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    The Police

    音楽 関連語 ガーディアン TRUCK Pakistan
    • Special Olympics torch missing in Samoa
      APIA - The Special Olympics torch which went missing from the Police Headquarters in Samoa last week has yet to be recovered.The torch, dubbed the Flame of Hope, was in Samoa for what is ironically called The Law Enforcement Special... アピアは - 行方不明警察本部からサモアでは先週行ったスペシャルオリンピックスの聖火はまだrecovered.Theトーチ、希望の炎と呼ばれるには、サモアの皮。法施行スペシャルと呼ばれるものだったが...

    • Prateep: I am ready to be police chief
      Acting police chief Pol Gen Pateep Tanprasert said he is ready to take up the post of police chief if he is appointed at the meeting of the Police Board on Thursday afternoon. 演技警察署長はポルジェンPateep Tanprasert彼は、もし彼は木曜日の午後には、警察委員会の総会で選任された警察署長のポストを取る準備ができている

    • Auckland cop's effort saves Afghan toddler
      Andrew Berry was in Soughdar, a village of mud, dung and straw huts a half-hour drive along the potholed Silk Road from Bamiyan township, when a local woman approached.Berry, a senior sergeant who works in Manukau at the police's... アンドリューベリーはSoughdar、泥の村、糞やわら小屋バーミヤンの町から、くぼみのあるシルクロードに沿って車で30分でされたとき地元の女性のapproached.Berry、マヌカウで動作する上級曹長警察の...

    • Police to negotiate with UDD Sunday
      Anti-government leaders of the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) told the police on Saturday night that they could not ask their supporters to leave Ratchaprasong intersection yet, deputy police chief Panupong Singhrra Na Ayutthaya said. 独裁に対する民主主義のため、赤シャツの統一戦線の反政府指導者が(UDD)彼らはまだ交差点をラチャプラソン残して支持者を求めることができませんでした土曜の夜に警察に話し、副警察署長Panupong Singhrraナアユタヤと述べた

    • Egyptian court postpones blogger death case
      An Alexandria criminal court on Tuesday adjourned until Sept. 25 the case of the two Egyptian policemen accused of torturing a young Egyptian blogger. The court postponed the case in order to hear from the witnesses, Egypt's official MENA news agency reported. The policemen denied the charge, saying the 28-year-old Khaled Mohamed Said died after swallowing a package of drugs while policemen were trying to arrest him in June. On July 3, Egypt's public prosecutor referred Mahm ... 公式中東北アフリカの報道機関は、のエジプト報告、アレクサンドリアの2つのエジプトの刑事裁判所は、火曜日の場合は延期されるまで9月は25人の警。被告人の証人から話を聞く拷問するために延期の場合、若いエジプトブロガーを、裁判所は警察が拒否されました料金は、6月と言っ28歳ハレドモハメドで彼を逮捕しようとするが警官は中にサイードは、薬のパッケージを飲み込んだ後に死亡した

    • DR Congo clash kills 1, injures several
      At least one person was killed and several others injured during a confrontation between the police and youths demonstrating on Friday at Kikwit, a town in the southeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), a local source told Xinhua by phone. Protesting the insecurity in the area, the youths took to the streets of Kikwit, the headquarters of Bandundu province, about 600 km from Kinshasa. This action paralyzed all activities in this town. The police reportedly opened fire at the ... 少なくとも1人が殺され、数人が電話で語った華、ソースが負傷中にローカル)、コンゴの対立の間(コンゴ民主共和国共和国の民主町キクウィトでの南東部の警察と金曜日に示す若者

    • Rugby: Cooper charge dropped
      Australia five-eighths Quade Cooper has had his burglary charge dropped in a Gold Coast court. The police offered no evidence against the 22-year-old on allegations he stole two laptop computers from a residence in Surfers Paradise... オーストラリア5 8分のクエードクーパーは彼の強。料があったゴールドコースト裁判所に下落した

    • Car bombing seriously wounds senior police officer in Iraq
      A car bomb explosion Friday badly wounded the police chief of Iraq's northern oil-rich city of Kirkuk, local police source said. The car bomb targeted the convoy of Brigadier-General Burhan Taeb, the police chief of Kirkuk which locates 250 km north of Baghdad, when he passed Dumez area south of the city, said the source on condition of anonymity. Taeb was badly injured in the explosion and was taken to a hospital for treatment. One of his sons who was a lieutenant in the police forces was ... 自動車爆弾の爆発は金曜日がひどくソース、地元の警察キルクーク警察署長をイラク北部の石油負。豊富な都市のだ

    • Four policemen killed in Baghdad clashes: officials
      A fierce gunbattle in a Sunni neighbourhood of the Iraqi capital on Saturday saw four policemen killed and 10 people wounded, including eight police, said an interior ministry official.The clashes broke out about 2:00 am (2300 GMT) in Saidiyah, a stronghold of Al-Qaeda in southern Baghdad during the worst years of Iraq's insurgency after the US-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003.They occurred after a man whose car was stolen traced it to a nearby house and informed the police who came under fire when they arrived, the official said. 土曜日にイラクの首都のスンニ派地区で激しい銃撃戦は、4つの警官が死亡し10人が、8人の警察官を含む負傷者を見た内務省official.Theの衝突は午前の2:00(2300 GMT)でSaidiyah、本拠地で勃発した国際テロ組織アルカイダバグダッド南部でイラクの武装勢力の最悪の年の間に2003.Theyのサダムフセインを打倒米国主導の侵攻後のその車近くの家にトレース盗まれた火の下に来た警察に通報した男は後に発生した彼らが到着したときは、関係者は述べた

    • Poll: People not happy with police work
      A latest survey revealed that most respondents are not satisfied with the police performance. 最新の調査では、ほとんどの回答者は、警察のパフォーマンスに満足していないことを明らかにした

    • Small plane crashes into building in New York
      A small plane crashed into a commercial building in Suffolk County of the U.S. state of New York on Saturday, injuring at least two people and leaving the building fully engulfed, police said. The two-seat Cessna crashed into the Varsity Plumbing Supplies company in the afternoon just outside Long Island MacArthur Airport, local WABC television reported, citing official sources. The crash occurred just after 3 p.m. on Saturday. According to initial information from the police radio, bot ... 小型飛行機は人を上のニューヨーク州、米国のサフォーク郡の建物の商業に墜落した土曜日の2つの負傷、少なくともと巻き込ま残して建物を完全に、警察は言った

    • Suspicious package detonated at British embassy in Brasilia
      A suspicious package sent to the British embassy in Brasilia was blown up by police on Monday without causing damage, a police spokesmen said Tuesday. Embassy officials decided to call the police after receiving at least six phone calls with threats. Police considered it more prudent to blow up the wooden box, although dogs trained to detect explosive devices had no reaction to the package and X-ray machines detected nothing. Police isolated an area in front of the embass ... 不審な小包にブラジリアで英国大使館に送信される警察が月曜日にダメージを与えずに爆破され、警察のスポークスマンと発表した

    • Bus crash on German highway injures 24
      A tour bus crashed with a trailer truck on a highway in southern Germany early morning on Thursday, leaving 24 people injured. A Polish tour bus hit a Romanian trailer truck on Highway A6 in the southern state of Bavaria around 2 a.m., the German news agency DPA reported. The 55-year-old bus driver was injured seriously, while the 48-year-old truck driver was not injured, the police said. Twenty-three of 46 passengers in the tour bus were slightly injured. Rescue workers have transpo ... ツアーバスが負傷、ドイツ早朝南部高速道路でトレーラーにとの衝突木曜日の人々が、残して24

    • Police main target as violence continues to tarnish Belfast
      BELFAST - Belfast is once again counting the cost - human, financial and social - of the familiar mid-July outbreak of disorder which has injured dozens of people and brought destruction on to its streets.The Police Service of... ベルファストは - ベルファスト再びコスト - 人間、経済と社会期待している - 障害の数十人が負傷したと破壊をもたらした、そのstreets.The警察サービスの上で使い慣れた7月中旬の発生の...

    • Cairo-Rome flight suspended over bomb threat
      Cairo Airport authorities on Wednesday evacuated passengers on board a Rome-bound flight over bomb attack threat, state-run Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported. The police received a phone call from an unidentified man warning that the Alitalia airlines Rome-bound flight is booby- trapped. Egyptian Tourism Minister Zohair Garana was among the 157 passengers on board, the report said. All passengers were asked to leave the plane, while the police started examining them and checking thei ... 水曜日にエジプトのカイロ空港当局はボード上でローマの乗客の避難、爆弾テロの脅威、国営中東通信(中東北アフリカ)を実行する上での飛行バインドされたと報じた

    • Police fatally shoots man on subway train in South Chicago, U.S.
      Chicago police Saturday shot and killed an armed man on the subway train in South Chicago, the local media Chicago Sun-time quoted police as saying. The local police responded to a call that a man with a gun was on the train in the morning and managed to approach him. But the man began to fight with the officers and pointed a gun at the officers, which prompted both officers to discharge their weapons and shot him, according to a release from the police. The man was then taken to a local h ... シカゴ警察は土曜日は撮影していたと報じた警察時間メディアは、シカゴ日武装殺さ-地下鉄電車の中でサウスシカゴ、ローカルの男性を、地元警察は、朝と答えたに男がで呼び出しという点でていた。電車彼に近づくことができた

    • 9 killed in Philippines rebel attacks
      Communist guerrillas killed eight policemen and a local official in coordinated attacks in the central Philippines on Saturday, the police commander for the region said. 共産ゲリラは、土曜日にフィリピン中部の協調攻撃の地方公務員8人の警官を殺し、地域の警察の司令官は言った

    • Police to review Somkid promotion
      Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said he is calling an urgent meeting of the Police Commission to discuss the promotion of Pol Lt Gen Somkid Boonthanom to assistant national police chief, which displeases Saudi Arabia. 副首相はステープThaugsubanは、彼がサウジアラビアを不快にさせるアシスタント国家警察署長にポル中将ソムキットBoonthanomの促進を議論する警察委員会の緊急会議を呼んでいると述べた

    • Afghan senior official killed in suicide blast
      Deputy governor of volatile eastern province killed by suicide car bomber, along with five others, police sayThe deputy governor of a volatile eastern Afghan province was killed by a suicide car bomber today, along with five others, police said.The explosion occurred when the official was driving in Ghazni city toward his office, the police chief of Ghazni province, Zarawar Zahid, said.The bomber rammed into one of the vehicles in the two-car convoy, causing a large blast. Everyone in the convoy was killed, including deputy governor Khazim Allayar, his adult son, his driver, and three bodyguards, Zahid said. Twelve people nearby were wounded.Government officials are prime targets for the Taliban and other insurgent groups that have initiated an assassination campaign against people who work with either the government or Nato forces.Allayar had held the post for more than seven years. He survived a bombing attempt just two months ago in the city.Meanwhile, the office of President Hamid Karzai said it was looking into the possible deaths of civilians in Laghman province, north-east of Kabul.Nato forces said one civilian was killed by a coalition service member in the Alishing district of Laghman on Sunday. It said an investigation was continuing into the circumstances of the man's death.Civilian deaths are a sensitive issue in Afghanistan. Protests were held in Laghman after about 30 insurgents were killed during an operation involving a combined force of more than 250 Afghan National Army, Afghan National Police and coalition soldiers last week. Nato said no civilians were harmed in that operation.AfghanistanGlobal terrorismguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds に沿って5人と自殺車爆弾で殺された揮発性東部州の副知事が、警察は、揮発性東部アフガニスタンの州の副知事が5人と一緒に、今日の自殺車の爆撃によって殺されたsayThe、警察said.The爆発が発生したときの公式彼のオフィスに向かってガズニ市で運転していた、said.The爆撃機が2台の車列に車のいずれかに突っ込んだガズニ州、Zarawar Zahidさん、の警察署長大規模な爆発を引き起こす

    • Mexican police find 8 human heads in northern Mexico
      Eight human heads were found Tuesday in different places of Durango city, capital of Durango state in the north of Mexico, the General Prosecutor's office of Durango said. The finding was due to anonymous phone calls telling about the exact places where the human heads were, the office said in a statement. All of the victims were male between 25 and 30 years old. Their identities and the whereabouts of the corpses remain unknown. But the police suspected the killing may be connected wit ... 8人間の頭は、メキシコのされた北の状態が火曜日のドゥランゴの首都のドゥランゴの場所別、検察のオフィスのドゥランゴ一。述べた

    • Five people killed in Iraq's violence
      Five people were killed and 11 others wounded in two bomb attacks in Baghdad and the western province of Anbar on Monday, the police said. In Baghdad, two civilians were killed and four others wounded in a roadside bomb explosion in the morning at the al-Shurta al- Rabia neighborhood in southwestern part of the capital, an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. In western Iraq, unidentified gunmen planted at the house of a policeman with explosive charges in the to ... 5人が月曜日にあったが死亡し、攻撃爆弾で負傷した2人11州のアンバル州西部、バグダッド、警察は言った

    • Saudis explained over Somkid's rise
      Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya on Tuesday called on the charge d'affaires of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia and explained to him about the Police Commission's decision to promote Provincial Police Region 5 commander Pol Lt-Gen Somkid Boonthanom as assistant national police chief. 外務大臣カシットPiromya火曜日にハジスン大使館サウジアラビアの大使に呼ばれ、警察委員会の決定アシスタント国家警察署長は、5司令ポル中尉-ジェンソムキットBoonthanomを地方警察庁ジョンを促進する方法について説明した

    • Chuan urges police reform
      Former prime minister Chuan Leekpai and Democrat party's advisory chairman criticised the Thai police as ineffectual and people did not trust the police, while the military was praised for being mature and this was the main reason that no coup happened even under the extreme crisis, reported TNA. 軍が成熟されて、これが主な理由がないのクーデターとは極端な危機下でも、起こったTNAの報告されたために賞賛された中に元首相チュアンと民主党の党の諮問委員長は、無駄な人々は警察を信用していないとして、タイの警察を批判

    • Kidnapping baffles police team
      Germany: Television was Thomas Boegerl's last resort. The provincial banker had dropped off a ransom payment in the hope of freeing his kidnapped wife but, mysteriously, it was not collected. After the police had spent nearly a week... ドイツ:テレビ、トーマスBoegerlの最後の手段でした

