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○■ イラク北部
○■ 2011年1月10日投稿
○■ AP通信BaghdadIraqguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンのニュース&メディアリミテッドこのコンテンツの2010 |利用規約&条件に従うものとその他のフィードを表示|
○■ 1つは、警察の中尉だった彼の息子だった...
○■ このような動きはイラクを再建できるわけはないので、イラクの人たちがなんとか阻止しているのだとスタッフの人は解説していた
○■ イラク戦争もアフガニスタン戦争も、大衆の支持を得ているようには見えない
○■ Two policemen were killed and 19 people wounded in two attacks in Mosul, capital city of Iraq's northern province of Nineveh, on Saturday, a provincial police source said.
Two gunmen armed with pistols fitted with silencers shot dead two policemen at a checkpoint in the al-Risalah neighborhood in western Mosul, the source from the provincial operations command told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.
In a separate incident, an armed man threw a hand-grenade on a police patrol while passing t ... 2人の警官が死亡し、19人が土曜日にニネベの2つの攻撃のイラク北部、首都のモスルで県で負傷、地方の警察筋によると、2つの武装勢力の武装装。拳銃のチェックポイント警察官を2つの射殺サイレンサーアル地方の操作コマンドRisalah地区は、ソースから西部のモスル、匿名を条件に新華ファイナンスと語った
○■ Turkey in its fight against the rebels but the incu
○■ 31 miles) south of the northern Iraq city of M
○■ ay's blast took place in October and prior to th
○■ e statement on its website.
The statement
○■ egally from northern Iraq then accused of spying.The
○■ in Kurdish northern Iraq, which was targeted by S
○■ urkish unit near the border, the Turkish military
○■ Eight killed and three wounded in south-east Tur
○■ of Rania, in northern Iraq. She explains how it is
○■ mountains of northern Iraq, from where they regul
○■ blamed on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK
○■ n a motorbike in the northern oil city of Kirkuk, ki
○■ police source in northern Iraq told Xinhua that three
○■ military base in southern Mosul, the capital city of Ira
○■ website, the death toll of U.S. troops in Iraq
○■ al-Qaida leaders were killed or arrested in Mosul,
○■ ver in northern Iraq, a statement of U.S. milita
○■ o soldiers were killed and another was injured while
○■ .Dozens of people were killed in attacks in October a
○■ killed 17 people, including two soldiers トルコ軍は
○■ Shias or members of the security services were ta
○■ ers shot dead two policemen at a checkpoint in the
○■ been among desperate guests who leapt from upper-floo
○■ landmine. Security officials said it was a remote-contro
○■ rn oil-rich city of Kirkuk, local police source said
○■ he northern city of Mosul, police said. キリスト教など
○■ the Turkish border town of Uludere.The Turkish militar
○■ late Thursday.
The suspected al-Qaida leaders
○■ said that at least 10 people had died. The Hakkari
○■ out similar attacks in the past. However, such att
○■ west Iran near the border with ArmeniaIranian authori
○■ n two civilians who were travelling on a motorbike
○■ ondition of anonymity.
The two Iraqi soldiers h
○■ were killed and three others wounded by a car bomb
○■ , a provincial police source said.
Two gunmen armed with pi
○■ ty and medical officials said.Two people, including an
○■ ice source said.
The incident took place when
○■ ison gas attack on the northern Iraqi Kurdish village
○■ after the U.S. military leaves in 2011. The ex
○■ Three U.S. soldiers were killed in two inci
○■ hern Iraq, Turkish military said in a statement on
○■ uesday.
The statement said the accident happened on
○■ it bombed Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq, after
Iraq and said Kurdish Iraqi PKK Mosul モスル two werekilled Workers have attacks people Turkey soldiers Party with 兵士 殺害され for Baghdad 石油 cityof Saturday Kurdistan anonymity bases bombed outlawed 死亡 fire this are メディア 基地 クルド労働者 officials トルコ from incident 述べた 条件 PartyPKK troops 警官 米軍 負傷 Eight jets car Limited least アメリカ More 部隊 場合 共同 地区 死亡した 少なくとも 維持 労働者党PKK ofIraq アルビル 勢力 利用規約 townof miles フセイン 人々 以上 onSaturday deadly Iraqs 以来 late バグダッド 日本 injured openedfire theUS ofMosul south 劣化 Iran 死者 saidin couk©ガーディアンのニュース tookplace 治安 マイル 逮捕 現在 toldXinhua month 爆撃 爆弾 クルド労働者党PKK 絶望 子供 ofBaghdad 首都 このコンテンツ atleast 言った 治療 Iraqafter sourcesaid 地方 andthree 子ども クルド人反政府勢力 statement ofIraqs 数百 匿名を条件 彼女 aftera 使用 殺され 言って 人のイラク 当局 攻撃 行われ 反対 二人 近くに 持って 土曜日 たと述べた 言ってい
評価強度 | 可変性 | 記述詳細 | 感情強度 | 描写総量 | 装飾量 |
0.017 | 0.121 | 0.634 | 0.011 | 0.616 | 0.226 | やや強い | 強い | 極めて弱い | 強い | 極めて弱い | 少し弱い | total 21389.100000001083 | |