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- Roy Greenslade: Two Rwandan papers suspended for six months
ヒューマンライツウォッチは今年初め、野党活動家がAugust.Sources内の次の大統領選挙のアプローチ:AllAfrica.com /ヒューマンライツウォッチ/索引AfricaRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディアにCensorshipPressのfreedomHumanのrightsRwandaGreensladeのように増加の脅威に直面して主張このコンテンツの限定2010 |使用して、私たちの利用規約に従うものとその他のフィードを表示|
- Gunmen open fire on police at Ireland border
ファンの代わりにborder.IrelandNorthern IrelandHenry McDonaldguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディアリミテッド2010 |このコンテンツの使用上のバスで撮影されたGoogleの利用規約が適用されます|ほかのフィード
- ハリウッドより マイケルジャクソン 薬物依存? 英語・日本語
ハリウッドよりホームページ ハリウッドよりマイケルジャクソン薬物依存?英語 home celebrities drugs seized at jackson's home drugs seized at jackson's homeby wenn.com | friday, june 26, 2009 recommend(9) |comments (5) photo gallerypolice have seized vials of prescription drugs from michael jackson's rented holmby hills estate in los angeles as part of their ongoing investigation into what caused the king of pop's cardiac arrest and death on thursday. jackson family lawyer brian oxman has confirmed bags of material have been taken by cops. he tells life & style magazine, they (police) were looking for drug vials and syringes. i don't know if they found syringes, but there would have been a lot of drug vials. oxman came out publicly shortly after jackson's death, suggesting the pop superstar had been guzzling prescription painkillers and anti-anxiety pills in the months before his untimely death — and now he's ready to name doctors who signed off on the drugs he fears killed his friend. reports suggest jackson suffered a drug overdose, which led to his cardiac arrest. oxman insists he will help the police investigation into michael's death, adding, i did warn him about the drugs, but i am sorry i didn't warn him enough. i am going to wait until i get the toxicology report, and if his death has something to do with drugs, i am prepared to name names of doctors who prescribed them. more news: jackson was on a cocktail of drugs for months(c) 2009 world entertainment news network ltd. all global rights reserved. no unauthorised copying or re-distributing permitted photo(s) by wenn.com- © 2009- wenn.com- all rights reservedハリウッドよりマイケルジャクソン薬物依存?日本語翻訳 home 家 celebrities 有名人 drugs seized at jackson's home薬物を押収ジャクソンのホームで drugs seized at jackson's home薬物を押収ジャクソンのホームで by wenn.com wenn.comで | friday, june 26, 2009 | 2009年6月26日 ( 金 ) recommend (0) 推薦 ( 0 ) | | comments コメント (0) ( 0 ) photo gallery フォトギャラリー police have seized vials of prescription drugs from michael jackson 's rented holmby hills estate in los angeles as part of their ongoing investigation into what caused the king of pop's cardiac arrest and death on thursday.警察は、マイケルジャクソンさんの何がキングオブポップの心臓停止と死亡の原因には、木曜日に進行中の捜査の一環として、ロサンゼルスの不動産賃貸ホーンビーヒルズからの処方薬の瓶を押収している