    • Full statement by Theresa May, the home secretary, on the Cumbria shootings
      Home secretary Theresa May promises debate on gun laws – but only after the investigation into the Cumbria shootings is completeWith permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a statement on the shootings that took place yesterday in Cumbria. My right honourable and noble friend, Baroness Neville-Jones, will make this statement in the other place.I know that the whole house will want to join me in sending my heartfelt condolences to everybody touched by yesterday's tragic events. In particular, our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who were so senselessly killed and injured in the shootings.We also send our thoughts to the honourable member for Copeland, who is in Cumbria today. He represents communities that have been touched by tragedy too many times in recent months – but they are strong communities and I know they will bear these sad events with dignity and fortitude.I would also like to pay tribute to the police and emergency services. In my short time as Home Secretary I have been struck by the bravery, professionalism and sense of duty that police officers demonstrate every single day.Yesterday, the men and women of Cumbria Constabulary – aided by the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, neighbouring police forces, and the other emergency services – showed these qualities in abundance. They have the support and admiration of the whole house as they go about rebuilding the lives of the people of Cumbria.I spoke yesterday to chief constable Craig Mackey, and we talked again this morning. He has told me that his force is now conducting a full and thorough investigation to find out exactly what happened, how and why. More than 100 detectives have been assigned to the task. Their investigation will look into Derrick Bird's history, his access to ホーム秘書テレサ5は、銃の法律上の議論を約束 - しかし、カンブリア撮。捜査の後にのみcompleteWith許。氏スピーカー、私は昨日、カンブリアで行われた撮影で声明を発表すると考えています

    • Indonesian anti-terror squad arrested 2 alleged terrorists in West Java
      Indonesian police's anti-terror squad, the detachment 88, arrested two alleged terrorists after a fierce brawl with them in town of Sukabumi, West Java, local TV reported here on Saturday. The arrest took place before noon after the squad members stalked those alleged terrorists from a local internet cafe. Those two alleged terrorists were arrested after they refused to surrender, launched an attack to the police. They were arrested near their rented house in the town. Metro TV rep ... 代表インドネシア警察の反テロ、剥離は88日土曜日の報告ここで西のスカブミ、町で一緒に乱闘で逮捕の2つのテロ容疑者を後に激しいテレビのJava、ローカル

    • Letters: Legal cuts threaten access to justice
      Last Wednesday the case against our client Alan Clough was dropped after crucial video footage emerged. This showed him acting quite lawfully and then being punched in the face by a police officer (Inquiry after police hit anti-fascist protester, 22 October). Mr Clough was due to stand trial on a public order offence after he attended a protest against the English Defence League in Bolton in March. We represented many people arrested on that demonstration and have received many reports of oppressive tactics and arbitrary violence by the police. The original police account of the day, widely reported in the media, was that officers acted with professionalism and restraint in the face of extreme violence from demonstrators. It has taken many months of digging by lawyers and campaigners for a more accurate picture to emerge. In Mr Clough's case, without the video footage there is every possibility that the court would have accepted the accounts of the officers and a miscarriage of justice would have occurred.It is a basic principle of a democratic society that those accused of a crime are able to have their case brought promptly before a court and have access to quality legal representation. Mr Clough's case shows that we cannot always trust state authorities to act with fairness and transparency. The role of a legal aid lawyer can often be decisive in preventing a miscarriage of justice. Spending cuts at the Ministry of Justice will lead to more delays, inefficiency and mistakes. The £350m cut in legal aid will bring us closer to a scenario where there is one law for the rich and one law for the poor. These measures fundamentally threaten access to justice and must be resisted.Robert LizarRobert Lizar Solicitors, ManchesterLegal aidUK criminal justicePoliceEnglish Defence 重要なビデオ映像は、明らかになった後、先週の水曜日は、我々のクライアントアランクラフに対する訴。削除されています

    • Ecuador police mutiny censorship
      Last week's mutiny by police in Ecuador resulted in injuries to more than 20 reporters and the imposition of TV and radio censorship. In the course of a 12-hour crisis hundreds of officers took over police barracks across the country in protest at cuts to their benefits.After declaring a state of emergency, the country's president, Rafael Correa, ordered TV and radio stations to interrupt their programming to carry state news broadcasts. It meant that citizens were unable to receive balanced information from an independent media at a critical time, said Freddy Barros, editor-in-chief with the TV station Ecuavisa.At least 22 reporters and photojournalists were attacked, threatened, or harassed as they covered the police rebellion, according to the Quito-based group press freedom group Fundamedios. Sources: CPJ/RSFJournalist safetyEcuadorPress freedomGreenslade on Latin AmericaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds エクアドルの警察が先週の暴動は、20以上の記者、テレビやラジオの検閲を課すことへの傷害をもたらした

    • Military monitoring armed groups
      Military intelligence is working closely with the police in monitoring groups of people in possession of weapons who could try to incite violence in the country, 1st Army Region commander Udomdet Sitabutr said on Monday. 軍事情報は、国の暴力を扇動しようとするかもしれません武器の所持人々のグループを監視し、警察と緊密に協力して、第一陸軍地域司令官Udomdet Sitabutrが明らかにした

    • One dead, two injured in Moscow gas explosion
      One person died and two others were injured during a gas explosion at a Moscow residence Monday, local media reported. The explosion occurred at around 10:40 a.m. Moscow time (0640 GMT) at 64 Dmitrovskoe Highway, the Interfax news agency reported, citing police sources. Preliminary information indicated the home residence has been destroyed, with other tenants already evacuated. The cause of the blast was currently undetermined, but the police sources said it was most likely a household ... 1人が死亡、2人は、居住地モスクワガス爆発でいた負傷中の月曜日、地元メディアが報じた

    • One policeman killed, two injured in shootout against police station in northern Mexico
      One person was killed and another two were injured after a police station in northern Mexico was attacked Friday, local authority said. The event occurred when gunmen in vehicles attacked the police station of Delicias town in Chihuahua state, according to Delicias' Public Security direction. The three injured were taken to a nearby hospital, but one policeman died on the way. The attackers escaped and police has started an investigation. This is the fifth attack against police stations ... 一人が殺され、メキシコは金曜日に襲わ北部負傷後にした別の2つがある駅は、警察、地方当局は語った

    • Video: 'They were a gang of bullies who burst into my house'
      On election day David Hoffman had a knock on his door by the police, who instructed him to take down a poster he had in his window of David Cameron with the word 'wanker' written on it. Moments later he was handcuffed and threatened with arrestLaurence TophamPaul Lewis 選挙日デビッドホフマンで警察が、誰が彼は彼がデビッドキャメロン彼のウィンドウで単語。。u0026#39;マスかき。。u0026#39;と書かれたていたポスターをダウンさせるように指示彼のドアをノックしていた

    • Cyprus policemen protest, urging police chief to step down
      Over 300 Cyprus policemen marched outside the Presidential Palace Saturday to protest against alleged dictatorship of police chief Michael Papageorgiou and demand his resignation. The policemen accused Papageorgiou of changing their working hours without consulting the Police Association, refusing to meet the leadership of the trade union and ordering disciplinary proceedings against association officials for trade union activities. The policemen marched in civilian clothes instead of poli ... 警察以上300キプロスの辞任を宮殿行進外大統領マイケル長警察に抗議に対して土曜日疑惑独裁のPapageorgiou彼と求めています

    • PCCW tumbles after police raid on Li home
      PCCW's shares dipped as much as 2.4 per cent yesterday following news that police raided the home of the telecommunications firm's chairman, Richard Li Tzar-kai. The police are probing Li's failed attempt to take PCCW private last year, a deal that was scuppered when the Court of Appeal ruled that the shareholders' vote had been rigged. PCCWの株は2.4パーセント、昨日のニュースは、警察の通信会社の会長、リチャードリーTzar会の家を襲撃、次の下落した

    • Cambodia: Lightning strikes kill six
      PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - Police say six farmers in northwestern Cambodia have been killed by lightning during torrential rains.Sarun Chanty, the police chief in the northwestern province of Pursat, said the six died in the province... プノンペン、カンボジア - 警察カンボジア北西部の6つの農家は。豪雨rains.Sarunはやし歌中に殺害されていると、プルサの北西州の警察署長は、6つの州で死亡した...

    • Court officer, gunman killed in Las Vegas shooting
      Police shot dead a gunman who opened fire in a federal courthouse in downtown Las Vegas on Monday, killing one court officer and wounding a second. &$ &$Police surrounded the federal courthouse building in L.A. on Jan 4, 2010.A shooting took place in L.A.on Monday morning,killing one court officer and wounding a second.the suspect was shot dead by the police on the spot.(Xinhua/ AP photo)&$&$ Previous repo ... 警察は死亡、1つの裁判所の職員が死亡したラスベガスのダウンタウンにある連邦裁判所は21日、発砲した犯人ショットと2番目の人が負傷した

    • 10 dead to be autopsied
      Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Pongsathat Pongcharoen revealed that the police forensic department would perform autopsies on 10 civilian dead this afternoon. 警察スポークスマンはポル中将Pongsathat Pongcharoenは、警察法医学部門では、10の民間死んで、今日の午後解剖を行うと発表した

    • Meeting on police adviser on Monday
      Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva will call a meeting with the Royal Thai Police on Monday to discuss the administration of the police force and the possible appointment of a level-10 adviser. 首相Abhisit Vejjajivaの月曜日に警察の管理とレベル10顧問の可能性任命を議論するためタイ警察との会談を呼び出します

    • Peshawar Journal: Bootlegging, Pakistan-Style
      Purveyors of contraband alcohol must hide their line of work from the police, the Taliban and their families. 密輸アルコールの御用達は、警察、タリバンとその家族からの仕事のその行を非表示にする必要があります

    • Suspicious object found in front of Chula
      Red-shirt guards on Monday morning informed the police of a suspicious object found in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital. The object was assumed to be an explosive device but the police later found out that it was a car inner tube folded into a round shape. 月曜日の朝に赤シャツの警備員が不審なオブジェクトチュラロンコン病院の前に発見された警察に通報した

    • Republican bombers hit spy HQ
      Republican dissidents detonated a bomb yesterday outside the British spy headquarters in Northern Ireland, just hours before Catholic and Protestant leaders were to elect a new Justice Minister.The Police Service of Northern Ireland... 共和党反体制派は昨日、北アイルランドの英国のスパイの本部の外に、カトリックとプロテスタントの指導者の前にわずか数時間は、新しい法務Minister.The警察サービスを北アイルランドの選出された爆弾を爆破させる...

    • Roy Greenslade: Two Rwandan papers suspended for six months
      Rwanda's press regulator, the media high council, has suspended two independent newspapers - Umuseso and Umuvugizi - until after the coming presidential election. The six-month ban was imposed because the papers are said to have incited the police and created fear among the public. Human Rights Watch claimed earlier this year that opposition activists are facing increasing threats as the next presidential election approaches in August.Sources: AllAfrica.com/Human Rights Watch/Index on CensorshipPress freedomHuman rightsRwandaGreenslade on AfricaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ルワンダの記者レギュレータ、メディアが高い評議会、大統領選挙が終わるまで2つの独立新聞 - UmusesoとUmuvugizi - 停止している

    • Police dig deeper into Storm salary cap fiasco
      Salary cap breaches by Australia's Melbourne Storm rugby league club were referred to the police after an audit revealed the alleged fraud was nearl... 監査は、詐欺容疑を認めた後、オーストラリアのメルボルンストームラグビーリーグクラブサラリーキャップの違反は、警察に呼ばれていたnearlされた...

    • Pakistan police station hit by fatal suicide car-bomb attack
      Seventeen killed, including officers and schoolchildren, as militants target law enforcement centre in Lakki MarwatA suicide car-bomber today attacked a police station in north-west Pakistan, killing at least 17 police and civilians.About 40 people were wounded in the attack in Lakki Marwat, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on the main road and rail link between Punjab province, Pakistan's largest and most prosperous region, and the North and South Waziristan tribal regions.A Pakistani army offensive drove militants out of South Waziristan in October but militants still control much of North Waziristan, where US drone aircraft have been conducting a campaign of targeted killings.Rescue workers and police officials were digging through rubble searching for survivors, according to a police official, Ghulam Mohammad Khan. Nine police officers, four adult civilians and four children on their way to school were killed in the attack.Another police official, Liaquat Ali, said 45 police officers were in the building when the bomber struck.Local TV footage showed emergency workers using heavy machinery to move the rubble of the mostly destroyed police station. Books and a schoolbag could be seen in the wreckage alongside the twisted frames of a motorcycle and a car. A neighbourhood shop and mosque were also partly destroyed.The police chief of Lakki Marwat was killed in a suicide bombing several months ago and militants have carried out a string of attacks in the area since then.In recent days, militants have launched attacks aimed at destabilising the country and weakening a civilian government already struggling with a flooding crisis that has displaced millions and caused widespread destruction.PakistanGlobal terrorismguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | U 17、役員や小学生など、Lakki MarwatA自殺車爆撃機の武装を対象とし、法執行の中心地として、今日はパキスタン、少なくとも17警察とcivilians.About 40人が死亡Lakkiの攻撃で負傷した北西警察署を攻撃し死亡Marwat、主要道路とパンジャブ州、パキスタンで最も豊かな最大領域の間の鉄道リンクカイバルPakhtunkhwa県で、北と南ワジリスタンの部族regions.Aパキスタン軍の攻撃が南ワジリスタンの10月に武装勢力を行なったが、過激派は、まだ多くの制御北ワジリスタンのどこに米無人航空機がターゲットkillings.Rescueの労働者と警察のキャンペーンを行っている掘削瓦礫の中の生存者を探して、警察関係者は、グラームアフマドムハンマドハーンによればした

    • Suicide car bomber kills 10 in Iraq
      Suicide attacker detonates car bomb outside sports stadium in Shia town of Tal Afar in northern Iraq killing 10A suicide attacker detonated a car bomb today outside a sports stadium in the predominantly Shia town of Tal Afar in northern Iraq, killing at least 10 people and wounding 120, police and hospital officials said.The bomber blew up his vehicle near the entrance to the stadium where a crowd of people were gathered, according to the police official. A hospital official confirmed the casualty figures.Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak to the press.Located between the Syrian border and the volatile city of Mosul, Tal Afar's residents are predominantly Shia of Turkomen ethnicity, and have been frequent targets of suicide bombers.Dozens of people were killed in attacks in October and July last year, and in March 2007 truck bombs hit crowded markets, killing at least 152 people. The most recent attacks in the city before Friday's blast took place in October and prior to that in July, with dozens killed in both cases. The deadliest attack in the north-western city was in March 2007 when truck bombs hit crowded markets, killing at least 152 people.Iraq was hit by a string of co-ordinated attacks on Monday, killing 119 people across 10 cities. In most cases, Shias or members of the security services were targets. AP BaghdadIraqguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 自殺攻撃者はタルアファルのシーア派の町のスポーツスタジアムの外にイラク北部で10Aの自爆攻撃を殺す自動車爆弾を爆発させる今日のイラク北部タルアファルの主シーア派の町のスポーツスタジアムの外に、少なくとも10人、120を負傷して死。車爆弾を爆破させる、警察や病院関係者複式爆撃機は、警察関係者によると人の群衆が集まっていたスタジアムの入り口近くに彼の車を爆破した

