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    ビジネス 経済 関連語 アジャイル ラクティス Duca
    • Homophobia has infected the Church of England | Colin Coward
      The church must find the courage to deal with the poisonous culture of anti-gay prejudice in its appointment of bishopsThe question: How should gay bishops be chosen?Last week, a leaked memorandum revealed that the deliberations of the group appointed to select a new bishop of Southwark were marked by acrimony and manipulation. The same day the House of Bishops' meeting in York failed to agree new guidelines to evaluate whether a gay priest was fit to be appointed bishop, guidelines seemingly designed to prevent Jeffrey John from being appointed.There are in the House of Bishops five who are gay. Other bishops are their friends and are actively supportive of gay and lesbian priests and lay people in the church. When the new guidelines were being discussed, it appears that not one of the gay bishops had the courage to say to his brothers: hang on, I'm gay? Nor did any of the gay-friendly bishops present have the courage to say: hang on, some of you may not know who among us is gay, but I have several good friends in this room who are.The Church of England has 13 bishops who are gay. None are publicly open about their sexuality and, as far as I know, none have been open about their sexuality in the process of being appointed bishop. Until last year, potential bishops were never interviewed so there was no opportunity to ask the question or volunteer the information.The church has created an impossible dilemma for itself. No candidate who is gay or has been involved in a same-sex relationship in the past is going to willingly volunteer this information. It is rightly a personal matter and in secular society, irrelevant to someone's capacity to perform their work. Secular employment best practice sets an example that the Church of England would do well to adopt. The process 教会はbishopsThe質問のその予定の反同性愛者の偏見悪意に満ちた文化に対処する勇気を見つける必要があります:ゲイ司教は先週、任命グループの審議が新しい司教を選択することが明らかになった流出覚書を選択する必要があります方法サザークのとげとげしさと操作によって示された

    • Radical management: it's happening!
      “Radical management: it’s happening” is the headline in the editor’s letter of the management journal, Strategy & Leadership, Volume 39, Issue 3. Robert Randall offers twin messages: “One, corporations are failing their stakeholders by wrongly favoring some more than others or by not managing discontinuity through best practices that foster continuous innovation; two, it’s time to try something else.” He continues: As a result of working with these authors and reading manifestos by other leading strategic management thinkers that also call for a reinvention of management, I’m confident that we are witnessing a best-practice revolution. When respected management thinkers like Michael Porter and Gary Hamel tell management to re-boot, then it’s time. It’s not as if the failings of hierarchical, shareholder-first management are a secret. So it should be no surprise that many of the principles of radical management are quietly being adopted by leading companies around the world, to a greater or lesser degree. Management reinvention… offers company-wide rapid-business-model development as a response to market discontinuity. To compete successfully despite frequent and sudden change, firms have to foster the competencies that promote continuous innovation in both offerings and operations. In practice, managers shift their focus from producing low-cost or high-differentiation offerings to satisfying customers. They become enablers instead of controllers, coordinate their organizations through dynamic linking of teams and customers rather than command and control, make social and customer values their prime concern, and communicate so as to further stakeholder conversations. Leading advocates are Gary 。。u0026quot;ラディカル管理:それは何が起こっている。。u0026quot;経営ジャーナル、戦略&リーダーシップ、ボリューム39、第3号の編集者の手紙の見出しです

    • ‘Revolution School’ Teaches How to Overthrow a Dictator
      Veterans of overthrow of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic hold classes on best practices to topple dictators セルビア大統領のミロシェビッチの転覆の退役軍人は、独裁者を打倒するためのベストプラクティスに関するクラスを開催

    • Addiction Redefined by Medical Group
      Redefining a mental or behavioral health issue, like the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) did this week with addiction, is risky. Done well and best practices for diagnosis and treatment get better. Done poorly and, no gentle way to say it, people suffer. So, on Monday when I learned about 中毒医学のアメリカの社会(ASAMが)中毒で、今週行ったように、精神または行動の健康問題の再定義、危険です

