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    政治 国際 関連語 ARIA ガーディアン マラリア Mothers Duca MAJOR tween Mille
    • Does Africa have the support and the will to feed itself?
      Africa has a quarter of the world's arable land but produces only a tenth of our food. On the eve of a pan-African conference on food security, Lindiwe Sibanda asks how African farmers can turn things roundOne week from now, 200 agricultural experts from across Africa and around the world will meet in Namibia at the annual regional food security policy dialogue of the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (Fanrpan) to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing the African continent.One month from now, a UN summit will take place in New York to discuss the upcoming five-year deadline for achieving the millennium development goals (MDGs), the successes gained so far and the new priorities that must be supported. However, in today's world these discussions need not, and should not, be confined to those in Namibia or New York. This is why I am asking readers of this website to create their own dialogue here about the issues we are addressing and the potential solutions available.Food security in Africa is still only an aspiration. With one-quarter of the world's arable land, Africa produces only 10% of its total global output. More than 265 million people are still chronically hungry, yet Africa is estimated to hold 60% of the world's remaining uncultivated farmland.The potential for agriculture to boost rural livelihoods, reduce poverty and underpin other sectors of the economy is well established. Agriculture is the most important source of livelihood throughout Africa, accounting for more than 70% of total employment. And 65% of that figure is made up of women farmers.A recent panel debate led by the Guardian's Katine website and Farm-Africa discusses precisely this question: how can African smallholder farmers transform themselves into ent アフリカは世界の耕地の4分の1がありますが、私たちの食べ物のわずか10分の1を生成します

    • How to save women's lives - the lessons from Sierra Leone
      Earlier this year, Sierra Leone took the giant step of abolishing health charges for pregnant and breastfeeding women and young children. Dr Samuel A.S. Kargbo, Director of the Reproductive and Child Health program for the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, reports on progress so farIn April, Sierra Leone's reproductive health minister, Dr Samuel A.S. Kargbo, told in this blog of the efforts he and others had made to introduce abolish healthcare charges for pregnant women and children. Here, in a further post, he suggests that Sierra Leone now has some positive lessons to offer the world.FREETOWN, Sierra Leone -- Since Sierra Leone won its independence from Great Britain nearly a half-century ago, two events have improved the lives of every single citizen in the country.The first was the end of our horrible civil war in 2002. After more than a decade of fighting, the coming of peace allowed everyone – old to young, school teacher to farmer – the freedom to walk the land after years of fear. The second happened only this past April: the launch of nationwide free health care for pregnant mothers, women who are breast-feeding their children, and all children under the age of five. Every single individual – from village to city – has been affected by this initiative. According to the World Health Organization, Sierra Leone for years has had one of the worst maternal health records in the world. But now we are seeing the beginnings of major improvement. More people are seeking health care, and in the process we are cleaning up our health care system. Today – only five months after the launch of this healthcare reform - as the United Nations starts its three-day Millennium Development Goals summit in New York City, we also are beginning to find lessons in Sierra Leone's expe 今年、シエラレオネは、授乳中の女。妊娠や子供の健康料を廃止するの巨大な一歩を踏み出した

    • Civil society: only the clampdown is transparent | Ingrid Srinath and Mandeep Tiwana
      Too little partnership and too little space for civil society is marring progress on the Millennium Development GoalsWorld leaders will be meeting at the UN in New York later this month to review progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to chart a course for accelerated action between now and 2015. Today, with just five years to go, there are fears that the goals may not be achieved, due to a lack of will by governments to acknowledge the role of other stakeholders and to work in partnership with them.It is increasingly clear that civil society organisations – which include NGOs, social movements, thinktanks, faith-based charities and community-based organisations – must play a key role in supplementing the efforts of governments and the private sector if we are to make substantial progress towards achieving the MDGs.Civil society organisations help in ensuring representation of all voices – including those most affected by the non-achievement of MDGs. They contribute to the development of official strategies and assist in finding innovative solutions to complex development issues. In many instances, civil society organisations take responsibility for the actual delivery of services. But most importantly, civil society groups at the local, national and international level independently evaluate whether objectives set by governments are met, and they shape public opinion in holding government agencies to account for failing to deliver.Nonetheless, global trends from Cape Town to Cairo, Managua to Manila and New Delhi to Moscow indicate that civil society organisations are increasingly being thwarted in their efforts to ensure transparency and accountability of government agencies, through restrictive legal measures and undemocratic practices. The at 市民社会が少なすぎるとのパートナーシップは、あまりにも小さなスペースとミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)に向けた進捗状況を確認し、加速アクションの進路を、ニューヨークの国連での会議、今月末になりますミレニアム開発GoalsWorldリーダーに傷を進行中です今から2015年までの間

    • Transparency Needed at September UN Development Summit
      Watchdog group Article 19 says free flow of information vital to achieving Millennium Development Goals ウォッチドッググループ条の19の情報の自由な流れが重要なミレニアム開発目標を達成するための意見

    • Civil Society, Rights Groups Call for Greater Transparency in Fight Against Poverty
      U.N. set to meet in September on Millennium Development Goals 国連は9月にミレニアム開発目標を満たすように設定

    • Africa Makes Substantial Progress on MDGs, but Much Still to be Done.
      Overseas Development Institute says continent faces many obstacles in achieving Millennium Development Goals 海外開発研究所は、大陸がミレニアム開発目標を達成するために多くの障害に直面している

    • Nigeria budgets 170 bln dollars for MDGs
      The Nigerian government said a total investment outlay of 170 billion U.S dollars has been projected to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) from 2010 to 2015. Minister of National Planning Shamsudeen Usman disclosed this to reporters in Abuja on Friday at the validation workshop for MDGs Report and the Five-Year Countdown Strategy for Nigeria. The workshop was to review the draft 2010 MDGs Report and the five-year countdown strategy blueprint for Nigeria with a view to harvesting ... ナイジェリア政府は、開示の170億ドルの支出は、当該総投資ウスマンShamsudeen計画ナショナル)2010年から2015年

