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    ビジネス 経済 関連語 三井住友 日本航空 西川善文
    • For A Dead Bank, Wachovia Is Having A Busy Week
      After losing more than $100 billion in market value as a result of the mortgage meltdown, Wachovia was acquired for a song by Wells Fargo in the fall of 2008. And even though the bank has all but vanished in the two-plus years since, it's having quite the week. 住宅ローン危機の結果として、以上の1000億ドルを市場価値で敗れた後、ワコビアは、2008年の秋にはウェルズファーゴによる歌の買収された

    • 10 Unusual Things About Google (also: the worst VC decision I ever made)
      I made the worst decision in venture capital history in late 2000. I was a partner at a venture firm called 212 Ventures. What? You never heard of it? We had $100 million from Investcorp, $5 million from CS First Boston, $5 milion from First Union (which became Wachovia) and $5 million from UBS. I had a few partners but I won’t soil their names with this story. BecaUSe what follows was completely my fault. 私は2000年末にベンチャーキャピタルの歴史の中で最悪の決断を下した

    • Mizuho said keen to buy out units
      MIZUHO Financial Group is planning to buy out its brokerage and trust bank units, a source familiar with the matter said on Saturday, in a roughly US$4 billion deal aimed at helping the lender grow beyond sluggish commercial banking business in Japan. Japan's second-largest bank by assets is planning to buy out minority shareholders in Mizuho Securities, Mizuho Trust & Banking and Mizuho Investors Securities, said the source, confirming an earlier report in the Nikkei newspaper. The buyout ... みずほフィナンシャルグループは、その受託および信託銀行のユニットを購入を計画している、ソースが問題に精通している貸し手は日本では低迷し、商業銀行業務を超えて拡大を支援を目的とした約40億米ドル取引で、土曜日に言いました

    • Intel launches US$2.5b wafer production factory in Dalian
      Semiconductor giant Intel marked a new milestone in 25 years of investment in China with yesterday's commercial launch in Dalian of the company's first wafer fabrication facility in Asia. 半導体大手インテルは、アジアにおける同社初のウエハ製造施設の大連で、昨日の商業打ち上げと中国への投資の25年間の新たなマイルストーンとなった

    • SEC Reportedly Preps Charges for Wachovia; Discover Names New CFO
      The Securities and Exchange Commission is preparing to bring civil charges against Wachovia, which [...] 証券取引委員会は、[...]ワコビアに対して民事を持って準備を進めている

    • U.S. failed banks top 126 so far this year
      U.S. financial regulators on Friday shut down another bank, adding the number of bank failures to 126 so far this year, which reflects the hardship of financial sector during the worst recession since 1930s. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., a federal banking regulator, took over Haven Trust Bank Florida of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., with 148.6 million dollars in assets and 133.6 million dollars in deposits. The failure of Haven Trust Bank Florida is expected to cost the deposit insurance ... レギュレータは、金曜日の金。米国は1930年代以来最悪の不況時の金融セクターの苦境を反映して、これまでのところ、今年シャット126障害にバンク番号をバンクを追加する別のダウン

    • Wells Fargo Reports Higher Earnings, Topping Estimates
      Wells Fargo said its earnings in the third quarter rose 7 percent, after a good showing by its retail franchise and the Wachovia branches it has acquired. ウェルズファーゴは、第3四半期の収益は、小売店フランチャイズ、それが買収したワコビアの支店で活躍した後、7%上昇した

    • Wells Fargo / Wachovia Loses Stunning FINRA Retention-Award Case
      In a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) Arbitration Statement of Claim filed in October 2009, Claimant Wells Fargo sought repayment of $131,690.44 from its former employee Respondent William Coster. Claimant Wells Fargo alleged that Respondent Coster was required to repay the amount in dispute upon his termination, in accordance with the terms of his Retention Program Document (under which he was paid a 2009 Retention Award).  In the Matter Of the Arbitration Between Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC f/k/a Wachovia Securities, LLC,Claimant/Counter, Respondent, versus William Edward Livingston Coster, Respondent/Counter-Claimant (FINRA Arbitration 09-06020, March 7, 2011). 2009年10月に提出した債権の金融業界の規制機関(。。u0026quot;FINRA。。u0026quot;)仲裁のステートメントでは、申立人ウェルズファーゴは、元従業員の被申立人ウィリアムコスターから$ 131,690.44の返済を求めた

    • UNDP: Women under-represented in SEA
      Women have gradually been elected to local governments in the Asia-Pacific area but they have yet to be installed as leaders in South East Asia, a joint report released on the eve of the 100th commemoration of International Women’s Day states. 女性は徐々にアジア太平洋地域の地方自治体に選出されているが、彼らは東南アジア、国際女性の日の状態の100記念の前夜に発表した共同報告書でリーダーとしてインストールされていない

    • Wells Fargo posts profit on mortgage boost
      Wells Fargo, one of the two biggest US home lenders last year, reported a fourth straight quarterly profit as revenue climbed from mortgage banking and costs declined from its purchase of Wachovia Corp. ウェルズファーゴは、1つ、2つの最大の米国の住宅金融機関は昨年、住宅ローンの銀行から上昇し、コストのワコビアの買収から低下した収入が4分の1四半期連続の利益を報告


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