    • Afghans guarding Nato convoy killed
      Taliban suspected of shooting dead nine workers who were guarding a Nato supply convoy in Gereshk districtGunmen killed nine Afghan workers who were guarding a Nato supply convoy in the south of the country, police said today.The attack in Gereshk district happened last night, according to the deputy police chief for Helmand province, Kamaluddin Khan. Military supply convoys are regularly attacked in Afghanistan, where they are seen as an easier target for insurgents than Nato bases.The shootings come about a week after trucks carrying Nato supplies for troops began travelling again through the Khyber Pass from Pakistan into Afghanistan. Pakistan had closed the Torkham crossing in protest at a Nato helicopter strike that killed two Pakistani border guards.During the 11-day blockade, about 150 trucks were destroyed and some drivers and police were injured in the almost daily attacks in Pakistan. However, Nato said its supplies were not interrupted as it sent them through other routes.Last night an air strike by coalition forces killed four suspected Taliban fighters who were planting a bomb, said Abdul Jabar Pardeli, the police chief in neighbouring Nimroz province. A Taliban commander was among those killed.Violence has risen in southern Afghanistan as Nato and Afghan forces have for months attempted to push insurgents from their strongholds in the Taliban heartland of Kandahar.Checkpoints have been set up around Kandahar city in an attempt to keep insurgents from entering and carrying out attacks.Control of Kandahar is seen as key to reversing Taliban momentum in the war. The nearly 150,000 international troops and 220,000-strong Afghan security forces are still struggling against an estimated 30,000 insurgents.The nine-year war has inflicted a mounting toll on Afghan タリバンはGereshkのdistrictGunmenでNATOの補給部隊は、国の南にNATOの補給部隊を守っていた九アフガン労働者を殺害した警備死者。労働者を撮影するの疑い、警察によると、Gereshk地区にtoday.The攻撃は最後の夜を起こると言いましたヘルマンド州、Kamaluddinカーン副警察署長

    • No street protest during UN chief visit: Thai army chief
      Thai army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha said Monday no street protest will be allowed during the upcoming visit of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to Bangkok. General Prayuth told reporters the Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation, which commands security in the capital and a few adjacent provinces, has beefed up security in Bangkok in preparing for Ban's visit on Tuesday. He said the police will be the main security force while soldiers will play a back-up role. Bangkok ... タイ軍のチーフ一般Prayuthチャンお茶は記者団に対し述べた月曜日はPrayuth全般

    • Petrochemical industry's gross output up 9.7% against adverse trend
      Thanks to the polices to boost domestic demand in 2009, China's petrochemical industry has achieved growth against adverse trends, generating a gross output value of 3.93 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.7 percent year-on-year, said the China Petrol and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA) January 28 during a meeting on the industry's situation in 2009. The output value of the oil extraction sub-industry fell 26.6 percent year-on-year to 749 billion yuan; the oil refining sub-industry fell 4 ... 政策のおかげで、中国の石油化学産業、3930000000000元、24.7%増の増加で、今年の総出力値を生成する有害事象の動向に対する成長を遂げ、2009年に国内の需要を高めるために、中国ガソリン、化学工業協会は2009年には業界の状況に関する会議(CPCIA)1月28日の間

    • Chilean police detain over 100 students for occupation of schools
      The Chilean anti-riot police detained 101 students Monday after expelling them from three secondary schools in the center of the capital. The students occupied those schools in the morning, demanding an education reform and reduction of public transportation fees. They were peacefully dislodged by the police upon mayor Pablo Zalaquett's request. This was the second of its kind in less than one week. Students representatives said they will not give in. The spokeswoman for the Middle S ... チリの反警察は、資本の拘束部の学校から3次を後に追放月曜日101学生生徒は手数料の公共交通機関との削減を占領改革これらの学校を教育の朝、求めている

    • Colombia arrests Ecuadorian carrying explosives for guerrilla
      The Colombian police have captured an Ecuadorian citizen along the Colombia-Ecuador border who was trying to deliver explosives to Colombia's guerrilla of the Army of National Liberation (ELN). The police said Wednesday that the Ecuadorian, Antonio Pena, was carrying 25 kg of pentolita explosives when he was arrested in Tuquerres in the Narino department in southwest Colombia. The Colombian authorities have captured several Ecuadorians with explosives in the past for illegal armed groups w ... コロンビア警察はpentolitaの帳簿25キロだったエクアドルは、アントニオペーニャ、あること固めた警察にされたとの国境キャプチャエクアドルエクアドル市民に沿ってコロンビア配信爆薬をコロンビアのゲリラ軍の)(今回のELN解放国。爆発は、彼がコロンビア南西部に逮捕されたのナリーノ部門でツケレス

    • Detention of 3 UDD leaders extended
      The Criminal Court on Wednesday granted the police investigators' request to detain three leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship for seven more days, from Thursday until June 9. _NULL_

    • UDD leaders' detention extension granted
      The Criminal Court via the video conference from Naresuan Border Patrol Policein headquarters in Petchaburi agreed to the police's request to extend the detention for 7 more days of Veera Musikapong, Weng Tochirakarn and Kokaew Pikulthong after the three surrendered to the police 7 days ago. 刑事裁判所はペッチャブリーのナレスワン国境パトロールPolicein本部からビデオ会議を介して警察の要求に7日前警察に投降した後の3つVeera Musikapong、ウェンTochirakarnとKokaew Pikulthong 7日以上の勾留延長に合意した

    • Police asked to study Hainan land auction
      The Department of Justice has asked the police to look into a controversial auction in which former Citic Pacific chairman Larry Yung Chi-kin and the company were successful bidders for land in Hainan to be developed as a tourist resort, according to a person familiar with the situation. 司法省はこれで元CITICパシフィックの会長ラリーヨンチー親族と会社は海南省の土地落札された論議をオークションに見て観光地として開発すること、人と詳しい筋によると警察に要請している状況

    • India appoints new Central Reserve Police Force chief
      The Indian government decided to appoint K Vijay Kumar as new chief of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) on Saturday, replacing Srivastava who took post last February. The appointment of the CRPF was made in a sudden move by the central government, reported local media (Press Trust of India, the Indian Express). Vijay Kumar aged 58, entered the police service in 1975, and is well-known for his experience of the special operation. He commanded a special operation force in the Indian P ... インド政府は昨年2月の記事をSrivastavaさんした交。土曜日に中央区の警察(CRPF)のチーフ新品同様Kumarさんを決定して、Vijay Kに選任することができる

    • Kenya holds three suspects over deadly explosions
      The Kenyan police are holding three suspects for interrogation in connection with Sunday's multiple explosions in central Nairobi that has left at least seven people dead and more than 100 injured. Sources within the police force confirmed on Thursday that the authorities were interviewing three persons said to have received Short Messaging Service (SMSs) which investigators thought were suspicious. The SMSs reportedly congratulated the recipients apparently for taking part in some event, ... ケニア警察は負傷100以上の、死者は少なくとも左中央ナイロビている3つのいる保持容疑者の爆。尋問のための接続、複数の日曜日の7人はソースを力に警察人数で確。木曜日、3つのインタビュー当局がいたと言わ不審な受信ショートメッセージサービスは、(SMSの)をと思っていた捜査官はSMSは伝え、いくつかのイベントが祝福に参加しての受信者を明らかに...

    • Somkid to be inspector-general
      The Police Commission on Friday resolved to appoint Region 5 Provincial Police chief Pol Lt-Gen Somkid Boonthanom inspector-general, police spokesman Pol Maj-Gen Prawut Thavornsiri said. 解決金曜日に警察委員会は、地域5州の警察を選任する主任ポル中尉-ゲンソムキットBoonthanomインスペクター一般的に、警察のスポークスマンポル少将-ゲンPrawut Thavornsiriは言った

    • Police, Red Shirts briefly skirmish
      The Red Shirts at Rajprasong area confronted the police in front of Monks Hospital near Rajprasong intersection. 赤シャツはRajprasongエリアで僧。病院Rajprasongの交差点近くの前で警察に直面

    • Catholic abuse in Belgium | Andrew Brown
      The abuse scandals widen in Belgium, where the offices of an Archbishop have been raided by the policeReports are coming in that Belgian police have searched the offices of Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, the head of the Catholic church there, in search of evidence about child abuse. This follows the resignation earlier this year of the Bishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, who admitted to abusing a boy more than twenty years ago. The church commission which is investigating another twenty allegations was also raided today; earlier its chairman had said that the church was not taking all its complaints seriously. ReligionCatholicismBelgiumAndrew Brownguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 虐待事件は、ベルギー、大司教の事務所は、policeReportsで家宅捜索されているでそれが子供の証拠の検索では大司教アンドレジョゼフレオナール、カトリック教会があるの頭の事務所を捜索したベルギー警察はして来ている広げる虐待

    • Stop the torture in Pakistan's prisons | Owen Watkins
      The case of Naheem Hussain and Rehan Zaman, subjected to horrific abuse in a Pakistani prison, is far from uniqueThrough its work defending British Pakistanis facing the death penalty in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, Reprieve has become increasingly alarmed and shocked at the frequency of stories of abuse at the hands of Pakistan's police. There is no more perfect example than that of the case of British Pakistanis Naheem Hussain and Rehan Zaman, who, after more than five years in prison without trial, have suffered excruciating torture in Dadyal police station and Mirpur prison and are currently facing execution. Their case is based on an extremely weak complaint to the police (known as a First Instance Report or FIR) and confessions beaten out of both men.Torture techniques inflicted on victims such as Naheem and Rehan include falaka (foot whipping with a rod or cane), the pulling out of fingernails with pliers, the rubbing of hot chillies in eyes, endless beatings with sticks, and an excruciating practice called strapado, where the victim is hung by the wrists from the ceiling until the shoulders dislocate. The abuse is often so severe that police tire in their duties of kicking and beating detainees and are rotated, allowing them to recoup their lost strength. Each policeman comes armed with sticks, broom handles or bamboo canes.Unfortunately, most instances of torture are not reported. Police abuse appears to be so common in Pakistan that it has been accepted as the norm, even though Pakistan has formally pledged to end these practices by signing the UN Convention Against Torture and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Save for the occasional news story, many people outside the British Pakistani community show little interest in these issues. Som パキスタンの刑務所でゾッとするような虐待を受けるNaheemフセインとRehanさんZamanさんの場合は、uniqueThroughから遠くパキスタンとアザドカシミールで死刑に直面しているイギリスのパキスタン人を守るため、その作業は、執行猶予がますます心配になっているとショックを受けての話の周波数でパキスタンの警察の手で虐待

    • 100 killed in protests in India-controlled Kashmir
      The civilian death toll in police and paramilitary shooting on protesters across Indian- controlled Kashmir Saturday crossed the 100 mark with the killing of another youth. The killing took place in Anantnag town, 60 km south of Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir. Police spokesman said the youth was part of a violent mob which tried to ransack house of a pro-Indian political party leader in curfew-bound area . Locals denying the police claim said police and I ... 死者の警察民間カシミール土曜日制御インドの準軍事的な撮影がでデモ、若年者殺害の別のマークを100渡った

    • Ian Tomlinson ruling: can we trust officers to police protests fairly now? | Marc Vallée
      The decision not to charge the officer who struck Ian Tomlinson casts doubt on our safety at policed demonstrationsWhat will be the future of policing of protests following the CPS decision not to bring criminal charges against a highly trained Metropolitan police territorial support group officer who struck Ian Tomlinson? Will the policing of political dissent be safer now? Or will the police feel they can act with impunity?As a journalist, I covered the G20 protests from the ground and watched the unfolding mess of the police operation lead by Commander Bob Broadhurst. I saw the violence of the state first-hand and documented it. What I saw that day was not new to me. It was not new to many of my colleagues and for many of the protesters. Many of us have seen this confrontational and violent policing before and since.What was different about the G20 protests was that a man died.Importantly, the attack on Ian Tomlinson was captured on film and a major newspaper – the Guardian – put its full weight behind finding out the truth. Surely this time things would be different? Surely it would be different for the family of Ian Tomlinson than the family of Blair Peach? Surely the weight of evidence and public opinion would lead to truth and justice? Surely?A new generation of young people will now doubt whether the police will be held accountable by the criminal justice system if a citizen dies in a public order situation. This new generation will also now be aware of how the state seemingly closes ranks to protect one of its own – and, more importantly for the political and economic class, to protect the authority and power of the state machine.Bottom line: if you or I had behaved in the same way as this officer that day, we would be on trial, especially if our actions had be 決定は、イアントムリンソンを襲った役員を請求すること私たちの安全に警備demonstrationsWhatで抗議のCPSの決定領土サポートグループの役員はイアントムリンソンを襲った高度な訓練を首都圏警察に対する刑事責任を持っていない、次のポリシングの将来される疑問を投げかける?ウィル政治反対のポリシングは、安全な今はできますか?または警察は処罰を持って行動することができます感じでしょうか?ジャーナリストとして、私は地上からG20の抗議をカバーし、司令官ボブブロードハースト警察操作リードの展開の混乱を見ていた

    • Approval for police reform panel today
      The membership of the police reform committee should be approved today, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Tuesday. 警察改革委員会のメンバーは、今日承認されるべきである、内閣総理大臣Abhisit Vejjajivaのは、明らかにした

    • Scrapping section 44 is a relief to all | Corinna Ferguson
      The move to end stop and search will be welcomed by many groups across the country – including the policeLiberty HQ is in upbeat mood following the home secretary's announcement that the use of stop-and-search powers against individuals without suspicion under section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 is to end. We have fought for overhaul of this extraordinarily broad power since it was first enacted a decade ago and our battle went all the way to the court of human rights. In January of this year, our landmark victory was a tribute to common values and common sense. The new home Secretary has now begun to put that sound judgement into practice.Liberty's relief will be echoed around the country – dislike of section 44 runs deep and wide. Under these powers, police were allowed to stop and search anyone without any suspicion of wrongdoing. The blanket discretion left to individual officers created the conditions for black and Asian people to be between five and seven times more likely to be stopped than their white counterparts. There were also tragically ridiculous cases of children being subject to this anti-terror power.Photographers also despise section 44 for the frequency with which it was used to stop them while out on routine assignments photographing buildings or public events.Anyone who has engaged in peaceful protest will also welcome the news. The power was a blunt but irresistible tool for the harassment of lawful protestors. The alienating impact on those searched was bad enough, but there can be little doubt of the chilling effect on other people's desire to exercise their democratic right to express dissent.Perhaps unsurprisingly, given this litany of grievance, the police will also breathe easier from now on. To Liberty's knowledge, section 44 has never led この動きは全国多くのグループで歓迎されるだろう停止し、検索を終了する - policeLiberty本社を含む陽気な気分で家秘書の発。従っていることテロのセクション44で疑いなく個人に対して停止および検。権限を使用する法律は、2000終了することです

    • No jail for Somali tyrant's nephew
      The nephew of a Somali dictator has avoided jail in Australia for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl on the same night he celebrated his engagement. Omar Artan, 21, who has won an award from the police chief commissioner for... ソマリアの独裁者の甥は、オーストラリアで性的彼が婚約を祝った同じ夜に14歳の少女を暴行の刑務所を避けている

    • PT petitions against Suthep
      The opposition Puea Thai Party on Monday filed a petition with the National Anti-Corruption Commission against Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban, in his capacity as chairman of the Police Commission, accusing him of wrongfully appointing Pol Lt-Gen Santhan Chayanont as Metropolitan Police chief. 野党Pueaタイ党は29日、国家腐敗防止委員会副首相ステープThaugsubanに対抗し、警察委員会委員長としての立場で、不当に首都圏警察長としてポルLTは、ジェンSanthan Chayanont任命彼を非難する請願書を提出した

