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    政治 国際 関連語 海上自衛隊 原子力発電所 災害派遣 関東大震災 支援物資 尖閣諸島 福島原発 福島第一原発
    • 新・日本砂漠化-93  なぜ元・社会党議員が国家公安委員長!?-1
      we have to know the truth that such a fake koreans in a diet member have been controlling japan(国会議員の中のフェ イク 朝鮮人に日本国は牛耳られていると知るべし)!

    • 新・日本砂漠化-68 本当の恐怖は、真打の「H5N1」!!
      the out break of the h5n1 influenza that is more terrible than the nuclear weapon should prevent it whatever it takes(核兵器よりも恐ろしいh5n1インフルエンザのアウトブレイクは何が何でも防ぐべき)!

    • 新・日本砂漠化-85 「イヤニナッダ・オウム大臣」!!
      this minoru yanagida must be the crap as a man of adult more than as the minister of justice(この柳田稔は外務大臣としても大人の男として アン ポンタン)!

    • 米紙 大々的に特集10-2デモ
      while right-leaning rallies often attract older generations, ms. kima said the latest incident is energizing younger japanese who are gathering force in internet chat rooms and japan's popular social networking site mixi. she estimates an online forum she frequents called my nihon attracts about 30,000 people. awash in a blanket of japanese flags fluttering in the slight breeze, the crowd cheered as a handful of speakers took the makeshift stage set up outside japan's public broadcaster nhk in shibuya. for 1½ hours, speakers blasted china and the japanese government. as the afternoon sun beat down on the crowd, mr. tamogami, who delivered the opening remarks, began his speech saying china stupidly claims the senkaku islands, also known as diaoyu in china, as its own and if the japanese people do not stand up to such claims, they will lose control of the territory. china is reacting like the yakuza, said masanori miya, 41, a salesman in tokyo, referring to japanese gangsters. a regular participant in anti-china oriented rallies, mr. miya said china-japan relations are definitely approaching the breaking point. it is unclear how much the sentiments of the crowd have been embraced by mainstream politicians. no prominent political leaders attended the event. organizers said that they invited former prime minister shinzo abe, known for taking a hard line against china but that a conflict prevented his attendance. he has gone to previous events organized by the group. while saturday's rally appeared peaceful, the extended spat with beijing has fueled some scattered events of more extreme forms of protest in japan. china's national tourism administration on friday issued a travel warning for japan, citing an alleged attack against a chinese tour bus by japanese right-wing activists in the southern city of fukuoka. the statement said: chinese tourists and tour groups currently in japan or planning to go to japan in the near future [advised] to watch their travel safety. according to japan's yomiuri shimbun, a motorcade of some 60 trucks of right wingers held a anti-china rally, blocking the path of tour buses carrying chinese tourists headed back to a cruise ship after sightseeing in the city. the incident delayed the group's departure by 30 minutes, but no one was injured, the newspaper said. in separate incidents, japanese men have been arrested over the past week for throwing flares or smoke-bombs at chinese consulates in nagasaki and fukuoka. saturday's tokyo rally attracted activists drawn to a variety of causes. a couple of people distributed free tibet fliers. another man walked silently among the protestors dressed as a ninja in the pale blue colors of the uighur flag. a pastel-colored banner with the name of a women's activist group, translated roughly as women who love the country, was hoisted above baby strollers and a group of some 30 members. after the speeches, the crowd swelled by about another thousand as the demonstrators took to the streets. the rally snaked through tokyo's congested sidewalks of shibuya, spanned the main strip of the tony omotesando neighborhood, and up to trendy harajuku. onlookers were taken aback by the large following as they waited to cross the street or covered their ears to block the parade's pronouncements blaring through megaphones and sound trucks: stand up! fight for japan! protect peace in asia ! some bystanders like 29-year-old emmie hama were impressed. i thought it's nice to see them working hard. japanese people usually don't have strong will power , said the sales clerk, as a third chunk of protestors passed an intersection. a fur cap falling over her eyes heavy with layers of black mascara, she said that she didn't agree with japan's decision to release the ship captain and that she would like the government to release the video of the collision so she can personally judge which side was in the wrong. she said she knew of the rally but couldn't participate because of work. others weren't as taken with the loud intrusion on their saturday afternoon. i think it's a little overboard. this kind of reaction won't resolve anything, said anna karaki, 19, a second-year student at tokyo women's college. ms. karaki then wondered why the march was in shibuya at all and not taking place closer to where the government buildings are located. it's an inconvenience to people who want to cross the street.

    • 2011年公開 シェイクスピア大作 映画「テンペスト」& 浅田次郎原作 映画「日輪の遺産」 
      we are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded with a sleep. 『テンペスト』 4幕1場


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