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    医療 健康 関連語 臨床試験 AIDS iCal
    • Meta-Analysis Confirms Benefits Of Statins In Women
      Although clinical trials have consistently found a beneficial effects for statins, some critics have questioned the strength of the evidence in women, who are often under-represented in clinical trials.  A large new meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology provides the best evidence yet that the relative reductions in events observed in men also occur in women, but doesn't provide evidence about the absolute risk benefit in women. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Details of Updated UK Heart Failure Guidelines Raise Some Eyebrows
      Although the updated heart failure guidelines from the U.K.?s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) are broadly consistent with similar guidelines from Europe and the U.S., outside experts are questioning several key details of the update. A summary of the new guidelines has been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, along with an editorial by Pamela Peterson and John Rumsfeld that is broadly supportive of the update, but calls into question several points. _NULL_

    • Ambulatory BP Monitoring Gains NICE Recommendation in UK
      Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring is receiving a strong endorsement in the UK from NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). The recommendation is based on a cost-effectiveness study published in the Lancet. 携帯型血圧(ABP)の監視は、(健康と臨床卓越性のための国立研究所)NICEから英国の強い支持を受けている

    • CV Risk of Prostate Cancer Therapy Underappreciated
      Androgen suppression therapy (AST) for prostate cancer may be a serious risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease, according to a Viewpoint published online in Heart. The scope of the problem is widely underappreciated and is rarely considered in clinical practice, write Liam Bourke and colleagues. The subject was also the topic of a 2010 scientific statement from the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and the American Urological Association. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Car bomb outside Afghan hospital kills at least 60
      An Afghan official says the death toll from a car bombing outside a medical clinic in eastern Afghanistan has risen to at least 60.Din Mohammad Darwesh, a spokesman for the provincial governor, says the blast hit a hospital in... アフガニスタン当局者は、アフガニスタン東部の診療外の車の爆撃による死者は少なくとも60.DinモハマドDarweshに上昇しているという、州知事のスポークスマンは、爆発が入って病院を打つだ..

    • Letters: Forced to die alone and without dignity
      As I read yet another news piece about someone travelling to Dignitas to die (Vicki Wood), I am consumed by sadness (Woman who attempted husband's mercy killing takes her own life in Dignitas clinic, 12 march). Nearly five years ago, my grandfather travelled to Zurich to die. Unable to face months of pain, coupled with physical and mental degradation, he elected to end his life while he could still make the journey. Alone.Ever the gentleman, my grandfather declined the offer of companionship from my father, for fear of his son's potential prosecution. There were no updated guidelines from the director of public prosecutions – to have such clarity would have been a luxury. Instead, my grandfather took his final journey abroad, alone. He ate his last meal, alone. And his last words were uttered to medical staff. I have no idea what those words may have been, or, indeed, how he felt.Too often I hear talk of dignity at work or dignity in life generally, but where is our right to dignity in death? In the eyes of Westminster, my grandfather is simply one of 100; another statistic lost in the reams of data that fills the corridors of Whitehall. But to me, he was a brave man forced to leave his homeland in order to die with dignity.I appreciate the issue is complex, and would be naive to state otherwise, but a sensible resolution is required. How many more Britons have to voyage to Switzerland, before the government seeks a solution? In criminalising assisted suicide, are we not overlooking – undermining? – the right to articulate our own views on life? May Vicki Wood rest in peace.Name and address suppliedAssisted suicideSwitzerlandguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 私が誰かDignitasへの渡航について(ヴィッキーウッド)死ぬにはまだ他のニュース部分を読むと、私は悲しみで(女性は、夫の慈悲を殺害しようとした消費時)Dignitasクリニック、3月12日に彼女自身の人生かかります

    • The 15 Minute Physical: Dr. Oz Showcases Power Of Electronic Health Records
      At a taping of the Dr. Oz Show on Saturday, Dr. Mehmet Oz and 75 laptop-wielding medical students entered clinical information on 1,000 patients into an electronic health record, courtesy of Practice Fusion, a provider of free web-based EHRs. The location was Philadelphia’s Temple University School of Medicine. Combing for indicators of heart disease and diabetes, they recorded in individual digital files, cholesterol and blood sugar levels (using Alere’s diagnostic tools), as well as blood pressure, body mass index, waist size and neck circumference. It took 15 minutes, with clinicians giving participants a summary of their medical report. In real life, the government is pushing doctors to give patients access to their health data within three days. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Peru drug clinic fire 'kills 14'
      A fire at a drug rehabilitation centre east of the Peruvian capital Lima has killed 14 people, firefighters say, the second such tragedy this year. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • US psychiatric clinic gunman may have sought more victims
      A gunman who killed a worker and shot several other people at a psychiatric hospital on the University of Pittsburgh campus lived nearby and used two semiautomatic pistols, one of them stolen, as he marched around checking offices... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • ASSERT Sheds Light on the Role of Subclinical AF in Stroke
      A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine sheds some much-needed light on the precise role of subclinical atrial fibrillation (AF) in the prognosis and development of ischemic stroke. ASSERT (Asymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Evaluation in Pacemaker Patients and the Atrial Fibrillation Reduction Atrial Pacing Trial) followed 2580 patients with a newly implanted pacemaker or ICD and with no previous diagnosis of AF. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • One passenger killed as boat sinks in S Philippines
      A person died when a passenger boat capsized in south Philippines, police said Friday. MV Dominique was carrying five passengers and 10 crew members when it sank at about 10 miles of Burungcaan, Bulalacao in Oriental Mindoro on Thursday due to strong wind and big waves, police spokesman Senior Superintendent Agrimero Cruz Jr. said. One person was confirmed dead while the crew members and other passengers were brought to the Semirara Rural Health Clinic for medical treatment.&$ &$ ... 人は、客船は南フィリピンの転覆が死亡、警察は金曜日に言いました

    • Drug-resistant bacteria contaminates 25 pct of US meat
      A sampling of grocery store meat in five US cities has shown a type of drug-resistant bacteria is contained in about one quarter of beef, chicken, pork and turkey for sale, according to a study.Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that can cause skin infections, pneumonia, sepsis or endocarditis in people with weak hearts, was found in 47 percent of samples, said the study in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, released on Friday. 米国の5つの都市で食料品店肉のサンプリングは、study.Staphylococcus黄色ブドウ球菌によると、牛肉、鶏肉、豚肉、七面鳥の販売の約4分の1に含まれている薬剤耐性菌の種類を示している皮膚を引き起こす可能性があります細菌感染症、肺炎、敗血症や心内膜炎の弱い心を持つ人々の、サンプルの47%で発見された、金曜日に発表されたジャーナル臨床感染症で、研究では、と述べた

    • Suicide bomber kills 35 at Afghan clinic
      A suicide car bomber blasted a small clinic in eastern Afghanistan, causing the building to collapse as mostly women and children lined up for vaccinations, maternity care and other services. 自殺の車の爆撃機は、建物が予防接種、産科医療やその他のサービスのために並んで主に女性や子供のように崩壊する原因と、アフガニスタン東部にある小さな診療所を非難した

    • 78-year-old man shot 2 doctors dead in Germany
      BERLIN, March 5 (Xinhua) -- A 78-year-old man on Monday entered into a local clinic in Kaiserslautern, west Germany as he opened fire and shot two doctors to death, then took his own life. The shooting took place around 15:30 local time (1430 GMT) in a medical clinic in the small town with some 4,600 inhabitants, when the shooter was said to have repeatedly shot at the two general practitioners. The killer then fled the site before the police followed up to his house, local police spokesma ... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • German police says 78-year-old shooter in mental disorder
      BERLIN, March 6 (Xinhua) -- The gunman who shot dead two doctors, and later committed suicide on Monday afternoon was apparently suffering from mental disorder and in a state of delirium, a chief police officer said on Tuesday in Kaiserslautern, a city in western Germany. The deadly shooting on Monday took place in Weilerbach, a small community in Kaiserslautern. The gunman shot two doctors dead on scene and injured a 60-year-old nurse in a general-practitioner clinic where he was treated for ... _NULL_

    • Fevola reportedly in rehab after arrest
      BRENDAN Fevola is said to have checked himself into a rehab clinic as his career hangs by a thread. ブレンダンFevolaは、彼のキャリアは、スレッドがハングアップするようにリハビリクリニックに自分自身をチェックしていると言われています

    • Featured photojournalist: Ricardo Moraes
      Brazilian photographer Ricardo Moraes is a full-time stringer for Reuters. These pictures show voluntary doctors making their six-monthly visit to the Cartucho community, to whom they provide clinical and surgical treatment. They were taken in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, in the Brazillian state of Amazonas ブラジルの写真家リカルドモラエスは、ロイター通信の常勤ストリンガーです

    • OK for abortion ads
      Britain's broadcast advertising body has ruled that private abortion clinics may advertise. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • 19 killed at Mexican clinic
      CIUDAD JUAREZ: At least 30 gunmen burst into a drug rehabilitation centre in a Mexican border state capital and opened fire, killing 19 men and wounding four people, police said.Gunmen also killed 16 people in another drug-plagued... シウダーフアレスは:少なくとも30武装勢力は、メキシコ国境の州都で薬物リハビリセンターにバーストと発砲、19人が死亡し、4人が負傷した、警察said.Gunmenも別の薬に悩まされて16人が死亡...

    • Welsh clinic blunder deprives cancer patients' chance to father children
      Cancer patients face being told they have lost the chance to father children after a scandal-hit NHS fertility unit accidentally destroyed their frozen sperm.The samples came from men who were preparing to undergo surgery or radiotherapy... 癌患者は、スキャンダルにまみれたNHS不妊治療ユニットが誤って凍結sperm.Theサンプルは手術または放射線治療を受けるように準備していた男性から来た破壊した後、彼らは父親の子どもたちにチャンスを失っている言われて直面して...

    • Guest Post: Multaq's Off Again, On Again, Then Off Again Ride
      CardioBrief welcomes this guest post, reprinted with permission, from Dr. Westby Fisher, an electrophysiologist practicing at NorthShore University HealthSystem in Evanston, Illinois, and a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine. This piece originally appeared on his blog, Dr. Wes. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • CT Angiography Found Less Helpful in Patients With High Calcium Scores
      Computed tomography angiography (CTA) has been proposed as a less invasive method to exclude obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD), but no consensus has been achieved about its clinical role in different patient subsets. Now a new report published in JACC from the CORE-64 (Coronary Artery Evaluation Using 64-Row Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography) study shows that CTA may not be worthwhile in people with a calcium score of 600 or above or who already have a high pre-test probability of having CAD. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Will the Apple iPad Replace Your Doctor?
      Concerned that doctors’ “clinical skills will be lost among the ‘downloads’ and ‘uploads’,” a British physician practicing in the U.S. asks, “Has the iPad replaced the stethoscope?” 医師の。。u0026quot;臨床技能を間に失われる。。u0026quot;ダウンロード。。u0026quot;と。。u0026quot;アップロード。。u0026quot;は、。。u0026quot;米国で練習し、英国の医師が尋ねることを懸念し、。。u0026quot;iPadは聴診器に置き換えています?。。u0026quot;

    • Novartis Sits In The Penalty Box
      Earlier this year, I wrote a profile of Novartis and its chief executive, Joseph Jimenez, in which I detailed some of the issues hurting the company, which has traditionally been one of the stronger drug makers because of its great record of getting new medicines to market. Prospects for multiple medicines have been dashed by bad clinical trial results. Manufacturing problems hurt its generic and over-the-counter divisions, which include brands like Excedrin, TheraFlu and Triaminic. This September the U.S. patent expires on Novartis’ top seller, the blood pressure drug ­Diovan, worth $5 billion annually, the biggest expiration the company has faced since being formed by a merger in 1996. Jimenez is unfazed. “If you look at my background in understanding the consumer,” Jimenez says, “it’s not just about marketing. Consumer goods ­companies have to be very externally focused, looking at their environment and how it’s changing all the time. What I have learned is that this is an industry that is changing so fast and so significantly.” null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • FDA Reviewers Recommend Against Approval of Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)
      FDA reviewers have recommended that the FDA issue a complete response letter for the NDA for rivaroxaban (Xarelto, Johnson & Johnson). This story will be updated later today with with more details, but here's the bottom line from the FDA's review: Based on our review of the clinical data, we recommend a complete response. Reasons for this recommendation include: FDAのレビューは、FDAは、リバロキサバンのNDAのための完全な応答の手紙を(ザレルト、ジョンソン&ジョンソン)を発行することを推奨している

    • Libya fighting puts Misrata's nurses on hospital frontline – in pictures
      Female medical staff, normally subordinate to men in the clinical pecking order, are taking lead roles in treating the wounded – and in the process, quietly waging a war to keep their newfound equality after the conflict ends _NULL_

    • Yulia Tymoshenko allowed to leave jail for hospital treatment on back
      Former Ukrainian PM will be treated for suspected herniated disc as government appears to bow to western pressureThe former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko will be allowed to leave prison to be treated for a back condition in hospital, prosecutors say, as the government appeared to bow to western pressure.The 51-year-old opposition leader is serving a seven-year sentence after being convicted in October of abusing her office while negotiating a natural gas supply contract with Russia in 2009.The case has strained Ukraine's ties with the west, which condemned it as politically motivated. Tymoshenko has accused the president, Viktor Yanukovych, her longtime rival, of jailing her to bar her from politics.German doctors who examined her last month concluded that she suffered from intense pain and needed urgent treatment in a specialised clinic. Tymoshenko's family said she suffered from a herniated disc.The health ministry said Tymoshenko would be treated at the central clinical hospital in the eastern city of Kharkiv, where she is imprisoned.Yulia TymoshenkoUkraineEuropeguardian.co.uk © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Reports French first lady due to give birth
      France's President Nicolas Sarkozy has briefly visited the Paris maternity clinic where his supermodel-turned-singer wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is due to give birth to the couple's first child.The French leader left the ward around... フランスのサルコジ大統領は簡単に彼のスーパーモデルから転身した歌手の妻カーラブルーニ - サルコジは、夫婦で初めてchild.Theフランスの指導者の周りに病棟を左に出産予定ですパリの産科診療所を訪問しています...

    • Nicolas Sarkozy visits maternity clinic
      French president Nicolas Sarkozy visits wife Carla Bruni in Paris clinic where she gave birth to the couple's daughterThe French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has dropped in on a maternity clinic in western Paris where his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, gave birth to a baby girl.The couple had been keen to avoid media attention throughout her pregnancy, and Sarkozy's office has yet to make an official announcement about Wednesday's birth or reveal the baby's name.Sarkozy visited the clinic three times on Wednesday, but the baby was believed to have been born while he was in Frankfurt for a meeting on the euro debt crisis. He is to go ahead with Thursday's planned visit to Normandy.It is the first time a French president has had a child while in office.The baby is the first child to be born to a serving French president.Sarkozy has three boys from two previous marriages, while Bruni-Sarkozy has one boy from a prior relationship.Nicolas SarkozyCarla Bruni-SarkozyFranceEuropeguardian.co.uk © 2011 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds _NULL_

    • Libya Accuses NATO of Hospital Bombing
      Government officials showed journalists a destroyed clinic in the town of Zlitan, east of the capital, Tripoli 政府高官は記者Zlitanの町で破壊された診療所、首都の東、トリポリを示した

    • Floods damage hospitals, clinics
      Hospitals and clinics in several provinces have been inundated by floodwaters, with damages estimated at more than 100 million baht, but they are still providing services, Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said on Monday. 病院やいくつかの地方の診療所が100以上の万バーツと推定損害賠償と、出水が殺到されているが、彼らはまだサービスを提供している、保健大臣Jurin Laksanawisitが明らかにした

    • Palestinian Refugees Trapped in a Congressional Debate
      House Foreign Affairs Committee considers bill to kill funding for UN agency that provides schools, health clinics for refugees 米下院外交委員会は、難民のための診療所、学校を提供する国連機関のための資金を殺すために法案を検討

    • Abortion protests: 'what my mum fought for is being threatened' – video
      Hundreds of pro- and anti-abortion activists staged rival protests in Bedford Square in central London on 30 March as the 40 Days For Life anti-abortion group intensified its campaign. In Brighton, Rosie Swash reports from an abortion clinic that has been targeted by anti-abortion campaignsRosie SwashJohn DomokosPeter SaleOle Alsaker null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • World's best press photos on display (+photos)
      If you don't believe cameras steal a little of our souls, then you can't have seen the captured moments hanging inside Auckland's Nathan Club. From the frame-by-frame Brazilian gunfight to a Third World abortion clinic and an Irish... あなたが信じていない場合、カメラが私たちの魂の少しを盗む、その後、オークランドのネイサンクラブ内部でぶら下がってキャプチャされた瞬間を見てきたことはできない

    • FDA Adds New Warnings to Dronedarone (Multaq) Label
      In an updated  safety communication the FDA announced it was adding new warnings  to the dronedarone (Multaq, Sanofi) label. Based on results from the PALLAS trial, which was discontinued early due to safety concerns, the drug label will now warn: Healthcare professionals should not prescribe Multaq to patients with AF who cannot or will not be converted into normal sinus rhythm (permanent AF), because Multaq doubles the rate of cardiovascular death, stroke, and heart failure in such patients. In addition, the label will state that people taking dronedarone should have an ECG every 3 months. Dronedarone should be stopped if a patient is found to be in AF or, if clinically indicated, the patient should undergo cardioversion. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Cancer's New Era Of Promise And Chaos
      In a major speech to cancer doctors yesterday, the outgoing president of the American Society of Clinical Oncology told his colleagues to prepare for a new era in which rapidly advancing genetic technology will change the way cancer is treated for the better --  but  also force doctors to change the way they invent and test drugs and care for patients. だけでなく、医師を強制的に - 癌の医師への主要な音声昨日では、米国臨床腫瘍学会の発信社長は良い方向に処理されているが急速に進んで遺伝子工学技術が道癌を変更する新時代の準備をする彼の同僚と言った彼らは発明の方法を、テスト薬や医療の患者のために変更する

