- Things You Won't Hear Often #4: 'Let Me Check My Bing Search Results On My Phone'
According to International Telecommunication Union, a UN agency, the total number of Internet users globally crossed 2 billion by the end 2010, an increase from 1.86 billion in 2009 and double the number of netizens in 2005. 国際電気通信連合、国連機関、世界的に終わり、2010年までに2億越えのインターネットユーザーの総数は、2009年に1860000000から増加によると、2005年にはネチズンの数を倍増
- China's Geely now selling cars online
China's leading private-run carmaker, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, began selling cars online Monday to tap into the purchasing power of the nation's hundreds of millions of netizens.
Geely, which took over Volvo Car Corp. this year, said in a statement that it has opened a flagship store on Taobao Mall, a major e-commerce website.
Geely added that it now sells Gleagle Panda-branded cars and planned to add more, including models specially designed for online customers and auto interior pro ... 中国の大手民間経営の自動車メーカーは、浙江吉利控股集団、ネチズンの数百万数百の国家購買力の月曜日にタップに買う車の販売を開始しました
- Rising PC penetration likely to prove lucky for China's netizens
Internet users in the country, which is currently the largest population globally, is projected to exceed 750 million by 2015 as more urban and rural Chinese gain access to computers, said McKinsey & Company in a recent report.
It is estimated that six million new users log on to the virtual world each month, the consulting firm said, adding that if this trend continues, China will be on track to have 750 million netizens by 2015.
Driving these numbers is urban computer penetration, which ... コンピュータへの農村部の中国利得万によって、より都市は、2015年までにレポートにアクセスする近年アンドカンパニーは、マッキンゼーという750のインターネットユーザーは、国であり、現在を超える最大の人口をグローバルにである投影
- China's online consumption to exceed 2 trillion yuan in 2013
More than half of China's 1.3 billion people will go online and their enthusiasm for online shopping will create a market of more than 2 trillion yuan in 2013, according to a survey by DCCI Data Center for China Internet, a leading Internet research and data information provider.
Based on the result of its survey for the first half of 2010, it estimates that by the end of 2010, the number of Chinese netizens will have reached 469 million, which is 35 percent of the country’s total populati ... 中国の13億人の半数以上が、オンラインで行って、オンラインショッピングのための熱意は、2013年以上2000000000000元の市場を作成しますが、中国のインターネットのDCCIデータセンター、主要なインターネット調査とデータの情報提供の調査で2010年上半期の調査のため、その結果に基づいて、それがpopulati合計年末までと見積もっているの数は2010年の国の35%の中国は、万人をネチズンが達しました469 ...
- CNTV semi-paralyzed after one week of operation
The newly-launched China Network TV Station (CNTV) received intensive attention from netizens because it provides free access to video programming and high-definition channels of 51 television stations including CCTV and other local stations. However, this has led to high web traffic, semi-paralyzing CNTV. Currently, there are problems with the CBOX software which was specifically designed to download television programs however people can still view videos via the website.
On December 28, 20 ... これはビデオのプログラミングとCCTVと他のローカル局を含む51のテレビ局の高品位チャネルへの無料アクセスを提供し、新しくネチズンから集中的に注目を集めた中国ネットワークTVステーション(CNTV)を開始した
- Mainland joy as Yao Ming set to become a father
The wife of NBA center Yao Ming, pictured, is expecting their first child, sending netizens into a frenzy of hope for a new generation to lead China... NBAのセンター、ヤオミン、写真の妻は、希望の狂乱の中に中国をリードする新世代のネチズンの送信は最初の子を期待しています...
- Lies, con jobs affect China's e-commerce
More than half of Chinese netizens think online transactions are unsafe, which has had a huge negative impact on China's e-commerce development, according to industry experts.
Mao Wei, chief scientist with China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), said in the latest survey, CNNIC found 50.3 percent of Chinese netizens claimed they don't believe in making online transactions, and 50.8 percent of people said they often encounter fake and exaggerated information when surfing the Interne ... 中国ネチズンの半分以上がオンライン取引は、その業界の専門家によると、中国の電子商取引の発展に大きな負の影響を与えている危険だと思う
- Microblogs keep mainland censors on toes
China's netizens may not be able to "tweet," but they "knit a lot of scarves" - code for posting to a homegrown microblog.
中国のネチズンは、。。u0026quot;つぶやき。。u0026quot;することができないかもしれないが、彼らは。。u0026quot;スカーフの多くを編む。。u0026quot; - のコードを自社開発マイクロブログに投稿してください
- Timely Chan goal rescues Hong Kong side
Hong Kong drew 1-1 with the United Arab Emirates yesterday in their opening game in the Asian Games football tournament in Guangzhou.
Chan Man-fei... 香港は、FEI - Manさんの広州
- Google's team-up with spy agency dangerous
Internet search firm Google's deal that invites the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to help with its inquiry into cyberattacks may pose serious threats to other countries' national and commercial security and is worrisome to world netizens.
Google, founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998, has become the largest world Internet search engine. It runs more than 1 million servers in data centers around the world, and processes more than 1 billion search requests and 20 petabytes of user ... インターネットの検索会社Googleの契約では、サイバー攻撃へのお問い合わせは、他の国の国民や商業のセキュリティに深刻な脅威をもたらすことを支援する米国の国家安全保障局(NSA)を招き、気に世界ネチズンたちは、グーグル社のLarry Page氏とSergey Brin氏によって設立さ1998年に最も大きい世界のインターネット検索エンジンとなっている