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    ハードウェア テクノロジー 関連語 iPhone ソフトバンク GALA REGZA Xperia iPhone 4 アンドロイド IS03
    • How To Forecast $68 RIMM With A Straight Face
      According to a recent report from Comscore, Research in Motion’s share in the U.S smartphone subscriber market declined from around 32% in December 2010 to 27% in March 2011. アメリカのスマートフォン加入者市場での動きの共有にComscoreによると、研究の最近の報告によると、2011年3月に27%に2010年12月に約32%から低下した

    • Market calls
      Asia produces the planet's solar cells, semiconductors, plasma screens, smartphones and tablets (among many other items). The sector is highly exposed to economic cycles and internal cycles of plant expansion and oversupply. Now there is another dynamic: the Apple cycle. Here is a round-up of analysts' buy and sell calls for the sector. アジアは(他の多くの項目間の)惑星の太陽電池、半導体、プラズマスクリーン、スマートフォン、錠剤を生成します

    • Don't Worry About Android, Windows Taking A Bite Out Of iPhone Share
      A recent smartphone forecast from IDC suggested Apple's share of the global market could decline from 18.2% in 2011 to 16.9% in 2015. The report suggests the iPhone operating system will see some of its share taken by Google's Android and Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 (after Nokia transitions to the operating system from its own Symbian), while Research in Motion's BlackBerry OS will lose share. IDCの最近のスマートフォンの予測は、グローバル市場でのAppleのシェアは2015年に2011から16.9パーセントに18.2パーセントから減少する可能性が示唆された

    • Is Nokia Developing a Phone it Doesn't Fully Support?
      Depending on how much stock you put in the words of Eldar Murtazin, you may or may not believe that, in the not-too-distant future, Nokia plans to invest fewer dollars in its newest smartphone. On the surface, this news isn't all that shocking. No product can move high volumes forever, so あなたがエルダーMurtazinの言葉に入れどのくらい株式に応じて、またはことを信じていない場合があります、そう遠くない将来に、ノキアは、最新のスマートフォンでより少ないドルを投資する計画

    • Google's New Android Helps Rock The Stock To $576
      Google recently announced the new version of Android operating system Ice Cream Sandwich. The unique thing about this new version is that it will be compatible with any device. Previously Google maintained different versions for smartphones and tablets. For example, Android’s version named Honeycomb was specifically made for tablets. Googleは最近、Androidのオペレーティングシステムのアイスクリームサンドイッチの新バージョンを発表した

    • Motorola Finally Becomes Credible Smartphone Competitor
      Motorola Mobility recently released Q1 2011 results, and noted that a higher smartphone mix is bolstering average mobile phone pricing. モトローラモビリティは、最近では、第1四半期2011の結果を発表し、高いスマートフォンミックスの平。携帯電話の価格を強化されていることを指摘した

    • D9: Square CEO Jack Dorsey Live!
      Next at the D: All Things Digital conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California is the Square CEO Jack Dorsey. Square makes a little dongle that you can attach to a smart phone audio jack that allows anyone to accept credit-card payments. He's being grilled by Kara Swisher. Dの次に、:ランチョパロスバーデス内のすべてのものデジタル会議、カリフォルニア州スクエアCEOのJack Dorseyさんです

    • VMWare's Horizon-Another Blow To PC Makers
      Now that consumers are choosing tablets, pads, and smartphones over a personal computer upgrade, business PCs are the lifeline for Hewlett Packard and Dell. How long does that last? 消費者はパソコンのアップグレードで、錠剤、パッド、およびスマートフォンを選択しているので、ビジネスPCは、Hewlett PackardとDellの生命線です

    • Pandora's Challenges Have A Whiff Of Netflix To Them
      Pandora is the leader in Internet radio and offers listeners personalized services based on preset choices and feedback. Apart from being available online, Pandora also has apps available on Apple’s iPhone, Research in Motion’s BlackBerry and other smartphones operating on Google’s Android OS. Advertising is the primary source of revenue for Pandora and mobile advertising contributing around 60% while online advertising contributing another 27% of our $1.9 billion Trefis estimate for Pandora’s valuation. パンドラは、インターネットラジオのリーダーで、プリセットの選択とフィードバックに基づいて、リスナーのパーソナライズされたサービスを提供しています

    • RIM Looks Like An Also-Ran But Stock Still Has Good Value
      Research in Motion has consistently lost market share in the U.S. smartphone market for the last few months. According to a recent report from Comscore, RIM’s U.S. market share declined from around 30% in January 2011 to 26% in April 2011. The main beneficiaries have been smartphones based on Google’s Android operating system and Apple’s iPhone. RIM’s stock has sunk this year from around $58 at the beginning of 2011 to $38 as of today. Is market overreacting to RIM’s market share decline by punishing its stock? Our $68 price estimate for RIM stock is about 80% above market price. Research In Motionは、一貫して最後の数ヶ月の米国スマートフォン市場でシェアを失っている

    • Options Plays To Profit From Smartphone Losers
      Smartphone-exposed equities have garnered quite a bit of attention this week, largely thanks to Nokia Corp.'s (NOK) recently slashed sales guidance. The firm attributed much of the warning to the growing success of Google's (GOOG) Android across the pond, as the operating system ran 34% of smartphones in Western Europe in the first quarter, compared to only 8% a year prior. スマートフォンに暴露された株式は、主に、今週注目のかなりを獲得してノキアの(ノルウェー)のおかげで、最近の販売指導を引き下げた