    • Can Strong Prayer Bend the Cost Curve?
      In a provocative essay entitled, ?Randomized God,? internationally renowned psychiatrist David Healy lays out a blueprint for a clinical trial to test the healing power of prayer. Putting aside the spiritual benefits of supplication, a more pressing secular question might be phrased this way: Can strong prayer bend the medical cost curve? null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Michael J. Fox Foundation Cofounder Creates The Match.com Of Clinical Trials
      It was in her ninth year of working in the sales, trading and asset management divisions of Goldman Sachs that Debi Brooks, now 52, got the itch. “I was maturing in my professional career and in my life,” she says. “I paused.” Intent on making a difference, she left Goldman to head towards the nonprofit sector, taking a quick side trip to earn a master’s in marriage and family therapy. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • 3 years and 1 miserable summer but you get to be a lawyer forever
      I know there's a lot of unhappiness and near clinical depression out there among law school graduates who spent $100K for their law degree and cannot find a job. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Government shutdown updates | Michael Tomasky
      Jon Kyl, Republican Senator of Arizona, is confused:KYL: Everybody goes to clinics, to doctors, to hospitals, so on. Some people go to Planned parenthood. But you don't have to go to Planned Parenthood to get your cholesterol or your blood pressure checked. You go to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion, and that's well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does. Of course the opposite is the case. I wrote yesterday that abortion services amount to 10% of PPFA's services. Today they're saying it's 3%. Whichever, 10% or 3%, it's small. Kyl said the exact opposite. I'm sure that once he's made aware of the truth, he'll take to the Senate floor and correct the record, right?Meanwhile, the Senate Democrats are indeed passing their own one-week continuing resolution sometime today:Republicans in the House passed a one-week measure Thursday that would slash another $12 billion in spending and fund the Pentagon for the rest of the fiscal year. Leadership sources say the Democrats' proposed bill will maintain the levels of the continuing resolution set to expire Friday at midnight, a measure that contained $6 billion in cuts. It will likely include military funds, the details of which are not yet decided.Likely? I'd have thought that that was the whole point, to insulate themselves from GOP charges that they don't care about the troops. According to The Hill, Chuck Schumer says the Democratic bill will include funding for the front-line troops in the hot spots, but not a full Pentagon appropriation for the rest of the year, as the GOP bill did. Politically, covering the front-line soldiers is enough.Note also that the Democratic CR still contains budget cuts, $6 billion worth. So even the Democrats are making cuts.Note also, and this is important for perspective's sake, t ジョンカイルは、アリゾナ州の共和党上院議員、混乱している:カイル:誰もがそうで、病院には、医師に、診療所に行く

    • Accretive Health, Inc. Bruised After Attorney General's Report
      Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson Tuesday published a six-volume report on the practices of non-profit hospital and clinic operator Fairview Health Services and one of its service providers, Accretive Health, Inc. (NYSE:AH). The report focused on a broad range of issues, but the debt collection and payment practices caught the most attention. Accretive’s stock fell more than 40 percent Wednesday. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Looking for pigs with perfect legs
      Newcastle scientists have been down on the farm, filming on a catwalk for animals to try to spot early signs of future lamenessIn a slightly eerie version of a fashion models' catwalk, veterinary scientists in Newcastle have been filming a succession of pigs strutting about at a farm near Morpeth.The research is part of a project to improve the health of animals on farms worldwide by seeing if signs of possible future lameness can be detected in the way that pigs walk when young.The project is led by Newcastle university whose Cockle Park farm, complete with its grade one listed pele tower, is a major centre of pig studies. A team has camped in the unit with video motion capture filmgear similar to that used to create animation scenes in Avatar, Lord of the Rings and of course Babe, the 1995 epic about a sheep-herding pig.Their work has an official title rich in theory terms: Longitudinal gait development in pigs assessed with a single-plane stereophotogrammetric motion capture method and associations with clinical subjective scores of conformation, gait and osteochondrosis. But in practice, the lead scientist Sophia Stavrakakis says, it was homely and practical stuff down on the farm.She has been telling the 22nd International Pig Veterinary Society Congress at Jeju in South Korea about it, including details of the 'pigwalk' area where young animals were trained to walk along and give a clear view for the special cameras by Mark Brett, a former zookeeper who now works as an animal technician at Cockle Park.Stavrakakis, whose team is made up of both pig specialists and general bioengineers, says:Lameness among livestock is a major problem for farmers. Female breeding pigs are particularly prone to leg problems and this makes it costly for farmers when an animal becomes null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Nothing but the Best for in-form Magpies
      Newcastle striker Leon Best bagged a clinical double to fire his side to a 2-1 victory over Fulham at St James' Park. Best displayed predatory in... ニューカッスルストライカーレオンベストセントジェームズパークでフルハムを2-1の勝利に彼の側を起動するために臨床二重に袋詰め

    • IPhones Help Nurses Work
      Nurses will get iPhones to communicate and manage work at a major Boston-area hospital, underscoring increasing use of mobile devices in clinical settings. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Walgreen Injects Growth With Immunization Push
      On the heels of strong demand for immunizations in the past couple of years, Walgreen has expanded its immunization offering across all of its 7,700 stores including Duane Reade pharmacies and Take Care clinics. It now plans to offer immunizations in all stores and gobble up a larger share of the health care professional shortage area (HPSAs). Walgreen competes with CVS Caremark, Wal-Mart and Rite-Aid. _NULL_

    • In-Depth Look at Opko Health's Portfolio and Prospects
      Opko Health (NYSE: OPK) is a mid-cap pharmaceutical stock with several corporate growth strategies: clinical drugs, medical devices, and strategic acquisitions. Of particular interest to many investors is its CEO's systematic buyback of common stock in the open market, null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • International Women's Day: UK's aid aims to help poorer women | Andrew Mitchell
      Our well-spent and targeted international aid can do a lot to improve the lives of girls and women marginalised by povertyLast week I announced changes to how the UK government delivers aid. We said we will work more strategically with our support targeted in fewer countries, refocus programmes on to what works, and offer increased support for international agencies that can prove they deliver results. But key to all of this is improving the lives of those who are too often at the bottom of the pile.I saw this for myself when I visited Rwanda last year, where I met Anne Marie, 46, who has experienced great joy and deep grief in the past two years. In 2009, two of her daughters, Francine and Josiane, died after contracting malaria. There was a medical clinic just an hour's walk away, but Anne Marie did not have the 20p needed for treatment that would have saved their lives.Times have changed for Anne Marie, and her family now sleeps safely under a UK government-funded, insecticide-treated anti-malaria bednet, which cost just £4. But her story is a clear reminder of what well-spent aid can achieve for families in the developing world.According to the UN, six out of 10 of the world's poorest people are still women and girls. To those living in such dire circumstances, International Women's Day might not mean much. However, to those of us in a position to be able to do something about their plight, it should be a sharp reminder of the challenges ahead.Women in the developing world face situations that, thankfully, few of their counterparts in richer countries will ever encounter. In Rwanda, one woman in every 35 dies in childbirth, while in the UK the figure is one in 4,700. Getting pregnant and giving birth is one of the most dangerous things many women in developing count 私たちのよく過ごし、少女や女性私は、英国政府が援助を提供する方法に変更を発表したpovertyLast週取り残さの生活を向上させるために多くを行うことができます国際的な援助を対象とした

    • Clinical trial in Africa raises questions about treatment for shock in children – video
      Outcome of trial – which showed that more children treated by fast rehydration died than among those who were not – will lead to rethink of practice around the world 高速再水和によって治療より多くの子供たちが人いない人の間でよりも死亡したことを示した - - 試験の成績は、世界中の練習の見直しにつながる

    • French first lady gives birth to baby girl: press
      PARIS, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- French first lady Carla Bruni has given birth to a baby girl on Wednesday night, local media reported. Bruni has been accepted into La Muette maternity clinic earlier in the day. President Nicolas Sarkozy paid a visit there before departing for Frankfurt to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel over euro area debt crisis. The president reportedly hurried back to Paris some time after 11 p.m., three hours after the birth. This was the second child to 43-year-old ... パリ、10月16日(新華社) - フランスのファーストレディーのカーラブルーニ水曜日の夜、女の赤ちゃんを出産している、地元メディアが報じた

    • Pfizer Enters Market For Super-Expensive, Ultra-Rare Disease Drugs -- With A Price Cut
      Pfizer and its partner, Protalix BioTherapeutics, just got some good news from the Food and Drug Administration: Elelyso, a treatment for a rare genetic disorder called Gaucher disease, was approved. Because the disease is so rare, the drug was tested in only 56 patients in its late-stage clinical trials. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • What Standards Will Apply To Federal Drug 'Unsales' Force?
      Proponents of health care “reform” have invested an enormous amount of time and effort proclaiming how pharmaceutical company sales representatives (colloquially known as “detailers”) and their visits to medical professionals increase the cost of patient treatments and, in turn, health care in general.  For this reason, state and federal regulators have piled on laws and rules dictating what these detailers can and cannot say and do to educate physicians about their products.  Some states, most prominently Pennsylvania, have programs where purportedly independent clinicians, pharmacists, and others pay visits to doctors to essentially counter what they hear from drug detailers. 医療。。u0026quot;改革。。u0026quot;の支持者は、順番に、医療や製薬会社の営業担当者(通俗の言葉で。。u0026quot;detailers。。u0026quot;として知られている)や医療関係者への訪問は、患者の治療のコストが増大する方法宣言の時間と労力の膨大な量の投資を行っている一般的な

    • Gaming for Social Change: An In-depth Interview with Jane McGonigal
      Recently, I interviewed Jane McGonigal, a world-renowned designer of alternate reality games or, games that are designed to improve real lives and solve real problems. She believes game designers are on a humanitarian mission, and her #1 goal in life is to see a game developer win a Nobel Peace Prize. McGonigal is the New York Times bestselling author of Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World (Penguin Press, 2011), and currently serves as a founder and Creative Director for Social Chocolate, where she is making games powered by the science of positive emotion and social connection. The company's first game, SuperBetter, is designed to increase resilience in the face of any illness or injury, or health and wellness goal. Players have used SuperBetter to overcome concussions, get through chemotherapy, reduce stress, lose weight, and quit smoking. Clinical trials for the game begin in September at Ohio State University Medical Research Center. _NULL_

    • Texas judge rules ban on state funds for Planned Parenthood unconstitutional
      Republican-controlled legislature had attemped to block the women's health group from recieving money from the stateA federal appeals judge says Texas cannot ban Planned Parenthood from receiving state funds.Fifth circuit judge Jerry Smith agreed Friday that there is sufficient evidence the state's law banning Planned Parenthood from participating in the state's Women's Health Program is unconstitutional. He let stand an injunction blocking Texas from enforcing it.Smith had stayed the injunction earlier this week so he could review it.The law passed last year by the Republican-controlled legislature forbids state agencies from providing funds to an organisation affiliated with abortion providers. Eight Planned Parenthood clinics that do not provide abortions sued the state.Texas officials have said that if the state is forced to include Planned Parenthood, they'll likely shut down the program that serves basic healthcare and contraception to 130,000 poor women.TexasPlanned ParenthoodUnited StatesWomenguardian.co.uk © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Amid parties, Chile miners try to return to normal
      Rescued Chilean miners tried to return to normal everyday life Sunday as they indulged in neighborhood homecoming parties and coped with the burdens of their newfound fame.Thirty-two of the 33 miners spent the night at home Saturday after being allowed to leave the hospital where they were treated upon being lifted from the gold and copper mine on Wednesday.One miner remained at the clinic for treatment of a dental problem, expected to be resolved by Tuesday. 救出チリ鉱山労働者は、近所の帰国パーティーで甘やかさとしての負担に対処し、通常の日常生活の日曜日に戻ってみましたが新たに退院を許可された後、33鉱夫のfame.Thirty 2つは、土曜日に家で夜を過ごしたどこWednesday.One鉱山労働者に金、銅鉱山から解除される時に処理していた火曜日までに解決されると予想さ歯科疾患の治療のための診療所にとどまっている

    • Babies in Africa Respond Well in Malaria Vaccine Trials
      Researchers say new RTS,S vaccine provided significant protection against both clinical and severe malaria for one year 研究者は新しいRTS、Sワクチンは一年間の臨床および重度の両方マラリアに対する重要な保護を提供すると言う

    • Could There Be a Blood Test For Depression?
      Ridge Diagnostics, a company based in San Diego, has presented clinical findings indicating that they may have developed a successful blood screening technique for clinical depression. The blood test works by looking at 10 different biomarkers within a blood sample, then feeds the result into a series of algorithms that develops a "score" for the likelihood of depression. <blockquote>Ridge's test  amplifies that signal by bunching several markers together. The company's scientists screened more than 100 biomarkers to select the combination of 10 for its depression test. These markers are related to systems known to be affected in depression, specifically the metabolism, immune system, nervous system, and hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands. リッジDiagnosticsは、サンディエゴに拠点を置く会社、それらは臨床的うつ病の成功の血液スクリーニング技術を開発した可能性があることを示す臨床所見を発表しています

    • Yemen troops kill protesters in Taiz
      Soldiers use live ammunition on protesters demanding removal of President Saleh, killing six and wounding more than 30Yemeni troops have opened fire on crowds of protesters demanding the removal of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, killing six and wounding more than 30 in the second day of clashes in Taiz, witnesses and medical officials said.The bloodshed in the southern city stoked the uprising that has lasted more than a month against Saleh's 32-year rule. The opposition has held continual protest camps in main squares of cities around Yemen, and on Monday new demonstrations in solidarity with the Taiz protesters erupted in several places.The violence began when thousands of protesters marched through Taiz toward Freedom Square, where demonstrators have been camped out. As the march passed the governor's headquarters, troops stationed there blocked the procession, and clashes broke out, with some protesters throwing stones, witnesses said.Troops on nearby rooftops opened fire with live ammunition on the crowd. The marchers then besieged the governor's headquarters, said Bushra al-Maqtara, an opposition activist in Taiz, and other witnesses.At least six protesters were killed and more than 30 wounded, some with gunshots to the head and chest, said Zakariya Abdul-Qader, a doctor at a clinic set up by protesters in Freedom Square. Other doctors at the clinic confirmed the figure.The military has clamped down on the city of nearly half a million, about 120 miles south of the capital, Sana'a. For a second day, tanks and armoured vehicles blocked entrances to the city to prevent outsiders from joining the protests. They also surrounded Freedom Square, containing the thousands in the protest camp and arresting anyone who tried to leave.Saleh's top security official in Taiz, Abd 兵士たちは、6殺害し、30Yemeni軍が大統領アリアブドラSalehの削除を要求するデモ隊の群衆に発砲している以上の負傷、6人を死なせ、で衝突の2日目の30以上が負傷した、サーレハ大統領の削除を要求するデモ隊に実弾を使用してタイズ、目撃者や医療関係者は、南部の都市で流血はsaid.The Salehの32年の規則に反しヶ月以上続いている暴動を煽って

    • Malaria Vaccine in Clinical Trials in Africa
      Some 800,000 Africans, mostly children under five, still die from malaria each year およそ80万のアフリカ人、5歳未満のほとんどの子供は、依然として毎年マラリアで死亡

    • The Fine Line Between Shared and Manipulated Medical Decisions
      Spend some time with the Society for Medical Decision Making, and “shared decisions” starts to seem less a clinical ideal and more an offshoot of picking a monthly cell phone plan. The fine line between “motivating” and “manipulating” behavior (albeit sometimes unintentionally) starts to blur. 医学判断学のための社会と一緒に時間を過ごす、と。。u0026quot;共有の決定は、。。u0026quot;以下の臨床理想と毎月の携帯電話のプランを選択のより多くの分派に見えるし始めます

    • Egypt's Mubarak: Dead or alive?
      There are conflicting reports about whether Egypt's ex-president Hosni Mubarak is dead or on life support in a critical condition.State media reported he was clinically dead after he was transferred to hospital from prison after... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Stakes high in cannabis crackdown
      There is an odd Alice-in-Wonderland-like quality to the impending showdown between California's medical marijuana clinics - legalised by state law to sell cannabis to anyone with a doctor's certificate - and the United States Government.The... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Your Football-Playing Kids May As Well Be Wearing Leather Helmets
      The Cleveland Clinic says that as far as concussion safety goes, new versions of the current helmet aren't any good. In fact, kids might be just as well-served if football brought back the leather helmet. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Eric Peterson to Succeed Bob Harrington as Director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute
      The Duke Clinical Research Institute has announced that its new director will be Eric Peterson. The DCRI was founded by Robert Califf, who, as the director of the Duke Translational Medicine Institute (DTMI), will be Peterson's boss. The DCRI's second director, Robert Harrington, announced earlier this year that he was leaving Duke to become the chairman of the department of medicine at Stanford. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Europe targets big drug firms over claims of unethical trials in poor nations
      The European Parliament is pushing for greater sanctions against multinational drug companies which breach ethical standards in clinical trials conducted in poor countries.Members of the European Parliament on the Environment, Public... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • NHLBI Launches Two Large Cardiac Arrest Treatment Trials
      The NHLBI today announced the launch of two large clinical trials evaluating treatments for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Letters: Cost dilemmas over expensive drugs
      The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has decided that Avastin is not a cost-effective treatment for advanced bowel cancer (Report, 24 August). It estimates it would cost the NHS about £135m a year to treat 6,500 people at £20,800 per person and the limited extension to life that Avastin provides cannot be justified. Never mind, says the government. This is why we're setting up the Cancer Drugs Fund of £50m to pay for these expensive treatments. But the money won't even fund this one treatment for all its potential beneficiaries – never mind the next wonder drug that comes along.So having rubbished Nice, how will the government decide which drugs will be supported from the new fund? And as the fund won't even cover Avastin for all bowel cancer sufferers, what mechanism will it use to arbitrate on just who out of the 6,500 sufferers will get this treatment and who will miss out? Is this just one more problem of how to allocate scarce resources that he will dump on the new GP consortiums?Iain KittNewcastle upon Tyne• Your survivor Barbara Moss is indeed a remarkable success. But following the logic of your piece, if taking Avastin gave her at least an extra 21 months of disease-free existence, then scores of others do not even benefit from the extra six weeks quoted as the average benefit from its use. I have no objection to the NHS paying for genuinely successful treatments. But until the drug companies agree not to charge for their failures, I can see no resolution to a system that either funds all treatment, failures included, or none. Roche's offer of a risk-sharing scheme, whereby the NHS picks up the bill for the first year and Roche funds treatment thereafter, is perverse. The failures will be dead by then.Dr Jim ParisPreston, LancashireCancerPh 国立保健院は臨。卓越性のためにアバスチンは、高度な腸癌の費用効果的な治療(報告されていませんことを決定した8月24日)

