- 海外からの☆贈り物
alba の hawaiian natural sunblock green tea sunblock spf 45
- 四大元素とのあなたとの結びつき(8)
don't let yourself get too much of one element. too much air can make you spacey. too much fire can cause burn-out. too much water can make you wishy-washy. and too much earth can make you rigid. keep your personal elements balanced and your life will reflect that balance back to you by giving you all that you need, on every level.
- 四大元素とのあなたとの結びつき(1)
a scientist and philosopher named empedocles set this foundation for science in sicily during the 5th century b.c. empedocles belonged to the tradition of root cutters, which means that he was an herbal magician and healer. he defined these elements, or roots, as not only physical substances, but also as spiritual essences. he even assigned gods and goddesses to these energies: