosecutors say reveal him receiving illegal insider-share tips.US... ヘッジファンドの巨大なRajさんラジャラトナムの運命を決める陪審員は検察が違法なインサイダー共有tips.US.を受けて彼を明らかにすると言う盗聴録音に昨日、初めてのガレオン船の創設者の声を聞いた..
Property price spiral called a 'treadmill to hell' The mainland's property market is a bubble that may burst this year, according to hedge fund manager James Chanos.
'Greatest bubble' in the making The mainland is in the midst of "the greatest bubble in history", a former general counsel of hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) says.
A Hedge Fund Soared, Controlled by Women, or So It Claimed The thriving hedge fund may have misled customers when it said it was owned and operated by women when it was financed by S. Donald Sussman, a hedge fund mogul. それが所有していた、それはS.ドナルドサスマン、ヘッジファンドの大御所によって融資された女性が運営すると言ったとき繁栄ヘッジファンドは、顧客を誤解可能性があります
China not a subprime crisis in the making The warnings about a bubble in mainland property prices continue to come in thick and fast. On Friday, billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros - famed as the man who broke the Bank of England - declared "there is undoubtedly a bubble in real estate" in China that, he warned, could reverberate around the world if it burst
Secret Witness Emerges in Galleon Case Thomas Hardin, an investment analyst at the center of the biggest insider-trading case in a generation, may lead prosecutors to other key players in the investigation of Raj Rajaratnam and his Galleon Group hedge fund. トーマスハーディン、最大のインサイダーの中心に取引の場合、一世代での投資アナリスト、ラージラジャラトナムと彼のガレオン船グループのヘッジファンドの調査で、他のキープレーヤーに検察の可能性があります
Tosca mulls new bank-loan business Toscafund, the hedge fund run by the former top-rated banks analyst Martin Hughes, is considering setting up a new business lending capital to banks. Toscafundは、ヘッジファンドは元一流銀行のアナリスト、マーティンヒューズ、銀行に新たなビジネスの融資資金を設定検討している実行します
Consultant on 'data sale' charges US prosecutors filed new charges as part of a national probe of insider trading, accusing a California consultant for a networking firm with selling inside information to two unidentified hedge funds.
Netflix Teaches Short Seller A Keynesian Lesson Whitney Tilson made a splash in December by publicly laying out his short case against Netflix. The hedge fund manager acknowledged the beating his firm, T2 Partners, had taken betting against Netflix in 2010, but said the streaming video and rental-on-demand company's lofty valuation had it priced for perfection and still ripe for the shorting. ホイットニーティルソン公にNetflixのに対して彼の簡単なケースを置くことによって、12月にスプラッシュした
London's hedge funds given boost by FSA The embattled hedge fund industry received a boost from a surprising source yesterday after the Financial Services Authority argued that they do not pose a dangerous risk to banks that lend to them. 四面楚歌のヘッジファンド業界では驚くほどのソースからは昨日、金融サービス機関は、彼らはそれらを貸す銀行には危険なリスクがないと主張した後に、後押しを受けた
Alleged Rajaratnam Tipster Gupta Resigns From American Airlines Board The insider trading trial of Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam is scheduled to begin Tuesday, but there was more news from the hedge fund manager's universe of alleged informants Monday as American Airlines parent AMR said in a one-line filing with the SEC that Rajat Gupta has resigned from its board. ガレオン。鄭周永して、Rajラジャラトナムのインサイダー取引裁判は、火曜日を開始する予定されているより多くのニュースは、アメリカン航空親会社AMRのように疑惑の情報提供のヘッジファンドマネージャーの宇宙月曜日からある攪拌して、Rajat Guptaさんが持っている証券取引委員会と1行の申請によると取締役会から辞任した
Ex-Goldman Director's Insider Trading Renews Criticism Of Wall Street Casino Throughout the U.S. government's ongoing insider trading investigation, much of the outrage has centered on rich and powerful investors using improperly-obtained information to gain an edge on the mom-and-pop investor. Tuesday's SEC charges against former Goldman Sachs board member Rajat Gupta, which allege the director shared non-public information with hedge fund manager Raj Rajnaratnam, just adds to the perception that the financial markets are not a level playing field. 米国政府の継続的なインサイダー取引の調査を通じて、多くは怒りの零。投資家のエッジを得るために不正に得られた情報を使用して、豊富で強力な投資家を中心にしています
After Quitting on Icahn, why is Keith Meister still on the Motorola Mobility Board? Carl Icahn is often referred to as a hedge fund manager in popular business press. But that’s actually no longer true. As of this month, he’s decided to return all outside investors’ money from his fund. He now only manages his own money. Essentially, he’s now a loud and outspoken family office – although he still manages $5 billion. カールアイカーンが多い人気のあるビジネスプレスのヘッジファンドマネージャーと呼ばれています
