- Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier
iron maiden - the final frontier (2010) the final frontier (deluxe version) 既にアルバムデビューから30年が経過して今では世界的に影響力を持つヘヴィメタルバンドとして君臨しているアイアン・メイデン
- International airshow unveiled in Australia
An international airshow exposition is on display in Victoria Australia, rallying the world's state-of-art aircrafts including the Stealth F-22 Raptor Fighter.
The Australian International Airshow and Aerospace and Defence Exposition 2011 commenced on Tuesday in Avalon Airport, Victoria, is to be staged till Sunday, celebrating the centenary of the first passenger flight in Australia. It is also noteworthy that Australian Airforce will celebrate its 90th Anniversary this year.
This event t ... 国際航空ショー博覧会は、ステルスF - 22ラプター戦闘機など、世界最先端の航空機を結集し、ビクトリア、オーストラリアで展示されています
- Toyota recalls 373,000 cars in U.S.
Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), U.S.A., Inc., announced on Thursday that it intends to conduct a voluntary safety recall involving approximately 373,000 2000-2004 Model Year Toyota Avalons sold in the United States to address the possibility that the vehicle's steering lock bar could break under certain conditions.
No other Toyota or Lexus vehicles are involved in this recall, according to Toyota U.S.A.
This action follows an announcement made by Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan on Thursday.
... トヨタ自動車販売(TMS)の、アメリカ社は、木曜日に、それは自主的な安全性を行うため、米国の可能性に対処するため販売は約373000 2000年から2004年モデル年トヨタAvalonsを含むリコールしようとすると発表した車両のステアリングロックバーが条件、特定のブレークは、下他のトヨタやレクサス車木曜日にされている関与この日本応じてリコールにトヨタのアメリカこの株式会社発表のアクションは、次の製自動車トヨタ...
- Toyota reveals redesigned 2011 Avalon at Chicago Auto Show
Toyota introduced the redesigned 2011 Avalon on Wednesday at the 2010 Chicago Auto Show.
The Avalon will have the redesigned gas pedal to avoid the recall of vehicles with a faulty design that can cause unintended acceleration. The sedan also will have a brake override system that would stop a car from unintentionally speeding ahead, according to Toyota.
Bob Carter, group vice president and general manager, Toyota Motor Sales U.S., unveiled the 2011 Toyota Avalon here that will go on sale ... トヨタは29日、2010年シカゴオートショーで、デザインを一新2011アバロンを導入しました