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    自動車 関連語 クライスラー Diablo シャシー
    • Chrysler: Defective car not sold in China
      Chrysler on May 6 disclosed it is investigating the 2007 Dodge Caliber, which is different from the model sold in China. Therefore, it said all complaints and investigations will not affect the Chinese market. The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has carried out investigations after receiving complaints from car owners. According to the primary survey conducted by Chrysler, the complaints are isolated to a small portion of 2007 Dodge Caliber models produced and assembled wi ... クライスラーは5月6日、2007年ダッジキャリバー、モデル、中国で販売され異なっている捜査している明らかにした

    • Bulls in short supply as Detroit show does away with theatrics
      In more ways than one, the bulls have been missing at this year's Detroit auto show. At the 2008 auto show - back in those heady pre-financial meltdown days - No 3 US carmaker Chrysler drove a herd of Texas longhorn cattle through downtown Detroit to promote the latest incarnation of its Dodge Ram truck. より多くの方法よりも1つは、牛は、今年のデトロイト自動車ショーで、行方不明になっている

    • Volkswagen recalls Routan minibus
      Volkswagen AG announced yesterday to recall 15,900 Routan minibuses made in 2009 due to a wiring problem that may cause fires. All those recalled vehicles are made in plant run by Chrysler Group, LLC located in Windsor City, Canada. This is the fourth auto manufacturer that voluntarily recalled cars this week. Chrysler earlier announced a recall of more than 319,000 Chrysler Town & Country and Dodge Grand Caravan minibuses on Monday. All those vehicles, which were also made in Chrysler ... フォルクスワーゲンAGは、発表したミニバスを昨日思い出しRoutan 15,900 2009火災の原因となる問題がありますため、配線に、カナダのすべて、都市ウィンザーにあるものは、LLCは、リコール車ですしたグループクライスラーの工場を実行します

    • Japanese ace Kuroda leaves Halladay in shade
      Japanese pitcher Hiroki Kuroda, pictured, flirted with a no-hitter to overshadow Philadelphia Phillies ace Roy Halladay and give the Los Angeles Dodge... 日本人投手黒田博樹、写真、ノーヒットノーランでフィラデルフィアフィリーズのエースロイハラディに影を投げかけ、ロサンゼルスダッジ与える浮気...

    • Iraq: The exit looms | Editorial
      The State of Law bloc which backs the current Iraqi prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, could well end up with the most votes when the results are declared today, but that will not necessarily help him. The votes are so evenly spread, and the gap between the prime minister's bloc and that of his main challenger, Ayad Allawi, so slight, that the kingmakers of this election will be the two blocs who are trailing in the count – the Shia followers of Moqtada al-Sadr, who are on the brink of achieving their greatest political influence, and the Kurds. Weeks of horse trading are set to follow and all manner of fixes could be arranged. Yesterday the Sadrists said that they could consider piling in behind Mr Maliki's bloc, but not the man himself.As Iraq's governing class fights over the spoils of regime change, the only question that interests Washington is to what extent Iraq can stand alone without the presence of 100,000 US troops, most of whom are coming home by the end of the summer. Could the turmoil be such as to imperil the timetable itself? Dr Toby Dodge, a leading expert on Iraq, argues in his latest paper that, given the record of the US occupation and the profound limitation of America's present stature, the Obama administration is right to continue to draw down. But that is not to say that the Iraq the US leaves behind will be a beacon of democracy with a strong sense of the rule of law. Far from it.On the plus side, the election drew a 62% turnout, despite a bombing campaign in which 38 people were killed and 90 injured. The strong showing of Mr Allawi's cross-sectarian bloc among the minority Sunnis, especially in Anbar and Diyala, can also be interpreted as a sign that future battles will be political, not military. Iraq is quieter than it was when sectarian viole 国家法のブロックをよくするとき、その結果、今日で宣言されているほとんどの票で終わる可能性がある、現在のイラク首相は、マリキ、背中が、必ずしも彼を助けることはありません

    • Chile's earthquake: the view from Santiago | Margaret Snook
      While Chile's earthquake was strong, this is no Haiti. But some new buildings cannot have respected anti-seismic regulationsWhen the earthquake hit Chile, my husband and I were at the coast, in Concón (this is the final weekend of summer). We were in an apartment on the eighth floor of a building on a cliff overlooking the sea – all very nice, but man, does that shake, rattle and roll unnerve you at 3:35am.The thing about seismic activity is that you never know when it will start – nor when it will stop – so you don't know if you should just roll over and go back to sleep or get the hell outta Dodge ... we got out. This one seemed to last an eternity – they say it was a full minute, which by seismic terms is pretty much an eternity.Fortunately there was a full moon, so we could see a where we were going. Everyone from the building went downstairs into the parking lot. We could get some radio signals in our cars, but had no cell phone signal for several hours. Although Twitter worked for the first five or 10 minutes, so I was able to find out about people from several areas around the country, and my daughter could deduce that we were ok, we lost the signal very quickly. It made for a long night. (My daughter only signed up to Twitter this morning because she knew that I would send a tweet – and that was the only way she could get info on me.)There have since been aftershocks and more aftershocks (the seismologists say to expect them for the next couple weeks – again, you never know how hard or long they will be). So you start to get skittish ... We decided to come home to Santiago this morning. Ironically, Santiago was harder hit (8.5, while the central coast was 7), but here we have lights, gas, internet, etc. In Concón we were still without basic services until about 一方、チリの地震の強さ、これはハイチです

    • I様にダッジラムをご納車させて頂きました。
      <img height=165 alt=ウイングオートのスタッフブログ src= width=220 border=0 />そして本日、まだ21歳の若さで新車並行車の 2005y dodge ram quad cabオーナー様になり、早速お休みの本日、お友達に見せに遊びに行かれるそうです


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