Lawyers for Lehman Are Seeking Records From Hedge Funds and Goldman The estate of Lehman Brothers Holdings has subpoenaed records from big hedge funds and Goldman Sachs as it seeks to recover money lost in Lehman’s collapse. それはお金をリーマンの崩壊で失われた回復しようとするとリーマンブラザーズホールディングスの不動産は、大きなヘッジファンドやゴールドマンサックスからレコードを召喚しています
Hedge Fund Advisor Long China,Gold;Short US Stocks,Treasuries,Dollar Daryl Jones, Managing Director Macro of Hedgeye Risk Management came by to tell me the best trades his firm is recommending to the nation's hedge funds and large investors. The use of ETFs are the fastest, most efficient way for Jones to make macro bets, take them off, and put them back on. Hedgeyeリスクマネジメントのダリルジョーンズは、マネージングディレクターマクロ私にベストな取引を彼の会社が国のヘッジファンドや大口投資家に推奨している教えて駆けつけてくれました
Chelsea Clinton set for lavish wedding bash After an intensely secretive build-up Chelsea Clinton and her hedge fund manager beau were to marry Saturday at a star-studded wedding outside New York.Former Democratic president Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were to attend their daughter's big day in Rhinebeck, a quaint rural retreat for New York's elite.Other details were kept secret right to the eve of the nuptials in an extraordinary effort to ensure privacy for Chelsea, 30, and husband-to-be Marc Mezvinsky, 32. チェルシークリントン、彼女のヘッジファンドマネージャーの愛人激しく秘。蓄積した後6月4日York.Former民主党のクリントン政権は外にある星がちりばめられた結婚式で結婚し、国務長官、ヒラリークリントンが、娘の大きな一日ラインベックに出席するため、されたニューヨークのelite.Otherの詳細については古風な農村の撤退は並々ならぬ努力チェルシー、30のプライバシーを確保するために結婚式の前夜に秘密の権利を保持され、夫はマルクMezvinsky、32する
Chelsea Clinton set for lavish, secretive wedding After an intensely secretive build-up, Chelsea Clinton and her hedge fund manager beau were to marry on Saturday at a star-studded wedding outside New York. 激しく秘密蓄積した後、チェルシークリントン、彼女のヘッジファンドマネージャーの愛人は土曜日にニューヨークの外スター勢ぞろいの結婚式で結婚することであった
Paulson's Flagship Fund Up 12 Percent NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bolstered by a surprising September stock-market rally, billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson's flagship Advantage Plus fund jumped more than 12 percent last month, recovering this year's losses, according to a person familiar with the fund. ニューヨークは、(ロイター) - 意外September株式市場の上昇に支えられ、億万長者ヘッジファンドのファンドマネジャー、ジョンポールソンの旗艦アドバンテージプラスのファンドは、人ファンドに詳しい筋によると、今年の損失を回復する、先月より12%増加した
US asks hedge funds to preserve records on euro trades The United States is asking hedge funds not to destroy trading records on euro bets, according to a person with knowledge of the requests, as Europe and the US step up scrutiny of the funds' role in the Greek debt crisis.
BANKING: Former Goldman CEO charged with insider trading The Securities and Exchange Commission charged the former director of Goldman Sachs and Procter & Gamble with insider trading Tuesday, claiming Rajat Gupta illegally informed a hedge fund manager associate about the quarterly earnings for both firms. 証券取引委員会は、Rajat Gupta氏は不法両方の企業の四半期決算についてのヘッジファンドマネージャーに関連付けるに知らせたと主張して、ゴールドマンサックスやプロクター&ギャンブル、インサイダー取引と火曜日の元ディレクターを満たした
SEC Says Former Goldman Director Tipped Galleon's Rajaratnam To Buffett Investment The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has slapped insider trading charges against Rajat K. Gupta, tying the former Goldman Sachs director to the insider trading at former Forbes 400 member Raj Rajaratnam's hedge fund Galleon Group. 米国証券取引委員会は、元フォーブス400メンバーRajさんラジャラトナムのヘッジファンドガレオン船グループでは、インサイダー取引の元ゴールドマンサックスディレクターを結ぶ、Rajat kのGuptaさんに対して、インサイダー取引の料金を平手打ちしています
Soros plans to open HK office in Asian push Soros Fund Management, the US$25 billion hedge-fund firm founded by billionaire George Soros, plans to open an office in Hong Kong.
Despite the warnings, China is not a bubble just about to burst Another day, another chorus of bubble warnings. Among the latest prophets of doom are James Rickards - probably best known as one-time chief legal officer for Long Term Capital Management, the all-star hedge fund that went spectacularly bust in 1998 - and Takatoshi Ito - a former vice-minister for finance in Japan.