    • Letter from Italy: cattle wagon turned commuter train
      The carriages from Mantova to Milan may be clean, but they're not very welcomingI wake with a start to find a man leaning over me in an ill-fitting canary yellow suit streaked with white reflector strips. He has a big black plastic bag in one hand and a dirty rag in the other. He orders me to take my feet down off the seat. Cleaning staff going about their duty on the Mantova-Milan rail link. And it's not that I've been caught kipping in a parked-up train: it's morning rush hour and we're in mid-transit. It's all part of the aggressive clean-up operation on this skid row of a railway line. Each train has its own gang of cleaners constantly wiping and dusting its way through the carriages, and getting the odd suspicious look from some of the more hardened commuters. They have Cleaning Service emblazoned large in English on the back of their garish outfits, signature of their foreignness on this sleepy provincial line. Whizzy new double-decker trains have been introduced to carry more customers but they are tight on passenger room. The only difference between first- (red) and second- (blue) class is the colour of the seats. On board entertainment for bona fide first-class passengers is the spectacle of unwary second-class travellers being ejected. There are power points for mobile devices but the supply is intermittent, coming in surges and I suspect the cause of the crash of my laptop. The loos are even less consistent, it's not unusual to find them out of order for days. The rot is setting in already. The older trains have been revamped with vigour: carriages inside and outside uniformly glazed in a suspicious substance that gives off a blinding clinical sheen. Some seats now sport indestructible madhouse upholstery that will no doubt get lovely and null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Anti-Abortion Sting Video Fools Washington Post, No One Else
      The conservative "gotcha" video* whose claims fall apart upon close inspection is fast becoming a well-established trope. So perhaps it's a sign of learning that the latest entry in the genre, which "exposes" the lack of mammogram services at most Planned Parenthood clinics, only snookered one mainstream media outlet: the Washington Post. その主張に近い検査時にバラバラに保守的な。。u0026quot;落とし穴。。u0026quot;ビデオ*は、高速定評の比喩となっている

    • Death toll rises to 39 in Moscow subway blasts
      The death toll from Moscow twin blasts has risen to 39 as another woman died in a clinic, the AP reported Tuesday. Five people remain in critical condition out of 71 hospitalized after the blasts that were blamed on the Chechen rebels, city health department official Andrei Seltsovsky told the Rossiya-24 state news channel. Only eight victims had been formally identified, he said. The blasts were confirmed as having been set off by two female suicide bombers who probably were linked to ter ... 別の女性が病院で死亡したモスクワ双子の爆発による死者は39に上昇しており、AP通信が伝えた

    • Our grand challenge (and opportunity): translating clinical studies into clinical practice
      The difficulty encountered in drug development is really an example of the broader challenge of research translation: on the one hand, to study a particular phenomenon, and to gain insight, you generally need to be somewhat reductionist and simplify the problem to focus on the question of interest.  This is the basic principle of science, and how essentially all science happens. _NULL_

    • Sarkozy's little girl 'to be protected' from the press
      The eurozone debt talks conspired to keep an expectant father away as France's first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, gave birth to a baby girl at a private clinic in Paris.President Nicolas Sarkozy was not present for the birth. He visited... _NULL_

    • Clinical Trial Advice For Investors From Two Pros
      The following is an excerpt from Heart 411: The Only Guide To Heart Health You'll Ever Need, a new book authored by Marc Gillinov, a staff cardiac surgeon at The Cleveland Clinic, and Steven Nissen, chairman of the Clinic's department of cardiovascular medicine. The book really is a great guide for patients trying to navigate the medical tests, surgeries, and medicines offered to cardiology patients. We now know how to prevent heart attacks, and how to help patients survive when they have them, but it helps to be an informed consumer. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Betty Ford dies aged 93
      The former US first lady Betty Ford, who was married to former president Gerald ford for 58 years, was greatly admired for speaking openly about her battles with breast cancer and addictions to drugs and alcohol. Tens of thousands of people have been treated at the rehabilitation clinic she founded in California null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Jurin: Govt acting against abortion mills
      The government is speeding up the crackdown on illegal abortion clinics across the country, Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said on Tuesday. 政府は全国の違法中絶クリニックの取り締まりをスピードアップされ、保健大臣Jurin Laksanawisitが明らかにした

    • TRACER: Novel Antiplatelet Vorapaxar Runs Into Trouble in ACS
      The novel antiplatelet vorapaxar, which blocks the thrombin receptor to inhibit platelet activation, ran into trouble in the TRACER (Thrombin Receptor Antagonist for Clinical Event Reduction in Acute Coronary Syndrome) trial, which was stopped prematurely earlier this year due to safety concerns. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Letters: Safeguards on the cosmetic surgery industry
      The reality is far more complicated than you report (Medical devices and Chinese toys share the same level of safety checks, 6 January). Medical device regulation has a number of classifications. Implantable products, such as breast implants, are in class III, subject to the most rigorous controls. Before a class III device can be sold, manufacturers must seek approval of their design safety data (called a design dossier), which also includes a clinical evaluation.The manufacturer's facilities and quality management system are also subject to inspection and to regular audits by the independent government-appointed bodies, typically every 18 months. The manufacturer is also legally obliged to ensure that any planned changes to the approved design are supported by documented evidence to ensure safety and performance.The French firm PIP may have violated the regulations by using unapproved, industrial-grade silicone and by allegedly falsifying or withholding documents. If these or other allegations are confirmed, ABHI strongly condemns PIP's behaviour and breach of trust. But no system can entirely guard against this type of deliberate abuse. For some time now, and completely unconnected with this case, the Medical Device Regulatory system, has been under review and proposals for a revision are imminent. Manufacturers and authorities are working to improve the legal framework to provide more consistent and comprehensive implementation across all EU member states which will include more efficient vigilance and market surveillance systems.Millions of medical devices are used every day across the EU with very few reports of failure. Europe needs regulation that allows medical devices to come to market in a timely manner for the benefit of patients, while still ensuring patien null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Some bitter medicine for Hong Kong's hypertension
      The results of Hong Kong's annual health check are back from the clinic, and the prognosis isn't going to please anyone. _NULL_

    • I took secret photos of my abortion to empower and educate women | Anonymous
      Thisismyabortion.com shows that the reality of abortion is far from the vile and grotesque images used by the pro-life lobbyRecently, I had an abortion, which I documented with a hidden mobile phone camera and then shared the images on the internet. I chronicled and published my experience on thisismyabortion.com to show what a safe abortion looks like, and to counter the perverse use of dead foetus images used by the anti-abortion movement. My hope is this project will help dispel the fear, lies and hysteria around abortion, and empower women to make educated decisions for their bodies.My mother had an illegal abortion some 30 or so years ago, and almost died from blood loss during the procedure. She spent the remaining months of her recovery in silence in a country where she would have been banished, if not killed, for her actions. Then, a few years ago, my mother shared her secret with me.Soon after, I took a friend to a clinic for an abortion and encountered a mob of anti-abortion protesters waiting by the entrance. Some prayed silently while clutching religious paraphernalia. Others held oversized banners with supersized images of a newborn child, bloody, bruised, and dead. My friend was mortified, and wept as I escorted her into the facility.A year later, I was facing the same procedure. Due to the security risk to patients and abortion caregivers, the clinic had moved down the street and was tucked behind an unassuming cluster of dental buildings. The protesters in turn had moved across the street, but otherwise remained the same.Viewing, again, the horrific graphic images they displayed, I wasn't sure if I was more afraid of being harmed by the anti-abortion protesters or if I was more anxious about the procedure itself.But once past the bulletproof doors to the null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Biotech's Best Investor?
      This morning, Forest Laboratories announced plans to buy anti-depressant maker Clinical Data for $30 per share, plus a $6 dollar payout contingent on sales of the company's drug, Viibryd. I wanted to get this story -- a portrait of Clinical Data's main backer, billionaire investor R.J. Kirk -- out as quickly as possible. 今朝は、森林研究所では、1株あたり30ドル、プラス6ドルドル支払い、同社の薬Viibrydの売上高に偶発的に抗うつ剤メーカーの臨床データを購入する計画を発表した

    • Letters: Changing the law on assisted suicide
      Today the Suicide Act 1961 is 50 years old. Progressive in its day, it ended the criminalisation of those who attempted suicide. It also introduced an offence of assisted suicide, punishable by up to 14 years in prison. The law, however, recognises that it may not always be in a patient's best interests to prolong their life, and doctors are not obliged to provide treatment that is futile.Mentally competent adults have the right to refuse life-prolonging medical treatment, including the right to make advance refusals of treatment under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. And if doctors consider it clinically appropriate, they can withdraw such treatment without patient consent in the last days and weeks of life. In addition, due to the prosecuting policy on assisted suicide of the director of public prosecutions, a person is unlikely to face prosecution for assisting another person to die if they do so in an amateur capacity and act wholly on compassionate grounds. In other words, medical practice and the application of the law have sidestepped parliament's failure to update the Suicide Act.Such evolution of medical and legal practice is better than no choice at all, but it is no substitute for an updated law that would allow terminally ill, mentally competent adults to choose a physician-assisted death, protected by upfront safeguards. We are where we are because parliamentarians seem frightened of a backlash from a vocal minority who oppose change. But as other jurisdictions have shown, it should not be beyond parliament's ability to enact laws protecting those wishing to prolong life at the end of life, while respecting the choice of others to end their suffering.Sarah WoottonChief executive, Dignity in DyingAssisted suicideEthicsDoctorsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News _NULL_

    • How the FDA Stifles New Cures, Part I: The Rising Cost of Clinical Trials
      Today, the Manhattan Institute released a study I authored, entitled ?Stifling New Cures: The True Cost of Lengthy Clinical Drug Trials.? (You can read the full report here.) The paper discusses how outdated FDA policies are making drug development too expensive and too risky. In this excerpt, I describe the factors that are driving up the cost of clinical trials. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • United Behavioral Health Sued For Denying Needed Care
      Two interesting developments took place after writing last week about United Behavioral Health deploying policies and guidelines based on a profoundly dangerous misunderstanding of clinical depression. The first is the large number of emails I’ve received from stakeholders across the spectrum of people involved in outpatient mental health care with similar–and even worse—stories. More on that in a subsequent post. Here I want to share news about UBH being sued for they way they ration care for profit, a suit that might hold them accountable for denying needed care. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • PARTNER: TAVR Results Appear Durable at Two Years
      Two year results of the influential PARTNER trial provide continued support for the growing acceptance of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) in clinical practice. Previously, results of PARTNER at one year had demonstrated a similar mortality in high risk patients with aortic stenosis who received TAVR and surgery. The two year results were presented at the American College of Cardiology and published simultaneously in the New England Journal of Medicine. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • About Face: How Automakers Put Personality Into Their Cars' Front Ends
      Typically, when design clinic respondents are asked which view of their preferred-choice car they would send to friends and/or relatives, the front three-quarter angle polls at about 80%. You'd think many would select the straight side view, which, distortion-free in photographs, best displays the size, sweep, length and overall cohesiveness of the design. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • SMEs need to have more than courage
      US-trained chemist Wang Xiaochuan's Sundia MediTech Company Ltd - a private, Shanghai-based clinical research firm - enjoys brisk business even during tough times, thanks to a continuous flow of contracts from renowned drugmakers, partly boosted by the recession-proof pharmaceutical sector. What was started six years ago by a group of Chinese returnees who are medical practitioners - and was once considered ambitious, new and daring in China - is now a much sought-after business model. Glo ... 米訓練化学王小川のSundiaフォーブスメディテック会社公司は - プライベート、上海ベースの臨床研究会社 - つらい時にも、部分的に不。医薬品部門に支えられ有名な製薬から契約の継続的な流れのおかげで、活発なビジネスを楽しんでいます

    • Michelle Obama Visits HIV/AIDS Clinic in Botswana
      US first lady paints mural with youths at Botswana-Baylor Adolescent Center ボツワナ-ベイラー青少年センターで若者と米国のファーストレディーの塗料の壁画

    • Yulia Tymoshenko moved to hospital for back treatment
      Ukrainian opposition leader transferred from prison to be treated for severe back condition under supervision of German doctorYulia Tymoshenko, the Ukrainian opposition leader and former prime minister, has been moved from prison to a hospital for treatment for a severe back condition under the supervision of a German doctor.The move is likely to allay western concerns over her health and handling in prison. Tymoshenko has been on hunger strike for more than two weeks in protest at alleged abuse.Ukraine's deputy health minister, Raisa Moiseyenko, said she had been moved from Kharkiv prison to a local clinic.Tymoshenko, 51, was sentenced in October to seven years in prison after being convicted of abuse of office. The west has condemned the verdict as politically motivated.Yulia TymoshenkoUkraineEuropeguardian.co.uk © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • 55 Kiwi women in clinic virus alert
      Up to 55 New Zealand women may have been exposed to an apparent deliberate attempt to infect them with a potentially fatal virus at a Melbourne abortion clinic.The Ministry of Health is helping Australian health authorities to... 最大55ニュージーランドの女性は明らかに意図的な試みメルボルン中絶医院保健省では致命的なウイルスに感染するオーストラリアの保健当局を支援して公開されている可能性があります...

    • Dr Dillner's health dilemmas: should I be screened for breast cancer?
      Weighing up the pros and cons of undergoing a mammogramThe dilemma: You might think this is a no-brainer: of course it's best to find out if you have breast cancer as soon as possible. Up to one in eight women get the disease, so surely you'd want to be tested, catch it early and get treatment to improve your chances of survival? But, in fact, while screening may catch the disease early, there's no guarantee.Screening for diseases before they become clinically apparent is only useful if you can improve the chances of survival (or improve quality of life). To do that you need to understand what the disease would do if you left it alone – and not all diseases progress. With a type of tumour called ductal carcinoma in situ, which makes up 20% of the cancers found in breast screening, the tumour is confined to the milk ducts and there is just a 50% of chance it could develop into a full-blown cancer.A recent study from the Nordic Cochrane Centre found that a third of cancer diagnoses made as a result of screening were not cancers. And while the NHS claims that screening saves 1,347 lives a year, Dr Klim McPherson, an Oxford professor in public health epidemiology, said in a letter to the BMJ last week that research showed that the more likely number was 500 lives a year. McPherson added that to prevent one death you would need to screen 1,000 women over 10 years. To throw even more doubt on the subject of testing, a paper in this week's BMJ says that screening hasn't improved mortality rates. Instead, improvements in treatment and healthcare processes were responsible for falls in death rates for breast cancer, and countries experienced the same falls whether or not they had screening.The solution: So how can you decide if screening is for you? You may feel that one life _NULL_

    • Letter: Cosmetic surgery ads should be banned
      We call on the government to end cosmetic surgery advertising.Currently, cosmetic surgery providers are free to advertise their services without restriction on content or placement. The adverts recklessly trivialise invasive surgical procedures that carry inherent health risks.In addition, the messaging and imagery commonly used in cosmetic surgery adverts contributes to undermining body confidence, which in turn drives demand.The negative psychological impacts of poor body image are severe and have prompted a parliamentary body image inquiry into the matter, due to report later this year.At present people have no choice but to be exposed to the aggressive marketing tactics of some cosmetic clinics, whether they be in public spaces, in magazines, on the internet or on TV. So these adverts affect everyone, not just individuals already considering surgery.Just as rules prevent prescription medicines being advertised in the interests of public health, we urge the government to prohibit the advertising of cosmetic surgery.Kat Banyard Director, UK FeministaFazel Fatah President, British Association of Aesthetic Plastic SurgeonsAnna van Heeswijk ObjectNigel Mercer Senior consultant plastic surgeon; member, British Association of Aesthetic Plastic SurgeonsClare Chambers Senior lecturer, Cambridge University; author of Sex, Culture, and Justice: The Limits of ChoiceRajiv Grover President-elect, British Association of Aesthetic Plastic SurgeonsMaggie Baxter Chair of Rosa, the UK fund for women and girlsDr Beryl De Souza Honorary secretary, Medical Women's FederationNatasha Walter Author of Living Dolls: The Return of Sexism Vivienne Hayes Chief executive, Women's Resource CentrePlastic surgeryHealth & wellbeingHealthHealth policyAdvertisingFeminismWomenguardian.co.uk © 2012 null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Undernutrition is more than just a health problem | Lawrence Haddad
      We must politicise undernutrition, which is still a major global problem, so that it gets the attention it deservesWe don't often hear the words politics, governance and nutrition in the same sentence. This is surprising. If governance is about a country being capable, accountable and responsive to the needs of its citizens, then undernutrition is a prime example of a problem where we need to look at governance as a whole, and not treat it simply as a health problem.Three key elements of governance are critical to tackling undernutrition: capacity, accountability and responsiveness. Governments need the capacity to co-ordinate action across health programmes, agriculture plans, educational outreach and sanitation infrastructure. They also need to address the fact that accountability around undernutrition is weak because moderate and mild undernutrition rarely manifest clinical symptoms, making it easy to miss or cover up. Finally, the relatively small window of opportunity for action, from conception to two years of age, make responsiveness absolutely vital. These are not mere technocratic solutions, but tricky political investments.How then do we politicise undernutrition so that it gets the attention – and solutions – it deserves? It is still a major global problem: about 30% of all infants in south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are stunted.I was recently at a Care and Action Against Hunger event that featured two success stories on the politicisation of nutrition, from Brazil and Peru. The case of Brazil is quite well known, with presidents Cardoso and Lula da Silva both making food security a high priority for their governments.Peru is a less well-known case. My colleague Andrés Mejía Acosta has recently published an analysis of Peru's success in the fight against ma 我々は、それがdeservesWe頻繁に同じ文内の単語の政治、ガバナンスと栄養が聞こえないの注目を得るように、依然として世界の主要な問題である栄養を、政治に携わる必要があります