    • AMCOW official urges Africa to address sanitation, water quality issues
      African countries should address sanitation problems and water quality rather than just focusing on water access, said an official with the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) in an interview with Xinhua on Friday. There are only about six or seven African countries which are on the track to achieve the U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in sanitation, said Bai-Mass Taal, AMCOW executive secretary, who was here to attend the World Water Week. So far, 2.4 billion people in the ... アフリカ諸国はではなく、衛生上の問題や水質を必要があるアドレスにアクセスするだけの水を中心に、金曜日のインタビュー(AMCOW)の水アフリカ閣僚理事会の関係者は、と言ったの華

    • Uganda to host AU summit in July to discuss maternal health and child mortality
      Uganda is to host the 15th African Union (AU) summit in July to discuss how to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on maternal health and reducing child mortality in the continent, an official said here on Tuesday. The 15th ordinary session of the assembly of African heads of state to be held here from July 19 to 27 will also discuss peace and security, infrastructure, energy, agriculture and food security in the region, Isaac Musumba, Uganda's state minister for regional cooperat ... ウガンダは7月にどのように妊産婦の健康の上では、ミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)を達成し、大陸で子供の死亡率の削減を議論するサミットは15日、アフリカ連合(AU)のホストのためには、関係者はここに明らかにした

    • Achieving MDGs hinges on women's empowerment: UN report
      Attaining the United Nations anti- poverty goals, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), hinges on women's participation and empowerment, the African Progress Panel said in a new report published on Friday. The new resource guide shows critical importance of girls and women to attaining all eight goals. The report, released on the run-up to the UN MDG Summit in New York, highlights the critical necessity of achieving the full participation and empowerment of women and girls in all aspects ... 目標を達成する国連反貧困、ミレニアム開発目標は、(MDGs)の、エンパワーメントとヒンジの女性の参加、アフリカプログレスパネルは金曜日によるとで公開されてレポートを新しい

    • 920 mln people to remain in extreme poverty by 2015: WB-IMF report
      The global economic crisis has slowed the pace of poverty reduction in developing countries, and some 920 million people will remain in extreme poverty by 2015, a new report says. The report released jointly by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund said the crisis is having an impact in several key areas of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Those areas, among others, include the goals related to hunger, child and maternal health, gender equality, access to clean water, ... 世界的な経済危機が、途上国の貧困削減のペースを持って遅く、920万人が意見報告書になるままpoverty極端2015年、新しい報告書を基金released通貨共同で、世界銀行と国際だ危機はのうち、他の

    • Well-targeted international aid key to achieving Millennium Development Goals: UN adviser
      Holding wealthier countries accountable for their aid promises and taking advantage of improved technologies and institutions can help solve the plights of the world's poorest people, U.S. economist and UN adviser Jeffrey Sachs said on Thursday. Sachs, who is a professor at Columbia University and director of Columbia's Earth Institute, told a press conference about the status of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). World leaders agreed in the year 2000 to achieve the MDGs -- the unive ... ホールディング豊かな国は約。援。責任のためにとサックスジェフリーアドバイザー米国エコノミスト、国連、人々は貧しい世界の撮影を利用の改善技術や研究機関お手伝い解。執権をの監督と言った木曜日

    • Oxfam tells the UN we need action to feed the hungry, not words
      A lengthy document is in circulation, drafted for world leaders to sign at the UN's Millennium Development Goals summit in New York. But Oxfam is calling on participants to deliver more than fine words to help the poorJust over a week to go to the big showpiece summit at the United Nations in New York. Government leaders, officials, industry bosses and many, many NGOs will convene to assess progress towards reaching the eight Millennium Development Goals agreed by the G8 in 2000. The endpoint is 2015 - just five years to go.And the tension is rising. So many people want this meeting to be significant. There has been real progress on some of the MDGs, but there is so far to go, and economic recession is going to make the donors think twice before getting into deeper financial commitments.But the prospect of a meaninglessly worthy three days provoked an outburst from Oxfam today. In the way of major governmental meetings, officials have been working on the document that the leaders will all sign for some considerable time. It is now 26 pages long and detailed and thoughtful. Who could argue with this, for instance?We recognize that progress, including on poverty eradication, is being made despite setbacks, including due to the financial and economic crises. In this context, we recognize the deeply inspiring examples of progress made by countries in all regions of the world through cooperation, partnerships, actions and solidarity. We are deeply concerned, however, that the number of people living in extreme poverty and hunger surpasses one billion and that inequalities between and within countries remains a significant challenge. We are also deeply concerned about the alarming global levels of maternal and child mortality. We believe that eradication of poverty and hunger 長いドキュメントでは、循環では、世界の指導者のためにニューヨークの国連のミレニアム開発目。首脳会談で署名する起草されます

    • G8 Leaders Urged to Fulfill Funding Pledges
      Activists, aid groups say Millennium Development Goals at risk 活動家たちは、援助団体は、ミレニアム開発目標のリスクで言う

    • Antonio Banderas appointed UN ambassador
      Spanish actor Antonio Banderas has been named a UN Goodwill Ambassador for the fight against poverty.In his new role as an advocate for the poor, Banderas will set his sights on the Millennium Development Goals, a set of eight... スペイン人俳優アントニオバンデラスpoverty.Inとの闘い、貧しい人、バンデラスは、ミレニアム開発目標、8つのセットでの彼の視力を設定するための擁護者としての彼の新しい役割のための国連親善大使に任命された...

