- 消費税の壁に激突して眼帯姿の野田首相
●120116achina, mindanews.com
situation in south china sea ‘peaceful and stable’
beijing ,south china sea,association of southeast asian nations (asean),“peaceful and stable”,declaration on the conduct of parties in south china sea,china-asean fund,pratly islands,philippines,chinese foreign ministry spokesman liu weimin,philippine foreign affairs secretary albert f. del rosario,unclos (united nations convention on the law of the sea),zone of peace, freedom, friendship, and cooperation,west philippine sea,treaty of amity and cooperation
- オバマ大統領はアジア戦略で再選か
gd power unit to invest rmb 19.26 bln to build hydropower plant
gd power development co, a subsidiary of state-owned china guodian corp, announced today that its subsidiary dadu river hydropower development co ltd plans to invest a total of rmb 19.26 billion in the houziyan hydropower project.houziyan hydropower project,garze prefecture of sichuan province,1,700 megawatt,dadu river hydropower development had 5,600 mw,2,840 mw of power capacity under construction,aims to develop 17,000 mw of power projects,dadu river hydropower development is 69% held by gd power development, 21% by china guodian corp and 10% by sichuan chuantou energy
- イラワジのミトソネダムは世界第15位の規模
○110720b china, af.reuters.com
china power shortage forecasts by region
five southern chinese provinces, including guangdong, guangxi, guizhou, yunnan and hainan, may face power shortages of up to 7 to 8 gigawatts (gw),lower than normal hydro levels and tight coal supplies,china southern electric power grid,guangdong alone,4 to 6 gw,guizhou,1.5 to 2 gw,the third quarter,strong demand, high coal costs, low hydro levels and insufficient transmission and generation capacity