    • The Abortion Act's paternalism belongs to the 1960s | Sally Sheldon
      Women, not doctors, should decide whether they need an abortionThe Abortion Act 1967 was introduced in response to widespread evidence of unsafe illegal abortion and the maternal mortality and morbidity that inevitably result (while many of us are too young to remember the reality of this in the UK, unsafe illegal abortions cause 47,000 deaths worldwide each year). Those fighting for reform in the 1960s painted a vivid and tragic picture of the women they wished to help, listing drug addicts, alcoholics, women who already had several children and who were incapable of coping with another, and those whose husbands were violent drunkards, in prison, or otherwise absent or inadequate. Opponents of decriminalisation took a different view, tending to describe women who might wish to terminate a pregnancy as selfish, irrational, immature and needing to be forced to take responsibility for their actions.Both sides of this highly polarised debate found common ground in the view that women were not the best people to make the important decision of whether to continue a pregnancy. Rather, women should be encouraged into doctors' surgeries, where they might be counselled, supported and, only if the doctor deemed appropriate, granted access to abortion. In the 45 years since it was passed, doctors have tended towards a more liberal interpretation of the Abortion Act, with the result that access to abortion has become easier. However, doctors remain formally charged with making abortion decisions even, as in the vast majority of cases, where the request for abortion is not grounded primarily in medical factors.In abortion, the legal role of the doctor goes far beyond what we would expect for other medical procedures. Elsewhere, the clinician's duties are typically limited to providi null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Letters: Survival rates and cancer care
      Your article confuses mortality and survival rates for cancer (Study contradicts government's criticism of NHS over cancer deaths, 8 November). Mortality is the death rate for cancer. It's a function both of the number of people who get cancer and whether people diagnosed with cancer survive for a defined period. The UK has a good track record on reducing mortality. This is largely related to the number of people giving up smoking over the last 40 years and to cancer researchers discovering better ways of preventing the disease, for example through cervical screening.But mortality rates aren't the best way to assess NHS service performance, as they are so heavily influenced by improvements in prevention. Survival rates are a better indicator as they show how good the NHS is, compared with other countries, in diagnosing and treating people with cancer. It's a fact that cancer survival rates in the UK lag behind the best-performing European countries. A major driver of this survival deficit is that patients tend to be diagnosed later, on average, than patients in other countries, when their cancers are more advanced.That's why Cancer Research UK is working with the NHS to improve early diagnosis. And it's why we're calling on the government to ensure that research discoveries are translated quickly into NHS treatments that will save more lives from this devastating disease.Dr Harpal KumarChief executive, Cancer Research UK• Jonathan Waxman correctly lauds the improvements in NHS cancer care in recent years (Politics is bad for our health, 10 November). Sadly he goes on to attack the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice). While he commends the NHS for providing excellent value for money, he fails to acknowledge that this is in part due to the con null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Do you have a question about your rights?
      Your chance to ask about your civil liberties and human rights – post queries here to be answered by Liberty's lawyersFor those of you who haven't visited the Liberty Clinic before, each week we invite readers to post their civil liberties and human rights queries. Whatever they may be, share your queries in the comments thread below, keeping your posts as succinct as possible. And don't forget to check next week's Liberty Clinic to see whether your question has been answered.Human rightsCivil libertiesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds あなたのチャンスは、あなたの市民的自由と人権 - ポストクエリここについて尋ねるためにリバティのlawyersForあなたの人々の前に、毎週の私たちは市民の自由と人権のクエリを作成する読者を招待リバティークリニックを訪問していないで答えることができます

    • Ukraine's former PM 'on hunger strike' after prison guards allegedly beat her
      Yulia Tymoshenko accuses guards of kicking her as she was taken to hospital by force, says her lawyerA lawyer for Ukraine's jailed former prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, says she has started a hunger strike after prison guards beat her.Tymoshenko, who has a severe spinal condition and needs hospital treatment, was taken last week to a clinic in the eastern city of Kharkiv where her jail is located, but was returned to prison a day later after refusing treatment.Her lawyer, Serhiy Vlasenko, said on Tuesday that prison officials kicked her in the stomach while taking her to the hospital by force.Prison authorities declined to comment.The west has condemned Tymoshenko's seven-year sentence for abuse of office as politically motivated.UkraineYulia TymoshenkoEuropeguardian.co.uk © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Breast implant scandal: 3,500 private clinic patients referred to NHS
      Government says it will provide free care for 40,000 women fitted with PIP implants but plans to recover costs from clinicsMore than 3,500 women who attended private clinics to be given breast implants made by a scandal-hit French company have been formally referred to the NHS, government figures show.Statistics released by the Department of Health (DoH) on Friday indicate that 3,512 women – 553 in the last week alone – have been referred to the NHS for care following the global scare surrounding Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) silicone implants.The DoH said that, two months after the scandal first broke in France, more than 1,400 scans had been completed and that, of those women scanned, 120 would be having their implants removed. Sixteen had already had implants removed, it added.The government has said it will provide free care for any of the estimated 40,000 women fitted with the PIP implants, which were found to contain cheap, non-medical silicone. It said it intended to recover costs from the private clinics concerned.The women who had initially gone private but were now coming to the NHS for scans and potential implant removals had been clients of a number of clinics including the Harley Medical Group and the cosmetic surgery provider Transform, the DoH said.Transform initially refused to pay for removals before performing a u-turn and saying that any patient who received PIP implants could have free scans and the offer of removal, although replacement could cost £2,500.The Harley Medical Group, which fitted almost 14,000 British women with the implants, also initially refused to foot the bill. It subsequently said it would remove implants from those who underwent operations in the last 10 years, but only if they had suffered a rupture and had a scan as proof.If impl null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • FDA Approves Medtronic's Resolute Drug-Eluting Stent for Treatment of CAD, Including Diabetics
      The FDA has approved the Medtronic Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stent for the treatment of coronary artery disease. The Resolute DES is approved for use in a wide variety of patients, including diabetics. The new stent uses the same drug-and-polymer combination as the popular Resolute Integrity DES. The Resolute clinical trial program enrolled more than 5,000 patients worldwide, a third of whom had diabetes. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Merck cancer drug Erbitux disappoints
      German pharmaceuticals maker Merck said that third round of clinical trials of its gastric cancer drug Erbitux had not shown any benefits. Combined wi... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Future Mr. President, promise me this: One great single EMR for all.
      In my last post, I discussed the use of medical records - storytelling, billing, labeling, data gathering for research, and the ability to improve the practice of medicine through the use of clinical decision support systems.  Today, I discuss the lost art of storytelling through medical records, the potential beauty of electronic medical records (EMR), and an overview of medical record implementation by the Affordable Care Act. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Why A Change In A Bristol-Myers Hepatitis C Trial Has Big Implications
      Is a promising new class of drugs for treating hepatitis C going to be limited because patients with the most common genotype of the virus are likely to develop resistance to the medications? This is the possibility raised by a Wall Street analyst after learning that Bristol-Myers Squibb has altered the protocol for a clinical trial for its daclatasvir antiviral, which is believed to be the most potent in the forthcoming NS5a class of hepatitis c treatments. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Clinics Turn Away HIV, TB Patients in Burma
      Doctors Without Borders says cuts in international aid are putting tens of thousands of lives at risk null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Study Evaluates Losartan Efficacy in Heart Failure
      The angiotensin II-receptor blocker (ARB) losartan has labored under the perception that it is not as potent as other ARBs, and some evidence has suggested that it may not confer the same clinical benefits as other ARBs in heart failure patients. In a paper from Denmark published in JAMA, Henrik Svanström and colleagues performed a country-wide registry study in which they compared heart failure patients who were new users of losartan and candesartan. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Guest Post: Data, Drugs, And Deception-- A True Story
      Editor’s Note: The following guest post by Dr. David Newman is reprinted with permission from his website and blog, Smartem.Org. Dr. Newman is an Emergency Physician and Director of Clinical Research at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in the Department of Emergency Medicine.  He is the author of the critically-acclaimed Hippocrates’ Shadow: Secrets From the House of Medicine. CardioBrief readers might also enjoy watching his TED talk, Truth That Lasts. Data, Drugs, And Deception-- A True Story by Dr. David Newman null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Vytorin: Yesterday's News? (Guest Post)
      Editor's Note: The following guest post by Michael McCaughan originally appeared on The RPM Report, a highly valuable resource for biopharmaceutical executives on FDA, CMS and public sector issues published by Elsevier Business Intelligence. Vytorin: Yesterday’s News? By Michael McCaughan Merck’s cholesterol drug is poised to add a unique claim to improve outcomes in as many as 19 million Americans, even though there still isn’t data to answer critics about whether ezetimibe actually adds clinical benefit to conventional statin therapy. Why doesn’t anyone seem to care? There was plenty of room in the press row during the Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee’s Nov. 2 meeting to review Merck’s ezetimibe (Zetia/Vytorin) for a new claim to reduce major vascular events in patients with kidney disease. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • IBM plans $100m healthcare initiative
      IBM would invest $100 million over the next three years in a research initiative with a special focus in China. IBM said it had teamed up with Peking University People's Hospital to build a clinic focused on chronic diseases. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... IBMは中国の特別な重点をおいた研究イニシアチブで今後3年間で1億ドルを投資する

    • TV matters: Choosing to Die
      The controversy sparked by Terry Pratchett's documentary showing a man's assisted death is actually about the print media's distrust of TVThere's currently much newspaper fuss about the fact that Terry Pratchett's documentary Choosing to Die, screening on BBC2 on Monday, will show the assisted death of a terminally ill patient called Peter at the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland. This, objectors argue, is the breaking of the ultimate TV taboo, another dangerous blind turn in the moral maze of broadcasting.Yet, as often when a TV show jumps on to front pages, the row is less ground-breaking than it seems. As recently as 12 May, a cancer patient called Gerald was shown at the moment of death in the BBC1 series Inside the Human Body. And as long ago as 1998 the final minutes of Herbie appeared in Robert Winston's The Human Body, although, because the producers were vague about whether we were actually witnessing the threshold breaths, that programme suffered less controversy.Even if the argument is that it is more controversial to screen euthanasia deaths than natural ones – because of the potential illegality and risk of imitation – Pratchett's Peter is not the first to die in this way on TV. In December 2008, the Sky Real Lives channel showed the elective medical death of Craig Ewert. So, if Monday's film does represent a broadcasting landmark, it's the first mercy killing to be televised in Britain on a channel not owned by Rupert Murdoch and, although the third death moment to be screened by the BBC, the first in which that moment is chosen by the patient.The main reason each televised death is treated as an unprecedented breach of taste is that the print media are deeply suspicious of TV both institutionally (rooted in the ancient fear that telly would kill Fleet Street 男のアシストの死を示すテリープラチェットのドキュメンタリーがきっかけ論争は末端の支援の死が表示されますが、テリープラチェットのドキュメンタリーが月曜日にBBC2のスクリーニング、死ぬことを選んだという事実についてTVThereの現在の多くの新聞大騒ぎの印刷メディアの不信。。u200b。。u200b感については実際には病気の患者は、スイスでDignitasクリニックでピーターと呼ばれる

    • Arsenal draw with AC Milan
      Arsenal new-boy Marouane Chamakh showed why Arsene Wenger spent nearly a year trying to sign him with a clinical finish in Saturday's 1-1 draw against AC Milan in the Emirates Cup. アーセナル新少年マルーヌチャマフはなぜアーセナルは、1年近く首長国連邦カップのACに対する土曜日の1-1の引き分けミラノの臨床仕上げで彼に署名しようとして過ごした示した

    • Video: Death toll rises in Haiti cholera outbreak
      More than 250 people have died and clinics are struggling to treat new patients as the cholera outbreak takes hold in the capital Port-au-Prince 250人以上が死亡しており、診療所は、コレラの大流行として新たな患者を治療するために苦労している首都ポルトープランスで開催されます

    • Living with HIV in Bolivia
      Gracia Violeta Ross Quiroga is an HIV ambassador for Tearfund and campaigner for the rights of people living with HIV, particularly women. Ross Quiroga discovered she was living with HIV 10 years ago, when she was 22, and helped to set up the Bolivian network of people living with HIV. It successfully lobbied the government for better access to antiretroviral treatmentLiving with HIV is living with huge uncertainty about the future. It is burying your friends monthly. It is wondering when you will die. It is dealing with stigma, discrimination and ignorance, and a lack of love and support. It is taking precious antiretroviral medications while at the same time many men and women continue to run the risk of contracting HIV by having unsafe sex. It is the indignity of sexual violence and the increased vulnerability that this brings. It is seeing the expansion of HIV in rural areas and among indigenous women. And yet at the same time, it is finding hope in the middle of what can seem like a hopeless situation, finding solidarity, friendship and love in the middle of clinics and hospitals wards.The biggest challenge I see is sustaining the scale of the Aids response in the face of economic hardship and a growing HIV problem. Bolivia depends almost entirely on international co-operation to fund HIV treatment and prevention, such as the Global Fund to Fight HIV and the government of Brazil.There has been improvement since 2005: the number of people living with HIV is relatively stable, more people are able to access drugs than ever before, and efforts to prevent the spread of HIV from mother to child are paying off.But Bolivia is a long way from achieving MDG6. It is very reliant on outside help, and it will be a significant challenge to sustain these hard-fought gains into t グラシアバイオレタロスキロガはTearfundのHIV大使と活動家HIV感染、特に女性と共に生きる人々の権利のためのものです

    • Doctor's grisly 'abortion mill'
      Soon after Marie Smith had an abortion at a West Philadelphia clinic, her stomach swelled and she began vomiting.Her mother, Johnnie Mae Smith, took her to a hospital where doctors rushed the unconscious 20-year-old into surgery... Marie Smithさんは、ウェストフィラデルフィアクリニックで中絶をした後すぐに、お腹が膨らんだ、彼女はvomiting.Herの母親を、ジョニーメイスミス、始めた医師は急いでどこの病院に彼女を連れて20年の手術には、古い無意識...

    • 'I know that more power is being handed to GPs. This scares me'
      One reader who had an abortion in 2008 recounts her experienceI had an abortion in June 2008 when I was 24. I was with my long-term partner, though we were not living together. I was at the time working part-time, and had depression after my mother's death the year before. My partner was on a minimum wage income, neither of us owned our own home, I was in fact living in a squat, and both of us were substance dependent. For these reasons I decided to terminate my pregnancy; having the baby was never a consideration for me.I 'knew' I was pregnant almost straight away, but didn't confirm it until after I had missed my period. I told my partner immediately and made an appointment with my doctor for that week. I was incredibly lucky to get an appointment so quickly, and also to have a doctor who totally respected my decision to terminate the pregnancy. She was incredibly helpful and supportive throughout.I had the termination at 10 weeks, at a Marie Stopes clinic. My female friend drove me there and was amazing throughout, my partner offered to go but I didn't want him there, it didn't feel right. I was also having difficulties with him and in fact I ended up breaking up with him two weeks after the abortion, for various reasons.Marie Stopes were great. They had to get another of their doctors to give me a scan, which was weird as it was the first time apart from weeing on a stick that someone had confirmed I was in fact pregnant, my original doctor hadn't examined me at any time.I opted for the surgical abortion, as miscarrying in the squat I was living in did not appeal at all, and every member of staff was thoughtful and considerate. I was in and out in a couple of hours. I also had the Anti-D injection as I have rhesus negative blood. This was the first time anyone had e 2008年に中絶を持っていたある読者は、彼女experienceIは、私が24歳の時、2008年6月に中絶を持っていた詳述している

    • Brazil sees justice after 25 long years
      A jury convicted three Brazilian doctors of killing four patients by removing their organs, which prosecutors said were used for transplants at an expensive private clinic.Sao Paulo state Judge Marco Montemor sentenced doctors Rui... 陪審は検察が医師ルイを宣告高価なプライベートclinic.Saoサンパウロ。判事マルコMontemorで移植のために使用されたという彼らの臓器を、削除することによって人の患者を殺すの三ブラジルの医師が有罪判決を受けた...