    • PM: New police chief on Monday
      The police board will meet this coming Monday to select the most suitable senior general to head the Royal Thai Police, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Thursday afternoon. 警察委員会は、これは月曜日来る木曜日の午後によると、最も適切な上級一般的なロイヤルタイ警察は、内閣総理大臣Abhisit Vejjajivaの頭を選択する会う予定だ

    • Police rescue 20 more trafficked children in northern Ghana
      The police have rescued over 20 more children believed to have been trafficked and to be transport to other areas of country in Bolgatanga, capital of Ghana's Upper East Regional. The children, rescued on Tuesday, were in the custody of the regional police command in Bolgatanga, police sources said here. The rescue operation by the anti-human trafficking unit of the police has brought the total number of trafficked children from northern Ghana to over 50 just in two days since Mond ... 警察は、人身売買詳細20が救助以上あると考えられて子供たちが地域イーストアッパーのガーナの首都、ボルガタンガする国交通機関への他のエリアの子どもは、上の救助火曜日ボルガタンガ警察のコマンド地域親権のした、警察筋はここにいる

    • Police on red alerts in Nigeria's Borno State
      The police in northern Nigeria' s Borno State have put in place a surveillance team to stop a plot by some group to cause mayhem in the state. State Commissioner of Police Ibrahim Abdu disclosed this to reporters in Maiduguri, capital of Borno State on Monday, noting that the attack was to commemorate the one year anniversary of the death of the sect's leader Sheikh Mohammed Yusuf. Yusuf was killed by Nigerian military force in July 2009 after he stirred up the four-day riot in northeast N ... ボルノ州だ警察がで。。u0026#39;ナイジェリア北部の開示アブドゥ入れて騒乱をのイブラヒム警察庁長官の状態状態が発生するグループ内の場所の監視チームを立ち寄っプロットをいくつか、この記者は月曜日にマイドゥグリに国家のBornoの首都、の周年を暴動日にかくはんされた最大4彼はナイジェリア軍

    • Two Germans abducted in Nigeria freed
      The police in oil rich Nigeria's Abia State has confirmed the release of the two German nationals abducted by gunmen operating in the region. State police spokesperson Ali Okechukwu confirmed this to Xinhua on Saturday night. The two, both male, were kidnapped on Sunday as they were heading to their vehicle at the beach at Imo River of the state. Okechukwu said the police was not directly involved in the rescue and he was not sure any ransom was paid. Meanwhile, a German Embassy offi ... 石油警察は金持ちナイジェリアのアビア州、夜土曜日の警察スポークスマンはステートが確認リリース

    • Officer escapes charges over G20 death
      The police officer captured on film striking a man during last year's G20 protests in London will not face criminal charges over his death because of conflicting opinions about the cause of death among the medical experts who conducted... 警察関係者は映画ロンドン昨年のG20のデモ中に行われる医療専門家の間で死の原因について意見が対立のための彼の死で刑事責任に直面しない男を打つでキャプチャ...

    • Police outline progress in cases
      The police spokesman has outlined the progress in the handling of political cases involving both the People's Alliance for Democracy PAD)and the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD). 警察のスポークスマン)との統一戦線民主独裁に対する(UDD)政治的事件の両方人民同盟民主PADに対する事件の処理の進捗状況を概説しています

    • Police worried about red rally
      The police were not concerned about the yellow-shirt gathering today to mark the second anniversary of the Oct 7 protest against the Somchai Wongsawat government, but are apprehensive about the red-shirts' planned anti-government rally this Sunday, Metropolitan Police Bureau division 1 chief Wichai Sangprapai said. 警察は、ソムチャイWongsawat政府に対して10月7日に抗議2周年を記念して、今日黄色のシャツの集まりを心配されていないが、赤シャツ。。u0026#39;計画の反政府集会今週の日曜日、首都警察局部門1を心配されチーフWichai Sangprapaiは言った

    • Ian Tomlinson case should be aired in open court | Henry Porter
      The public needs to see justice done. Instead the DPP's decision sends a message that the police are immune from prosecutionTalk to any lawyer working the crime beat in an inner city and you will hear tales of police corruption and casual violence and abuse that you rarely see reported in the media. There is a conspiracy to ignore a widespread pattern of behaviour because it is deemed to be more damaging to society than to admit that Britain's police forces are far from perfect.We become aware of the routine immunity offered to the police only in something like the bewildering and bizarre decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions not to prosecute the officer who, in the minds of the entire nation, was likely to have caused the death of the newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson. To any fair-minded person, it looks as though the police are being treated differently to members of the public. Most people know that the police would have relished prosecuting anyone else meting out this level of violence, which has been captured on film, yet the officer from the Met's territorial support group (TSG) is allowed to escape scot-free.This is wrong and damaging to relations between the police and public, already eroded by the last government's encouragement of authoritarian styles of policing. And it is important not to forget the attack on Tomlinson took place after the Home Office and the Met had gone to considerable lengths to inflame the 2009 G20 demonstration with predictions of violence. What happened that day was as much the result of police tactics and official aggression as of the misbehaviour of the demonstrators.But nothing can excuse the individual action of the member of the TSG, which, incidentally, was the subject of nearly 300 separate complaints after the demonstrat 国民は、正義が行わ参照してくださいする必要があります

    • Northern Ireland: A violence from the past
      The riots and attacks may slow – but do not stop – the shared future being built in Northern IrelandThe violence of the last few days in Northern Ireland has been in marked contrast to the earlier part of this year's marching season. The Drumcree march and many other marches passed off peacefully, or largely peacefully. Now, however, we have again seen people out on the streets rioting, we have seen police officers and members of the public injured, and we have seen shotguns, blast bombs, petrol bombs, bricks and other missiles thrown across communities and at the police. We have seen again the use of baton rounds and water cannon.The scenes of destruction evoke the memories of years gone by. There were reports not only of hooded, masked men engaging in violence but also of small children on top of the shops at Ardoyne, a traditional location for hurling down missiles on anyone below. This violence, though, is on a smaller scale, looks very clearly orchestrated and bears the marks of dissident republicanism.Great work has been done again this year. There have been 2,423 marches in Northern Ireland so far: 603 of them took place yesterday. There are a further 856 marches to come: 841 will have taken place by 31 August. Marching is certainly still a strong part of the culture. Some 65% of our marches are unionist and loyalist and 3% are republican and nationalist. The remaining 32% are motor cavalcades, girl guides on parade, and so on.While the Orange Order talks of Orangefest and there are portrayals of the marching season – and particularly the Twelfth – as a community festival, that is not the experience of the whole community. The Orange Order celebrates the victory of Protestant William of Orange over Catholic King James at the battle of the Boyne, and does not perm 暴動や攻撃が遅くなるかもしれません - が停止しない - 共有の未来を北アイルランドの最後の数日間の北IrelandTheの暴力で構築されて今年の行進シーズンの前半に対照してきました

    • Families urged to identify 18 bodies in S Mexican state
      The state attorney in Mexico's southern Pacific coast state Guerrero, where 18 bodies were found in a mass grave on Wedneday, called on family members to identify the bodies. During a radio interview on Thursday, David Augosto Sotelo said that the police were checking a video posted online in which two men said that they had kidnapped 20 tourists from nearby state Michoacan, also on the Pacific coast, and executed them because they were afraid of being captured by soldiers. In the video, t ... の家族と呼ばれていましたが見つかりましたの質量の墓にWednedayメキシコ南部の遺体は18の状態ゲレロ、海岸太平洋で、弁護士が国家機関を識別します

    • Roy Greenslade: Long sentences for Brazilian journalist's killers
      Three military police officers and a businessman have been sentenced to long terms in prison after being found guilty of killing Brazilian journalist Luiz Carlos Barbon Filho in May 2007.Two of the policemen and the businessman were jailed for 18 years and four months. The third officer got 16 years and four months.Barbon was killed at age 37 in a bar in Porto Ferreira, 。ão Paulo. As a reporter for the newspaper Jornal do Porto, he wrote a series of reports about a child prostitution ring that led to the convictions of four businessmen and five local officials. Sources: O Globo/Knight CentreBrazilPress freedomJournalist safetyRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 3つの軍警察とビジネスマンが刑務所に長期的に5 2007.Two警官のビジネスマンブラジルジャーナリストルイスカルロスバーボンフィリョを殺すの有罪判決をされた後、18年4ヶ月間投獄された宣告されている

    • 51 kg of heroin seized in eastern Turkey
      Turkish police on Saturday seized 51. 5 kilograms of heroin in the province of Bitlis in eastern Turkey, the semi-official Anatolia news agency reported. Acting on a tip-off, the police stopped and searched a car on the Bitlis-Diyarbakir inter-city highway, finding the haul stashed in special compartments of the car, said the report, adding that the driver of the car was taken under custody. In a separate operation in the southeastern province of Hakkari on Saturday, the Turkish police sei ... 土曜日にトルコ警察は51を押収した

    • 2 soldiers killed in Iraq's violence
      Two Iraqi soldiers were killed and five security members wounded in three attacks, including a suicide car bombing, in central and northern Iraq on Thursday, the police said. A suicide car bomber struck an Iraqi army checkpoint at night outside a military base in the village of Zaidan in Abu Ghraib area, just west of Baghdad, killing a soldier and wounding two others, a source from the operation command of Anbar province told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. Also in the province, ... 2人のイラク兵士が木曜日にあった3つの攻撃、北部と、中。爆撃を含む自動車を使った自爆イラクの5つのセキュリティのメンバーが負傷死亡、警察は言った

    • Chopper crashes in Japan's Saitama Prefecture, 2 survives: report
      Two people were confirmed alive after a rescue helicopter with seven people aboard crashed into a mountain Sunday in the central Japanese Prefecture of Saitama Prefecture, Kyodo News reported, citing local police. And the other five are believed to be dead, according to the police. The chopper was on the way to rescue a member of a nine-climber party on the mountain when it crashed into the mountain some 3 km southwest of the Karisaka tunnel on the national highway Route 140 around 11:10 a ... 2人が乗って人がいた7救助ヘリコプターで確認生きて後に県の山墜落に埼玉中央日本県の日曜日に、共同通信が警察に届け出た、ローカル挙げている

    • Explosion at police station injures 2 in Mexico
      Two people were injured in an explosion at a police station in Mexico's northeastern state of Tamaulipas on Sunday, police sources said. The explosion occurred on Sunday's early morning in a zone near the City Hall in the center of Tampico, capital of Tamaulipas, Tamaulipas' Police said. The explosion destroyed the vigilance entrance of the police station and injured the policeman on guard and another person who was at the place at the moment of the attack. The injured were taken to a h ... 2人は日曜日にタマウリパス州の北東部にメキシコの。爆発で警察で負傷した、警察筋によると

    • Two terrorist suspects killed in shooting with police in Indonesia
      Two terrorist suspects were killed on Sunday after a counter shooting with police in North Sumatra, and another suspect surrendered, police said. North Sumatra police chief Major General Oegroseno, told local television that one of the suspects was shot dead while trying to hide in a river, and the other blow himself with grenade in Serdang Bedagai district. Another suspect surrendered to a local police station at around 9:30 a.m., he said. The police are still hunting for scores of oth ... 二つのテロ容疑者は、スマトラ北部の撮影で警察は、カウンタはアーム後の日曜日の殺害された別のものが降伏したと思われる警察によると、北スマトラ州警察署長少将Oegroseno、非表示にして容疑者一人は、しようとしたときに死んでは、テレビのローカル語った撃たれた川、およびSerdang Bedagai地区手榴弾と彼自身、他の打撃

    • Two Ugandan journalists murdered
      Ugandan journalist Paul Kiggundu was beaten to death by a gang of motorcycle taxi drivers because he filmed them demolishing the house of another driver, who they considered guilty of murder.They accused Kiggundu, who worked for a Christian TV station, TOP (Tower of Praise), of spying for the police. Three days later, on 13 September, another Ugandan journalist, Dickson Ssentongo, was battered to death with metal bars by unknown assailants. The 29-year-old news anchor with Prime Radio in Luganda, was also involved in local opposition politics. Source: IFEXJournalist safetyUgandaGreenslade on AfricaPress freedomRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ウガンダのジャーナリストのポールKiggunduは、彼は彼らがキリスト教放送局、賛美のTOP(タワーのために働いたmurder.They被告Kiggundu、有罪と考え、別のドライバの家を解体、それらを撮影したので、バイクタクシー運転手の一団によって死に殴られた)、警察のスパイ活動

    • 'We quit', say Mexican cops
      When the police up and go, it's a bad sign.The entire police force of a small northern Mexican town has quit after gunmen attacked their headquarters.Los Ramones Mayor Santos Salinas says nobody was injured.But he told... 警察は、交流と行くときは、銃撃者がラモーンズ市長サントスSalinasさんは誰も彼が言った... injured.Butれたという彼らのheadquarters.Losを攻撃した後に終了した小さな北部メキシコの町の悪いsign.The entire警察だ

    • Unreported World: El Salvador – Child Assassins | TV review
      You could only admire Ramita Navai's bravery/foolhardiness in getting access to the brutal child gangs of San Salvador, but the big questions weren't even askedEl Salvador: Child Assassins (Channel 4) started as it finished, with a rather overexcitable and understandably panicky presenter, Ramita Navai, blue-lighting her way with the police through downtown San Salvador to murder scenes: the first a teenage boy gunned down while cycling, the second two young women who had been raped, mutilated and strangled. All three victims were members of either the MS13 or 18th Street gangs.In between, Navai went looking for the child gang members – some as young as 12 – who are responsible for many of the killings. And here the wheels began to fall off a little. San Salvador is one of the most dangerous cities in the world, and you could only admire Navai's bravery/foolhardiness in getting even very limited access to the gangs. But access means little without context.While there was an initial shock value in seeing a 14-year-old boy, filmed from the waist down to remain unidentifiable, playing with a handgun and boasting about how he shot his first victim so many times he was unrecognisable, there was no attempt to understand what – if anything – the killing meant to him.One former child gunman said he had no choice, that the gang leaders would have killed him if he refused. That may be so, but where was the insight into the emotional payback of wandering up to a stranger, putting a gun to his head and pulling the trigger? Can you ever be the same again?Another big question left unanswered: why San Salvador? Other cities have similar problems – no work, too many drugs, etc – but in few do kids get used as frontline hitmen. The police said the gangs were a menace; the rela それが完了するように、唯一のサンサルバドルの残忍な子ギャングへのアクセスを得ることに/猪突が、ラミータNavaiの勇敢さを賞賛することが大きな問題もaskedElサルバドールなかった:子供の刺客(チャンネル4)で開始というと当然のことながらパニックoverexcitable発表者は、ラミータNavai、青殺人シーンダウンタウンサンサルバドルで警察と自分の道を照明:最初の10代の少年が射殺しながら、サイクリング、レイプされていた2番目の2人の若い女性が、損傷と首を絞め