Hedge funds bounce back with £79bn profit in six months Data calculated by LCH Investments showed that the 10 leading hedge funds alone made $28bn for their customers in the second half of 2010Hedge funds have roared back from the financial crisis, delivering profits of $129bn (£79bn) to their clients in just six months.While many industries are still suffering from the aftermath of the global economic downturn, hedge funds appears to be in ruder health. Data calculated by LCH Investments showed that the 10 leading hedge funds alone made $28bn for their customers in the second half of 2010. That is more than the combined net profits of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Barclays and HSBC over the same period, according to the Financial Times which published the figures on Wednesday.LCH's figures show how much profit was generated for hedge fund clients. The firms themselves will typically earn a 20% cut of profits, plus a fee of perhaps 2% of funds under management.Stock markets rallied sharply during the second half of last year, a time when many commodities prices also surged. This appears to have helped hedge fund managers to generate large returns. Most of the profits were made by the top 100 firms – calculated by the money they have made over their lifetimes.The news that the total hedge fund industry delivered such healthy profits – £79bn is enough to fund Britain's defence budget and the nation's schools for a year (pdf) - may worry some. Campaigners for a Robin Hood tax want to levy a tax of around 0.05% on financial transactions, cutting the profits made from high-frequency, computer-based trading strategies.Nine of the top 10 hedge funds were based in the US, along with Brevan Howard which is based in London and Geneva.Nagi Kawkabani of Brevan Howard told the FT that hedge funds have benefited bec LCHの投資により算出データは、わずか6ヶ月で顧客に(£ 79bn)10大手ヘッジファンドだけで$ 129bnの利益を提供し、金融危機から戻って大笑いした2010Hedge資金の後半には顧客のための$ 280億することがわかった多くの産業でも世界的な景気低迷の余波に苦しんでいるが、ヘッジファンドはルーダーの健康にあると表示されます
Obama's 'car Tsar' settles bribes case Steven Rattner, the hedge fund industry grandee who was last year appointed by the Obama administration to oversee the restructuring of the car industry, has agreed to pay $10m to settle lawsuits over his role in a bribery scandal. スティーブンラトナーは、自動車産業の再編を監督するために政権によって任命された昨年のヘッジファンド業界グランディー、贈収賄事件での彼の役割以上の訴訟を解決するために$を10メートルを支払うことに合意した
New Tax Law Strokes Hedge Fund Managers After tense moments in the great tax debates of 2010, two important tax breaks for hedge funds and investment managers survived repeal efforts from Congress and the White House. Although Democrats tried hard to repeal “carried interest” tax breaks for investment managers, along with a related repeal of the S-Corp self-employment (SE) tax reduction breaks for professionals (including investment managers), Republicans saved the day with a successful filibuster blocking cloture on tax increases. We covered that drama on our blog and in our podcasts, click here and here. 2010年の偉大な税の議論に緊張分後に、ヘッジファンドや投資マネジャーにとって重要な2つの減税は、議会とホワイトハウスから廃止の努力を生き残った
Volcker disappointed with 'his' rule Paul Volcker is disappointed with the final version of the rule that bears his name. As first envisioned, the Volcker rule would have banned US banks from running private equity and hedge funds, an attempt to curb the risk-taking that fuelled the financial crisis.
Spooked investors put liquidity before returns The rush for liquid hedge funds is costing investors juicier opportunities elsewhere as institutions opt for a safety-first strategy after being burned in the financial crisis.
Barack Obama appoints William Daley as chief of staff Recruitment of William Daley, a JP Morgan Chase executive for seven years, lends White House a more business-friendly faceBarack Obama has begun an overhaul of his inner circle, lending the White House a more business-friendly face with the appointment of an outsider banker, William Daley, as his chief of staff.Daley continues the heavy Chicago bent of Obama's White House. He is a son of the legendary Chicago mayor Richard Daley and brother of the city's outgoing mayor, also named Richard. But he marks a departure for the president after two years in office by dint of his considerable Wall Street experience.The new chief of staff has for the past seven years been a senior executive at JP Morgan Chase, and before that worked for a hedge fund and in telecoms. He straddles the business-politics divide, having been Bill Clinton's commerce secretary for three years from 1997 and managed Al Gore's failed run for the presidency in 2000.Daley's appointment was seen as a signal of Obama's intention to change political tack after receiving a drubbing in the midterm elections in November. The president now faces a resurgent Republican party which on Wednesday took control of the House of Representatives.Daly, who brings with him an outsider's perspective and minimal ideological baggage, may help Obama to bridge the party divide more successfully than he has to date.Speculation about Daley's appointment was rife since he made a quiet visit to the White House yesterday. Several news outlets reported that the job had been offered and accepted.The chief of staff position is the highest profile in a number of posts to be filled as Obama works his way through a post-midterm round of musical chairs. Pete Rouse, who has been standing in as acting chief of staff for the last few months fol ウィリアムデーリー7年間JPモルガンチェースの幹部の募集は、オバマ氏は部外者の銀行の任命とホワイトハウスより多くの企業にやさしい顔を貸して、側近のオーバーホールを開始しているホワイトハウスより多くの企業にやさしいfaceBarackを貸す、ウィリアムデーリーは、staff.Daley彼の責任者としてオバマ氏のホワイトハウスの重いシカゴ曲がっを続けている
Credit Suisse to boost prime brokerage unit headcount in Asia Credit Suisse will increase the headcount in its prime brokerage team in Asia by 15 per cent to 20 per cent this year as it aims to win business from the increasing number of global hedge funds eager to set up base in the region, a senior official at the Swiss bank said.
