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    インターネット ニュース 関連語 著作権法 PIRATES MALIA
    • EU warship rescue hostage after stopping suspected pirate skiff
      NAIROBI, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- An EU anti-piracy operation warship on Saturday stopped and boarded a suspected pirate skiff, which was believed to have been involved in an incident with a French yacht, with one member of the crew from the yacht found safe, said the EU naval force. According to the statement released late Saturday by the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR), the yacht, Tribal Kat, was located on Thursday, after the force received a distress call from the yacht located off the ... ナイロビ、9月10日(新華社) - 土曜日にEUの反著作権侵害の操作の軍艦は、から乗組員の一員で、フランスのヨットと事件に関与したとみていた疑いのある海賊スキフを、停止し、乗り込んでヨットを安全に見られる、EU海軍力は言った

    • NinjaVideo Leader Queen Phara Pleads Guilty In Federal Case
      On September 8, 2011, a federal grand jury in Alexandria, VA returned an Indictment charging five individuals with one count of conspiracy and five substantive copyright infringement counts for their involvement with the Internet website NinjaVideo.net.  See the Seizure Notice for the site. 2011年9月8日、アレクサンドリアの連邦大陪審では、VAは陰謀の1カウントとインターネットのウェブサイトのNinjaVideo.netとの関わりの5つの実質的な著作権侵害のカウントで5人を充電起訴を返しました

    • China steps up crackdown on online copyright infringements and counterfeiting
      Chinese authorities shut down 410 websites involved in copyright infringements and counterfeiting in the first three months of 2010 in an intensified effort to clamp down on online cheating, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Thursday. China had investigated 496 cases of copyright infringements and production and sales of counterfeits by the end of March, which involved more than 700 million yuan (107.7 million U.S. dollars), the ministry said in a statement on its website. A total of 355 ... 中国当局は、著作権侵害に関与し、オンライン不正行為の取り締まり強化の努力2010年の最初の3ヶ月で偽造ダウン410ウェブサイトシャットダウン、商務部は(MOC)の発表した

    • ファイル共有ソフトによる違法アップロード全国一斉摘発(著作権法)
      // <![cdata[ wni_blog('blog/radar:centeredon=50',150,50,true);// ]]></script></div></li>

    • Victoria's Secret Clips Angel Wings Off Brazil Competition, Legally
      Victoria's Secret successfully clipped the angel wings off a competing Brazilian fashion show this week, citing copyright infringement and anti-competitive practices. ビクトリアの秘密の成功著作権侵害と反競争的慣行を理由に、今週見る競合ブラジルファッションオフ天使の羽を切り取られます

    • Sheffield Doc/Fest video: Burma Soldier
      Producer Julie LeBrocquy and co-director Annie Sundberg on smuggling footage out of Burma, 'reverse pirating' their own film and telling the story of Myo Myint, a former soldier turned peace activistElliot SmithChristian Bennett 生産して、Julie LeBrocquyと共同監督して、Annieサンドバーグビルマの密。映像出力では、自分の映画の著作権侵。逆。。u0026#39;と言ってミオミンの話を元兵士は、平和activistElliot SmithChristianベネットを回した

    • US Court Sentences Somali Pirate to 25 Years
      Jama Idle Ibrahim, 39, pleaded guilty last year to charges of conspiring to commit piracy and using a firearm ジャマアイドルイブラヒム、39、著作権侵害を犯すことを共謀し、使用して銃を罪を昨年申し立てない

    • Yemen jails 10 Somalis pirates
      A Yemeni court sentenced 10 Somalis accused of piracy to five years in prison and acquitted three others in the southern port city of Aden on Sunday. イエメンの裁判所は懲役5年に著作権侵害の訴え10ソマリア人の刑を言い渡したと日曜アデン南部の港湾都市で3人を無罪

    • US jury charges 14 suspected pirates
      A federal grand jury has indicted 13 suspected pirates from Somalia and one from Yemen in the February hijacking of a yacht that left four Americans dead, the US Justice Department says.The men face piracy, kidnapping and firearms... 連邦大陪審は、ソマリアから13疑いのある海賊を拘束起訴したと4つのアメリカ人の死者を出したヨットの2月ハイジャックにイエメンから一、米国司法省says.Theの男性が著作権侵害、誘拐、銃器に直面する...