    • UN names Mukesh Ambani to key group on development goals
      Reliance Industries chief Mukesh Ambani has been named by the United Nations to a key advocacy group on Millennium Development Goals, whose mandate includes finding ways to fight socio-economic evils such as poverty. リライアンスインダストリーズ長ムケシュアンバニは国連ミレニアム開発目標、任務方法を貧困などの社会経済的弊害を戦うために見つけることが含まれ上のキー擁護グループに名前が挙がっている

    • Progress for Angola's Children Mixed
      Angola making progress toward Millennium Development Goals, with child survival improving by almost 20 percent 子供の生存率はほぼ20%の改善とミレニアム開発目標に向かってアンゴラ作る進歩

    • Carving up the money - a very reasonable case for malaria
      A Lancet paper today analyses the funding going into malaria prevention and treatment in 93 affected countries and warns that without more money, some will slip back - but suggests there are also countries who could do more to help themselvesThe UN summit is over. Consensus is achieved. Everybody has signed up to a document that agrees the way forward, in the hope of getting closer to the eight Millennium Development Goals than looked likely earlier this year. And there's a war chest of $40 billion by 2015. So now the real battles begin, because the money will not be enough.Malaria eradication is possible. It's something the world has set its sights on for some years now and considerable progress has been made. But, in a paper in the Lancet today, malaria expert Professor Bob Snow warns that without considerably more money, substantial sums of cash poured into defeating the disease in the last eight years will have gone down the drain.Any decline in malaria funding commitments will run the risk of a resurgence of malaria in countries that have enjoyed the benefits of this funding to provide protection from malaria since 2002. Sustained funding in these countries is crucial or $9·9 billion invested since 2002 will have been in vain.It is a complex paper, which calculates the malaria risk, the financial need to fight it and the relative wealth of 93 affected countries. Snow, who heads the KEMR。。University of Oxford。Wellcome Trust Collaborative Programme from Nairobi, points out that funding is 60% lower than the $4.9 billion needed for this year, but he attempts to do something more realistic too. The paper points up the countries with the most need - and those that could afford to do something more about the disease from their own resources.So China and India - as well a ラン紙、今日の分析マラリアの予防と治療93影響を受けた国で入るよりお金がなくて、いくつかの逆戻りすることを警告している資金 - しかし、上にあるthemselvesThe国連総会特別首脳会合を助けるために複数の操作を行いますできる国もある示唆している

    • UN chief greets Chile's bicentenary independence
      UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon on Friday hailed Chile's achievements in democracy, human rights and fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals. In a message sent to Chilean President Sebastian Pinera over the 200th anniversary of the country's independence, Ban wished the celebration would be an opportunity to further strengthen the country's achievements. The Millennium Development Goals, endorsed by the UN in 2000, sets out eight targets ranging from halving extreme poverty to hal ... 長官の潘基文は、金曜日一般的な国連民主主義の成果をチリ歓迎、人権と目標の開発充実のミレニアム

    • Clock ticking on poverty pledge
      UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Monday called on the world to recommit to achieving the Millennium Development Goals of cutting extreme poverty and improving health that have been badly hit by the financial crisis. 月曜日世界と呼ばれる国連事務総長潘基文は、ミレニアム開発目標を極度の貧困を削減し、ひどく金融危機に見舞われている健康増進の達成に付託する

    • Africa Least Likely to Meet Health Targets Set by UN
      WHO reports some progress in health targets, but world not on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 WHOは、しかし、健康目標のいくつかの進捗状況を報告するトラック2015年までにミレニアム開発目標を達成するためには、世界

    • Millennium development goals: UN summit must prompt action, not complacency | Larry Elliott
      With inequality, poverty and food prices rising, and the global economy in turmoil, leaders must honour their MDG pledgesThere are two ways of looking at this week's events in New York. The upbeat take is that it was a mightily useful opportunity to assess progress towards hitting the UN's millennium development goals, marked by calls for action, pledges of support, and recommitment to previously established targets.The downbeat interpretation is that, on past form, the calls for action will be followed by torpor, the pledges of support will be quietly reneged on, the goals missed. Even worse, the assumption that the global community will somehow muddle through ignores trends that in the past have been the recipe for misery, civil unrest, and even revolution.Let's just examine a few pieces of evidence that have emerged in recent weeks. Exhibit number one comes from the International Monetary Fund, which, in a study it prepared for the New York summit, noted that the economic crisis of the past three years has been a setback in the fight against poverty. The IMF estimates that 71 million fewer people will have escaped absolute poverty by 2020 than would have been the case had the financial meltdown not occurred.Exhibit number two was a report from Unicef highlighting the gulf between the life chances of rich and poor children, not only between developed and developing countries but within developing countries themselves. In the least-developed nations of sub-Saharan Africa, a child born into one of the most impoverished families is three times more likely to be underweight than a child growing up in the richest 20% of families in the same country.Inequality, in other words, is everywhere.Exhibit number three is the recent sharp increase in food prices, up almost 17% in t 不平等、貧困と食料価格が混乱の世界経済は、上昇して、日EU首脳は、pledgesThereニューヨークで今週のイベントで探しているの2つの方法がありますがミレニアム開発目標を尊重しなければならない

    • UN Summit Aims to Reduce Poverty, Hunger and Disease
      UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened three-day Millennium Development Goals meeting 国連事務総長潘基文は、3日間ミレニアム開発目標会議を開き