として世界のヘッジファンドが増えてから、この地域では、高官はベースをセットアップする熱心なビジネスチャンスの獲得を目指して、クレディスイス15 20パーセントにパーセントで、今年アジアでは、プライムブローカー、チーム内の人員数は増加するスイスの銀行と述べた
Fund of funds shutdowns lowest in two years: HFR Funds of hedge funds closures globally dropped to the lowest level since the first quarter of 2008 in the three months to June, according to Chicago-based industry data provider Hedge Fund Research Inc (HFR).
The number of liquidations of funds that farm out money to hedge funds fell to 54, it said in an e-mailed statement on Thursday.
The global financial crisis led to the closure of more than 800 funds of hedge funds, cutting the total number to 2,100 by June.
Overall hedge fund li ... クロージャ資金ファンドのヘッジグローバルお金を3つの2008年第1四半期以降のレベル低いドロップする四半期からファームによると、、シカゴベースの業界データプロバイダヘッジファンドリサーチ社(資金がの清算数HFRの)
David Prosser: A battle the hedge funds must win D-Day then for the Alternative Investment Fund Management (AIFM) directive, which the EU's Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Ecofin) will attempt to finalise this afternoon. France and Germany continue to insist that the directive should proceed mostly unamended, while the UK, where great parts of the EU's hedge fund and venture capital industries are based, is increasingly panic-stricken. EUの経済金融問題委員会(Ecofin)午後に最終決定を試みるD -デイして、オルタナティブ投資ファンドの管理(AIFM)のディレクティブは、
In Trader’s Cocoa Binge, Fear for Chocolate Prices A hedge fund manager, Anthony Ward, has all but cornered the market in cocoa, helping to drive prices on the London market to a 30-year high. ヘッジファンドマネージャーは、アンソニーワードあり、すべてがココアの市場を独占、ロンドン市場で30年ぶりの高値に価格を駆動するために役立ちます
Website unveils `hottest hedge fund wives on Wall Street' From the land of the politically correct comes something that is rather less so. Business Insider, the Wall Street gossip column website that veers towards the scurrilous, has taken the footballers' wives theme to the next level with a feature on hedge fund manager's wives entitled: "The hottest hedge fund wives on Wall Street."
First arrest made in Wall St insider trading probe The first strike in a new US offensive to root out insider trading on Wall Street came with the arrest of a Taiwan-born consulting firm executive who prosecutors said tipped off a hedge fund manager about corporate earnings.
Galleon Wiretap Application Comes Under Scrutiny The outcome of a hearing on wiretap evidence will be critical to the Galleon hedge fund insider trading case and could have broad implications for the government's ability to pursue illicit trading on Wall Street. 盗聴の証拠についての意見聴取の結果は、ガレオン船のヘッジファンドのインサイダー取引の場合に重要になりますウォール街の不正取引を追求する政府の能力の広範な影響を与える可能性があります
DealBook: SAC and 2 Mutual Funds Subpoenaed The subpoenas came a day after F.B.I. agents raided three hedge funds as part of an accelerating investigation into insider trading on Wall Street. FBI捜査官は、ウォール街のインサイダー取引に加速して調査の一部として3つのヘッジファンドを家宅捜索後、召喚状は一日来た
Stephen Foley: The goalposts for insider trading have not moved, despite the Wall St noise US Outlook: What a lot of bleating we have heard this week from Wall Street, as federal investigators launched the latest wave of their three-year blitz on suspected insider trading. There have been FBI raids on hedge fund offices, subpoenas served on some of the most powerful fund managers in the land, and charges laid. And it is far from over. 米国の展望:どのような連邦捜査官の疑いがあるインサイダー取引の3年間の電撃の最新の波を進水させた私たちは、ウォール街から今週は聞いたことがあるbleating多くの
Fed shows how hedge funds and baseball players got their cut of its cash US Federal Reserve details credit crunch loans to super-rich investors as well as pension funds and charitiesA who's who of America's super-rich took advantage of the Federal Reserve's emergency funds during the credit crisis, according to documents released by the US government this week.Beneficiaries of Fed funds included computer billionaire Michael Dell; John Paulson, the hedge fund king who made a fortune betting on the credit crunch; an art charity run by philanthropist Eli Broad; a movie producer; a horse breeder; and a second world war flying ace.The Fed set up a series of funds and lending facilities as it struggled to prop up the US economy during the 2008 credit crunch. Details of the huge sums lent to banks under the schemes have