- Firefox互換ブラウザPalemoonが12.1にアップデート
- ベージュPowerMac G3へのMac OS Xのインストール3
openoffice.org 2.2.1で日本語入力をするためにkinput2-macimがいるので、x11_setting_script_for_using_openoffice.org_x11_with_ipa_fonts_ver.2.0.0でインストールする
- 重箱の隅
windows vista
vnc clinet
real vnc viewer 4.1.2
happy hacking keyboard lite 2
- Pastebot Mimic v1.2.3 公開
pastebot mimic v1.2.3 mac版、win版( ダウンロード ) pastebot mimicとは、iphone/ipod touchアプリのpastebotと、(1)windowsと、(2)旧マックと、(3)パソコン同士と、コピー&ペースト可能にするアプリケーションです
- plumeria DLsite
- Pastebot Mimic v1.1.5 公開
pastebot mimic v1.1.5 mac版、win版( ダウンロード ) pastebot mimicとは、iphone/ipod touchアプリのpastebotと、(1)windowsと、(2) 旧マック と、(3)パソコン同士と、コピー&ペースト可能にするアプリケーションです
- 複数開いたQuickTime動画をモザイク状に配置しなおし、同時再生するAppleScript
on open filelist tell application quicktime player to open filelist run end open on run tell application quicktime player set ratio to 4 / 3 tell application finder to set display_bounds to bounds of window of desktop set display_width to (item 3 of display_bounds) set display_height to (item 4 of display_bounds) - 42 -- menu height + title bar set window_count to count of windows set max_pixels to 0 repeat with potential_cols from 1 to window_count -- try all possibilities - hardly optimal but who cares. set potential_rows to round (window_count - 1) / potential_cols + 1 rounding toward zero set {potential_window_width, potential_window_height} to {round display_width / potential_cols rounding toward zero, round display_height / potential_rows rounding toward zero} if potential_window_width / potential_window_height ratio then set {potential_window_width, potential_window_height} to {potential_window_width, round potential_window_width / ratio rounding toward zero} else set {potential_window_width, potential_window_height} to {potential_window_height * ratio, potential_window_height} end if set used_pixels to potential_window_width * potential_window_height * window_count if used_pixels max_pixels then set {window_width, window_height, cols, rows} to {potential_window_width, potential_window_height, potential_cols, potential_rows} set max_pixels to used_pixels end if end repeat set {x, y} to {0, 0} set wins to (get every window) repeat with win in wins set doc to document of win set controller type of doc to none set looping of doc to true set {wi, hi} to natural dimensions of doc if wi / window_width hi / window_height then set dimensions of doc to {window_width, hi / (wi / window_width)} else set dimensions of doc to {wi / (hi / window_height), window_height} end if set x to x + 1 if x = cols then set {x, y} to {0, y + 1} end repeat set {x, y} to {0, 0} set wins to (get every window) repeat with win in wins set {wi, hi} to natural dimensions of doc if wi / window_width hi / window_height then set bounds of win to {window_width * x, 22 + window_height * y, window_width * x + window_width, 22 + window_height * y + hi / (wi / window_width)} else set bounds of win to {window_width * x, 22 + window_height * y, window_width * x + wi / (hi / window_height), 22 + window_height * y + window_height} end if set x to x + 1 if x = cols then set {x, y} to {0, y + 1} end repeat set wins to (get every window) repeat with win in wins play document of win end repeat activate end tell end run 上記のスクリプトをスクリプトエディタで開く サイズが同じ動画ならばデスク