    • The UN's poverty-fighting programme lacks teeth | Mary Robinson
      Countries behind schedule with their Millennium Development Goals will stay that way unless they're made accountableOver the past decade, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have served as an international benchmark for measuring progress in fighting extreme poverty.Despite the commitments made by governments, many countries are still not on track to achieve their MDG targets by 2015. Shortcomings are due to a range of factors. The MDG framework largely ignores ongoing discrimination and social exclusion. Equally important, the MDGs do not place on states obligations to develop national action plans, to be held accountable for achieving results, or to consult with people on priorities.These shortcomings have contributed to the uneven results we've seen over the past 10 years and must be addressed as we look to the future.In the past few years there has been an encouraging and important shift in the approach to fighting extreme poverty, which puts the human rights of the poor at the centre of the debate. Governments, the UN and civil society are now trying to find ways to accelerate the rate of progress.Growing focus is rightly being placed on the very poorest people – those who live on less than a dollar a day, who are at most risk of infectious disease or from dying in childbirth, who have never known secure employment and who often go hungry for days or weeks at a time.Poverty, as my friend and fellow Elder Ela Bhatt has said so often, is a form of violence. Extreme poverty robs people of all their rights: their right to health, to education, to dignity, to equality of opportunity and often of the right to life itself.A woman who dies in pregnancy or childbirth for the lack of access to basic healthcare is being robbed of her right to life and healt 彼らはaccountableOver過去10年間行わている場合を除き国はミレニアム開発目標とスケジュールの背後にそのように滞在する、国連ミレニアム開発目標は、(MDGs)の約束をして極端なpoverty.Despiteとの戦いに進捗状況を測定するための国際的なベンチマークとして提供している政府は、多くの国はまだトラック2015年のミレニアム開発目標を達成するためにされていません

    • Population surge outstrips efforts to eradicate slums
      Nearly a quarter of a billion people escaped slums in the past decade, but the housing effort was outstripped by population growth and rural exodus to the cities, the United Nations said.A total of 227 million people rose out of slum conditions from 2000 to 2010, thanks especially to hard work in China and India, according to the UN Human Settlements Programme, also called UN-Habitat.It means that the United Nations has already scored a rare success in its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 10億人のほぼ4分の1は、過去10年間ではスラム脱出は、住宅の努力、人口増加と都市への農村部の流出に追い越され、227万人の国連said.A合計2000年から2010年のスラムの条件のうち上昇は、国連人間居住計画によると、おかげで、中国やインドでのハードワーク特に、また、国連と呼ばれるHabitat.Itは、国連はすでに、ミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)にはまれな成功を獲得しているということです

    • Letters: Delivering on the millennium development goals
      While we're worrying about whether Starbucks will increase the price of a cup of coffee (UN calls special meeting to address food shortages amid predictions of riots, 7 September), the stakes are much higher for those on the edge of starvation – the 1.4 billion men, women and children living on less than a dollar a day.On 20-22 September the UN will gather in New York for a summit to review progress on the millennium development goals. This is where some of the answers to food shortages and poverty lie, with action on education for girls, maternal health and environmental sustainability, for example. Perhaps there's no need for the UN to call another meeting on food security. Governments just need to come up with the funding they've promised.Harriet Stewart-JonesPoole, DorsetLast Wednesday, WaterAid published a damning new report warning of dire consequences if governments and the aid community continue to ignore society's last great taboo, sanitation (Report, 6 September). Diarrhoea, largely caused by a lack of toilets and unsafe water, is now the biggest killer of children under five in Africa while globally it kills more children than Aids, malaria and measles combined. Without sanitation in place, the millennium development goals agreed by UN member states in 2000 will not be reached across large parts of the developing world, and the health, education and prosperity of some of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people will be severely compromised.Margaret BattyDirector of policy and campaigns, WaterAidWhen flood damage in Pakistan caused the global price of wheat to skyrocket, the price of bread in Mozambique rose as well, leading to riots in the capital (Report, 3 September). However, the developing world does not need to be held to this rise and fall of inte 我々はスターバックスのコーヒーカップ(国連が暴動の予測の中で食糧不足に対処するための特別会議を呼び出して、9月7日)の価格を増加するかどうかを気にしているが、利害関係は多くの飢餓の端にある人のため高くなっています - 1.4億円の男性、女性、20〜22 September国連が首脳会談のためにニューヨークに集結day.Onは、ミレニアム開発目標の進捗状況を確認し、ドル未満で生活する子供たち

    • The Global Fund is leading the fight against Aids, TB and malaria | Carla Bruni-Sarkozy
      The virtual elimination of the transmission of HIV from mothers to their children is realistic by 2015In January I visited a village hospital two hours' drive from Benin's capital, Cotonou. Along with Michel Kazatchkine, the Global Fund's executive director, we were we were joined by Melinda Gates. And among the people we met was Françoise Ade, a woman whose husband abandoned her when he found out she was HIV-positive. Françoise's husband later died of Aids-related causes, but her son Gabriel was born free of HIV because Françoise was able to follow a course of anti-retroviral therapy for free.Françoise and almost one million other mothers like her, who are living with HIV, have over the past few years been given the chance to have healthy babies because of a dramatic intensification of a global effort to turn the tide against Aids.An important milestone in that effort was the creation in 2002 of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria – three global epidemics which claim millions of lives every year. A programme supported by the Global Fund enabled Françoise to give birth to a healthy son.The establishment of the Global Fund followed the launch in 2000 by the United Nations of the Millennium Development Goals, setting ambitious targets to eradicate poverty's root causes. With over $19bn (£12bn) committed in 140 countries, the Global Fund has rapidly become the world's major multilateral source of finance for nationally-owned health programmes, supported by development partners, working to fight these diseases.More than five million people have gained access to Aids treatment in the developing world in the last 10 years. Aids mortality has decreased in most high-burden countries and the number of new HIV infections is also decreasing in most parts of the world.But 子供たちに母親からHIV感染の事実上の排除は2015In 1月まで現実的な私は村の病院をベナンの首都コトヌーから車で2時間訪問される