    • Wounded Syrians Treated at Secret Clinic in Lebanon
      Those injured in crackdown can’t get treatment in Syria, they say hospitals often raided by security forces looking for protesters null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • ER doctors: Jackson physician never mentioned propofol
      Michael Jackson was clinically dead when he arrived at a hospital and two emergency room doctors said they thought it was futile to attempt to revive him. His doctor, however, insisted that they try.Both doctors, testifying at Dr.... 彼が病院に到着したときにマイケルジャクソンは、臨床的に死んでいた。緊急治療室の医師は、彼らはそれが彼を復活しようとする無駄だと思ったと述べた

    • Myanmar resumes power supply for industrial use in Yangon
      The Myanmar authorities have resumed power supply to all small private enterprises for industrial use in Yangon which was temporarily stopped in mid-May for power shortage, consumers said on Monday. Small private factories, shopping malls, super markets and private clinics have got back the power supply for running since the weekend as gas power plants has operated again after completion of renovation of a 24-inch leaking gas pipeline that carries natural gas from the Mottama offshore gas fie ... ミャンマー当局は不足電力5月-一時的に停止半ばだったヤンゴン再開した電力の供給を使用し、プライベートのすべての小型工業企業、消費者が明らかにした

    • Living with Aids in Monrovia, Liberia
      Julia Mulbah Lysander is HIV and Aids programme co-ordinator at Concern Worldwide in LiberiaLife with HIV in Liberia is devastating, due to extremely high levels of HIV- and Aids-related stigma and discrimination. Many families and communities have non-accepting attitudes and abandon their sick relatives. Poor access to appropriate healthcare, treatment and support are extremely challenging, significantly impacting the quality of life and survival prospects. The widespread poor livelihood conditions make it more difficult for people living with HIV and affected family, especially children, to ensure a nutritious diet.In my experience since 2004, poor access to treatment is the biggest challenge for people living with HIV. The healthcare system collapsed during the civil war, including HIV prevention, care and treatment services. In Grand Bassa county, for instance, there is only one government hospital offering HIV services, such as antiretroviral (ARV) treatment and counselling.Many people with HIV travel for hours on foot or spend up to 1,000 Liberian dollars ($14) to get to the clinic, even though most Liberians live on less than $1 per day. Widespread poverty and lack of livelihood opportunities mean that many cannot afford proper nutrition to supplement their medications, and as a result struggle to comply with treatment regimens.The government, with the support of a range of groups, is working to prevent the spread and impact of HIV and Aids. Accessing the Global Fund is a big step towards achieving this. Since 2006, the Ministry of Health has increased the number of HIV treatment sites, from three in 2006 to 34 in 2011. International NGOs such as Concern Worldwide, working with local NGOs and local government, are making positive strides in areas such as psychoso ジュリアMulbahライサンダーは、HIVとエイズに関連する偏見や差別の非常に高いレベルのために壊滅的なリベリアでHIVに感染してLiberiaLifeの懸念世界のHIVとエイズプログラムコーディネーターです

    • Lessons From a $1 Billion Fund Raiser
      In the winter of 2007, Professor Howard Stevenson died of a cardiac arrest steps from his Harvard Business School (HBS) office. Fortunately, an HBS security officer and its head of buildings and grounds gave him CPR and an HBS clinic worker shocked him with a defibrillator -- reviving the recently retired professor. null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40

    • Astra slumps as heart drug hit by new setback
      Astrazeneca's ambitions for its Brilinta drug have suffered another blow after US regulators held back their approval and asked for additional analysis of clinical trial data, delaying the launch of the pharma group's much anticipated heart medicine. 米国の規制当局は、その承認を滞らせ後、臨床試験データの追加分析を求め、製薬グループの待望の心臓薬の発売を遅らせるのBrilinta薬のアストラゼネカの野心は、別の打撃を受けている

    • Study Finds Early Treatment Can Prevent Spread Of AIDS
      Clinical trial shows that when an infected partner gets early treatment, the risk of transmitting the disease to is dramatically reduced 臨床試験は、感染したパートナーは、早期治療を取得するときに、病気を送信するリスクが大幅に削減されていることを示しています

    • Why Pfizer's Biggest Experimental Drug Got A Name Change
      Earlier this week Pfizer released a neat-o interactive version of its pipeline of experimental drugs, including updates on which have moved into new clinical trials. 今週ファイザー社は、新しい臨床試験に移動している更新プログラムを含む実験的な薬、そのパイプラインのきちんとしたの- oインタラクティブなバージョンをリリースしました

    • Let's Cut Medicare Waste Off At The Knees
      In a recent New York Times op-ed, Dr. Rita Redberg identified numerous treatments that Medicare pays for despite offering few positive clinical results – and in a few cases causing potential harm. From unnecessary colonoscopies to ineffective cardiac stents, Dr. Redberg estimates that Medicare could reduce spending by as much as $150 billion -- 30% of the program’s annual expenditures -- without compromising needed services. As a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the University of California-San Francisco, as well as editor of the Archives of Internal Medicine, Dr. Redberg is eminently well qualified to make those judgments. 潜在的な危害を引き起こすいくつかのケースで - 最近の新ニューヨークタイムズ紙は社。博士リタレッドバーグは、メディケア、いくつかの正の臨床試験の結果を提供するにもかかわらず、支払うことが多くの処理を識別します

    • How Comparative Effectiveness Research Gets Corrupted by Politics
      I’m a supporter, in principle, of comparative effectiveness research. Comparative effectiveness research involves running large, statistically robust clinical trials so we can judge how different therapies for a particular disease compare to each other. Indeed, the private sector spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year on such research—not that you would know it from the way the issue is discussed in the media. 比。効果研究の原則的に私のサポーター、

    • AHA 2011 in Orlando: Late-Breaking Clinical Trials
      Late-Breaking Clinical Trials I. Sunday, Nov 13, 2011, 3:45 PM - 5:13 PM West Hall B4 Moderators: Jeffrey Weitz, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Gilles Montalescot, Paris, France 3:45 PM: Intracoronary Compared with Intravenous Bolus Abciximab Application During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: AIDA STEMI Trial Holger Thiele, Herzzentrum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany; Jochen Wöhrle, Univ of Ulm, Ulm, Germany; Rainer Hambrecht, Klnikum Links der Weser, Bremen, Germany; Harald Rittger, Klnikum Coburg, Coburg, Germany; Ralf Birkemeyer, Klnikum Villingen-Schwenningen, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany; Bernward Lauer, Zentralklinik Bad Berka, Bad Berka, Germany; Petra Neuhaus, Oana Brosteanu, KKSL, Leipzig, Germany; Peter Sick, Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder, Regensburg, Germany; Marcus Wiemer, HERHerz- und Diabeteszentrum NRW, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany; Sebastian Kerber, Herz- und Gefäß-Klinik, Bad Neustadt, Germany; Ingo Eitel, Herzzentrum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany; Klaus Kleinertz, Ambulantes Herzzentrum Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany; Gerhard Schuler, Herzzentrum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany Discussant: Alice K Jacobs, Boston, MA 最新の臨床試験I. 2011年11月13日(日曜日)、15:45 - 17:13西ホールB4モデレーター:カナダ、ONジェフリーウェイツ、ハミルトン、、ジルMontalescot、パリ、フランス15:45:冠動脈内に比べて、ヨッヘン。öhrle、ウルム、ウルム、ドイツの大学、ライナーハンブレヒト、Klnikumリンクデルヴェーザー、ブレーメン、ドイツのハラルドRittger、AIDA STEMI裁判ホルガーティーラ、Herzzentrum Leipzig、ライプツィヒ、ドイツ:プライマリ経皮的冠動脈インターベンション時の静脈内ボーラスのアブシキシマブのアプリケーションとKlnikumコーブルク、コーブルク、ドイツ、ラルフBirkemeyer、Klnikumフィリンゲンシュウェニンゲン、フィリンゲンシュウェニンゲン、ドイツ、Bernwardラウアー、Zentralklinik悪いBerka、悪いBerka、ドイツ、ペトラノイハウス、大穴Brosteanu、KKSL、ライプツィヒ、ドイツ、ピーター病気、クランケンハウスBarmherzigeブルーダー、レーゲンスブルク、ドイツ、マーカスウィーマー、HERHerzウントDiabeteszentrum NRW、バートオインハウゼン、ドイツ、セバスチャンカーバー、ヘルツウントGefäß - Klinik、バートノイシュタット、ドイツ、インゴアイテル、Herzzentrum Leipzig、ライプツィヒ、ドイツのクラウスKleinertz、Ambulantes Herzzentrumケムニッツ、ケムニッツ、ドイツのゲルハルトシュラー、Herzzentrum Leipzig、ライプツィヒ、ドイツ討論者:アリスKジェイコブス、ボストン、MA

    • Spanish HIV Vaccine Shows 90 Percent Success in Early Trial
      Promising results pave way for further clinical trials on HIV-infected volunteers 有望な結果は、HIVに感染した人のボランティアのさらなる臨床試験への道を開く

    • Regeneron Announces Strong Results In Gout Study
      Regeneron Pharmaceuticals of Tarrytown, N.Y., announced positive results from a second late-stage clinical trial showing that its drug Arcalyst, currently approved for a rare disease, can treat gout, a much more lucrative opportunity. タリータウン、ニューヨークのリジェネロン医薬品は、現在まれな疾患のための承認されたその薬Arcalystは、はるかに有利な機会を痛風を扱うことができることを示す臨床試験の第二後期から肯定的な結果を発表した

    • Repligen Shares Hammered, Green Dot Sees Red
      Repligen announced on Monday that a mid-stage clinical trial showed one that its drug, RG2417, also known as uridine, was not significantly better than a placebo in treating bi-polar depression. Repligenは、中間段階の臨床試験もウリとして知られる薬は、RG2417、大幅に双方。極性うつ病の治療において、プラセボよりもされていないことを示すことが月曜日に発表した

    • Today's Big Losers: RGEN, GDOT
      Repligen (RGEN) announced on Monday that a mid-stage clinical trial showed one that its drug, RG2417, [...] Repligenは(RGEN)中間段階の臨床試験を示すことが月曜日に発表、その薬、RG2417、[...]

    • Yemeni protesters 'fired on by troops'
      Witnesses say at least 12 people killed and dozens wounded after security forces fire on protesters massed in Sana'aMedical officials say troops have opened fire on anti-government protesters in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, killing at least 12 and wounding dozens.Witnesses say more than 100,000 protesters massed on Sunday around the state television building and government offices.They say security forces opened fire, along with snipers shooting down from nearby rooftops.Mohammed al-Abahi, a doctor at a field clinic, said at least 12 protesters were killed and as many as 200 wounded.He said many of the dead and wounded had bullet wounds to the face, chest and head.It was the first significant attack in weeks on Yemenis in the capital. The protesters have been demonstrating daily for more than seven months, demanding the removal of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who is still recovering in Saudi Arabia from an assassination attempt in June.YemenArab and Middle East unrestProtestMiddle Eastguardian.co.uk © 2011 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 目撃者は、少なくとも12人が死亡し、抗議者に対する治安部隊の火災がSana。。u0026#39;aMedical職員に密集した後に負傷数十人は、軍が少なくとも12と負傷dozens.Witnessesを殺して、イエメンの首都、サナアの反政府デモ隊に発砲していると言う言う10万人以上のデモ隊が国営テレビのビルの周りに日曜日に集結し、政府offices.Theyは治安部隊が、、アルAbahi rooftops.Mohammed近くから撃。狙撃兵と一緒に、フィールドの診療所で医師を発砲、少なくとも12抗議者を言ったと言うと言う殺害され、として多くの200 wounded.Heは顔に死傷者があった銃弾の傷の多くは、胸とhead.Itが資本のイエメンでの数週間で最初の重要な攻撃と言われていた

    • Sloppy (Dangerous) Journalism at Scientific American MIND Undermines Promise of Telehealth
      The tremendous promise of tele(mental) health includes reaching hard to reach people in need of treatment—such as active duty military personnel, residents in remote locations, or the homebound—and developing new, innovative treatments that are safe and effective. But this promise is undermined by science journalists who present irresponsible clinical examples, celebrate conceptual incoherence, and misrepresent research. Unfortunately for the promise of tele(mental)health, the usually reliable Scientific American MIND published an article in the May/June issue titled "Distance Therapy Comes of Age" that hit the trifecta of sloppy, dangerous science writing (clinically irresponsible, conceptually incoherent, and empirically unjustified). テレ(精神)の健康の途方もない約束、または遠隔地に現役として治療などを必要としている軍人、住民を人に達すると、ハードに達する含まれています閉じこもり-安全かつ効果的な新しい革新的な治療法の開発

    • Elin visits Tiger in sex rehab - reports
      ORLANDO - Elin Nordegren visited Tiger Woods at a sex addiction clinic last week and hopes to save their marriage for the sake of their children, according to internet celebrity website reports. People magazine and RadarOnline... オーランド-エリンNordegrenセックス中。診療所では先週、タイガーウッズを訪問し、子どもたちのために自分たちの結婚を保存したいと考えて、有名人のサイトによると、インターネットによると、

    • Clinton seeks to give Haiti 'post-quake boost'
      US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was due in Haiti on Sunday to give a boost to the impoverished Caribbean nation struggling to rebuild from last year's quake and decide its future leaders.The chief US diplomat, who traveled to Port-au-Prince days after a devastating temblor killed 220,000 people over a year ago, was to meet outgoing President Rene Preval as well as candidates in the disputed November polls.She will also visit a cholera clinic. ヒラリークリントン米国務長官は、昨年の地震から再構築し、その将来leaders.Theを決定した後ポルトープランス日に旅主な米国の外交官を、苦しんで貧しいカリブ海の国に活力を与えるために日曜日にハイチでによるもの壊滅的な地震は、一年以上前に22万人を殺してもコレラクリニックを訪問する発信大統領ルネプレバルだけでなく、係争中の11月polls.Sheに候補者を満たすことでした

    • Do you have a question about your rights?
      Your chance to ask about your civil liberties and human rights – post queries here to be answered by Liberty's lawyersThis week, Corinna Ferguson answered Lourdes's question about data protection.For those of you who haven't visited the Liberty Clinic before, each week we invite readers to post their civil liberties and human rights queries. Whatever they may be, share your queries in the comments thread below, keeping your posts as succinct as possible. And don't forget to check next week's Liberty Clinic to see whether your question has been answered.Civil libertiesHuman rightsData and computer securityguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds あなたのチャンスは、あなたの市民の自由と人権 - ポストクエリについてはこちら依頼するリバティのlawyersThis 1週間答えられるには、コリーナファーガソン監督はそれらをあなたの人々する前に、毎週私たちが招待リバティークリニックを訪問していないprotection.Forデータについてルルドの質問に答えた読者は自分の市民的自由と人権のクエリを作成する

    • Teva Appeals $500 Million Verdict Over Nightmarish Clinic Practices
      Teva Pharmaceutical Industry has appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court the largest jury verdict of 2010, a $503.5 million whopper it says came down after the trial judge stripped the Israeli drug company of virtually all its defenses. Depending on how the state's highest court rules on this and related cases, Teva and co-defendant Baxter Healthcare might be found liable for hundreds of cases of Hepatitis C that patients probably incurred as a result of careless practices at the Desert Shadow Endoscopy Center in Las Vegas. 予審判事は、事実上すべての防御のイスラエルの製薬会社を除去した後テバ製薬産業は、ネバダ州最高裁は2010年の最大の陪審員の評決に上訴している、それは言う503500000ドルどでかいが降りてきた

    • Chile communists call for investigation into death of Pablo Neruda
      Witnesses raise doubts about poet's death in 1973, including driver who claims he was poisoned by government agentsThe Chilean Communist party has called for a formal investigation into the death of the country's revered poet Pablo Neruda, who died of cancer days after the 1973 coup in which his close friend President Salvador Allende was toppled.Several witnesses have recently raised doubts about Neruda's death, including his driver, who has claimed the poet was poisoned by government agents.Neruda died at the age of 69 on 23 September 1973, 12 days after the coup. He had just published a withering criticism of General Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship that eulogised Allende and accused Chilean soldiers of having betrayed their country.He had won the Nobel prize for literature two years earlier, giving him great international prestige.The cause of Neruda's death was given as prostate cancer. He died in the same clinic where the former president Eduardo Frei was allegedly poisoned in 1981 by six people, including several Pinochet agents, who were charged last year in connection with his death.Neruda's driver, Manuel Araya, has alleged that Pinochet agents injected deadly poison into Neruda's stomach.The Neruda Foundation, which administers the poet's estate and legacy, has said there is no evidence to support the driver's claims.But Guillermo Teillier, the president of the Communist party, to which Neruda belonged, told the appellate court in Santiago that it was a moral requirement to clarify whether Neruda was killed in order to silence his criticism.Teillier cited similar doubts about the deaths of Allende, Frei and the prominent socialist minister Jose Toha, who was found hanged while in military custody. Allende's remains are being analysed by an international panel 証人は、彼はチリ共産党は1973年のクーデターの後、がんの日死亡した国の敬愛する詩人パブロネルーダの死に正式な調査を求めている政府agentsTheによって毒殺されたと主張し、ドライバを含む、1973年に詩人の死に疑問を上げる彼の親友大統領サルバドールアジェンデはtoppled.Several目撃者が最近、12日後1973年9月23日に69歳で亡くなった政府agents.Nerudaによって毒殺された詩人を主張している彼の運転、を含む、ネルーダの死に疑問を提起したしたクーデター

    • Living with HIV in Zambia
      Hope Siwale is HIV and Aids coordinator at the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia, one of Tearfund's partners. She works to prevent transmission of HIV from mothers from to babies, assists Aids orphans, helps people adhere to their treatment and get access to palliative careLife for people living with HIV or Aids in Zambia depends how affluent you are. If you are poor, everyday life is truly challenging. HIV, Aids and poverty are so closely linked. Many people are unable to afford even the basic necessities of life. But more than this, people living with HIV and Aids struggle with challenging emotions – a sense of helplessness, a fear of death. Accessing treatment is also a challenge for many reasons, including the lack of well-trained health workers.From my experience of working with people living with HIV, the biggest challenges are the less visible aspects of accessing treatment: transport to clinics for testing, counselling and collecting medication, and staying well nourished. Thanks to the free provision of antiretrovirals (ARVs), many more people have relatively easy access to treatment. But inadequate nutrition and a lack of transport compromises their adherence to medication. This inconsistency tends to weaken the ARVs' efficacy, increasing the likelihood of opportunistic infections and consequently resistance to the drug. Provision of first-line, free ARVs is already a strain for developing world governments and treating mant people with second-line drugs would make that worse.To reach MDG6, the Zambian government, working with many partners, has helped to create demand for voluntary testing and counselling, and increased access to ARVs. Also, preventing the transmission of HIV from mother to child has been strengthened. Furthermore, ARV syrups for babies have i ホープSiwaleは、ザンビアの福音フェローシップ、Tearfundのパートナーの1つで、HIVとエイズコーディネーターです