    • Suspected pirates plead not guilty in US
      Thirteen Somalis and a man from Yemen pleaded not guilty to piracy, kidnapping and firearms charges Tuesday in the February hijacking of a yacht that left four Americans dead.They entered their pleas in federal court in Norfolk,... サーティーンソマリアとイエメンから来た男は、4つのアメリカ人がdead.Theyノーフォークの連邦裁判所での嘆願を入力左ヨットのハイジャック月に著作権侵害、誘拐、銃器料金火曜日に無罪を主張...

    • Somali pirates hijack Thai-owned cargo ship with 27 crew
      A Thai-owned cargo ship with 27 crew had been hijacked by Somali pirates early Saturday approximately 450 nautical miles North East of the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean, EU anti-piracy mission has confirmed. The EU Naval Force said in a statement that, MV Thor Nexus, a 20,377 tonne general cargo ship which is Thai flagged and owned, was on her way to Bangladesh from Jebel Ali in the UAE at the time of the attack. All the 27 crew on board are from Thailand. According to EU Naval ... 27乗組員とタイの中古貨物船はソマリアの海賊は、早く土曜日約450海里インド洋のソコトラ島の北東にハイジャックされていたが、EUの反著作権侵害の任務は認識しています

    • Pirates Selling Shares As Piracy Hits All Time High
      The first quarter of 2011 has seen piracy-at-sea hit an all time high with 142 attacks worldwide and 97 of the East coast of Somalia, up from 35 a year ago, a report by the IMB Piracy Reporting Center says.  As ransom-payouts increase exponentially, more sophisticated piracy syndicates are even selling shares in planned attacks to villagers in order to finance their operations, according to the head of the U.S. Navy. 2011年の第1四半期には、見ている著作権侵害が-海はすべての時間を142攻撃全世界で35年前からソマリアの東海岸の97で最高値で、IMB海賊通報センターの報告書は述べています

    • Piracy Fight Shuts Down Music Blogs
      Popular music blogs shut down by the government in a Thanksgiving weekend crackdown on online piracy often operate with the tacit aid and approval of major labels. ポピュラー音楽は、暗黙的な援助と大手レコード会社の承認を得て動作する多くのオンライン著作権侵害の感謝祭の週末の取り締まりに政府がシャットダウンするブログを書いている

    • SAP Ordered to Pay Oracle $1.3 Billion
      A federal jury awarded Oracle $1.3 billion in damages in its copyright infringement case. 連邦陪審は、その著作権侵害のケースでOracleに13億ドルの損害賠償を授与されました

    • SAP to pay Oracle $1.3 billion in landmark decision
      SAP AG must pay Oracle Corp $1.3 billion for software theft, a jury decided, awarding damages that could be the largest-ever for copyright infringement. SAP AGは、ソフトウェアの盗難は、Oracle社に13億ドルを支払わなければならない、陪審員は、著作権侵害のための史上最大規模のことができる損害賠償を授与した

    • SAP ordered to pay damages of US$1.3b to Oracle for tech theft
      SAP must pay Oracle Corp US$1.3 billion for software theft in a jury verdict that could be the largest-ever for copyright infringement. SAPは、著作権侵害のための史上最大規模のことができる陪審員の評決は、Oracle社、米国に13億ドルをソフトウェア盗用を支払う必要があります

    • ロクラク(日本デジタル家電)事件最高裁判決(破棄差戻)
      // <![cdata[ wni_blog('blog/radar:centeredon=50',150,50,true);// ]]></script></div></li>

    • Cause of explosion on Japanese tanker in Hormuz remains unclear
      An investigation is underway Thursday to determine the cause of the damage to a Japanese tanker in the Strait of Hormuz a day earlier, originally thought to be an explosion related to a pirate attack. The owners of the M. Star super tanker, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. , concurred with the Japanese Consulate General in Dubai that an explosion had caused the damage and piracy was suspected, however latest media reports suggest that the vessel was hit by a tremor- triggered wave. Oman's coastgua ... 調査は攻撃が進行中日のホルムズ海峡でタンカーに日本損害木曜日に決定原因を以前の、海賊に当初考えていた関係爆発する