    • Aid spending and aid received: does more aid mean more development?
      Who are the big aid givers? And which countries receive the most aid? More importantly, what is the link between the two? • Get the data• Interactive guideAs the numbers are published on progress towards the MDGs, many people are asking about the links between rich country aid programmes and improved outcomes for poor people. Watch as world leaders emerge from the big MDG summit in New York and glide seamlessly from a discussion of poverty to a confident declaration that improving statistics on child health/maternal health/income poverty/access to water are a sign that aid is working. Meanwhile the usual band of sceptics will latch onto any negative stat and parade it as proof that aid is useless and that, in general, all is doomed. In reality, though, we don't have strong enough evidence to make either of these claims. There are two broad and annoyingly general statements that I do think we can make sensibly about aid and the MDGs. Firstly, there is a large group of countries for whom aid is almost entirely irrelevant. The strong progress against poverty in China and Brazil (and most of Latin America), and the fairly good progress in India, for example, have next to nothing to do with aid. We can say this with confidence because aid to these countries is miniscule as a percentage of their GDP, so while we could debate for ages what the factors of progress are (presumably a combination of rising wealth and sensible spending decisions at a national level) we know that aid is not one of them. Notably, it is in these countries where progress measured in numbers of people is greatest, simply because these countries are very populous. So progress here means global progress – they are the motor of the MDGs, and aid doesn't matter (when aid is defined as a transfer of money – 誰が大きな援助介護ですか?そして、どの国が最も援助を受けられますか?さらに重要なことは2つの間のリンクですか? •は、多くの人々が豊かな国の援助プログラムや貧しい人々のための改良の成果との間のリンクについては求めている•Interactiveが番号をミレニアム開発目標の進捗状況に公開されてguideAsデータを取得します

    • Aid: Making development go | Editorial
      UN millennium development goals need to be more than just a gesture - which is why the Guardian has launched a websiteTen years ago, the millennium development goals held out the prospect for a transformation in the life chances of the global poor. In 2000, every member of the UN agreed the millennium declaration, encompassing eight goals that included halving extreme poverty and hunger, improving health, bringing primary education to every child and empowering women – all measurable objectives to be delivered by national governments. They were designed to focus government effort in developing countries which, in a new venture in global community, would be backed by the rich world.With just five years left to meet the objectives, the MDGs' proponents at this week's UN summit began to look anxiously at progress. Like all extravagant gestures, the goals contain the implicit danger that they will be revealed as just that: a gesture. Failure would be not just a billion individual preventable tragedies; it could be a devastating blow to the recognition of the mutual dependence on which the world's future depends. That is why the Guardian, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has launched a website to provide a base from where progress can be tracked, policy debated and a toolkit of best practice assembled.There are cogent arguments to be made against the grandiose scale of the MDG project and its top-down structure. As the British government has learned in the past decade, by their very nature targets can distort outcomes. It is true, too, that progress on individual targets can be less than meets the eye: primary enrolment has soared, but investment in education has not always kept pace. Class sizes are often unmanageably large; children sometimes too hungry ガーディアンはwebsiteTen年前に開始した理由である、ミレニアム開発目標は、世界的な貧困層の生活の機会の変換のための見通しを開催 - 国連ミレニアム開発目標は、単にジェスチャー以上する必要があります

    • Eight steps to a better world
      In 2000, UN members signed the Millennium Declaration, an ambitious initiative identifying improvements they would make on issues affecting billions of peopleIn 2000, every member state of the United Nations signed up to the Millennium Declaration, which committed them to an ambitious set of eight goals by 2015 on issues such as halving the proportion of the world's population living on under $1 a day and achieving universal primary education.In the last 10 years, there have been huge achievements such as a dramatic rise in the number of children going to school in sub-Saharan Africa, and a fall in the number living in poverty in Asia.Click on the links on the right to learn more about each millennium development goal (MDG) and read powerful reports from around the world on how countries are making progress – or not – on the goals, from schooling in Tanzania to hunger in Indian slums, from HIV treatment in Russia to infant mortality in Brazil.Each goal incorporates several targets and uses particular indicators to measure the performance of every country; alongside each case study, we summarise the key information on each goal.The goals have succeeded in mobilising political will, increasing aid flows and helping governments to focus on human development. But several goals are off-track, in particular maternal mortality, while progress on poverty could be reversed in the next few years as food prices rise and the impact of the economic recession bears down heavily on the developing world.What is increasingly clear from progress reports ahead of the 2010 UN summit is that growing inequality is apparent across the globe; too often progress on the MDGs has not reached the poorest sections of the population. Furthermore, in countries where there is high population growth, メンバーは、ミレニアム宣言を、彼らはpeopleIn 2000、8つの目標の野心的なセットに、それらを犯したミレニアム宣言に署名し、国連のすべての加盟国の数十億に影響を与える問題について確認する改善を識別する野心的なイニシアティブに署名、国連2000では、問題について、2015年までにこのような1日1ドル未満で、世界の人口の割合を半減し、過去10年間の初等education.Inを達成するように、学校に行く子どもの数が劇的に上昇などの巨大な成果があったサハラ以南のアフリカ、右のリンクの上をAsia.Clickの貧困の中で番号の生活の中で秋には、各ミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)の詳細について学習し、国が前進している方法については、世界中から強力なレポートを読む - かどうか - 目標に、Brazil.Each目標の乳児死亡、ロシアでのHIV治療からインドのスラム街で、飢餓、教育タンザニアからいくつかのターゲットが組み込まれており、あらゆる国のパフォーマンスを測定するために、特定の指標を使用して、各ケーススタディと並んで、我々は政治的意志を動員することに成功した各goal.The目標についての重要な情報を、援助の流れを高め、政府が人間開発に焦点を助ける要約