already been made public. This week the Fed was forced to publish 21,000 documents detailing all the transactions, exposing for the first time the extent of its emergency lending programme.Beneficiaries included Wall Street financiers such as Paulson and J Christopher Flowers, who nearly bid for Northern Rock in 2007. During the crisis the Fed was keen for hedge fund managers and other big investors to keep money moving through the frozen credit markets.Other beneficiaries named by the Fed include Bruce Toll, vice-chairman of house builder Toll Brothers and a movie producer whose titles include Death at a Funeral and The Kite Runner; Kenneth Dahlberg, a former fighter pilot who played a minor role in the Watergate scandal; Ward Woods, chairman of New York's Bronx Zoo; and Magalen Bryant, a horse breeder from Virginia.Many investments were made through firms registered in tax havens including Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands. Others were made for the benefit of charities or for pension plans, such as the Ma 今週の米国政府が発表した文書によると、スーパーリッチな投資家だけでなく、年金基金、誰が、アメリカは、スーパークラスの豊富な信用危機の際に連邦準備制度理事会の緊急資金を利用したのですcharitiesAに米連邦準備制度理事会の詳細クレジットクランチローン
A clash of views on China investment boom The Chinese economy, we are constantly told, is being threatened by massive overinvestment. In recent months, dozens of prominent commentators from New York hedge fund manager James Chanos to Harvard University professor and former International Monetary Fund chief economist Kenneth Rogoff have sounded warnings about the danger. They argue that last year's credit-fuelled investment boom has exacerbated China's existing industrial overcapacity and inflated a dangerous bubble in the property market.
This is not the end for tax havens | William Brittain-Catlin Reforms in the world's tax havens may be under way, but hunger for profit and wealth will ensure the survival of offshore financeSurvey the world's tax havens and you will find that change is afoot.In the Cayman Islands, long the beacon of offshore finance, the many thousands of hedge funds domiciled there are fleeing to respectable onshore havens, where they hope newly emboldened regulators will look at them more approvingly.The island of Jersey, another tax haven grandee, is now thinking the unthinkable: raising taxes, to stave off a fiscal deficit. Its economy was for years dependent on financial services, but the financial crisis struck and more familiar, onshore ways to sustain an economy will have to be imposed.Elsewhere, the US department of justice, on a mission to unearth US tax evaders in Switzerland, batters the cantons of Zug, Zurich and Ticino into submission, overturning in a matter of months long held traditions of banking secrecy.Is it time to sound the death knoll for tax havens? Will the combination of economic crisis and direct action by onshore governments spell the end of these treasure isles, making life that much tougher for their willing clients in banking and finance?No, it is not the end, merely a prelude to the next time offshore capitalism returns.For what we are witnessing now in the tax haven world is a great reconfiguration of these hidden conduits of finance and ownership that appropriate and preserve wealth; passageways of financial power that will, as sure as night follows day, spur global capitalism on to another so-called golden age some 10, 15 years hence.This is not prophecy, simply a lesson from history.Modern tax havens were themselves born out of the financial crises of the late 19th century, and took off as depression-struck nat 世界のタックスの改革が進行中かもしれないが、利益と富への渇望は、オフショア世界のタックスヘイヴンをfinanceSurveyの生存を確実にすると、その変更が長いケイマン諸島、オフショア金融のビーコン、afoot.Inことに気付くことでしょうヘッジファンドの多くは何千人も今は考えられないと考えている、そこには彼らはニュージャージー州、別のタックスヘイブングランディーの詳細approvingly.The島を見ていきます新たに勇気づけレギュレータを願って立派な陸上避難所に避難している住所:食い止めるために、調。税金を財政赤字
Hedge funds running out of reasons to exist Defending hedge funds isn't the easiest way to make a living. It ranks somewhere between the tobacco lobbyist who tries to convince people that smoking isn't so bad for you, and the car manufacturer who pretends that cars have nothing to do with melting polar ice caps. Jobs don't come much more thankless.