    • Media Cache: France’s Three-Strikes Law for Internet Piracy Hasn’t Brought Any Penalties
      As consumer preferences and technology change, some people in the music industry are proposing new ways to deal with piracy. 消費者の嗜好や技術の変化として、音楽業界の人々が新たな方法を著作権侵害に対処するため提案している

    • Spanish Court Sides With Google in YouTube Copyright Case
      A Spanish court sided with Google on Thursday in a dispute with Telecinco, saying its video-sharing site YouTube, did not have to screen television clips for copyright violations before posting them to the site. スペインの裁判所は、その動画共有サイトには、YouTubeやサイトに投稿する前に、著作権侵害のテレビクリップをスクリーニングする必要がなかったと言って、Telecincoのとの紛争に木曜日にGoogleに味方した

    • Turkish frigate sets sail for anti-piracy mission
      A frigate of the Turkish Naval Forces on Monday set sail from its base in southwestern Turkey to participate in an international effort to fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden, the semi-official Anatolia news agency reported. The Perry class frigate TCG Gemlik will replace TCG Gokova currently serving under the international anti-piracy mission CTF- 151, according to the report. TCG Gemlik is the fifth task force Turkey has deployed to the region since last February following TCG Gires ... 月曜日には、トルコ海軍のフリゲート南西部のトルコの基地から国際的な努力の著作権侵害に対して、アデン湾での戦いに参加して帆を設定すると、半公式のアナトリアニュースが報じた

    • Ireland Is Latest With Plan to Cut Into Copyright Violations
      A judge in Ireland cleared the way for the implementation of a crackdown on Internet piracy, dismissing concerns that the plan could result in the invasion of privacy. アイルランドの裁判官は、インターネット著作権侵害の取り締まりを実施するため、懸念を計画はプライバシーの侵害につながる可能性が却下道を開きました

    • Pressure Grows on Spain to Curb Digital Piracy
      Critics say it will be difficult to stop illegal downloading in the country because of the popularity of file-sharing sites and a perceived indifference to piracy as a crime. 批評家は難しい違法ファイル共有サイトの人気のための国で、犯罪として著作権侵害に認識関心をダウンロード停止になるだろうと言う

    • UN chief names new adviser to help prosecute Somali pirates
      Jack Lang of France has been appointed as the special adviser to the UN secretary-general on legal issues related to the piracy off the coast of Somalia, UN spokesperson Martin Nesirky told reporters Thursday. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon chose Lang to serve a representative in helping states decide how to deal with captured Somali pirates who have been terrorizing the ships in the waters around East Africa, hijacking vessels, stealing cargo and holding crew for ransom. According to a ... ジャックラングは、フランスのソマリア沖関連する法律問題全般がされて任命秘書特別国連顧問に著作権侵害をオフに、国連報道官はマーティンNesirkyに仕えラングは、記者団は16日、国連事務総長潘基に、選択した月がハイジャック船舶、アフリカイースト代表の周辺海域がされて恐怖の海賊ソマリアで撮影した対処方法を決定する手助け状態で発送、貨物を盗んで身代金の乗組員を保持する

    • International operation intercepts pirates
      Japanese, EU and NATO forces cooperated on Sunday to intercept pirates who were preparing to attack ships in the Gulf of Aden, the NATO counter-piracy task force said. 日本、EUとNATO軍は日曜日にアデン湾で船を攻撃する準備を進めていた海賊を傍受する協力、NATOは反著作権侵害タスクフォースは言った

    • Japan to extend Somalia anti-piracy mission by 1 year
      Japan decided Friday to extend the Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF)'s anti-piracy mission off Somalia, which was due to end on July 23, by one year. The ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) opposed the anti- piracy law when it was still an opposition party, but the DPJ changed its stance after winning power in September, on the grounds that the mission is an international contribution. The law has enabled the MSDF to provide protection to foreign- flagged commercial vessels unrelated t ... 日本は著作権侵害を決めた抗自衛隊を(海)の。月23日で1年ソマリア沖

