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    医療 健康 関連語 百日咳 狂犬病 予防接種 ポリオ
    • The worst country in the world to be a sick child
      A league table from Save the Children establishes the safest - and most dangerous - places in the world for a child to fall sick, which correlate closely with their chances of getting to see a health workerChad and Somalia are the riskiest places in the world to fall sick if you are a child. Switzerland and Finland are the safest. That's the conclusion of an index produced by Save the Children, which ranks 161 countries based on the availability of health workers.There is an inevitable link, it seems. The analysis shows that children living in the bottom 20 countries – with just over two health workers for every thousand people - are five times more likely to die than those further up the index.It stands to reason. Children die of malnutrition, of diarrhoea, of malaria, of pneumonia and many other diseases in the poorest countries in the world. They need treatment, but often it is not just the drug or the food supplement which is lacking - it is the nurse or the community health worker who can diagnose what is wrong and do something about it. In some places, children never see a health worker in their sometimes pitifully short lives.The index is being published today ahead of a UN high level meeting on non-communicable diseases in two weeks' time, which campaigners hope will call for increases in the numbers of doctors, nurses, midwives and community health workers for the developing world. The World Health Organisation estimates that the world is 3.5 million short. The index not only reflects the numbers in each country but also their success in reaching children. It takes into account the percentage of children receiving three doses of the vaccine for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus and the number of women giving birth with a skilled birth attendant.On those me そして最も危険な - - 健康workerChadとソマリアを見てもらうのチャンスと密接に相関する病気落下する子供のための世界での場所、落下する世界で最もリスクの高い場所であるセーブザチルドレンからリーグテーブルでは、安全が確立あなたが子供であれば病気

    • Polio vaccines: extra government funding comes with strings attached| Sarah Boseley
      Will David Cameron's idea to leverage extra funding for polio eradication work in a recession? David Cameron pledges £40m for polio vaccines at DavosBritain is to double the amount of money it contributes to the effort to stamp out polio, from £20m to £40m a year over the next two years – but unusually, it comes with strings attached.The increase in funding will only be paid on two conditions. The first is in keeping with the international development secretary's stick-and-carrot aid philosophy that says that incentives to better practice must be built in and results measured.Countries will have to strengthen their routine immunisation programmes – which means improving the work of clinics and outreach teams so that more children receive basic vaccinations, such as measles and DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, or whooping cough).But the second condition is unusual. The extra £20m a year will only be paid if other countries or organisations put in more cash. Britain will pay £1 for every £5 contributed by others. The idea is to leverage extra funding from countries that might be thinking of cutting back on their aid spending in recession. If it works, it is a triumph. If it doesn't, the polio eradication effort will be short even of the British contribution.The idea is not original. The US pledged to contribute a third of the funding for the Global Fund to fight Aids, TB and Malaria, which put pressure on the EU and other donors to step up their contributions. It did have some of the desired effect, but that was before the financial downturn.AidPolioSarah Boseleyguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 不況のポリオ撲滅活動に活用し余分な資金調達への意志David Cameronさんのアイデア? DavosBritainは、ポリオを撲滅するための努力に貢献する金銭の額を2倍にするのデビッドキャメロンは、次の2年間£ 40メートル年間£ 20メートルから、ポリオワクチンのための£ 40メートルに質権を設定した - しかし、珍しく、それはひもが付属しています

    • Disease spreads in quake-hit Haiti
      Haiti's desperate earthquake survivors faced a new deadly threat as the United Nations reported a rise in cases of diarrhea, measles and tetanus in squalid tent camps for victims.A vast foreign aid effort is struggling to meet survivors' needs 17 days after the disaster, which killed around 170,000 people and left one million homeless and short of food, water and medical attention. ハイチの絶望的な地震の生存者は、国連として新たな致命的な脅威に直面して、下痢、はしか、victims.A膨大な対外援助努力のためにごみごみしているテントキャンプで破傷風の例では上昇を報告した被爆者のニーズに、災害後、17日間を満たすために苦労しているが17万人前後が死亡し、100万人のホームレスや食料、水、医師の診察の短い残しました


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