    • おつきさん
      table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 td {margin:0 !important;padding:0 !important;border:0 !important;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmhead a:hover {background:url( no-repeat 0 0 !important;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmembed object {float:left;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmfoot td.lfmconfig a:hover {background:url( no-repeat 0px 0 !important;;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmfoot td.lfmview a:hover {background:url( no-repeat -85px 0 !important;}table.lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 tr.lfmfoot td.lfmpopup a:hover {background:url( no-repeat -159px 0 !important;}</style> <table class=lfmwidgetchart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 style=width:184px;><tr class=lfmhead><td><a title=dnatsume: 最近聴いたトラック href= target=_blank style=display:block;overflow:hidden;height:20px;width:184px;background:url( no-repeat 0 -20px;text-decoration:none;border:0;></a></td></tr><tr class=lfmembed><td><object type=application/x-shockwave-flash data= codebase= id=lfmembed_1494371062 width=184 height=199> <param name=movie value= /> <param name=flashvars value=type=recenttracks user=dnatsume theme=red lang=jp widget_id=chart_293d4d55ef61dd6d8a78aa579b110a78 /> <param name=allowscriptaccess value=always /> <param name=allownetworking value=all /> <param name=allowfullscreen value=true /> <param name=quality value=high /> <param name=bgcolor value=d01f3c /> <param name=wmode value=transparent /> <param name=menu value=true /> </object></td></tr><tr class=lfmfoot><td style=background:url( repeat-x 0 0;text-align:right;><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 style=width:184px;><tr><td class=lfmconfig><a href= charttype=recenttracks user=dnatsume chartfriends=1 from=code widget=chart title=自分だけのウィジェットをゲット target=_blank style=display:block;overflow:hidden;width:85px;height:20px;float:right;background:url( no-repeat 0px -20px;text-decoration:none;border:0;></a></td><td class=lfmview style=width:74px;><a href= title=dnatsume のプロフィールにアクセス target=_blank style=display:block;overflow:hidden;width:74px;height:20px;background:url( no-repeat -85px -20px;text-decoration:none;border:0;></a></td><td class=lfmpopustyle=width:25px;><a href= charttype=recenttracks user=dnatsume chartfriends=1 from=code widget=chart resize=1 title=このウィジェットをポップアップに読み込む target=_blank style=display:block;overflow:hidden;width:25px;height:20px;background:url( no-repeat -159px -20px;text-decoration:none;border:0; onclick=window.open(this.href + ' resize=0','lfm_popup','height=299,width=234,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); return false;></a></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> </div></li>

    • Swaziland faces a long struggle for freedom | Blessing-Miles Tendi
      Repression in Swaziland goes unchallenged by its southern African neighbours and the international community, while its king intensifies his assault on all oppositionThroughout July Swaziland's King Mswati III – one of the world's last absolute monarchs – intensified his assault on independent media and opposition under the guise of combating terrorism. Using the prevention of terrorism act, King Mswati III has branded all opposition parties and labour unions terrorist groups, following a series of bombings of police offices and residences. Police raided the homes of leaders of the opposition, trade unions and civil society groups as part of King Mswati's counter-terrorism strategy. There are no known active domestic terrorist groups or issues likely to foment terrorism in Swaziland. Nor are international terrorists likely to harbour intent to target the country. Opposition political parties and civil society groups deny engaging in terrorist activities, and the police have not presented conclusive evidence to substantiate their accusations. So what is afoot in Swaziland?The wave of petrol bomb attacks is more likely a ruse orchestrated by the police as part of the king's renewed repression of political opposition and civil society. The largest pro-democracy groups in Swaziland are labour organisations. Unlike political parties, labour activists are free to operate, despite being periodically harassed by the authorities. Labour groups have been exerting pressure on the king to implement democratic reforms – something he is determined to resist. The crackdown is designed to further restrict the activities of civil society and opposition, as the king closes down democratic space and consolidates his hold on power.These repressive developments have gone largely unnoticed, その王は、すべてのoppositionThroughout 7月スワジランド国王ムスワティIIIで彼の攻撃を激化がスワジランドで弾圧は揺るぎないのアフリカ南部の近隣諸国と国際社会が、行く - 世界有数の最後の絶対君主 - を装って独立したメディアと野党に彼の攻撃を激化テロとの戦い

    • Council of State may be consulted
      There is a possibility that acting police chief Pateep Tanprasert would forward the resolution of the Police Commission to reinstate three senior police officers dismissed in the wake of two bloody protests in 2008 to the Council of State for a recommendation, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said after meeting with Pol Gen Pateep on Monday. が存在する可能性は演技警察署長Pateep Tanprasert推薦のための3つの警察幹部は2008年2流血の抗議を受けて、国家評議会への解任を回復するために警察委員会の決議案とは、内閣総理大臣アピシットVejjajiva会議を終えた後ポルジェンPateep月曜日にした

    • PM clarifies Somkid's promotion
      The government has explained to the Saudi government that the appointment of Pol Lt Gen Somkid Boonthanom as an assistant national police chief was in accordance with the promotion system of the Police Commission, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Sunday. 政府はサウジアラビア政府にアシスタント国家警察署長としてポル中将ソムキットBoonthanomの選任は応じて警察委員会の推進体制と説明したが、首相Abhisit Vejjajivaの日曜日に語った

    • Two police officials killed in ambush in SW Pakistan
      At least two police officials were killed and two others wounded in an ambush in the southwest Pakistan's provincial capital Quetta on Saturday by unidentified attackers, local sources said. Station House Officer (SHO) Abdul Wahab was on a routine patrolling in the morning accompanied by his staff near the police station on Sariab road in the suburbs of Quetta when unidentified miscreants opened fire on him leaving at least four of them critically injured. The SHO succumbed to injuries on ... 少なくとも2つの警察職員は、死亡した2人は攻撃者に資本クエッタ地方待ち伏せ南西パキスタンので負傷不明18日、現地の消息筋は語った

    • Colombian drug lord caught in Venezuela
      A Colombian drug lord was arrested in a joint operation by Colombian and Venezuelan police on Friday. At a press conference in Margarita Island, Venezuela, Colombian Defense Minister Rodrigo Rivera said in coordination with the Venezuelan authorities, the Colombian police captured Alberto Marin Zamora alias 'Beto Martin,' who was wanted by the United States. The U.S. government had offered up to 5 million U.S. dollars for information leading to his capture, he said, adding the police have ... コロンビア麻薬王は、金曜日に逮捕さで警察にコロンビアとベネズエラの操作の共同

    • Five killed, 11 injured in Iraq violence
      Five people were killed and eleven wounded in separate attacks in Baghdad and Iraq's eastern province of Diyala on Monday, the police said. In Diyala, a civilian was killed and two others wounded when gunmen with silenced pistols opened fire on them at their workshop near the provincial capital city of Baquba, some 65 km northeast of Baghdad, a source from Diyala's operations command told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. In a separate incident, unidentified gunmen shot dead a woman in her ... 5人が死亡し、月曜日にディヤラ州の東部の攻撃でイラクとイラクの個別で負傷イレブン、警察は言った

    • Personal privacy: This government is too keen to catch us on camera | Editorial
      The citizen has the right to be able to walk the street without constantly being photographedThe authors of section 44 of the 2000 Prevention of Terrorism Act did not intend to mandate the systematic harassment of photographers. The law gives police the power to stop and search people, without suspicion of criminal intention, in any area considered a possible target for terrorist attack.Since al-Qaida targets civilians, an area vulnerable to attack can plausibly be defined as a place where people gather. Predictably, that interpretation is the one police seem to prefer when using their power. They are also zealous in following guidance that identifies photography of public buildings as one possible stage in the chain of planning a terrorist act. So anyone taking a picture anywhere can be stopped by the police as a potential terrorist.The New Review today reports how a rising tide of suspicion is threatening the art of street photography. Anti-terror law is only part of the picture. Concern about paedophiles has lead in many public places to a ban on photography where children might be caught in the frame. Many streets and shopping centres that appear to be public spaces are run by private companies with their own rules on photography enforced by security guards in pseudo-police garb.Meanwhile, CCTV cameras belonging to private and state bodies are constantly capturing images of the public, with no obligation to respect privacy or seek consent.The ubiquity of the camera, whether mounted on government buildings or in a mobile phone, is a defining feature of our lives, but we have yet to settle the laws and protocols that should govern their use: what is public, what is private, what is fair game for a snapper. It is clear, however, that the balance is currently skewed the 市民権を常に2000テロの未然防止法のセクション44のphotographedThe著者されることなく写真家の体系的嫌がらせを強制するつもりはなかったの通りを歩くことができる必要があります

    • Greek police officer guilty of shooting teenager
      Officer convicted of murder after Athens death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos sparked nationwide riots in 2008A Greek police officer was today convicted of murder for the shooting of a teenager in central Athens that sparked nationwide riots in 2008.In a 4-3 verdict, a panel of judges and jurors found Epaminondas Korkoneas guilty of intentionally shooting 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos on 6 December 2008 in the central district of Exarchia, an area of bars and cafes popular with anarchist protesters.Korkoneas could be sentenced to life in prison later today.A second policeman, Vassilis Saraliotis, was convicted of complicity.Grigoropoulos's death led to two weeks of riots across Greece, in which youths rampaged through major cities, torching cars and buildings and looting shops. The teenager's death sparked a resurgence of anarchist attacks, mostly focusing on police and government targets.Two of the three judges and one of the four jurors voted for Korkoneas to be found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter with possible intent, which would have carried a lighter sentence. Korkoneas had insisted the boy was killed inadvertently by a ricochet when the policeman fired a warning shot after an altercation with youths.The trial was held in Amfissa, about 120 miles west of Athens, due to fears the procedure could lead to more rioting.GreeceProtestguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 担当者はアレクサンドロスGrigoropoulosのアテネの死が2008.In 4-3評決を、裁判官の合議体全国暴動を引き起こした、アテネの中心部にティーンエイジャーの撮影殺人の有罪判決を受けた今日は2008Aギリシャ警察の全国暴動を引き起こした後に殺人の有罪判決と陪審員は、指揮官Korkoneasが意図的にExarchia、刑務所での生活に後でtoday.Aを言い渡される可能性がバーやカフェアナーキストprotesters.Korkoneasと人気のあるエリアの中心地区に2008年12月6日に15歳のアレクサンドロスGrigoropoulos撮影の罪で有罪判決第二警官は、ヴァシリスSaraliotis、complicity.Grigoropoulosの死で有罪判決を受けたがされるの若者が車や建物や略奪のお店を放火し、主要都市で暴れギリシャ間で暴動、二週間となった

    • Peru, Aruba murder suspect to face questioning
      The Dutch suspect in the killing of a US teenager on holiday in Aruba five years ago will go before a judge Monday to face questions about the killing of a young Peruvian woman in May.Joran Van der Sloot, who confessed to killing 21-year-old Stephany Flores, found beaten to death in his Lima hotel room, has been held at the Miguel Castro Castro prison since June 11 after confessing to the crime.His Peruvian lawyer Maximo Altez has told local media that Van der Sloot plans to avoid responding to the judge's questions in a bid to invalidate the police investigation. 5年前にアルバの休日に、米国の10代の殺害オランダ容疑者は月曜日はMay.JoranバンデアSloot、殺害を認めたの若いペルー人女性の殺害についての質問に直面する裁判官の前に行く21歳古いステファニーフローレスは、死に彼のリマのホテルの部屋では、ミゲルカストロカストロ刑務所6月11日以来crime.Hisペルー弁護士マキアルテスに告白した後、開催されていることはVan der Slootが応答を回避するために計画地元メディアに語ったて殴らが見つかりました入札の裁判官の質問には、警察の捜査を無効にする

    • Scarlett Keeling murder trial in Goa delayed again
      Trial of two men accused of killing British teenager adjourned for second time in a weekThe trial of two men accused of killing the British teenager Scarlett Keeling in Goa got under way briefly today before being adjourned for the second time in a week.In a move which will do little to improve India's reputation for protracted court cases, the judge ordered that Goa children's court would start hearing evidence on alternate afternoons from 5 April.Speaking outside court, the prosecutor S R Rivankar said he believed he had a strong case but that the trial could last for the rest of the year. There are 72 witnesses listed to appear, with some foreign witnesses likely to give evidence by video link.Keeling, 15, had been on holiday in India with her mother and six siblings when her partially clothed body was found on a beach at Anjuna in February 2008.The initial police investigation concluded that she had drowned accidentally but a reappraisal of the case turned up new evidence that the teenager, from Bideford, in Devon, had been raped and murdered.Two local men – Samson D'Souza, 28, and Placido Carvalho, 36 – were subsequently charged with a number of offences, including culpable homicide, sexual assault, outraging modesty and destroying evidence.Both appeared in court today for the short hearing. D'Souza arrived and left wearing a black motorcycle helmet to try to avoid being photographed.The trial was originally listed to start on Wednesday but was put back for two days after the judge, B P Deshpande, was told the chief prosecutor had been replaced and the new one needed more time to be briefed on the case.Keeling's mother, Fiona Mackeown, who has been heavily criticial of the police investigation, was not in court for the hearing because she was due to appear before 裁判2人の英国の10代の男性2人ゴアで英国の10代のスカーレットキーリング殺人の被告人のweekThe裁判で2度目の延期殺人の被告人のように簡単に本日の下にweek.Inで2度目の移動のため延期される前になったが長引く裁判のためのインドの評判を向上させることはほとんどないが、同判事は、ゴアの子供の裁判所の代。午後5 April.Speakingから裁判所の外で聴聞会の証拠を開始するとなっておりますが、検事SR Rivankar彼は強力なケースがあったが、信じては、今回の裁判今年の残りの部分の最後のでした

    • Sir Paul Stephenson on DPP's Ian Tomlinon decision
      As the Guardian's network front is reporting the Director of Public Prosecutions has announced that the police officer caught on video striking a man at last year's G20 demonstrations will not face criminal charges. This news came through during this morning's meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority at City Hall, which I attended. MPA member Toby Harris invited Met commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson to comment on the decision and any lessons the Met had learned about public order policing since the G20 events. Sir Paul would have known a decision was coming, but indicated that he had not received the details (Lord Harris had his laptop open in front of him). Mindful too that the officer concerned might yet face a disciplinary process, Sir Paul restricted his remarks accordingly. Here's what he said: I'll have to make a very brief statement. Ian Tomlinson's death was a very tragic event and of course we all regret it and our sympathies remain with the family. I said at the time and I'm happy to repeat now that I was concerned at some of the video footage and I believed then, and I continue to believe, that it was right that it was independently and robustly investigated and that we would co-operate fully with that investigation, and we have. That was a matter for the IPCC. It is then right and proper that the IPCC refer the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions. They have done and it's a matter for the Director of Public Prosecutions to make judgements on these matters, not for me. I think it would be entirely inappropriate for me to comment any further on that decision, particularly as there is now he issue of what the coroner decides to do....I note the judgement, presumably there's a coroner's inquest to come.If come on to the learning, Toby, as you'll reca ガーディアンのネットワークのフロントは監督を公訴の報告しているとして、その警察官は、ビデオ、昨年のG20のデモで刑事責任に直面しない男を打つに引っ掛かって発表した

    • Who Did It
      tonight the new drama series, harper's island will be broadcast on channel 5.