    • China failing to tackle piracy, Ballmer says
      Microsoft Corp is less optimistic about China as a market than India or Indonesia because of the country's lack of progress in stamping out software piracy, chief executive Steve Ballmer said. マイクロソフト社は、以下の中国について、インドやインドネシア進捗状況の国の不足のためのソフトウェア著作権侵害を、最高経営責任者スティーブバルマー根絶に比べて市場として楽観的だ

    • Microsoft Moves to Help Nonprofits Avoid Piracy-Linked Crackdowns
      Microsoft is expanding its efforts to prevent governments from using software piracy inquiries to silence people. マイクロソフトでは、沈黙の人々にソフトウェア著作権侵害のお問い合わせを使用してから、政府を防ぐための取り組みを拡大しています

    • Somali piracy accused plead not guilty
      NORFOLK, Virginia - Nine Somali men accused of attacking two US Navy ships off Africa have pleaded not guilty to piracy and weapons charges.They entered their pleas Friday before US Magistrate Judge J. Bradford Stillman in Virginia.Their... バージニア州ノーフォークは - ナインソマリア人アフリカ沖の2つのアメリカ海軍の艦船を攻。非。著作権侵害や武器に無罪を主張してcharges.Theyその嘆願を入力金曜日米国奉行モッツ裁判官ブラッドフォードスティルマン前Virginia.Theirで...

    • Somali Pirates Hijack Cargo Ship Near Seychelles
      Pirates hijack cargo ship near Seychelles after apparent engine problem, EU naval force says European Union - Cargo ship - Seychelles - Africa - Piracy 後明らかにエンジンの問題セイシェル近くの船が海賊ハイジャック貨物は、EU海軍力が著作権侵害という欧州連合は-貨物船-セーシェル-アフリカ-

    • Thai anti-piracy mission to be extended
      Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva wants the navy to extend its anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Somalia for another month. 内閣総理大臣アビシットは、別の月のソマリア沖のアデン湾では、著作権侵害対策の任務を拡張するために海軍を望んでいる

    • U.S. Links Piracy to Russia's WTO Bid
      Russia must improve efforts to stop piracy and counterfeiting of U.S. music, movies and other goods to achieve its long-term goal of joining the World Trade Organization, a U.S. official said Wednesday. ロシアは努力を著作権侵害を停止し、米国の音楽、映画、他の商品の世界貿易機関、米国の公式参加するという長期目標を達成するために偽造の改善が必要と発表した

    • Over $50 billion lost to software piracy
      Software piracy cost technology companies 51.4 billion U.S. dollars around the world last year. However, China's software piracy rate has been continuously declining by 13 percent from 2003 to 2009, according to an industry report released by Business Software Alliance and International Data Corporation (IDC) Tuesday. The global survey on software piracy, carried out in over 100 economies, has been tracked, and compared with the previous year, the global software piracy rate from rose from 41 ... ソフトウェア著作権侵害のコストのテクノロジー企業は、世界中の51400000000ドル、昨年

    • EU Naval exchanges fire with Somali pirates
      Somali pirates fired on an EU naval force warship, prompting the French vessel to return fire outside Somali capital, Mogadishu's harbor on Thursday, the EU anti-piracy mission announced on Friday. Naval force spokesman John Harbour said the assault against the FS Nivose immediately stopped and none of the two merchant vessels, which she were tasked to escort, were hit. Harbour said the EU Naval Force warship FS Nivose were approaching Mogadishu, to start an escort of MS Alpha Kirawira and ... ソマリアの海賊は軍。力発射EUの海軍、船を求めるフランスの港ジョンスポークスマンは火を返す外モガディシュの首都ソマリア港は木曜日、EUの反力海軍

    • Somali pirates hijack Greek-owned ship with 18 Filipinos
      Somali pirates have hijacked Greek- owned ship with 18 Filipino crew members on board, both EU anti- piracy mission and a regional maritime official confirmed on Monday. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... ソマリアの海賊は月曜日に、地域の海洋公式確。著作権侵害のギリシャ中古船をハイジャックした18フィリピン人の乗組員ボード、双方反ミッション

