spring trip day-①
- ハイチ地震、できる事から協力してみませんか。
yahoo!ポイント はてなポイント アメリカン 航空 reportedtitle=disaster%20relief%20-%20haiti reportedposition=0 url=%2fi18n%2futility%2fhaiti-earthquake.jsp _locale=en_us repositoryname=marketingmessagecontentrepository repositoryid=16125142 他にもデルタ航空・コンチネンタル航空・ユナイテッド航。等でもチャリティーマイルとして寄付が可能な様です
- 英字新聞と日本語の新聞読み比べ(1)
the 49, who included two members of the 21-member crew of the northwest airlines flight as well as passengers seated near the patients , were considered to be at high risk of the flu infection because of their close proximity to the patients , they said. the northwest flight carried 409 passengers and crew members.