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    音楽 関連語 エチオピア パレスチナ tween イエメン Israel Palestin
    0 . 1 .
  • ○■ そんな状態でしたが、なんとかお願いしていたものを一つだけがgetしてきてくれました ピータートーマスロスの「lashestodiefor」和訳しますと、死ぬほど欲しい睫毛

  • ○■ が報告されているいずれかの負傷者は62歳の女性は彼女の足を骨折された

  • ○■ Move to stop fighting between ethnic groups in Chittagong Hill Tracts チッタゴン丘陵地帯で民族間の戦闘停止に移動します

  • ○■ sharing bedroom with my friends is really stressful unexpectedly!

  • ○■ my narrow mind may be one of the stressors, but can you stand if your roommate use your light stand for hanging her laundries without any permission of you? or can you stand if your roommate leave the bath room with toilet paper run out? or can you stand if your roommate put some trashes on your stuffs such as your suitcase?

  • ○■ evertime after chinese class i wanna eat at panda express because chinese pronounciation makes me hungry (do you understand what i mean??)

  • ○■ 1. why you been gone so long 2. somebody's back in town 3. wall around your heart 4. rough & rowdy ways 5. desert rose 6. running the roadblocks 7. i can't keep you in love with me 8. treasure of love 9. ashes of love 10. turn your radio on

  • ○■ 30過激に開設するとの衝突が続いて殺された...

  • ○■ ed. It is reported that one of the injured was

  • ○■ rrest wanted militants and leaders from the pro-inde

  • ○■ family after her husband, the family's sole breadwi

  • ○■ lers stormed a Palestinian village near Nablus city

  • ○■ , a military official said. Up to 30 militants we

  • ○■ r Nablus city in the north of the West Bank.

  • ○■ forces and pro-independence supporters in southern Ye

  • ○■ arate parts in the province. Qaed Abu-Mali, a

  • ○■ supporters in southern Yemen, security officials said.

  • ○■ expectedly!although she is really really good girl

  • ○■ ship in the Mediterranean, injuring six other pa

  • ○■ ried to disperse protestors who rallied in the city

  • ○■ troubled southern province of al-Dhalee on Saturday in

  • ○■ of people were wounded in the clashes, which ended

  • ○■ Two people were killed yesterday when a wave s

  • ○■ ed on Saturday in clashes that took place during

  • ○■ n clashes that erupted when police forces tried to

  • ○■ d violent clashes in the streets of Colombo this

  • ○■ a wave smashed into a cruise ship in the Medi

  • ○■ to 30 militants were killed in clashes that followed... ロケッ

  • ○■ were killed and three others injured, said the official who

  • ○■ ith rockets and automatic weapons in Orakzai tribal agency

  • ○■ ospital officials said. Two of the wounded were

  • ○■ Nine Palestinians were injured Saturday in clashes with Israeli

  • ○■ e last of Mahatma Gandhi's ashes, kept in secret for

  • ○■ lashes with Israeli troops who tried to disperse p

  • ○■ tter called Israeli forces to disperse the Palestini

  • ○■ 衝突は、一晩中続いたが、情報源と述べた

  • ○■ 私を洗ってください/雪よりも白くなるように

  • ○■ たまらんぜ( ̄∀ ̄)もともとガツガツのrockナンバーが好きなんで(*^o^*)だから、『verb』『i am xxx』は神です

  • ○■ 2009. 08. 30 @ festival republic stage, reading festival '09

  • ○■ メンバーひとり減ってました

  • ○■ 2010. 02. 18 @ la cigal, paris

  • ○■ and if a double-decker bus crashes into us to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die and if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us to die by your side well, the pleasure - the privilege is minethere is a light that never goes out/morrissey

  • ○■ • Brake and petrol-gauge problems prompt Nissan to recall pick-ups, sport utility vehicles and minivans, mostly in US• Move follows General Motors's recall of more than 1.3m cars due to faulty steeringNissan is recalling more than 500,000 vehicles, mainly in the US, because of problems with their brakes and petrol gauges.The move came just hours after General Motors recalled more than 1.3m cars, and further adds to the rash of safety scares gripping the industry.The Japanese manufacturer announced overnight that 540,000 vehicles were being recalled. The models involved include Nissan's Titan pick-up trucks, Armada and Infiniti QX56 sport utility vehicles, and Quest minivans, some dating back to 2005.Some of the vehicles are being recalled to fix a problem with petrol gauges that indicate that there is plenty of fuel even if the tank is almost empty. In addition, Nissan said there were also problems with the brake pedal in some models.The firm has received three reports of incidents in which brake-pedal pins came loose, causing problems with braking, but it said no accidents had so far been reported.While most of the vehicles affected are in the US, some drivers in Japan, east Asia, Russia, Latin America and the Middle East will be affected. Nissan said UK drivers should not be affected by the recall.Last night General Motors is recalling its compact Chevrolet Cobalts and Pontiac G5 cars produced in the US over the last three to five years. This follows 1,100 complaints about loss of steering power, which have been linked with 14 crashes and one injury.Toyota, which has recalled more than 8m cars because of a series of safety concerns, said its US sales fell by 9% in February. Yesterday a US senator proposed banning all Japanese car imports to the US until the problems w •ブレーキやガソリンの問題日産ピックアップリコールするプロンプトで、スポーツ用多目的車やミニバン、米国•主に移動ゲージ以上1.3メートル台の不良steeringNissanための一般的な自動車のリコール次のように、主に以上の50万台をリコールした

  • ○■ 軍兵士を負傷した筋は、イスラエル軍が強制的にパレスチナ人の車を、2人の女性を含む

  • ○■ han Younis, the militants engaged Israeli troops pa

  • ○■ ame revenues in the past 21 days, one third wer

  • ○■ ck to 2005.Some of the vehicles are being recall

  • ○■ Israel. The Israeli army responded with eight artil

  • ○■ billion pa ... として、中国本土の観光客マカオに7日間の旧正月の連

  • ○■ drove near the town of Husan west of Bethlehem.

  • was injured killed Saturday Israeli forces 兵士 soldiers erupted 衝突 militants reported 述べた パレスチナ Ethiopian 報告 クラッシュ crashed werekilled wounded 治安 土曜日 onSaturday Airlines has 死亡 there Monday イスラエル 事故 南部 army without West Yemen ベイルート dead others area province 発表 official group 負傷 custom GazaStrip 月曜日 人々 of ヨルダン川西岸 部族 tried passengers 噴火 minutes attacked clash 教徒 intothe 墜落 ロケット 火災 中国 地帯 make South months たと述べた 民間 ボード days インド 直後 反政府勢力 空港 彼女 高速 番目 ガザ地区 一部 地域 決定 人生 負傷した According 使用 殺害 the 今日 期待 可能性 人の乗客 問題 武装 year 人が死亡 今回 攻撃 報告され 墜落した 書いて 思います したと述べた
    評価強度 可変性 記述詳細 感情強度 描写総量 装飾量
    0.020 0.099 0.694 0.020 0.677 0.282
    total 25121.200000001358


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