    • Ethnic cleansing in the Israeli Negev | Neve Gordon
      The razing of a Bedouin village by Israeli police shows how far the state will go to achieve its aim of Judaising the Negev regionA menacing convoy of bulldozers was heading back to Be'er Sheva as I drove towards al-Arakib, a Bedouin village located not more than 10 minutes from the city. Once I entered the dirt road leading to the village I saw scores of vans with heavily armed policemen getting ready to leave. Their mission, it seems, had been accomplished.The signs of destruction were immediately evident. I first noticed the chickens and geese running loose near a bulldozed house, and then saw another house and then another one, all of them in rubble. A few children were trying to find a shaded spot to hide from the scorching desert sun, while behind them a stream of black smoke rose from the burning hay. The sheep, goats and the cattle were nowhere to be seen – perhaps because the police had confiscated them.Scores of Bedouin men were standing on a yellow hill, sharing their experiences from the early morning hours, while all around them uprooted olive trees lay on the ground. A whole village comprising between 40 and 45 houses had been completely razed in less than three hours.I suddenly experienced deja vu: an image of myself walking in the rubbles of a destroyed village somewhere on the outskirts of the Lebanese city of Sidon emerged. It was over 25 years ago, during my service in the Israeli paratroopers. But in Lebanon the residents had all fled long before my platoon came, and we simply walked in the debris. There was something surreal about the experience, which prevented me from fully understanding its significance for several years. At the time, it felt like I was walking on the moon.This time the impact of the destruction sank in immediately. Perhaps becau ベドウィンの村のイスラエル警察によって破壊どのくらいの状態がブルドーザーのネゲブregionA威嚇するような船団をJudaisingその目的を達成するために私はアルArakib、ベドウィンの。位置していないに向かって走りながら戻ってベエルシェバに向かっていた行く示しています市内から10分以上

    • Canada police not justified in taser death - inquiry
      VANCOUVER- The head of a public inquiry into the death of a Polish immigrant said Friday that the police officers who confronted the man at Vancouver's airport were not justified in repeatedly using their Taser stun gun to subdue... ポーランド移民は25日、バンクーバーの空港で男に直面警察官が繰り返し征服へのテーザーのスタンガンを使用して正当化されないと述べた...の死に、公聴会のバンクーバー頭

    • Tornado paparazzi create havoc on Midwest highways
      They're not the police. They're not ambulances. But they're still reacting to the worst nature can throw.These are storm chasers, part of the tornado paparazzi. This afternoon's bait: a supercell in far western Oklahoma that could... 彼らは、警察ではない

    • Letters: Are the police beyond the law?
      I am writing you regarding the disturbing circumstances surrounding the death of Ian Tomlinson (Report, 23 July). If you or I launched an unprovoked attack on a fellow member of the public, in front of numerous witnesses, and the act was captured on film, would we face prosecution? If this does not merit a criminal charge, what exactly would a UK policeman have to do in order to face legal sanction? It seems, in light of these events, impossible to resist the conclusion that the police are above the law.Aside from the fact that an innocent man is dead, and his family will receive no justice, the most depressing facet of this is that this outcome was not surprising. The police will, given the option, always protect their own. Presumably, the almost certain knowledge that he would face no legal sanction, was one reason the officer in question felt free to administer an unprovoked, vicious and cowardly beating to Mr Tomlinson.I do not fear crime or terrorists; they do not impinge upon my daily life. However, I now hesitate to express my freedom of speech by attending political demonstrations, for fear of the violence and intimidation of the police. Is this paranoid? We now know that the police are free to strike innocent members of the public (whether engaging in protests or simply walking home as Tomlinson was) without sanction; worse, the police know this too.How can politicians ask us to engage in politics, when political demonstrations are met with extreme violence, and the police are beyond the law?Dr Anders IngramEdinburgh• The failure to prosecute the officer who struck Ian Tomlinson is bad for everyone. The family are denied justice, the officer himself will become a pariah, the public will have their view that the police are above the law confirmed and the Metropo 私は不穏な状況イアントムリンソン(報告の死を取り巻くに関することを書いている7月23日)

    • Guardian Daily podcast: PM admits Iraq inquiry evidence was wrong; and calls for resignation of head of Ireland’s Catholic Church
      Gordon Brown has told the Commons he made a mistake over defence spending in his evidence to the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war. Chief political correspondent Nicholas Watt assesses the damage to the prime minister.Reporter Helen Pidd looks at Labour's election strategy, which will include a series of intimate meetings with Gordon Brown in voters' front rooms.Cardinal Sean Brady, the head of the Irish Catholic Church, has said sorry for failing to tell the police in 1975 about a paedophile priest. The cover-up allowed Father Brendan Smyth to continue abusing children for 18 years. Ireland correspondent Henry McDonald says Cardinal Brady may be forced to resign.Europe's colonisation of the New World is the theme of this year's Edinburgh Festival. The festival's director, Jonathan Mills, told the Guardian's Scotland correspondent Severin Carrell about the highlights.Ai Weiwei, China's greatest living artist, is doing the Tate Modern's next Turbine Hall installation. He talks to Beijing correspondent Tania Branigan.A group of writers have ascribed imaginary lives to a collection of 16th and 17th century portraits of people whose identity has been lost in the mists of time. Steven Morris reports from a new exhibition at Montacute House in Somerset.Jon DennisAndy DuckworthTim Maby ゴードンブラウン氏は、防衛支出の上の彼の証拠には、イラク戦争にChilcotお問い合わせへミスコモンズ話しました

    • Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia launch joint search for missing Peruvian lightplane
      The police of Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia launched joint search for the lightplane missing in the south of Peru on June 10, general director of the National Police of Peru (PNP) General Miguel Hidalgo said on Monday. The plane, of Cessna Grand Caravan type, took off from the airport of Nazca in Ica department, some 600 kilometers south to Lima, with a pilot, a copilot and seven passengers aboard. The plane was aimed to fly for 40 minutes over the Nazca Lines, which is one of the main tour ... 、ブラジルボリビア警察とコロンビアは月曜日とのヒダルゴのミゲル一般PNPトランジスタ)(ペルーの軽飛行機で行方不明に警察庁南のペルー6月10日総監督検索を共同発表

    • Break up Indian Railways to boost safety | Nash Colundalur
      Widespread corruption and alleged Maoist sabotage are costing lives. It's time the Indian government took radical actionEarly morning last Monday, a train packed with people approached Santhia station in West Bengal, India rammed full speed into another train on the same tracks. 63 people have been reported dead so far with at least another 150 injured. While eyewitnesses have said it overshot a signal, the railway department has not ruled out sabotage. This is the second accident in two months in West Bengal state alone, where the earlier mishap claimed 148 lives, again thought to have happened because of overshooting a signal. The police investigation accused the Maoist rebels of sabotage, but they have denied the charge.Started by the British in 1853 and initially run by independent companies, the railway network was later taken over by the government and grew rapidly, connecting almost all parts of the country, covering 9,000km by 1880. Later the system bequeathed to a newly independent India was maintained as a state-run organisation. Today Indian Railways has grown to employ 1.54 million people and traverses 63,000km, one of the largest in the world. Even with increases in revenue from passenger travel and fright transport, development has been left lagging behind.There has been a decline in the number of accidents over the years. But 2008-09 still saw 177 incidents resulting in several fatalities. There are plans to use devices that would without human intervention stop trains that overshoot signals. Though some tests are being conducted and the railways assert that it has been introduced in some parts of the country, the system remains inadequate and urgently needs to be perfected and applied throughout the network as standard procedure.Given the magnitude of th 広範囲の破損は、疑惑の毛沢東破壊の命を原価計算されます

    • Extracts from Raoul Moat's letter to police
      Newcastle gunman reportedly wrote to police and the press to explain his story. Here are extracts, as published in the SunAlmost 48 hours after Raoul Moat allegedly embarked on a shooting spree at 2.30am on Saturday, he reportedly called at his friend Andy Mcallister's house and gave him a handwritten letter, explaining that he wanted it passed on to the police and press.Moat had visited Mcallister at around 11.30pm on Saturday, and police had spent most of Sunday interviewing Mcallister after he called to tell them he had seen Moat. Then around 1.30am on Monday, Moat is reported to have returned to deliver the letter to his friend to tell his side of the story, according to the Sun.These are extracts as reported in the Sun today:Last night I called 999 and declared war on Northumbria police before shooting an officer on the West End A69 roundabout in his T5. Sitting there waiting to bully someone. Probably a single mum who couldn't afford her car tax.Rang again and told them they're gonna pay for what they've done to me and Sam. I went straight but they couldn't let it go. The public need not fear me but the police should as I won't stop till I'm dead.On the night 3/7/10 I shot Chris Brown and Samantha Stobbart, after an argument earlier that evening, and here I will make all the facts clear so there is no misunderstanding.They took it all from me, kids, freedom, house, then Sam and Chanel. Where could I go from there? Obviously I have issues but I was pushed. I never beat my kids. I could simply admit to anything now cos it doesn't matter. I'm a killer and a maniac but I ain't no coward.I was terrified of losing Sam, as I knew I'd lose the plot and that, and not wanted to do so stopped me from ever beating her and anyone saying otherwise can go on a lie detector.Now I ニューカッスルの犯人伝え警察にキーを押します彼の話を説明するために書いている

    • Does hate crime rise where the BNP has councillors? The data
      Finding out if race crime was worse in areas with a BNP councillor took weeks of freedom of information requests before we could tell the story. See the data we received here• Get the dataOver a period of several months we used the freedom of information act to gather statistics for racial and religiously aggravated crimes in areas where the British National Party has won council seats. We asked police forces to provided data that mapped as closely as possible onto the electoral ward boundaries and in most cases they were able to do precisely that. The data - which we received in wildly varying formats and with different levels of data - showed crime statistics before and after BNP councillors won seats as well as the overall trend for racial and religiously aggravated crimes for the police force area as a whole. The exercise revealed that in some cases, incidents of such crime rose following in the election of BNP members while at the same time the overall force trend was falling. We wrote about our findings in January. Following several requests from readers to access the data we received from police forces, it is published here.Download the data• DATA: download the full datasheetWorld government data• Search the world's government data with our gatewayCan you do something with this data?Flickr Please post your visualisations and mash-ups on our Flickr group or mail us at datastore@guardian.co.uk• Get the A-Z of data• More at the Datastore directory• Follow us on TwitterData summary BNPLocal electionsFree our dataCrimeRace issuesRace & religionFreedom of informationPoliceRobert Boothguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds レース犯罪が悪い地域でBNPパリバの議員となったかどうかを見つける私達が話をする前に情報の要求の自由週間かかった

    • Legal ruling delays 14-year-old's attempt to sail solo round the world
      Dutch court extends supervision order for Laura Dekker, who is a ward of the state, amid concerns for her safetyA Dutch court has extended a supervision order on a 14-year-old girl, further delaying her quest to become the latest and youngest teenager to sail solo around the world.Laura Dekker was made a ward of the state last year amid concerns that her plan to set sail aboard her small yacht would endanger her physical and social welfare. She was 13 at the time.The decision comes after 16-year-old Abby Sunderland had to be rescued in the Indian Ocean after a similar attempt last week, prompting widespread criticism of her parents for allowing her to undertake such a dangerous journey alone.Sunderland's voyage ended when waves snapped her mast, prompting a 20-hour international rescue operation.In Holland, Dekker has taken on an intense period of training to try to convince the authorities she is capable of completing the journey, her lawyer Peter de Lange told the court. She has passed a first aid diploma, become accustomed to lack of sleep and arranged to do schoolwork online.But the court in the southern Dutch city of Middelburg ruled that she should remain under state supervision for at least another month. Social workers had asked for a two-month extension of the order.Under the conditions of the ruling, Dekker has been allowed to live at home but her parents have had to consult child protection authorities about all major decisions.Dekker lives with her father, who is encouraging her record-breaking plans, while her mother has objected. The couple are separated.Last December, out of apparent frustration at the court order, Dekker fled alone to the Dutch Caribbean island of St Maarten. When she returned two days later, she was interviewed by the police.The unoffic オランダの裁判所、彼女safetyAオランダの裁判所への懸念の中でローラデッカー、状態の病棟は、のための監督命令を拡張し、さらにになる彼女の探求を遅らせる14歳の少女に監督命令を拡張し、最年少の10代の最新のworld.Lauraデッカー一周単独航海は昨年の懸念は、彼女の計画は彼女の小さなヨット彼女の物理的および社会福祉を危険にさらす出帆する中で状態の病棟をした

    • Conservatives and gay people – is the Tories' change of heart real?
      Perhaps it is safe for gay people to come out as Tories at lastSexuality is not a political virtue: it should be possible to be gay and a Tory and for no one to see a contradiction. Yet for the last 30 years the Conservative party has made it very difficult.Margaret Thatcher was one of the few Tory MPs to vote for the decriminalisation of homosexuality, in the 1960s. But in the 1980s her government introduced section 28, an overtly discriminatory piece of legislation with no practical purpose other than to make a show of prejudice. Labour took on the cause of gay rights reform after that and delivered what it promised. David Cameron is trying to catch up. Without section 28, he would not have to work so hard.The Conservative party has always had gay members and MPs. But it lagged way behind Labour in becoming openly proud of the fact.Is the Tory change of heart real? The shift began earlier than most people realise: John Major reduced the gay age of consent from 21 to 18. Michael Howard, the man who introduced section 28, went on to lead his party in favour of civil partnerships. But Cameron is the first Tory leader to make a show of his belief in equality, attending last year's gay pride, apologising for section 28 and holding a LGBT reception in Downing Street on becoming prime minister.There are advantages for him in this: it reinforces the idea that the Tories have changed. And counting against Cameron are his questionable alliances in the European parliament and a less than fluent interview with Gay Times just before the election – though it is telling that he gave one at all. But as the police minister Nick Herbert – who is in a civil partnership – argued in a speech earlier this year, many gay people are instinctively right of centre. Perhaps it is safe for them おそらくそれは、ゲイの人の安全lastSexuality保守党としてで出てくる政治的美徳ではない:それは可能とトーリーゲイ。矛盾を表示するためにする必要があります

