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    医療 健康 関連語 フィギュアスケート 高橋大輔 バンクーバー ジュベール 中野友加里プリンスホテル プルシェンコ
    • Daily Dividend Report: ABT, K, JWN, CEG, JOYG
      Abbott, Kellogg, Nordstrom, Constellation Energy Group, and Joy Global all reported dividend actions on Monday. アボットは、ケロッグ、ノードストローム、コンステレーションエナジーグループ、ジョイグローバル、すべての月曜日に配当アクションを報告した

    • Letters: Black politics
      Afua Hirsch's article about black (African Caribbean and Asian) representation in parliament was welcome in what has been a very white election campaign (My election, 27 April). She estimated that the current crop of 15 black MPs could rise to a couple of dozen after 6 May. But forgotten was that the historical breakthrough of 1987, when four black MPs were elected after an absence of more than 50 years (communist/Labour Shapurji Saklatvala lost his Battersea seat in 1929), was achieved as a result of the Labour party black sections struggle. In 1988, our members Diane Abbott, Bernie Grant and Keith Vaz combined forces with Lord Pitt to form the parliamentary black caucus, styled on the US organisation to which Barack Obama was later to belong.Paul Boateng MP refused to join, helping to trigger its eventual demise. Without a caucus, black MPs are just a bunch of careerist individuals. The statements of black MPs on race issues have been invisible. And on the illegal Iraq war and draconian terrorism laws – with the exception of Abbott – their voting records have badly let down Muslims and black people in general. They should not be surprised if some of them are punished at the ballot box. After the election I hope the new intake will form, once more, a collective voice able to articulate the concerns and aspirations of black communities. They will remain irrelevant to black people's politics if they do not.Marc WadsworthChair, Labour party black sections (1986-88)Race issuesEqualityGeneral election 2010Diane AbbottKeith Vazguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 黒についてAfuaハーシュの記事(アフリカカリブ海、アジア)の議会での表。歓迎していた非常に白選挙(マイ選挙されているか4月27日)

    • Rudd comes out ahead as leaders clash on health
      Challenging Tony Abbott to a leaders' debate before this year's election campaign even kicks off was a big gamble on Kevin Rudd's part.But it appears to have paid off, with most commentators declaring Rudd the winner of the televised... やりがいトニーアボット指導者の議論をする前に、今年の選挙でも開幕は、ほとんどのコメンテーターを宣言するとテレビの勝者とラッドを支払っているように見えるのケビンラッドのpart.Butには大きな賭けだった... ...

    • Abbott's scheme ruffles feathers
      Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has finally discovered the nation's working mothers as he picks up the pace of his challenge to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd for this year's federal election.Back when he was a minister in John Howard's... 彼は今年の連邦election.Backとき彼はジョンハワード首相の首相だったケビンラッド首相に挑戦のペースに追いつけると野党のリーダーのトニーアボット、最終的に国民の働く母親を発見しました...

    • In-house hiding clouds Rudd's Indonesia gains
      CANBERRA - As Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was basking in the glow of successful diplomacy with Australia's biggest - and most sensitive - neighbour, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott yesterday continued to swing a wrecking ball at the Government.Rudd's... キャンベラ - ケビンラッド首相はオーストラリアの最大の - そして最も敏感な - 隣国との正常な外交の輝きで日なたぼっこをされ、野党のリーダーのトニーアボット昨日でGovernment.Rudd。。u0026#39;sの..台無しにボールをスイングするように継続的な

    • 中野で深夜飯
      先日の夜、久しぶりにお邪魔したのは中野の 「abbot's choice(アボットチョイス)」

    • Abbott's no drama queen
      TONY Abbott says there is already plenty of drama in his life and he won't accept an offer from an acting coach to soften his image. トニーアボットはすでにドラマたくさんの彼の生活の中で、彼は監督代行からオファーを自分のイメージを和らげるために受け入れられないと言う

    • Climate-change showdown
      PARLIAMENT is shaping up for a climate-change showdown this week as Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull go head-to-head on emissions trading. 議会の気候にまできている変化の対決は、今週のトニーアボットとマルコムターンブルとしては頭に行くの排出量取引に頭

    • Australian Deputy PM defends new workplace laws
      Australian Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Tuesday rejected Opposition claims that the federal government's new workplace laws make it harder for small businesses to employ people. A total of 4,000 awards have been replaced with 122 awards and 10 national employment standards. Business groups have raised concerns about employers being confused by the new laws and awards, which came into effect at the start of the year. Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has c ... オーストラリア副首相ジュリアジラルド日、野党の主張は、連邦政府の新たな職場の法律が中小企業を困難にする人を採用することを拒否した


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