    • Nokia Under Siege in Global Mobile Phone Markets
      The Finnish company is losing ground in emerging markets to makers of cheap handsets, while it is already under pressure from rivals in the higher-margin smartphone sector. それは利益率の高いスマートフォンの分野でライバルからの圧力の下で、すでに中にフィンランドの会社は、安価な携帯電話のメーカーに、新興市場で地面を失っている

    • Internal Google Emails Shed Light On Importance Of Mobile Location Information
      The San Jose Mercury News has gotten its hands on internal Google emails from the summer of 2010 attesting to the importance of location information from phones for the company's business. The emails reveal that the smartphone info collection became especially necessary for Google after its Street View cars' collection of Wi-Fi information got it into hot water with privacy advocates and governments around the world. The "Wi-Spy" debacle -- where Street View cars were inadvertently sucking up emails and passwords along with Wi-Fi hot spot location information -- led Google to vow to stop collection of any Wi-Fi information with its Street View cars, meaning it now relies on smartphones for that mapping. 『サンノゼマーキュリーニュース』紙は、同社のビジネスのための携帯電話からの位置情報の重要性を証明する2010年の夏から内部Googleのメールにその手をたどっている

    • Apple Sues Samsung in Patent Fight
      US technology giant claims South Korean electronics company copied its smart phones, tablet computers 米国の技術の巨人は韓国のエレクトロニクス企業は、同社のスマートフォン、タブレットコンピュータをコピーしたと主張

    • Verizon Valued A Bit Too Richly For Smartphone Success
      Verizon’s recent earnings pointed to strength in smartphone conversions. Apple’s iPhone has added additional buzz. Nevertheless, our stock price estimate of $34.48 still stands below market price. Below we take a quick look at Verizon’s value, specifically highlighting the smartphone numbers. Verizonの最近の業績は、スマートフォンへの変換の強さを指摘した

    • Here's What The GPS Devices Used By The FBI To Track Your Car Look Like
      With GPS tracking all over the news after it was reported that iPhones, smartphones, and other mobile devices were tracking user’s movements, fix-it-yourself website ifixit added their grain of salt by performing one of their now-famous teardowns on an FBI tracking device mounted on animal rights and environmental activist’s car by federal agents calling her a "left-wing anarchist." これはiPhone、スマートフォン、およびその他のモバイルデバイスは、ユーザーの動きを追跡していたことが報告された後、GPSはニュース世界中を追跡すると、修正大工websiteのifixitは、FBIの追跡を今が有名なティアダウンのいずれかを実行して塩の穀物をプレイリストに追加しました

    • Google Wallet: Do You Want A Wallet With An Android Battery Life?
      Google officially announced today the launch of "Google Wallet" -- an app that will let you store credit cards, loyalty cards, and coupons in your smartphone. Google Wallet holders will be able to just tap their smartphones against a special reader at participating stores (such as Macy's, Subways, American Eagle, and Walgreens) to make a purchase. No more carrying around seven credit cards and 15 loyalty cards, and no more feeling embarrassed about fishing a coupon out of your purse and handing it to a cashier. (Citi Mastercards are the only credit cards currently integrated with Google Wallet, but there will also be a "Google Card" that can draw on funds from any credit card.) あなたの店のクレジットカードを、ポイントカード、およびクーポンあなたのスマートフォンでできるようになるアプリ - Googleが正式に。。u0026quot;Googleの財布。。u0026quot;の発売を発表した

    • Waiting for iPhone 5 and New Androids: Users Consider Their Smartphones Obsolete in a Year
      If you're impatiently awaiting a release date for iPhone 5 you may have suspected this, but now there's data to prove you're not alone: According to Retrevo's new Technology LifeCycle analysis study, a whopping 62% of smartphone owners in the U.S. consider their phones to be obsolete already, or believe they will become obsolete before their contract expires. あなたはイライラiPhone 5のリリース日を待っている場合では、これを疑われる可能性があります今そこのデータはあなただけではありません証明するためにです:Retrevoはの新しいテクノロジーライフサイクル分析の研究では、米国ではスマートフォンの所有者のなんと62パーセントconsiderによると、自分の携帯電話は、すでに廃止されるか、またはその契約が切れる前に時代遅れになると確信しています

    • Italian bus driver caught using two mobile phones at the wheel
      Driver in Rome is suspended after being videoed using his elbows to steer through the city's notorious trafficRomans are inured to bus and taxi drivers trying to steer while talking on a mobile. But it would seem that at least some draw the line at using two telephones.A bus driver in the Italian capital has been suspended from duty after being videoed while speeding through the city's notoriously dangerous traffic using a mobile with one hand and a smartphone with the other. He was steering with his elbows.The soundtrack shows he was taking instructions on the mobile on how to set up email on his smartphone. Visitors to Rome will be interested to know that the video was made on a journey from the Anagnina metro station to Ciampino airport – a route much used by low-cost airline passengers on their way out of the city.The regional official responsible for transport, Francesco Lollobrigida, said the driver had been suspended and an inquiry would be held.ItalyRoad transportMobile phonesEuropeJohn Hooperguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ローマのドライバは、市内の悪名高いtrafficRomansは、携帯電話で話しながら操縦しようとしているバスやタクシーのドライバーに慣れているから操縦するためにひじを使用して録画してるされた後、中断されています


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