    • The millennium development goals need progressive UK leadership | Juanita During
      By pursuing a global standard for transparency in oil, gas and mining, the UK could play a key role in Nigeria and globallyYesterday was the final day of the critical UN millennium development goals (MDGs) summit, where world leaders gathered to review progress against ambitious targets including halving world poverty, achieving universal primary education, fighting killer diseases, empowering women, and delivering water and sanitation, all by 2015. The outcomes are crucial to gaining increased support and momentum towards these and other MDG aspirations. Last week, I was privileged to speak at an event convened by Bond (the membership body for 370 UK NGOs working in international development), where Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, and Andrew Mitchell, the secretary of state for international development, set out the UK government's plans for the summit, with a focus on maternal mortality and malaria. It is vital we make progress in these areas: every minute, a woman dies from a pregnancy or child-related cause, and malaria causes nearly a million deaths each year. For progress to be made on these and other targets, policymakers need to recognise that the MDGs are interwoven. So, when a particular target is very off track, it holds back all the others. Good management of water resources and proper drainage, for example, can make a real difference in reducing transmission of malaria and other water-borne diseases, while progress on maternal health and mortality requires not only improved healthcare systems, but also safe sanitation, water and sound hygiene practices to ensure infection-free births and good chances of child survival in the first month of life. Without sanitation, safe water and hygiene, we will fail to reach the MDGs across large parts of the devel 石油、ガス、鉱業の透明性のための世界標準を追求することによって、英国は、ナイジェリアで重要な役割を果たすことができるgloballyYesterday重要な国連のミレニアム開発目標の世界の指導者は、野心的に対する進捗状況を確認して収集(MDGs)の首脳会談の最終日だった半減世界の貧困、、、キラー疾患と戦う女性のエンパワーメント、普遍的初等教育を達成し、水と衛生、2015年までにすべての提供を含むターゲット

    • Five years on: What happened to the millennium development babies
      In 2005, the Guardian featured 10 newborn babies in countries across Africa. Today we return to find out what has happened to these babiesRead their original storiesIn 2005, as part of our focus on Africa during the Make Poverty History campaign, the Guardian featured 10 newborn babies in countries across the continent, telling the stories of their births, their families and the lives they have been born into.We pledged to track the lives of these babies up to 2015 - the date the world had set for achieving the millennium development goals - as a way to tell the story of the millions of people across the developing world as they struggled to provide the best chance for their children.One baby, Sijjin Kuang, in southern Sudan, died before the original story was published. We have traced the nine remaining children and returned to talk to them and their parents, presenting a unique and extraordinary picture of a continent undergoing dramatic social change, and the struggle to raise a new generation.These children's stories are a reminder to the world's leaders meeting at the UN summit in New York today of their commitment to the eight agreed goals to cut global poverty - the greatest promise the world has every madeMillennium development goalsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 2005年には、ガーディアンは、アフリカの国々で10新生児を紹介

    • Africa's struggle to raise a new generation – five years on
      As part of its focus on Africa during the Make Poverty History campaign, the Guardian pledged to track the lives of ten babies up to 2015In 2005, as part of our focus on Africa during the Make Poverty History campaign, the Guardian featured ten newborn babies in countries across the continent, telling the stories of their births, their families and the lives they have been born into.We pledged to track the lives of these babies up to 2015 – the date the world had set for achieving the millennium development goals – as a way to tell the story of the millions of people across the developing world as they struggled to provide the best chance for their children.One baby, in Southern Sudan, died before the original story was published. We have traced the nine remaining children and returned to talk to them and their parents, presenting a unique and extraordinary picture of a continent undergoing dramatic social change, and the struggle to raise a new generation.These children's stories are a reminder to the world's leaders meeting at the UN summit in New York tomorrow of their commitment to the eight agreed goals to cut global poverty, the greatest promise the world has ever made.Millennium development goalsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds アフリカに重点を置いたの一環として、中に貧困の歴史キャンペーンを作成、ガーディアンは、最大2015In 2005 10赤ちゃんの命を追跡するために、アフリカへの注力の一環として、貧困の歴史キャンペーンを作成中に約束した、ガーディアンで新生児10特集大陸の国々は、彼らの生とその家族、彼らが生まれてきた人生の物語を、これらの赤ちゃんのアップは2015年まで - 日世界ミレニアム開発目標を達成するために設定した生活を追跡することを約束into.We - として方法は、発展途上国間で数百万人の話を彼らはchildren.One赤ちゃんの最高のチャンスを提供するのに苦労として、スーダン南部では、オリジナルストーリーが公開された前に死亡した

    • Post your questions to development secretary Andrew Mitchell
      Post your questions to development secretary Andrew Mitchell, who will be live online on the Poverty Matters blog todayThe British international development secretary, Andrew Mitchell, will be live online on the Poverty Matters blog this afternoon to answer your questions about development.Next week Mitchell and the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, will head to New York to attend a UN summit where leaders will assess progress and discuss future strategy to meet the millennium development goals (MDG) by 2015. Yesterday in the Guardian, Clegg announced that the UK would reorientate its aid programme to prioritise women in developing countries and will be encouraging UN members to follow suit next week.The British government has already ring-fenced its development budget and has vowed to increase aid spending to 0.7% of GDP by 2013. It's also spoken of the need for greater transparency in how it spends taxpayers' money. So far so good? Or is the government off-track in its thinking?Mitchell will be live online between 5.45pm and 6.30pm today. Post your questions now. If you have problems posting, email your questions to development@guardian.co.ukDevelopmentAid and developmentguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 開発秘書アンドリューミッチェルに貧困事項todayThe英国国際開発秘書、アンドリューミッチェル、ブログでライブオンライン貧困事項今日の午後のブログでライブオンラインdevelopment.Next週ミッチェル約ご質問にお答えになるだろうされます質問を投稿する副首相は、ニッククレッグ、ニューヨークに指導者が進捗状況を評価し、今後の戦略を2015年までにミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)の対応を話し合う国連首脳会議に出席へ向かうでしょう

    • Report: Africa Not on Track to Meet Poverty Targets
      This year's World Development Indicators focus on Millennium Development Goals, which are now in their 10th year ミレニアム開発目標、今では10年されている上に、今年の世界開発指標フォーカス