    • Letters: EU drug trials law
      Ben Goldacre raises important concerns about revolving doors and lack of transparency at the European medicines regulator (Bad science, 5 March). The European commission has now referred the case of Thomas Lonngren, who left the to the European Medicines Agency to go into consultancy, to the EMA management board, which will decide what action to take. I recognise Goldacre's wider concerns on transparency. The old system left a lot to be desired. But the legislation has just been revised and full details about drug-safety meetings will be put online, including minutes, and recommendations for decision (including divergent positions). Public hearings will even be held. And as for clinical trials, a public version of the EMA's clinical trials' database goes live this week. There is also due to be an overhaul of clinical trial laws next year, which is an opportunity to resolve any outstanding issues.Linda McAvan MEPLabour European spokesperson on health and rapporteur on pharmacovigilancePharmaceuticals industryEuropean commissionEuropean Unionguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ベンGoldacreは、欧州医薬品レギュレータで回転ドアおよび透明性の欠如についての重要な懸念を(悪い科学、3月5日)が発生します

    • Why Apple Chief Steve Jobs Might Drive A 1997 Honda Civic
      Leave it to the car obsessed geeks at Jalopnik to tease out the real news after the National Enquirer published pictures last week of cancer survivor Steve Jobs visiting a cancer clinic near his home. (People who have had cancer tend to do that). ナショナルエンクワイヤラーは彼の家の近くのがん診療所を訪問してがん生存者のスティーブジョブズの最後の週に写真を公開した後、車に任せて、本当のニュースを引き出そうとJalopnikでオタクを夢中

    • Liberian Baby J gets a good start in life | Liz Ford
      Liberia's NGO-run Kingsville clinic offering pre- and post-natal care shows why healthcare matters and should be kept on the G8 countries' agendaOn the eve of the G8 summit, a baby boy was born in Kingsville clinic in west Liberia.Kingsville is about an hour's drive from Liberia's capital, Monrovia, and I was told it was known as a township. During the civil war, more than 30,000 people descended on Kingsville to escape the fighting, and for years it was in many respects an internally displaced people's camp. Those who didn't leave when the fighting stopped have turned the area into a neighbourhood, and it is now home to more than 20,000 people.The baby boy (we'll call him Baby J because his father excitedly told us his son would be named after Justin Forsyth, the chief executive of Save the Children UK, with whom I was visiting Kingsville) was born at about 1pm on Wednesday, weighing 2.8kg – a good weight I'm told – and there were no complications with the birth. His mother is 33-year-old Serena Gay, who travelled the 9km to the red brick clinic on the back of a motorbike earlier that morning with her sister and her young son, Thomas. She was in labour for about eight hours.After the birth, the midwife advised Serena to breastfeed her son for at least six months, and to return to the clinic in about six weeks to discuss family planning options – Baby J is Serena's sixth child. In the meantime, she was to rest at the clinic for a few more hours before heading home.It sounds like a cliche, but Serena really could be classed as one of the lucky ones. She had pre-natal check-ups at the clinic, which is a government centre run by Save the Children, she was able to get to the clinic to give birth, there were drugs in the dispensary and, crucially, the clinic had a trained mi 前と産後ケアを提供してリベリアのNGO経営キングスビルのクリニックでは、なぜ医療事項を示していますG8諸国。。u0026#39;agendaOnのG8サミットの前夜を維持する必要があります、男の子がキングスビルクリニックで生まれの西のLiberia.Kingsvilleは約ですリベリアの首都モンロビアから時間のドライブは、私はそれは町として知られていたと言われました

    • Amref: Why we need a fourth year in Katine
      The African Medical and Research Foundation explains why it has decided to extend its development work in Katine for an extra yearRead Amref's budget breakdown and activity plans for year fourIn July 2009, Amref invited a consultant to hold a mid-term review of the Katine project to assess whether the project was on track to meet its objectives. Although largely on track, the consultant's key recommendation after consulting with our partners (community members and government officials) was to extend project implementation for one more year and increase the financial resources available for the project. The recommendation for an extension is not unique to Amref. Many NGOs and donors are familiar with requests for costed and/or non-costed extensions to projects.The question that follows is why does development take so long? By looking back at our experience in Katine and in other projects we're implementing around Africa, we hope to shed some light on the complexity and realities of doing development in settings like Katine.Working in remote and impoverished settingsAfrica is overwhelmingly rural. Most people live in towns and villages, far away from the capital cities where health services tend to be concentrated. Acute poverty and chronic poor health make these communities some of the most vulnerable in the world. A lack of basic infrastructure (schools, health centres, accessible water sources, roads and available transport) is common in the areas in which we work, leading to a sense of isolation and exclusion from mainstream development.Katine is one example of our work, but there are others. We work with pastoralist communities in Ethiopia and Kenya, training health workers among their communities and establishing new mobile health clinics on their traditional migra アフリカの医学研究財団なぜそれが余分なyearRead Amrefの予算の内訳との活動計画を1年fourIn 2009年7月Amref Katineプロジェクトへの中期的な評価を保持するためのコンサルタントを招待Katineでの開発作業を延長することを決定したことを説明かどうかは、プロジェクトの目標を達成する軌道に乗って評価する

    • Euthanasia clinic proposed in Australia
      Euthanasia advocate Dr Philip Nitschke is in Adelaide to inspect possible sites for Australia's first euthanasia clinic. Nitschke said the clinic, to be run by his pro-euthanasia group Exit International, will be needed if the... 安楽死を提。博士フィリップニッチェ医師は、オーストラリアの最初の安楽死クリニックの候補地を検査するためにアデレードにある

    • Avastin Fails Clinical Trial for Prostate Cancer
      The miss in prostate cancer follows a similar disappointment with Avastin in gastric cancer but success in ovarian cancer. 前立腺癌のミス胃癌が卵巣癌での成功にアバスチンと同様の失望を次のとおり

    • DealBook: French Doctor Arrested on Insider Trading Charges
      A prominent French doctor has been arrested on criminal fraud charges that accused him of tipping off a hedge fund manager about setbacks in a clinical drug trial that had not yet been made public. 著名なフランスの医者はまだ公表されていなかった薬の臨床試験での挫折についてヘッジファンドマネージャーをオフに転倒、彼を非難した犯罪詐欺容疑で逮捕されています

    • Barcelona firepower too much for Getafe
      Barcelona played some of their best attacking football of the season as they beat Getafe 3-1 to keep the pressure on Real Madrid at the top of the table.David Villa should have put Barca in the lead after just four minutes but Messi, at the heart of the majority of their best moves, put them on their way mid-way through the first half, slotting home from a Villa pass.Villa was flagged off-side in front of goal after a delightful move involving Messi and Andres Iniesta but he did get on the score sheet minutes later with a clinical finish. 彼らはで、わずか4分が、メッシの後にヘタフェtable.Davidヴィラの上部にレアルマドリードへの圧力を保つためにリードでバルサを入れている必要が3-1で、バルセロナは、今季最高の攻撃サッカーの一部をプレイ彼らの最高の動きの大半の心は、メッシとアンドレスイニエスタしかし、彼を含む楽しい移動後にゴール前でオフサイドをフラグが設定されたヴィラpass.Villaから家に溝加工、前半を介して自分の道半ば途中でそれらを置く臨床仕上げ後のスコアシート分で手に入れた

    • Review: Medicaid, HRAs, & P4P
      Glenn Laffel of Pizaazz was kind enough to give one of my blog posts top billing in this fortnight’s edition of Health Wonk Review, in the following manner: <blockquote>For his post on the Forbes website, Avik Roy produced a chart showing results from the Health Tracking Study Physician Survey. The chart confirms that physicians refuse to accept Medicaid patients at rates that far exceed those who are covered by Medicare and private insurance. Roy suggests this problem is responsible for poor clinical outcomes seen in Medicaid beneficiaries. PizaazzのグレンLaffelは親切にも私のブログの記事の一つに、次のように健康同性愛者の評価は、この二週間の版のトップ請求を与えるのに十分だった:。。u0026lt;blockquote。。u0026gt;フォーブスのウェブサイトで彼のポストについては、Avik Royさんからの結果を示すグラフを生。健康追跡調査の医師調査

    • Clinical Donaire too good for Montiel
      Filipino fighter Nonito Donaire stopped Mexico's Fernando Montiel in the second round to take the World Boxing Council and World Boxing Organization... フィリピンの戦闘Nonito Donaireが世界ボクシング評議会と世界ボクシング機構を取る第2ラウンドでメキシコのフェルナンドモンティエルを停止...

    • New Rules Put Clinical Testing in Doubt
      Clinical testing of medication may become illegal in Russia after the government issued insurance requirements for participating patients that are practically impossible to satisfy. 政府は実質的に満足させるのは不可能である患者を参加するための保険要件を発行した後、薬の臨床試験は、ロシアでは違法になる場合があります

    • Stem cells: A factfile
      Embryonic stem cells have crossed a threshold with the announcement Monday that this novel but also contested treatment has moved out of the lab and into a clinical trial. 胚細胞はこの小説だけでなく、激戦の治療は、ラボの外に移動したことを臨床試験への発表は月曜日としきい値を超えている幹

    • Global drug firms eye mainland market
      Global drug firms have embarked on clinical trials for diseases prevalent among Chinese people, an area they had previously ignored, as they jostle to develop products targeted at the mainland's massive and ageing population. 彼らは本土の大規模かつ人口の高齢化をターゲットに製品を開発してフェリーの世界的な医薬品会社の病気中国の人々の間で流行のための臨床試験に着手して、面積が、以前は無視していた

    • Men off the hook with HIV gel | Paul McNally
      A new gel attempting to prevent the spread of HIV may be used to pander to male irresponsibility over safe sexA new vaginal gel was announced at the international Aids conference in Vienna last month. The gel contains 1% of an antiretroviral drug called tenofovir, which a recent study said could cut down the spread of HIV infection in women by 39%. This scientific development is important, and I don't want to undermine the technical achievement – it is going to save a serious number of lives. But it represents an opportunity for HIV-ravaged countries to wash their hands of how men deal with sex. The standing ovation at the Aids conference leaves behind a fear that we're about to abandon the work on changing attitudes towards sex, and in turn how women experience sex as well.The goal of the gel was to accommodate women who are unable to negotiate condom use. According to a study by UNAids, most of the world's women are in this position. South African health minister Aaron Motsoaledi said he would flag the gel's clearance into clinics to be fast-tracked, an approach erring on the side of damage control: the image is of a woman down on the floor being kicked and now we have given her some armour, with a subtle acknowledgment that we are all powerless to stop the kicking.There are legitimate reasons as to why Aids claims the lives of 1000 people a day in countries such as South Africa: an economic gap between the genders, shame of infection, inconsistencies in public policy and lack of healthcare infrastructure. Yet the excitement around the gel's existence is a tacit endorsement that male enjoyment of sex is beyond reproach, and that he can not be taught how to practice safer sex. Isn't the joy around this medical triumph partly fuelled by a relief that we won't have to wr 新しいゲルは、HIVのまん延を防止しようとする男性の無責任な安全sexA新しい膣ゲル上で迎合するウィーン国際エイズ会議で先月発表された使用されることがあります

    • Private clinics in Africa to sell essential malaria drugs at affordable prices
      Parents of children with malaria are forced to buy cheap but ineffective drugs from private stores because of the failures of the cash-strapped public sector - but subsidies from donors will now make the best treatment affordable.In an ideal world, a mother living in a malarial part of Africa would be able to go to her local government health clinic and get the best possible treatment for her sick baby. In practice, as I discovered when visiting the development project in Katine, northern Uganda, that the Guardian supports, there are frequent stock-outs in the public health facilities.Sometimes she doesn't even bother going to the clinic - she heads for the familiar local drug store, where they sell her cheap drugs, like quinine and chloroquine, which no longer work very well because of resistance. The drug shops don't have what she really needs, artimisinin combination therapy - and she couldn't afford it if they did.So it's great news that this reality has been recognised. The private clinics where 60% of people buy their malaria medicines are going to get subsidised supplies of artimisinin combination therapy (ACT). The Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, has just announced that six manufacturers - a mix of big pharma and generics - have signed deals to provide good quality ACT to the private sector in eight countries.The price will be subsidised massively through an arrangement called the Affordable Medicines Facility-malaria. Importers and others involved have promised to pass the savings down the line to make sure that the drugs are affordable for families who need them. At the moment, ACTs are only 5% of the malaria drugs bought in private stores. But the older, ineffective medicines need to be driven out of the market, says the Fund.The Clinton マラリアの子供の親は、資金繰りが苦しい公共部門の故障のためのプライベートストアから安くて効果の薬を購入することを余儀なくされます - しかし、ドナーからの補助金は現在最良の治療affordable.In理想的な世界では、母親の生活になるアフリカのマラリアの部分は、彼女の地方政府の診療所に行って、彼女の病気の赤ちゃんのために最良の治療を受けることができるでしょう

    • Porn actor tests positive for HIV in California
      Two companies suspend filming as porn actor's partners soughtA porn actor has tested positive for HIV at a California clinic, setting off a scramble to track down partners who may have been exposed, and spurring two major production companies to suspend filming.The actor was a patient of the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, a San Fernando Valley clinic that caters to actors in the multibillion-dollar adult entertainment industry. The actor's identity and gender have not been released.A clinic spokeswoman, Jennifer Miller, told the Los Angeles Times that efforts were under way to notify individuals who may have had sexual contact with the actor.Wicked Pictures and Vivid Entertainment told the Times that they stopped production as a precaution when the positive test was revealed.Los Angeles County public health officials and state occupational health officials have said the widespread lack of condom use on porn sets puts performers at risk of contracting HIV and other diseases. Major adult film producers, including Hustler's Larry Flynt, have spoken out against the use of condoms in porn because viewers find them a turnoff.Last year, a woman tested positive for HIV immediately after making an adult film, and in 2004, an HIV outbreak affecting several actors spread panic in the industry and briefly shut down productions at several California studios.Porn actors must test negative for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases within 30 days of going to work on a film.State workplace safety officials are considering strengthening rules to specify the use of condoms in the adult entertainment industry.The president of the Aids Healthcare Foundation, Michael Weinstein, said his organisation had been advocating a tightening of the rules.He said the latest case w 両社は、公開されている可能性がありますパートナーを追跡するためにスクランブルをオフに設定すると、役者のパートナーsoughtAポルノ俳優は、カリフォルニア州のクリニックでHIV陽性がポルノ撮影中断してfilming.The俳優を停止する2つの主要な生産会社に拍車をかけていた患者アダルト業界医療ヘルスケア財団、数十億ドル規模のアダルトエンターテインメント業界の関係者のニーズに応えるサンフェルナンドバレークリニックの

    • Polio vaccines: extra government funding comes with strings attached| Sarah Boseley
      Will David Cameron's idea to leverage extra funding for polio eradication work in a recession? David Cameron pledges £40m for polio vaccines at DavosBritain is to double the amount of money it contributes to the effort to stamp out polio, from £20m to £40m a year over the next two years – but unusually, it comes with strings attached.The increase in funding will only be paid on two conditions. The first is in keeping with the international development secretary's stick-and-carrot aid philosophy that says that incentives to better practice must be built in and results measured.Countries will have to strengthen their routine immunisation programmes – which means improving the work of clinics and outreach teams so that more children receive basic vaccinations, such as measles and DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, or whooping cough).But the second condition is unusual. The extra £20m a year will only be paid if other countries or organisations put in more cash. Britain will pay £1 for every £5 contributed by others. The idea is to leverage extra funding from countries that might be thinking of cutting back on their aid spending in recession. If it works, it is a triumph. If it doesn't, the polio eradication effort will be short even of the British contribution.The idea is not original. The US pledged to contribute a third of the funding for the Global Fund to fight Aids, TB and Malaria, which put pressure on the EU and other donors to step up their contributions. It did have some of the desired effect, but that was before the financial downturn.AidPolioSarah Boseleyguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 不況のポリオ撲滅活動に活用し余分な資金調達への意志David Cameronさんのアイデア? DavosBritainは、ポリオを撲滅するための努力に貢献する金銭の額を2倍にするのデビッドキャメロンは、次の2年間£ 40メートル年間£ 20メートルから、ポリオワクチンのための£ 40メートルに質権を設定した - しかし、珍しく、それはひもが付属しています

    • Pfizer set up research center in Wuhan
      Pfizer Chairman and CEO Jeff Kinder announced that a global research and development center for radiation biology and drug development has been officially established in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, where he arrived on the same day by his special plane. Wuhan Pfizer R&D center will provide intellectual support for the company's clinical drug development projects in the world, including clinical trials from Phase I to IV, and will carry out deep collaboration with local i ... ファイザー会長兼CEOのJeffキンダーの中心Dを開発センターのための放射線生物学および発表した世界的な研究は、&Rの薬ファイザー武。開発しています