    • CAP provides another bumper payout for landowners | John Vidal
      The common agricultural policy is a rotten system that makes the rich richer – and there's nothing we can to do change itForget the dodgy bankers. The people who have consistently received the most generous handouts from the public purse over the last 30 years are the big landowners. Teachers, the police and the others are preparing for savage job cuts, tax rises and an age of economic austerity, but a very few people who do nothing more than own land are being handsomely rewarded.Last month, the watchdog group Farmsubsidy.org collated the EU figures which identify where the €55bn common agricultural policy (CAP) subsidies went in 2009. No big surprises there, with five giant European sugar companies netting €500m between them, a few dairy companies making tens of millions each and the top 1,200 landowners and companies on the continent receiving more than €5bn between them.Last year, the number of farmers and food companies who received individual payments of more than €1m increased by more than 20%. In Britain we had 32 organisations and individuals each getting more than €1m.Perhaps because one in five Tory MPs is believed to receive farm subsidies, the government refused to divulge the British figures in advance of the election, and we won't have the exact names of the UK's biggest subsidy-reapers for a few weeks. But we now have the spreadsheet of the 65,000 people who received the farm subsidies, and it's not that different from other years.The biggest handout will probably not go to a full-blooded capitalist, but to the Co-op group, which manages 16 large farming estates and is now Britain's largest farmer. Up near the top of the list, though, are the Dukes of Westminster and Marlborough, the former Lord Vestey's family, the Queen, and very many hereditary landow 共通農業政策は、富めるを作る腐ったシステム - であり、何も私たちができる危険な銀行を変更itForgetを行うことです

    • Bomber blows himself up to avoid arrest in NW Pakistan
      A would-be suicide bomber blew himself up and another was shot dead by the police during a shootout in a remote village in northwest Pakistan on Friday, local TV channels reported. Police surrounded two suspected bombers in Lakki Marwat district of North-West Frontier Province after information was received about their entry into the area for terrorist attacks. The bombers refused to surrender and fired at the police party at Amir Wanda village, police said. The police party, led by dis ... 爆撃機と自殺-こと、自分自身を爆破した別の村だったがシュートは死んでリモートで銃撃。警察にパキスタン西北部は14日、地元テレビのチャンネルが伝えた

    • Rip Torn in court for breaking into bank 'he thought was his home'
      Film and TV actor found asleep and intoxicated in bank branch and asked police what they were doing in his houseThe veteran Hollywood actor Rip Torn is due in court today on charges of breaking into a bank with a loaded gun.The 79-year-old, who appeared in films such as Men in Black and Dodgeball, was arrested in January, in Connecticut, when police found him inside the branch of Litchfield BanCorp after the alarm went off.According to the police report, the Oscar-nominated actor was almost three times over the drink-drive limit.He was charged with carrying a pistol without a permit, carrying a firearm while intoxicated, first-degree burglary, first-degree criminal trespass and third-degree criminal mischief.In a court appearance last month, his attorney, Thomas Waterfa ll, told the judge that his client needed help with his alcohol abuse and that he could start treatment immediately. Torn was released on $100,000 (£66,230) bail and was told by the judge to undergo an evaluation for substance abuse.Waterfall has said that Torn was confused and thought the bank was his home, which is a mile and half down the street. According to reports, Torn actually went to sleep in the bank and asked police what they were doing in his house when they arrived.Last year, Torn was given probation in a Connecticut drink-driving case and entered an alcohol education programme. He also has two previous drunken driving arrests in New York.In January 2004, Torn was arrested in New York after his car collided with a taxi. A video of his arrest in which he swears at officers and refuses a breathalyser test was aired on TV. A jury subsequently acquitted Torn of any wrongdoing.In December 2006, Torn was again arrested for drunk driving in North Salem, New York, after colliding with a tractor trai 映画やテレビ俳優の眠りや銀行の支店で酔うとは、彼のhouseTheベテランのハリウッド俳優のリップトーンで何をしていた警察の要請法廷で、今日銀行に読み込まgun.The 79違反の疑いで予定されて歳の発見人の映画の男性などの黒とドッジボールのように、1月にはコネチカット州に警察リッチフィールドコープの枝の中のアラームの後彼を見つけたのは、アカデミー賞にノミネートされた俳優、ほぼ3年警察にoff.According 4157年登場ドリンクを飲みながら回ドライブlimit.Heの許可なしにピストルを運ぶと、中には、まず酔う度強盗、第一級の犯。侵入すると3度の犯罪mischief.In法廷に現れたのは先月、銃を運ぶ起訴された彼の弁護士、トーマスWaterfa llを、と同判事は、彼のクライアントが彼のアルコール乱用に助けが必要だが、彼はすぐに治療を開始できます

    • Letters: Acpo and obsolete gay sex offences
      The Association of Chief Police Officers policy is not at the centre of the issue of conviction data of past offences for consensual gay sex (Tories would delete obsolete convictions for gay sex, 13 April).The facts are that the Association of Chief Police Officers wrote to the government outlining the case for removal of conviction data relating to these sections of the Sexual Offences Act in January 2009, long before the judicial review in the case of John Crawford was brought.A number of individuals convicted solely for offences under this legislation have already had their data removed by the relevant data controller, who is the chief constable of the area in which the offence took place. The Association of Chief Police Officers' advice to Hampshire Constabulary in John Crawford's case was that they should follow that precedent and remove the conviction data.The issue is in fact the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act exemptions order, which states if a person is seeking an occupation, normally one that involves unsupervised access to children or vulnerable persons, and they are asked if they have any previous convictions, the law requires that they disclose them. This has nothing to do with the police national computer, but is a requirement of an act which parliament has put in place.As suggested in the article, the Ministry of Justice is addressing this matter, and the Conservatives have indicated they would amend the law to deal with it.Ian ReadheadDirector of information,Association of Chief Police OfficersPoliceGay rightsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 協会は、警察本部長の役員政策の合意の上でゲイのセックス(保守党の過去の犯罪の有罪判決データの問題の中心にゲイのセックスのため廃止された信念を削除するとされていません4月13日)

    • S African court charges two men for murdering far-right movement leader
      A South African court has charged two men for murdering far-right movement leader Eugene Terre'Blanche, local media reported on Tuesday. Terre'Blanche, the leader of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), was murder on Saturday. According to the police, Terre'Blanche was allegedly murdered by two of his farm laborers following a pay dispute Reports quoted Prosecutor George Baloyi as saying that two men, aged 15 and 27 respectively, have been charged. The prosecutor said the two have been f ... 南アフリカ共和国裁判所はTerre。。u0026#39;Blancheをユージン運動のリーダーを右がご利用いただけます2人の男性のために殺害までのところ、地元メディアは土曜日)AWBの報。火曜日アフリカーナーWeerstandsbewegingのTerre。。u0026#39;Blanche、指導者(殺人だった

    • Roy Greenslade: Ireland's Sunday World loses discovery bid
      Ireland's high court has ruled that the Sunday World is not entitled to see material, such as phone records, relating to contact between a model, Andrea Roche, and the late socialite Katy French shortly before she died.Roche is suing the newspaper for libel over an article published in December 2007 that claimed she was to be interviewed by police over French's death, which had occurred days earlier.The paper had sought an order requiring discovery of all notes, statements and/or memos concerning any statements or correspondence between Roche and the police in relation to the circumstances surrounding French's collapse and death.Source: Irish TimesMedia lawIrelandNewspapersRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds アイルランドの高等裁判所は、日曜日の世界は、通話記録などの資料を参照してくださいする権利はないが、まもなく彼女はdied.Rocheが終わる前に名誉毀損の新聞を訴えているモデル、アンドレアロシュ、後半社交ケイフランスとの接触に関連する支配している資料では、2007年12月、彼女はフランスの死は、以上の警察によって、その日earlier.The紙を発生していたインタビューすると主張した公開されて順序をすべてのメモ、ステートメントとの発見を必要と求めていた/またはメモはステートメントまたはロシュとの間の通信に関する事情フランスの崩壊とdeath.Source:アイルランドTimesMedia lawIrelandNewspapersRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディアリミテッドこのコンテンツの2010 |使用周囲との関係で、警察は私たちの利用規約に従うものとその他のフィードを表示|

    • Three jailed in China over internet campaign for justice
      Trio found guilty of defamation after helping woman who believes daughter's death was a case of gang-rape and murderA court in China has jailed three people who posted material on the internet to help an illiterate woman press authorities to reinvestigate her daughter's death.The court in southern Fuzhou city jailed self-taught legal expert Fan Yanqiong for two years, and You Jingyou and Wu Huaying to one year for defamation, You's lawyer, Liu Xiaoyuan, said. The court did not name individuals allegedly defamed, saying instead that it was a matter that seriously affected the interest of the state.The three posted information and videos online to try to help Lin Xiuying, a woman who believed her daughter died after being gang-raped by thugs with links to the police. Police had ruled that the 25-year-old woman died from an abnormal pregnancy.The trial prompted hundreds of internet users from around China and other people to travel to the Mawei district people's court in a show of support, people at the scene said. Many provided coverage of the courthouse demonstrations by posting messages on Twitter.Bloggers who were unable to attend forwarded the Twitter postings to their own readers, adding messages of support and advice for staying out of trouble with police, who had set up cordons and were stationed around the supporters.ChinaInternetguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds トリオは、名誉を毀損した娘の死は輪姦、中国でmurderA裁判所の場合、インターネット上の文盲の女性記者当局は彼女の娘のdeath.The裁判所に再調査するために材料を投稿3人を投獄したと信じている女性を助けた後有。南福州市は、自己2年間法律の専門家ファンYanqiongを教え、そしてあなたJingyou投獄、呉は1年に名誉毀損のHuaying、あなたは弁護士、劉Xiaoyuanは言った

    • Two handmade bombs found in Ingush village, both defused
      Two handmade bombs were found near an Orthodox cemetery in Ordzhonikidzevskaya, Ingushetia's Sunzha district on Sunday, a source with the Ingush Interior Ministry told the Itar-Tass news agency. The bombs have been defused now and no one was hurt, the source said. After the police found the first bomb, which was made of a 122- millimeter projectile, a detonator and a cell phone, investigators searched the site for another bomb and demolition experts came to demolish them. Russia police ... 近くの正教会の地区はSunzhaののOrdzhonikidzevskaya、イングーシ共和国の墓地上のソースで、日曜日イングーシ内務省が2つの手製爆弾がされた代理店に語ったタス通信タス通信のニュース

    • Protesters clash with police in Istanbul
      Protesters and police clashed in Istanbul s central Dolapdere neighborhood on Saturday evening Dogan News Agency reported The protesters demonstrating against the recent roundup of Kurdish public officials were dispersed by the police with tear gas Up to 10 people were detained in the aftermath of the clashes Police forces trying to break up the protest were confronted with fireworks and Molotov cocktails by the crowds gathered near Serdar Omer Pasa Avenue Shop own デモ隊と警察のイスタンブールで衝突した土曜日の夜ドーガン新華社通信に中央Dolapdere近所の掲。抗議クルド人の公務員の一斉検挙、最近開設10人に催涙ガスを使用して、警察によって解散の衝突の直後に拘束された警察部隊が反対するデモを報。抗議デモを中断しようとする群衆ゼルダーオメルパシャアベニューショップの近くに集まりましたが花火や火炎瓶を自分の直面していた

    • Gunmen open fire on police at Ireland border
      Officers inspecting rail line after suspected bomb alert shot at by militants as security scares threw transport into chaosRepublican dissidents fired on police officers who were inspecting a suspect device on the Belfast-to-Dublin rail link at the weekend.The Police Service of Northern Ireland confirmed today that shots were fired at the officers, who were examining a suspicious object on train tracks near Newry on Saturday night. No one was hurt during the gun attack.The police and army technical officers have been at the scene of the alert since Friday, when road and rail routes were paralysed across Northern Ireland by a series of bomb scares.The closure of the rail line between Newry and Dundalk caused widespread disruption for rugby fans travelling to Dublin for the final Six Nations clash between Ireland and Scotland, at Croke Park.Three special trains taking Irish and Scottish supporters to Dublin had to be cancelled on Saturday. Fans were taken instead by bus across the border.IrelandNorthern IrelandHenry McDonaldguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 役員の疑い爆。警報後、鉄道線検査で撮影武装グループによる、セキュリティの恐怖chaosRepublican反体制派の人のベルファストでweekend.The警察サービス北アイルランドで確認ツーダブリンレールリンク被疑者のデバイスを検査した警察官に発砲への交通機関を投げた今日は、ショットの役員では土曜日の夜にNewry付近の線路上で不審なオブジェクトを調べて解雇された

    • Give the equality commission a break | Hugh Muir
      The opportunity to unseat Trevor Phillips has passed – let the ECHR now have the breathing space to prove itselfWith today's report on the failings thus far of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (ECHR), parliamentarians have really brought us to a watershed. There is nothing surprising here for those who followed the Guardian's coverage of the warring that has so marred the first steps of this new organisation. We knew that the ECHR had a difficult fractious birth and that the midwife, Trevor Phillips, has made himself unpopular. We knew about disquiet about his outside earnings, and concern about the way the various equalities strands were brought together.MPs on the parliamentary joint committee on human rights have given official voice to those concerns and aimed a swipe at Harriet Harman, too, but it does all seem a bit after the event.The issue is what happens next, and now is when people have to decide what they want for the new equalities body. We can now spend another year discussing the pros and cons of its chair and the inadequacies of those who framed the concept. I have my own misgivings about the thinking behind the EHRC and I have, in the past, articulated them here. But the time for moaning about that has long passed, and so has the window of opportunity that once there was to unseat the chair.Phillips has a three-year contract. There is no sign that he intends to voluntarily tear it up. Neither is there any indication that should they be victorious, the Tories will dispense with him. On the contrary, because of his willingness to question multiculturalism and to lift the general accusation of institutional racism from the police, many of them rather like him.So, for the foreseeable future, he is it in terms of the commission's leadership and thos 機会トレバーフィリップス外します過ぎた - ECHR今、これまでの平等と人権委員会(ECHR)の欠点をitselfWith今日のレポートを証明するために、呼吸の空き領域があるよう、国会議員は実際には流域に私たちを持ち込んでいる

    • At least 2 separatists killed in clashes with Yemeni security forces
      At least two separatist activists were killed and several others injured Thursday in clashes between security forces and pro-independence supporters in southern Yemen, security officials said. One southern protester was killed in al-Dhalee province, while the second was killed in the district of Tour al-Baha in the province of Lahj, south from al-Dhalee, when protest demonstration sparked into clashes with the police. Several people were injured, including security soldiers, said a provinc ... 少なくとも2つの独立運動家が殺され、いくつかの他の木曜日の衝突で治安部隊と南部のイエメン共和国独立派の支持者の間に負傷、治安当局と述べた

