Ferret rustlers' furry felony foiled MEXICO CITY ? Police in Mexico City have rescued 150 ferrets from armed robbers after a high speed chase.Police say they found the furry contraband after the suspects crashed their car into a tree and then fled on foot.Fourteen... メキシコシティ?警察はメキシコシティの高速chase.Police後に強盗から150フェレットを救出した後に、被疑者のツリーにし、自分の車がクラッシュしてfoot.Fourteenに逃げ彼らは毛皮の密輸品を発見と言うけど...
Terrorists don't stand still, and neither can we | Chris Huhne If they are effective and available, body scanners at airports should have been rolled out by the government years agoNo one wants to have full body scanners in airports. No one wants to be electronically strip-searched at the start of their holidays. It is an invasion of privacy we would all rather avoid. But the foiled bombing attempt on a Detroit-bound plane over Christmas demonstrates that terrorists still have an unhealthy addiction to air travel, and we have to move with the developing threat. Terrorists do not stand still, and neither can we. The government's assessment is that there would have been a 60 percent chance of identifying the explosive on Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had he been scanned.I agree that the timing of the government's announcement is not great. In the aftermath of an attack or an attempted attack, such policies are a visible way for a government to demonstrate that it is taking action. However, four of these £100,000 machines have lain in storage in Heathrow despite successful trials over the last few years. Seventeen of these machines remain mothballed in Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, where the would-be bomber Abdulmutallab stopped off in transit. The government has been in no rush to introduce what we are now being told is an effective way of detecting would-be bombers. This is not acceptable. If they are effective, tested and available, they should have been rolled out years ago, and not as a knee-jerk reaction to an attempted terrorist attack in the United States.Too often, the immediate response to terror attacks or the threat of terror attacks has been disproportionate. For example, there was the proposal for 90 days detention without charge, the Belmarsh provisions locking people up by ministerial fiat, control orders imposing house ar もし効果があるとあり、空港でのボディスキャナは、政府は年によってロールバックされている必要が1つの空港でのフルボディスキャナーを要求してagoNo
Police foil New York car bombing Police in New York foiled an attempted car bomb attack in the heart of Times Square thanks to a T-shirt vendor who saw smoke coming from the explosives laden vehicle, officials said Sunday. 警察はニューヨークで積んだ車両爆弾から煙を見たTシャツのベンダーに、タイムズスクエアのおかげで中心部に未遂自動車爆弾攻撃を阻止した、当局は、日曜日は言った
General accused of foiling inquiry into activist's death Seven years after the American activist Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli Army bulldozer in Gaza, evidence has emerged that appears to implicate Israel's Gaza commander at the time, in an attempt to obstruct the official investigation... アメリカの活動家レイチェルコリーは、ガザ地区でイスラエル軍のブルドーザーによって殺害された7年後、という証拠は一度にしようと、イスラエルのガザ地区の司令官を巻き込むことに正式に調査を妨害するように見える浮上している...
Somali gov't foils plot to kill many officials The Somali government on Wednesday said it had thwarted a plot to kill many government officials during Monday's suicide car bomb attack in government- controlled part of Mogadishu, local media reported.
The attack using two car bombs and a hand cart laden with explosives targeted the Somali state minister for defense, Sheikh Yusuf Siyad Indha Adde, who survived the assault which left five dead and more than 15 wounded, mostly civilians.
The explosion took place near Ambassador Hotel which ... 水曜日にソマリア政府は、プロット政府は、13日に自動車爆弾による自爆攻撃の間に、多くの政府関係者を殺すために、モガディシュの一部を制御を阻止したと、地元メディアが報じた
Coup attempt foiled in Madagascar: officer A coup attempt was foiled on Sunday in Madagascar after the minister of armed forces in the Indian Ocean island country was sacked early in the month, according to the military.
Seven military officers and civilians planning to attack the leadership between Sunday night and Monday morning were arrested in the afternoon, announced colonel Rene Lilison, who heads the force of special intervention of the presidency.
