California's Sungevity Takes Stake In Dutch Solar Startup California solar installer Sungevity has taken a stake in a Dutch solar company and will remotely design rooftop photovoltaic arrays for its customers in the Netherlands. カリフォルニア太陽のインストーラSungevityは、オランダのソーラーカンパニーに資本参加したし、リモートでオランダでは、顧客のための屋上太陽光発電アレイを設計します
China Almost Kills Premier U.S. Solar Company President Obama in his speeches has repeatedly conjured up the vision of thousands of jobs created in the solar industry. Obama has been focused on providing subsidies to solar power in a manner that does not seem to work and at the same time Republicans have been more focused on fighting Obama than helping the green energy industry in America. 演説でオバマ大統領が繰り返し太陽電池業界で作成したジョブの数千のビジョンを巻き起こしたている
Green Tech Venture Investments Shot Up 23% in Q3 Investors doled out $2.23 billion for 189 green tech venture deals worldwide in the third quarter and counted energy storage, solar and energy efficiency as their top three picks, according to preliminary data from the Cleantech Group on Wednesday. 投資家は、水曜日のクリーンテックグループからの予備データによると、第三四半期に全世界で189緑のハイテクベンチャーの情報の22.3億ドルをdoledし、そのトップスリーピックとして、エネルギー貯蔵、太陽光発電やエネルギー効率を数えた
Amid Bankruptcies First Solar Receives DOE Approval For $2.1 Billion In Loans Despite the high profile bankruptcies of Solyndra and Stirling Energy Systems, Tempe, Arizona-based photovoltaic manufacturer First Solar received $2.1 billion in partial loan guarantees from the U.S. Department of Energy today. The funds will support the construction of the 550-megawatt Desert Sunlight solar farm in Riverside County ($1.46 billion) and 230-megawatt Antelope Valley Solar Ranch in Los Angeles County ($646 million). Solyndraとスターリングエネルギーシステム、テンペ、の高プロファイルの破綻にもかかわらず、アリゾナベースの太陽電池メーカーのファーストソーラー社は本日、米国エネルギー省から部。債務保証21億ドルを受け取った