David Prosser: Scapegoats required for financial crisis Outlook It is the favoured lament of Treasury ministers the world over in times of financial difficulty: those awful speculators are conspiring against us. So it is that appetite across the European Union is growing for a crackdown on the evil hedge funds who brought Greece to its knees and provoked a crisis of confidence in the euro itself. Outlookのそれは、資金難の時代に以上の財務相は、世界の支。嘆き:あのひどい投機家たちに不利と共謀です
A May Day distress call | Brendan Barber Uncertainty – about our job, pension and kids' future – is now the fate of all workers, and some are making a killing out of our fearsAround the world uncertainty is becoming the single unifying characteristic of working life. And for anyone who's not independently wealthy, uncertainty about work means uncertainty about everything.It's been over a generation since we were told about the end of the job for life. Now people are uncertain about whether they'll have a job at all, whether they'll get a pension at the end of their working lives, and whether their kids will grow up – as every parent wants – to be healthier, wealthier and wiser than them.Far too many people across the globe – from rich countries like the UK to developing ones in sub-Saharan Africa – are making money out of the uncertainty working people are forced to endure.Take, for example, those running our financial institutions. Many of them are once again picking up their seven-figure bonuses while the global dole queue they helped to cause hits 35 million. If it wasn't for the taxes of you and me, their banks would have gone bust months ago. It cannot be right that hedge funds are making huge profits from speculation over Greece's future while ordinary workers face having their pay, jobs, pensions and public services slashed.Uncertainty at work goes further than pay cuts and job insecurity. Consider the outright criminals who pay below the minimum wage in Britain, no wage at all in parts of India, employ children who should be at school, or hire death squads to terrorise the trade unionists standing up for their workmates in places like Guatemala or Colombia.Uncertainty is the main challenge facing people working in the global economy.People don't know when they're suddenly going to discover their employ 不確実性 - 私たちの仕事、年金については子供の将来 - 今、すべての労働者の運命は、いくつかのが私たちのfearsAround世界の不確かさの殺害は、労働生活の1つの統合の特徴になりつつあるが作っている
International Power set to fall to French buyer GDF Suez • GDF Suez deal will create one of world's biggest power groups• International Power name and stock market listing to be keptInternational Power is expected to become the latest British company to be taken over by a foreign competitor this week.The French state-controlled energy firm GDF Suez has been in talks with the FTSE 100 independent power producer for months.Barring any last-minute hitches, the deal should be confirmed on Tuesday when both companies report half-year results. The deal will create one of the world's biggest power groups. International Power's 45 power stations, including the six it owns in Britain, will be combined with those GDF owns outside Europe.The generating capacity of the enlarged group – which will keep the name International Power – will double as a result. GDF will own about two-thirds of the new company, with the rest being traded on the London stock exchange.Shareholders in the British company will receive a special one-off cash payout from GDF of about £1.2bn to sweeten the deal and secure their support.The standalone generator has long been hampered by not being able to compete with integrated energy groups like GDF.The deal will take place before any rules are introduced which could make takeovers more difficult. Following the controversial takeover of Cadbury by US food group Kraft, business secretary Vince Cable has called for changes in the takeover code to make it harder for short-term investors such as hedge funds to trigger a deal which may not be in the long-term interest of either company. International Power's takeover would not fall into this category but Britain's liberal takeover regime is coming under increasing scrutiny. Some politicians and unions fear that British companies with foreign owners are less likely to bas •GDFスエズの買収は、•International電源の名前や株式市場keptInternationalパワーがto listing最新の英国の会社foreignライバルby this week.The French国営energyの会社を引き継いでれるようになったと予想される1つ世界最大の勢力とに作成しますGDFスエズは土壇場で結びをmonths.BarringのFTSE 100の独立した電源の生産者と協議してきた、契約は25日、両方の企業が半年間の結果を報告確認する必要があります
Maverick fund manager shares his contrarian views, obsession with China Hugh Hendry has a big mouth, as Hugh Hendry will tell you. With a sharp wit and a sharper tongue, Hendry, a plain-spoken Scot, has positioned himself as the public contrarian thinker of London's very private hedge fund community.
Libya using UK fund as training ground The Libyan Government is backing a new London hedge fund with hundreds of millions of dollars, as the Arab state seeks to diversify its economy away from oil and train a generation of investment professionals in the ways of the financial... アラブの状態が離れて油から経済を多様化し、金融の方法での投資専門家の世代を育成しようとはリビア政府は、数百万ドルの何百もの新たなロンドンのヘッジファンドを支持している...
Indexes may lack style, but they get investors there For the wealthy, index funds have an image problem. They are considered the economy cars of the investing world: they will get you there but not in style and you are always worried they may break down. Anyone at a serious level of wealth, the thinking goes, needs the equivalent of a luxury sedan, with strategic stock choices, hedge funds, private equity, real estate.
Banks bring in new service fee for hedge funds After years of earning huge fees from hedge fund clients, investment banks are eyeing yet another way to extract revenue from these customers. Banks such as Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse are looking to mine their lucrative prime-brokerage businesses by charging a fee to raise money for their hedge fund clients.
In Brief Hedge fund manager James Chanos is overly pessimistic about China's property market because he underestimates government efforts to avoid a bubble, according to Fan Gang, a former People's Bank of China adviser. Chanos said this month that China is on a "treadmill to hell" because it was hooked on property development for driving growth. "That statement is under the assumption that Chinese are stupid, Chinese will not do anything to deal with that," Fan said. While some cities show signs of excessive price gains, government efforts are stabilising the market before the emergence of any "big" bubble such as those seen previously in the United States and Japan, Fan said. 彼は政府の努力をバブルを避けるために過小評価のためヘッジファンドマネージャージェームスサバヒーが過度に中国の不動産市場について悲観的な、扇風機のギャング、元中国人民銀行の顧問によるとです
SEC Accuses Goldman Sachs of Defrauding Investors Goldman Sachs accused of fraud; SEC says it hid hedge fund's involvement in doomed securities
Goldman Sachs - Hedge fund - Business - Investing - Subprime lending ゴールドマンサックスは詐欺で訴え、SECが融資の意見サブプライム-証券ゴールドマンサックス絶望的に隠したヘッジファンドへの関与を-ヘッジファンド-ビジネス-投資
Market Report: Man under pressure amid dividend fears Payout worries haunted Man, the hedge fund group, which fell as the benchmark FTSE 100 index firmed up last night. ペイアウトマン幽霊の心配は、ベンチマークのFTSE100種総合株価指数の下落は、ヘッジファンド業界団体、最大最後の夜上伸した
Financial firms still seeking office space in London despite tax fears Heavy tax demands on London's hedge fund industry are unlikely to spark an exodus of operators to rival financial hubs such as Dublin or Geneva, a survey by property adviser Cushman & Wakefield showed.
Hedge fund's court victory clears way for return of Terminator Alien and Predator have new competition at the box office in an unlikely alliance between The Terminator and arguably a more cold-hearted and deadly operator - The Hedge Fund.
China debate needs historical perspective Central bank reserves probably generate more confused and mistaken thinking than any other topic in economics. A case in point is the recent controversy between hedge fund manager Jim Chanos and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, in which Friedman proposed, yet again, a common misconception over the meaning of China's huge accumulation of foreign reserves.
Barnier refuses to back down in EC battle with hedge funds Michel Barnier, the new European commissioner for the internal market, is on course for a bruising showdown with hedge funds and private equity firms, leading City figures are warning. Key players in both sectors said that Mr Barnier, who was in London yesterday for talks with the City and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, had signalled an unwillingness to compromise over plans to regulate hedge funds and private equity more aggressively, despite their threats to leave Britain. 警告しているミシェルバルニエ、内部の市場のための新しい欧州委員は、コースではヘッジファンドやプライベートエクイティ企業との熾烈な対決に、市内の数字リードしている
White House Offers Bill to Restrict Big Banks’ Actions The legislation would ban some banks from investing in hedge funds or private equity funds and from making trades not for the benefit of their customers. この法案はヘッジファンドやプライベートエクイティファンドとは、顧客の利益のために取引を行うからの投資から、一部の銀行を禁止する
Q&A: Greece's financial crisis Greek public sector workers went on strike today over government measures to tackle fiscal problemsWhat is the problem with Greece?When the global financial crisis struck Greece was badly prepared after years of profligacy, hosting an expensive Olympic games in 2004, and failing to rein in its spiralling public debt. Government debt was worth more than a full year's output in 2009, and is expected to be 120% of GDP this year. Greece was picked out as vulnerable from the start of the crisis, but with the government struggling to persuade the markets to trust its plans to cut its deficits, it has been targeted by financial speculators who believe it could default on its debts. Reports suggest that traders and hedge funds have placed an $8bn (£5bn) bet that its problems will result in a fall in the value of the euro.What is the rest of the world going to do about it?Help appears to be on the way in the form of a eurozone bailout. This would be the first rescue of a member of the single currency, though European funds were used to support Hungary and Latvia as part of the bailouts brokered by the IMF at the height of the credit crunch. An EU summit in Brussels tomorrow will address the Greek crisis in the hope of containing the growing threat to the eurozone.Why does it matter?Although Greece's economy is tiny in international terms, its financial crisis has reminded investors that one legacy of the deep recession of the past two years is heavily indebted governments, which can no longer rely on cash-rich financial markets to provide cheap borrowing. And Greece's problems are especially worrying because they endanger the stability of the single currency: foreign exchange traders can't vent their worries about Athens going bust by selling off the drachma – their only option ギリシャ時代の公共部門の労働者のストライキは本日、政府の対策に財政problemsWhatに取り組むために行ったギリシャ?とする世界的な金融危機のギリシャを襲った問題がひどく浪費数年後、2004年には高価なオリンピックゲームをホストする、準備されたとの抑制に失敗し、その公的債務のスパイラル