    • Copyright center also watching World Cup matches
      The Copyright Protection Center of China (CPCC) launched a nationwide monitoring system in early June to check that online video coverage of World Cup matches in South Africa is carried legally. The monitoring system can also be used for investigation and evidence collection, according to CPCC, which is the only State-level organization that provides copyright public services. World Cup anti-piracy operations are now underway across China, said Yin Zhisong, general manager of Beijing Ori ... 著作権保護センターは、中国の(クック)カップのビデオカバーの世界全国発売オンラインは、6月上旬を確認、監視システムを合法的に韓国の試合で行われてアフリカの監視システムは、コレクションすることができます証拠と調査もされる使用されて、クックによると、どの操作を

    • French navy hands over six suspected pirates to Somali authorities
      The French navy fleet patrolling the pirate-infested Somali coast on Saturday handed over suspected six pirates to the local authorities in the semi- autonomous region of Puntland, regional officials said. The French navy handed over the six men to local anti-piracy units off the northeastern port city of Bossaso, the commercial capital of the self-government state, Yusuf Ahmed Khayr, regional security minister told reporters. The regional official said that the men and their equipment wer ... フランス海軍艦隊をパトロール中の海。土曜日に出没するソマリアの海岸で手の上に地元当局には、準決勝で6海賊の疑いプントランド自治区、地域の関係者と述べた

    • EU Naval exchanges fire with Somali pirates (3)
      The Horn of Africa nation has been without an effective government since 1991, fuelling the lawlessness which has allowed the pirates to thrive. Efforts to stop the raiders have so far had only limited success, with international naval patrols struggling to cover the vast areas of ocean where the gangs operate. To date more than 120 suspects have been transferred to Kenya by the Western warships patrolling the Indian Ocean to combat piracy. &$&$Source: Xinhua &$&$&$ <a ... 。。u003chtml。。u003eホーンは、国のアフリカ成長しているされてなく、政府効果的なので、海賊が許可され1991ており、給油無法状態の取り組みは、海の広大な領域を停止する苦労カバーを襲撃があったので、これまでパトロール海軍国際的な成功は、限られたのみここでギャングは動作しますが

    • Thai Navy to join piracy suppression
      The Thai navy is prepared to sent two ships to join the United Nations and the United States in the suppression of piracy in Somalia, said navy chief Admiral Kamthorn Poomhiran. タイ海軍は、に準備さソマリアで国連と米国著作権侵害の抑制に参加するには、2隻を派遣海軍首席提督Kamthorn Poomhiranは言った

    • Citing E-Mail, Viacom Says YouTube Ignored Copyrights
      The charge was one of many made by Viacom in newly released filings in its $1 billion copyright lawsuit against YouTube and Google. 料の一つだったViacomがYouTubeとGoogleに対する10億ドルの著作権侵害訴訟で新しくリリースされた書類で行われた多くの

    • The9 company drops charges against World of Warcraft
      Hearing of the The9 Computer Technology Consulting(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd charging Blizzard Entertainment violating computer software copyright case originally scheduled at 9:00 on March 11 has been canceled as the plaintiff withdraw the accusation. Commercial defamation disputes of the two companies have concluded on March 10, 2010 and The9 insists 12 million yuan compensation claims, telling the court it does not accept the mediation. As requested by The9, the plaintiff lawyer refused to ... The9コンピュータ技術コンサルティング(上海)有限公司の米ブリザードエンターテインメント社は当初9時3月11日、原告は、告発を撤回するために取り消されているスケジュールされたコンピュータソフトウェア著作権侵害に違。充電ヒアリング

    • Somali Islamists vow to end piracy
      A hardline Islamist militia vowed Monday to end piracy in Somalia by imposing sharia law, after seizing control of a notorious nest of pirates and forcing them to flee. 強硬イスラム民兵は月曜日ソマリアでシャリア法を課すことによって著作権侵害を終わらせるため、海賊の悪名高い巣のコントロールを掌握し、避難を余儀なく。誓った