    • Autodesk is Transforming Sustainability's Inconvenient Truths
      On the surface, the sustainability industry is pure at heart with the simple mission of making sure we all become better stewards of the planet. But peek underneath its warm, fuzzy, environmentally friendly blanket and confusion and complexity abound.  Where are the standards and best practices? How can companies both large and small reduce their carbon footprint without being accused of green washing? 表面には、持続可能な産業は、我々はすべての惑星の良いスチュワードになるどうかを確実にする単純な使命と心で純粋です

    • 不況を人材育成の追い風に ITR・内山氏
      - g o o d l u c k -

    • Budget undermines progress on Roma inclusion | Ethel Brooks
      Compared with the US, Britain has been a model for inclusion of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers – but that is now under threatAs Britain debates the budget proposed by the Conservative-Liberal Democratic government, there is one population that could be gravely affected by the outcome of those debates whose voice has not been widely heard: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities throughout the UK.I am a Romany woman whose ancestors migrated to the United States from England a century and a half ago. From my perspective, as an American Romany, from a country where we are neither recognised as making up part of society nor seen as anything other than criminal elements or mythical subjects, it is heartening – in fact, inspiring – to see the progress made over the past decade around Gypsy Roma Traveller history, culture and social welfare provision in the UK.Unfortunately, that progress is currently in danger. Even as Britain's third annual Gypsy, Roma, Traveller history month was celebrated last month, we have seen threats to Gypsy-Traveller site provision on the one hand, and general cuts to health, education and social welfare provision, on the other. A particularly egregious proposal, put forward by the communities minister, Eric Pickles, would target private sites, allowing the government to evict people from their own land and closing down sites with temporary permits, which would, in the end, drive people back to the sides of the road. This particular proposal would cost the government more than it would save, allowing anti-Gypsyism to trump the purported goal of balancing the budget.At this moment, Britain has the chance to be a model of best practice in its treatment of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers; the current government, however, is at risk of wasting the opportunity 米国と比べると、英国はジプシー、ローマと旅行を含めるためのモデルとなっている - だが、今threatAsで予算は、保守党自民党民主党政府の提案英国討論、そこに重々しくoutcomeによって影響を受ける可能性が1の人口ですその声に広く耳にされていない:ジプシーは、ローマとトラベラーコミュニティUK.I全体祖先米国に世紀の英国から半前に移行ローマニー女性ですこれらの議論の

    • 正しく設定されていないネットワークが最も簡単に突破できるリソース
      正しく設定されていないネットワークが最も簡単に突破できるリソース ある anonymous coward 曰く、 defcon 18 で行われた調査で、76 % の人が「正しく設定されていなネットワークが最も簡単に突破できるリソースである」と答えたそうだ (help net security の記事、本家 /. 記事より)

    • Aid: Making development go | Editorial
      UN millennium development goals need to be more than just a gesture - which is why the Guardian has launched a websiteTen years ago, the millennium development goals held out the prospect for a transformation in the life chances of the global poor. In 2000, every member of the UN agreed the millennium declaration, encompassing eight goals that included halving extreme poverty and hunger, improving health, bringing primary education to every child and empowering women – all measurable objectives to be delivered by national governments. They were designed to focus government effort in developing countries which, in a new venture in global community, would be backed by the rich world.With just five years left to meet the objectives, the MDGs' proponents at this week's UN summit began to look anxiously at progress. Like all extravagant gestures, the goals contain the implicit danger that they will be revealed as just that: a gesture. Failure would be not just a billion individual preventable tragedies; it could be a devastating blow to the recognition of the mutual dependence on which the world's future depends. That is why the Guardian, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has launched a website to provide a base from where progress can be tracked, policy debated and a toolkit of best practice assembled.There are cogent arguments to be made against the grandiose scale of the MDG project and its top-down structure. As the British government has learned in the past decade, by their very nature targets can distort outcomes. It is true, too, that progress on individual targets can be less than meets the eye: primary enrolment has soared, but investment in education has not always kept pace. Class sizes are often unmanageably large; children sometimes too hungry ガーディアンはwebsiteTen年前に開始した理由である、ミレニアム開発目標は、世界的な貧困層の生活の機会の変換のための見通しを開催 - 国連ミレニアム開発目標は、単にジェスチャー以上する必要があります


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