The arrestees were captured around 1 p. m., Lilison told a press conference. ... クーデターの試みがされた軍事しくじるの日曜日オーシャンインドで武装勢力のマダガスカル後大。島の早期解。国がされた月によると、7つの軍人と民間人が朝月曜日、日曜日の夜の間に計画への攻撃のリーダーシップをした午後逮捕では、大統領と発表した大佐ルネLilisonの特別な介入の力を率いる
Georgia foils attempt to sell weapons-grade uranium Exclusive: The Georgian government says it has broken a uranium smuggling ring, underlining the threat of a 'stolen bomb'The Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, has told fellow leaders at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington that his government has thwarted an attempt to sell highly-enriched uranium on the black market last month. Georgian sources said the HEU was intercepted in a sting operation carried out by the Tbilisi authorities without international assistance. They said the uranium was over 70% enriched. The exact analysis is expected in a few days, but it appears to have been pure enough to use in a crude nuclear weapon. The amount seized was small, measured in grams, so nowhere near the 25kg needed for a bomb, but Georgian officials said the criminal gang who was trying to sell the HEU was offering it as a trial sample of a bigger quantity available for purchase on the black market.In his formal presentation to the summit today, Saakashvili said:The Georgian ministry of interior has foiled eight attempts of illicit trafficking of enriched uranium during the last ten years, including several cases of weapons-grade enrichment. Criminals associated with these attempts have been detained. The most recent case of illicit trafficking was the attempted sale of highly enriched uranium in March of this yearThe seizure echoes the case of Oleg Khinsagov, a North Ossetian smuggler, who was arrested in 2006 trying to sell 100 grams of HEU in Georgia. He had also claimed to his would-be buyers that it was just a sample from a bigger batch. The latest case suggests that bigger batch of stolen HEU may well exist.Since 1993, the IAEA has confirmed 15 cases of smuggling of weapons-grade HEU or plutonium, but investigators admit they have no idea how big a tip this is 専属:グルジア政府は、盗まれたbomb。。u0026#39;Theグルジア大統領、ミハイルサーカシヴィリ、。。u0026#39;の脅威を強。核安全保障サミットワシントンで、彼の政府の試みを販売する妨害した仲間の指導者に言っているウランの密輸リングが壊れている闇市場で高濃縮ウランは先月
Is the global nuclear summit all talk and no walk? Experts differ on whether this week's Nuclear Security Summit represented a step forward or whether it amounted to all talk and no action.
The summit was held here on Monday and Tuesday in a bid to figure out how to start securing vulnerable nuclear material worldwide, prevent nuclear smuggling, foil attempts at nuclear terrorism and demonstrate commitment to the issue.
The meeting's participants agreed on several broad points, the first being that the threat of nuclear terrorism was indee ... と行動がない話の専門家が異なるかどうか、今週のすべての額にの核安全保障サミットは、ステップを表す転送するかどうか
Gaza militant group foils assassination attempt of its leader The Popular Resistance Movement PRM a Gaza based militant group said Friday that it has foiled an assassination attempt to kill its top leader The group said in a press statement sent to reporters that an anonymous person sent two booby trapped suitcases to the office of Sheikh Zakareya Doghmosh the PRM commander in the Gaza Strip The two suitcases were sent to Sheikh Doghmosh office in Gaza city aiming at assassinating him said the group adding the internal security s 人気の抵抗運動のPRMガザベースの武装グループは17日、暗殺しようとするグループは、プレス声明の中で記者団には、匿名の人シェイクZakareya Doghmoshの事務所に2つのブービートラップスーツケースを送付したと、その最高指導者を殺すために摘発したと発表したガザ地区内の2つのスーツケースをシェイクDoghmoshオフィスにガザ地区での暗殺で、彼はグループsの内部のセキュリティを追加するという目標が送信されたPRMの司令官
Pakistani police foil terror plot, seize 700 kg explosive Pakistani police foiled a terrorist attack Tuesday, arresting four suspects and seizing 700 kg explosive in Buner, a city in North West Frontier Province (NWFP), local media reported.
Local police officer Imran Shahid said that the explosive and lots of safety fuse were hidden in a vehicle from the eastern province of Punjab.
Meanwhile, three militants were killed in a clash with security forces in Swat valley of NWFP, the private TV channel DAWN News reported.
The militants were try ... パキスタンの警察は火曜日、4容疑者を逮捕、テロ攻撃を摘発し、700キロBuner、北西辺境州(NWFP)で、市内で爆発物を押収、地元メディアが報じた