- About the cause of Daisuke's death
at friday evening, i wrote the cause of daisuke's death that was announced by japanese police department in tokyo at my now(マイなう). this infomation was reported by some reliable journalists. i didn't write it from rumor or unreliable sources. but i thought even i had shown the source, many foreigner couldn't read complicated japanese. so i didn't write the source. here is the original report of reliable source, from nikkan sports.com. nikkan sports is the most trusted sports newspaper in japan. 解散したビジュアル。蜉蝣の大佑さん死亡ビジュアル系ロックバンド蜉蝣(かげろう)の元ボーカルの大佑(だいすけ、本名・押田大佑)さん(32)が死去した
- 叩かれ強いベイエリアン? 全米初の合法的麻薬産業化宣言と750人の麻薬がらみ囚人大放出
a judge's mighty arguments for marriage equality
- Who Did It
and the best part of the story is when all of the 8 guests are killed, leaving 2 people. then like the characters in the book, you'll start guessing who is the real killer.
- 朝青龍引退!
asashoryu retirement!asashoryu submitted a report of retirement to association of sumo, and retirement was decided because it was accepted
- COP15 2日目
a van promoting vegetarianism tried to make
its way into the conference, but was turned away
by the police. delegates will focus on achieving
broad cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, and a
commitment from wealthy nations to deliver what
could ultimately be hundreds of billions of dollars
in financing to poor countries to combat climate
- 多数の人達が死亡
a powerful trunami generated by an undersea earthquake
on tuesday has killed at least 89 people and wiped out
several villages on the tropical islands of america samoa
and samoa, according to government officials, the police
and local residents.