- 心のブラックホール-1 準強姦の示談? 強姦魔の釈放?
please be careful about your daughter's teacher so much(くれぐれも娘さんの教師にご注意を)!
- 検索の達人 大学受験の今昔物語
- 転載 外国人排斥を許さない6・13緊急行動への参加・賛同の呼びかけ
on april 11th, 2009, there was a demonstration which insists the foreign people as criminals and tries to ostracize foreign people from japan. as a part of the demonstration, participants called at a house and a school of miss. noriko calderon who was compelled to live alone because her parents had been extradite as illegal immigrant by japanese government. this demonstration was organized by zaitokukai. this group is now planning a new demonstration in kyoto against enfranchisement of foreign people. we consider this movement is not only kyoto province, or enfranchisement of foreign people, but an action of newly risen exclusivism in japan. this movement has not been sophisticate, but we can not overlook their activities as we remember growing fascism and exclusivism during depression. now, we planned an anti-action against zaitokukai as “6.13 emergency action-----no to foreigner ostracism and zaitokukai.” although, there is not enough time till this action, we call on for your participate and adhesion.