U.S. President Obama pays first state visit to Britain U.S. President Barack Obama accompanied by First Lady Michelle Obama began his three-day state visit to Britain on Monday night.
They arrived in Britain earlier than the scheduled Tuesday morning on worries of possible disruption to air travel caused by the Icelandic ash cloud. The White House press office said their schedule for Tuesday would proceed as planned.
At the invitation of Britain Queen Elizabeth II, the president and his wife will stay at Buckingham Palace during their first st ... ファーストレディミシェルオバマ伴う米大統領はバラクオバマ氏は月曜日の夜に、英国への彼の3日間の公式訪問を始めた
Australian politicians welcome Queen's upcoming visit CANBERRA, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and politicians on Saturday said they welcome Queen Elizabeth II and her 90-year-old husband Prince Philip's upcoming visit to Australia in October.
Buckingham Palace on Saturday confirmed the Queen and Prince Philip will visit Canberra, Perth, Brisbane and Melbourne of Australia in October.
The royal couple is scheduled to arrive in Canberra on Oct. 19 and will have a side-trip to Brisbane of Queensland on Oct. 24. On ... キャンベラ、9月24日(新華社) - オーストラリアの首相ジュリアギラードと土曜日の政治家は、エリザベス女王、10月にオーストラリアへの彼女の90歳の夫フィリップ殿下の今後の訪問を歓迎すると述べた
Excited Crowds Fill London Streets for Royal Wedding Thousands gathered outside Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace to catch glimpse of Prince William and bride Catherine Middleton 何千人ものウィリアム王子と花嫁キャサリンミドルトンのを一目見ようとウェストミンスター寺院、バッキンガム宮殿外に集まった
Royal newlyweds share first public kiss (2) &$
&$Britain's Prince William and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, kiss as they stand on the balcony at Buckingham Palace with other members of the Royal Family, after their wedding in Westminster Abbey, in central London April 29, 2011.(Photo/Agencies)&$&$&$
【1】 【 ... &$&は$英国のウィリアム王子と彼の妻キャサリン、ケンブリッジ公爵夫人、彼らはロンドン中心部2011年4月29日には、ウェストミンスター寺院での結婚式の後で、ロイヤルファミリーの他のメンバーとバッキンガム宮殿のバルコニーに立つようにキス(写真は/政府機関は、【1】【を)。。u0026amp;$。。u0026amp;$。。u0026amp;$ ...
Business Diary: Murdoch, by royal appointment Is nothing sacred? It was bad enough that back in 1997 Buckingham Palace decided to allow ITV to produce the Christmas broadcast of the Queen, breaking a monopoly that our national broadcaster had enjoyed since 1932 (for the past 13 years, the BBC and ITV have taken it in turns to make the programme). Now the Palace has decided to let Rupert Murdoch's Sky in on the act, too – it is going to produce the broadcast this year and next, and the task will then be alternated between the three broadcasters. 何が神聖か?それは戻って1997年にバッキンガム宮殿は、我が国の放送は1932年以来、楽しんでいたことが独占して(過去13年間、BBCやITVは、それを撮影したターン破って、『ITV』は、女王のクリスマス放送を生成できるようにすることを決めた十分悪い)のプログラムを作成する
Britain's royals post family pictures online The British royal family has opened an account on photo-sharing website Flickr, Buckingham Palace announced Sunday, in their latest attempt to move with the times.The free-to-access site will initially contain more than 600 photographs of Queen Elizabeth II on formal engagements, pictures from palace collections and portraits of the royals as young children. It will be continuously updated. 英国王室は写真共有サイトのFlickrのアカウントを開設し、バッキンガム宮殿は2009年の最新の試みのtimes.The無料にアクセスできるサイトで最初formalにエリザベス2世女王以上の600の写真が含まれて移動するの予告契約、宮殿からの写真コレクションや小さなお子様連れの王族の肖像画
Prince injured in carriage accident LONDON - Queen Elizabeth II's husband Prince Philip suffered a minor ankle injury in a carriage driving accident on their Windsor estate yesterday, Buckingham Palace said.The palace said Philip did not need hospital treatment... ロンドンは - クイーンエリザベス2世の夫フィリップ殿下のウィンザー不動産の運送運転事故で昨日のマイナー、足首を怪我、バッキンガム宮殿の複式の宮殿はフィリップは入院治療を必要ないと言った...
