Canyon residents leave as fire threatens homes A wind-whipped bushfire sent flames roaring through a rugged canyon in the Colorado foothills, forcing about 3500 people to flee and destroying 92 structures.Governor Bill Ritter declared a state of emergency yesterday as officials... 風はホイップクリーム山火事は、炎がコロラド麓の険しい峡谷、約3500人が避難し、ビルリッター92 structures.Governorを破壊して強制的に活発な緊急事態を宣言昨日職員として送信さ...
Village becomes lab to cure Africa This village of straw huts is on a sea of sand 100km from the nearest paved road. Camels and girls with jerrycans crowd around the watering holes. There is little electricity and not a single television set.But on the edge of... わら小屋のこの村は、最寄りの舗装道路から砂100キロの海を利用しています
Austria deports children amid protests VIENNA - Austrian authorities have deported 8-year-old twins to their native Kosovo amid protests.Interior Ministry spokesman Rudolf Gollia says the sisters were placed on a charter flight Thursday together with their father.... ウィーン - オーストリア当局は為すがprotests.Interior外務省スポークスマンルドルフGolliaの中で母国コソボに8歳の双子を追放して、姉妹は父親と一緒にチャーターフライト木曜日に置かれたという....