- Halloween★☆
diney land &sea diney land u0026amp; sea diney terre et mer
- prom <3
in opposite sex in opposite sex dans le sexe opposé
- Pumpkin pie
its fall now!oh my goodness,
the summer was completely fade away.
thats too bad.i am sssso sad,
but i like a pumpkin pie and the halloween.
the halloween is one of the favorite events for my boy.he is so exited about some halloween events.his school has a halloween week.
the whole week are halloween days.
so, in the week,he could wear costume everyday . its fall now! oh my goodness, the summer was completely fade away. thats too bad.i am sssso sad, but i like a pumpkin pie and the halloween. the halloween is one of the favorite events for my boy.he is so exited about some halloween events.his school has a halloween week. the whole week are halloween days. so, in the week, he could wear costume everyday. sa chute maintenant! Oh mon Dieu, lu0026#39;été a été complètement fade away. thats trop bad.i sssso suis triste, mais ju0026#39;ai comme une tarte à la citrouille et de la Halloween. The Halloween est lu0026#39;un des événements préférés pour ma boy.he est ainsi sorti À propos de quelques années du0026#39;études events.his halloween a une semaine du0026#39;Halloween. toute la semaine sont des jours Halloween. Ainsi, dans la semaine, il pourrait porter tous les jours de costumes.
- My Day Off
kyou wa beer to pizza de chotto tenuki na dinner desu(^▽^;)
kare wa kyou wa class ga arunode kaimono kara kaette kite kara sugu mata modotte shimaimashitaga,mouchotto de kaette kimasu kyou wa beer to pizza de chotto tenuki na dinner desu (^ ▽ ^;) kare wa kyou wa class ga arunode kaimono kara kaette kite kara sugu mata modotte shimaimashitaga, mouchotto de kaette kimasu Kyou wa bière à la pizza de Chotto tenuki na desu dîner (▽ ^ ^;) Kare wa kyou wa ga classe arunode kaimono Kaette kite kara kara sugu mata modotte shimaimashitaga, mouchotto de Kaette KIMASU
- Ah, the relaxation after Monday classes is
if it all turns out onion knight and i'm not dead,
i'll make another one in a different style/colour!
like....a....rainbow...themed....one. -stares- if it all turns out onion knight and iu0026#39;m not dead, iu0026#39;ll make another one in a different style / colour! like .... a. ... rainbow ... themed .... one.-stares -- si elle tourne tous les chevalier oignon et je ne suis pas mort, je vais faire un autre dans un autre style / couleur! comme .... A. ... arc en ciel ... à thème .... One.-fixe --
- オックトっバー イエイ
i don't know what would happen if i talked to him again i donu0026#39;t know what would happen if i talked to him again Je ne sais pas ce qui se passerait si je lui ai parlé de nouveau