- ジョン・ミリングトン・シング著姉崎正見訳「アラン島」第四部(4)
asked her if the curagh would soon be coming back with the priest. 'it will not
be coming soon or at all to-night,' she said. 'the wind has gone up now, and
there will come no curagh to this island for maybe two days or three. and
wasn't it a cruel thing to see the haste was on them, and they in danger all
the time to be drowned themselves?'
- The Hill of Coor, The Stack of Oats (hornpipes)
i played a 38 key c/g suttner concertina .
- Live at the O2 Arena / Katie Melua
henry spinetti(ds) tim harries (b) luke patashnick (g) jim watson (p) luis jordan (perc, g) grank gallagher (keys, vn, pipes)