- Billboard Album200 & HOT100 January 21
1 1 21 / adele 124,000
2 2 take care / drake 42,000
3 7 el camino / the black keys 42,000
4 3 tm:103 hustlerz ambition / young jeezy 36,000
5 8 mylo xyloto / coldplay 28,000
6 9 talk that talk / rihanna 27,000
7 - these times / safety suit 26,000
8 5 sorry for party rocking / lmfao 25,000
9 10 now 40 / various artists 24,000
10 6 ceremonials / florence + the machine 24,000
- Billboard Album200 & HOT100 Nobember 5
1 2 21/adele 106,000
2 - come to the wall / casting crowns 99,000
3 4 clear as day / scotty mccreery 57,000
4 1 evanescence / evanescence 40,000
5 6 duets ii / tony bennett 39,000
6 9 tha carter iv / lil wayne 36,000
7 8 own the night / lady antebellum 34,000
8 - the good,the bad,the sexy / joe sees 33,000
9 3 american capitalist / five finger death punch 29,000
10 5 wildflower / lauren alaina 26,000
- ホーボーの子守唄 #2
gensenkan99 幻泉館主人
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