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    書籍 関連語 新潮社 新潮文庫 岩波書店
    • Girl 'abused for year before death'
      An 8-year-old girl suffered a year of abuse at the hands of her New Zealand mother - including being beaten with metal pipes - before being found dead at her home, a court has heard.Ane Leaso has been charged with torture and two... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • 36,000 left without water for days
      BELFAST - Frustration and fears of disease mounted in Northern Ireland as 36,000 people were left without water, some for more than a week, after a deep freeze and a sudden thaw caused ageing pipes to burst.With reservoirs running... ベルファスト - 36000人が深い凍結した後、1週間以上いくつかの、水なしで残っていたよう突然の融解が実行burst.Withタンクへのパイプ高齢化によるフラストレーションや病気の恐れが北アイルランドでマウントされて...

    • Komarov Plans Dramatic Steel Pipe Revival
      ChTPZ Group, once the largest maker of steel pipes in Russia and now weighed down by $2.5 billion of debt, is preparing a dramatic recovery ― literally. Andrei Komarov plans to boost productivity with an eye for the spectacular. ChTPZグループは、ロシアの鋼管を一度最大のメーカー、現在は25億ドルの負債による圧迫、劇的な回復を準備している - 文字通り

    • ChelPipe's IPO Called Off for Good
      ChelPipe, the country's third-largest maker of steel pipes for oil and gas, has dropped plans for an initial public offering, preferring to stay private as the industry recovers, chairman Sergei Moiseyev said. ChelPipeは、石油やガスの鋼管の国の第三位のメーカー、業界の回復、民間滞在することを好む、株式公開のための計画を落としており、議長セルゲイモイセーエフは言った

    • Crane rejects Fletcher Building's inadequate takeover bid
      Crane Group, an Australian seller of pipes and plumbing products, recommended shareholders reject a takeover offer from Fletcher Building, saying the bid is "inadequate". クレーングループは、パイプや配管製品のオーストラリアの販売、価格は。。u0026quot;不十分。。u0026quot;だと言って、株主は、フレッチャービルから買収提案を拒否をお勧めします

    • Peace breaks out on S.Korean factory floors
      Eight months ago, Ssangyong Motor's car plant looked like a war zone as unionists occupying the premises battled riot police with catapults, firebombs and steel pipes.Today the mood is altogether more co-operative, and both sides are seeing the benefit.The 77-day occupation, in protest at mass redundancies designed to save the loss-making carmaker, ended only with a police raid featuring commandos rappelling from a helicopter in a hail of missiles. 8ヶ月前、双竜自動車の自動車工場では組合員占領前提として戦場のように見えたあがり、警察を戦った、火炎瓶や鉄鋼pipes.Today気分です完全より協同組合と、双方はBenefit.Theの77を見ている - 大量の冗長性の損失意思自動車、唯一の警察の手入れ部隊のミサイルの雨で、ヘリコプターから懸垂下降作品で終わった保存するように設計で抗議の日占領

    • Kia Motors to recall subcompact cars
      Kia Motors Corp., the No. 2 carmaker in South Korea, will call back more than 20,000 vehicles for problems in the fuel injection system, the government said Friday. According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Land, Transportation and Maritime Affairs, the action will affect a total of 20,777 of Morning subcompact model made from November 13, 2009 to February 5, 2010. The statement said that problems were discovered in fuel injection pipes which could crack and leak oil when chemically ... 起亜自動車は、自動車メーカーで、韓国2位、システム噴射されます以上のコールバックの燃料で2万台の問題は、政府が発表した

    • PIPEs, Signatures, Mortgages, Impersonations: Wall Street's March Regulatory Docket
      Street Sweeper's Bill Singer has completed his monthly review of the March disciplinary cases reported by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA").  Among the usual suspects and the same-old-same-old allegations of violations are a number of interesting twists.  Learn about the developing trends in Wall Street regulation -- and the developing trends in Wall Street misconduct.    ストリートスウィーパーのビルシンガーは金融業界の規制機関(。。u0026quot;FINRA。。u0026quot;)によって報告された月懲。例毎月のレビューを完了しています