    • Poverty, Conflicts, Center Stage at UN Annual Meeting
      Millennium Development Goals - designed to reduce extreme poverty, hunger and disease by 2015 - will also be primary focus ミレニアム開発目標は - 2015年までに極度の貧困、飢餓や病気を減らすように設計 - また、主な焦点になります

    • Millennium development goals in an age of fear and loathing | Jeffery Sachs
      For the rich world's crises as much as Africa's, the millennium development goals are ever more vitalThe world's continuing dedication to a set of global goals to fight poverty, hunger and disease is no small triumph in an era marked by cynicism, the fraying of social bonds and the widespread fears of economic dislocation. The millennium development goals have come through a week of UN summitry not only intact but invigorated. The goals, it turns out, are doing double duty: helping the poor countries to fight poverty and the rich countries to preserve a sense of social solidarity.The surprising fact of this year's MDG summit, marking the 10th year of goals with five years left till the target date of 2015, was the widespread social progress that had been made since 2000. Africa, the hot spot of their challenge, is undoubtedly in better shape today than when they were launched. Most of the continent's wars are scaled back or ended. Most of the continent is enjoying economic growth and, for many, at the highest levels since independence. The Aids, TB, and malaria pandemics are at least partly in check. Child mortality rates are declining.These gains are being achieved despite recession in the US and Europe, which in earlier times might have sent Africa into a tailspin. It used to be said that when the US and Europe caught a cold, the developing world caught pneumonia. No longer. The poor countries are going about their business while the developed economies convalesce.There are at least four reasons. The first is China. China was everywhere at the MDG summit, with PM Wen Jiabao and team declaring eloquently China's intention to engage deeply with Africa, fighting AIDS, investing in infrastructure and industry, and buying Africa's export commodities. Where China is today, アフリカのと同じくらい豊かな世界の危機については、ミレニアム開発目標は、貧困、飢餓や病気と闘うためのグローバルな目標のセットに複数vitalThe世界の継続的な努力がこれまでの時代には小さな勝利であるが、皮肉で社会的結合のほつれマークと経済的混乱の広範な懸念

    • Interview: We are looking forward to meeting Premier Wen, UNDP chief says
      Helen Clark, the administrator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), told Xinhua that she is looking forward to meeting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on the sidelines of the upcoming high-level UN meetings. Premier Wen will discuss a number of important issues during two United Nations conferences to be held at the UN Headquarters in New York on Sept. 21-23, during which he will address the high- level UN meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and the general debate of ... ヘレンクラーク氏は、国連開発計画)(管理者の国連開発プログラム、中に問題と語った新重要なのは、会議彼女は前向きに国連今後の中国の温家宝首相の傍観者の高いレベルの番号を話し合う温

    • Cameron asked to intervene on new UN women's agency
      Talks on a new UN agency for women do not appear to be going well, as member states argue over representation and the mandate. NGOs are asking British Prime Minister David Cameron to use his influence at the G8.With a big focus at the G8/G20 in Canada this weekend on saving the lives of women in pregnancy and childbirth and their newborn babies, there are many who think it's time to get the new UN women's agency up and running.Last September, the UN General Assembly accepted the proposal of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for a new single organisation under the UN umbrella which would promote women's rights and equality around the world. But some think the negotiations are getting bogged down to the point where the agency, if it ever gets off the ground, will be pretty ineffective.In frustration at the slow progress, VSO and the UK Gender and Development Network have now written to David Cameron, asking him to press the G8 members and the other UN states to reach consensus on an agency that has real ambitions and the mandate to get things done. This is what they say in their letter:We believe a new women's agency has the potential to make a lasting difference to the lives of millions around the world by helping women give birth safely, stay in school longer, live free from violence, and earn an income. With just five years until the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals, a new women's agency is desperately needed to overcome the entrenched apathy among many governments and UN agencies to making progress on women's equality. A new women's agency will reduce the incoherence, fragmentation, and lack of leadership on women that currently characterises the UN system. Greater efforts to empower women and improve their status will drive reductions in maternal mortality, 女性のための新たな国連機関の協議は加盟国が表現と任務を議論も、行くことに表示されません

    • Child marriage: our commitment to ending it | Jimmy Carter | Fernando Henrique Cardoso
      Child marriage has been a major brake on progress towards six of the eight millennium development goals, write Jimmy Carter and Fernando Henrique CardosoAt the coming review summit on the millennium development goals, the focus will rightly be on those areas where progress has been most disappointing. High on this list is the failure to improve maternal health in the poorest countries.There will no doubt be discussion about rich countries' commitments to increase funds and whether governments in the developing world have used resources effectively. Unfortunately little attention will be given to child marriage and its damaging impact on the health of millions of girls and women.There is, in fact, compelling evidence that child marriage has been a major brake on progress towards no less than six of the eight MDGs. Our hopes of reducing child and maternal mortality, combating HIV/Aids and achieving universal primary education are damaged by the fact that one in seven girls in the developing world – and it is overwhelmingly girls who suffer this fate - are married before they reach 15. So, too, are our ambitions to eliminate extreme poverty and promote gender equality.The statistics are stark. In poor countries, babies born to mothers under 18 are 60% more likely to die in their first year than those born to older women. Girls under 15 are five times more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth than women in their 20s. Lack of information, marriage to much older men and the inability to negotiate safe sexual practices also puts child brides at greater risk of HIV infection than their unmarried peers.Child brides are more likely to drop out of school to concentrate on domestic chores and child rearing. But this bias against educating girls starts even earlier. In soci 子供の結婚は、6〜8ミレニアム開発目標の進捗状況に大きなブレーキを、ジミーカーターとフェルナンドエンリケCardosoAtをミレニアム開発目標に、今後このサミットの書き込みされていると、フォーカスは正しく進展が最も期待はずれだったされているこれらの分野になります