    • AU Chairman blames Somali piracy on European countries and U.S.
      African Union chairperson and Malawian president Bingu Mutharika has blamed the continuing piracy in Somalia on the United States and European countries, saying they can end the al Shabaab sea terrorist acts in two weeks if they so wish. Mutharika said this on Wednesday afternoon in Lilongwe upon arrival from the 15th AU summit in Uganda. The AU chairperson told the press that if countries like Japan, Britain, and the United States, among others, can commit themselves to ending the problem ... アフリカ連合の議長とマラウイ大統領ビングムタリカは時リロングウェ水曜日午後に非難している継続的著作権侵害をソマリア国連の行為、この言った2週間ください

    • China looks for EU concessions
      China will address European concerns over investment rules and copyright violations, but wants the EU to relax remaining trade barriers with Beijing in return, says Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.Wen is visiting Greece ahead of an... 中国は、投資ルールや著作権侵害でヨーロッパの懸念に対処しますが、EUは、リターンで中国との貿易障壁を、残りのリラックスしたい、中国の温家宝Jiabao.Wenは先のギリシャを訪問しているという...

    • China Says Committed to EU Recovery
      Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is promising to address European concerns over his country's investment rules and over copyright violations, but urged the EU to relax remaining trade barriers. 中国の温家宝首相は、彼の国の投資ルールの上、著作権侵害でヨーロッパの懸念に対処するために期待されているが、残りの貿易障壁を緩和するEUを促した

    • China vows crackdown on Internet piracy
      China will launch a nationwide crackdown on Internet piracy in late July and severely punish any copyright infringement, the country's National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly announced on July 21. Copyright authorities will tighten supervision of Web sites that provide audio, video, reading materials, online games, comics and animation or e-commerce services. The crackdown will focus on piracy of p ... 中国は7月著作権侵害lateインターネットの取り締まりをon will launch全国深刻な侵害を処罰するすべての著作権の、同国の国家Copyright庁が省of TechnologyはPublicセキュリティと情報省の産業と共同で7月21日発表した

    • Oracle sues Google over Android software
      Oracle Corp filed a patent and copyright infringement lawsuit against Google over its Android software, citing technology gained from the January acquisition of Sun Microsystems. オラクル社は、Googleに対してはAndroidソフトウェアで、技術を理由に特許や著作権侵害訴訟を起こしたSun Microsystemsは1月の買収から得た

    • Rio Tinto case sent to prosecutors
      &$&$The Rio drama and China's ore seesaw battle&$&$ The investigation into four Rio Tinto employees is finished and has been transferred to prosecutors, Shanghai police said Tuesday. Four employees from Rio Tinto Group's Shanghai office, including Stern Hu, general manager of the office, were detained on charges of infringing trade secrets and bribery in July. &$ ... &$&$リオドラマ、中国の鉄鉱石シーソーゲーム&$&$ 4、リオティント、従業員への調査が終了され、検察側に転送されており、上海警察と発表した

    • Microsoft wins piracy case on mainland
      Microsoft Corp, after nearly a year in trial, has won its first software copyright infringement lawsuit on the mainland against a Shanghai-based insurance firm. マイクロソフト社は、裁判でほぼ1年後、上海ベースの保険会社に対して中国本土で初のソフトウェア著作権侵害訴訟を獲得した

    • Visual Artists to Sue Google Over Library Project
      The class action lawsuit asserts that a planned digital library amounts to large-scale copyright infringement. 集団訴訟は、大規模な著作権侵害には、計画のデジタルライブラリが金額をアサートします

    • Somali pirates let go seized Greek tanker afte ransom paid
      Somali pirates have let go the seized Greek tanker Maran Centaurus after millions of dollars were paid in ransom, according to the information received here on Monday. The Piraeus-registered Maran Centaurus was seized on Nov. 29 with its 28 crew members on board, including Greeks, Filipinos and a Romanian. The Greek vessel was traveling from Kuwait to the United States when it was hijacked off the eastern coast of Somalia. Piracy has become rampant off the coast of Africa, especially in ... ソマリアの海賊から押収したギリシャのタンカーマランケンタウルス後、数百万ドルの身代金が支払われていた行っても、情報にはここを月曜日に受け取ったよると、聞かせている