    • Pipeline Maker TMK Says Profit Up for H1 2010
      TMK, the country's largest producer of steel pipes for the energy sector, reported better-than-expected net profit for the first half of 2010 and said it expected earnings to improve further this year. 特定目的会社は、エネルギーセクターの鋼管の国内最大の生産、2010年の上半期に予想を上回る純利益を報告し、それが利益が今年はさらに改善すると予想している

    • TEPCO admits radioactive water leak from No. 4 reactor
      TOKYO, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) - Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the operator of the crisis hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, officially announced some radioactive water leaking from broken pipes was found inside the reactor building. The leaking point was found on the first floor in the No. 4 reactor building by the staff Tuesday night. About 10 minutes later the leak was stopped by closing a valve. TEPCO determined the water was from the reactor by measuring the radioactive level. T ... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • The Rise of the Knowledge Market
      Through the centuries, knowledge has been used to subdue and liberate. In many ways, knowledge has always been commercialized. A cobbler has knowledge of how to repair a shoe; your plumber has knowledge you pay for when your pipes burst on a cold winter day. Collectively, we are all full of knowledge and yet we do little with it. 世紀を通じて、知識を征服し、解放するために使用されています

    • Transocean Pipes To $85 On Brazil, Africa Deepwater Drilling
      Transocean, the world’s largest provider of offshore drilling services, will have a total of eight of its ten ultra-deepwater and deepwater rigs in Brazil and Africa. These rigs will be working on projects for a number of customers such as Petrobras, Anadarko, Devon and Exxon Mobil over the next few months according to its latest fleet update. The company’s fleet positioning is a good indicator of spending on deepwater exploration in these regions. Transocean competes with other offshore drillers such as Diamond Offshore, Hercules Offshore, Seahawk Drilling, ENSCO International and Rowan Companies. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • India Factory Workers Revolt, Kill Company President
      Workers at the Regency Ceramics factory in the India raided the home of their boss, and beat him senseless with led pipes after a wage dispute turned ugly. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Melingo: Corazón y Hueso – review
      (World Village)Daniel Melingo is one of the great originals and eccentrics of the Argentinian music scene. A one-time experimental rocker who turned his attention to tango, he is a gravel-voiced multi-instrumentalist with an intense, theatrical style. Playing in London last year, he came on like a Latin answer to Charlie Chaplin and Tom Waits, and ended by hurling himself to the ground. This compelling set mixes tango with other Argentinian styles, and matches his gruff, often half-spoken lyrics against settings that range from slinky, melodic passages to wailing freeform clarinet, harmonica, bagpipes, guitar and piano. Many of the songs are concerned with the lowlife of Buenos Aires, but these are set against the thoughtful, charming title track, or a surreal piece about an orchestra of animals, in which Melingo is joined by a children's choir. It's a set in which the lyrics are as important as the music, so it's regrettable no full translation is provided.Rating: 4/5World musicArgentinaRobin Denselowguardian.co.uk © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Ukraine's lost children - video
      Film-maker Antony Butts spent a week living with Odessa's homeless children - and with the police unit tasked with tracking down their hiding places in old water pipes, under manholes and in derelict buildingsMichael TaitChristian Bennett マンホール下遺棄buildingsMichael TaitChristianベネットで、古い水道管での隠れ場所を追跡する使命を帯びて警察部隊との - フィルムメーカーがして、Antonyバッツオデッサのホームレスの子どもたちと一週間の生活過ごした

    • Gang attacks pair in Sydney
      Two teenagers have been badly beaten with baseball bats and metal pipes after they were attacked by a gang of teens on Cronulla Beach in southern Sydney, the SMH reported.The pair, aged 18 and 17, were at South Cronulla beach... 彼らはサウスクロヌラビーチにいた18歳17歳南部シドニー、SMHのreported.Theペアでクロヌラビーチの十代の若者たちの一団に襲われた後、2人のティーンエイジャーがひどく野球のバットや鉄パイプで殴られている...