    • Nick Clegg: The coalition will cut maternal deaths by 2015
      The UK is committed to doubling the number of women who survive pregnancy and childbirth over the next five yearsThere is one statistic that everybody who cares about creating a better world should have stamped on their memory: right now more than 1 billion people across the planet are suffering the appalling hardship of extreme poverty.There are other statistics that make equally tough reading. A third of a million mothers die every year in pregnancy or childbirth and 25,000 children die every day of easily preventable diseases. Some 72 million children have no chance of an education.Behind each of these statistics lie real-life tales of daily misery – a community coping with the birth of another orphan, a girl left without any hope for the future because she has no school to go to, a mother left grieving after another outbreak of malaria.To ignore this suffering would be an affront to the values that we hold dear as a country. Even in these difficult times, Britain will not break the promises made to the world's poorest countries. So the coalition government will keep the commitment to increase spending on international development to 0.7% of our national income.Maintaining these commitments to international development means a better life for millions of people. Equally, it is the only way to create a safer, more prosperous world for Britain.Ten years ago, world leaders came together and agreed eight crucial targets – the millennium development goals (MDGs) – to set the world on a path towards eliminating extreme poverty. But with just five years to go until the 2015 deadline, we are still woefully off track.I am proud that the UK is playing its part, but other nations must now step up their efforts. More lives can be saved by bringing more than just words to the ta 今地球は10億以上の人々全体:英国は、今後5 yearsThere以上の妊娠と出産を乗り切る女性の数を倍増してコミットさについてのよりよい世界を作る気に誰もがそのメモリに刻印されている必要があることを一統計量である極端なpoverty.Thereのぞっとするような困難に苦しんで均等にタフな読書をするよう、他の統計情報です

    • Cuban first VP meets with UN General Assembly president
      Cuban First Vice-President of the Council of Ministers Jose Ramon Machado Ventura met here Monday with Ali Abdussalam Treki, president of the United Nations General Assembly. During the meeting, they exchanged views on major issues at the UN General Assembly which include preparations for the High Level Plenary Meeting on the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, the UN's role in tackling the aftermath of the global economic crisis, the international negotiations on climate chan ... キューバ第一副大統領は、ベンチュラのマチャド評議会の閣僚ホセラモン国会に会ったここ一。月曜日アリAbdussalam国連米国Treki、大統領の会談で、彼らは上の意見交換の準備を主要な問題で、国連など国会全般高レベルの総会は、ミレニアム開発目標、世界的な経済危機の余波に取り組んで国連の役割の実装に会議、気候ちゃんに関する国際交渉...

    • Why nearly 9 million small children die every year
      Progress has been made on cutting the death toll among children under-5, but a major new study shows that 8.8 million children are still dying and the Millennium Development Goal on child mortality will not be met without more work, particularly among women in childbirth and their babies.Most of the deaths of children under-5 worldwide are from infectious illnesses, with pneumonia (18%) as the leading cause, followed by diarrhoea (15%) and then malaria (8%). This is the conclusion of a major statistical exercise undertaken by Professor Robert Black from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore and colleagues, funded by the WHO and Unicef and published in the Lancet, here.The study is important because it gives us up-to-date information on the numbers of child deaths - 8.8 million under-5s die every year, they say - and the causes. And it is a timely marker. As the authors point out:Achievement of Millennium Development Goal 4, to reduce child mortality by two-thirds, is only possible if the high numbers of deaths are addressed by maternal, newborn, and child health interventions.Some progress has been made in bringing down the numbers of deaths among toddlers and young children, which has meant that the proportion among babies less than 28 days old is now larger than before, at 41% of the total. And this is where the spotlight again shifts to maternity care. Pre-term birth complications account for 12% of all under-5 deaths, birth asphyxia for 9% and sepsis for 6%.To nobody's surprise, Africa has the largest number of deaths, at 4.2 million a year, followed by Asia, with 2.39 million. There were more deaths in older children in Africa than than in southeast Asia, because of HIV and malaria.Almost half of all the deaths under the age of 5 occurred 進捗状況は、歳未満の子供5死亡者数を削減、しかし主要な新しい研究によると880万子供たちがまだ子供の死亡率のミレニアム開発目標を死んでいる行われている多くの作業なしに、特に女性の間で出産に会ったされません子供たちの死の下- 5世界のそのbabies.Mostは伝染病から、肺炎(18%)の主要な原因として、下痢(15%)し、マラリア(8%)続いている

    • Live online: Michael Moore, Liberal Democrat spokesman on international development
      Michael Moore, Liberal Democrat spokesman on international development, will be live online on the Katine Chronicles blog at 11am (GMT) on Tuesday, 16 March, to answer your questions about aid and development. Post a questionFind out more about the Liberal Democrats' policiesInternational development faces serious challenges, whoever wins the next election. With domestic spending cuts a real possibility, protest at continued historically high spending on aid is inevitable. It is likely the aid budget will face a very tough fight.Last year, the Liberal Democrats set out their thoughts on international development in a policy paper, which outlined support for the aid target of 0.7% of GDP, a call for renewed efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals and an acknowledgement that aid sometimes fails and that perhaps financial aid is not the most effective way of delivering support.At 11am (GMT) on Tuesday, 16 March, the Lib Dems' spokesman on international development, Michael Moore, will be live online for one hour to answer your questions about the party's policies and the wider issues of aid and development.Read the party's policy paper and Anne Perkins' report on the Lib Dems' policies and then post a question. You can post a question now or come back on Tuesday.If you have problems posting, email Katine.editor@guardian.co.uk.Aid and developmentNewsUgandaDevelopmentguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds マイケルムーア監督、国際的な開発に自由民主党のスポークスマンは、Katineクロニクル11時(GMT)から3月16日(火曜日)、上の援助と開発に関するご質問にお答えするためにブログに住んでオンラインになります


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