    • Publishers cut off doctors' free access to medical journals in poor countries
      Wealthy publishers of the world's most important medical journals are accused of destroying an agreement to allow medics in poor countries to get online access for freeWhat a world of possibilities must have opened up for a hospital doctor or a medical student in Bangladesh or Kenya when the World Health Organisation concluded an agreement with publishers in 2001 to put the world's most important, respected and groundbreaking medical journals online for free. Suddenly the boundaries were down. A doctor in downtown Nairobi might have a clinic with crumbling walls and precious little equipment, but he had access to the same cutting-edge knowledge as any medic in New York or London.Until now. Of late, it seems that commerce has trumped altruism. HINARI, the Health InterNetwork for Access to Research Initiative that the WHO set up, appears to be falling apart. Several major publishers, including Elsevier, owner of the Lancet and Lancet Infectious Diseases, which run so many important papers on health in the developing world, and others withdrew free access from Bangladesh at the beginning of this year. Kenya and Nigeria have also lost free access. The WHO, not keen to let on that its laudable initiative was failing, has now revealed that restrictions have been imposed in 28 of the 64 poorest countries in the world. As with the free trials offered by online DVD rental companies, the period of grace has run out and it's time to pay. Except that these universities and medical schools don't have the cash.Doctors and researchers in the UK are appalled to learn that Bangladesh has been told it will no longer get free journal access from Elsevier. The charge is being led by Richard Smith, former editor of the British Medical Journal, who helped set up HINARI. The deal was signed i 世界で最も重要な医学雑誌の裕福な出版社は、貧しい国々で医者が可能性の世界は、病院の医師やバングラデシュでは医学生、ケニア世界のために開かれている必要がありますfreeWhatのオンラインアクセスを取得できるようにすることで合意を破壊するとして告発され保健機関は、世界で最も、尊敬される重要な革新的な医学雑誌は、無料でオンラインに、2001年に出版社と契約を締結いたしました

    • NZ women still to be alerted to hep C risk
      There are at least six New Zealand women - and possibly many more - still to be alerted that they are at risk of having contracted hepatitis C from an Australian clinic.The Ministry of Health said 55 New Zealand women were exposed... 少なくとも6つのニュージーランドの女性が - そして、おそらく多くの - まだすること、彼らが契約を有するC型肝炎の危険性がオーストラリア医院保健省から警告を55ニュージーランドの女性が露出していたという...ている

    • Costly life-saving drugs: you have to draw the line somewhere | Ben Goldacre
      The press reported Avastin's 'life-saving properties' with an anecdote about one person, totally ignoring the treatment's realityFor simpletons and amateurs, there are good research methods and bad research methods. In reality, different tools are valuable in different situations, and sometimes even very tiny numbers of people can give you a meaningful piece of information: even an anecdote can be informative.For example, if you produced a research paper about just two people who had gone into space, in a rocket or in a space shuttle, and then an extra eye had physically opened in the centre of their forehead, I would be concerned. That's because going into space is a very rare lifestyle risk exposure: maybe 1,000 people in total. And I've never seen a third eye physically open in the centre of someone's forehead.In this context, even though there are just two anecdotes, even though they are unsystematically gathered, it's still interesting information, because the exposure and the outcome are both very rare, and because this is the first information available on the issue. I would want to look into it more carefully, and more systematically, but these anecdotes are still useful evidence.That was a special case. This week the newspapers were filled with stories about The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's (Nice's) recommendation not to fund Avastin, a bowel cancer drug that costs £21,000 a patient, in draft guidance.This drug has been studied in a large randomised trial of 1,401 patients receiving either chemotherapy with Avastin or chemotherapy with placebo.The trial isn't perfect – no trial is, you can read the details online – but it gives the best estimate of the true benefit of this drug, and overall, it shows Avastin extends survival from 19.9 マスコミは一人の逸話とアバスチンの。。u0026#39;救命プロパティが。。u0026#39;は、完全に治療のrealityForの単純さとアマチュアを無視して報告し、良い研究方法と悪いの研究方法があります

    • Paul Thomas : Sex jibe lands Fry in the feminist pan
      Stephen Fry is funny. He's proved it in print and on stage and screen. His portrayal of the clinically brain-dead World War I general, Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett VC, in Blackadder is surely one of the great comic turns... スティーヴンフライは面白いです

    • Porn film clinic ordered shut after HIV actor blast
      A clinic for actors in the US porn movie industry was ordered to shut down, one day after an HIV positive actor blasted it for failing to help him properly.The Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation (AIM) did not have the correct license to operate as a medical clinic, said the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.The announcement came after 24-year-old porn actor Derrick Burts spoke for the first time since his HIV positive test, carried out at the AIM clinic in October, triggered a suspension of porn film production. 米国の俳優のための診療所は、映画業界はシャットダウンするように命じられたポルノ、HIV陽性の俳優は、彼が動作するように適切なライセンスを持っていなかったアダルト産業医療ヘルスケア財団(AIM)をproperly.Theために失敗したためにそれを非難した一日後診療所は、懸濁液をきっかけに、公共Health.The発表のロサンゼルス郡部は24歳の俳優デリックバーツは、彼のHIV陽性のテスト以来、初めてのために語って10月にAIMのクリニックで行われるポルノの後に来た、と述べたのは、映画制作のポルノ

    • Abortions at 10-year high in U.S. State of Illinois
      The number of abortions performed in the U S state of Illinois reached a 10 year high in 2008 local press reported Saturday According to experts the uptick could be due to the state s flagging economy and to the first full year of operation of a new clinic offering abortion services in Aurora about 80 kilometers southwest of Chicago The Illinois Public Health Department said that in 2008 47 717abortions were performed statewide showing a 5 percent increase from 2007 And 妊娠中絶、イリノイ州内で行われた数は10年の2008年の地元マスコミの高い土曜日上向いの状態が原因である可能性が専門家によると、報。低迷する経済を掲載して、新しい診療所を提供する操作の最初の1年間に中絶に達するシカゴのイリノイ大学公衆衛生部南西部オーロラのサービスを約80キロは、2008年47 717abortionsにおける州全体で2007年から5%増と表示を行ったと

    • Stem-cell therapy to begin on humans
      NEW YORK: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the all-clear to a clinical trial of embryonic stem cells as a treatment for spinal-cord injury. ニューヨーク:米国食品医薬品局は(FDA)は脊髄損傷の治療薬として胚性幹細胞の臨床試験にすべて明確に与えている

    • John Wagstaff obituary
      My former colleague John Wagstaff, who has died aged 92, was one of the earliest medical officers to be parachuted into France and to cross Pegasus Bridge on D-day. A member of the 6th Airborne Division, he saw action in the Ardennes and participated in the crossing of the Rhine. He then served in Palestine, experiencing the attack on the King David hotel on 22 July 1946.Perhaps what best demonstrates John's self-effacing character is an incident in the Ardennes recorded by his fellow serviceman LJ Carrier. It relates to a time, early in 1945, when the German advance had been halted, but they sought to cover their retreat with defensive minefields.While attempting to cross one such minefield carpeted in fresh snow, a member of the patrol of 22nd Independent Company Paras was severely injured when treading on a mine. The corporal in charge sent for medical help and a mine detector, and then set out to aid the wounded man. In doing this, the corporal was injured, as were two of the RAMC medical orderlies who arrived subsequently to help. Thus, four men with severe leg injuries were now lying trapped in a deadly minefield hidden under snow.It was at this stage that John arrived. After ordering no one to follow him, he entered the minefield, treading in the footprints left by the wounded men, and tended to each in turn. John then remained with the furthest man, until all the mines in the vicinity had been located. Mines were discovered on each side of the wounded men, including one directly behind John. Through his courage, the casualties survived.John was born in London, at Haberdashers' Aske's school, where his father was headteacher. He read medicine at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and did his clinical training at the London hospital, graduating in 1942. Six months later 92歳で死亡した私の元同僚のJohnワッグスタッフは、最古の医官の一人がフランスにパラシュートにD -当日ペガサス橋を渡っていた

    • Letters: The right to a home birth in Hungary
      Your report (Handcuffed, a midwife is led into court, 23 October) is a shocking indictment of the Hungarian maternity system. Agnes Gereb, a qualified obstetrician, had her own third child at home just before she held the first home birth conference in Hungary about 20 years ago. In 2003 a group of us who attended and spoke at the second home birth conference she organised, including Dr Marsden Wagner, previously director of maternal and child health for the European region of the WHO. After the conference, we met with Hungarian ministry of health officials and senior obstetricians, who did not accept the evidence that home birth was a safe option for healthy women with an uncomplicated pregnancy.In 2007 Gereb was struck off the medical register for doing home births and then retrained as a midwife. The birth now in question was not at home, the woman had been advised by Gereb to have her baby in hospital, and labour occurred prematurely and very fast in a clinic. Gereb's lawyers have not yet been told what the charges are but, as mother and child are alive, it cannot be manslaughter – so why is Gereb being treated as a criminal? This is a matter of human rights. As an EU member, Hungary accepts that women have the right to give birth at home, but no midwives have been given licences to practise outside hospital so their right is effectively undermined. We call on everybody to sign the petition at www.petitiononline.com/szul2010/petition.html and contact your Euro MP to put pressure on the Hungarian government to act to enable Hungarian women to give birth at home with a trained midwife.Sheila Kitzinger Thames Valley University Wendy Savage Middlesex UniversityHungaryChildbirthHealth & wellbeingPregnancyParents and parentingguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Li レポートには、(手錠をかけられ、法廷に導かれ、助産師10月23日)ハンガリー出産システムの衝撃的な起訴です

    • The Boss: The Dangers of Silence
      A clinical psychologist leads a foundation that encourages Rwandans to share their stories from the time of genocide. 臨床心理学者は、ルワンダの虐殺の時から彼らの物語を共有することを奨。基盤をリードしています

    • French baby killings: 'It shows a disjointed, delusional frame of mind'
      Women who commit neonaticide rarely have a psychotic disorder – and that's something the public find difficult to understand, writes Sandra WheatleyWomen who kill their babies within 24 hours of birth, as seems to have been the case here, are usually young and have a poor education, and it's often their first child.Those who commit neonaticide, as it's technically called, don't tend to have a mental illness. They very rarely have a psychotic disorder, and that's something that the public at large find incredibly difficult to understand.But for someone to do that eight times seems like a clinical level of problem – I would be considering the possibility of a diagnosis of a psychotic illness or a personality disorder. Although it doesn't seem to be the case here, women who kill their newborns may have been suffering from pregnancy denial syndrome – quite often they didn't want to be pregnant in the first place and refused to accept that they were. As strange as it sounds, it can also be the case that someone does not associate being pregnant with having a baby. They are quite content with being pregnant but then they have the baby and they kill it.If someone has hidden the pregnancy because they are scared or ashamed about it, one way to stop people finding out about it when it becomes a real live baby is to kill it.This woman seems to have been doing this as an extreme form of contraception. She may well have had a bad experience with her first pregnancy, as she's apparently said, but you would think that would mean she would do everything possible not to fall pregnant again.It shows a great deal of disjointed thinking and the possibility of delusions. On so many levels this is not the norm, even for a case of mental illness in pregnancy. For it to have happened so many 殺を犯す女性はほとんど精神病性障害がある - それはの何か公。理解し難い、サンドラWheatleyWomenは出生24時間以内に自分の赤ちゃんを殺すwrites、ここでケースをされているため、通常若く、貧しい教育を受けている、それは多くの嬰児をコミットの最初のchild.Those、それは技術的に呼ばれるのは、精神疾患を持っている傾向がありません

    • Maradona undergoes facial surgery after dog bite
      Argentina's World Cup coach Diego Maradona, pictured, was bitten on his face by one of his dogs and had surgery at a clinic, local media reported. ... アルゼンチンのW杯代表、ディエゴマラドーナ、写真、彼の顔には彼の犬にかまれ、病院で手術を受け、地元メディアが報じた

    • A radical plan to save antibiotics
      Drug resistance is fast destroying the power of antibiotics. Tighter infection control and incentives for drug companies to invent more antibiotics are usually proposed as the answer. But the authors of a new paper say we have to think out of the box.What are we to do about the diminishing power of antibiotics - once the miracle drugs that looked set to end infectious diseases? We know the problem is becoming very serious - here is a piece I wrote about the alarming prospects for a future without antibiotics.But we don't hear much in the way of imaginative answers. So it's refreshing to read a paper out this morning from Aaron Kesselheim, from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, and Kevin Outterson, a professor at Boston University Law School.Their analysis, published in the journal Health Affairs, says the usual idea, to give pharmaceutical companies financial incentives to invent and manufacture more antibiotics, won't work. One of the reasons we are in this parlous state of affairs, they say, is that drug companies in the past have tried too hard to sell more tablets. Of course, the misuse of the drugs - physicians over-prescribing and patients not completing the course - is largely to blame, but companies have been disciplined for promoting wrong uses of antibiotics. They cite two cases involving Pfizer. In one of those, in 2005, the company, they say, was warned by the Food and Drug Administrationthat its 'misleading promotion' of linezolid (Zyvox) as a treatment for a wide range of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections 'poses serious public health and safety concerns because of its potential to result in inappropriate use'. The FDA concluded that the clinical trial data did not support linezolid's use for thos 薬剤耐性は、高速抗生物質の力を破壊している

    • Eight children stabbed to death at school in China
      Former doctor arrested after attack in Fujian provinceA former doctor armed with a large knife killed eight children and injured five others today at an elementary school in eastern China, a local official said.The man was arrested after the 7.20am attack, Xinhua news agency said.He is a former community clinic doctor with a history of mental health problems, said a man surnamed Wu in the Nanping city government office, who would not give his full name as is common among Chinese officials.Eight children from Nanping City Experimental elementary school were killed, and five were being treated at a hospital, Wu said. Six died at the scene.The attacker, who is in his forties, had resigned from his post at the community clinic, Wu said, but he was not sure when.The school, located in Fujian province, was closed and students were sent home.China has witnessed a series of school attacks over the past few years, which are often blamed on personal grudges or people with psychiatric problems, leading to calls for improved security.Chinaguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 元医。福建provinceA元医師は大型のナイフで武装しての攻撃後に逮捕された8人の子供が死亡し、5人今日負傷した中国東部、地方公務員said.The男は7.20am攻撃、新華社によると逮捕されたの小学校で彼は精神的な健康上の問題の歴史を持つ元地域診療所の医師は、男は南平市政府のオフィスで。某、彼の完全な名前として南平市の実験から、中国officials.Eight子供たちの小学校の一般的であることではないと述べたが死亡、5つの病院で治療されていた、と述べました

    • Palestinian territories: Midwives and the company of women
      Visiting Palestinian mothers who have recently given birth in their homes gives an insight into the support they get from other women in the family – and into their love of kitschSmall bundles of pink or blue are paraded around the living room, where we, the midwives visiting the new mother, are oohing and aahing at the small wonders. Within the bundles lie sleeping Palestinian babies; blissfully unaware of the political turmoil they are born into. Lucky is the mother who has managed to have a boy, still important in a culture where the male line carries the family name.After months of meeting a woman at the antenatal care clinic in the village of Deir Jareer, and perhaps being lucky enough to be their midwife during birth at the hospital in Ramallah, this is our last formal meeting. A visit from the midwives prompts all the women in the house to join in – sisters, mothers, mothers-in-law or other children. They listen and comment; serve up chocolates and a hot cinnamon mixture with nuts. We are honoured by being seated in the formal living room.The room is a peek into the Palestinians' love of kitsch. It has embroidered pillows, fake flower arrangements, tableaux of Mecca with ornate lighting around the frames, verses from the Qur'an hanging on the wall, and lots of family photos. The men in the house have all disappeared for the time being, this is a women's world.The midwives ask about the birth, complications, breast-feeding and plans for more children. Since Arabic is still just a myriad of strange sounds in my ears, I use the time to admire the newborn or the pillows with blue and white sparrows embroidered on them. Every now and then, recognising a familiar word, I can put in a question that my midwife supervisor will translate.It is the first time I see women wi 最近、自宅で出産を与えているパレスチナ人の母親を訪問サポートには、他の女性の家族から得る洞察力 - とピンクやブルーは、私たちは、助産師を訪問、リビングルーム、周りパレードのkitschSmallバンドルへの愛にを与える新しい母親は、oohingされ、小さな不思議でaahing

    • Beyond the baby factory for women in the developing world | Marie Staunton
      The burning issue on maternal health in the world's poorest countries is for women to take control of their own bodiesGiving birth in the UK is complicated. Antenatal checks, ultrasounds, blood tests, BMI indices, dating scans and more – and that's before delivery. Giving birth in sub-Saharan Africa is simple by comparison. You can walk five hours for a basic check-up, if able. Then again, you are far less likely to survive.Across the developing world there are none of the integrated healthcare services for expectant mothers that are universally available in the west. That means mothers-to-be have to visit up to five different healthcare providers for services that could be provided by one clinic.And that is after conception. The burning issue on maternal health in the world's poorest countries is for women to take control of their own bodies and for their choices to be respected: when to have children, how often to have children, if to have children at all. Of course efforts to prevent deaths before, during and after childbirth should be a priority, but so should encouraging and empowering young women to pursue whatever life they choose for themselves. We must provide more career prospects than the baby factory alone.This view of women as more than childbearers was a call that echoed around last week's Women Deliver conference in Washington DC, yet the reality is that many countries still continue to care little for a more holistic approach to women's health. To reduce maternal mortality we must address the unmet needs for family planning and reproductive health alongside the unmet needs of pregnant women. If women aren't able to plan when they have children, then they have little chance when it comes to life's other big decisions, including education and job prospects 世界の最貧国の妊産婦の健康の情熱的な問題は、女性は複雑です英国で自分のbodiesGiving出生のコントロールを取るためです