Brown offers resignation to Queen LONDON - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown headed to Buckingham Palace to resign overnight, bringing the Labour Party's 13-year hold on power to a close as his two chief rivals sealed a coalition deal to create a new government.Mr... ロンドンは - 英国のゴードンブラウン首相、バッキンガム宮殿に一晩辞任し、権力を2つの主ライバルとして近くに労働党の13年間のホールドをもたらす向かった新しいgovernment.Mrを作成する連立契約を結んで...
UK palace seeks a trainee butler A job as Buckingham Palace footman doesn't command good pay or conditions but discretion is a must. バッキンガム宮。召使としての仕事は良い給与や条件を命令するのではなく、裁量は必要不可欠です
London Boom: Kate's dress is icing on the tourist cake Tourists eager to visit Buckingham Palace for the royal wedding collection – which opened yesterday – have inundated the booking line. Extra slots are being created to accommodate the rush. 昨日開かれた - - 王室の結婚式のコレクションのためにバッキンガム宮殿を訪問する熱心な観光客が予約のラインを浸水している
Queen's travel expenses rise The Queen last year reduced her cost to the British taxpayer by £1.8m (NZ$3.9m), despite a substantial rise in the amount spent on royal travel.While Buckingham Palace insisted that a £2.1m rise in the cost of moving members of... 女王昨年は、£ 1.8メートル(NZ $ 3.9メートル)で英国の納税者に彼女のコストを削減ロイヤルtravel.Whileバッキンガム宮殿に費やされる額の大幅な上昇にもかかわらずのメンバーの移動の費用の£ 2.1メートル上昇と主張...
Duchess' sweatshop garb starts stink The Duchess of Cambridge has come under fire for wearing a dress made in a Romanian sweatshop.Costing £175 ($350) on Britain's high street, it helped the Duchess outshine America's First Lady at Buckingham Palace last week.But... ケンブリッジの公爵夫人はルーマニア、英国のハイストリートで£ 175($ 350)sweatshop.Costingで行われたドレスを着て火を受けている、それは公爵夫人は、最後のweek.Butバッキンガム宮殿でアメリカのファーストレディより優れ助け...
Royal welcome for Obamas in Britain President Barack Obama immersed himself in the grandeur of Britain's royal family today, as Queen Elizabeth II welcomed him to Buckingham Palace for the first day of a state visit that kept the president largely out of sight for most... エリザベス女王二世は、主に見えなくほとんどの社長を維持国賓訪問の最初の日のバッキンガム宮殿に彼を歓迎したバラクオバマ大統領は、英国王室、今日の壮大さに没頭...
Barack Obama's UK visit - video The US president and wife Michelle's first day in the UK included meeting the Queen and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Buckingham Palace
Royal newlyweds depart palace Royal newlyweds William and Kate have left Buckingham Palace by helicopter on Saturday to start their married life. ロイヤルは、ウィリアムとケイトは結婚生活を開始する土曜日にヘリコプターでバッキンガム宮殿を残している新婚夫婦
'Denny and Gazza' on guest list for royal wedding Former Kiwi shearer Gary Lewis will attend the royal wedding with his wife Lady Davina Lewis, Buckingham Palace has confirmed.The Gisborne-born 37-year-old became the first Maori to marry into the royal family when he wed the... ゲイリールイス毛を刈る前キウイは彼の妻レディDavinaさんルイスと王室の結婚式に出席する、バッキンガム宮殿にいるconfirmed.The 37歳の彼が結婚するとき王室に結婚する最初のマオリ族となったギズボーン生まれ...
Obama to visit Britain in May US President Barack Obama will make a state visit to Britain in May after accepting an invitation from the Queen, Buckingham Palace says.His wife, Michelle, will join him on the three-day trip on May 24-26, which comes ahead of... オバマ米大統領は、先の出月24-26日の3日間の旅行に彼を参加する、女王、バッキンガム宮殿says.Hisの妻、ミシェルからの招待を受け入れる後の5月に英国を国賓訪問を行います
Queen's head may go from UK stamps The British Government plans to liaise with Buckingham Palace after it emerged that the Queen's head could disappear from stamps as part of plans to sell off the Royal Mail. The coalition Government plans to sell up to 90 per... それは女王の頭は、ロイヤルメールを売却する計画の一環として、スタンプから姿を消すことが明らかになった後、英国政府は、バッキンガム宮殿と連携を計画している
Queen is $12m short each year LONDON: Buckingham Palace is in talks with Britain's coalition government about the future funding of the monarchy. ロンドンでは:バッキンガム宮殿は君主制の将来の資金調達については、英国の連立政権と交渉中です