Life would be wonderful if banks were simpler | Ruth Sunderland Bob Diamond's remarks demonstrate the urgent need for cultural change in the banking sectorIT MIGHT be a tense flight to this week's G7 meeting for Alistair Darling and Mervyn King. The gathering of central bank governors and finance ministers is being held in Iqaluit, Nunavut – that's in the wilds of Canada – a venue so remote that the UK delegation has chartered a little nine-seater plane.A Treasury minion has been deputed to bring a laptop so the chancellor can watch a DVD, no doubt to avoid being lectured about banking reform by the Bank of England governor. If King were to choose the chancellor's movie, he might go for It's a Wonderful Life, the 1946 weepie starring Jimmy Stewart as the manager of a mutual savings and mortgage bank in small-town America. The film features in a new book by Laurence Kotlikoff, a Boston University professor of economics and advocate of radical banking reform who has gained King's ea.Darling prefers sticking-plaster solutions, such as living wills that would allow failing finance houses to be wound up in a more orderly fashion. But he is on the back foot as a result of Barack Obama's espousal last week of the Volcker rule: that deposit-taking banks should not be able to own hedge funds or private equity operations, or engage in proprietary trading. Bankers are, of course, kicking back: Bob Diamond, the kingpin of investment banking at Barclays, issued a barely veiled threat at Davos that this could disrupt government bond sales.What an extraordinarily arrogant and ungrateful suggestion. Barclays was not bailed out by the government, but it did benefit from an implicit state guarantee and rock-bottom interest rates. Diamond's lack of humility and self-awareness shows exactly why there is an urgent need for cultural and structural chang ボブダイヤモンドの発言は、銀行sectorITかもしれないの文化的な変更のための緊急の必要性ダーリングとキングのため、今週のG7の会議に緊張飛行することを示します
Obama bank plan unlikely to concern Asia: analysts Plans by US President Barack Obama to curb risk-taking by banks are unlikely to adversely affect Asia's risk-averse financial institutions, analysts said.The proposed measures, which aim to roll back corporate excesses and limit dangerous risk-taking on Wall Street, could even be beneficial to Asia as US banks may have to move their hedge fund businesses to the region, they said. は、企業の行き過ぎをロールバックすると危険なリスクをウォール街で撮影を制限を目指し米大統領はバラクオバマの計画、リスクを抑制するため、銀行が撮影に悪影響をアジアのリスクを嫌う金融機関に影響を与える可能性は低い、とアナリストsaid.The提案した対策がとして米国の銀行の地域にはヘッジファンドの企業に移動する必要がありますも、アジアにとって有益である、という
Obama's banking revolution rattles world stock markets The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed down more than 200 points on Thursday night - a drop of over 2% and its worst performance since October last yearPresident Barack Obama's attack on Wall Street's cabal of banks has rattled investors across the globe with share prices across Europe and Asia tumbling, commodity prices falling and the dollar weakening.Within minutes of the opening, the FTSE 100 index had lost more than 20 points after the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed down more than 200 points - a drop of over 2% and its worst performance since October last year - in New York last night.Across Asia, stock markets dropped after news of Obama's plans to prevent banks that hold deposits from investing off their own books or running hedge funds or making private equity investments.The initial reaction of traders across the globe was shock as the proposals were kept under wraps until just hours before Obama's announcement. While it is still uncertain whether the plans will make it into law, limiting the scope of Wall Street's big banks would reduce trading liquidity across equity markets worldwide as their speculative money is withdrawn and they are forced to rein in their riskier lending to other investors.The plans, outlined by Obama yesterday, have been compared with the regulations introduced in America during the Great Depression. They will dramatically curb bank profits and shares in financial companies were marked significantly lower overnight.On Wall Street, JP Morgan Chase fell 6.6%, Morgan Stanley dropped by more than 4% while Goldman Sachs also saw 4% wiped off its value.In Japan the Nikkei average dropped almost 3%, hitting a three week closing low, while South Korea's KOSPI was down almost 2%. In Hong Kong, one of Asia's major banking cent 株価を使用して、世界中のダウ工業株平均(ダウ平均)を200以上のポイントを木曜日の夜に終了-以上の2%をドロップすると、最悪のパフォーマンスを昨年10月以来yearPresidentバラクオバマ氏の攻撃の銀行のウォール街の徒党を組む上でガタガタして、投資家ヨーロッパとアジアの急落、商品価格が下落して開くと、FTSE100種総合株価指数は、ドルweakening.Within分間後に、ダウジョーンズ工業株平均(ダウ平均)は200ポイント以上の閉鎖-のドロップで20ポイント以上を失ってしまった2%と10年以来最悪の成績は昨年-ニューヨークの最後のnight.Acrossアジアの株式市場はオバマ氏の計画は、銀行を防止するためのニュース後に下がって、自分の帳簿への投資やヘッジファンドを行ったり、プライベートエクイティへの投資を実行してからホールド預金
Hedge funds planning HK, Singapore offices Bank of America Merrill Lynch is helping more than a dozen multibillion-dollar international hedge funds set up or re-establish a presence in Hong Kong and Singapore as the United States and Europe increase industry regulation.