    • Nepal: First in the queue for the eternal flame
      Rising early is the perfect preparation for visiting the Goddess of Fire temple in Muktinath, Nepal's second-most sacred siteIt's 7am, too early for the Indian pilgrims to have made their way up by jeep from Jomsom and then by sputtering motorbike up the winding path to the temple.Sadhus, or mystics, watch us pass, smoking and hawking. Tibetan monks blow their long pipes at a Buddhist temple further up the sharp mountainside, the arid ochre slopes offset by the brilliance of the monks' robes.My guide Krishna and I have risen early to climb back up to the main temple before the crowds arrive. Perched in a grove of poplars and with prayer flags stretching away on all sides, Muktinath is Nepal's second-most sacred site for Hindus after Pashupatinath, which in comparison lies rather forlornly at the end of Kathmandu's international airport runway. The site is equally revered by Buddhists, and pilgrims of both faiths traipse up in proof of the country's admirable religious tolerance.They come to worship at the Goddess of Fire temple, where a flame of natural gas flickers undyingly next to a stream of water. They call it, rather unsurprisingly, the eternal flame. It lures the sadhus and devotees from as far afield as southern India, the richer ones flying in by helicopter to the temple's helipad.Far more interesting are the 108 spouts of water lined along a semi-circular wall, all shaped like animal heads and representing the Hindu deities. Krishna dutifully cups water in his hands at each and wets his hair. Even better, a trio of Nepali teenagers arrive, strip down to their underwear, and then run and duck under the spouts, screaming shrilly at the iciness of the mountain runoff. They then plunge full-length into two larger pools.All a little less sombre than Sunday church, 早起きムクチナト、ネパール第二の最も神聖なsiteItの午前7時、あまりにもインドの巡礼者のための早い段階で火災の寺院の女神を訪れるジョムソンからジープで自分の道をしたと完璧な準備や後、スパッタバイクで曲がりくねった道までですtemple.Sadhus、または神秘主義者は、喫煙やホーキング、私たちはパスを監視します

    • Oil leak possible cause of A380 blast: investigators
      Australian investigators Friday said an oil leak may have caused an engine blast on a Qantas Airbus A380 which badly damaged the plane, but were satisfied with the actions taken to prevent it happening again.In a preliminary report, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) said a possible manufacturing issue related to oil pipes on the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine could have caused the scare on last month's flight out of Singapore.The safety watchdog said the problem could lead to fatigue cracking, oil leakage and potential engine failure from an oil fire. オーストラリアの研究者は金曜日オイル漏れが、ひどい面を損傷カンタス航空エアバスA380のエンジン爆発の原因となった可能性があります、それはagain.In予備報告が起きているように取られた措置に満足していたよると、オーストラリア交通安全局(ATSB)ロールスロイストレント900エンジンのオイルパイプに関連することが可能製造上の問題は、Singapore.The安全ウォッチドッグ先月のフライトのうちに恐怖を引き起こしていることができると言いました問題の原因を、油漏れや潜在的なエンジン故障割れ疲労につながることができると言いました油火災

    • Gulf oil spill: Lowering the cofferdam
      Video emerges of BP's efforts to lower containment tower over one of three leaksUnderwater videos of spectacular Gulf oil leaks are like buses, it seems.After waiting more than two weeks for footage of the leak caused by the Deepwater Horizon explosion, two short clips have been posted to YouTube in the space of two hours.The video above shows the ultimately unsuccessful attempt to lower a huge metal containment tower over one of the three leaks.Engineers were attempting to pump off oil using the 100 tonne cofferdam, but have since switched their efforts to golf balls, shredded tyres and a top hat after a build-up of crystallised gas blocked pipes in the structure.Deepwater Horizon Unified Command, the body linking organisations responding to the spill, posted the video showing engineers' attempts to install the cofferdam on its YouTube channel this morning.Earlier, the organisation had succumbed to pressure from media and government agencies and posted a clip of the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.Deepwater Horizon oil spillOil spillsBPUnited StatesAdam Gabbattguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 、それがリークディープウォーターホライゾン爆発による映像の2週間以上待ってseems.Afterビデオは、BPの努力の下封じ込めの塔に1つの壮大な湾のオイル漏れの3つのleaksUnderwaterビデオの中に現れるはバスのようなもの、2つの短いクリップがされている上記の2つ促すためであろうビデオの空間でYouTubeに投稿さ油を100トンコファダムを使用してオフにポンプとしていたが、最終的には失敗したが、3つleaks.Engineersの上に巨大な金属製の容器の塔を下げるために示しているので切り替えているのビルドを開く結晶ガスの後のゴルフボール、千切りタイヤと山高帽に努力はstructure.Deepwaterホライゾンユニファイドコマンドでパイプをブロック、身体、ビデオエンジニアの試みにコファダムをインストールする方法を示します投。団体流出に対応するリンクこのmorning.Earlier YouTubeのチャンネルで、組織は、メディアや政府機関からの圧力に屈していたと。湾岸Mexico.DeepwaterホライゾンオイルspillOilのに噴出のクリップをStatesAdam Gabbattguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディアspillsBPUnited投稿このコンテンツの限定2010 |使用して、私たちの利用規約に従うものとその他のフィードを表示|