    • Guatemala must change its tax regime to stop children dying | Hannah Richards
      The Latin American country is wealthy, but the extreme gap between rich and poor causes a multitude of problemsIsabel is four years old. Her belly and ankles are swollen and she walks as if it hurts a little bit. Her family, who live in eastern Guatemala, have not had the means to feed her properly, so she is being treated for kwashiorkor – acute malnutrition.Even though it is classified by the World Bank as a middle income country, the level of inequality in Guatemala is such that almost half its children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition. This is the fifth highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world, higher even than that in Haiti, which is by far the poorest country in the Americas.Isabel will stay in the clinic supported by Christian Aid until she is well again. In some ways, she is lucky. At this time of year when the previous year's harvest has run out, children do die of hunger in this part of Guatemala.Isabel will recover from kwashiorkor but she will never recover from the irreversible effects of chronic malnutrition, which severely stunts physical and mental development. There's no excuse for this anywhere, and especially not in a country with as much wealth as Guatemala. Along with the dubious distinction of having the fifth highest level of chronic malnutrition, it is also the world's fifth largest exporter of coffee and sugar.This state of affairs is no accident. It is a direct result of the extremely regressive tax regime in Guatemala and many other Latin American countries. The poorest pay a far higher proportion of their income on the equivalent of VAT and other indirect taxes, whilst the business elite enjoy a very generous regime of tax incentives. As a result, one in 20 Guatemalan children does not reach the age of five due to infectio ラテンアメリカの国が裕福だが、金持ちと貧乏人の原因と極端なギャップがproblemsIsabel多数のは4歳です

    • Philippa O'Neill obituary
      My friend Philippa O'Neill, who has died aged 48, was a homeopath and a former housing manager. During her career in housing, Pip had a particular interest in developing tenant-run housing cooperatives. She then became a wise and compassionate healer, committed to running clinics for people who were vulnerable, such as those on low incomes or with addictions.Pip was born in Australia, one of three daughters of Judith and John O'Neill. The family moved to Cambridge three years later, when her father took up a post as a theology lecturer. By the time she was eight, Pip could give guided tours of all the Cambridge colleges, revelling in her lively home of theologians, academics and visiting Australians.Such an atmosphere instilled in her a love of politics, a sense of social justice and a deep thirsting for God. Aged 13, she embarked on a spiritual journey from her father's Presbyterianism, through Cambridge churches to become a Congregationalist, later following her mother into Catholicism, before finally settling as a Quaker.After graduating in history from Somerville College, Oxford, she spent time in south London at L'Arche Lambeth, a community supporting adults with learning disabilities. She proved herself an enabling and compassionate supporter of community members. A diploma in housing at the London School of Economics followed. She worked for Lambeth council in the 1990s and supported tenants taking on the management of their own estates.In 1996, she headed for Melbourne to explore her Australian roots. This was a rich and inspiring time for her, as she developed her understanding of her dual nationality and deepened her relationships with her extended family. She returned to England in 1997 and continued to work in housing, while training as a homeopath at the Sc 私の友人フィリッパオニールは、48歳で死亡した、ホメオパシー、旧住宅マネージャーだった

    • Check-up for Nazi accused
      John Demjanjuk has been sent to a clinic for tests after complaining of heart pains before the opening of a session of his trial on charges of serving as a Nazi camp guard. Albrecht Stein, a court doctor who monitors Demjanjuk's... ジョンDemjanjukは診療所にテスト用の心の痛みをナチスキャンプガードとしての役割を果たすの罪で裁判のセッションの開始前に、不満の後に送信されている

    • Nigeria's President Yar'Adua dies
      58-year-old had undergone months of medical treatment in Saudi Arabia before returning home in FeburaryPresident Umaru Yar'Adua, who returned to Nigeria in February after months of medical treatment in Saudi Arabia, has died at the age of 58.A presidential spokesman told the Associated Press that Yar'Adua died at 9pm yesterday at the Aso Rock presidential villa.Yar'Adua had not been seen in public since he returned from the Middle East. He went for medical treatment at a clinic in Jeddah for pericarditis, an inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart.Rumours swirled about his health, and his prolonged absence led to protests about the lack of clear lines of authority in a country of 150 million people.Just before Yar'Adua returned to Nigeria, parliament voted to transfer power to Goodluck Jonathan, the vice-president, until the president was fit to resume his duties. At the time, many Nigerians doubted that Yar'Adua would ever be well enough, casting a question mark over the leadership of the ruling party in the runup to next year's presidential election.Yar'Adua, who has also suffered kidney problems, left the country several times for what his advisers called medical checkups before he went to Saudi Arabia in November. He was admitted to a hospital the day after he arrived, leaving Nigeria in a political vacuum.Last month, Jonathan sacked all cabinet ministers in an attempt to stamp his authority on Africa's most populous country. He dissolved the cabinet without explanation in his first major act since assuming executive powers. The move in effect left the quiet 52-year-old biologist in sole command of government.The cabinet had consisted mainly of ministers loyal to the ailing president, a Muslim, although some members had begun to shift allegiance to Jonath 58歳の家FeburaryPresidentウマルYar。。u0026#39;Adua、ナイジェリア2月にサウジアラビアの治。数ヶ月後に返される返す前に、58.A大統領府報道官の歳で死亡したサウジアラビアの治。数ヶ月を受けていたそのYar。。u0026#39;Aduaは21日に麻生ロック大統領villa.Yar。。u0026#39;Aduaへで死亡AP通信に話しましたが公共の場で、彼は中東から返されるので、見られていなかった

    • Wallace Fox obituary
      Medical researcher who revolutionised the treatment of TBWallace Fox, who has died aged 89, was the leader of the Medical Research Council (MRC) programme that developed the standard worldwide treatment of tuberculosis. TB sanatoriums closed by the end of the 1960s after he showed that home treatment was just as good, and then he shortened the period of treatment from a year to six months. The work he did at the MRC tuberculosis research unit, in collaboration with many researchers elsewhere, helped change TB from being an untreatable disease to one that can be alleviated in both rich and poor countries – a major medical advance.Wallace was born in Bristol, where he attended Cotham grammar school, and undertook his medical education in London at Guy's hospital, followed by hospital posts at Guy's, Preston Hall sanatorium, Kent, and then in London at the Hammersmith chest clinic. He caught TB himself soon after medical qualification, and was treated with bed rest for two years at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.He joined the staff of the MRC tuberculosis research unit, directed by Philip D'Arcy Hart, in 1952. At that time, half of those who developed TB died from it, but new anti-bacterial drugs, such as streptomycin and isoniazid, were being introduced to treat the disease. The principal method for TB control then considered by the World Health Organisation (WHO) was BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) vaccination. But Wallace took an early decision to concentrate on treatment, thus anticipating a later change in WHO policy.TB treatment was primitive. The first clinical trial had shown that treatment with streptomycin alone resulted in drug-resistant tubercle bacilli. But when streptomycin was combined with PAS (para-aminosalicylic acid) or, better, with the more potent isoniaz TBWallaceフォックス、89歳で死亡したの治療に革命をもたらしました医療研究者は、医学研究評議会(MRC)は結核の世界標準治療を開発プログラムの指導者だった

    • Komodo dragon attacks Indonesian park worker
      Man escapes from giant lizard by punching it on snoutAn Indonesian worker escaped from a Komodo dragon attack by punching the creature on the snout until it released him and ran away, a national park official said today.Agustinus Jenaru was working in an unfinished wooden bungalow on Rinca island on Saturday when the 2 metre (6.5ft) lizard entered and bit his left hand, Komodo National Park official Daniel Bolu Ngongo said.Jenaru hit the jaws of the giant lizard for several seconds until it freed him. He was taken to a clinic for treatment of lacerations and a puncture wound.Komodo dragons can be found in the wild only on the eastern Indonesian islands of Komodo, Padar and Rinca.The lizards, thought to number fewer than 4,000, can grow longer than 3 metres (10ft) and weigh 70kg (150lb).In 2007, an eight-year-old boy was killed by one of the lizards on Komodo island.IndonesiaWildlifeAnimalsguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds それは彼を解放するまでの距離、国立公園の関係者はtoday.Agustinus Jenaru未完成の木造平屋で取り組んでいたとしたsnoutAnインドネシア労。鼻のクリーチャー1体をパンチでコモドドラゴンの攻撃から逃れ、それをパンチで巨大なトカゲから来た男のエスケープ土曜日にRinca島それは彼を解放するまで2メートルは(6.5フィート)トカゲ入り、少し左手、コモド国立公園の公式ダニエルボルNgongoのsaid.Jenaruは数秒の巨大なトカゲの顎を打った

    • Probe ordered into tainted vaccines
      The Ministry of Health (MOH) has told the Shanxi health department to conduct an investigation after it was reported on Wednesday that nearly 100 children in the province had died or fell ill after receiving vaccinations at government-designated clinics from 2006 to 2008. The Shanxi government denied the widely-circulated report and the provincial health department said it had not received reports of mass adverse effects from any vaccination, the Xinhua News Agency said, citing a division chi ... 保健省(保健省)の調査後には28日、県に約100人が死亡した、または減少した病気政府では予防接種を受けた後、指定された2006年から2008年から診療所に報告されて実施する山西省保健局と語ったしています

    • 57 projects completed in Afghan eastern province
      Fifty-seven small and medium scale development projects have been completed over the past one year in Kunar province in east Afghanistan, a local official said Thursday. The projects including roads, bridges, clinics, dam, renovation of irrigation system and providing potable water have cost 36 million Afghanis (750,000 U.S. dollars), Rural Development Department official Mir Zaman Mohmand said. He added that 476 more projects are undergoing construction. &$&$Source: Xinhua &$&$ ... 50は、過去1年間で、東は、アフガニスタン、地方公務員のクナル州に完成されている7つの中小規模な開発プロジェクト、道路、橋などの木曜日

    • Umaru Yar'Adua returns to Nigeria
      Three-month absence for medical treatment ends after parliament sends deputation to Saudi ArabiaPresident Umaru Yar'Adua arrived back in Nigeria early today after three months in Saudi Arabia, undergoing medical treatment for a heart problem.Yar'Adua flew in separately from a delegation of Nigerian government envoys – sent by parliament last week to check on his health, an official told Reuters.The 58-year-old leader had left Nigeria in late November to receive medical treatment at a clinic in Jeddah for pericarditis, an inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart, which can restrict normal beating. Rumours swirled about his health, and his prolonged absence led to protests about the lack of clear lines of authority in a country of 150 million people.This month, the parliament voted to transfer power to Goodluck Jonathan, the vice-president, until Yar'Adua was fit to resume his duties.At the time, many Nigerians doubted that Yar'Adua would ever be well enough, casting a question mark over the leadership of the ruling party in the run-up to next year's presidential election. Even though Yar'Adua is returning to Nigeria, questions about his health are bound to persist, so the political uncertainty is unlikely to lift quickly.Nigeria's cabinet last week rejected a motion to declare him unfit to hold office, deciding instead to send a delegation to Saudi Arabia for an update on his health. Yar'Adua would have ceased to hold office if a two-thirds majority had declared him incapacitated and the verdict had been confirmed by a medical panel.Yar'Adua, who has also suffered kidney problems, left the country several times for what his advisers called medical checkups before he went to Saudi Arabia in November. He was admitted to a hospital the day after he arrived and rem 3つの治療のためカ月ぶり議会サウジアラビアArabiaPresidentウマルヤラドゥアに戻るナイジェリア初め、今日のサウジアラビアで3ヶ月後、心臓problem.Yar。。u0026#39;Aduaのための医療治療を受けて到着した代表団の別から飛んできた代表団を送信終了ナイジェリア政府特使 - 議会が先週、送信された彼の健康をチェックするには、公式Reuters.The 58という歳のリーダーが11月下。性心外膜炎、膜の炎症ジッダの病院で治療を受けるため、ナイジェリア残したこれは、通常暴行を制限することができる心臓を包む

    • Do you have a question about your rights? | Liberty Clinic
      Your chance to ask about your civil liberties and human rights – post queries here to be answered by Liberty's lawyersIn this week's Liberty Clinic, Emma Norton answers EqualityMatters' query about their entitlement to British citizenship. This relates, in part, to a similar issue addressed in last week's Liberty Clinic, which those interested in this topic might like to read as well: Why can't I claim British citizenship?For those of you who haven't visited the Liberty Clinic before, each week we invite readers to post their civil liberties and human rights queries. Maybe you have a question about free speech? Or the role and reach of judgments by law lords?Whatever they may be, share your queries in the comments thread below, keeping your posts as succinct as possible. And don't forget to check next week's Liberty Clinic to see whether your question has been answered.LawCriminal justiceHuman rightsCivil libertiesguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds あなたのチャンスをあなたの市民の自由と人権について尋ねるために-ポストここで、リバティのlawyersIn今週のリバティクリニックで答えることに、エマノートン英国の市民への権利についてEqualityMatters。。u0026#39;クエリーに回答を照会します

    • Do you have a question about your civil liberties? | Liberty Clinic open thread
      Your chance to ask about your civil liberties and human rights – post queries here to be answered by Liberty's lawyersIn this week's Liberty Clinic, James Welch tackles Shadowfirebird's question about what sharply pointed objects can be carried without arousing the suspicion of the police.Gman81 also had an interesting query about police powers to set up random blood-testing stations. If anyone has had any personal experiences of this, please do share it in the thread below.For those of you who haven't visited the Liberty Clinic before, each week we invite readers to post their civil liberties and human rights queries. Whatever they may be, share your queries in the comments thread below, keeping your posts as succinct as possible. And don't forget to check next week's Liberty Clinic to see whether your question has been answered.Civil libertiesHuman rightsLawCriminal justiceguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds あなたのチャンスをあなたの市民の自由と人権について尋ねるために-ポストここで、リバティのlawyersIn今週のリバティクリニックで答えることにクエリを、ジェームズウェルチ何を大幅にpolice.Gman81もあったの疑いを喚起することなく実施することができますオブジェクトの指摘についてShadowfirebirdの質問にタックル警察の権限についての興味深いクエリのランダムな血。駅のテストを設定します

    • Guardian Daily: Assisted suicide and the law
      Earlier this month, Frances Inglis was jailed for nine years for murder after injecting her brain-damaged son Thomas, 22, with a lethal dose of heroin. Just days later, Kay Gilderdale pleaded guilty to assisting suicide but was acquitted of murdering her daughter Lynn, 31, an ME sufferer whom she'd given morphine. Legal affairs correspondent Afua Hirsch explains the difference between these two cases.Arguing for a change in the law is Debbie Purdy, a multiple sclerosis patient who successfully argued for the right to know whether her husband would be prosecuted if he accompanied her to the Swiss clinic Dignitas.Lib Dem MP Dr Evan Harris also backs the right of terminally ill patients to end their lives.Baroness Warnock is Britain's leading expert on medical ethics. She's a vocal supporter of euthanasia. Opposing a change in the law is Baroness Finlay, who chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dying Well. She says the legalisation of assisted suicide would be dangerous and unnecessary.Also against is David Morris, who has spinal muscular atrophy and chairs Independent Living Alternatives, which promotes the right of disabled people to live independentlyThere will be more on this issue from the panel in this Sunday's ObserverJon DennisPhil MaynardAfua Hirsch 今月初め、フランシスイングリス殺人の9年間、彼女の脳の損傷を受けた息子のThomas、22、ヘロインの致死量を注射後に投獄された

    • Do you have a question for the Liberty Clinic?
      Your chance to ask about your civil liberties and human rights – post queries here to be answered by Liberty's lawyersIn this week's Liberty Clinic, Emma Norton answers ukccen's query about citizenship, and why being born abroad to an unmarried British father means you can't apply for a British passport. EqualityMatters raised a similar issue but there wasn't space to deal with both – Liberty hopes to return to the subject in a future week.wonk also asked about the Guardian's moderation policy. You can read about it here.For those of you who haven't visited the Liberty Clinic before, each week we invite readers to post their civil liberties and human rights queries. Maybe you have a question about the government's counter-terrorism measures? Or the actions of a police officer?Whatever they may be, share your queries in the comments thread below, keeping your posts as succinct as possible. And don't forget to check next week's Liberty Clinic to see whether your question has been answered.Civil libertiesHuman rightsLawguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds あなたのチャンスをあなたの市民の自由と人権について尋ねるために-ポストここで、リバティのlawyersIn今週のリバティクリニック、市民約エマノートン回答ukccenのクエリによって、回答するために、海外未婚の英国人の父親に生まれてクエリを適用することはできません英国のパスポートを申請

    • The Liberty Clinic is back | liberty central
      Your chance to ask about your civil liberties and human rights – post questions here to be answered by Liberty's lawyersWelcome back to the Liberty Clinic. In 2009, we answered 40 civil liberties and human rights queries put to us by Guardian readers, and we're looking forward to more legal Q&As in the year to come.This week, Liberty's legal director James Welch addresses flamesnm's question about the public's right to ignore police roadblocks – among other things, Welch's answer includes an interesting analysis of police community support officers, which is worth reading if you would like to know more about this recent addition to our streets.Also in last week's open thread, SarahMartin asked about cannabis and Multiple Sclerosis – she might like to read a previous Liberty Clinic entry, Is there a medical marijuana defence?, which addresses this very issue.For those of you who haven't visited the Liberty Clinic before, each week we invite readers to post their civil liberties and human rights queries. Maybe you have a question about this week's criminal trial without a jury? Or the human rights issues surrounding last week's call to lift the ban on jury service for people with mental illness?Whatever they may be, share your questions in the comments thread below, keeping your queries as succinct as possible. And don't forget to check next week's Liberty Clinic to see whether your question has been answered. Happy new year.LawCivil libertiesHuman rightsCriminal justiceguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds あなたのチャンスをあなたの市民の自由と人権について尋ねるために-ポスト質問はここで答えることに、リバティのlawyersWelcome戻るリバティクリニックに

    • Finnish Red Cross sends mobile clinic to earthquake-ravaged Haiti
      Finnish Red Cross sent on Friday a mobile clinic and its staff to the earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Immediately after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake which struck in Haiti on Tuesday, Finnish Red Cross pledged 200,000 euros (about 287,480 U.S. dollars) from its Disaster Relief Fund to help the relief efforts. The Finnish government provided on Thursday 750,000 euros to Finnish Red Cross for sending the mobile clinic to Haiti. A Russian cargo plane left Tampere Airport in Southern Finland ... フィンランド赤十字社は4日、移動診療所の地震ハイチ破壊されたため、その職員を派遣


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