    • 7月27日(金)のつぶやき
      00:05 from tweet button perfume 「spending all my time」 (teaser) youtube.com/watch?v=11holc… @youtubeさんから #prfm 09:20 from echofon テレビ画面の静止画キャプも立派な著作権侵害なんだね

    • Harvey Weinstein Gets His French Legion of Honor: We've Paid Back Our Debt
      Harvey Weinstein received the prestigious Legion d'Honneur last night at the French Embassy in New York, and gave a passionate speech about his love of film, his family, his fight against piracy, and the financial situation of his already fabled newish studio, The Weinstein Company. Citing guests and banking friends like Steve Schwartzman and Tim Coleman,  Lloyd Blankfein and Harvey Schwartz, Len Blavatnik, Ron Burkle, David Boies and Bert Fields, Pete Petersen, Jim Dolan, Dirk Ziff, Michael Bloomberg, ハーヴェイ·ワインスタインは、ニューヨークのフランス大使館での最後の夜一流のレジオン·ドヌール勲章を受け、映画の彼の愛、彼の家族は、著作権侵害に対する彼の戦い、彼はすでに伝説的な新しめのスタジオの財務状況についての情熱的なスピーチをした、ワインスタイン·カンパニー

    • Why Anti-Piracy Legislation Will Become Law
      Pending legislation to combat online piracy will very likely pass into law in 2012. The effort enjoys exceptionally broad bipartisan political backing because of the obvious pressing need to stop rampant online piracy that undercuts American economic growth and destroys hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Few legislators will oppose オンライン海賊行為と戦うために保留中の法案は、非常に可能性が2012年に法律に渡されます

    • Don't Let Hollywood Break the Internet With the PROTECT IP Act!
      Using forceful arguments about the ongoing threat of Internet piracy, Hollywood and its allies are pushing legislation through Congress that would ensnare and criminalize legitimate Internet sites on unproven allegations of content theft. The “Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act” was rushed out of the Judiciary Committee by voice vote last May and may soon be voted on in the Senate. A House bill may be dropped any day. インターネット著作権侵害の継続的な脅威についての強力な引数を使用して、ハリウッドとその同盟国は、コンテンツの窃盗の実証されていない容疑で合法的なインターネットサイトをわなと犯罪だ議会で法案を推進している

    • Somali pirates get 439-year sentences
      A Spanish court has convicted two Somali men of piracy for the 2009 takeover of a Spanish fishing vessel and sentenced each to 439 years in prison, CNN reported.The long prison terms stem mainly from the conviction for illegal... スペインの裁判所は、スペインの漁船2009年の買収の著作権侵害の二ソマリア人を有罪とされた刑務所で439歳までの各判決は、CNN reported.The長期の刑期は違法信念から、主に幹...

    • Navy completes anti-piracy mission
      The Thai navy task force has completed its anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden and set course to return home on Jan 20. タイ海軍のタスクフォースは、アデン湾では、著作権侵害対策の任務を完了し、1月20日に帰国するためにコースを設定してください

    • Baidu tries to cast off links to piracy
      Baidu Inc, operator of the nation's most popular Internet search engine, has begun official cooperation with book publishers by charging for its e-book services, a first step in its fight against piracy, analysts said Monday. Readers will be able to purchase electronic books from the Baidu e-book store, a section of the Baidu Library launched late last year. E-books will reportedly cost around 10 percent of the same book in print form. In total, nine categories of books are being offered i ... Baiduの社は、全米で最も一般的なインターネット検索エンジンの演算子は、その電子書籍サービス用充電することによって出版社の関係者の協力を始めている、著作権侵害との戦いの最初のステップと、アナリストが月曜日に言いました

    • At Talks in Washington, China Agrees to Better Protect Intellectual Property
      Senior Chinese officials pledged on Wednesday to crack down on software piracy and other violations of intellectual property rights. シニア中国当局は、ソフトウェア著作権侵害と知的財産権その他の侵害を厳しく取り締まると水曜日に約束した

    • One More Game Device (but This One’s Tiny)
      While the OnLive game service faces considerable obstacles, it can stream rapidly and is piracy-proof, its founder says. OnLiveゲームサービスは、かなりの障害に直面しているが、それはストリームの急速な普及により、著作権侵害防止され、その創始者は言うことができます


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