済州島/KBSについて 世界のペンたちの共同声明 news] jyj’s overseas fans release joint statement: “kbs tarnished korea’s brand image”
posted on july 21, 2011
November 2010 november 2010
11/2(tue) 大阪中崎町 commoncafe 06-6371-1800
たなかゆうこ (vocal) 清野拓巳 (guitar) duo
11/3(wed) 吹田 take five 06-6319-0625
さがゆき (vocal) 清野拓巳 (guitar) duo
11/4(thu) 神戸 big apple 078-251-7049
さがゆき (vocal) 清野拓巳 (guitar) duo
11/5(fri) 大阪 街山荘 06-6881-2828
さがゆき (vocal) 清野拓巳 (guitar) duo
11/6(sat) 神戸 big apple 078-251-7049
あまのじゃく (piano) 清野拓巳 (guitar)
三原脩 (acoustic bass) 東原力哉 (drums)
11/7(sun) 京都 candy 075-531-2148
next order
武藤祐志 (guitar) 清野拓巳 (guitar)
石垣篤友 (electric bass) 松田 gori 広士 (drums)
11/8(mon) 横浜 上町63 045(662)7322
清野拓巳 (guitar) 江藤良人 (drums) duo
11/9(tue) 横浜 上町63 045(662)7322
清野拓巳 (guitar) solo
11/14(sun) 神戸 big apple 078-251-7049
drops trio
清野拓巳 (guitar) 三原脩 (acoustic bass) 松田 gori 広士 (drums)
11/16(tue) 神戸 big apple 078-251-7049
another freedom jazz spirits
荒崎英一郎 (tenor sax) 清野拓巳 (guitar)
佐藤由行 (piano) 中嶋明彦 (acoustic bass) 岡野正典 (drums)
11/19(fri) 天満 cafe koo
森川奈菜美 (vocal) 清野拓巳 (guitar) duo
11/21 (sun) 大阪 ロイヤルホース 06-6312-8958・9
soulbleed featuring 清水興 (b) 東原力哉 (ds)
行本清喜 (tp) 古谷光広 (sax) 清野拓巳 (g) 祖田修 (p)
11/23(tue) 神戸 big apple 078-251-7049
福田祐次 (guitar) cd artifact 発売記念ライブ
清野拓巳 (guitar) 石垣篤友 (electric bass) 野村陽三 (drums)
英語で『アンデルセン童話』「人魚姫」(25) now the sun rose from the sea and with its kindly beams warmed the deadly cold foam, so that the little mermaid did not feel the chill of death. she saw the bright sun, and above her floated hundreds of beauteous ethereal beings, through which she could see the white ship and the rosy heavens; their voices were melodious, but so spirit-like that no human ear could hear them, any more than earthly eye could see their forms. light as bubbles they floated through the air without the aid of wings. the little mermaid perceived that she had a form like theirs; it gradually took shape out of the foam.