    • New to Nature No 6: Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai
      A 73-million-year-old dinosaur is finally offering up its secretsAfter nearly 25 years of excavations at Pipestone Creek, Alberta, Canada, scientists have discovered hundreds of remains of a previously unknown species of horned dinosaur they have named Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai. About 73 million years ago, a herd of juvenile and adult dinosaurs drowned in a flood, giving scientists a rare glimpse of behaviour and growth patterns. The species was named after Al Lakusta, a science teacher, who discovered the site in 1973. International Institute for Species Exploration, Arizona State UniversityZoologyAnimalsWildlifeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 73万年前の恐竜は、最終的に何百ものを発見したそのsecretsAfterをパイプストーン川、Alberta、カナダ、科学者の発掘調査のほぼ25年まで提供している角の恐竜の未知の種の彼らはPachyrhinosaurusのlakustaiという名前のままになります

    • Jeremy Deller's blown-up car brings the Iraq war to life | Jonathan Jones
      The real-life wreckage from a Baghdad car bomb, on display at the Imperial War Museum, ponders dismemberment and deathJeremy Deller is an artist of the real. The power of his work does not come from elegance or style – though some might disagree – but a ruthless and sometimes miraculous ability to make us look at real life. With his new work, Baghdad, 5 March 2007, at the Imperial War Museum, he makes us see real death. It is the closest he could get, within the parameters of public display, to laying out the bodies of Iraq's killed on the floor of the gallery.A dismembered body is what you immediately think of when you come into the museum and see a car destroyed in a 2007 truck bomb attack among the book stalls of Al-Mutanabbi Street in Baghdad, an attack that killed 38 people. Lying among the missiles, tanks and war planes in the museum's main hall is the eviscerated corpse of what was once a car. It is more than wrecked. It appears to have been flung in the air, crushed, then burned in an inferno. It suggests a human body in a deeply perturbing way. First, because it is so flattened, with viscera of pipes and tanks sticking out. Then again it is scorched by fire to a colour that evokes dried blood. It looks curiously like Lindow Man in the British Museum.That visual suggestiveness is not the work of a sculptor in a studio. Deller did not make this. He had the idea of exhibiting a car from a Baghdad bombing, was able to get his hands on one, and toured it around America as an object of curiosity before the Imperial War Museum made the brave decision to show it in their displays. The horrible sculptural quality of this relic is accidental, and it forces you to confront the real suffering of the people killed and wounded in Baghdad on that particular day. It is a sim 帝国戦争博物館に展示され、バグダッドの自動車爆弾から現実の残骸は、デラーは本物のアーティストである切断とdeathJeremyを熟考

    • Old gas pipes spread explosion risk across US
      SAN BRUNO, California - An ominous theme has emerged from the wreckage of a deadly pipeline explosion in California: There are thousands of pipes just like it around the U.S.Utilities have been under pressure for years to better... サンブルーノ、カリフォルニア - 不吉なテーマは、カリフォルニア州にある致命的なパイプラインの爆発の残骸から浮上している:パイプの何千ものがあります

    • Baosteel wins US trade case
      Baoshan Iron &Steel Co Ltd (Baosteel) has won an anti-dumping case in the United States involving imports of drill pipes to the country. Analysts said the result sets a precedent for Chinese steelmakers to defend their interests in overseas markets. On Wednesday, Baosteel, China's largest steelmaker, said on its website that it had won the case in which some US competitors accused the company of dumping drill pipes in the country. The complaints sparked an anti-dumping and anti- ... 宝山鋼鉄のCo株式会社(宝鋼)の国へのドリルパイプの輸入を含む米国のアンチダンピングケースを獲得しています


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