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    スポーツ 関連語 チェルシー アーセナル リバプール バレンシア マンチェスター ポーツマス マンチェスター・ユナイテッド アスレティック
    • Daumミュージックスペシャル インタビュー【Ra.D】
      2集と3集の中間段階アルバムでタイトル曲‘mal love (promised summer rmx)’のミュージックビデオは、daumミュージックビデオチャートで、サブタイトル曲‘i'm in love (piano rmx)’はサイワールドr b soulチャートでそれぞれ1位になりました

    • ECI prepares bids for Shearings and restaurant chains
      ECI Partners is preparing for a spending spree in the leisure sector. The London and Manchester-based, mid-market, private-equity group is believed to be considering bids for Shearings, the Wigan-based coach-holiday company, and the Ha Ha Bar & Grill and La Tasca chains, which are being sold by Bay Restaurant. ECIはパートナーはレジャー部門の支出乱射の準備です

    • Chelsea crowned Premier League champion
      Chelsea, at the top of Premier League table, is now winning a lobsided match against the minnow Wigan. チェルシーは、プレミアリーグの表の上部に、現在アブラハヤウィガン戦lobsided試合を勝っている

    • Hull relegated by last-gasp Wigan goal
      Hull were officially relegated from the English Premier League as hosts Wigan held them to a 2-2 draw with an injury-time equalizer at the DW Stad... ホストウィガンは2-2の引き分けにDWのスタッドでロスタイムのイコライザでそれらを開かれたハルは正式に英国プレミアリーグから降格した...

    • Chelsea win Premier League title
      Chelsea reclaimed the English Premier League title in style on Sunday, a 8-0 win over Wigan ensuring they pipped Manchester United by a single point after racking up a record haul of 103 goals. チェルシーは19日、ウィガンに8-0の勝利は、彼らが1つのポイントで103ゴールの記録長距離をあげ後、マンチェスターユナイテッドを酔っぱらった確保スタイルの英国プレミアリーグのタイトルを開拓

    • Chelsea thrash Wigan 8-0, win Premier League title
      Chelsea thrashed Wigan 8-0 to claim the English Premier League title on Sunday. チェルシーはウィガン8-0日、英国プレミアリーグのタイトルを主張する4-0

    • Chelsea 'in the mood' after initial league win
      The top of the Premier League has an unusual look as champions Chelsea and relegation favourites Blackpool hog the spotlight following emphatic opening weekend wins.Blackpool, who sit in second place behind Chelsea on goal difference, are an unlikely but romantic presence alongside Carlo Ancelotti's superstar squad at the summit of English football.However, their paths may diverge for the rest of the season as Blackpool prepare to come back down to earth with a bump at Arsenal, while Chelsea's early-season momentum should continue at woeful Wigan. プレミアリーグの上部には、カルロアンチェロッティのスーパースターチームと一緒にそうはロマンチックな存在のチェルシーに次ぐ2位でゴール差の上に座る強調オープニング週末wins.Blackpoolは、次の王者チェルシーと降格のお気に入りブラック豚スポットライトとして異例の顔を持つブラックプールに戻る地球にアーセナルでバンプが付属して準備としての英語football.Howeverの首脳会談で、そのパスはシーズンの残りの一方、チェルシーの初期シーズンの勢いは悲惨なウィガンで継続すべきである発散性があります

    • Letters: High-speed rail plans should benefit us all
      Simon Jenkins (High-speed rail will bleed us all for a few rich travellers, 6 January) argues that upgrading existing lines is sufficient to improve north-south rail connections, and a new high-speed line is unnecessary. London already experiences the benefits of high-speed rail to the continent, having cancelled the northern connections, and Jenkins appears reluctant to extend the privilege northwards. For many years we have endured line closures to squeeze every last drop from existing lines, which run close to full capacity. Meanwhile access is restricted by high fares designed to create profit in a model for franchising established in another era.I can now travel to Preston in two hours, but without stops for my connection at Wigan (or anywhere else), and the stopping train that Jenkins advocates takes 30 minutes longer. Perhaps funding for the Crossrail project, itself rendered obsolete by the crash of the City and the unpopular third runway at Heathrow, should transfer to an HS2 project, also designed to carry articulated trailers by night, which will regenerate northern manufacturing industry.Dr Jim Ford Southport• At last, a sensible appraisal of the high-speed rail bandwagon. Why is shaving minutes off already fast rail connections so important? London to Manchester in two hours, and to Edinburgh in four and a half, is already competitive with air travel. It is the rest of the system that needs to be modernised. When Plymouth to York takes six hours, and Truro to Liverpool takes eight, it's clear why regional air travel is still attractive.Michael ThornHelston, CornwallRail transportTransportTransport policyRail travelBusiness travelguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds サイモンジェンキンス(高速鉄道のすべての1月6日)をアップグレードする既存の生産ラインの北を向上させるのに十分である南鉄道の接続など、新たな高速回線は不要であると主張するいくつかの豊富な旅行のため私たちに出血します

    • Wenger hails Eboue as Arsenal bounce back
      Arsene Wenger hailed Emmanuel Eboue after the Ivory Coast international inspired Arsenal back into the Premier League title race.Eboue has endured a difficult time at the Emirates Stadium following his move from Beveren in 2005.He has complained himself that he has often been played out of position, and even suffered the humiliation of being substituted against Wigan in December 2008, despite only having come on as a substitute himself.But during the past 12 months, the 26-year-old has worked hard to fight his way back into the Arsenal team. アーセンベンゲル監督はコートジボワール国際的なバックアップは、プレミアリーグのタイトルをrace.Eboueにアーセナルのインスピレーションのエミレーツスタジアムで困難な時期2005.Heでベベレンから移籍、次を経てきた後、彼は多くの場合に演奏されている自分自身不満を訴えてエマニュエルエブーエ歓迎の位置、さらにはウィガン戦2008年12月に置換されて、唯一の代替himself.Butとしては、過去12ヶ月間に、26年間のバックアーセナルに自分の方法で戦うために懸命に仕事をして、古いに出るにもかかわらずの屈辱を味わったチーム


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