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    レジャー 関連語 ルーブル美術館 シャンゼリゼ エッフェル塔 凱旋門 ステンドグラス
    • Do prisons need religion? | The question
      Can the moral and material structure that religion provides improve prison life?Last week, a report by Dame Anne Owers drew attention to the dangers of adopting a blanket approach to Muslims in prison – labelling them all extremists was likely to foster a sense of alienation that could, ironically, lead to radicalisation, she suggested.The detail of the report contained some interesting snippets of information: that prisoners might convert to Islam because of the sense of belonging and purpose it gave them, because of the better food during Ramadan, or as part of an effort to reform themselves.If it's true that religion finds fertile ground in places where people are at a low ebb, then it would seem natural that religion could flourish in prison. Certainly, there have been several high-profile converts.But can the moral and material structure that religion provides improve prison life, not just for the individual, but for everyone who works or lives there? Or is it simply a sticking plaster for a very desperate wound?ReligionCrimePrisons and probationIslamChristianityguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds することができます道徳は、材料の構造、宗教は、刑務所の生活を向上させる提供しています?先週、ノートルダムアンオワーズしてレポートを刑務所でイスラム教徒への包括的なアプローチを採用することの危険性に注意を引いた - それらをすべての過激派をラベリング疎外感を助長する可能性が高いこと、皮肉にも、過激につながる可能性、彼女は、レポートの詳細をsuggested.The情報のいくつかの興味深い断片を:捕虜がイスラームに属すると目的は、それらを与えた感のため、より良い食品のため、ラマダン中または変換可能性があります含まれている努力というのは本当の宗教は、人々は、低潮が引いている場所で肥沃な土地を見つけているthemselves.If改革の一環として、それは、宗教が刑務所で繁栄が自然と思われる

    • Prince William opens New Zealand New Supreme Court building
      Prince William officially opened the new Supreme Court building in New Zealand capital Wellington on Monday. Thousands of people have gathered outside the Supreme Court to get a peek at 27-year-old Prince William, who is second in line to the British throne. On arrival at the Supreme Court, he was cloaked in a Maori korowai and welcomed with Maori traditional hongi and a haka. New Zealand Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias and Prime Minister John Key led him inside the buildin ... ウィリアム王子が正式にニュージーランドの首都ウェリントンでは、新しい最高裁判所の建物を開いた数千人の最高裁判所の外で27日にピークを取得する集まって歳のウィリアム王子、列に並んで英国の王位継承権を2番目です

    • Scientists spin artificial spider silk
      Scientists at Notre Dame and the University of Wyoming have succeeded in producing transgenic silkworms capable of spinning artificial spider silks which could be used in bandages and bulletproof vests.Malcolm Fraser Jr, a Notre... ノートルダム大聖堂、ワイオミング大学の科学者たちは、包帯や防弾vests.Malcolmフレイザージュニア、ノートルダムに使用することができるトランスジェニック蚕を回転人工クモの糸のことができるの生産に成功している...

    • David Cameron seeks to impress India with his massive delegation | Nicholas Watt
      The British PM will arrive in India today with the largest UK delegation since the sun came down on the Raj in August 1947Not since the days of the Raj, which came to end 63 years ago next month, have so many Brits traipsed to India on an official visit.David Cameron will tonight fly into India with the largest British delegation since the sun came down on the Raj in August 1947.Previous prime ministers, notably Tony Blair, have led large delegations to India before. But Cameron has gone one stage better by taking captains of industry plus six cabinet ministers.There are the obvious big names like John Varley of Barclays and Richard Olver, chairman of BAE. On the ministerial side George Osborne will be heading to India's commercial capital Mumbai. William Hague will accompany Cameron.There are also some intriguing names. Pat Hewitt, the former Labour trade and industry secretary, is also flying on the prime minister's chartered plane. She is a member of the UK India Business Council.Lord Patten of Barnes, the former Hong Kong governor who is currently helping sort out the mess of the Pope's forthcoming state visit to Britain, is travelling too. He is chair of the UK-India Roundtable.Three Olympic gold medallists will add a touch of glamour. They are Lord Coe, Dame Kelly Holmes and Sir Steve Redgrave.Why all the bigwigs? The prime minister wants to open a new chapter in Britain's relations with its largest former colony.But the presence shows how the world has moved on since Brits used to pass through Mumbai's gateway to India in the days of the Raj. It is now India's former rulers who are pleading to be taken seriously by one of the world's fastest growing economies.Full delegation listDavid Cameron, prime ministerWilliam Hague, foreign secretaryGeorge Osborne, chancell 太陽が沈むラジ8月1947Notでラジ、来月63年前に終了に来たの時代から来て以来、英国午後はインドで、今日最大の英国代表団と到着するので、多くの英国人、インドにtraipsedている関係者は太陽がラジ8月に1947.Previous首相は、特にトニーブレア、インドの前に大規模な代表団を率いて来てからキャメロンは今夜インドに英国で最も大きな代表団と飛行するvisit.David

    • Brave new world beckons for female actors
      Helen Mirren's role as Prospera in a film of Shakespeare's Tempest underlines a welcome trend towards gender switchToday sees the opening of a pioneering European parliament conference on the state of gender politics in theatre, television and film. Actors Zoe Wanamaker and Harriet Walter have already spoken out about the ways in which it is more profitable to be a male actor, and a report from the International Federation of Actors has provided evidence about the big differences in pay and opportunity. Today's conference is apparently intended to bring federation members together with producers and actors from across Europe to look for an improvement.But there is a novel method of addressing the problem already in train. Film industry pundits have noticed a growing trend for producers to consider changing the gender of a starring part in a new film from male to female, usually as a way to attract a bigger name. Most notably, it has been announced that Dame Helen Mirren will be taking the part of the tactful butler in a remake of Arthur, a role originally graced by Sir John Gielgud in the version that starred Dudley Moore as the eponymous drunk. A commentator in Variety earlier this month wondered whether other female film stars now stood to benefit from this sort of gender switch. Mirren is to leap the gender gap twice on screen, with a role as Prospera rather than Prospero in Julie Taymor's new film of Shakespeare's Tempest.It seems a trick the British stage has missed out on for a while, though. Can anyone think of a high-profile stage production that has changed the gender of a leading character in a well-known story in such a way? Are there any planned?GenderTheatreTelevisionWilliam ShakespeareVanessa Thorpeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | シェイクスピアのテンペストの映画の中でProsperaとしてヘレンミレンの役割は、性別に向かって歓迎の傾向を強調switchToday劇場におけるジェンダーの政治の状態に先駆的な欧州議会の会議、テレビや映画のオープニングを見ている


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