    • Blast kills three in attack on Afghan police post
      Commander of new police rapid-response force among victims of explosion after gun battle in eastern AfghanistanInsurgents attacked a police post in eastern Afghanistan and detonated a roadside bomb as reinforcements arrived, killing three officers.Among the dead was the commander of a new police rapid-response force created in Paktia province to deal with Taliban threats, said Azizudin Wardak, the provincial police chief. Two more members of the force were wounded.Another officer was injured in the gun battle at the police post outside Gardez, the provincial capital, last night. The insurgents retreated after the bomb was detonated, Wardak said.The al-Qaida-affiliated Haqqani faction of the Afghan Taliban is active in Paktia as well as in nearby Khost, where militants earlier this week launched an unsuccessful attack on the provincial government headquarters.A suicide bomber in Khost infiltrated a base shared by Nato and Afghan forces near the Pakistan border on Tuesday night, killing two international troops when he detonated his explosives.Afghanistanguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 司令官の新しい警察の迅速な応答を強制的に爆発事故の被害者の間の東部AfghanistanInsurgentsでは銃の戦いの後、アフガニスタン東部の警察署を攻撃し、援軍が到着したとして、道路脇の爆弾が爆発、死者のofficers.Among 3人が死亡、新しい警察の迅速の司令官だった応答を強制的にパクティヤー州でタリバンの脅威に対処するために作成、Azizudinワルダック、地方の警察署長は述べた

    • Madeleine McCann book ban ruling due
      Portuguese court to rule on whether to suspend injunction against former detective's book claiming Madeleine is deadKate and Gerry McCann will learn today whether the Portuguese former detective Gonçalo Amaral has successfully overturned a ban on his book which claims their daughter Madeleine is dead.Amaral was the first head of the police investigation into Madeleine's disappearance from Praia da Luz in May 2007, shortly before her fourth birthday. In July 2008 he published a book, Maddie: The Truth of the Lie, which alleges that Madeleine died in her family's holiday flat and that her parents faked her abduction.A judge granted the McCanns a temporary injunction in September last year halting further sale or publication of the book and a TV documentary Amaral made about the case.Amaral launched an appeal against the ban at the main civil court in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, last month, calling a series of witnesses to support his claims. After hearing closing arguments from lawyers last week, the court reserved judgment until today.Amaral's lawyers argue that the material in the book is contained in the official Portuguese police files for the investigation, many of which were made public when the case was shelved in August 2008. The McCanns say their main motive for challenging the former policeman is the fear that people will stop looking for Madeleine if they think she is dead.There will be a full trial at a later date on whether the injunction banning the book should be made permanent, said the couple's Portuguese lawyer, Isabel Duarte. Amaral has vowed to go to the European court of human rights if necessary.The McCanns, both 41, from Rothley, Leicestershire, are due to respond to the court's ruling at a press conference in London tomorrow. They are also seek ポルトガル語、裁判所かどうかを元刑事の本マドレーヌ主張に対する差し止め命令を中断する上でのルールとゲリーマッキャン、今日学習するかどうかは、ポルトガルの元探偵ゴンサロアマラルに成功した本には、自分の娘マドレーヌされた最初のdead.Amaralだと主張するの禁。転覆してdeadKateです彼女の4歳の誕生日直前の2007年5月プライアダルスからマドレーヌの失そうに警察の捜査の責任者

    • Nigeria beefs up security in Abuja
      Nigerian military and police authorities have deployed more of their men to the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and other trouble-prone states in the north. Competent sources told Xinhua on Monday that the security was tightened to check the activities of some mischief makers who were alleged to have plotted to unleash mayhem in all parts of northern states, including Abuja. The sources said the defense authorities and the police force are working assiduously to ensure that such terrible ... ナイジェリア軍と警察当局は、男性以上の連邦首都特別地域、アブジャやその他のトラブルの北の起こりやすい状態に展開している

    • Yemeni police arrest 3 suspected al-Qaida members in raids
      A coordinated security operation was carried out in the restive province of Marib, eastern Yemen on Wednesday, resulting in the capture of three suspected al-Qaida members, the Interior Ministry reported. The three suspected detainees, aged between 20 to 29 years old, were arrested in a coordinated counter-terrorism raids by Yemeni security forces in the eastern province of Marib, said the ministry in a statement posted on its website. The police arrested the suspects while they were drivi ... 調整、セキュリティ操作をマリブのそわそわ省東部、イエメンは13日、3容疑者らのキャプチャの結果で実施された国際テロ組織アルカイダのメンバーは、内務省と報じた

    • 3 killed, several injured in NW Pakistan blast
      A suicide blast killed at least three people and injured several others near a police station in northwest Pakistan on Saturday. The explosion took place as an explosives-laden vehicle rammed into the Karak police station in Karak District, North West Frontier Province, police officials said. Eyewitnesses said the explosion took place at the main gate of the police station as the car entered its premises. Hospital sources have confirmed the death of three victims, adding some among the ... 自爆、少なくとも3人と北西部のパキスタン月16日に警察署近くの負傷者数人が死亡した

    • Taliban bombings harm civilians in Afghanistan
      Bomb attacks launched by the Taliban militants in Afghanistan often claim the lives of non-combatants instead of troopers, as the latest wave of strikes left three civilians dead and 25 others injured in the Taliban hotbed Helmand province on Friday. An explosive device, according to the police, planted on a motorbike and ripped through a crowd of people who were watching dog fighting outside provincial capital Lashkar Gah turned the weekly holiday to a mourning day. Friday like in many Mu ... 爆弾テロ、アフガニスタンのタリバンによって打ち上げはしばしば、ストライキの最新の波としての3つの民間人と25人がタリバンに負傷者が死亡した日、ヘルマンド州の温床以外の住んでは歩兵の代わりに戦闘主張する

    • New photo of Madeleine McCann's 'NZ sighting'
      Another photo from Dunedin's Warehouse showing a girl resembling Britain's missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann has become available.Details of the police case into Madeleine's mysterious disappearance were made public this... ダニーデンのギャラリーから別の写真の少女、英国の行方不明の4歳のマドレーヌマッキャン作られたマドレーヌの謎の失踪を警察の例になるavailable.Detailsが似ている中、このパブリック...

    • PAD lays charge against Police Commission
      The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) on Monday filed a petition of complaint with the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the prime minister against Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban and the Police Commission. 人民民主主義連帯(パッド)は14日、国家腐敗防止委員会副首相兼ステープThaugsubanと警察委員会に対して、首相との苦情の申立てを提出した

    • Do you have a question about your civil liberties? | Liberty Clinic open thread
      Your chance to ask about your civil liberties and human rights – post queries here to be answered by Liberty's lawyersIn this week's Liberty Clinic, James Welch tackles Shadowfirebird's question about what sharply pointed objects can be carried without arousing the suspicion of the police.Gman81 also had an interesting query about police powers to set up random blood-testing stations. If anyone has had any personal experiences of this, please do share it in the thread below.For those of you who haven't visited the Liberty Clinic before, each week we invite readers to post their civil liberties and human rights queries. Whatever they may be, share your queries in the comments thread below, keeping your posts as succinct as possible. And don't forget to check next week's Liberty Clinic to see whether your question has been answered.Civil libertiesHuman rightsLawCriminal justiceguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds あなたのチャンスをあなたの市民の自由と人権について尋ねるために-ポストここで、リバティのlawyersIn今週のリバティクリニックで答えることにクエリを、ジェームズウェルチ何を大幅にpolice.Gman81もあったの疑いを喚起することなく実施することができますオブジェクトの指摘についてShadowfirebirdの質問にタックル警察の権限についての興味深いクエリのランダムな血。駅のテストを設定します

    • Why we must remember Hariri | Faisal al Yafai
      Five years on from the murder of Lebanon's prime minister, political changes have obscured the search for the killersWho cares who killed Rafiq Hariri? This weekend, tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Lebanese will answer that question by descending on to the streets of Beirut to mark the fifth anniversary of the death of their former prime minister.The man who rebuilt much of the city and served as the country's leader twice was blown to pieces in a massive car explosion on Valentine's Day 2005 and his killers have yet to be found. His supporters have taken out billboards across the city, reminding people to come out and support them on 14 February. Some carry images of other politicians and journalists who were assassinated in the months after Hariri.But, really, who cares? Much has happened in the five years since Hariri's death, so much that his murder has almost been obscured. The Syrians finally ended their military presence in their tiny neighbour, ushering in a new era in Lebanese politics, one that has been dominated by a struggle between pro-Syria Lebanese (led by Hezbollah) and pro-western factions.For now, Hezbollah is in the ascendancy, especially after it fought Israel to a standstill in 2006. Its claim to represent the Shia population is virtually unchallenged. And its writ runs further than security: in some parts of Beirut's southern suburbs, Hezbollah controls one side of the street and the police the other. Residents have to cross the road to buy alcohol.It is a complex jigsaw, and the fate of Lebanon is to be the chessboard on which bigger battles are fought. The difficulty for the Lebanese searching for the truth is that the alliances among the other players are shifting: the UN tribunal set up three years ago to find Hariri's killers began in a レバノン首相の暗殺からの5年間、政治の変化killersWhoの検索はラフィクハリリ殺害気に隠されている?この週末は、何万、おそらくレバノンのベイルートの街に降順では多くの都市の再建を務めたの元首相minister.The人間の死の5周年を記念するために質問に答えて、数千数百人の国のリーダーの2倍の部分にバレンタインデーの2005年大規模な自動車の爆発で吹き飛ばされた彼の殺人者はまだ発見される必要があります

    • Palestinian killed in Gaza house blast
      A Palestinian was killed and five others wounded in a house blast Wednesday morning in Gaza City, security sources and hospital officials said. Hussein Ashour, director of Gaza's al-Shifa hospital, said a burnt body and five wounded people were brought to the hospital. Ihab al-Ghussein, spokesman of deposed Hamas Interior Ministry, said the police started an investigation into the explosion that rocked the house of Sheikh Ali al-Ghefari, an Islamic Salafi leader. However, al-Ghussein sa ... パレスチナ人が死亡、5人の家が爆発し、水曜日の朝、ガザ地区、セキュリティ、情報源や病院の職員たち

    • PT: Suthep tries to win police’s hearts
      The Police Commission’s firm standing on its decision to reinstate two of three police officers who were sacked for mishandling an anti-Thaksin protest in Oct was an attempt to win hearts of police by Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban, Puea Thai Party MP for Bangkok Karun Hosakul said. その決定の2人が現職警察官3人を復活させる上で警察委員会の確固たる地位。年10月にタクシン首相に抗議の扱いを誤ったと副首相はステープThaugsuban、Pueaタイ党のMPによってバンコクカルンHosakulの警察の心を獲得した解。行った

    • UDD tells police to arrest Surayud
      Arisman Pongruengrong of the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) calls on the police to arrest Privy Councillor and former prime minister Surayud Chulanont on land encroachment charges. Arisman Pongruengrong反政府統一戦線民主主義独裁(UDD)ではに対する警察の土地の侵害の罪で枢密顧問官、元首相のスラユット逮捕を呼び出します

    • Suicide bomb kills police in Russia's Dagestan republic
      Attacker detonated car packed with TNT during roll call for traffic officersA suicide bomber blew up an explosives-packed car at a police station in Russia's troubled north Caucasus region today, killing at least six officers and wounding 16.The bomb went off as 150 officers lined up outside for roll call at the traffic police station on the outskirts of Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan republic. The officers who died had taken action to prevent far greater devastation, according to the city police chief, Colonel Shamil Guseinov .The bomber detonated the explosives at the police station gate after he was stopped from driving through, Guseinov said. Those killed were at the gate, including three officers in a jeep that blocked the attacker's path.Police estimated that 50 to 200kg of TNT was packed into the Lada Niva, a small Russian-made four-wheel drive.The blast damaged the police station and blew out the windows of a nearby building. Shrapnel from the bomb was scattered across the area.Guseinov said police had been warned of a planned attack and moved the daily roll call well inside the station's territory, 200m from the gate.The Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, immediately ordered the interior minister, who oversees Russia's police, to step up security in Dagestan and provide assistance to the families of the officers who died.A similar bombing in the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia in August killed 24 people and injured more than 200. In that attack, a man succeeded in crashing a bomb-laden van through the gates of the police station in Nazran.Dagestan and Ingushetia border Chechnya, where Russian troops have fought two full-scale wars against separatist rebels in the past 15 years.All three republics, which are predominantly Muslim, have seen a sharp ris 攻撃者が爆発した車のTNTとトラフィックofficersA自爆用ロールの呼び出し中に、ロシアの問題を抱えた北コーカサス地域の警察署では、今日爆発物を満載車が爆発、少なくとも6人の役員が死。満員と16.The爆弾が負傷、150役員並んでコースアウトロールアップコールのマハチカラの郊外には、トラフィックの警察署の外、ダゲスタン共和国の首都

    • Haiti: Disaster beyond magnitude
      It is all too easy, seeing the appalling scenes from Port-au-Prince yesterday, to forget America's historic debt to Haiti, scene of the first successful slave revolt, which defined the destiny of Africans in the New World. The establishment of the first black independent state had tangible consequences. It denied Napoleon his foothold in the Caribbean and led him to sell New Orleans and the Louisiana territories to Jefferson. But, for as long as anyone can remember, Haiti has been treated as a basket case where corruption, gang violence and natural disaster combine to drag the country backwards. Now an earthquake may have killed up to 50,000, and rendered 3 million homeless. No one can prevent shallow earthquakes, but the consequences of this one have been made catastrophic by Haiti's condition.The French saddled the nation with debt, the Americans with cheap rice imports in the 1980s; 98% of the land has been deforested, destroying watersheds, creating soil erosion and impoverishing agriculture. Self-serving Haitian elites have just spent three months getting rid of Michèle Pierre-Louis, the first effective prime minister the country has had for years. The roots of the rural exodus and exponential growth of jerry-built shanty towns lie deep, but as the first arriving international aid teams looked round in desperation yesterday for the flickering signs of a functioning state, it was brutally clear why they were not going to find any. The policemen were too busy rescuing and burying their own families to patrol the streets. Even if the physical symbols of state, like the buildings of the presidency and parliament, had stood their ground, it is doubtful what help they could have given to their own people. The institutions they represent have never been far from collapse. あまりにも簡単で、港からひどいシーンを見ているポルトープランス昨日、ハイチ、これは新世界でのアフリカ人の運命が定義されて最初に成功した奴隷の反乱のシーンにアメリカの歴史的な債務を忘れること

    • 9 killed in NW Pakistan blast
      At least nine people were killed when a suicide bomber blew up his car in a playground in Pakistan s northwest on Friday evening where people were watching a volleyball match a police officer said The bomber rammed his explosive packed car into the wall of the volleyball ground in Lakki Marwat district in North West Frontier Province District Police Officer Ayub Khan said No group claimed responsibility for the attack But the police officer suspected that Taliban militants 少なくとも9人が自爆テロパキスタンでの遊び場での彼の車を爆破したが死亡した北西部の金曜日の夜、人々がバレーボールの警察官に試合を観戦していたsの爆撃機はバレーボールの地面の壁に彼の爆発的なパッカー車の衝突した北西辺境州地裁は警官アユブカーンのLakki Marwat地区なしグループは、警察官に疑いのある攻撃が責任を主張によると、タリバン側

    • ライブ録
      ■art rock night vol.50 ■2009年4月26日(日) 16:00- ■apollo theater 1.exciter 2.the ripper 3.the green manalishi 4.diamond & rust 5.beyond the realms of death 6.hell bent for leather 7.heading out to the highway 8.hot rockin’ 9.living after midnight


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